not how that works, that’s from chansey literally not being able to get it on cartOkay. But ORAS should unban Chansey with Seismic Toss + Charm.
not how that works, that’s from chansey literally not being able to get it on cartOkay. But ORAS should unban Chansey with Seismic Toss + Charm.
anyway back to zard. fact is, in practice, picking zardy is incredibly rewarding and getting zardy picked vs you is incredibly frustrating. in experiencing this, i started to think why do i even use zardx over zardy. im not matchup charting this obviously bc matchup charts are fucking shit. completely ignore team structures and how the mons counters factor into a metagame as a whole. obvious example with this in oras is manaphy, grass and electric types Suck but yeah they beat that guy.
anyway back to mega charizard again. something that got said so fucking in my time is what does x do that y doesnt. most cited example is belly drum x beating slowbro and venusaur mega, two mons that most x sets lose to but y just beats bc its zardy. im sorry but belly drum x is just a shit lure set. and i think most zardx sets rn in 2022 are shit lure sets, which is take that people obviously hate but idc. i think the only really good x sets, like S tier sets for it, are fast sub and impish (aka max defense wisp/counter). sd flame charge is like o k but bleh. brick break is dick balls, rock tomb eq beats tran and literally no one else unless u do funky evs, steel wing is a lure for one mon, etc. special mention on endure x, running endure on x isnt actually that good in practice but its usable, i think the main issue with it is it makes you as the zard user have to guess more than you should want to in order to beat somthing like gren, and also my next main point which is not running fast sub or impish or sd is actually really bad opportunity cost right now because of how the meta is structured, especially with how good mew/togekiss/manaphy are right now. you can just get in bad situations so easily vs those mons, and you are so limited in what you can do with your team because of those broken guys.
dude derek asked me what reliably beats zardy with one streamlined line of play and doesnt lose to air slash flinch and the first two mons i named were fuckin band gren and garchomp, two actual chodes mons though gren is good actually just not band.
It's funny that u called zard x lure sets bad while you're trying to argue about maxmax impish zard y. X just runs this set but better while being able to beat some rocks, and you can't say buuut it beats water types. You actually beat zero water stall or stall mons with 0 spa and 0 speed. bro-mega, manaphy, and msab just wins if you're running 0 spa. You also say counter is good for wp victini hat larps about beating mega gyarados, sooo if its really not that good then people will change the set and no longer lose to counter Y? Also 2022 community finally caught up on ancient power zard y the 2016 tech.anyway ENOUGH ok its obligatory i talk about zardy sets, modest is obviously insanely strong, timid is good bc timid ancient power is good, we're not at the stage yet where x mega's t1 vs opposing zard and its a game of whether we hard outrage or dd, endure is good but expected now, sub can be huge especially with toxic, toxic can also be huge with counter, smoking on every victini/dd malt spamming cuck teams pack, counter itself is just so huge bc it basically forces an opposing physical attacker that tries to beat zardy to hit it with a rock move or lose 252+ Atk Teravolt Kyurem-Black Fusion Bolt vs. 240 HP / 224 Def Charizard-Mega-Y: 280-330 (78.4 - 92.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (random example calc). counters also actually just so good for everyones favorite set, that can be teched by gyara in a fuckin second if people were about it, weakness policy victini, and also the scarf dragons bc clicking scarf rock move is tough with impish zard being prominent. also somehow focus blast/secondary fire move (flamethrower/inferno) are usable in some cases now
And Charizard Y literally loses to every rock move in the game if there's x?? This point makes 0 sense. Victini, Mew, Manaphy will be as broken without X than it will be without Y, there's nothing tangible that proves your point, nor mine. Actual future talks are bullshit since I'm as adamant as you that banning Y would break the metagame as much as banning X. Also Zard Y becomes a walking A- mon w/out, if Y didn't exist there could be so much stupid shit that could be used to beat x like oml. x literally loses to the item rocky helmet and fairy typing + disable by force most of the time bro oh My God dude victini mew togekiss manaphy are all for sure more broken than x without Y and sableye is so fucking bad oh my god romanian sableye really ruined sableye's legacy forever dude holy shit. enough about that meta though actually one more thing zardx is some excadrill lookin ass motherfucker in that meta bc it beats a lot of the brokens kek
And? Is there anything wrong with that? No. And what is that newly discovered ancient power love that basically lose to x mega evolving, it's hilarious that you're calling rock types unviable yeah anyway why am i really using zardx over zardy? beat victini? yeah ok. be better vs other zard..? i guess if ur not about the ancient power grind. beating band gren or scarf aegi?? yeah i mean ok... i guess... beating some fuckin unviably typed pokemon (electrics and rock types/coverage moves)?
All except GSC. Imagine breaking the brain by thinking the optimal EV Spreads instead of maxing all the Stats. Couldn't be matter how much tiering action you take all 1v1 metagames will forever remain dogshit
i rest my case
Name | Vote |
Rosa | Ban |
Elo Bandit | Ban |
Bopher | Ban |
Tol | Ban |
Boat | Ban |
zioziotrip | Ban |
rumia | Ban |
Mubs | Ban |
Baleblaze | Ban |
lancert | Ban |
Trashuny | Ban |
doc1203 | Ban |
smely socks | Ban |
bea | Ban |
LBDC | Ban |
STABLE | Do Not Ban |
TheShadowClaw | Do Not Ban |
gorilaa | Do Not Ban |
torterraxx | Do Not Ban |
Landon | Did not vote |
Satanic Beast | Did not vote |
Squirtell 1v1 | Did not vote |
I support a Charizard Y suspect in ORAS 1v1.
The combination of Substitute and Air Slash allow Charizard Y to bypass its most direct counters a majority of the time. Stone Edge and Head Smash have 80% accuracy. Slow choice band rock types need to land five attacks (one for each sub, plus one for the last 1 hp) and avoid the Air Slash flinch on turn 5.
fast sub (Charizard-Mega-Y) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 16 HP / 240 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash
- Substitute
Seismic Toss vs. 16 HP Charizard-Mega-Y: 100-100 (33.2 - 33.2%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
def sub (Charizard-Mega-Y) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 16 HP / 120 Def / 180 SpA / 192 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash
- Substitute
+1 252+ Atk Mold Breaker Gyarados-Mega Waterfall vs. 16 HP / 120 Def Charizard-Mega-Y in Sun: 258-306 (85.7 - 101.6%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
spdef sub (Charizard-Mega-Y) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 240 HP / 4 SpA / 80 SpD / 184 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Blast Burn
- Solar Beam
- Air Slash
- Substitute
252+ SpA Adaptability Porygon-Z Hyper Beam vs. 240 HP / 80 SpD Charizard-Mega-Y: 306-360 (85.7 - 100.8%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO
252+ SpA Choice Specs Greninja Hydro Cannon vs. 240 HP / 80 SpD Charizard-Mega-Y in Sun: 282-332 (78.9 - 92.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
.8 ^ 5 * .7 = 0.22937 = 22.94%
Sub Air Slash Charizard Y beats slow choiced Stone Edge users 77.06% of the time. If the opponent isn't choiced and doesn't need to land the fifth rock attack, their odds increase to .8 ^ 4 * .7 = 0.28672 = 28.67%.
Let's look at some higher accuracy rock attacks. Rock Slide is a viable option to hit Sub Charizard more reliably, in theory.
.9 ^ 5 * .7 = 0.41334 = 41.33%
Charizard Y is still winning an uncomfortable 58.67% of the time. Let's check again without a choice item (4 attacks vs subs): .9 ^ 4 * .7 = 0.45927 = 45.93%. Still losing for the rock type.
Let's go out of our way and run Rock Tomb with 95% accuracy.
.95 ^ 5 * .7 = 0.54165
The Rock Tomb user is finally winning a slim majority of the time. Let's add a perfect accuracy move to turn 5: .95 ^ 4 * .7 = 0.57015 = 57.02%
Even with every stop pulled out, slow rocks struggle to get barely better than coinflip odds vs Charizard Y. I will point out that fast rock attackers (Terrakion, Archeops, Mega Diancie, Mega Aerodactyl, Scarf Stone Edge Kyurem-B, DD Stone Edge Mega Gyarados) do beat Charizard Y 80% of the time, which is what most players are used to.
I'm kind of ignoring a lot of other things Charizard Y does (ambiguity with X on preview / enabling X, moves like Counter, Wisp, Toxic, Focus Blast, Flame Charge, Endure, Hidden Powers, rock coverage, etc.) and focusing on the fact that with minimal opportunity cost, Charizard Y is beating its most direct counters a majority of the time. Charizard X may be more powerful (winning more matchups, Flare Blitz can't miss), but Charizard Y is the unhealthy and uncomfortably RNG-based element in the metagame.
You're right that many Stone Edge & Rock Slide users outspeed Charizard (some with scarf). The calculations don't tell the whole story, but they are a step less abstract than a rock png. I was mostly hoping to demonstrate the zard y problem being deeper than "run a rock type lol."Calculations and numbers are pretty cool and add substances to the arguments/posts but unfortunately not in your case. You have named zero examples when it comes to the cool calculations of sub. I took a minute and went through the VR and like this whole slow banded calculations apply to no mons except Diancie which uses rock tomb. Taking a look at the VR mons (Until B) that use Rock Tomb/Slide to check Zard Y are: Gren, Gyarados, Heatran, Dia, Chomp, Lando-T, TTar, Dragonite, Crustle, Haxorus, Terrakion, and Sawk.
And surprisingly the only mons that care here are Diancie, and Crustle. Greninja, Chomp don't care about sub. Heatran only cares if Focus Blast ( forgotten move, but Heatran may also be Ancient Power so doesn't matter) Lando-T/Haxorus/Dragonite/Sawk usually runs Choice Scarf so they also don't care about sub. TTar runs Dragon Dance. Terrakion is faster, Gyarados runs Dragon Dance. The whole number thing is just decoration and doesn't prove anything. Please, attach examples, I might be missing some mons.
I do agree with the part about stone edge/rock slide/rock tomb miss but Zard X also abuses that (lol) which makes Zard X as unhealthy as Zard Y. Oh yea, your "calculations" can also apply to Zard X instead of Zard Y so I don't really get the point at all here. All this talk about rock moves miss only mattering vs Y when X also abuses the miss just as good as Y is nonsense. + Zard Y misses Blast Burn/Air Slash/Fblast, Zard X don't, if you really wanna dig down that rabbit hole.
I'm still dnb anything but if y'all really wanna do something, I welcome you to a Zard X suspect and not Y.
i am excitedadv is dying and logan's like "EXPLOUD IS FREE WOOO ISN'T ANYONE EXCITED!?!?"
This is the S- rank set I was looking for. It enables Mew to defeat its best checks and counters without significant opportunity cost. Bulky Z-Transform forces too many matchups into RNG-based scenarios with speed ties and full paralysis. I maintain that ambiguity alone is not sufficient reason to ban something, but in Mew's case its 3-4 best sets with minor alterations cover the vast majority of the metagame. Building and clicking against bulky Z-Transform Mew can be a nightmare, especially for newer players.Mew does not have any single incredible set that warps the meta or forces extreme levels of counterplay. Mew has sufficient checks and counters, and every alternate Mew set comes with heavy opportunity cost. A team built to tackle Mew's main sets will naturally cover its unsets as well. Having three A+ movesets and a plethora of successively worse B-ish sets does not make this Pokemon broken.
Mew has good set diversity leading to some ambiguity on team preview, but this alone is not enough to justify a ban.
Hating on the goatget rid of jimmy neutron
S Rank
A Rank
B Rank