5th Gen Move/Ability/Item Updates Project - Read Post #265

Will carry on going through this list, just got to have a little break from this, i'll try and get through all of the rest of the abilities before tour tonight then upload them.

[SHORT DESC]Causes moves that inflict status to only work half the time.


<p>It causes status moves such as Thunder Wave, Spore and Toxic to only work half the time. This does not have any effect on moves such as Thunder which have a chance to cause status as a secondary effect. It has no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Wonder Skin is only available on 4 Pokemon, and 3 of them are as Dream World abilities only at this time. The only current Pokemon that has it available is Sigilyph, which has a much greater second ability in Magic Guard, which makes Sigilyph a viable option. As such, Wonder Skin has extremely limited competitive use at this time, but may find some niche uses on Venomoth and Delcatty in the future.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Magic Guard prevents burn and poison damage, but does not prevent being paralysed or put to sleep.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Only super-effective moves can hit.


<p>Wonder Guard prevents all damage if the attack is not super-effective. It does not prevent stat reduction through moves such as Charm and it does not prevent damage from weather such as Hail. It also doesn't prevent damage from entry hazards such as Spikes or to status. Moves that doesn't factor in type such as Beat Up hit through Wonder Guard. There is no outside of battle use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Wonder Guard is only available on one Pokemon, which is Shedinja. In fact, it is the only reason that Shedinja is usable at all, but really it has no place in OU. Instead, if you are going to use Shedinja it would be recommended to use it in Ubers, where there isn't as much hurtful weather to hit through Wonder Guard and where Shedinja can be hit by fewer types for super-effective damage. Because it is on one of the least usable Pokemon in the game, and no other Pokemon, its competitive use is extremely limited.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Thick Fat reduces damage from Ice and Fire attacks, whilst there are lots of abilities such as Storm Drain which give immunities to a singular type.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Negates all stat reduction.


<p>White Smoke prevents all stat reductions. This includes from abilities such as Intimidate and from moves such as FeatherDance. It does not prevent reduction that is self inflicted from moves like Overheat. Stat reduction is also possible if the opponent Pokemon is wielding TurboBlaze or TeraVolt as its ability. White Smoke in-game decreases wild Pokemon encounter rate by 50%.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>As only 2 Pokemon have it, Heatmor and Torkoal, it will naturally be only limited to seeing a very small amount of use, especially since in Heatmor's case it is an unreleased Dream World ability. Even with Torkoal, it doesn't prevent self stat reduction, so it is not viable with Shell Smash.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Clear Body is pretty much identical to White Smoke, on a wider variety of Pokemon.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Heals Pokemon when hit by Water attacks.


<p>In battle, Water Absorb heals 25% of the wielders health if hit by a Water attack, creating a pseudo-immunity to Water. Water Absorb has no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Many good Pokemon get Water Absorb, so competitively it has a lot of uses. Since Water is such a prevalent attacking type this generation due to the boost of Drizzle, being able to take Water attacks becomes all the more important. Vaporeon, Jellicent and Poliwrath all are great Pokemon to stop Rain teams based on Water types because of this ability, and because of Pokemon able to fully stop Water Pokemon at a premium, having a Pokemon with Water Absorb can be a great asset.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Volt Absorb is the same as Water Absorb except for Electric moves instead. Storm Drain also provides an immunity to Water types but instead of healing provides a Special Attack boost instead.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Heals Pokemon when hit by Electric attacks.


<p>In battle, Volt Absorb heals the wielder 25% of its health when it is hit by an Electric attack, therefore creating a pseudo-immunity to Electric attacks. There is no out of battle use for this ability.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Due to Thundurus, and Electric type attacks being very strong in general this generation, Volt Absorb has a great use in being able to cover up an Electric weakness easily. Jolteon and Lanturn both can put a stop to most Electric Pokemon, and while unreleased, Zapdos is a great abuser of Volt Absorb.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Water Absorb is the same except for Water attacks. Lightningrod is the same also instead when it gets hit with an Electric attack, it gains a Special Attack boost.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Doubles Speed when held item is lost.


<p>Whenever the user loses a held item, or is taken away by Knock Off or Theif, the users Speed stat doubles. This does not occur if the item has been traded by the use of Trick or Switcheroo.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>As it is only on a few viable Pokemon, its competitive use is limited. Sceptile is probably the main abuser, and can work with the use of items like Grass Gem. Otherwise Unburden is barely seen outside of this, as all the other Pokemon with the ability are not fit for competitive OU battles.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Ignores foe stat changes.


<p>Unaware totally ignores all opponent stat changes, positive or negative. Once the Pokemon using Unaware has left the field, the foe keeps all prior stat boosts and any that it might have gained whilst the user was on the field. Critical hits do not factor in boosts either. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>There is only one viable user of Unaware currently and that is Quagsire. Quagsire however is a very good Pokemon this generation and a very good Pokemon to use on a stall team. Unaware can be a fantastic ability in that sense as it will prevent Pokemon that would otherwise destroy stall teams and be walled or countered by Quagsire due to its bulkiness and great typing. So it has some competitive use, but it is limited to only one Pokemon at this time.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There are no related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Causes user to move every other turn.


<p>Causes the user to move every other turn. Moves such as Solarbeam when used on a Truant Pokemon will not work. Moves that take a turn to recharge such as Hyper Beam will use its recharge turn while the user is 'loafing around'. Moves that change ability such as Worry Seed do not work on this ability. It has no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Only two fully evolved Pokemon have this ability, Slaking and Durant. Durant is unreleased as of right now, so Slaking is the only real user, and as an ability, this ability has to be one of the worst in the game, if not the worst. It takes a probable Uber candidate Pokemon all the way to the bottom of the pile in terms of being usable, so it has no competitive use at all.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Copies the foes ability.


<p>Trace copies the opponents ability. It is able to copy Wonder Guard, but not Illusion or Multitype. In Double or Triple battles, it will randomly pick an opponent Pokemon to copy abilities from. If the opponent has just been KO'd, Trace will copy the ability upon when the next Pokemon is revealed in the battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Only one fully evolved users of Trace, Gardevoir. However, Porygon2 is the best user of Trace by far, being able to check Pokemon such as Salamence and Gyarados with the combination of its bulk, Eviolite and the reflected Intimidate. It can check many other Pokemon that have abilities that have pseudo-immunities such as Water Absorb, making Porygon2 a decent choice for an OU team, so it does have at least some competitive use. Gardevoir can also be seen, but is a lot rarer than Porygon2.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Boosts Water attacks by 50% when at 33% health or less.


<p>Boosts Water attacks by 50% when at 33% health or less. Torrent has no use outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>It has next to no use as an ability these days. None of the water type starters get much love these days, except for maybe Blastoise, who would much rather use Rain Dish to heal its health in Rain. Swampert has fallen from grace a lot being outclassed by Gastrodon, Quagsire and arguably Whiscash in the Water/Ground department, and as Swampert is the most likely to be seen with Torrent, it is very rarely seen.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Overgrow, Blaze, and Swarm all do the same thing as Torrent except for Grass, Fire and Bug types respectively.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Doubles power of moves that are "not very effective" on the opponent.


<p>Doubles power of moves that are "not very effective" on the opponent. Therefore, if a move was not very effective and would normally be at half damage, instead with Tinted Lens it will do damage at full power again. As for doubly resisted moves such as Bug moves on a Skarmory, it will do half damage instead of a quarter damage. It has no out of battle use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Tinted Lens is a great ability, shame it is only limited at the moment to some quite shockingly bad Pokemon. The main users at the moment in OU would probably be Yanmega and Venomoth, both Bug types, but neither really able to make a lasting impression in that tier. You see them from time to time, but really Tinted Lens is an ability you never see.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Reduces damage of Fire and Ice attacks by half.


<p>Reduces damage of Fire and Ice attacks by half. It has no effect on Hail, Freeze or Burn. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The main Pokemon you will see using Thick Fat these days is Snorlax. Snorlax has taken a serious fall from grace though due to the massive influx of Fighting types in this generation, so you won't really see it which is a shame. It may well see more use in the future however as Mamoswine gets it as a Dream World ability.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Wonder Guard provides immunities to Super Effective attacks. Volt Absorb and Water Absorb heals the Pokemon when hit by Electric and Water attacks respectively.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Prevents opponent from eating its held berry.


<p>Prevents opponent from eating its held berry. Doesn't work with any other kind of item apart from berries. It has no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Wow, lots of Pokemon have this ability but all of them have better abilities. Since Dream World shallows the movepools of a lot of Pokemon, you really will not see this ability at all.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Powers up moves 60 base power or below by 50%.


<p>Powers up moves 60 base power or below by 50%. This includes versions of Hidden Power below 60 base power, as well as multi-hit moves such as Bullet Seed. Pursuit does not get a boost if the opponent switches out, and Avalanche doesn't get the boost if the opponent attacks you this turn. Technician has no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Honestly one of the best abilities in the game, the main user of it is Scizor who can hit you for great amounts of damage with its boosted Bullet Punch and Bug Bite. Other notable Pokemon include Breloom, which hasn't been released yet but can take advantage of a boosted Bullet Seed and Mach Punch once it is, making it an extremely potent threat. Hitmontop can become a great revenger with its plethora of priority moves in its arsenal. You will see this ability a lot when you play OU.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Adaptability boosts moves that are of the same type, essentially creating a 2x STAB instead of a 1.5x.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Increases Evasion by 20% if the user is confused.


<p>Increases Evasion by 20% when the Pokemon is confused. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>There is literally no competitive use to this ability. Even if you do somehow manage to get the boost with one of the 7 awful Pokemon that have the ability, the chances of you getting hit by confusion are far greater than the opponent missing its attack on you, unless it is using something like DynamicPunch which normally misses anyway. </p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Sand Veil boosts Evasion if Sandstorm is prevalent, Snow Cloak boosts Evasion if Hail is present.</p>


[LONG DESC]IF user is Poisoned, Burned or Paralysed, the status condition is passed onto the opponent.

<p>Status conditions except for Sleep and Freeze are passed onto the opponent. When bad Poison is used, from moves such as Toxic, it does pass on as bad poison now, which it didn't in previous generations. If Psycho Shift is used to transfer status onto the user, Synchronise activates before the user is cured of the status, so it therefore fails if Psycho Shift is being used.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Synchronise does see some use in the form of Mew now being OU. However Mew is not seen as much as some people first expected when it was brought down from Ubers, even though it is a perfectly viable Pokemon. Other Pokemon with Synchronise such as Gardevoir have better abilities such as Trace, so really outside of Mew it isn't seen much, and doesn't have that much competitive use.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Doubles Speed in Rain.


<p>Swift Swim doubles the users Speed in rain. It has no out of battle ability.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>It would have so much more competitive use if it wasn't banned in combination with Drizzle. Both are still allowed, but not both on the same team. Therefore its restricted to either Rain Dance teams or countering Drizzle teams. If you want to pick a certain Pokemon, take your pick, Kingdra, Kabutops, Ludicolo, Qwilfish and many others are all viable users of Swift Swim in rain. Its a shame that Ferrothorn exists to put a stop to nearly all of them, hence why they work good in conjunction to get rid of it. It is viable but really now you have to dedicate a team towards it.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Sand Rush doubles Speed in sandstorm. Chlorophyll doubles Speed in sunlight.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Boosts Bug type moves by 50% if 33% health or below.


<p>Boosts Bug type moves by 50% if the users health is 33% or less. Outide of battle, it can be used to increase wild encounter rate.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>There isn't much competitive use to this ability, since most Bug types suck or have better abilites. The best one to look forward to might well be Volcarona, since it takes 50% damage from Sandstorm, with Quiver Dance it may well be a potent threat. Escavalier is also a Pokemon that can hit hard and use Bug type moves, so the boost is welcome there too.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Torrent, Overgrow and Blaze do the same thing as Swarm, except with Water, Grass and Fire types respectively.</p>
Here we go again...

[SHORT DESC]Heightens critical hit ratio of moves.


<p>Doubles critical hit rate of moves. The modifier is applied before items are taken into account, so items do not have their boost doubled. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The two Pokemon that stand out as decent users of Super Luck are Absol and Honchkrow. Both are really too frail to be used in OU, and because of that you will rarely see them, but Super Luck is a better ability than Pressure on Absol at least. For the most part though you will see Honchkrow use Insomnia as Sleep is far more prevalent, and will be more helpful. Still, a nice ability if you have the luck to abuse it.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There are no related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Prevents user from being forced to switch.


<p>Prevents moves such as Whirlwind, Dragon Tail and Roar from working. In game it increases the chance that you might get a Pokemon whilst fishing, if the user is first in the party.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The only real user is Cradily and while Cradily has a great niche especially with Sandstorm as prevalent as it is, you will not see very much of it and as such will not be seen very much competitively. It is a nice ability on bulky sweepers though.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Sticky Hold has the same in game function as Suction Cups.</p>


[LONG DESC]Negates OHKO moves, cannot be KO'd if at 100% health.

<p>OHKO moves such as Sheer Cold and Fissure do not work on the user. If at 100% health, any move that would normally KO the user in one hit will leave it at 1HP instead. Multi-hit moves will hit through Sturdy as does Destiny Bond. Final Gambit however will not. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Sturdy is a great ability, providing they are at 100% health they will more than likely last the turn with at least 1HP. Study has some awesome abusers, like Skarmory, Forretress, Donphan and the Aggron family all perfectly capable of using Sturdy to its fullest. The most 'off the wall' Sturdy user has to be Aron, who coupled with an immunity to Sandstorm, can single handedly decimate teams even at level 1, abusing Endeavor, Shell Bell and Sandstorm to KO many Pokemon whilst keeping itself intact due to Sturdy. It is very competitively viable and a lot of Generation 5 matches will involve a Sturdy user.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]All Water attacks are directed towards the user and gives a Special Attack boost.


<p>All Water attacks in Doubles and Triples are directed towards the user and grants a Special Attack boost. The Water attacks do not do damage giving a pseudo-immunity to Water attacks. It doesn't redirect Hidden Power Water and it does not draw in Soak.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Storm Drain was next to useless in Generation 4. Now it has given rise to Gastrodon, one of the best anti-metagame Pokemon currently. The immunity plus the Special Attack boost allows Gastrodon to check almost everything on an offensive Drizzle team and as such makes it an easy fit to a lot of teams. Outside of Gastrodon, Cradily is another possible good user of Storm Drain, given its typing, but it certainly isn't as good as Gastrodon is. Storm Drain can get really annoying fast if you have nothing to take out Gastrodon with.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Water Absorb also creates a Water immunity, but instead of giving a Special Attack boost recovers 25% of its health instead.</p>

I'll do the rest bar Reckless in a couple of hours.

[SHORT DESC]Prevents item loss.


<p>Prevents an item from being taken away from the user, by Trick, Knock Off, Covet or Thief. In game it makes finding Pokemon whilst fishing more common.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Really this doesn’t have much competitive use at all, the only real user of Sticky Hold is Muk because it currently has no other viable ability, and even then you never see Muk in OU.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Suction Cups has the same in game effect as Sticky Hold.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Has a 10% chance of causing a flinch.


<p>Stench has a 10% chance of flinching the opponent whenever the user attacks. This does not stack with King’s Rock or Razor Fang. In game, Stench decreases wild encounter rate.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Stench really isn’t that viable but can be good in a pinch if the luck is going for you. Garbodor and Muk are two candidates for using Stench but neither will be seen outside of fun battles really.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Illuminate increases wild encounter rate, the opposite of Stench.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Boosts speed when flinched.


<p>Increases the users speed by one stage when flinched. This ability has no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The main two Pokemon currently with Steadfast are Lucario and Gallade. Lucario can really choose either to use Steadfast or its other ability Inner Focus, as both are viable for it but neither are particularly good or noticeable. Gallade has no other choice but to use Steadfast but you never really see Gallade anyway. Steadfast is a pretty rare ability but its around often enough that you will be affected by it from time to time.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Inner Focus prevents flinching.</p>

[SHORT DESC]User has a chance to Paralyze when opponents moves make contact.

<p> When Pokémon with this Ability are hit by a move that makes contact, there is a 30% chance that the attacking foe will become paralyzed. This does work on Ground type Pokemon. This ability increases wild encounter rate of Electric Pokemon by 50%.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Static is a pretty widespread ability yet no real standout Pokemon get it. Pikachu is probably the one that you will see the most and even then you really won’t see it often at all. Outside of that Manectric gets Static but would much prefer to use Lightningrod to gain a Special Attack boost. Besides, most Pokemon that have Static cannot take a physical hit anyway, so its use is very limited.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There are no related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]User moves last always.
<p>Stall allows the user to always move last within its priority bracket. It overrides Trick Room and Speed stat butif the opponent uses a decreased priority move such as Dragon Tail, the user of Stall goes first instead. Stall also does not override Full Incense or Lagging Tail. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The only user is Sableye, and Sableye is just terrible, so there is no competitive use currently for this ability, and no foreseeable one in future generations.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Boosts Speed at end of turn.
<p>Speed is increased by one stage at the end of the turn. It has out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This ability single handedly sent Blaziken from solidly UU in Generation 4 to Ubers in Generation 5. It is a great ability but unfortunately the Pokemon who have it now are not really equipped to abuse it. Sharpedo has brute force on its side but it neither has the movepool or the bulk to abuse it. Yanmega is strong but it has Tinted Lens and Excadrill really makes it difficult to setup. You will see it but not as much as you would expect now that Blaziken is gone.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Prevents user from being affected by sound based moves.
<p>User is protected by moves based by sound, such as Bug Buzz, Growl and Screech. User is affected by Roar of Time, Howl, Sonicboom and Heal Bell. It has no effect in Generation 5 in game but in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen it prevented a Pokemon from being woken up by a PokeFlute.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Next to none, it has to be said. All the Pokemon who have this ability have better abilities or are just too bad to make an impact in the standard tier these days. Electrobe will probably run it over Static and Mr.Mime will probably use it as well, but really you never see them very often.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>No related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Reduces effect from super effective moves.
<p>Solid Rock reduces 2x super effective moves to 1.5x, and 4x to 3x. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Another fantastic ability that is wasted. Rhyperior could be a real threat if the current OU metagame wasn’t infested with Water types. Camerupt and Carracosta both really are plain not very good for one reason or another, so Solid Rock doesn’t see much use but is a great ability.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There are no related abilities.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Boosts Special Attack in Sunlight at the cost of health.
<p>In sunshine, Special Attack of user is boosted 1.5x at the cost of losing 12.5% of its health at the end of every turn. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The one really good user of Solar Power is Charizard. You won’t see it too much but when you do, you will know about it when you do. Other Pokemon such as Sunflora should never be used in OU anyway so the only example you will really find is Charizard.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Causes Hail weather when entering the battlefield.
<p>Causes Hail weather when entering the battlefield. Instead of lasting 5 turns it lasts the entire match unless another weather inducer is brought out. If two weather inducers are sent out at the same time, the slower of the two will have their weather set up over the faster one. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Hail is a really underrated weather, and it definitely has a lot of use in OU currently. Ice is a great attacking type and despite it being horrible defensively being able to prevent other weathers going up is a big plus. Abomasnow isn’t exactly awful either, being able to check Water types with its Ice/Grass typing. 100% accurate Blizzard is always nice to have as well.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Sand Stream induces Sandstorm weather, Drizzle induces Rain weather and Drought induces Sunlight.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Grants an evasion boost in Hail.
<p>Grants a 20% evasion boost if Hail is active. If the user is not of Ice type it becomes immune to Hail. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>God this ability can be annoying. Its been discussed for being banned along with Sand Veil at points because it is so annoying. Anyway on Hail teams you can expect to see Froslass who will have Snow Cloak. Other Pokemon such as Mamoswine will have Snow Cloak too though they won’t necessarily be on a Hail team, so you may not have to worry about Snow Cloak unless you are running it yourself.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Sand Veil works the same way as Snow Cloak except in Sandstorm instead of Hail.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Critical hits do more damage.
<p>Critical hits do 3x damage instead of 2x. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Sniper really isn’t that good of an ability if you consider that critical hits only have a 6.25% chance of happening. The best Pokemon to use it with might be Drapion since it can abuse Night Slash, but really Drapion has not place in OU currently. Kingdra gets it also but it also gets Swift Swim, a much better ability, so it is very rare you will see Sniper come into effect.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Super Luck increases chances of a critical hit.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Lowers Attack and Speed for 5 turns.
<p>Slow Start lowers Attack and Speed for 5 turns. If the user switches out, the counter resets. This ability can be removed by Skill Swap, Gastro Acid or Worry Seed. Slow Start has no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This ability makes Regigigas the worst legendary Pokemon that exists by a long way. This is probably the only ability comparable to Truant in how awful it is, so it really has zero competitive value.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Truant makes the Pokemon skip every other turn in the battle.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Makes multi hit moves last the full possible duration.


<p>Increases the frequency of multi hit moves. Moves such as Bullet Seed and Icicle Spear will always hit 5 times. Moves that aren’t affected include Double Kick and Triple Kick as they have a fixed duration. This ability has no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Skill Link is only available on Cloyster, but Cloyster is definitely a Pokemon to prepare for. After a Shell Smash, an effective 150BP Icicle Spear due to Skill Link is going to hurt everything that doesn’t resist it. It allows multi hit moves to become viable and moves such as Icicle Spear to become the same power as Hyper Beam without any drawbacks.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]The user is prone to wild stat changes.


<p> This ability doubles the effectiveness of stat modifiers. Stats are still capped at 6 boosts, which becomes effectively 3 with Simple. If the boosts are copied by using Psych Up, they only copy the actual boosts and not the effective number achieved by Simple.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>No Pokemon that are decent in Standard OU these days have Simple, so while it is a fantastic ability, no Pokemon can take advantage of it. The Pokemon that have it aren’t just bad, they are terrible, so there is not much chance you will ever see Simple abused in a competitive match outside of a jokey Baton Pass team with Bibarel at the end.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Unaware ignores boosts altogether while the user is on the field.</p>
I can do Dark Pulse/Psychic/SandStream/SereneGrace EDIT : nvm dark pulse
[SHORT DESC]10% chance to lower opponent's Special Defense by 1 stage.

<p>This move deals damage and has 10% chance of lowering opponent's Special Defense by 1 stage. No other effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Psychic is the most powerful of all Psychic-type moves without drawbacks. Even though it has great distribution since it's a Technical Machine, it doesn't see a lot of uses in competitive play, because it has fairly poor coverage. However, it is greatly used as a STAB move for pokémon such as Reuniclus and Alakazam, filling this role perfectly due to its great power and accuracy. However, Psychic-type pokémon often choose to forego Psychic in favor of Psyshock, since it hits most special walls harder, such as the omnipresent Blissey. Even then, Psychic is the most common sight in competitive battling because of its greater base power. It also pairs up nicely with Focus Blast, who hits Steel- and Dark-types for super effective damage.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Earth Power is a Ground-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Bug Buzz is a Bug-type equivalent.</p>

[SHORT DESC] Summons permanent sandstorm. Decreases wild encounter rate when in a sandstorm.

<p>Permanent sandstorm is summoned when a pokémon with this ability enters the battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Sand Stream is one of the best ability available in competitive battling. Since it summons permanent sandstorm, it allows powerful abusers such as Excadrill and Landorus to truly shine. It also boosts the Special Defense of Rock-type pokemon, making them extremely bulky special walls, such as Tyranitar. Sand Stream is also fairly useful to break opposing Focus Sash. Even then, Sand Stream can backfire at its user, since the very same abusers can often use their opponent's sandstorm to start wrecking. Since weather cannot stack up, Sand Stream can also be used to remove permanent Rain or Sunshine, both of which can cause troubles if not handled correctly. It is fairly useful to stop opposing weather abusers. Still, when using Sand Stream, one should always consider using pokémon who are not hindered by sandstorm, since it can lead to defeat quite quickly.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Drizzle is the same, but summons permanent Rain instead.</p>
<p>Drought is an equivalent that summons permanent Sunshine instead.</p>
<p>Snow Warning is an equivalent that summons permanent Hail instead.</p>

[SHORT DESC] This Pokemon's secondary effects chances are doubled.

<p>Any Pokemon with Serene Grace as an ability will see the seconday effects chances of their moves doubled.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Serene Grace is a very useful ability. First of all, it allows users of flinching moves such as Iron Head or Rock Slide to flinch their opponents often, making them good checks to slower threats that doesn't resist those moves, pairing up very well with paralyzing moves such as Thunder Wave or Body Slam. Furthermore, it allows such Pokemon to make use of Thunder and Body Slam as reliable paralyzing moves while still damaging the opponent, making the use of Substitute in order to block status more difficult, and cannot be stopped by Taunt. It also allows them to paralyze Ground-types with Body Slam, which would be impossible with Thunder Wave. All in all, Serene Grace is an awesome defensive ability that make good use of moves that already have an high chance of causing their secondary effects.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There are no abilities that are related to Serene Grace.</p>
kk, I think I will be reserving these. :)

Thunder Punch
Thunder Shock
Toxic Spikes
Tri Attack
Hang on hang on

Dark Pulse ---> Doubleslap were reserved on the last page

I'm still grammar checking them

EDIT: For all the others I'll get to them when I can

EDIT@LM: Yep that's fine
Ok, I'll start some of these.
I'll go with all the items beginning with D for now.

Rain Dance lasts 8 turns.

<p>Any Pokemon that uses Rain Dance while holding a Damp Rock will have its duration boosted to eight turns instead of the regular five.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Regarding competitive usage, Damp Rock is both a good and bad item. It is outclassed by Politoed and Kyogre's Drizzle in OU and Ubers respectively, as they summon permanent rain, whereas a Damp Rock-boosted Rain Dance only lasts for eight turns. However, Drizzle cannot be used in the lower tiers, nor can it be used with any Pokemon that has Swift Swim in OU, meaning that it still has a niche in the standard metagame, as well as in the lower tiers.</p>

<p>Damp Rock can be found on Route 8.</p>
Raises the power of a Dark-type move by 50%. One-time use.

<p>A Pokemon holding a Dark Gem will have any Dark-type attack boosted by 50%, but it is only a one-time use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Dark Gem can be equipped to Pokemon such as Tyranitar and Weavile, which appreciate boosts to their Dark-type attacks, specifically Crunch, Night Slash, and Pursuit. As the Dark Gem is only a one-time use, however, it is outclassed by other boosting items, such as Life Orb, Choice Band, and Expert Belt, all of which are better over the course of a match.</p>

<p>A Dark Gem can be found in a dustcloud in any of the following locations: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, or the Giant Chasm.</p>
Part of the storyline in BW. No other use.

<p>This item, obtained from Lenora in Nacrene City, calls out Zekrom to come and assist you against N & Reshiram in N's Castle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use. It is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>Narcene City (from Lenora).</p>
Evolves Kirlia and Snorunt.

<p>This is an evolution stone that evolves a male Kirlia into Gallade or a female Snorunt into Froslass.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use. It is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>A Dawn Stone can be found on Route 10, or in a dustcloud in any of the following locations: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, or the Giant Chasm. It can also be purchased in Black City.</p>
Doubles Clamperl's Special Defense. Evolves Clamperl into Gorebyss.

<p>When Clamperl is traded with this item, it will evolve into a Gorebyss, while if it holds it normally, its Special Defense stat is doubled.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item can be used to help turn Clamperl into a respectable special wall in the lower tiers, although its main use is for in-game purposes, since it is needed to obtain a Gorebyss.</p>

<p>Route 13.</p>
Doubles Clamperl's Special Attack. Evolves Clamperl into Huntail.

<p>When Clamperl is traded with this item, it will evolve into a Huntail, while if it holds it normally, its Special Attack stat is doubled.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item can be used to help turn Clamperl into a respectable special attacker in the lower tiers, although its main use is for in-game purposes, since it is needed to obtain a Huntail.</p>

<p>Route 13.</p>
If the user becomes infatuated, so does the enemy.

<p>If the user becomes infatuated is used on the holder of this object, the effect will transfer over to the enemy, making them both become infatuated.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is a gimmick, as trying to infatuate a foe is an unreliable tactic.</p>

<p>Opelucid City.</p>
Increases critical hit ratio by 1 level.

<p>If this item is used on a Pokemon, its critical hit ratio will increase by 1 level.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item must be used on a Pokemon (a Pokemon cannot hold it) for it to be effective. As items cannot be "used" in competitive play, Dire Hit should never be seen in battle.</p>

<p>Route 9.</p>
Increases critical hit ratio by 2 levels.

<p>If this item is used on a Pokemon, its critical hit ratio will increase by 2 levels.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item must be used on a Pokemon (a Pokemon cannot hold it) for it to be effective. As items cannot be "used" in competitive play, Dire Hit 2 should never be seen in battle.</p>

<p>It can only be used in Wonder Launcher battles, and it cannot be obtained elsewhere.</p>
Increases critical hit ratio by 3 levels.

<p>If this item is used on a Pokemon, its critical hit ratio will increase by 3 levels.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item must be used on a Pokemon (a Pokemon cannot hold it) for it to be effective. As items cannot be "used" in competitive play, Dire Hit 3 should never be seen in battle.</p>

<p>It can only be used in Wonder Launcher battles, and it cannot be obtained elsewhere.</p>
A ball used to catch Pokemon that is more effective in water terrain.

<p>A Pokeball with a normal catch rate of 1. If a Pokemon is found while surfing, fishing, or diving, the catch rate becomes 3.5.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use. It is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>Wellspring Cave, Cold Storage (with Dowsing Machine), Village Bridge. It can also be purchased in Undella Town.</p>
Can be revived into Kabuto.

<p>When brought to the museum in Narcene City, it can be revived into a Kabuto.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use, although it is needed to obtain a Kabuto. Otherwise, it is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>Twist Mountain.</p>
Changes the type of Techno Blast to Water.

<p>This ability causes the Techno Blast move to become Water-type. It does not change it in any other way, however, and has no effect on a Pokemon without this move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Only two Pokemon in the game can use Techno Blast, and the only one who can actually make use of it is Genesect. However, you really shouldn't be using this item even on Genesect, for a number of reasons. For one thing, holding Douse Drive means that Genesect cannot then hold a boosting item, and will miss the kick from Life Orb or Choice Scarf dreadfully. Furthermore, Genesect has access to other coverage moves, such as Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, and Flamethrower, which also allow use of another boosting item. Like the other Drive items, you should never use Douse Drive competitively. It is just not worth it.</p>

<p>P2 Laboratory (Show Genesect).</p>
Can detect hidden items.

<p>A key item that when activated will guide the user to any nearby hidden items.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use. It is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>Narcene City (from Bianca).</p>
Raises power of Dragon-type moves 20%.

<p>This item boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 20%, while making Arceus become a Dragon-type.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is useful primarily in Ubers, where it enables Arceus to become a Dragon-type. This means it can utilize a number of new strategies, including becoming a Calm Mind booster with a 100 Base Power special Dragon-type attack with no drawbacks. Draco Plate can also be used in OU on Pokemon such as Latios, as it can be used to fake a Choice item, while continuing to boost the power of the Dragon-type move of choice.</p>

<p>Route 13.</p>
Raises power of Dragon-type moves 20%.

<p>This item boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 20%.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Dragon Claw can be used in OU on Pokemon such as Latios, as it can be used to fake a Choice item, while continuing to boost the power of the Dragon-type move of choice.</p>

<p>Dragonspiral Tower.</p>
Raises the power of a Dragon-type move by 50%. One-time use.

<p>A Pokemon holding a Dragon Gem will have any Dragon-type attack boosted by 50%, but it is only a one-time use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Dragon Gem can be equipped to Pokemon such as Latios and Salemence, which appreciate boosts to their Dragon-type attacks, specifically Draco Meteor, Outrage, and Dragon Claw. As the Dragon Gem is only a one-time use, however, it is outclassed by other boosting items, such as Life Orb, Choice Band, and Expert Belt, all of which are better over the course of a match.</p>

<p>A Dragon Gem can be found in a dustcloud in any of the following locations: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, or the Giant Chasm.</p>
Evolves Seadra into Kingdra.

<p>When traded, a Seadra holding a Dragon Scale will evolve into a Kingdra.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is only needed for obtaining a Kingdra, and it has no other competitive use apart from that.</p>

<p>Route 13, Route 18.</p>
Part of the storyline in BW. No other use.

<p>This item is part of a fossil that was taken by Team Plasma from Nacrene City. It should be taken from them in Pinwheel Forest.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use. It is purely for in-game purposes.</p>

<p>Pinwheel Forest (after you defeat Team Plasma there).</p>
Raises power of Dark-type moves 20%.

<p>This item boosts the power of Dark-type moves by 20%, while making Arceus become a Dark-type.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is useful primarily in Ubers, where it enables Arceus to become a Dark-type. This means it can utilize a number of new strategies, including becoming a Calm Mind booster with a 100 Base Power special Dark-type attack with no drawbacks. Dark Plate can also be used in OU on Pokemon such as Hydregion, as it can be used to fake a Choice item, while continuing to boost the power of the Dark-type move of choice. It is outclassed by other boosting items, though.</p>

<p>Abyssal Ruins.</p>
A ball used to catch Pokemon in the Entralink forest.

<p>This Pokeball can only be used in Entralink forest, to catch Pokemon that have Dream World abilities.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is useful only for catching Pokemon with Dream World abilities, such as Regeneration Slowbro or Multiscale Dragonite. Other than that, it is useless competitively.</p>

<p>Entralink Forest.</p>
Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z.

<p>This item boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 20%, while making Arceus become a Dragon-type.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is useful primarily in Ubers, where it enables Arceus to become a Dragon-type. This means it can utilize a number of new strategies, including becoming a Calm Mind booster with a 100 Base Power special Dragon-type attack with no drawbacks. Draco Plate can also be used in OU on Pokemon such as Latios, as it can be used to fake a Choice item, while continuing to boost the power of the Dragon-type move of choice.</p>

<p>Route 13.</p>
No use. Unobtainable in BW.

<p>This is a berry that was used in the older generation games, but it now has no use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item cannot be used in BW.</p>

A ball used to catch Pokemon that is more effective at night.

<p>This Pokeball is useful, as it has an enormous catch rate of 3.5 when in a dark area (night-time or a cave) It's catch rate is otherwise 1.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item has no competitive use.</p>

<p>Striaton City, Castelia City. It can also be bought on Route 9, or in Driftveil City, Opelucid City, or the Pokemon League.</p>
Evolves Misdreavus, Murkrow, and Lampent.

<p>An evolution stone used to evolve Misdreavus into Mismagius, Murkrow into Honchkrow, and Lampent into Chandelure.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is only needed to obtain the aforementioned Pokemon, and otherwise has no competitive use.</p>

<p>A Dusk Stone can be found on Route 10 and Mistralton Cave, or in a dustcloud in any of the following locations: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challengers Cave, Victory Road, Giant Chasm.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Prevents secondary effects of moves occuring.


<p>Prevents secondary effects of moves occuring. This includes 100% occurances such as from DynamicPunch and Inferno, and for such things as Body Slam and Shadow Ball. It does not prevent effects from moves where the move is dedicated to that effect, such as Thunder Wave.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This is actually a really good ability but you cannot expect to see it very much when the 5 Pokemon that have it are Caterpie, Metapod, Venomoth, Wurmple and Dustox. Venomoth is somewhat usable nowadays but would always much prefer Tinted Lens over Shield Dust. The other 4 are just awful, and is a shame because this ability could be really good on the right Pokemon.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]The user is protected against critical hits.


<p>A Pokemon using Shell Armor will never be hit by a critical hit. There is no out of battle effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A pretty neat ability for bulky sweepers but outside of that it is pretty worthless, since critical hits don't occur often enough to take advantage of it. Some Pokemon will use it though, Torterra will probably use it if you see it, since it will be more useful than Overgrow. Lapras could use it on a bulky set but really Hydration is always better due to Drizzle being everywhere. Its not a very good ability but it takes an element out of the game that annoys everyone.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>

[SHORT DESC]The Pokemon may heal its own status problems.


<p>The user has a 30% chance at the end of every turn to heal itself from status affliction. If the user is burned or poisoned, when it does heal at the end of the turn, it will heal before damage is dealt. Shed Skin has no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Shed Skin is a good ability, but only Scrafty is really able to abuse it in the upper tiers. Scrafty also has a far superior second ability in Moxie, but a Bulk Up set with Shed Skin and Rest is a perfectly viable moveset to use, and Shed Skin can help make status an almost non issue. Other than that though, no other Pokemon can really use it to its full potential.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Magic Guard prevents taking damage from status moves.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Prevents the foe from escaping.


<p>Shadow Tag prevents all foes from switching out. If two Pokemon are facing one another with Shadow Tag, both may switch out. Also, if the opponent uses Baton Pass, U-Turn or Volt Switch, they can switch out also. The item Shed Shell also allows an opponent to escape. In doubles and triples, Shadow Tag does not affect your partner Pokemon. Shadow Tag has no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Shadow Tag is still an awfully good ability, its just that now Wobbuffet has had one of its main tools, Encore, become near useless in single battles. Therefore, although Wobbuffet is still seen, you won't see it very often. However, do not underestimate this ability, the power of trapping an opposing Pokemon especially with something threatening like Wobbuffet is not to be underestimated. The worst is yet to come also, since Chandelure gets this as a Dream World ability, and has been proven to be horrible to face with the combination of Shadow Tag and its monstrous attacking power. As far as abilities go, Shadow Tag is easily one of the best.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Arena Trap prevents switching to Pokemon without Levitate, a Flying type or Shed Shell wielders.</p>

[SHORT DESC]Enables all moves to hit Ghost-type foes.


<p>Scrappy allows Fighting and Normal type moves to hit Ghost types. The damage multiplier is 1x. There is no effect outside of battle.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Scrappy is a really good ability yet nothing can really take advantage of it in the upper tiers. Miltank and Kangaskhan both can be usable Pokemon but both are also outclassed by Snorlax. Other Pokemon such as Swellow would much rather have Guts anyway than Scrappy, so it doesn't see much use in the upper tiers.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>There is no related ability.</p>
firecape is threatening me...

doing some of the h moves which is


Lowers user's Speed by 1 stage.


<p>This move deals damage and lowers the user's speed by one stage.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>While Hammer Arm may have a debilitating side effect and poor distribution, it is a great move for wallbreaking. Common walls such as Ferrothorn and Blissey are hit super effectively by Hammer Arm, 2HKOing them in most cases. Pokemon that usually run special attacks are great choices for the move. Thundurus can lure in Blissey and Ferrothorn, 2HKOing them with Hammer Arm. Conkeldurr and Emboar can use it as a reliable STAB move, as they don't care too much about the speed drop. Rhyperior and Metagross can use it for coverage, though they usually prefer Earthquake.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Brick Break is more accurate and does not lower Speed, but is significantly weaker.</p>
<p>Superpower is more accurate and stronger, but lowers Attack and Defense instead of Speed.</p>

Boosts user's Defense by 1 stage.


<p>This move increases the user's Defense by one stage.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Harden is an utterly useless move and should never be used seriously. Most of the Pokemon who learn Harden also learn Iron Defense, which completely outclasses Harden outside of PP (but that should never be an issue).</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Withdraw has the exact same PP and effect.</p>
<p>Iron Defense has less PP, but raises Defense two stages.</p>
<p>Acid Armor has less PP, but raises Defense two stages.</p>

Eliminates all stat changes.


<p>This move removes stat, accuracy, and evasion modifiers from every Pokémon on the field. This move does not count as a stat reduction for the purposes of Clear Body or White Smoke.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>While Haze is one of the most effective ways to remove stat boosts, it has bad distribution. It is mostly outclassed by Roar and Whirlwind due to picking up entry hazard damage. However, Haze has the advantage of having normal priority, which benefits Murkrow, who can remove boosts before it gets hit with its Prankster ability. Milotic, who does not learn Roar or Whirlwind, can use Haze and its excellent bulk to take a hit and remove any stat boosts. Blastoise can do the same thing.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>There are no moves with the same effect as Haze.</p>

Has 1/4 recoil.


<p>This move deals damage and damages the user for 1/4th of the damage dealt.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Head Charge is simply a better Double-Edge. Unfortunately, only Bouffalant learns it. With 110 base Attack and STAB backing it, Head Charge is an excellent move for Bouffalant. However, 55 base speed really limits what could have been an excellent Pokemon.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Double-Edge has the same power, but slightly more recoil.</p>
<p>Take Down has slightly more PP, but is significantly weaker and less accurate.</p>

<p>Submission is a weaker and less accurate Fighting-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Wild Charge is a weaker Electric-type equivalent.</p>

Has 1/2 recoil.


<p>This move deals damage and damages the user for 1/2 of the damage dealt.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Head Smash is one of the strongest Rock moves, but huge recoil and terrible distribution means that it is not so common. Due to 50% recoil (a distinction shared by no other move), Pokemon with the ability Rock Head use Head Smash best. Aggron and Relicanth get STAB and can rip through unprepared teams with Head Smash if they get a Rock Polish to boost their abysmal speed. Rampardos, while not having Rock Head, has a massive 165 base attack and will do great damage even to Pokemon who resist Head Smash. Emboar and Scrafty can use it as a coverage move, though the recoil will severely impact their otherwise good bulk. Archeops can use Head Smash with a Rock Gem to OHKO practically anything it wants, though it will become nearly useless afterwards due to its ability, Defeatist.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Stone Edge is weaker, but does not have recoil.</p>
<p>Rock Slide is half as powerful, but has better accuracy, no recoil, and a chance to flinch.</p>

30% chance to flinch opponent.


<p>This move deals damage and has a 30% chance to flinch the opponent.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Headbutt is too weak to be useful on most Pokemon. Dunsparce, with Serene Grace, can abuse Headbutt's flinch chance along with paralysis. Many Pokemon can attempt to use it for the flinch chance, but it is far too weak.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Return is stronger, but cannot flinch.</p>
<p>Double-Edge is much stronger, but cannot flinch and has recoil damage.</p>
Heal Bell
Heal Block
Heal Order
Heal Pulse
Healing Wish
Leeches 50% of the damage dealt.

<p> Leeches 50% of the damage dealt and adds to the user HP, rounded down. No other effect. However, if this move breaks a Substitute, no HP will be restored. Also, if the target has the ability Liquid Ooze no HP will be restored and the user will take damage instead. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Drain Punch is a move that reborn alongside with Gen. V; it was almost unknown previously because it had a fairly weak Base Power and low PP. In this Generation it was boosted to 75 Base Power and 16 PP, that alone gave the move a new breath of life and is right know used on most Fighting-types, most of the time alongside Bulk Up. Obvious mentions goes to Conkeldurr and Gallade both Pokemon have enough bulk to set up at least one turn and slowly recover their lost health with Drain Punch and Leftovers, the fact that both can use a priority move can also improve their survival by a great amount. </p>

<p>Toxicroak is another prominent new user, thanks to Drizzle, Dry skin and this improved move. As long it is in perma rain, it will abuse the passive recover it gets, while alternating between Substitute and Drain Punch to slowly decimates the foe’s health.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Giga Drain is a special Grass-type equivalent. </p>

Leeches 50% of the damage dealt. Only works on a sleeping Pokemon.

<p> Leeches 50% of the damage dealt and adds to the user HP, rounded down. Only works on a sleeping Pokemon. However, if this move breaks a Substitute, no HP will be restored. Also, if the target has the ability Liquid Ooze no HP will be restored and the user will take damage instead. It does not affect Dark-type Pokemon even if they are asleep. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p> There isn’t much competitive value for this move, it requires two very specific situations to work: first the target needs to already be asleep, otherwise it won’t work and second it can’t be a Dark-type. As soon as you put a Pokemon to sleep (an already difficult task considering the majority of sleep inducing moves available) your opponent can simply switch out to make Dream Eater useless and thanks to sleep-clause you can’t put another one to sleep, making this strategy useless. Sleep is such a powerful status condition that most of times it’s better to use the guaranteed one sleep turn to get a frail sweeper in the field for free or using a set up move of your own. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Nightmare is a similar Ghost-type move that also only takes affect if the target is asleep, it will do 1/4 of the target's max HP per turn.</p>

No additional effect.

<p>This move simply does damage, no other effect. In triple battles it can hit non-adjacent Pokemon.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p> Drill Peck it’s an often forgotten move in the competitive environment, namely because of Brave Bird raw power and the fact that most users of Drill Peck also have access to Brave Bird. The only exception being Fearow that it’s incompatible with it and have to use Drill Peck, regardless. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Dragon Claw is a Dragon-type equivalent. </p>
</p>Seed Bomb is a Grass-type equivalent. </p>
<p>Crunch is a Dark-type equivalent, but has a chance to lower the target's Defense. </p>
<p>Poison Jab is a Poison-type equivalent. </p>
<p>Iron Head is a Steel-type equivalent. </p>
</p>Strength is a Normal-type equivalent. </p>
<p>X-Scissor is a Bug-type equivalent. </p>

Has a high critical hit rate.

<p>This move does damage with a high critical hit chance. No other effect. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Not a common sight in the competitive scene. Note that it’s not because it’s a bad move, actually is a pretty decent one on paper, being Ground-type, with good accuracy and a high chance to land a critical hit. Unfortunately the merits end here; it has an average Base Power and is obscenely bad distributed, with only 3 fully evolved users: Fearow, Rhyperior and Excadrill. Two of them have Earthquake at they disposal (a clearly better option) so the only real user is Fearow, albeit not a good one too. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Earthquake is a more powerful option, with perfect accuracy and much better distribution. </p>

Hits two times in one turn.

<p> This move hits two times on the same turn, no other effect. As for contact abilities every hit has an individual chance to active it, the same happens with the critical hit chance. The first hit will activate the foe Focus Sash, Focus Band or Sturdy and the subsequent hit may KO the target. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A new move introduced in Gen. V. Dual Chop hits two times on the same turn, with Garchomp and Haxorus being the only fully evolved users. Theoretically, it could be used to break Substitutes but the users have more outrageous (yes, pun intended) options for an attack and this move is often forgotten. For the reasons stated, is rarely seen in a competitive battle. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Outrage is a much more powerful alternative that locks the user in it for 2-3 turns. </p>
<p>Dragon Claw is another option, with no additional effect. </p>
<p>Double Hit is a Normal-type clone with less Base Power. </p>
<p>Double Kick is a Fighting-type equivalent with less Base Power and perfect accuracy. </p>

Confuses the target.

<p>This move does damage, with a guaranteed chance to induce confusion if it hits, as long as the target does not have the Own Tempo ability or is protected by Safeguard. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A interesting move, DynamicPunch guarantee a confusion as long it hits, a tricky situation considering the 50% accuracy in normal conditions. Thus, the only real users are the ones on Machamp’s line since they have the No Guard, an ability that ignore the accuracy and evasion modifiers making the users always hit their attacks, and can use it as a main STAB option. Most of the time it will force hax to the opponent’s side, which can guarantee a free turn to overpower the opponent’s counter. </p>

<p>While the Gravity move is on play DynamicPunch gains a decent 83% accuracy and so can be used to a bigger extent. The problem now is that there is literally no Pokemon to use it well, and Gravity is such a obscure, hard to use field effect, that you will probably never see it in most competitive matches.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Zap Cannon is an Electric-type equivalent, but inflicts paralysis and has a 120 Base Power. <p>
<p>Inferno is a Fire-type equivalent, but inflicts burn instead. </p>

Type is dependant of the user’s held Plate item.

<p>This move does damage and the type will change to match the user’s held Plate item. No other effect. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Arceus exclusive attack, it’s a 100% accuracy move that will change types depending of his held Plate. Is often used on Calm Mind sets when Arceus needs a reliable STAB option which he would not have access in another way. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>No related moves. </p>

If it misses, user’s loses HP equal to 1/2 the user’s max HP.

<p>This move does damage and if misses or the target uses Protect or Detect it will make the user crash dealing a 1/2 recoil of the user’s max HP, rounded down. It’s boosted by the Reckless ability in 20%. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Jump Kick is a decent move, in this Generation transition it was boosted to 85 Base Power, becoming a valid option. It has poor distribution and considering notable would-be users like Mienshao and Hitmonlee also have access to the much more powerful Hi Jump Kick, the only real user would be Sawsbuck. He would use it as a coverage option to deal with Pokemon that resists his STAB moves. But even he got better options between Horn Leech, Double-Edge and Nature Power that, in Wi-Fi matches and in the simulator, becomes Earthquake. So there is no recommended situation to use this move. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Hi Jump Kick is a more powerful option, with 130 Base Power, 90% accuracy and the same amount of recoil if it misses. </p>

Has a high critical hit rate.

<p>This move does damage with a high chance to land a critical hit. No other effect. </p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Not a useful move competitively speaking, low Base Power and bad distribution essentially killed it. Only with five fully evolved users available and every single one of them have a better option for a Fighting-Type moveslot and no reason whatsoever to use it. At all. For the reasons stated you are better off using another of the numerous Fighting-type moves available. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Poison Tail is a Poison-type equivalent, but with an additional 10% chance to poison. </p>

Will do the rest of the letter "K" later. Also I'm reserving every move that starts with the letters "O", "Q" and "U"
Doing the rest of the Fire- moves.
10% chance to flinch opponent. 10% chance to burn opponent.
<p>This move deals damage and has a 10% chance to flinch the target as well as a 10% chance to burn the target. No other effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fire Fang is less powerful than other physical Fire-type moves such as Fire Punch and Flare Blitz. Therefore, it is only used on Pokemon such as Garchomp that lack other Fire-type attacking options.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Ice Fang is an Ice-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Thunder Fang is an Electric-type equivalent.</p>
Can combine with Water Pledge and Grass Pledge.
<p>This move deals damage. When used with Water Pledge, it doubles the effect chance of friendly Pokemon's moves for four turns. When used with Grass Pledge, it damages the opposing Pokemon for 1/8 their max HP every turn for four turns.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fire Pledge is fairly useless in singles play, as all of the Pokemon that have access to it have Flamethrower and Fire Blast as superior options. However, in Doubles, it can be used together with Water Pledge to double the effect chance of your side's moves. This can allow Pokemon on your side with flinching moves to act as a pseudo-Jirachi, abusing the 60% chance of your opponent flinching. This can also be used to take advantage of additional statuses when attacking.</p>
<p>When used together with Grass Pledge, Fire Pledge provides additional residual damage. This helps to wear down the opponent, although stall is not as effective a strategy in doubles.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Grass Pledge is a Grass-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Water Pledge is a Water-type equivalent.</p>
10% chance to burn opponent.
<p>This move deals damage and has a 10% chance to burn the target. No other effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fire Punch is a reliable physical Fire-type move when the recoil from Flare Blitz is undesirable. However, its power is lacking unless backed by STAB or a high Attack stat.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Ice Punch is an Ice-type equivalent.</p>
<p>ThunderPunch is an Electric-type equivalent.</p>
Traps and damages over multiple turns.
<p>This move lasts for 2-5 turns as a passive effect, so the user can choose other moves after using this while it is still in effect. It does 1/16 damage at the end of the turn for each turn in effect, and prevents the target from switching. The effect goes away when the user switches, even if the 2-5 turn counter isn't up. The end-of-turn effect does not thaw frozen Pokemon.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fire Spin can be used to trap a Pokemon on the switch, allowing you to ensure that your counter comes in on that Pokemon, or allowing you to set up on a Pokemon that cannot touch you while it is trapped. However, as the incoming pokemon will likely be a counter, Fire Spin will only obtain you a small amount of residual damage until you switch out.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Magma Storm is a much more powerful equivalent.</p>
<p>Bind and Wrap are both Normal-type equivalents.</p>
<p>Sand Tomb is a Ground-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Whirlpool is a Water-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Clamp is a Water-type equivalent, but with more power.</p>
I'll also edit in all of the other Pledges as they might as well be in the same writing style.

EDIT: Reserving all of the "W" moves except Waterfall.

Can combine with Water Pledge and Fire Pledge.
<p>This move deals damage. When used with Fire Pledge, it damages the opposing Pokemon for 1/8 their max HP every turn for four turns. When used with Water Pledge, it halves opposing Pokemon's Speed for four turns.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Grass Pledge is fairly useless in singles play, as the Pokemon that have access to it have superior options such as Giga Drain or Energy Ball. However, in Doubles, it can be used together with Fire Pledge to stack up residual damage on your opponent's side of the field, assisting in wearing down the opponent. When used together with Water Pledge, Grass Pledge can also be used to slow down the opponent; this is helpful to assist slower Pokemon on teams that would rather not run Trick Room. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Fire Pledge is a Fire-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Water Pledge is a Water-type equivalent.</p>
Can combine with Grass Pledge and Fire Pledge.
<p>This move deals damage. When used with Fire Pledge, it doubles the effect chance of friendly Pokemon's moves for four turns. When used with Grass Pledge, it halves opposing Pokemon's Speed for four turns.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Water Pledge is fairly useless in singles play, as the Pokemon that have access to it have superior options such as Surf, Scald, or Hydro Pump. However, in Doubles, it can be used together with Fire Pledge to double the effect chance of your side's moves. When used together with Grass Pledge, Water Pledge can also be used to slow down the opponent; this is helpful to assist slower Pokemon on teams that would rather not run Trick Room. </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Fire Pledge is a Fire-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Grass Pledge is a Grass-type equivalent.</p>
No additional effect.

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Acid is a Poison-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Acid Spray is a Poison-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Echoed Voice is a Normal-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Gust is a Flying-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Ember is a Fire-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Powder Snow is an Ice-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Thundershock is an Electric-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Twister is a Dragon-type equivalent.</p>
<p>Mega Drain is a Grass-type equivalent.</p>
20% chance to confuse opponent.
<p>This move deals damage and has a 20% chance to confuse the target. No other effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The only viable competitive use of this move is on Serene Grace Jirachi in rain, as Surf, Scald, and Hydro Pump are all superior options.</p>
Fire-type attacks do 50% less damage.
<p>This move halves the power of Fire-type attacks until the Pokemon switches out.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This move, along with its Ground-type counterpart, Mud Sport, is fairly useless; most Pokemon that have access to Water Sport already resist Fire, and the ones that don't can just run Rain Dance.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Mud Sport is a Ground-type equivalent.</p>
Does less damage as the user's HP decreases.
<p>The formula for the power is 150 * Current HP / Max HP. At 100% health, therefore, the power is 150.<p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This move has the potential to be immensely powerful as long as you can keep the user from being damaged. It is often used on Kyogre to deal massive damage to the opposition; however, in the long run, Hydro Pump and Surf are both superior, more reliable options.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Eruption is a Fire-type equivalent.</p>
Doubles in power and changes type if there is weather.
<p>Under Sun, Weather Ball is a 100 BP Fire-type attack.<p>
<p>Under Rain, Weather Ball is a 100 BP Water-type attack.<p>
<p>Under Sand, Weather Ball is a 100 BP Rock-type attack.<p>
<p>Under Hail, Weather Ball is a 100 BP Ice-type attack.<p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This move is only useful on weather-reliant sweepers such as Victreebel that can use Weather Ball for a more powerful coverage move than Hidden Power.</p>
Reserving the Arceus plates.

Boosts the power of Dragon-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Dragon-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Dragon-type moves by 20% with the exception of Dragon Rage. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Dragon.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Arceus can take advantage of this item to become a potent offensive threat. Being the fastest Dragon-type Pokemon in the entire game is no small threat, and Arceus can abuse the power of Dragon-type STAB to the fullest with it's incredible stats and enormous movepool, allowing it to run both Swords Dance and Calm Mind sets effectively in the Ubers metagame.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Dragon-types find the power boost from Draco Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins, Route 13</p>
Boosts the power of Dark-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Dark-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Dark-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Dark.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Although Dark-type Arceus isn't as useful as Ghost-type Arceus, who has more useful immunities, Dark Arceus has the advantage of having no Pokemon immune to it's STAB. The Dread Plate turns Arceus into a fantastic Calm Mind abuser, and with the help of Recover and Refresh, it can oftentimes muscle through even the most solid of stall teams and defensive walls, sometimes by itself.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Dark-types find the power boost from Dread Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Ground-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Ground-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Ground-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Ground.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>An Arceus attached with the Earth Plate sees use on Rain teams who are in need of a bulky Ground-type, as Groudon brings crippling sun with Drought and Garchomp has a nasty weakness to Dragon-type moves. Ground Arceus is extremely versatile, bringing a useful immunity to Electric-type attacks as well as becoming one of the few counters to Zekrom. It is generally best used as a bulky Swords Dance user, although it can also pull off solid supporting and Calm Mind sets very well.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Ground-types find the power boost from Earth Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Fighting-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Fighting-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Fighting-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Fighting.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fighting Arceus generally isn't used or seen much due to the abundance of Psychic-types in the Ubers metagame. However, Fighting Arceus finds a nice niche for itself in being an excellent counter to many problematic threats, such as Darkrai, Ferrothorn, and Tyranitar, as well as being one of the few Arceus forms that can beat Blissey using a Calm Mind set without the aid of Refresh or Substitute. Unfortunately, Fighting Arceus suffers from being countered by quite a few extremely dangerous Pokemon, namely Mewtwo and Ho-Oh.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Fighting-types find the power boost from Fist Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Fire-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Fire-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Fire-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Fire.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Fire Arceus isn't very hot defensively due to it's weakness to Stealth Rock - however, as the fastest Fire-type in the game, Fire Arceus is a very dangerous offensive threat. It is capable of abusing sun to enflame its STAB Fire-type attacks, allowing to incinerate the opposition rather easily with its mighty hits. However, Fire Arceus is generally useless if the sun is not shining, and it has to compete with Ho-Oh and Reshiram for being a sun team's token Fire-type.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Fire-types find the power boost from Fire Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Ice-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Ice-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Ice-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Ice.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Sadly, Icicle Plate is generally useless even on Arceus as Ice Arceus is usually considered to be the worst Arceus form. Although having Ice-type STAB is rather useful, it is horrid defensively, and it burdens Arceus with many weaknesses with only one useless resistance, and weakness to Stealth Rock only seals the deal. Ice Arceus is only any use on Hail teams, but even then, it is better to use a different type in most cases.</p>

<p>In addition, most other Ice-types find the power boost from Icicle Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Bug-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Bug-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Bug-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Bug.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Despite Bug-type STAB being useful for covering both Psychic- and Dark-types in one move, Bug Arceus is outclassed most of the time by Ghost Arceus, who has the same resistances, better neutral coverage with its STAB, and no weakness to Stealth Rock. Fighting Arceus is also better as a Darkrai counter, and Bug Arceus is saddled with problematic weaknesses to Fire-, Flying-, and Rock-type moves.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Bug-types find the power boost from Insect Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Steel-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Steel-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Steel-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Steel.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>In a tier where Dragon-type attacks are slung around by nearly everything, Steel Arceus stands out at the sturdiest Steel-type in the game. It can take hits from nearly anything with its enormous set of resistances, including a valuable resistance to Dragon-type moves, and is an excellent wall and stallbreaker thanks to its resistance to Stealth Rock and immunity to Toxic. It is generally used as a Calm Mind sweeper and shuffler with Roar, but it can also use a decent Swords Dance set and take on a supporting role.</p>

<p>Iron Plate is also useful for Scizor, as it boosts the power of Bullet Punch, its main sweeping attack, without the recoil damage of Life Orb. This affords the Steel- and Bug-type Pokemon a solid power boost while still being able to switch in many times if needed.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Grass-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Grass-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Grass-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Grass.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Grass Arceus is a very solid supporting Pokemon. It brings a useful slew of resistances that allow it to combat dangerous threats such as Groudon, Garchomp, Terrakion, Zekrom, Rayquaza, and Kyogre, and in the rain it is even able to counter Palkia! However, it is hampered somewhat by its poor offensive STAB, at it is resisted by a lot of types and will be walled by something no matter what attacking combination it chooses.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Grass-types find the power boost from Meadow Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Psychic-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Psychic-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Psychic-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Psychic.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Looked down upon by some, Psychic Arceus is actually surprisingly capable. It is usually seen as a weaker, slower Mewtwo, and it is to an extent - but Psychic Arceus has far superior defenses, allowing it to make better use of Calm Mind while blasting through special walls with Psyshock. Psychic Arceus can also be made to counter Mewtwo effectively, able to take any hit with relative ease aside from a sun boosted Fire Blast. However, Psychic Arceus doesn't have a lot of resistances it can take advantage of, one of the reasons why it is usually passed up.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Psychic-types find the power boost from Mind Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Flying-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Flying-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Flying-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Flying.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Flying Arceus is immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes - a nice thing to have nowadays in Ubers - but is hindered much more by its lack of useful resistances and weakness to Stealth Rock. Its Flying-type STAB has solid neutal coverage when backed by Focus Blast, but Ghost Arceus packs better neutral coverage while having the same resistances and no weakness to Stealth Rock, so generally Flying Arceus will find itself outclassed.</p>

<p>Sky Plate is also useable on Flying-types such as Staraptor that rely on Brave Bird as their main attack, as it offers a nice power boost while not having the restrictions of Choice Band or the recoil of Life Orb. However, Choice Band is still usually better for the much higher increase in power.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Water-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Water-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Water-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Water.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Water Arceus is quite capable on rain teams - Water-type STAB has excellent coverage and is complemented well by Arceus's huge movepool, and it gets even more potent when boosted by the rain. However, Water Arceus's typing overlaps with Kyogre and Manaphy, and oftentimes, rain teams could make better use of an Arceus forme that has better defensive synergy with the rest of the team.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Water-types find the power boost from Splash Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins, Route 13</p>
Boosts the power of Ghost-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Ghost-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Ghost-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Ghost.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Ghost Arceus is amazingly versatile, capable of being splashed into many teams with any role one could possibly need. This isn't hard to see - Ghost-type STAB has excellent neutral coverage, and defensively it brings immunities to Normal- and Fighting-type moves, most notably Rapid Spin, making Ghost Arceus a staple on teams relying on entry hazards. It is also a deadly Calm Mind sweeper, gaining unresisted coverage with Judgment and Focus Blast, and can also dismantle most physical walls with a mighty Swords Dance set as well.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Ghost-types find the power boost from Spooky Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Rock-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Rock-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Rock-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Rock.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Rock Arceus's main use is to act as a counter to Ho-Oh and Reshiram, a feat no other Pokemon can truly claim. Rock Arceus also receives a boost to its Special Defense in sandstorm, making it into quite the tank and a very capable sweeper with Calm Mind or Swords Dance. Unfortunately, Rock Arceus's common weaknesses to Water-, Grass-, Ground-, and Fighting-type attacks hold it back somewhat from being a common threat.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Rock-types find the power boost from Stone Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Poison-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Poison-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Poison-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Poison.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Poison Arceus might seem like a joke at first due to Poison-type's horrible offensive coverage as well as the abundance of Psychic-types in Ubers, but it has a solid niche in being able to remove Toxic Spikes, crippling to most other Pokemon, just by stepping on the field. Its immunity to being poisoned also comes in handy elsewhere, allowing it to blow past walls such as Blissey quite easily with Calm Mind and act as a decent supporting Pokemon.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Poison-types find the power boost from Toxic Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Boosts the power of Electric-type moves. Changes Arceus into a Electric-type when held.

<p>A hold item that increases the base power of all Electric-type moves by 20%. When held by a Pokemon with the Multitype ability, the holder's type will change to Electric.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Electric Arceus is an incredibly potent offensive threat, despite being somewhat lackluster as a defensive Pokemon due to its lack of resistances. STAB Electric-type moves are incredibly potent in Ubers, and when bkaced by Ice Beam, Electric Arceus gains the infamous BoltBeam attacking combination, allowing it to lay waste to many other Pokemon with just a Calm Mind Boost. However, Electric Arceus will often find itself struggling to fight off special walls such as Blissey.</p>

<p>However, it is generally useless aside from Arceus, as most other Electric-types find the power boost from Zap Plate to be too menial.</p>

<p>Undersea Ruins</p>
Okay I give

I've spent the entire day trying to grammar check everything that's coming through here, but even I can see that this isn't going to work - and I won't be on holiday forever.

If any GP checkers can chime in and correct some of the more obvious errors in any of the entries that I haven't already checked, I'd be very grateful.

If not, I'll get around to all of them eventually.

EDIT: Please keep contributing however. It's nice to see this thread generating so much interest.
I'm going to do some abilities if it's fine.

Grants immunity to Fire-type moves and increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when hit by a Fire-type move.


<p>Flash Fire makes the user immune to Fire-type moves and increases the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when hit by a Fire-type move. Once the user is hit by a Fire-type move, Flash Fire activates. This ability has no effect while the Pokemon is frozen.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Flash Fire is a great ability. On teams that need to patch up a Fire-type weakness, Pokemon with this ability do a great job at doing so while also giving a big boost to their Fire-type moves. Activating Flash Fire under the sun makes for a devastating ability that inflicts massive damage, making Pokemon such as Chandelure and Heatran ridiculously powerful.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Storm Drain gives an immunity to Water-type moves and boosts Special Attack instead.</p>

The Pokemon gets a stat boost depending on its opponent's stats.


<p>Download raises either the Attack stat or Special Attack stat by one stage depending on the foe's lowest current defensive stat; it will raise the Special Attack stat if the foe's current Special Defense is lower than its current Defense stat. If the foe's Defense and Special Defense are equal, then the Special Attack stat is increased. Download will add the two opposing Pokémon's stats and calculate the lower stat between both in double battles.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Only three Pokemon have the ability Download, it being the Porygon evolution family. When Porygon-Z gets a Special Attack stat increase it will become a pretty threating sweeper. Download is a good ability to use for Agility sweeping because if the user gets a Special Attack stat increase it will be a nice pair with a Speed Stat increase from Agility making it not very easy to counter.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>

Prevents Steel-type Pokemon from switching. Increases the chance of encountering a Steel-type Pokemon in the wild.


<p>Magnet Pull traps Steel-type Pokémon, preventing them to switch out except if they have Shed Shell or using Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch.

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Magnet Pull is a great ability for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it can trap Scizor who is a very popular Pokemon. Secondly, it allows you to setup on those Steel-type Pokemon that are unable to harm you and even getting a Substitute up, making for a deadly sweep.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>

Moves targetting this Pokémon use one extra PP.


<p>Enemy attacks lose one extra PP. Increases wild encounter rate. This ability still affects moves that fail or miss. This Ability works even if the Pokémon is immune to the attack's type. Pressure also affects ally Pokémon in a double battle when using moves such as Earthquake or Surf. When this Pokémon enters battle, all participating trainers are notified that it has this ability.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Pressure can be helpful for PP stalling your opponent's moves and definitely comes in handy, but doesn't do anything else.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>

Heals 1/8 HP per turn when poisoned.


<p>If the Pokémon is poisoned or badly poisoned, it will gain 1/8 of its maximum HP at the end of each of its turns instead of taking damage.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Poison Heal combined with a Toxic Orb is a very effective way to recover HP. Poison Heal regains more HP than Leftovers. In general, Poison Heal is a great ability especially when used with a Toxic Orb. A nice trick to do with Poison Heal and equipped with a Toxic Orb is scout Protect to recover HP.</p>

<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
I'll do a-b of items except for Burn Drive.

Ability Urge
When used, it activates the Ability of an ally Pokémon.


<p>The Ability Urge activates the ability of an ally Pokemon in a double or triple battle that would normally only work under certain circumstances, or can reuse an ability such as Intimidate after the Pokemon with Intimidate has already been switched in</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Ability Urge item has no real competitive use. It can only be used in wifi battles because it is exclusive to Wonder Launcher. It is only useful when running and ability such as Chlorophyll or Swift Swim in a Wonder Launcher enabled doubles or triples battle on wifi, thus doubling your Pokemon's speed. It, even then, 3 points, being a total waste of time. Very useless.</p>

<p>Wonder Launcher only</p>

Absorb Bulb
A consumable bulb. If the holder is hit with a Water-type move, its Sp. Atk will rise.


<p>The Absorb Bulb boosts the holder's special attack by +1 when it is hit by a water move. The bulb is a one-use item.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This item is essentially useless when compared to items such as Life Orb and Choice Specs. It is essentially a one-time Storm Drain, but every Pokemon that could use it would much rather have Life Orb or Choice Specs.</p>

<p>Battle Subway</p>

Adamant Orb
A brightly gleaming orb to be held by Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves.


<p>The Adamant Orb boosts the power of Dialga's Dragon and Steel type moves when held by by Dialga by 20%. It does not apply to Dialga's non-Dragon or Steel type moves.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Adamant Orb is essentially useless in competitive play as Life Orb is just better, providing a 30% boost to all of Dialga's moves, as opposed to 20% just to Dragon and Steel moves on it. It can potentially be useful for bluffing a choice item, but expert belt is normally better at that.</p>

<p>Marvelous Bridge (given by the Shadow Triad)</p>

Aguav Berry
This Berry turns bitter toward the stem. The dainty flower it grows from doesn't absorb much sunlight.


<p>The Aguav Berry can be used, at 100% performance alone, to make a Level 22 bitter Poffin. This berry is not obtainable by any means in Generation V.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Aguav Berry has absolutely zero competitive use.</p>

<p>Dream World</p>

Air Balloon
When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon will float in the air. When the holder is attacked, the item will burst.


<p>The Air Balloon gives the holder an immunity to all ground-type moves. It pops once the user is hit by an attacking move. Indirect damage will not pop the Air Balloon, and neither will Ground-type moves used. The user is also not affected by Spikes or Toxic Spikes. The balloon's effect is negated when Gravity is in effect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Air Balloon is a great item for competitive use. It has a great use on Heatran, negating its 4x weakness to ground. It is also good on Rapid Spin Excadrill, negating its crippling ground type weakness and avoiding spikes(Toxic Spikes do not affect it because of its Steel type). It can pretty much be used on any Pokemon that does not like taking an Earthquake to the face. It can make many Pokemon that would otherwise lose to the likes of Landorus and Excadrill have the ability to counter them. Air Balloon does not prevent Stealth Rock damage, however, so keep that in mind when thinking you can use it on a Stealth Rock weak Pokemon to avoid Stealth Rocks. Air Balloon does make those sweepers lose their Life Orb, Lefties, or Choice item, making them lose out on extra power or extra recovery. Overall, the Air Balloon is an item that is good for sweepers with a ground type weakness that can afford to lose the power from a different item./p>

<p>Battle Subway</p>

Amulet Coin
An item to be held by a Pokémon. It doubles a battle's prize money if the holding Pokémon joins in.


<p>The Amulet coin doubles the prize money given by an in-game trainer when the Pokemon holding the item participates in the battle. It does not stack with Luck Incense.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Amulet Coin has absolutely zero competitive use, as you do not receive prize money in wifi battles or on simulator.</p>

<p>Castelia City (unite Dancers Edmond, Mickey, and Raymond)</p>

A spray-type medicine. It lifts the effect of poison from one Pokémon.


<p>The Antidote heals the status of poison from one Pokemon. The Antidote does not activate if a Pokemon holding an Antidote is poisoned.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>An antidote has no competitive use as it does not activate when it is a held item. However, it can be activated from Wonder Launcher on wifi for 4 points if you choose to play on wifi.</p>

<p>All PokeMarts after obtaining one badge/p>

Apicot Berry
This is a very, very mystifying Berry. There is no telling how it can be used, or what may happen if it is used.


<p>The Apicot Berry raises the user's special defense by +1 once the user is brought down to 1/4 or lower of its HP.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Apicot Berry is currently unavailable as it is one of the pinch berries introduced in Generation 3. The pinch berries were available in Generation 4 but are not yet available in Generation 5 as they are unreleased. It would not be as good as the pinch berries that rise attack, special attack, or speed at that range, and the custap berry that makes you move first, as defenses don't really help you at that range.</p>

<p>Very rarely found in Volcano Path after 8000+ steps. (Pokewalker HG/SS)(Most recent game area where the Apicot berry can be found.</p>

Armor Fossil
A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a collar.


<p>The Armor Fossil can be revived to make a Level 20 Shieldon.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Armor Fossil is useless in competitive battling as the Pokemon has to be revived to be used in competitive battling.</p>

<p>Twist Mountain</p>

Aspear Berry
This Berry's peel is hard, but the flesh inside is very juicy. It is distinguished by its bracing sourness.


<p>This Berry's peel is hard, but the flesh inside is very juicy. It is distinguished by its bracing sourness.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Aspear berry is generally useless, as there is no reliable freeze move. If you are even considering Aspear berry, use Lum Berry, which cures every status.</p>

<p>Dream World</p>

A spray-type medicine. It awakens a Pokémon from the clutches of sleep.


<p>It awakens a Pokemon from the sleep status when used. It does not activate when it is a held item.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>It is useless in competitive battling as it does activate when held. However, it is available on Wonder Launcher on wifi for 4 points.</p>

<p>All Poké Marts after obtaining one badge.</p>

Babiri Berry
This Berry is very tough with a strong flavor. It was used to make medicine by people in the past.


<p>The Babiri Berry cuts in half the power of super-effective Steel type moves.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Babiri Berry is essentially useless as only two types are weak to Steel, and steel type moves aren't that common besides Bullet Punch, Iron Head, and Gyro Ball. It is not even needed on those Pokemon that are weak to Steel.</p>

<p>Dream World</p>

Edit: more of the b items

A rare mushroom which gives off a nice fragrance. A maniac will buy it for a high price.


<p>The BalmMushroom can be sold to the maid in the trailer on Route 5 for 25000 Poke Dollars.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The BalmMushroom has no competitive value as it is sold for in-game prize money.</p>

<p>Striaton City (hidden), Abundant Shrine, held by wild Paras, wild Parasect, wild Foongus, and wild Amoonguss (1%)</p>

Belue Berry
This glossy and colorful Berry has a mouthwateringly delicious appearance. However, it is awfully sour.


<p>The Belue Berry is a Pokeblock/Poffin ingredient that is not available in Generation V.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>When the Belue Berry existed, there was no competitive use for it has Pokeblocks/Poffins do not affect competitive battling. </p>

<p>Rarely found in Big Forest after 2500+ steps.(Pokewalker) Sometimes found in Amity Square by a partner Pokémon. (DPPt)</p>

Berry Juice
A 100% pure juice made of Berries. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by just 20 points.


<p>Berry Juice restores the HP of a Pokemon by 20 points.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Berry Juice would only be used in Little Cup, where it was deemed broken nearly immediately and banned as Pokemon in Little Cup normally have around 20 HP.</p>

<p>Black City, Royal Unova</p>

IMPORTANT dont really have enough time to finish all these anything past berry juice in items is open
Increases this Pokemon's accuracy by 30% and increases the chance of finding items on wild Pokemon.
<p>This ability increases a move's accuracy by 30% multiplicatively, meaning moves such as Sleep powder have 75%*1.3=97.5%. When a Pokemon with this ability is first in the party, it will increase the chance of a wild Pokemon having an item.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>This ability is useful on pokemon with low accuracy moves, while many of the limited Pokemon have low accuracy moves. Galvantula and Butterfree get the best usage out of it, as Galvantula has a 70%*1.3= 91% accurate thunder, while Sleep powder has 97.5%. </p>

Prevents the use of Selfdestruct or Explosion. Prevents Aftermath from Dealing Damage
<p>This ability prohibits the use of Selfdesctruct or Explosion while this Pokemon is on the field.it also prevents Pokemon with Aftermath from dealing damage after it has died.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>While last generation this ability had some merit, the Explosion and Selfdestruct nerf of this generation make Damp near useless as almost no Pokemon ever run such moves anymore.</p>

Summons Permanent Rain.
<p>This ability summons permanent Rain which can only be removed by the abilities Sand Stream, Drought, and Snow Warning or the moves Sunny Day, Sandstorm, or Hail, while having a multitude of effects:
Increases Water-type attacks power by 50%
Decreases Fire-type attacks power by 50%
Requires SolarBeam to charge for two turns
Thunder and Hurricane have perfect accuracy
Moonlight, Synthesis, and Morning Sun only recover a quarter of the Pokemon's HP
Dry Skin heals the Pokemon's HP by 12.5% each turn
Hydration cures all Status conditions at the end of the turn
Pokemon with Rain Dish recover 6.25% of their max HP at the end of each turn
Swift Swim doubles the users Speed
Weather Ball becomes a 100 Base Power Water-type attack.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Drizzle is one of the biggest factors in any metagame it is allowed in with its permanent rain. It supports many pokemon with its multiude of effects. Many Electric-type Pokemon can now run Thunder over Thunderbolt, while the few Pokemon who have Hurricane can abuse a perfect accuracy 120 bp attack with great neutral coverage. Pokemon who are weak to Fire attacks can remove their weakness with the rain, while Water-type Pokemon can use their Double STAB water attacks to destroy the opponents team. In OU however, Drizzle cannot be used with Pokemon who use Swift swim, such as Kabutops and Kingdra, meaning people who want to use such a strategy must use the move Rain Dance.</p>
<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Drought is the Sun based equivalent
Snow Warning is the Hail based equivalent
Sand Stream is the Sand based equivalent</p>

Summons Permanent Sun.
<p>This ability summons permanent Sun which can only be removed by the abilities Sand Stream, Drizzle, and Snow Warning or the moves Rain Dance, Sandstorm, or Hail, while having a multitude of effects:
Increases Fire-type attacks power by 50%
Decreases Water-type attacks power by 50%
Removes the charge turn of SolarBeam.
Growth doubles both Attack and Special Attack
Thunder and Hurricane have become 50% accurate
Moonlight, Synthesis, and Morning Sun only recover a two thirds of the Pokemon's HP
Pokemon with Dry Skin lose 12.5% HP each turn
Solar Power increases users Special Attackers by 1.5x while decreasing HP by 12.5% of the users max HP every turn.
Leaf Guard protects the user from Status afflictions that are not self-induced
Chlorophyll doubles the users Speed
Pokemon with the Flower Gift ability have their Attack and Special Attack boosted by 1.5x
Weather Ball becomes a 100 Base Power Fire-type attack.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Drought is one of the biggest factors in any metagame capable of using it. Its permanent Sunlight supports many pokemon with its multiude of effects. Many Grass-type Pokemon can now run Solarbeam without drawbacks, while many get their speed boosted by Chlorophyll. Fire-type Pokemon can blast opposing Pokemon away with their Double STAB Fire attacks, while also losing their Water-type weakness.</p>
<h2>Related Abilities</h2>
<p>Drizzle is the Rain based equivalent
Snow Warning is the Hail based equivalent
Sand Stream is the Sand based equivalent</p>
The Pokemon absorbs Water-type attacks and has a weakness to Fire-type moves. Heals in rain and is damaged by sun.
<p>Pokemon with this ability take double damage from Fire-type attacks, while absorbing and healing a quarter of its health when it comes in on a Water-type attack. In the Rain, Pokemon with this ability gain 12.5% of its health, they lose 12.5% of their health in Sunny conditions.</p>
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Dry Skin is a great ability where Drizzle is usable. Despite the limited distribution of Dry Skin, Pokemon can easily use the 12.5% health regain to their advantage. Toxicroak is the most notable user of this ability, as it can easy abuse Substitutes and set up Swords Dances to sweep.</p>
Recudes Sleep time by 50%
<p>Pokemon with this ability will remain asleep for half as long as it normally would, including user-induced sleep caused by moves such as Rest.
<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Despite being a decent ability, many of the Pokemon who get this ability cannot utilize it well because they either get a better secondary ability. Sleep-inducing moves are also not very common, the most common being Spore, making this ability fairy unreliable without using Rest. Many Pokemon who do get this ability however are not bulky enough to take a hit to make this an effective strategy.</p>
ill take these. assuming there is not a limit

Dry Skin
Early Bird
Effect Spore
Flame Body
Flare Boost
Flash Fire
Huge Power
Hyper Cutter
Ice Body
Iron Fist
Keen Eye
Leaf Guard

I already did Flash Fire and Download.
i got a tail

Tail Glow
Boosts user’s Special Attack by 3 stages.
When used, the Special Attack stat of the user is raised by three stages. It will fail if used three times consecutively.

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Tail Glow is a powerful move. It boosts a stat that holds really dangerous moves, such as Draco Meteor, Surf and Fire Blast, and then, it’s given to a Pokemon like Manaphy, who is a Special Attack beast. It’s also given to Pokemon like Volbeat and Smeargle, who can set up and Baton Pass out.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Nasty Plot is similar, boosting the same stat two stages. Calm Mind only boosts one stage, but also boosts Special Defense.</p>
Tail Slap
Hits 2-5 times in one turn.
When used, the user attacks 2-5 times, determined by a RNG. It counts as one attack, but can break through Focus Sash and Sturdy.

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>While it looks like an amazing move, it’s normal typing and horribly low power just kill it.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>Arm Thrust and friends are similar, but they all have different power, different typing, or whatever.</p>
Tail Whip
Loweres target’s defense by one stage.
When used, the targets defense stat drops one stage.

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p> </p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>I can’t think of any.</p>
Doubles Speed of the user’s team for 4 turns.
When used, the team of the user will have their speed doubled for 4 turns, maximum.

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>While it seems like a good move, it’s only good use is in doubles.</p>

<h2>Related Moves</h2>
<p>There are no moves that boost an entire teams Speed Stat, unless the move is Sandstorm and you have six Pokemon with Sand Rush.</p>
I would like to reserve the wings and the abilities plus and minus if they havent been taken already!
Reserving the items that start with C.

Adds 10 EVs to Special Attack.


<p>Increases Special Attack effort by 10, but won't increase it beyond 100. Increases happiness by 5/3/2.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Calcium is helpful for the first 100 Special Attack EVs of your Pokemon if you don't want to EV train your Pokemon.</p>

<p>Various Locations, Battle Subway, Shopping Mall Nine</p>

Adds 10 EVs to Speed.


<p>Increases Speed effort by 10, but won't increase it beyond 100. Increases happiness by 5/3/2.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Carbos is helpful for the first 100 Speed EVs of your Pokemon if you don't want to EV train your Pokemon.</p>

<p>Various Locations, Battle Subway, Shopping Mall Nine</p>

Removes all status effects from one Pokemon.


<p>Used to heal poison, paralysis, sleep, burn, confusion, and freeze.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Casteliacone is definitely not a competitive item. It isn't consumable, making it a total waste of an item. If you're looking for an item that heals all status conditions and actually works, use the Lum Berry.</p>

<p>Castelia City (every Tuesday except during winter)</p>

Boosts Special Attack of holder if hit by an Electric-type attack. One-time use.


<p>A one-time use item that raises the holder's Attack one stage when hit by an Electric-type attack.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Cell Battery isn't a very good item for competitive use and it's only a one-time use to make it worse. You're better off using a Life Orb.</p>

<p>Battle Subway, Opelucid City</p>

Raises power of Fire-type moves 20%.


<p>Boosts the power of Fire-type moves by 20% when held.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Charcoal isn't bad, but it isn't that good either and it's outclassed by Life Orb.</p>

<p>Nacrene City, Route 16</p>

Reduces damage from a super effective Rock-type attack by 50%. Consumed after use.


<p>Halves the effectiveness of a super effective Rock-type move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Charti Berry can be used if the Pokemon holding it has a Rock-weakness, but it is probably better to just add a Rock-resistant Pokemon to your team.</p>

<p>5% chance found on wild Taillow or Swellow.</p>

Cures paralysis. One-time use.


<p>A Cheri Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can instantly cure it of paralysis, or it can be used as an item to cure paralysis.
When used in conjunction with Natural Gift, a Cheri Berry take on the Fire-type with a power of sixty.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Cheri Berry isn't that great of an item. If you're so worried about getting paralyzed, you're better off just adding a Ground-type Pokemon to your team, but beware of Jirachi's with Body Slam.</p>

<p>Route 6, Studio Castelia in Castelia City</p>

Ball that event Pokemon come in.


<p>Contains event Pokémon. 1x Catch rate.</p>


Cures sleep. One-time use.


<p>A Chesto Berry, if held by a Pokémon, can instantly cure it of sleep, or it can be used as an item to cure sleep.
When used in conjunction with Natural Gift, a Chesto Berry take on the Water-type with a power of sixty.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Chesto Berry is a pretty good item. ChestoRest users make very good use of this item such as Volcarona who is naturally bulky. A Chesto Berry is also good to use against Pokemon that like to induce sleep such as Roserade and Politoed.</p>

<p>Naqrene City, Studio Castelia in Castelia City</p>

Reduces damage from a Normal-type attack by 50%. Consumed after use.


<p>When this Pokemon is hit by a Normal-type move, the damage is reduced by 50%, even if the move hits for not very effective damage. This only reduces the damage of the first hit of a multi-hit attack. This item is consumed after use. If this item is recovered via Recycle, it can activate again. Provides a one-time 60 power Normal attack when a Pokemon holding this item uses Natural Gift.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Chilan Berry isn't good, Normal-type moves aren't used that much, and when they are, it's best to use a Ghost-type Pokemon.</p>


Changes the type of Techno Blast to Ice.


<p>Makes Techno Blast a Ice-type move if held by Genesect.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>Chill Drive isn't really that great. Genesect already has Ice Beam which so making Techno Blast a Ice-type move is a waste of an item.</p>

<p>P2 Labrotory</p>

Reduces damage from a super effective Fighting-type attack by 50%. Consumed after use.


<p>Halves the effectiveness of a super effective Fighting-type move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Chople Berry is a decent item to use on Tyranitar because opposing Deoxy's like to come in and Superpower/Focus Blast Tyranitar. </p>


Can be revived into Anorith.


<p>If given to a man in the Oreburgh Museum or the Pewter Museum of Science it will be revived into a level 20 Anorith. Has no effect in battle.</p>

<p>Twist Mountain</p>

Reduces the rate of encounters with wild Pokemon.


<p>Lowers the encounter rate of wild Pokémon with a lower level than the holder, if the holder is first member in the player's party.</p>

<p>Iciruss City.</p>

Adds 1 EV to Special Defense.


<p>Adds 1 Special Defense EV to the target Pokémon per use, until it has 255 Special Defense EVs.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Clever Wing can come in helpful if you don't feel like EV training your Pokemon.</p>

<p>Flying Pokémon's shadows</p>

Reduces damage from a super effective Flying-type attack by 50%. Consumed after use.


<p>Halves the effectiveness of a super effective Flying-type move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Coba Berry isn't a good item. The only commonly used Flying-type move is Hurricane and should be countered by a Pokemon that resists it instead.</p>


Reduces damage from a super effective Dark-type attack by 50%. Consumed after use.


<p>Halves the effectiveness of a super effective Dark-type move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Colbur Berry isn't bad, but it's not a great item either. Most teams should be able to make a switch in on a Dark-type move.</p>


Can be sold to maniac in Icirrus City for 60000 Poké Dollars. No other use.


<p>Does absolutely nothing.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>

<p>Giant Chasm, held by wild Clefairy, wild Clefable, wild Cleffa, wild Lunatone, and wild Solrock (1%)</p>

No use. Unobtainable in BW.


<p>Pokéblock/Poffin ingredient.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>

<p>HGSS: Fuchsia City, DPP: Amity Square, Berry Master, RSE: Berry Master</p>

Can be revived into Tirtouga.


<p>When taken to Nacrene City Musem, this fossil will be revived into the Pokémon Tirtouga.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>

<p>Relic Castle</p>

Activates at 25% HP. Next move used goes first. One-time use.


<p>The Custap Berry activates when the Pokemon uses a move if the Pokemon began the turn with 25% health or less. On that turn, this Pokemon will move before other Pokemon using moves of the same priority. Higher priority moves will still always go before lower priority moves, regardless of Custap Berry. Using Pursuit against a Pokemon that is switching out does not activate Custap Berry.

Provides a one-time 80 power Ghost attack when a Pokemon holding this item uses Natural Gift.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>A Custap Berry isn't a very good item. It can be useful though sometimes. On slower Pokemon, a Custap Berry can work as priority, but it's a one-time use which really isn't nice.</p>

<p>Event-only; 11th Movie, Toys "R" Us, 13th Movie</p>
Reserving the TMs and HMs.

Teaches Cut.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Cut to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Cut can be used to chop down certain trees that block paths to required areas.</p>

<p>Fennel gives it to you after obtaining the first Gym Badge.</p>
Teaches Fly.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Fly to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Fly can be used to return to any previously visited town.</p>

<p>Bianca gives it to you in Drfitveil City after defeating her in a battle.</p>
Teaches Surf.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Surf to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Surf can be used to travel over water.</p>

<p>Alder gives it to you after defeating Cheren at Twist Mountain.</p>
Teaches Strength.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Strength to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Strength can be used to push certain boulders out of the way.</p>

<p>A man in Nimbasa City hands it over.</p>
Teaches Waterfall.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Waterfall to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Waterfall can be used to scale waterfalls.</p>

<p>Route 18.</p>
Teaches Dive.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Dive to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. In the overworld, Dive can be used to access the Undersea Ruins near Undella Town.</p>

<p>Undella Town.</p>
Teaches Hone Claws.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Hone Claws to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Cold Storage Freezer - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Dragon Claw.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Dragon Claw to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Victory Road.</p>
Teaches Psyshock.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Psyshock to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Giant Chasm.</p>
Teaches Calm Mind.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Calm Mind to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Relic Castle - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Roar.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Roar to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 10.</p>
Teaches Toxic.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Toxic to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 17.</p>
Teaches Hail.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Hail to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton PokeMart for 50,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Bulk Up.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Bulk Up to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 14 - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Venoshock.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Venoshock to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 15.</p>
Teaches Hidden Power.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Hidden Power to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Professor Juniper gives it to you in Nuvema Town after you have seen 100 different Pokemon.</p>
Teaches Sunny Day.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Sunny Day to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton PokeMart for 50,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Taunt.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Taunt to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Victory Road.</p>
Teaches Ice Beam.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Ice Beam to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Giant Chasm.</p>
Teaches Blizzard.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Blizzard to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Icirrus PokeMart for 70,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Hyper Beam.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Hyper Beam to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 9 Department Store for 90,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Light Screen.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Light Screen to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 30,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Protect.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Protect to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Professor Juniper gives it to you in Nuvema Town after you have seen 60 different Pokemon.</p>
Teaches Rain Dance.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rain Dance to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton PokeMart for 50,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Telekinesis.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Telekinesis to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 18.</p>
Teaches Safeguard.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Safeguard to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 30,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Frustration.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Frustration to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 10,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Solarbeam.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Solarbeam to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Pinwheel Forest.</p>
Teaches Smack Down.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Smack Down to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 36 BP.</p>
Teaches Thunderbolt.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Thunderbolt to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>P2 Laboratory.</p>
Teaches Thunder.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Thunder to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Icirrus PokeMart for 70,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Earthquake.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Earthquake to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Relic Castle.</p>
Teaches Return.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Return to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 10,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Dig.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Dig to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move. It can be used in the overworld to escape from caves.</p>

<p>Route 4.</p>
Teaches Psychic.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Psychic to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 13.</p>
Teaches Shadow Ball.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Shadow Ball to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Relic Castle.</p>
Teaches Brick Break.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Brick Break to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Icirrus City.</p>
Teaches Double Team.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Double Team to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 18 - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Reflect.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Reflect to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 30,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Sludge Wave.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Sludge Wave to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Flamethrower.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Flamethrower to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Abundant Shrine.</p>
Teaches Sludge Bomb.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Sludge Bomb to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 8.</p>
Teaches Sandstorm.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Sandstorm to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton PokeMart for 50,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Fire Blast.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Fire Blast to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Icirrus PokeMart for 70,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Rock Tomb.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rock Tomb to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Desert Resort.</p>
Teaches Aerial Ace.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Aerial Ace to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton City runway.</p>
Teaches Torment.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Torment to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 4.</p>
Teaches Facade.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Facade to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 8.</p>
Teaches Flame Charge.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Flame Charge to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Tubeline Bridge.</p>
Teaches Rest.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rest to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Castelia City - one of the skyscrapers (11th floor).</p>
Teaches Attract.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Attract to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Castelia City - party.</p>
Teaches Thief.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Thief to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Wellspring Cave.</p>
Teaches Low Sweep.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Low Sweep to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Wellspring Cave.</p>
Teaches Round.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Round to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 36 BP.</p>
Teaches Echoed Voice.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Echoed Voice to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa City - Musical Hall.</p>
Teaches Overheat.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Overheat to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 11.</p>
Teaches Ally Switch.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Ally Switch to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Focus Blast.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Focus Blast to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Wellspring Cave.</p>
Teaches Energy Ball.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Energy Ball to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 12.</p>
Teaches False Swipe.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move False Swipe to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Professor Juniper gives it to you in Nuvema Town after seeing 30 different kinds of Pokemon.</p>
Teaches Scald.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Scald to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Cold Storage Freezer.</p>
Teaches Fling.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Fling to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Tubeline Bridge.</p>
Teaches Charge Beam.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Charge Beam to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 7.</p>
Teaches Sky Drop.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Sky Drop to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton City.</p>
Teaches Incinerate.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Incinerate to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Quash.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Quash to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Will-O-Wisp.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Will-O-Wisp to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Celestial Tower.</p>
Teaches Acrobatics.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Acrobatics to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Mistralton City Gym.</p>
Teaches Embargo.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Embargo to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Dragonspiral Tower.</p>
Teaches Explosion.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Explosion to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Shadow Claw.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Shadow Claw to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Celestial Tower.</p>
Teaches Payback.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Payback to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 16.</p>
Teaches Retaliate.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Retaliate to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nacrene City Gym.</p>
Teaches Giga Impact.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Giga Impact to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 9 Department Store for 90,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Rock Polish.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rock Polish to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Chargestone Cave - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Flash.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Flash to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Castelia City.</p>
Teaches Stone Edge.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Stone Edge to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Challenger's Cave.</p>
Teaches Volt Switch.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Volt Switch to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa City Gym.</p>
Teaches Thunder Wave.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Thunder Wave to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa PokeMart for 10,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Gyro Ball.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Gyro Ball to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Nimbasa City for 10,000 dollars.</p>
Teaches Swords Dance.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Swords Dance to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Dreamyard - Gift from Plasma Sage.</p>
Teaches Struggle Bug.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Struggle Bug to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Castelia City Gym.</p>
Teaches Psych Up.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Psych Up to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 48 BP.</p>
Teaches Bulldoze.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Bulldoze to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Driftveil City Gym.</p>
Teaches Frost Breath.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Frost Breath to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Icirrus City Gym.</p>
Teaches Rock Slide.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rock Slide to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Dreamyard - Mistralton Cave.</p>
Teaches X-scissor.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move X-scissor to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 7.</p>
Teaches Dragon Tail.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Dragon Tail to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Opelucid City Gym.</p>
Teaches Work Up.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Work Up to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Striation City Gym.</p>
Teaches Poison Jab.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Poison Jab to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Route 6.</p>
Teaches Dream Eater.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Dream Eater to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

Teaches Grass Knot.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Grass Knot to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Pinwheel Forest.</p>
Teaches Swagger.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Swagger to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 36 BP.</p>
Teaches Pluck.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Pluck to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Battle Subway for 36 BP.</p>
Teaches U-turn.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move U-turn to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Given to you by a girl on Route 13 after returning all three Goods to the Wingull.</p>
Teaches Substitute.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Substitute to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Twist Mountain - winter only.</p>
Teaches Flash Cannon.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Flash Cannon to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Twist Mountain.</p>
Teaches Trick Room.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Trick Room to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Abundant Shrine.</p>
Teaches Wild Charge.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Wild Charge to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Victory Road.</p>
Teaches Rock Smash.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Rock Smash to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Pinwheel Forest.</p>
Teaches Snarl.

<p>A device that can be used to teach the move Snarl to a Pokemon that is compatible with the move.</p>

<p>Given to you by Mr. Lock in Castelia City after giving him the Lock Capsule. This TM is only available through an event and it is currently unreleased.</p>
Raises power of Dragon-type moves 20%.


<p>Boosts the power of Dragon-type moves by 20% when held.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>In a way, the Dragon Fang can be used if you want to power up you're Dragon-type move, but Life Orb is probably better. </p>

<p>Dragonspiral Tower</p>

Raises the power of a Dragon-type move by 50%. One-time use.


<p>Increases the power of the holder's first Dragon-type move by 50%, and is consumed after use.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>The Dragon Gem isn't a very good item considering it's a one-time use. You're better off using a Life Orb.</p>

<p>Dust cloud</p>

Evolves Seadra into Kingdra.


<p>Causes Seadra to evolve into Kingdra when traded.</p>

<p>Route 13, Route 18</p>

Part of the storyline in BW. No other use.


<p>Part of the storyline in BW. No other use.</p>

<p>Receive from Team Plasma in Pinwheel Forest.</p>

Raises power of the holder's Dark-type moves 20%. Pokemon with Multitype become Dark-type.


<p>Raises the power of Dark-type moves; Makes Arceus a Dark-type Pokémon and makes Judgment a Dark-type move.</p>

<h2>Competitive Use</h2>
<p>In a way, the Dread Plate can be used if you want to power up you're Dark-type move, but Life Orb is probably better. Also it is used if you want your Arceus a Dark-type.</p>

<p>Abyssal Ruins (1F)</p>

A ball used to catch Pokemon in the Entree Forest.


<p>Allows the player to catch Pokemon they befriended in the Dream World and imported into their game via Game Sync, the Pokemon are found in the Entree Forest located in the Entralink. It never fails to catch the Pokemon.</p>


Evolves Porygon2 into Porygon-Z.


<p>Causes Porygon2 to evolve into Porygon-Z when traded.</p>

<p>Route 13, P2 Laboratory</p>

No use. Unobtainable in BW.


<p>Pokéblock/Poffin ingredient.</p>

<p>HGSS: Given by a Juggler in Fuchsia City in exchange for a Green Shard.</p>