Discussions about Ninjask/Speed Pass tiering have been really dominating this thread lately and overshadowing other discussion, any chance we could get a seperate thread for tiering discussion to quarantine it?
I just wanted to piggyback off of this comment and remind everyone Ninjask isn't the issue. Nor is agility passing Zap, or Scizor or frankly any stat passing mon. The issue really should be pointed towards sand attack and not speed passing. Speed pass can be difficult to play around but it isn't damaging to the core of what makes ADV a greatly balanced and fun tier.
Evasion moves have long been seen as an unfun part of various tiers throughout the years. From double team/minimize, to Snow Cloak Articuno, these things were removed from the game because they were broken and uncompetitive. What does evasion allow you to do? Like sleep, or freeze, it allows free turns. In practice, this can allow any mon to setup and sweep, or at the very least, render an opposing mon useless.
People state that despite this, Ninjask isn't overly centralizing and retains low usage and is therefore not a problem. Ninjask isn't the issue, evasion strategies are. The existence of there being evasion counters does not change that the strategy is a massive hinderance to the health of the game. Again, a mere counter existing to a problem doesn't automatically mean it should stay legal. Smogon has shown a willingness in the past to move away from cart purity.
Sand attack/accuracy dropping and evasion moves are unfun. Having to prep for these strategies does not offer anything positive to the teambuilder. It removes the fun strategy that ADV is known for and allows for luck based plays. Where games come down to missing a now 50% or 75% attack, or switching out to preserve accuracy only to get sand attacked again, or have Ninjask switch to setup sweep. It makes for an unfun loop of gameplay that allows no room for mistakes, and hitting low accuracy moves to stop introducing RNG to the equation.
There are things you can do to limit sand attack and other evasion type strategies. No Accuracy Check moves like swift, phasing moves, and haze. There are other types of counters but these are the one's available in ADV. Haze is not really used, and moves like swift/aerial ace are never seen. And frankly should never be seen.
The main goal should be to keep the metagame healthy and fun. Even if a problem is not widespread, we should still limit things in the tier, for the sake of maintaining what makes the tier fun. And eliminating mechanics or strategies that hinder the competitive integrity to ADV. While majority of the time, sand attack may not make a significant impact on the game, there are situations that it will happen and at that point strategy is up in the air. Being behind a sub, with an evasion boost, and the ability to setup after being speed boosted has no business in ADV, an otherwise near flawless metagame.
I hope a new thread is created to focus in on this mechanic and have something done about it.