Metagame 1v1 OMs

Anyways, I'd like to make a post that I've planned for a long time. A lot of reading ahead, so if you don't know how to read, go and ask Mez to translate this for you.

1v1 isn't precisely a metagame. Sure, it has a ladder, and a VR, and stuff, but that's only a fraction of what it could actually be. 1v1, to be more accurate, is a style of battling, not just a way to. Because of this, it has the unique ability of being able to combined with almost any other metagame. We already have Type Challenge, Monotype 1v1, AG 1v1, UU 1v1, etc as major events. The problem is, even with all the mashups we've implemented, far too many remain without attention. LC 1v1 is a great idea, but hasn't been in the spotlight for a long time. BH 1v1 and CAP 1v1 have barely happened till now. In fact, I doubt we've even tried CAP 1v1.

The thing is, even if we do add these metagames, it's gonna be a while before we can actually get them the attention they deserve. At the moment, not many of the people in 1v1 have the resources to do so. AG and LGPE have VRs and Samples, but not many of the others do. And without an area designated for themselves, they'll be unable to properly flourish, since there's only so many Tours we can conduct in the main room.

Anyways, what I've been trying to say is that a separate groupchat/room for the 1v1 OMs would go a long way in promoting the development of these metagames. This is merely a suggestion, though. Considering the reception of the Type Challenge, though, I do believe that the idea will be well-received by the community.

Without further ado, I'll add a list of 1v1 metagames that need more attention. I'll probably miss something, though, so please drop a reply if you think I should include something else.

BH 1v1
RU 1v1
PU 1v1
CAP 1v1
LC 1v1
LGPE 1v1
SSB 1v1
Random Battle 1v1 (for even more cussing at bad luck)
MnM 1v1
AAA 1v1
2v2 (perhaps the most developed of all, but it still needs attention)
Old Generations 1v1 (not exactly an OM, but they don't get much use, either)
Hidden Type 1v1
Hackmons Cup 1v1
NFE 1v1

Feel free to suggest other metas.
i love this idea! and not only because it means Lc 1v1 gets a room. I think it'll really help with the developement of all of these different 1v1 OMS, but i will say we can probably chill on 1v1 ru and pu for now since uu is still being developed, and also we should just generally focus on the metas more currently being developed. idk if they should each deserve their own SRGC / full subroom, but say, a dedicated forum, might not be too much to ask
i love this idea! and not only because it means Lc 1v1 gets a room. I think it'll really help with the developement of all of these different 1v1 OMS, but i will say we can probably chill on 1v1 ru and pu for now since uu is still being developed, and also we should just generally focus on the metas more currently being developed. idk if they should each deserve their own SRGC / full subroom, but say, a dedicated forum, might not be too much to ask
I'm not asking for a separate SRGC for each of them (not at the moment, anyways). I was thinking more of a room that handles these as a whole, and making separate rooms can be considered if they're popular enough.
Anyways, I'd like to make a post that I've planned for a long time. A lot of reading ahead, so if you don't know how to read, go and ask Mez to translate this for you.

1v1 isn't precisely a metagame. Sure, it has a ladder, and a VR, and stuff, but that's only a fraction of what it could actually be. 1v1, to be more accurate, is a style of battling, not just a way to. Because of this, it has the unique ability of being able to combined with almost any other metagame. We already have Type Challenge, Monotype 1v1, AG 1v1, UU 1v1, etc as major events. The problem is, even with all the mashups we've implemented, far too many remain without attention. LC 1v1 is a great idea, but hasn't been in the spotlight for a long time. BH 1v1 and CAP 1v1 have barely happened till now. In fact, I doubt we've even tried CAP 1v1.

The thing is, even if we do add these metagames, it's gonna be a while before we can actually get them the attention they deserve. At the moment, not many of the people in 1v1 have the resources to do so. AG and LGPE have VRs and Samples, but not many of the others do. And without an area designated for themselves, they'll be unable to properly flourish, since there's only so many Tours we can conduct in the main room.

Anyways, what I've been trying to say is that a separate groupchat/room for the 1v1 OMs would go a long way in promoting the development of these metagames. This is merely a suggestion, though. Considering the reception of the Type Challenge, though, I do believe that the idea will be well-received by the community.

Without further ado, I'll add a list of 1v1 metagames that need more attention. I'll probably miss something, though, so please drop a reply if you think I should include something else.

BH 1v1
RU 1v1
PU 1v1
CAP 1v1
LC 1v1
LGPE 1v1
SSB 1v1
Random Battle 1v1 (for even more cussing at bad luck)
MnM 1v1
AAA 1v1
2v2 (perhaps the most developed of all, but it still needs attention)
Old Generations 1v1 (not exactly an OM, but they don't get much use, either)
Hidden Type 1v1
Hackmons Cup 1v1
NFE 1v1

Feel free to suggest other metas.
I Think another good way would be to set those metagames into the official tournament cycle. At a Time many users are online and wanna play the officials. Like that the good players that are trying to win the monthly leaderbord have to play those metagames. And if they dont play they risk to get passed or lose points on the other players.
I Think another good way would be to set those metagames into the official tournament cycle. At a Time many users are online and wanna play the officials. Like that the good players that are trying to win the monthly leaderbord have to play those metagames. And if they dont play they risk to get passed or lose points on the other players.
That's the current stance, but there's only so many officials we have. The OMs far outnumber standard Tours, and if we actually implement them in the main room, we won't have normal games anymore.
Hey, I got a few sets for STABmons 1v1.

Celesteela @ Mental Herb
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Roost
- King’s Shield
- Leech Seed
- Oblivion Wing
This set has a niche in the STABmons 1v1 metagame for reliably beating Taunt Gyarados (which incidentally gets great coverage in Ascent, nice STAB in Crabhammer, plus recovery. It also beats Meloetta, Landorus-Therian, non-Thunderbolt Porygon-Z, Mega Scizor, Mega Metagross, and many others.

Metagross @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (there can be modified for specific Pokemon)
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Ice Punch
- Psychic Fangs
- Earthquake / other filler
This set is just very strong in general, with Tough Claws Sunsteel Strike nabbing OHKOs everywhere you look. Psychic Fangs is chosen over Photon Geyser for the Tough Claws boost, and we already have one ability-ignoring move here. Beats a lotta stuff, Porygon-Z, no Defense Lando-T, many others.

Meloetta @ Normalium Z / whatever
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: Something speciall offensive
Modest Nature
- Boomburst
- Psystrike / Photon Geyser for Mimikyu RIP
- filler
- filler
Far too strong than is strictly necessary.

anyway, I think we should have a 1v1 OMs groupchat, and a Smogon tour at some point. These 1v1 OMs definitely deserve more playing!

Looking forward to seeing this develop.

Also have a couple of notes for AAA 1v1.

Charizard X seems incredibly strong here, being able to summon sun to have a sun-boosted Tough Claws STAB Flare Blitz coming of a base 130 attack stat. Nasty. However, it does seem a bit too easily lured by any Flash Fure steel type, especially Magearna. Speaking of, Magearna can suddenly rid itself of its useless ability and unleash a near unresisted Twinkle Tackle (Tinted Lens), Of become instantly immune to nearly any type. However, its abilities like Levitate and Flash Fire are a lot more useful, as they let it beat some top threats such as Landorus-Therian and both Charizards. Gyarados-Mega, the king of normal 1v1, doesn’t gain much, as its regular pre-mega ability is one of the best it can get, bar rain. Speaking of, Drizzle Mega Swampert for days. Tinted Lens seems very prominent in the metagame, as Z-Moves often don’t kill because of resistidity (don’t argue). Oh, finally, #UnbanHugePower
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Anything Goes 1v1 nomination:

Lunala A- -> A+

Lunala is an incredibly versatile Pokemon that beats many Pokemon on the VR, including some of the top Pokemon like Mega Rayquaza and every Necrozma form with both of them being the top mons. It also beats every arceus form except darkceus and fast ghost ceus, Primal Groudon, Xerneas if you play it right, Kyogre, Zekrom, every FEAR pokemon, Zygarde, and many many others. This is all with just one set.
Lunala @ Lunalium Z
Ability: Shadow Shield
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moongeist Beam
- Substitute / Tailwind
- Psyshock / Ice Beam
- Calm Mind / Tailwind / Roost
You can also run defesive to counter Xerneas and other Pokemon better, but without the raw power offensive has.
Lunala @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Shield
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psych Up
- Roost
- Moongeist Beam
- Thunder Wave
This set allows it to beat many CM arceus forms, as well as pdon, xern, and that lot.
Time to revive Let’s Go 1v1

Uh so I’m the TL

Bans: Charizard, Mewtwo, Sleep Powder, Sing, Lovely Kiss, Hypnosis

S - Mega Pidgeot, Snorlax
A+ - Zapdos, Mega Gyarados, Mega Venusaur
A - Mew, Melmetal, Mega Aerodactyl
A- - Mega Blastoise, Mega Alakazam
B+ - Mega Pinsir, Mega Gengar
B - Mega Slowbro
B- - Nidoking
C+ - Muk-A, Poliwrath, Mega Khangaskhan
C - Machamp, Raichu-Alola
C- - Eevee-P
Anyways, I'd like to make a post that I've planned for a long time. A lot of reading ahead, so if you don't know how to read, go and ask Mez to translate this for you.

1v1 isn't precisely a metagame. Sure, it has a ladder, and a VR, and stuff, but that's only a fraction of what it could actually be. 1v1, to be more accurate, is a style of battling, not just a way to. Because of this, it has the unique ability of being able to combined with almost any other metagame. We already have Type Challenge, Monotype 1v1, AG 1v1, UU 1v1, etc as major events. The problem is, even with all the mashups we've implemented, far too many remain without attention. LC 1v1 is a great idea, but hasn't been in the spotlight for a long time. BH 1v1 and CAP 1v1 have barely happened till now. In fact, I doubt we've even tried CAP 1v1.

The thing is, even if we do add these metagames, it's gonna be a while before we can actually get them the attention they deserve. At the moment, not many of the people in 1v1 have the resources to do so. AG and LGPE have VRs and Samples, but not many of the others do. And without an area designated for themselves, they'll be unable to properly flourish, since there's only so many Tours we can conduct in the main room.

Anyways, what I've been trying to say is that a separate groupchat/room for the 1v1 OMs would go a long way in promoting the development of these metagames. This is merely a suggestion, though. Considering the reception of the Type Challenge, though, I do believe that the idea will be well-received by the community.

Without further ado, I'll add a list of 1v1 metagames that need more attention. I'll probably miss something, though, so please drop a reply if you think I should include something else.

BH 1v1
RU 1v1
PU 1v1
CAP 1v1
LC 1v1
LGPE 1v1
SSB 1v1
Random Battle 1v1 (for even more cussing at bad luck)
MnM 1v1
AAA 1v1
2v2 (perhaps the most developed of all, but it still needs attention)
Old Generations 1v1 (not exactly an OM, but they don't get much use, either)
Hidden Type 1v1
Hackmons Cup 1v1
NFE 1v1

Feel free to suggest other metas.
1v1 randbats sounds like the single worst thing ever created
Hello everyone! Few quick things to dish out. Firstly, a Monotype 1v1 team.

Altaria-Mega @ Altarianite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 HP / 60 Def / 56 SpA / 140 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Cotton Guard
- Hyper Voice
- Roost
- Confide

Haxorus @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Superpower
- Outrage
- Poison Jab
- Rock Slide

Naganadel @ Firium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fire Blast
- Sludge Wave
- Draco Meteor
- Nasty Plot
Pretty much the entire point of this team is to lure in Magearna, for it to be destroyed by a suprising Firium Z. Altaria-Mega pretty much 3-0s most fire teams and Dragon teams, Haxorus is a big powerhouse for beating Porygon-Z, Greninja and the sort, Naganadel patches up the weakness to common steals like Mega Metagross, Magearna, Mega Mawile, and annoying stuff like that.


Bulkier steels that can tank a Firium Z
Scarf Haxorus with Jolly can be a threat if Hyper voice doesn't kill.

Next, a STABmons 1v1 team

Magearna @ Fairium Z
Ability: Soul Heart
EVs: 16 HP / 252 SpA / 24 SpD / 216 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Iron Defense
- Moonlight
- Calm Mind

Landorus-Therian @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Rock Tomb
- Dragon Ascent
- Precipice Blades
- Swords Dance

Zygarde-Complete @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Glare
- Shore Up
- Coil
Pretty simple and easy-to-use team. Magearna is our Greninja, Porygon-Z, Meloetta, Gyarados, Naganadel, Altaria-Mega, Tapu Lele, and general check for most things LOL. Landorus-T is our Zards check, our Zygod check, our powerhouse and main wayto deal with physical attackers. Zygarde Complete is a Magearna counter, a more reliable Zard Y counter, and a wall. a big fat wall. In general, the team is pretty consistent, however much I hate using 2 of the same type.


bulkier Zygods

I hope you enjoyed these teams, even if they're not the best I've ever made. BTW these are sample submissions so tagging UnleashOurPassion
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News for STABmons 1v1: Sleep Powder and Pidgeot-Mega have been banned.
We will also be hosting a "suspect test" on Lovely Kiss, To vote, you basically have to win an "official" STABmons 1v1 tour. I will host these daily at about 8:00 PM EST for the next 2 weeks.
If someone wins more than one tour, the next up will get the vote, and so on.
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for anyone who doesn't know: i am not the leader of lc 1v1 anymore (large sad)
still trying to understand the reasoning behind it, but thats not important
Joker 1v1 is now leading lc 1v1
i don't know what all is going to change but i have asked him to use the banlist that was in use before he took over
my understanding right now is that he started his own lc 1v1 with support from quote without knowledge of mine existing and passion just went along with it because quote (thats what passion told me at least)
and thats why i had to ask him to actually use my banlist
hopefully i'll still be involved in lc 1v1 but i don't really know
let me rephrase im not mad im just kind of surprised and i must say i wish that passion would've told me about this saying as i thought he knew i was leading lc 1v1 due to the fact that i had pestered him a bunch about a lc 1v1 gc and lc 1v1 tours (sorry if this comes off as passive agressive passion its not intended to be)
so i'll be going over the final state of my banlist and the reasoning behind all of the bans / unbans so that its clear in a later post and joker can knowingly decide what bans / unbans to keep
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lc 1v1 bans
bans: Aipom, Cranidos, Drifloon, Hippopatas, Meditite, Misdreavus, Murkow, Porygon, Swirlix
note that Scyther, Tangela, Sneasel, and Gligar are still banned but aren't lc or lc uber so fall under the blanket "not lc" ban
unbans from lc uber: Cutiefly, Gothita, Trapinch, Vulpix, Wingull, Yanma
: Banned because its insanely powerful, outspeeds the entire tier with scarf, has mold breaker, good coverage, and pokemon have to run specific sets that are un-optimal otherwise to beat it, like Grassium Z Yanma and that still has to protect turn 1
Hippopatas: With eviolite, literally nothing in the tier could ohko it, and then it clicked yawn and basically won. It could change its sets around a bit to beat anything that "should" counter it, and was just literally op.
Really underwhelming. Lacking in defense, and relying on quiver dance, as well as bad base stats just make it really dissapointing. Not much it really does, especially in a tier where rock types are very good, as well as sturdy users.
Gothita: Good-ish coverage but lets be real here without Shadow Tag this thing does jack shit. Its just really bad. Again, just mediocre stats. Even worse then Cutiefly.
Trapinch: "100 Atk! OMG!" and then it has 0 stats besides this. Like Gothita, its main niche is ineffective here, and we never even bothered suspecting it once it got banned from LC (we made lc 1v1 before trapinch got made)
Vulpix: Oh hey thats a nice Chlorophyll swichin you have after you have Vulpix set sun for yo-oh wait, this is 1v1. Shoot. Actually, Vulpix is quite good here, reaching S- tier, due to its very powerful Fire boosted stabs, as well as good bulk with eviolite and will-o. It unfortuantly has to rely on Energy Ball, and lacks power outside of its Fire type moves, really. Loses to a lot of high tiers but beats a lot of others, preventing it from being banworthy but it is still very good.
Wingull: Similar to Trapinch in the "banned after we made lc 1v1" department. It had never been a problem for us pre lc ban, so we never bothered to test it. It still isn't a problem.
Yanma: Literally the definition of fast special attacker. Unfortunantly, thats all it is, and it wins based on what z move it has. It can run stab z moves in bug and flying, or z solar beam to catch pokemon who would usually beat it off guard.
i don't think i have to go through the lc ubers who are both banned here and in regular lc

Let me finish this off by saying that this whole situation is a big mess. By all logic, I should be the LC 1v1 leader still. Im not, and its because Passion never saw my lc 1v1 post. But he had heard Quote and Joker working on LC 1v1, so he puts Joker as leader. This isn't right, its not fair, its not okay and its not acceptable. This LC 1v1 has been going since before the 31st of May, and it has had a lot of support and a lot of people who knew I was the leader, so there really isn't any excuse. Passion: I stated this before, but you should've known I was the LC 1v1 leader. I don't know if you forgot or what, but this is a problem. Quote and Joker: You guys did nothing wrong really, but maybe try looking here or asking around before you made LC 1v1? I can guarantee someone would've told you about me leading LC 1v1, or you would've read a post I made about it, and this mess would've been avoided. I'm at fault here as well, I should've asked Passion to put me as the LC 1v1 leader, and add that to the list, but I didn't. (to be fair, the reason i didn't is because i thought i hd to submit it as a 1v1 om first). But i already agreed to let Joker be the leader, and now i can't go back on that, no matter how much i really want to. I do regret folding in and saying it was fine, i really shouldn't have, but I did, no changing it. But what i won't run with is the meta restarting. If it does, we all know mine is better and more developed, and I will start mine up again, this is a promise. I would also like to still be majorly involved with the future of lc 1v1. I would greatly appreciate it if Joker was willing to be Co-leader or something with me, but if not, its fine. I just need to be majorly involved.
Im sorry if this seems like a change of attitude for me, its just that i was scared of being rude. But im putting my foot down here. If this is to continue without me, it still goes my way, or else I will take over LC 1v1 again.
never let this happen again.

making sure UnleashOurPassion and Joker 1v1 see this
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At the moment there are a few things that need to be worked on when referring to 1v1 UU. I am here to talk about that. Allow me to compare the old and new updates, VR, and link to some samples. Will add on as soon as I have some time.

1v1 UU banlist, Gyarados-Mega, Porygon-Z, Charizard-Mega-X, Mawile-Mega, Lopunny-Mega, Greninja, Charizard-Mega-Y, Metagross-Mega, Magnezone, Dragonite, Venusaur-Mega, Zygarde, Tapu Lele, Magearna, Aegislash, Zeraora, Tapu Fini, Gardevoir-Mega, Victini, Mew, Donphan, Kommo-o

1v1 UU Banlist (According to this:) Aegislash, Charizard-Mega-X, Charizard-Mega-Y, Donphan, Dragonite, Garchomp, Gardevoir-Mega, Genesect, Greninja, Gyarados-Mega, Kommo-o, Kyurem-Black, Landorus-Therian, Lopunny- Mega, Magearna, Magnezone, Mawile-Mega, Metagross-Mega, Mew, Naganadel, Porygon-Z, Primarina, Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, Victini, Zeraora, Zygarde

Stays the same: Aegislash, Charizard-Mega-X, Charizard-Mega-Y, Donphan, Dragonite, Gardevoir-Mega, Greninja, Gyarados-Mega, Kommo-o, Kyurem-Black, Lopunny- Mega, Magearna, Magnezone, Mawile-Mega, Metagross-Mega, Mew, Porygon-Z, Tapu Fini, Tapu Lele, Victini, Zeraora, Zygarde

Rises: Garchomp, Genesect, Landorus-Therian, Naganadel, Primarina

Drops: None.

There formerly was a 1v1UUBL with the only mons being Tapu Lele and Snorlax, but Snorlax is banned and Tapu Lele is now 1v1OU, so it does not really exist.















Tapu Bulu





















































Type: Null


I believe that a change would be necessary for this VR, as it's outdated, but here is a baseline to work with, better than nothing.

If anyone asks I’m down to help out with 1v1UU. I got some good ideas I would like to implement for resources, as this is quite a popular 1v1OM.

Samples: Will add when actually have time to do stuff. Check here for some outdated ones.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day. Expect more from me in the coming days.