Autumn Friendly 2012

About 30 times I think (approximately, I stopped to count yesterday). And I have done 90 battles, so nearly 33,3%. Why do you ask for that ? Rivals disconnection just has effect on you upping the general DC number of the tournament, which will say if you are disqualified or not.

I have never really understood DC's mechanic lol If you can explain it I will be happy xD

Yeah I have no idea how the mechanics of the disconnections work, like I said earlier though I've had 39 in total no of which were mine which is very frustrating when Cyberton only has 10 :\ I mean earlier today I had around 5 people Disconnect on me on the team preview screen...whats the point in that. If someone does know how the D/C connection mechanics work it would be really handy to know.
Yeah I have no idea how the mechanics of the disconnections work, like I said earlier though I've had 39 in total no of which were mine which is very frustrating when Cyberton only has 10 :\ I mean earlier today I had around 5 people Disconnect on me on the team preview screen...whats the point in that. If someone does know how the D/C connection mechanics work it would be really handy to know.

Whatever, in Global Link page says that they just count YOURS disconnection, and if you're % of DC / Battles are 10 points over the general % you are out or something like that......It's a mystery xD

I just hope to don't be disqualified lol I didn't do a lot of DC's.....
LOL Just very low number xD It's just luck if you haven't massive DC's from rivals xD

This. I also find it very annoying that you've only just received 10 Cybertron. I don't know why, do people know you of fear you or something. Do they know you're from smogon and that you will ban them if they tried to join. (very highly unlikely) It's just...annoying.

1st match with David from spain
3-0 fairly easy match...except he dc'd on me.

Faced Marco from the US (I think)
3-1, GGs.

Faced Ruzgar from Canada using a mono dark team.
He got 4-0'd though. Completely ripped to shreds due to my fighting types.

Faced Chiri from the US.
Won 2-0, GGs. Protect ferrothorn was obvious.

Faced Cyrus from California
Rain team without the use of Ludi neither kingdra, rather using pokes like D-nite, scizor and Jellicent.
He was using a trick room team using toed, jelli, porygon2 and scizor.
It took 20 minutes to take that team down and I was about to win 1-0...until he dc'd on me. I resent him fully for that...It was a REALLY good match.

Faced: Touya (wasn't looking at the flag)
Won 3-0, fairly easily.

Faced DEAN from Canada
Won 3-0 handily, GGs.

Faced Andrew from Nevada, US
using a heavily reliant sand team using ttar, garchomp, excadrill and alakazam
Alakazam got bitch slapped by hitnontop olololololol.
Won 3-0 though, ggs.

Faced Harry from Canada (1500+)
He forfeited at 4-1, at least he didn't dc. GG's

Faced Hilbert, no location. (1500+)
Holy damn, his team was SCARY. You need to see what he did.
I still won 1-0 though, GGs. Battle no.: [B]60-53940-22582[/B]

Faced [URL=""]pokemonrocks777[/URL]
Wasted his white herb latios and critted his Garchomp with CC first turn... :[
Tyranitar worried me though, luckily i picked cress and she saves the day, not sure if the Hydro pump missed mattered, I had light screen up at the time.
Battle no.: [B]41-55344-39287[/B]
1-0, Great match.

Faced Luiza from Brazil
Defeated her 3-0. I was caught off guard as to how her gliscor lived the HP ice and lost my concentration which made me lose terrakion.
Edit, turns out I know what type my HP is...great. =/ (btw it's not HP dark)

Faced ASH from US
An easy match and when I mean easy, he's the type to use Fly Staraptor (which even missed Terrakion) and inner focus D-nite.
4-0, GG's

Faced [URL=""]CoolStoryBrobat[/URL]
He had the lead on me but I was going to bring it back. Should have EQ rather than protect with garchomp. When I did try to attack after it he got frozen...and cress got para'd by thunder then got fully para for the rest of the match...
Battle video: [B]27-32199-78025[/B]

Faced ALEX from Costa Rica
Bloody annoying match. His politoed right, hit 3 Hypnosis in a ROW AND a Focus Blast...
I'm going to stop, too much crap right now.
However, I managed to win 2-0
Battle no.: [B]34-16067-25331[/B]

Faced Boss from US
Fresh 1500 player with varied pokemon that seemed ingame or traded/poketransfered
Won 3-0 handily, GGs.

Faced Casey from Oregon, US (1500+)
Using very in-game stuff again (telekinesis golurk wtf)
4-0'd him. 

Faced Topanga from Vietnam 0_o (1774)
He used a hail team based in the party using surf/blizzard gyarados and gastrodon
then used Rotom-F and Obamasnow, scarfed Rotom-F was what I feared.
Completely smashed me o_o 0-3

Faced Leon (no location)
Was a REALLY good match but
he dc'd on me at 2-1 when my last turn helping hand + STAB Close combat + fighting gem.

Faced Nacho (no location) using a hail based team
His team however dropped like flies and Jynx got sucker punch'd like a bitch.
3-0 easy, (4-0 if I had bothered to wide guard at the turn before last)

Faced LEO (1500+)
lv. 46 tornadus told me everything was in-game
I won 4-0 but how in the name of hax was he able to pull off
3 sp.def drops in a row ._. Light screen helped though.

Faced Akiza (no location)
I have no idea why he dc'd when he was winning.
Probably thought my last pokemon wasn't Gastrodon and dc'd when I ko'd his darmanitan in the sun
He had leafeon to finish my pokemon off.

Faced ZAKRO from Mexico
Pretty interesting team, Swampert was bulky as f*** lived SO many attacks
Won 2-0 though, GGs.
Gotta have to show the battle video
Battle no.: [B]35-31885-12744[/B]

All I can say is team needs more SWAGger.
But the bitch dc'd JUST before sending data... -_-

Faced -KGC- Dominican Republic (1660+)
Used a very strong rain team, he eventually won 2-2 (I forfeited)

Faced Shaoran from Spain (1600+)
An alright match, won 2-0 GG's.

Faced Lucky from Cali, US (1550+)
Full blown sun team with 50/50 fire/grass
Lost out 0-2, GG's.

Faced TOUKO from Mexico (1660+)
Her switching out mid game cost her BIG
Won 3-0
Battle no.: [B]93-70560-85800[/B]

Faced John from US (1504)
Got hit by a nub guillotine by gliscor and OHKO'd Chomp...
Then first turn para by discharge on cress from electabuzz. (she loves getting para'd)
I won 2-0 after going through that dumb stuff

Faced MIGUEL from Spain (1886)
Full blown rain team
I lost because I didn't think to switch into Gastrodon earlier then when I did
it got critted by Dragon Gem Draco Meteor.

Faced BRIANNA from US (1604)
She was going to win with Amoonguss and TTar but for some odd reason she dc'd.
Not that I'm complaining, I know I didn't dc on purpose.

Faced ELODIO (1500-) From Mexico
He dc'd on me at 4-2 =/

Faced Bill (1750) No location
Terrakion/whimsicott lead, his terra got critted by dragon claw first turn.
Then took out his weavile after top lived two assaults. Unfortunately he ragequit after that...

Faced Cath (1653)
Don't know why he trick roomed so many times but damn cress with trick room just didn't die anyway
Lost 0-3.

At this point i'm starting to care less about this tournament.

Faced Niamh from UK (1486)
She had a pikachu in her team...
Her Gengar had Sucker Punch...SUCKER PUNCH
Easy 4-0 GG's.

Faced FABIO from Italy (1600+)
His team spelt trick room on point.
My leads just kinda went havoc on everything. Though Hitmontop suffered big time and gastrodon got critted.
Thundurus got revenge crit though and I won 2-0...except he yep, he dc'd.

Faced Brian from US (1771)
2nd time i've seen a crobat and cloyster on preview.
Lost my Thundurus early on with HURT (by Cloyster)
Really tough game, had to play well and right and I got the lucky crit in the end.
He shouldn't have kept my hitmontop alive after all those CCs =P
Battle no.: [B]71-58348-63450[/B] Great match.
Note on that match: THANK Arceus Protect didn't work twice for him.

Faced Leo from US (1547)
First time i've seen latias and Azelf on preview
He had so many Psychic (and Dragon) types.
He used Chomp, and both Lati twins on me but my Cress and chomp raped through them
Under Light screen garchomp JUST WOULDN'T DIE, won 4-0 barely.
Battle no.: [B]48-51072-95183[/B]

Faced Heather from US (1647)
Using a rain/sun team
I fake'd out her Volcorona and had DD kingdra (though got intimidated)
After that she dc'd.

Faced Janel from US (1597)
Caught me off guard with round first turn but pretty much swept her
and won 3-0, GGs.

Faced Nikora from Italy (1454)
Didn't really expect much from this person
And used heal block on pokemon that don't heal...
won 3-0

Faced Fatum from Germany (1854)
Rain team with an arcanine in it on preview
I should have attacked Ludi when it switched out...
I think next time, I'll just use rain.
2-3 whatever.

Faced Howl (1600)
Totally unexpected scarf Staraptor caught me off guard
and with ghost gem gengar, garchomp got doubled on
Got a revenge crit on gengar and knocked out both his pokes after top faked out the bird
Then evire got taken care of and salamence's outrage hit the wrong pokemon for him
making cress icy wind it and basically won me the game 2-0

Faced David from Wales (1359)
Won 4-0 in 3 turns

Faced gerardo (1580+)
Won 3-0 after an easy match. GG's.

Faced Setzer from Columbia (1516)
Not very challenging although he knew what he was doing than most
Won 4-0 though, GG's
BUT THEN he dc's me while sending data, but it still sent so it's ok.

Faced AJ from US (1604)
Basically I had terrakion against his zapdos and volc mid-game.
that's when he dc'd.

Faced Chris (1677)
First time seeing slowbro and glalie on preview
Moody Glalie was interesting but it just kept raising acc while shooting non stab shadow balls
Light Screen SAVED me from Dragon Dem Draco Meteor from Latios enabling me to win 2-0, GG's.

Faced Louis from US (1615)
First time seeing machamp on preview
What an epic match. I kinda tip-toed against Thundurus but eventually sunk it.
This match has to go on battle video.
He deserved the win, 0-1 GG's.
Battle no.: [B]50-73294-17003[/B]

Faced Rachel from US (1464)
I on turn 3 she...forfeited o_o maybe she knew already she was at a loss
4-3 to me.

Faced Cybertron (1999)
Finally! A smogon user.
Let's see...I shouldn't have picked top or at least since I did, fake out cress
Bulky Thundurus caught me off guard but I froze it.
I never really attempted to hit cress, i assumed later it was choiced.
Eventually fell 0-2, GGs.

Faced Lea from Germany (1638)
After knocking out her Garchomp and getting a storm drain boost from her rotom, she dc'd.

Faced Joel (1515) from Jamaica

First Jamaican of the tournament lol
Garchomp had a very fun time EQ'ing stuff to death via helping hand

Faced Marcel From Germany (1800+)
Heavily dependent sand team
If I had chose to predict one turn and use recover,
I would have been able to fare much more even to the point of winning.
I sometimes question my ability to predict. 0-2

Faced Chris (1700)
Same guy with the glalie lol
Moody accuracy drop made him miss shadow ball on cress LOL.
He managed to get two speed boosts in a row though, but his sp.atk dropped haha
Crucial icy wind misses was cost me the game effectively cause it allowed slowbros to haunt me later
How the hell did that thing even live a STAB T-Bolt from Thundurus anyway...
On top of the hax he got gearing towards the end., 0-1
Battle video: [B]56-38289-46581[/B]

Faced Oji from US (1805)
Don't know what happened but the game cut off mid-battle, oh well.

Faced Noel from Spain (1400+)
Didn't expect much really...just a dragon noob
won 4-0

Faced PAIN (1720) from France
Full blown sand team again
Why doesn't my chomp get sand veil hax...

Faced Guhnaes (1745)
First time i've seen Parasect (lv. 49) and Lanturn on preview.
I knew rain wasn't coming since obamasnow was out (toed was in the preview)
I didn't play optimal looking back at it and he got a lot of hax inc a freeze and a crit.

Faced Siro (1563)
Dc'd just after preview and I lost points for it -_-

Faced Shaoran from Spain (1417)
Man...he dropped 200 points last time I saw him.
He put up more of a fight than last time. I was scared his Thundurus had HP grass (which turned out to be ice)
I was somehow poisoned by Thundurus and Rotom-W tried stalling me with protect
I lived the Shadow ball and killed it off with ice beam
Battle no.: [B]21-91798-05039[/B]

Faced JERIC from US (1849) [Hungersnorlax I believe]
Despite knowing this team, I still lost because of a crit and some other sorts.

Faced Uwe from Netherlands (1844)
First time seeing sableye
I was worried about Sableye screwing me over with Confusion hax
but in the end I managed to win 2-0 and then he dc'd =]

Faced Asher from the UK (1500+)
He knew what he was doing but won 3-0

Notes overall in the tournament:

Have yet to face many more smogoners though (faced a couple though)
Some trainers i've faced varied from very easy to very hard with a touch of balance
Some haxy games there and then, one even admittedly made me ragequit
There was a lot of dc'ers, much more than last time
Strong rain teams own my life somehow
So much Evire...
Don't care for this tournament anymore.

36-10-21 record so far.
Just faced Oji from New York. Remembered him being mentioned here earlier, I think he was M. Rock? Correct me if I'm wrong. GG. :)
This. I also find it very annoying that you've only just received 10 Cybertron. I don't know why, do people know you of fear you or something. Do they know you're from smogon and that you will ban them if they tried to join. (very highly unlikely) It's just...annoying.

I'm not sure, really. It might be partly due to the fact people recognize my OT and because of that, don't DC on me. Players are less inclined to DC when they know they're playing someone whose known in the community. I played a lot of players that I recognized on the forums, and not to discredit any of them but I'm sure if they didn't know who I was, some would have DC'd on me because I got pretty lucky in a few of my games. I've gotten a lot of points from beating players with high ratings because they know who I am.

But really, I honestly don't know why. I can't really complain though... my DC rate for last year's Autumn Friendly was 47% -.-
No, M.Rock mentioned Oji about him dc'ing when he was winning and was mad because he wanted to save it.

Turns out I had the wrong name entirely; the 1901 kid that D/Cd on me is not Oji. Oji floats around the low-mid 1800s. I guess he has a D/C history...but I ain't even mad. Heck, I friended him last night =].

So, I'm officially retiring with a final score of 1910 and 74 (finished) battles. Woke up this morning, found out that the tourney was still going, and wanted to sneak in some battles before my 1:00 class. 6 more D/Cs, plus a few wins.
Final battle from a 1790 player: 71-64051-32612
Have no clue on actual % of D/Cs, but I won't be mad if I don't place. I have picture proof of the rating, and no matter what, I accomplished what I set out to do: see if I'm any good.

Some thoughts on the tourney:
* The amount of girls I fought could be counted on one hand. I'm not kidding.

* Finally found a good hail team. And it had a Quilfish! Too bad it isn't 4th gen, or else Quil could abuse a nasty Explosion.

* Why would you get 0 points for a victory? I don't care how big the rating difference is, fighting a battle for no points at all is a waste of any player's time.

* So many Garchomp + Salamence combos. dafuq?

* By sheer numbers, Trick Room is the most successful theme team, because I always see 1700+ players with them. But they still fall hard when TR is shut off. How did they come that far without being prepared to be shut off? AND WHY DON'T THEY USE CONKLEDURR!?

* Every Rain team I fought sucked. Three essential things every rain team needs: Politoed, Toxicroak (beats Ferrothorn), and Gastrodon. There; in 10 seconds, I just made half a team. If they're missing at least one of these, they're doing rain wrong. Seriously, WHY YOU NO USE GASTRODON?

* Best trainer quote I saw all weekend: "I never miss SHEER COLD. It's part of what I do EVERYDAY".

* Kaphotics won. It's pretty obvious:

* Fought an 1129 today. That kid has some serious guts for staying in so long.

I probably won't do many more wifi tournaments after this. I came for strong opponents, and ended up essentially 'bullying' dozens of kids for small points (at least that's what it felt like). I'll use the sims or Battle Finder from now on.

Good luck to anyone still playing!
just had another D/C from about to win seriously if they can't take a loss like a man then they shouldn't even be playing online or video games at all.

my rating now is 1497 at least my rating was better than last years autumn friendlies if only by about 10 points or so if it wasn't for the many battles that were D/C's my rating would have been much much higher, something in the region of 1700/1750ish

All i can say is i am done now at the very least my rating will be on the board since my D/C rate is low (only about 2 or 3 times it happened due to router) and i can at least be happy it'll be on the leaderboard at all.
Just lost 13 points from a guy named Siro, right after we sent out each other pokemon, we lost connection and then my points got deducted -_____-

A match I had against a person whom I beat before. He did much better this time and I've decided to upload it: 21-91798-05039

Now i'm facing JERIC (hungersnorlax)
Has he got an account here?
GG Dozz. Started a little bit late huh? Although I can't help but think you forfeited a bit too early. Had my Draco Meteor missed, the game probably would have been yours. GG anyway :)
Faced Uwe from Netherlands (1844) He tried to win using sableye and I managed to never attack myself and my chomp managed to get up a sub, I played really well around him during the start of the match. He then proceeded to dc when his sableye was going down =]

You know with all those dc's I could convert 95% of them into wins so i'm not even mad.

But the dumb thing is, I lost points because he dc'd on me, how is that f***ing fair. I'm going to stop playing now, forget it.
36-10-21 record at least 20 of those dc's are ragequits (I call them ragewins)

Have fun in the tournament people, I'm going to find something else to do.
Wasn't that Uwe guy the douche that used a Beat Up + Encore Whimsicott last tournament?

Yeah, I remember facing that guy last tournament. DC'er and a Hacker it seems.

On the subject of hacks, I've faced someone this tournament with a Rain Dish Rampardos as well as someone else with a Cherish Ball Latias. The "Hack Check" for this tournament obviously doesn't exist...
I'm done with this tournament. I could go longer, but what's the point. Either I face really low ranking opponents and get 1-5 points a battle or face high ranking opponents who either disconnect or give me a really good battle. Sometimes, I end up losing those high ranking battles as well and I have to work my way up again. It's not really worth the time when nothing is at stake and nothing stops people from disconnecting. Good games to the opponents I faced which included Dozz and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head. I finished with a final rating of 1914 after 76 battles and a win/loss of 68-8. Hopefully Black and White 2's implementation for disconnecting will resolve all the issues. Good luck to anyone still participating in this :)
Yeah, I remember facing that guy last tournament. DC'er and a Hacker it seems.

On the subject of hacks, I've faced someone this tournament with a Rain Dish Rampardos as well as someone else with a Cherish Ball Latias. The "Hack Check" for this tournament obviously doesn't exist...

:| ...
They are banned for a bit then they can log right back on and play. Plus if the router turns off and not the ds then the check method fails anyway. They can log right back in and continue playing according to multiple testers. This is not problem solved. Especially cause according to what i'm reading both sides are penalized if someone turns their ds off.

Quoting myself because I wanted to ask if this was true and I wanna make sure I wasn't talking about something IDK about. In B/W 2 (For those who've imported/know someone that's imported and can answer this) if the router resets for someone then you can get back on and continue battling with no penalty, and IF nintendo can actually see who dc'd, can they see who dc'd? (They can, they've even freaking confirmed it (If need be i can dig up some old emails) but they never implement it). Plus anyone know for sure if both sides are penalized for one person dc'ing?

Ok about the tournament in general, screw it, absolutely screw it. My rank wen't from 1750's to low 1400's and I HAVEN"T PLAYED ANY FREAKING BATTLES AT ALL. PERIOD, since I stopped at that ranking. Seriously how messed up is the global battle union for such crappy rating system?
Quoting myself because I wanted to ask if this was true and I wanna make sure I wasn't talking about something IDK about. In B/W 2 (For those who've imported/know someone that's imported and can answer this) if the router resets for someone then you can get back on and continue battling with no penalty, and IF nintendo can actually see who dc'd, can they see who dc'd? (They can, they've even freaking confirmed it (If need be i can dig up some old emails) but they never implement it). Plus anyone know for sure if both sides are penalized for one person dc'ing?

Ok about the tournament in general, screw it, absolutely screw it. My rank wen't from 1750's to low 1400's and I HAVEN"T PLAYED ANY FREAKING BATTLES AT ALL. PERIOD, since I stopped at that ranking. Seriously how messed up is the global battle union for such crappy rating system?

I already 'cancel participation' so apart from two times i got dc'd on and lost points, hopefully they won't suck anymore out of me.
I expected it to be over, so I stopped playing haha.
I went back to check if it was still on, it was.
Immediately I found an opponent with 1398 points.
I battled him, won.
He D/C'd.

I just raised my D/C rate for no reason :(

Well guess I'll do my best to play this when I'm free from work.