Autumn Friendly 2012

How is this tournament still going on? It's September 18th already!
Decent points considering I didn't play too much and got a ton of D/Cs! :)
How is this tournament still going on? It's September 18th already!
Decent points considering I didn't play too much and got a ton of D/Cs! :)

I don't think it's 18 even in Japan lol... 17 September 14:16 where I live, and the battles end at 23:59 +0 GMT.
Ok, after yesterdays shortage of battle time, I'm hoping to get some battles out the way today on the last day. If my DC% goes up to 20% though I am just stopping :P I just hope I stay over 1800 ^_^
Hahaha, oh wow. An american player (JINEC or whatever his shitty nick was) in the 1850+ ripped off Ray Rizzo's VGC team and played so utterly retarded that I laughed my ass off during the entire match. He DCed obviously.

Oh well, back to Guild Wars 2 I guess. Those tourneys really have no point when you can just cheat your way to the top so easily. Fortunately the All Star Cup is coming soon, so maybe I'll finally be able to have some fun.
After 60 Battles: won 33 lost 11, had 17 DC.
Rating = 1750

Bloody DCers. I played a few 1900+ers and beat them easily, so can see why they have such a good ranking. What DC % will be allowed as far as the official ranking goes ?
I would imagine the BW2 anti-disconnect measures work by the same system as a few other Nintendo games, where it saves that you disconnected before the match begins, and then overwrites it if you either get a connection error or finish the match.
Therefore, it's only saved as a disconnect if you personally turned your console off mid-game. Being disconnected on (or turning your internet off, which is pretty easy with the 3DS) doesn't count against you.
Of course, trusting Nintendo with anything internet-related is very naive, so there's a chance it will still be bad.

Is it only nine more hours, or does it go by another time zone?
After 60 Battles: won 33 lost 11, had 17 DC.
Rating = 1750

Bloody DCers. I played a few 1900+ers and beat them easily, so can see why they have such a good ranking. What DC % will be allowed as far as the official ranking goes ?

Usually it's like 25% but I think more people have been doing it in this tourney so maybe expect it to be a little higher
Yeah not including the ones already named I also had Shoon and Deku D/C on me after they both started to lose but its not just the Spanish players that are doing this we can't single them out collectively just because of a few trainers who are repeatedly doing this. I can't see the point in competing in these events if your just cheating your way to the top of the leader board though, there is no honor in winning an event like this with those tactics and your also ruining other peoples D/C records at the same time which is a bit unfair and very selfish. rant over.

Say this to Nintendo. Say to them that who does ONE DC is instantly desqualified. I would love this, but they don't do it, so you have to play strategically with DC and don't soo much to be out of results list.

Whatever, I have to say I'm one of the +1900 players who have done less DC's and I'm pretty sure do be in the lists, not like Deku for example who will be out. I managed my DC count, and yeah, you were one who took one of them, sorry and good game if you didn't haxxed me.

At last, I won't participate more in future tournaments like this because I just don't understand how Nintendo, who is clever company (without this intelligence they wouldn't succeeded), bans people like RubeNCB or Zog because they are "a bad image to the company" when they are doing tournaments where you just have to play all the day along 4 days to be in the Top 10. It havebeen studying and it's absolutely bad for the human. But that it's another story.

In last 4 days I managed my time and DC's to try to do it well (I won't do it again, it's a lot of stress, of angries because of haxx, etc.). I have been calculated and I have spent 24 hours doing another thing than pokémon (beach, sports, family and school), more about 30 hours of sleeping. Looking again at the stadistics, I have been playing 2 days all along. How did I can do that ? It's very fear. Unfornately, there are some people who played mora than me, and I just sympathize them, it had to been horrible u.u BUT, they are going to win this, and it's their choose, I won't win because I have 20 battles less than they and Top 10 would be a miracle I think lol

Thanks to read this and sorry to all the poeple who had a DC from me, I don't like to do it.
Then don't do it? What are you going to do if you get "majorly hax'd" at a VGC? You don't have a choice but to take the loss. "Managing my D/Cs"... don't make me laugh.
To all the people saying they want the D/Cs to be fixed in BW2, they actually have. In BW2, if someone D/Cs, they are banned from the GBU/tournament for an hour, which should help tremendously.

Oh, and I'm 27-3-28 at the moment. Too bad a lot of those D/Cs were actually really fun battles that I'd love to save. :(

There's still a way around it.

Except Nintendo still can't determine (or chooses not to implement technology that can) who disconnected, so if you get disconnected on you're off for an hour, too.

That's not true, i've played in the All Star cup tournament and though i've only been dc'd on 3 times in total I was still playing.
The only way you're off for an hour is if you turn off your Ds.

Dang, I hadn't headed about that loophole. I guess a GBU tournament without D/Cers was to good to be true... :(

Normally I'd say that wouldn't be a problem since nobody would D/C since that'd hurt they're chances of winning (the reason you'd D/C), but if what Arceus says is true, then I'm afraid this will actually make things 100x worse, as cheaters will not only deny people wins, but also boot them for an hour. Especially when you throw prizes into the mix, these tournaments will probably be unplayable.

Like i said above, the only way to be booted off for an hour is for YOU YOURSELF to had hard turned off your Ds. Going out of range of your Ds or shutting your router off means nothing to your booting but it could very well make your points not count in the rankings. So if anything, the dc rules are better than they would be, but not perfect as you don't gain anything if they tried to dc on you anyway.
I've been haxed to death in quite a few games now...but I take it like a man, only to get DC'd on when I earn a hard earned win.

Logic, there is none.
Then don't do it? What are you going to do if you get "majorly hax'd" at a VGC? You don't have a choice but to take the loss. "Managing my D/Cs"... don't make me laugh.

Say it to me, twice disqualified in second round because a lot of haxx when I had a high level and could do something nice like Top 8 or Top 4.

Everybody does the same with DC's, so don't talk about it again and again and we will se at VGC.
It's Not difficult to get to >1900 points with dc'ing

I started to Dc'ing when I got 1900. When tou arrive there, do win just 1, 2 or 3 points per battle, plus disconnections from rivals, you have to a lot of battle, a lot. If you do a lot of battle, there will be always a couple of them where you will be haxxed, and is you don't want to lose 30 points (more than 25 battles approximately, so 2 hours or more), you have to do DC.

It's just impossible to get 2000 without DC'ing.

But stop to talk about it please, mods doesn't like it.
It's Not difficult to get to >1900 points with dc'ing

Then prove it.

Because I beg to differ, if I was being truthful, i'd say that was more hot air than specs heatran's heatwave in the sun.
To even achieve that, you would have to battle SO much as if your life was dependent on it and not lose all, which is impossible.