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Or better yet, run them in HP unless you're aiming for a specific calculation, rather than randomly distributing them. Calculate enough to make Mixape's NP GK a 3HKO or something? I dunno. But be specific. Because specific is cool.

You can also aim to OHKO Gyarados after SR...
To get a guaranteed OHKO on 6 HP / 0 Sp. Def Gyarados after SR, Vaporeon requires 120 Sp. Atk EVs. Seems a little steep to me, when LO Gyarados will be killing itself anyways after it attacks, and Leftovers Gyarados won't be hurting you much.
I'm trying to catch a timid heatran and need it to outspeed my pokemon at lvl 70 if it has a 31 speed iv. What speed should my pokemon be at?
Level 70 Timid Heatran with a 31 IV and no EVs should have 147. So you'd want to be 146.

You sure you want Timid and not Naive/Hasty, though? Most people like those powerful explosions.
Glaceon is the favorite of Many, since Specs ice beam is a real force in UU, but all 3 are viable in their own fields.
This is a answer to a question that was asked a while ago, forget who, unanswered at the time.

Duking's traded Pokemon are level 20, and know the following:
Meditite (for Trapinch): DynamicPunch, Confusion, Shadow Ball, Detect.
Shuckle (for Surskit): Toxic, Substitute, Sludge Bomb, Encore
Larvitar (for Wooper): Dragon Dance, Outrage, Sandstorm, Bite
So the Vaporeon SpA EVs is probably a no? I'll check the statistics on all the bulky waters. See, I am trying to make a Toxicroak set with Substitute, and I want Vaporeon's Ice Beam to break the Subs less than 50% of the time, so it can be set up upon.
Hey, can someone help me out?

I used to use a Heracross like this:

Choice Scarf
252 Atk/speed
stone edge
Sleep Talk

But I use Hera as an attacker on my team now (MoPcross). Any suggestions for a replacement? "A fast revenge killer that can absorb status (sleep talk)"

Anything else like that?
The thing about using Choice Scarf Sleep Talk is it fails the second time you attempt to use it. Revenge killers that can absorb status are Natural Cure Starmie, Flame Orb Swellow if you want to be cool, Heatran absorbs Toxic and Will-O-Wisp, etc.

It is probably best to post a Rate My Team.

My question: can someone tell me what "TBH" means?
The thing about using Choice Scarf Sleep Talk is it fails the second time you attempt to use it. Revenge killers that can absorb status are Natural Cure Starmie, Flame Orb Swellow if you want to be cool, Heatran absorbs Toxic and Will-O-Wisp, etc.

It is probably best to post a Rate My Team.

My question: can someone tell me what "TBH" means?

I cannot begin to say how many times it has saved me though. Lots of sleepers in Platinum (Breloom, for instance) go down to any hit of sleeper Hera's.
Action Replay isn't considered legitimate though :(. That and we can't discuss how to do it and whatnot.
What determines which version a Shellos will be when hatching them from eggs? Does it depend on what side of the map I am? Which Shellos spawns from hatching in Solaceon (Sp?) Town?

Does Pressure's effect activate even if the pokémon with the ability uses Protect? Can Protect and Detect on the same moveset alternate without fail?
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