Arceus-Ground is one of the premier Pokemon in the Anything Goes metagame, and for good reason. With a variety of sets, a good typing, and the ability to counter Primal Groudon it has a solid niche in the metagame. Sadly, it loses to some top threats, such as Kyogre, but it remains an unpredictable Pokemon and a solid bulky sweeper.
name: Physical Sweeper
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Extreme Speed / Recover
item: Ground Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Swords Dance is the first move to boost your attack to sky-high levels. Earthquake is mandatory as a strong STAB that is further boosted by Earth Plate. Stone Edge is excellent coverage, hitting the many Flying-types in Anything Goes. Finally, Extreme Speed is a handy move for picking off weakened mons and doing some damage to a boosted Xerneas. Alternatively, Recover can be used to possibly go for a sweep twice and wall some weaker Pokemon and use them as set up bait.
Set Details
The EV spread is a very simple max/max in speed and attack, which is standard on most sweepers. Jolly is usually better to speed tie opposing Arceus, however the power boost from Adamant is useful in some cases, such as almost guaranteeing the OHKO on bulky Yveltal with Stone Edge after Stealth Rock. An alternative spread of 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe can be used in order to gain a little more bulk, while still outspeeding Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. This aids in set up, however not outspeeding Mega Rayquaza and opposing Arceus can be detrimental at times.
Usage Tips
Arceus-Ground should generally be brought in around mindgames to set up and bash things around. While it can sweep if necessary, it is usually more useful and creating holes for teammates to take advantage of. Good targets to set up on include Primal Groudon, Arceus-Steel, and Arceus-Poison. However, if you notice that the opposing team is rather weak to Arceus-Ground, you can save it for late game to use as a cleaner.
Team Options
Xerneas is a fantastic partner for Arceus-Ground as both demolish the other's checks, paving the way for one to sweep. Arceus-Fairy is another great teammate, eliminating annoying mons like Yveltal and Giratina, while it appreciates the removal of Steel-types and Fairy-types. Zekrom also works well, taking care of Lugia, Yveltal, and both formes of Kyogre and loving the ease with which Arceus-Ground dispatches its nemesis, Primal Groudon.
name: Special Sweeper
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Recover
item: Earth Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Modest
evs: 132 HP / 252 SpA / 124 Spe
Calm Mind boosts your Special Attack and Special Defense in order to attempt a sweep. Judgment is a hard-hitting STAB attack, and is generally the move you use the most. Ice Beam is for Flying-type Pokemon such as Yveltal, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Salamence, and Lugia who are immune to Judgment as well as hitting Giratina-O hard. Recover is used to allow you to heal damage done during set up and check Primal Groudon and Klefki better.
Set Details
Maximum Special Attack is used for wallbreaking, as sometimes you might not be able to get off a boost, so you can hit as hard as possible. The given Speed EVs outspeed Primal Groudon, and you can OHKO most variants with Judgment. The rest of the EVs are put in HP for more bulk. The EVs on this set are pretty customizable for the most part, as you can run maximum speed to tie opposing Arceus and outspeed Mega Rayquaza, or more invested in HP and Defense for increased bulk, which makes it easier to set up.
Usage Tips
Arceus-Ground should generally be brought in to sweep late game, after its checks are weakened. It can be brought in mid-game as well if you need it to check or damage certain Pokemon (Klefki and Primal Groudon come to mind), however make sure it is at a reasonable HP level when you switch it out to keep it healthy for later in the match.
Team Options
Arceus-Rock is a good teammate as Ho-Oh troubles this set. Bulky Water-types such as Primal Kyogre and Arceus-Water also make good teammates. Assault Vest Palkia is also a nifty teammate, checking and usually defeating or at least weakening both Kyogre and it's Primal forme.
name: Support
move 1: Defog
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Judgment
move 4: Recover
item: Earth Plate
ability: Multitype
nature: Modest
evs: 248 HP / 136 SpA / 124 Spe
Arceus-Ground is an excellent Defog user, as it resists Stealth Rock and some of the most common users can't do much to it. Will-O-Wisp allows it to cripple most common Stealth Rock users, and Primal Groudon is destroyed by Judgment. Recover allows you to function as a great switchin and check to Primal Groudon and Klefki.
Set Details
The given Speed EVs outspeed everything up to and including Primal Groudon, and the Special Attack EVs guarantee the OHKO on 248 HP / 8 SpD Primal Groudon. The remaining EVs are placed in HP, as you want to have some bulk in order to tank hits from some physical attackers and burn them.
Usage Tips
This Arceus-Ground should be brought in whenever necessary to remove hazards and spread burns. This usually happens around mid-game, after they have set hazards and just before you attempt to sweep with a teammate. Burning physical attackers is a great way to get sweepers in safely, either as they switch out or attack with a weakened move.
Team Options
Ho-Oh hardwalls this set, so Pokemon such as Arceus-Rock and Water-types such as Kyogre, Palkia, and Arceus-Water make good teammates. Defensive Pokemon such as Ho-Oh, Yveltal, and Lugia appreciate the hazard removal, as Stealth Rock does a large amount to all three. Sweepers such as Xerneas and Ekiller Arceus-Normal appreciate the free switches or set up opportunities Arceus-Ground provides, as well as the crippling or removal of their checks (Primal Groudon, Arceus-Steel, and Arceus-Poison for Xerneas and Giratina, Yveltal, Skarmory, and Ferrothorn for Arceus).
Other Options
Thunder can be used to hit Kyogre and Primal Kyogre on special attacking sets, however Ice Beam is generally preferred as coverage because of Mega Rayquaza. Stealth Rock can be used if you need a Stealth Rock setter, and Arceus-Ground is bulky enough to effectively pull off this role. Roar and Perish Song are both options to discourage evasion and Baton Pass teams. Magic Coat can be used to bounce back status used by Pokemon such as Darkrai, Smeargle, and Klefki, as well as entry hazards from the likes of Skarmory, Ferrothorn, opposing Arceus, and Primal Groudon.
Checks and Counters
**Water-types**: Choice Scarf Kyogre can easily revenge kill any Arceus-Ground set with its Rain-boosted Water-type STAB attacks. Primal Kyogre can tank hits from the special set all day long, and retaliate with a strong Origin Pulse. It dislikes eating Earthquake from the physical set though. Arceus-Water is bulky enough to withstand any hit and retaliate with a Super Effective Judgment.
**Bronzong**: Bronzong takes very little damage from anything Arceus-Ground does, and can set Stealth Rock and Toxic Arceus-Ground in return.
**Flying-types**: Flying types bulky enough to handle Arceus-Ground coverage can be difficult to handle. If Multiscale is intact, Lugia can come in and Whirlwind Arceus-Ground out easily. It does take a large chunk of damage from +2 Stone Edge and +2 Ice Beam however, but it still lives and phazes Arceus-Ground, and it can switch in as it boosts. Skarmory is able to hardwalls the physical set, not being 2HKOed by +2 Stone Edge and phasing Arceus-Ground. Ho-Oh can handle the special Arceus-Ground sets with its massive special bulk, and either Whirlwind it out or attempt to get a burn with Sacred Fire. It also completely hardwalls the support set but it must watch out for Stone Edge.
**Status users**: Toxic wears all three Arceus-Ground sets down very quickly and prevents it from doing too much damage. Burn damage is slightly more manageable for the Special Sweeper and Support sets, but it is still annoying to play around and it cripples the Physical Sweeper set.