been a while since a good usable set has been posted here
Ampharos-Mega @ Ampharosite
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Magnet Rise
- Counter
- Rest
- Dragon Pulse
It's kinda hard to get replays because people just forfeit but I did get this:
Just assume that this beats every sturdy if it doesn't run electric stab/Hyper Beam.
Electric stab can be used to beat Mega Gyarados and usually mega Metagross(not greatly recommended though).
Focus Blast beats Magnezone.
Random Hidden Powers work too.
Dragon Pulse beats most sturdies except Magnezone and most of the time Mega Gyarados.
It's also critproof.
Play is:Magnet Rise turn 1 without mega evolving then spam attacking move/Counter.
Rest heals you up.
EVs outspeed 252+ base 50s at non mega form.
Counter is not as reliable against sturdies but you still beat stuff like choice locked attackers, and is your best bet against Mega Metagross and maybe Mega Gyarados
I totally didn't make this to convince uop to draft me for PL
Ampharos-Mega @ Ampharosite
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Def / 216 Spe
Timid Nature
- Magnet Rise
- Counter
- Rest
- Dragon Pulse
It's kinda hard to get replays because people just forfeit but I did get this:
Just assume that this beats every sturdy if it doesn't run electric stab/Hyper Beam.
Electric stab can be used to beat Mega Gyarados and usually mega Metagross(not greatly recommended though).
Focus Blast beats Magnezone.
Random Hidden Powers work too.
Dragon Pulse beats most sturdies except Magnezone and most of the time Mega Gyarados.
It's also critproof.
Play is:Magnet Rise turn 1 without mega evolving then spam attacking move/Counter.
Rest heals you up.
EVs outspeed 252+ base 50s at non mega form.
Counter is not as reliable against sturdies but you still beat stuff like choice locked attackers, and is your best bet against Mega Metagross and maybe Mega Gyarados
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