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  • Users: WishJirachi
  • Content: Threads, Posts
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  1. Apocalypse Mafia - Signups

    I'll join. This will be as awesome as the last.
  2. Anonymous Zelda Mafia - Post game wrapup [epic post itt]

    Thanks Jackal and BK for an awesome first mafia game. I wish I had more knowledge about it because I still think I'm a beginner at it. I really don't know how I lasted, well, I guess becasue we had the brains with the us. (pun was definately intented). I made some alliances the first night...
  3. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    Edit: What Jackal said. I'm so freakin tired
  4. Smogon Brawl Tournament #3 - Sign Ups! (with prize)

    When will this take place? Sign me up in the mean time.
  5. CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 8 (Art Poll 1)

    Retro 0range's Rhino DougJustDoug Zantimonius
  6. How Old is Everyone Here?

    18 (according to my birth-certificate)
  7. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 13

    So can I ask them to hack check a poke for me? and who are the hack checkers?
  8. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 13

    can you hack check a pokemon if it was breed with hacked parents? I got a good IV breed from my friend too quickly and he said he can get any IV breed I want in a day, hmm...
  9. My "Art"

    Priceless! This is my new avatar now. ;)
  10. An animated battle for you!

    Where'd you learn how to do this? And is it possible to make the animation larger with easytoon?
  11. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    Yes sir! and thank you
  12. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    No worries would you still like a darkrai anyway as I appreciate your art and have been using your wallpaper?
  13. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    lol I have no idea I was searching pokemon wallpapers on google and you lugia wallpaper came up. Can I request a wallpaper of Lance with a dragonite, Salamance, Kingdra, and a red gyarados. You don't have to put them all more just dragonite and the red gyarados would do fine. Would you take a...
  14. My "Art"

    Kingdra please! Can't wait for this one.
  15. The Art of Lorak's Oasis

    Hello Lorak! I've been using your wallpaper of lugia for quite sometime and I never new a fellow smogoner did it. Have you ever done art on other forums or something? I gotta start giving you props now.
  16. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    maybe . . . also you can say Im a courageous
  17. Anonymous Mafia - Smogon Portion

    I doubt someone can target us by our username on this forum. All I can say is that I know a great deal about the masks and . . .
  18. Philosophy

    Lets see if I remember right.. the basics are: essence is the belief that humans existence or any form of life's existence is made before the existence of the actual life form (like genes), while existence is the belief that our existence is made first and then we form an "essence" like God or...
  19. Philosophy

    Time can be viewed through various perceptions. I beleive time has no relevence in debates because its just a term humans have conjured up to express a form of quantifying a history. Scientifically "time" is very essential for formulizing and quite difficult to do without but we're talking...
  20. CAP 4 CAP 4 - Part 5 (Build Bias Poll 3)

    Its 35 now. 10-20 would've been my second vote.