Ask a Simple Question Get a Simple Answer - RU Edition

1) If you still want to run specially defensive Drapion, I would suggest a set of Crunch / Poison Jab / Rest / Sleep Talk. With this you can beat a lot of the special threats and have some semi-reliable recovery. Crunch hits Psychic-types such as Sigilyph and Uxie and Poison Jab hits Grass-types such as Sceptile and Lilligant. It can also absorb sleep from the likes of Smeargle, Lilligant, and Tangrowth. If you don't like RestTalk, you can certainly run Taunt, and for the last move you can run Whirlwind (even though you said you didn't need it). Toxic Spikes is really bad in RU, so it's usually a waste of a moveslot as there are many common Poison-types to absorb them; it's a waste of a moveslot imo.

2) If you want it to be as fast as possible, you should run a +Spe (usually Jolly) nature with 252 Speed EVs in order to tie with other base 95 Speed Pokemon and outspeed everything below such as Rotom, Moltres, etc. I would recommend a full offensive set, but for a tank set I would try a spread of 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spe with Swords Dance so you can hit harder while retaining some bulk.

3) a) I don't think there are any good Pokemon that can use Taunt + Encore + Hazards.
b) Whimsicott is definitely the best Pokemon to use Taunt + Encore on, as it has the Prankster ability; however, I wouldn't really consider Whimsicott to be good, but if you decide to use it, don't use the SubSeed set! Other Pokemon which can use the move combo are Primeape and Gallade... but they have better sets.
c) Good Pokemon with Taunt (besides Drapion) include Aerodactyl and Archeops. Nidoqueen and Magmortar can also use Taunt, but like the other Taunt users, they are too slow to use it. The former two also have Stealth Rock so yeah. Other Pokemon that can use Taunt include Qwilfish and Mandibuzz, but they should be used defensively.

Hope I helped!

EDIT: ninja'd -_-
Thank you both for your help! Though based on the replies, I'm afraid I might have been a bit confusing in my questions.

I didn't need Drapion to be specially defensive, as I've already got special walling covered. The question was whether a fast and either purely offensive (252/252+) or semi-bulky Drapion (such as complete legitimacy's spread) was viable with Toxic Spikes and Taunt. And based on the replies, it isn't, because of Toxic Spikes' relative weakness in the meta.

Also, I didn't need (Taunt / Encore / Hazards) on the same Pokémon, just (Taunt / Hazards) or (Encore / Hazards), with decent speed and attack (like Drapion's 90 att and 95 speed base)

So perhaps Accelgor or maybe Aerodactyl would be better choices than Drapion for running Taunt or Encore and hazards, despite my team already having two Rock weaknesses. Sadly, Qwilfish wouldn't have very good type synergy for me; do I have any other options for what I'm trying to do? Like, Clefable could run Stealth Rock and Encore, but I don't think it's fast or hard-hitting enough for this role.
Hmm, Accelgor might work if I run a spinning SR user too, like maybe Sandslash?

Sorry, I'm rambling about my teambuilding, though I don't see that hurting anybody.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Edit: Screw hazards, complete legitimacy's Drapion set seems like it'd work perfectly for me. The 76 attack one is @Leftovers, right?
Water-types are obvious switch-ins. Defensive switch-ins to Entei include Poliwrath, Slowking, Qwilfish, Quagsire, Rhydon, and Omastar. Offensive switch-ins include Kabutops, Feraligatr, Samurott, and your own Entei, though the former 3 Pokemon must be wary of Will-O-Wisp or Hidden Power Grass. Your own Entei also must be careful of Stone Edge. Other switch-ins include those which can take a hit and outspeed Entei, such as Aerodactyl.
More questions by me, trying to make a different team since the one I asked about last time turned out slightly meh.

Is having three Ghost weaknesses on a team a death sentence in this tier? Note that one of them is a Gallade who'd probably run Night Slash for coverage, trying to mitigate said Ghost weakness somewhat.

Anyway, suppose I do keep those three Ghost-weak mons. I have one resist and one that's neutral to it. Therefore, I think the final mon I put on the first draft of this team should also resist or be immune to Ghost. I also think I need some serious speed. So I guess question 2 is, are there any Ghost-resistant scarfers I should consider? If not, what are some of the best scarfers in the tier in general?

Final question, is it frowned upon to throw all these ridiculously specific questions regarding me building teams in these threads? :)
More questions by me, trying to make a different team since the one I asked about last time turned out slightly meh.

Is having three Ghost weaknesses on a team a death sentence in this tier? Note that one of them is a Gallade who'd probably run Night Slash for coverage, trying to mitigate said Ghost weakness somewhat.

Anyway, suppose I do keep those three Ghost-weak mons. I have one resist and one that's neutral to it. Therefore, I think the final mon I put on the first draft of this team should also resist or be immune to Ghost. I also think I need some serious speed. So I guess question 2 is, are there any Ghost-resistant scarfers I should consider? If not, what are some of the best scarfers in the tier in general?

Final question, is it frowned upon to throw all these ridiculously specific questions regarding me building teams in these threads? :)

Well it really depends on what those Pokemon are that are weak to Ghost-type moves. The most popular Ghost-types are Spiritomb (Shadow Sneak), Cofagrigus, and Rotom. They're all pretty easy to cover so what you're saying is not a death sentence xD. You could probably use Drapion to combat them, although Scarf isn't that good. The best Choice Scarf users in the tier, in my opinion, are Manectric, Rotom-C, Emboar, and Braviary. I don't really use many other Choice Scarf Pokemon, I just use stuff like Sceptile and Tauros for speed.
Thanks for deleting my post, DittoCrow, for some reason it was labeled as invalid, so I couldn't edit it.

Anyways, I was going to say that 3 Ghost weaknesses is pretty bad in this tier. The Ghost types DittoCro mentioned(and Dusknoir)all are quite popular. Good Normal types include Clefable, who can do just about anything, and Braviary, who has massive power. For a Scarfer that resists ghost, I'd sa use Braviary or Absol. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, look at their respective analyses for more details.

Good Luck!
Unfortunately, not really. While having half it's regular Speed is actually appreciated in Trick Room, the fact that Regigigas's Attack is also halved makes Regigigas a pretty poor choice in Trick Room teams, since it's just too weak to do much. Pokemon like Marowak, Druddigon, Aggron, and the like are generally much better at taking advantage of Trick Room, since they have that immediate power that Trick Room teams need.
Will a Crawdaunt which is behind a sub has its ability changed to Mummy when it hits Cofag with Crunch/Waterfall ?

Why wouldn't it? Mummy activates when you make contact with your opponent, Substitute blocks effects that rely on the opponent hitting you.
I have a question regarding Spiritomb and its moveset.

What are the advantages to having a Spiritomb that uses physical ghost/dark attacks versus a Spiritomb that uses Special Attacks?

From what I gather, it's stats for both ATT and SATK are identical, which means it could truly go either way with its attacks - why recommend using an Adamant Spiritomb versus a Modest Spiritomb? In looking into the different attacks, it seems that there are a few more Special Attacks that are dark/ghost that do more damage than any physical dark/ghost attacks?

Thanks for the info guys, and sorry if this is the wrong place to put this...
I have a question regarding Spiritomb and its moveset.

What are the advantages to having a Spiritomb that uses physical ghost/dark attacks versus a Spiritomb that uses Special Attacks?

From what I gather, it's stats for both ATT and SATK are identical, which means it could truly go either way with its attacks - why recommend using an Adamant Spiritomb versus a Modest Spiritomb? In looking into the different attacks, it seems that there are a few more Special Attacks that are dark/ghost that do more damage than any physical dark/ghost attacks?

Thanks for the info guys, and sorry if this is the wrong place to put this...

This is the right place to post. As far as offensive Spiritomb goes, the thing about a purely physical Spiritomb is that its physical attacks are pretty limited. It gets Shadow Sneak which is really weak and only useful for being a priority, it gets Pursuit which can be good for trapping, and it also gets Sucker Punch which isn't bad but still has limited uses. However, a special Spiritomb gets access to stronger moves such as Shadow Ball and Dark Pulse. It also gets Hidden Power, usually HP Fighting, which increases coverage. It also gets Calm Mind to boost SpA, while the only way to increase Spiritomb's attack is with a Choice Band.

But as you can see here: most of Spiritomb's sets are a mixture of status and attacks and Spiritomb generally doesn't just attack
Spiritomb has a much better physical move pool, even if its smaller-Pursuit and two STAB boosted priority moves are the reason why you'd use Spiritomb over other ghost types. The ability to trap ghosts like Rotom and Cofagrigus is very useful in a ghost infested metagame-and now Gothitelle is around he has more use than ever. With Sucker Punch and Shadow Sneak, he can also revenge dangerous threats like Sceptile and Galvantula. Also, these priority moves allow him to bypass his awful speed. A Spiritomb with a special set is pretty much inferior to OTR Cofagrigus or CSpecs Rotom for example.

Welcome to Smogon by the way.
CP Sigilyph is the type of mon that can 6-0 teams without support oce it gets set up. Really, all you need to do is take care of phazers and get a free turn or two to boost and it's GG. Watch out for Dark-Types though.
I used to play RU at the end of BW1, now i'm trying to get back into competitive pokemon, especially RU. So I was wondering what major changes have happened since the start of BW 2 in terms of the RU metagame?
RU Ready for BW2

Sheer Force Nidoqueen can now utilize Stealth Rock, allowing it to become an effective offensive SR setter. Moltres also received Hurricane, allowing it to even 2HKO Slowking, its former counter.

KlinKlang received Wild Charge, which provides some additional coverage. Zangoose received Toxic Boost, making it a fearsome physical Sweeper even in RU (although Spiritomb is a bitch). Amoonguss now has Regenrator and Escavalier dropped down from UU.

Shadow Tag Gothitelle used to be around, but now it's BL.