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Zeraora B+ > A-
Zeraora is the premier fast Electric-type Pokemon currently in 1v1. With a blistering fast speed tier, access to strong physical and special moves, and ability to use several utility moves, Zeraora is extremely versatile and powerful for 1v1. For nearly all sets, Fake out provides free damage that can slightly boost the damage that Zeraora puts out. Let's break down the most powerful sets.
Mixed Electrium Z: While neither of Zeraora's attack stats are particularly notable, thanks to Charge, Zeroara can effectively have either Nasty Plot or Swords Dance depending on the match up + some free special bulk and then nuking literally anything with Gigavolt Havoc.
Physical Biased Utility Electrium Z Sets: With so many different options for utility including Fake Out, Bulk Up, Charge, Laser Focus, and Taunt, Zeraora can choose to target stall pokemon, non-boosting Physical or Special Pokemon or more at the same time with just any two attacks + two of these utility moves.
Life Orb and Choice Band: These set takes full advantage of Zeraora's amazing moveset. Fake Out Boosted Life Orb can do more damage than just Choice Band, but Choice Band notably lets you run Plasma Fists, Close Combats, Outrage, and Iron Tail all in one set. All super powerful moves that can potentially take out Pokemon that could counter Zeraora: Close Combat for Steel-types, Outrage for Dragon-types, and Iron Tail for Fairy-types.
Dragonium Z: This set is one of the many lures that Zeroara can run to target whatever it needs to. In this case we're targeting Charizard specifically. With many Mega Charizard X's shifting to specially defensive sets, this set can knock out Mega Charizard X on reveal.
252 Atk Zeraora Fake Out vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Charizard-Mega-X: 37-44 (10.2 - 12.2%) -- possible 9HKO
252 Atk Zeraora Devastating Drake (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Charizard-Mega-X: 340-402 (94.4 - 111.6%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
Specially Biased lures: While not nearly as prominent as the rest of these sets, Zeraora can focus more on its special moveset including Grass Knot to target some 4x weak pokemon like Golem and Swampert.
Despite all these options, there are still some more options that Zeraora can still explore. Calm Mind is an option as well as a degenerate Bright Powder + Sub set still are options.

Magneton B+ > C+
Magneton is such a weird Pokemon to have so high up. The highly specific speed creep on Magnezone by 10 base speed is pitiful. Magneton isn't even fast. With base 70 speed it can use Electroweb in combination with Sturdy to ensure you get a 2HKO. Just like Magnezone can. For comparison, top speed Magnezone can use Electroweb to outspeed base 114s, while Magneton can outspeed 129s. Which would be cool, if there was anything important in this speed tier that Magnezone doesn't already beat. Raikou? Naganadel? Salazzle? All of these are just, so bad. Now of course the real speed tier that this targets is, bulky Mega Gyarados and Dragonite that accidentally fall in that range by pure coincidence. Of course it's pretty obvious that these two Pokemon have options to beat Magneton anyways by either running more speed or in Dragonite's case Extreme Speed.
Response to osra's B- post, because oh my god B- so bad
Adequate. This weird monkey is surprisingly good. Fake Out + Giga Impact gets a lot of kills with either Normalium for the accuracy and access to Z-Tickle or Life Orb for the extra damage on Fake Out and whatever your coverage move is. That said, it does struggle with a lot of the lower tier mons, so its main niche is just being anti-meta as fuq, and should be used sparingly, as a result. Way better at its job than anything else in C+, not as generally reliable as most things in B.
Sure Fake Out + Giga Impact is good, but Mega Lopunny is stronger faster and is used at least partially because of its fantastic ability. Oh and it's only ranked B (rather appropriately). So the advantage is access to tickle in exchange for Fighting STAB and Sub, Encore, and other utility moves.
Nomming Ambipom from B- to C
Adequate. Audino-Mega is branched under a very similar archetype to Type:Null, but does so in a notably different way, namely getting a +2 Spdef boosting move in Amnesia and a -1 Atk lowering move in Baby-Doll Eyes/Growl, the opposite of Null's setup with Iron Defense and Confide. Despite this difference, the two cover a very similar blanket of Pokemon, with Audino getting some slight advantages in having that Fairy typing and the ability to mindgame with whether or not it megas, versus Type:Null's immunity to crits, a pivotal necessity for most stall mons. Because the differences between these two balance out one another, I feel that they both belong in the same rank, regardless of whether they rise or fall. With that said, there's been a considerable surge of support for Type:Null to rise because "nothing can 2HKO" it, but people need to realize that you only need to 3HKO Type:Null, since Rest takes up 3 turns; this matters for far more scenarios than you may even be aware of, namely Charizard-X, Dragonite, Tapu Lele (which can also just win with Z-Calm Mind), Meloetta, Genesis Supernova Mew, Lando-T, Garchomp, Mawile, Zeraora, etc.
Audino-Mega is like Type: Null if something like Ninetales is like Mega Charizard Y. Sure they both stall and get some defensive set up, but Type: Null is so much bulkier and isn't taunt-bait. Forcing an offensive pokemon to use a set up move as its answer is more reminiscent of Mega Slowbro than it is of Mega Audino.
Nomming Type: Null from B- to B
Audino-Mega from B- to C+
Adequate. I love Blaziken, honestly. The biggest issue with this mon is that it just can't run all the moves it wants to in a single set. It also just hasn't really been explored beyond generic 252/252 sets. That said, I have a set in mind that I'll save for a later post, since it doesn't really fit in with the point of this post.
While I agree that Blaziken should not rise without a significant metagame shift, I don't think exploration is really necessary for it. What this pokemon wants to do is what its always done. You hit fast with a strong STAB move. Sure you can go for Z Will-o-Wisp if you really want to, but it doesn't really help its match-ups like at all. Either way tho, Blaziken is a good example of what I think a B- pokemon is. Something that has a particularly strong couple of sets that don't necessarily match up with what the metagame demands on it.
Possibly drop to C+. Like Camerupt, Durant has a good raw number of advantageous matchups, but struggles with reliably beating them all. Durant's main issue, however, is that it's forced to rely on 80% or less accurate moves for literally ALL of its matchups. This means that anything it has to 2HKO becomes a 64% chance of doing so with hitting consecutive Iron Head and X-Scissor, while Stone Edge already has 80% accuracy, thus being reduced to 64% accuracy, due to Hustle.
I agree with everything here and literally always have. I'm sure there are discord log records of me telling UOP this exact sentiment.
Nomming Durant from B- to C+
Possibly drop to C+. Raikou rose in popularity due to its perceived ability to take on multiple high ranked threats of 1v1, between Charizard-Y, Gyarados, Magearna, Tapu Lele, Magnezone, etc, however, this mon is very stretched regarding things it needs to EV for; needing way too much SpA for specially bulky mons like Magearna, Meloetta, Lele, Metagross, Gardevoir, etc; needing way too much physical bulk to take attacks from mons like Metagross, Mawile, Crustle, Incineroar, etc; and needing a ton of Speed to outspeed what it needs to between Zard-Y, Kartana, Jumpluff, etc. While it
can beat all of these things individually, it just cannot do so in a single spread, and it sacrifices a
lot of potential wins in picking one given spread over another, in addition to not really having that many cumulative wins across all of its differing spreads. For this reason, I feel Raikou may need to drop to C+ until someone can produce an optimized set that takes on everything it needs to (I tried, and couldn't make it happen).
I don't really understand Raikou's role in the metagame to be honest. In between Zeraora, Magnezone, Zapdos each have a specific niche in what they as an electric type does. Calm Mind? Pressure? Laser Focus? Inner Focus (lol). Idk Zeraora focuses on the big fast damage. Magnezone focuses on 2HKOs. Zapdos semi-stalls better. So why run Raikou? idk. I don't get t.
Nomming Raikou from B- to C+