Since GSC 1vs 1 is over for me, lets have some nomination from what I saw and experienced with:
Higher than Raikou. Encore is an absurd move in this Tier and really limits counterplay. Barrier, Light Screen, Fire Punch and Toxic all are viable moves that allow Zam to beat what he wants. Grounds and Grasses (except Egg) generally beat Raikou, but not all Steels, Psychics and even Darks (Umbreon can lose to Toxic) consistently beat Zam. He is the best allowed Mon and should be above Raikou.
A > A+ Really flexible Mon. Always (Light Screen + Barrier+ Toxic doesn,t look to be a thing) beats Zam, has a good match-up vs Raikou if EQ and can beat 4 of the other 6 A+ Mons, depending on the set (Starmie and Machamp are the hard Ls). Can also beat the whole A Rank except Vaporeon depending on the set and A- Rank too, excluding Suicune. Of course, it can,t beat everything at the same time, but its very easy to fit into teams and adapt to what you want it to do.
A- > B+. It has an autowin vs Raikou, but so do almost every Ground. Zam match-up is more valuable, but it can still lose to Fire Punch. Almost all of the rest of A and B+ ranks give him huge trouble, most of the time either Marowak, Skarmory or even Scizor are better Mons.
Now, the Unranked Mons army.
UR > B Set used:
Poison Queen (Nidoqueen) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Charm
- Rest
- Poison Sting
- Earthquake
Things that it has better match-up than Nidoking against:
-Non IB Blissey (always outstalls).
-Machamp. Still has a bad match-up, but Nidoking straight up loses this, Nidoqueen has a chance with Charm.
-All Heracross. EQ-less versions just lose. EQ one needs a crit to win.
-Skarmory. At worst, its a Leftovers Skarmory, which ties. If Skarmory doesn,t have Lefties, it always gets outstalled.
-Ursaring. The match-up is still bad (can,t kill fast enough, so will be crit), but Nidoking almost always loses to this.
-Tauros. Crit + another move always kills Nidoking (and it will go for the crit if both use Curse). If the crit happens when Nidoqueen is at full and Tauros is at -6, Nidoqueen will live another move.
-SD and Curse variants of Venusaur.
-Steelix, though still not a good match-up.
-Houndoom. Nidoking only OHKOs this Mon 28% of the time. Nidoqueen never does, but always avoids the 2HKO, while King needs Amnesia to do so. Queen has therefore higher odds to win.
-Jynx. This is still a hard lose, but Queen requires NMI to be OHKOd by Blizzard (and still has higher odds to live one), while King always is (and can,t be OHKOd even without NMI). Crit is the only hope to win (and IB is the optimal play for Jynx user), but Queen can survive one turn more often King.
Other than those, there are some Mons in lower ranks Queen is better against. It is worse against things like Alakazam, Jumpluff, special Venu or Exeggutor, but has enough merits to distinguish from King to be ranked. B looks like the right place, since its a slightly worse King.
UR > B- Set used:
Amphy (Ampharos) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Growl
- Light Screen
- Thunderbolt
- Rest
Similar to Nidoqueen, it works with a PP Stall strategy. Things it beats are:
-Raikou (except Crunch drops and crits).
-Blissey (except many freeze turns or IB + Seismic Toss sets).
-Every water not named Quagsire or not having Mirror Coat (which it can still scout).
-Entei (crits are only chance, but Ampharos hits hard enough to avoid them most of the time).
-Jumpluff (unless Amnesia).
-Articuno (unless Freeze).
-Dragonite (except HP Ground).
-Jynx (except freeze)
-Non SD Meganium.
Raikou and Jolteon are obviously better Mons, but I think its on par with Raichu, trading Encore + Reversal with good bulk, higher offensive power and ability to PP Stall some threats. Has a better match-up against both S Rank Mons.
UR >C Set used
Mr. Vampiro (Crobat) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
IVs: 14 HP / 24 Atk / 26 Def
- Confuse Ray
- Screech
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Flying]
Swagger is banned, but Confuse Ray is not. This is the fastest user of the move and has Screech to help its cause. Can win against most of the meta if it haxes enough. Beats every Fight Mon and all Grass ones except Egg without needing to hax. Sub allows it to block Curse from Gengar too.
UR>C Set used:
Lord Helix (Omastar) (M) @ Mystic Water
Ability: No Ability
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Reflect
- Ancient Power
For the most time, its an inferior Starmie. However, it does have a better match-up against Ursaring even if it loses the turn 1 Speed-Tie. It also has higher odds vs Curse Counter Blissey by using Reflect and fishing for freeze when Blissey is awake, and for Ancient Power boosts when its asleep.
UR>B- Set used:
Lava Bosa (Magcargo) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Acid Armor
- Amnesia
- Rest
- Flamethrower
Another PP Stall Mon. Things it can beat:
-Raikou (if not crit, so it can,t be your only check)
-Exeggutor (never 2HKOs, always 2HKOd).
-Blissey (the only way for Bliss to win is to have both Ice Beam and Seismic Toss, fishing freezes).
-Entei (unless 2 HP Fight crits).
-Jolteon ( can go either way, really, depends on the Growth and Amnesia interaction, also rolls).
-EQ Less Tauros: Tauros Double-Edge vs. Magcargo on a critical hit: 113-133 (37.2 - 43.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-Surf and HP Ground less Dragonite.
-Charizard without Dynamic Punch or EQ.
-Houndoom (unless crit, and even then, it does not always KO after one if Mag is a +6).
-Meganium without EQ (no recommended set uses that move).
I think these are enough relevant Mons for it to be a B- at least, maybe a case could be made for B even.
UR>C Didn,t get to use it, but this was the set:
FurritoThePr4h (Furret) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Amnesia
- Curse
- Return
- Rest
Beats (unless hax):
-Jynx (unless very high roll of Blizzard T1).
Can also go toe to toe vs other Curse users. Girafarig and Persian are other normal types that learn Curse + Amnesia, but Furret is bulkier than both of them.
UR>C Had it in the Furret team, so didn,t get to use. Set:
Bosskrow (Murkrow) (M) @ Black Glasses
Ability: No Ability
- Hidden Power [Dark]
- Drill Peck
- Curse
- Rest
Very niche Mon. But beats half of S and A+ ranks:
-Machamp (not realiable vs this one, but has the upper hand).
-Non offensive Gengar (aka 2 sets out of 3).
-Hitmonlee (Drill Peck always prevents it from using Sub, but at the same time is just weak enough to avoid the 150 power Reversal).
-Meganium. And every other Grass type really.
Loses to almost everything else, but chances of encounter the first 4 Mons are very high. 33% of my teams have at least one of them and since Iike to experiment with weird Mons (like Murkrow), the odds will be much higher against other people that are not like me. When I lost the GSC 1 vs 1 tour, the opponent used Alakazam in 3 of 4 games, Heracross in 2 of them and Machamp + Egg in the one Alakazam didn,t appear in. Had I dared to use Murkrow, the result could have been very different.

Now, the Unranked Mons army.

Poison Queen (Nidoqueen) (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Charm
- Rest
- Poison Sting
- Earthquake
Things that it has better match-up than Nidoking against:
-Non IB Blissey (always outstalls).
-Machamp. Still has a bad match-up, but Nidoking straight up loses this, Nidoqueen has a chance with Charm.
-All Heracross. EQ-less versions just lose. EQ one needs a crit to win.
-Skarmory. At worst, its a Leftovers Skarmory, which ties. If Skarmory doesn,t have Lefties, it always gets outstalled.
-Ursaring. The match-up is still bad (can,t kill fast enough, so will be crit), but Nidoking almost always loses to this.
-Tauros. Crit + another move always kills Nidoking (and it will go for the crit if both use Curse). If the crit happens when Nidoqueen is at full and Tauros is at -6, Nidoqueen will live another move.
-SD and Curse variants of Venusaur.
-Steelix, though still not a good match-up.
-Houndoom. Nidoking only OHKOs this Mon 28% of the time. Nidoqueen never does, but always avoids the 2HKO, while King needs Amnesia to do so. Queen has therefore higher odds to win.
-Jynx. This is still a hard lose, but Queen requires NMI to be OHKOd by Blizzard (and still has higher odds to live one), while King always is (and can,t be OHKOd even without NMI). Crit is the only hope to win (and IB is the optimal play for Jynx user), but Queen can survive one turn more often King.
Other than those, there are some Mons in lower ranks Queen is better against. It is worse against things like Alakazam, Jumpluff, special Venu or Exeggutor, but has enough merits to distinguish from King to be ranked. B looks like the right place, since its a slightly worse King.

Amphy (Ampharos) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Growl
- Light Screen
- Thunderbolt
- Rest
Similar to Nidoqueen, it works with a PP Stall strategy. Things it beats are:
-Raikou (except Crunch drops and crits).
-Blissey (except many freeze turns or IB + Seismic Toss sets).
-Every water not named Quagsire or not having Mirror Coat (which it can still scout).
-Entei (crits are only chance, but Ampharos hits hard enough to avoid them most of the time).
-Jumpluff (unless Amnesia).
-Articuno (unless Freeze).
-Dragonite (except HP Ground).
-Jynx (except freeze)
-Non SD Meganium.
Raikou and Jolteon are obviously better Mons, but I think its on par with Raichu, trading Encore + Reversal with good bulk, higher offensive power and ability to PP Stall some threats. Has a better match-up against both S Rank Mons.

Mr. Vampiro (Crobat) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
IVs: 14 HP / 24 Atk / 26 Def
- Confuse Ray
- Screech
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Flying]
Swagger is banned, but Confuse Ray is not. This is the fastest user of the move and has Screech to help its cause. Can win against most of the meta if it haxes enough. Beats every Fight Mon and all Grass ones except Egg without needing to hax. Sub allows it to block Curse from Gengar too.

Lord Helix (Omastar) (M) @ Mystic Water
Ability: No Ability
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Reflect
- Ancient Power
For the most time, its an inferior Starmie. However, it does have a better match-up against Ursaring even if it loses the turn 1 Speed-Tie. It also has higher odds vs Curse Counter Blissey by using Reflect and fishing for freeze when Blissey is awake, and for Ancient Power boosts when its asleep.

Lava Bosa (Magcargo) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Acid Armor
- Amnesia
- Rest
- Flamethrower
Another PP Stall Mon. Things it can beat:
-Raikou (if not crit, so it can,t be your only check)
-Exeggutor (never 2HKOs, always 2HKOd).
-Blissey (the only way for Bliss to win is to have both Ice Beam and Seismic Toss, fishing freezes).
-Entei (unless 2 HP Fight crits).
-Jolteon ( can go either way, really, depends on the Growth and Amnesia interaction, also rolls).
-EQ Less Tauros: Tauros Double-Edge vs. Magcargo on a critical hit: 113-133 (37.2 - 43.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-Surf and HP Ground less Dragonite.
-Charizard without Dynamic Punch or EQ.
-Houndoom (unless crit, and even then, it does not always KO after one if Mag is a +6).
-Meganium without EQ (no recommended set uses that move).
I think these are enough relevant Mons for it to be a B- at least, maybe a case could be made for B even.

FurritoThePr4h (Furret) (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: No Ability
- Amnesia
- Curse
- Return
- Rest
Beats (unless hax):
-Jynx (unless very high roll of Blizzard T1).
Can also go toe to toe vs other Curse users. Girafarig and Persian are other normal types that learn Curse + Amnesia, but Furret is bulkier than both of them.

Bosskrow (Murkrow) (M) @ Black Glasses
Ability: No Ability
- Hidden Power [Dark]
- Drill Peck
- Curse
- Rest
Very niche Mon. But beats half of S and A+ ranks:
-Machamp (not realiable vs this one, but has the upper hand).
-Non offensive Gengar (aka 2 sets out of 3).
-Hitmonlee (Drill Peck always prevents it from using Sub, but at the same time is just weak enough to avoid the 150 power Reversal).
-Meganium. And every other Grass type really.
Loses to almost everything else, but chances of encounter the first 4 Mons are very high. 33% of my teams have at least one of them and since Iike to experiment with weird Mons (like Murkrow), the odds will be much higher against other people that are not like me. When I lost the GSC 1 vs 1 tour, the opponent used Alakazam in 3 of 4 games, Heracross in 2 of them and Machamp + Egg in the one Alakazam didn,t appear in. Had I dared to use Murkrow, the result could have been very different.