Ask the Admins #9

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When you joined Smogon, did you wish to lead the site some day?
How did you get your ladybug / first badge?
Do you still contribute to the forum in which you first participated or modded?
Who is Hazerider and what happened to him/her? I see this poster in numerous Trou threads and wonder what happened to this person.
Why do so many bs indians get promoted to mods on po (prem, blarajan, barry, harsha)...

On a more serious note, how do you balance real life and Smogon? Being an admin seems to require a lot of activity....

Also, what was the reasoning behind lifting limits on avatars/sigs/ct?
Which tier do you wish got more activity out of all of the official smogon tiers?

How did you find out about smogon before you joined?

EDIT: If you had to quit being an admin for whatever reason, but you got the choice on who to replace you, who would you choose?
Ever tried putting a piece of pizza on top of another piece of pizza and eating it like one piece of pizza?
Did you ever wish that you could just go back to the "good ol' days" when you just battled Pokemon for fun and chatted with your mates, away from the tiresome chore of managing a website fully of whiny people with different opinions to your own?
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