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Obviously... Geodude has no legs. Can you name a Pokemon without legs that does not levitate in some way, and is not water type?

So then it loses it's ability to levitate when it grows legs? I would say screw it, leave me with the ability to levitate. Also, it is still affected by ground moves even though it can levitate.
Yeah, but keep in mind, not everything will be sweeping. 2-3 is ok, but you could abuse Leaf Guard and Rest. Keep in mind, not everything ina Weather Team needs to benefit from the weather.

Exactly. Maybe these are bad examples, but on my Hail team, I'll probably only have like 3 Ice Pokemon on it, one being Abomasnow. As for the other 3, I may use them first before Obama, if I end up using Obama at all. (I'm more used to the "pick 3 out of your 6")

You can find a lot of interesting ways around weather. The same above applies to when I use my Tyranitar (Only I definately have more Pokemon that suits Sandstorm than the Hail one)

It may end up killing whatever of mine later on but I don't really care, I know it's a risk.

edit: Oh yeah. Just something I remembered that me and my friend were discussing.

What if the Weather Band, from those Pokemon Dungeon games, became an actual item in the main series? It makes the holder immune to weather effects.
Not exactly gamebreaking, personally I'd prefer to have that Sandstorm damage that to lose a more viable item. I could see it work though.

So then it loses it's ability to levitate when it grows legs? I would say screw it, leave me with the ability to levitate. Also, it is still affected by ground moves even though it can levitate.

If Geodude had the ability Levitate, would it be top tier shizzle?

There's a lot of Pokemon that look like they levitate yet still hit by ground moves.
It's a screwed up world...
Can someone explain to me how i would get from a base stat to a final statistic? I looked through C&C and couldnt find anything, if there is something there a simple link would help me a ton :). For example Jolteon is a base 130 speed and maxes at 394. I understand how nature, Iv's and, Ev's come into play but how do you turn the 130 into a "base" for all those stat modifiers? Thanks in advance :)
can you hack check a pokemon if it was breed with hacked parents? I got a good IV breed from my friend too quickly and he said he can get any IV breed I want in a day, hmm...
can you hack check a pokemon if it was breed with hacked parents? I got a good IV breed from my friend too quickly and he said he can get any IV breed I want in a day, hmm...
The hack checkers say that there is no way of seeing wheather or not they used hacked parents... or at least that is what they tell us. I think they just tell us that and they know how to see if the parents were hacked or not.
Alright. All of my teams lately have been sucking. Is there some kind of guide or rules I can use when I construct a team so its well balanced?
The hack checkers say that there is no way of seeing wheather or not they used hacked parents... or at least that is what they tell us. I think they just tell us that and they know how to see if the parents were hacked or not.

So can I ask them to hack check a poke for me? and who are the hack checkers?
The hack checkers say that there is no way of seeing wheather or not they used hacked parents... or at least that is what they tell us. I think they just tell us that and they know how to see if the parents were hacked or not.

No its impossible. All a hack check can really do is check out hidden numbers that hackers might accidently missinclude. The hack check simply just makes a pokesav file that you upload onto the web and if all the numbers are legit then so be it. Theres not a code inside the pokemon that has all the information of its parent. Could you imagine the nightmare? the codes would be infinate and pointless really it doesnt need to carry all that around.
Alright. All of my teams lately have been sucking. Is there some kind of guide or rules I can use when I construct a team so its well balanced?
I reccomend lurking around the RMT forum for advice on team building.
If you need an example of a good team:
This team belongs to Taylor, my old Tutor.
And I've used it before, cause it kicks so much ass.
If you need help with general team building, then I recomend joining the next tutoring round going up around the 28th.
wow im real stupid I would always copy the link and i read you had to put tags around it or something. I never tried just copying and pasting it since most websites now a days make you save them and load them up and what not. Thanks though for helping with the easiest question ever lol.
The hack checkers say that there is no way of seeing wheather or not they used hacked parents... or at least that is what they tell us. I think they just tell us that and they know how to see if the parents were hacked or not.
No, you literally can't tell. You can't even tell what the IVs of the parents were, let alone whether or not they were hacked.
wow im real stupid I would always copy the link and i read you had to put tags around it or something. I never tried just copying and pasting it since most websites now a days make you save them and load them up and what not. Thanks though for helping with the easiest question ever lol.

Use this format:


And include the first open bracket.
quick question, if I give a Pokemon an Exp. Share and do the battling with a lv. 100 Pokemon, will the other Pokemon get all of the Exp?

just working on my Pokedex and need to quickly level some guys up.
What exactly is the differance between the smogon tour and Smogon official tournament?

Smogon tours are done in real time over 2 hours on Saturday and Sunday nights whereas standard tournaments can run on for months.
GB_Packers_FTW, this is the formula for calculating stats:

B is the Base Stat
I is the Individual Value
E is the Effort Points of the Stat divided by 4, then rounded down to the nearest whole number
L is the Level of the Pokémon
N is the Nature multiplier: 1 if the Nature doesn't affect the stat, 1.1 if it boosts the stat, and 0.9 if it hinders the stat

Be sure to round down to the nearest whole number after each action, although this really only matters when dividing by 100 and multiplying by the Nature.

For the Jolteon example, this Jolteon is at Level 100, Timid, has a 31 Speed IV and 252 Speed EVs.

Jolteon's Base Speed Stat is 130, so 130 times 2 is 260.
260 plus 31 is 291.
252 divided by 4 is 63, so 291 plus 63 is 354.
Jolteon is at Level 100, so 354 times 100 is 35400.
Now we divide by 100: 354 (this step can be omitted for Level 100 Pokémon).
354 plus 5 is 359.
359 times 1.1 is 394.9. We round this down and we get 394- Jolteon's maximum Speed Stat.
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