Sign-Up Apprentice Program Signups: SV OU


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Welcome to Battling 101! If you're seeking a tutor for SV OU, you are in the right place. Please read all the rules carefully and fill out every part of the application.


  • You must be able to access Discord, or whatever your tutor wants as the primary form of communication.
  • You must be willing to use Pokemon Showdown! even if you are being tutored in a cartridge format such as Battle Spot or VGC.
  • You, the tutee, should have at least 15 posts before signing up AND your account's age should be a minimum of at least 1 month old before signing up.
    • This is not a strict requirement meaning you may still be paired without satisfying it, so no matter what, DO NOT spam post elsewhere in the forum. That is an infractable offense and we do not encourage such behavior from potential Tutees.
  • You must have battled competitively for a decent amount in at least ONE of the Smogon tiers or Battle Spot / VGC to sign up. Playing 10 or so matches on the PS! ladder is not substantial enough, ~70 or so is more reasonable. This experience does not need to be for the format you sign-up for; this is just to weed out people who have never played competitively that can improve themselves simply by using resources already available to them without needing a tutor to hold their hand.
  • You, the tutee, are responsible for setting up times with your tutor. When you receive the Smogon notification informing you of the pairing, please take the initiative and post on their VM wall first. Continued scheduling and communication is key to a successful pairing!
  • Use the Tutee Talk forum to complain about your tutor (or praise them if they're doing a good job). These are no longer mandatory, but if your tutor is ridiculously inactive or is a complete jackass, COMPLAIN HERE. Nobody can see your tutee talk posts except for you and the Battling 101 Staff; everything is confidential.
  • Signups older than 4 months or 1 month since last login will be considered inactive. These will be moved to the Inactive Posts thread, and can be returned back to this thread by request.
  • Tutors can and will drop you if sessions go badly, and significant violations may result in a ban from B101. Be active, be enthusiastic, be respectful. Make the best of your time together!
Here is the signup template, and an example sign-up post.
PS! Username:
Signup Format:
Your timezone:
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Shiba
PS! Username: Big Sean
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 8 PM - 12 AM, weekends 12 PM - 12 AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively in early XY and spammed Baton Pass on the ladder. I was pretty skilled I guess. I then got more involved with Smogon and started to play in various tournaments like UUPL and later on Snake and SPL. I could use a bit more practice in this tier though, so I'm looking to get help
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Signup template for Chinese language tutoring:
你的Smogon ID:
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Edit: returned march 19 2024

Username: TonezofFun
PS! Username: T0nezOfFun
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: EST
Usual Hours of Availability: saturday and sunday 7-10 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Got back into competitive after a long break since XY/ORAS. Have the team building down somewhat, but feel my play is hindering my experience. Have climbed to 1581 peak and would like tips on battling and team-building.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Username: Miyoko
PS! Username: Ad067
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT +5.5
Usual Hours of Availability: Usually after 9:30 pm regularly
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I am kinda average at ou. I can ladder upto 1650 but then my performance and elo gets worse and worse and also don't have any significant achievements in smogon ou tours. However I am 1v1 mainer. I am an active member of OU and 1v1 room and have played many team tours PLs and WCs and now I eagerly want to learn ou to my best and become a good ladderer as well as a tour player. As a result, I am applying for this.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes. It is miyokogaming
Username: Xr kartana
PS! Username: Xr_kartana
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: +1
Usual Hours of Availability: 9am-11am or after 8pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Played SV since dlc 1, I wanna improve my teambuilding. Im struggling to the 1400-1450 ladder, I choke everytime when the game is long, the playstyles I enjoy are Fats or BO, And i wanna join the WCOP
Are you able to use Discord?:
Nah, my parets won't , But can others sites
Username: ademalawer
PS! Username: ademalawerr / adabtapility
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -4)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 5PM - 11PM (Except for Mondays and Fridays, from 8PM - 12AM), weekends 12PM - 2AM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Playing mons for fun for a year or so now. Been playing lots of smaller ladders and been pretty active in Ubers playing high ladder consistently, dabbled in UU as well for a week or so but now I want to get back into OU as I feel thats where the most competition is, and lasted I played was a few months ago (beginning of DLC2) and peaked 1800s. Have limited tour experience, but the tour experience I do have is versus pretty good players. So goals are to peak OU ladder, and get more into OU tour play.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, my Discord is same as my Smogon user
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Username: TheBoyWithTheBugz
PS! Username: TheBugsHaveArrived
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: BST
Usual Hours of Availability: 4PM-7PM Weekdays and various times on Weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been playing Random Battles since Gen 7 and have been dabbling in OU since Gen 8. I'm really interested in the format and I enjoy teambuilding with unexpected mons and battling in general. I've sort of gotten the meta of today downpat (I think) and I'm willing to go beyond!
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes: leafbladed
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PS! Username:Corn.exe
Signup Format:SV OU
Your timezone:CST (GMT-6 i believe)
Usual Hours of Availability:Weekdays 8:30am-3:50pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I started PS back a couple years ago but then came back august of 2023. I have tried teambuilding of many formats, and have tried laddering w/ sample teams. No matter how hard I try, I can't get past 1300 and am usually fluxuating from 1000-1200. I am trying to get better at teambuilding and battling in general.
Are you able to use Discord?:No
Username: OhioGengar
PS! Username: VagueParallels
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT +4
Usual Hours of Availability:
5-8 pm (GMT +4), fully free on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I'm a regular, been playing since the start of SV OU, took a couple breaks and found my form to rise, but it usually lasts for a small while. I want to learn to play all playstyles and become a good team builder. I also want to rise in the rankings because i can only peak 1700s, and i want to know how to become a player of great caliber.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes (VagueParallels)
Username: n0stall
PS! Username: n0stall
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: 7:30pm 8:30pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): All the time in ps I was playing without taking it seriously, then I was offered to enter in Venezuela WCOP (not as a starter) and to do tryouts for Latam WCOP (almost entering). When I play I'm usually a bit distracted, I want to fix that.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yes n0stall
Username: valencias
PS! Username: valencias
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability:
4:00PM - 9:00PM, can be available in the mornings if needed.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I played Pokemon Showdown for 3 years, but I have only been active for around 2 of those years, I have recently become fanatical about Scarlet and Violet's OverUsed metagame, and I want to be able to improve my abilities, I feel that my ability to read my opponents game is pretty weak.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: meamdefinitely5
PS! Username: meamdefinitely4
Signup Format: SV OU
Your Timezone: GMT -4
Usual Hours of Availability:
currently weekday mornings/afternoons and certain evenings from like 9:00-15:00 and 20:00-22:30, though starting June 16-July 23 I'm going to a Summer Program and while I will be available, I don't exactly know what times I'll be available until I sort out the events
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I created a PS! account in 2019, and played for about a year, playing a variety of formats and tiers, though I did play quite a bit of gen 8 RU in its early stages and rose to about 1300 on the ladder. I then went on a hiatus until late 2023 and played mainly random battles though I've started to get back into some tiers, mainly Doubles OU. I wanted to try OU because it's the most popular metagame and I want to improve my skills, but my teambuilding skills are poor and I'm terrible at making reads more often than not.
Are you able to use Discord? Yes: meampearl
Username: Jertsi
PS! Username: jertsi
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 9-15, few evenings a week
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I do not have a lot of messages on the forum as I am mostly a lurker and enjoy reading. I only started competitively playing in Gen 9 OU and I am currently hovering around 1200-1400. I have enjoyed it a lot and am looking to get better. I am comfortable playing HO but would like to get some guidance on balanced or otherwise more defensive teams and overall battling. I am also interested in team building and want to mostly use my own teams.
Are you able to use Discord?:Yes.
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Username: Proszz
PS! Username: Proszz
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT+1
Usual Hours of Availability:
15.40pm-19pm / 23.40pm - 2am ish
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play some Pokemon Mmos which have competitive stuff like clan wars, as well as multiple tournies that we host, which usually have some good smogon players since people know each other and get invited. Ive also played some tournaments in smogon. Although nothing serious. Ive started playing more tournies this last week or so. I signed up in SV OU since its the more played tier (I think) but i just want to learn pokemon overall. Specially improving at team building and making midground plays instead of hard predicts which usually might cost me the game
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes

edit: ive reached 1800-1900 in randbats for fun
Username: ToxicFanatic
PS! Username: ToxicFanatic
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: CST
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekends, 6:00pm-7:00pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing randoms and nat dex from time to time. I've won some, I've lost some but I think I can do better, plus I'm terrible at team building. I'm not confident in my skills to do tournaments yet so that's why I'm here.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes: locaifan
Username: Seeko
PS! Username: Seekoman

Signup Format: SV OU

Your timezone: EST

Usual Hours of Availability: 3PM to 12PM

Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I do pretty alright in ou ladder averaging at 1350 at best (and 1400 is my peak with ~50% win rate), but then suddenly drop really low and get big sad. I really like to team build and strive to get better at it. I really want to compete in tournaments but my confidence in winning a single match is at an absolute low. Competitive Pokémon is a passion of mine and I strive to be better at any chance I can be

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes “seeko_guy”
Username: La Sorga
PS! Username: La Sorga
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability:
17-23 weekdays. Usually free weekends. Pretty flexible before 17 too this summer.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Im new to PS as of the fall of 2023. I have been playing alot of SVOU since, and have recently grown a bigger interest in the competitive scene. Im always looking to improve, and have been watching alot of replays from SPL and WCoP, as well as great youtubers like BKC, Pinkacross and Blimax who have improved my understanding of how to play, build and learnt alot about the metagame. My peak is mid 1700´s, but im usually stuck in 1600´s. I know my acc does not meet the requirements, but I have been lurking w/ no account for a long time, and would rather just atleast try rather than wait a month :)
Are you able to use Discord?:
Username: Truthankamon
PS! Username: Truthankamon
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: GMT +2
Usual Hours of Availability:
From 4 PM to 11 PM (GMT+2) everyday except weekends ( may change when school will restart )
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I have been playing Pokémon on a more competitive level since 2019. I didn't like gen 8 OU so I played Natdex instead. Rn I'm playing a lot of gen 9 OU and even managed to Peak at 1800, but fell back in mid 1600's, where i'm currently stuck. I feel like there isnt much left that I can learn by playing alone, so id like to get the help of someone with more experience then me to step up to the next level.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes! Nick's Truthankamon
Username: Zaygp
PS! Username: Zaygp
Sign up format: S/V OU
Time zone: EDT (GMT -4,)
Usual hours of availability: 7pm - 9pm weekdays and 7pm - 12 am weekends
Experience: I'm relatively new to the competitive scene in terms of battling, only being interested for a year since scarlet and violet came out. However, I've watched videos such as how good was (insert pokemon) ACTUALLY for awhile. I like to do battles on showdown and have done around maybe 50-60 battles.
Discord: no, but do have insta (Aceronna34)
Username: HSBT
PS! Username: HSBT
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability: 9-12 pm.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Until a few months ago the only thing I played was SM OU, but I never really did well in that tier. Lately I've been having a lot of contact with SV OU, even playing with Team Argentina in Wcop. I would like to improve my game plans and be more consistent for future tournaments.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, holasoybalto
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Username: Yoyotta
PS! Username: Yoyotta
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: CST
Usual Hours of Availability: 8 am- 7pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokémon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing Ladder VGC when ORAS came out. I played through Sun and Moon religiously. About half way through that lifecycle of SM I took a break till a year after Sword/Sword came out. Played that all the way till the final formatrules. SV came out and i play through the 1st 2 rule sets. I took a break then came back for Reg G, played that for a week then i was unhappy with the format, then discovered OU and ND and I fell in love with it. Coming from Doubles im still trying to learn singles and the difference in play styles
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, yoyotta
Username: Ehmcee
PS! Username: Ehmcee
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: EST / GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability:
10pm-12am + Variable timeframes once September beings
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):

Been playing mons for a few years now, initially started in the Draft sphere and still playing in it to this day. I initially started in SM 1v1 for smogon Tiers, then switched over to OU when SWSH started. I had a B101 session during the end of the gen and felt fairly happy with my level of prep + skill (s/o Pais ). Once SV started I've felt decent in my play (Got TC for OU Suspect Reqs), but especially post DLC2 I've felt my building to be quite lacking. I tend to gravitate around one specific Pokémon and I feel like that tunnel visions me often.

Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes, Ehmcee
Username: NeverX
PS! Username: NeverX
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: gmt-4
Usual Hours of Availability:
outside of school 3:30pm—11pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I have been playing for about a year or two, laddering and testing teams for sm. When I joined Smogon, I participated in some tournaments and got decent results(sm). I really enjoy teambuilding and innovating—sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't, but I find it enjoyable. I have also played in Mushi League, though I'm not very good at ADV. I've been watching a lot of replays of SV OU, and I find it really cool. I want to learn how to teambuild well in it and understand the meta.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yeah, username is goldofatlantis
Username: Juseth Sepulveda
PS! Username: Juseth Sepulveda
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: -4
Usual Hours of Availability: Free all day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I've been playing since 2018, and in competitive since 2020, playing several tournaments on discord servers, tournaments like ADPL, PPL, WCOPP, EPL, Also tour in smogon like SSNL's and last year achieving top 23 in the ORAS circuit and top 16 in the ORAS Majors, I played RoaWcop last year with Venezuela going 2-1 in ORAS, This year playing Wcop going 1-1 in SV OU, and again currently playing RoaWcop with Venezuela going 1-1, I would like to improve my game plan and learn how to build my own teams, since i think those are my weakest areas
Are you able to use Discord?: Juseth Sepulveda
Username: SkullyMilk
PS! Username: AuroraMilk
Signup Format: SV OU
Your timezone: CST
Usual Hours of Availability: variant, but I'm normally available.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing competitive pokemon since the beginning of gen 9 to broaden my horizons from my norm of fighting games. I'm much more of a "think fast and on the fly" type of person, so competitive pokemon has been a challenge for me.
Are you able to use Discord?: My preferred method of communication, discord is springlockfursuit
Username: DeDonutNoob
PS! Username: DeDonutNoob
Signup Format: I want to get good at everything
Your timezone: GMT +2
Usual Hours of Availability: 14:30 to 18:00
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I stumbled across the Pokemon Showdown like a week ago. I tried to make a few teams but they were no good.What I want to do is to learn how to teambuild and strategize myself without ChatGPT and Sample Teams.
Are you able to use Discord?: I can, but I cant speak. Hopefully this wont be a problem.
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