Autumn Friendly 2012

So I'm glad I did this tournament for the sake of practice for this October! However every other match I had was someone disconnecting on me............ Over half my battles ended in me winning and someone disconnecting on me. I honestly thought it would not be this bad, but I was mistaken. I hope something will change....... Great practice.... I was sora from Indiana and my team was trick room ice! Still a lot of fun.....

On the one hand, G5 gives on random online battles at any time w/o entering FCs. On the other, it's pretty sucky they don't have something to reward you for when the opponent disconnects. It'd be pretty easy to have it say "match forfeited" when there's a DC on the other end.

.. and it gives us GTS negotiations (which is pretty bad actually).

I'm hoping for G6 just to fix these problems. If they throw in a new hundred pokemon, and maybe expand online battles by adding "tiers" (pretty much "legendary" and "normal"), all the better. Then they need to take every pokemon in NU and give it a few new moves to tease us. Maybe 2014?
The disconnects work against me due to my bad connection... trust me im not one to easily RQ

I've been in a very haxy battle (91-83734-92381) and i still didn't ragequit. Just blame my internet.
The disconnects work against me due to my bad connection... trust me im not one to easily RQ

I've been in a very haxy battle (91-83734-92381) and i still didn't ragequit. Just blame my internet.

They ought to adopt some kind of rating system that doesn't punish losers.

A "4:2" spread on even level players would allow for a 5:1 when good players lose to bad players. DCing wouldn't cost you points, but wouldn't add any either. When your opponent DCs, then it would treat as a win for you.

Thus winning would always be better for you than losing.

The only question is how to balance it so that it doesn't unfairly reward players for playing too many matches. You can't do a match-limit, then they'd just be quitting so as to maximize their win percentage (unless you log players when their battles begin, but that would - again - punish players).

Personally I think a points-based system would be preferable to the alternative for a number of reasons - most notably you could, perhaps, use points to "purchase" special wondercards (cards available to tournament players, perhaps). Only in-tourney points could be used to purchase those cards, before being "downgraded" to normal OBPs (online battle points) which could be used to purchase other things online. A DQIX-esque shop could easily be set up to sell "rare" in-game items for a number of points (as opposed to gold), but I'd think a special "bimonthly" wondercard pokemon (preferably max-statsed so as to give non-RNGers a better chance).

They could still keep track of how many points you've won, and list the points online a the end of the tournament. I suspect there'd be a "golden prize" that cost a lot of points, a silver prize that cost less, and a "participation" prize that cost almost nothing (I'm thinking 20 points, so ~ 10 losses or 5 wins for this). Theoretically they could do a Gold/Silver prize just being the same pokemon, but the gold one shiny and the other non-shiny.
To all the people saying they want the D/Cs to be fixed in BW2, they actually have. In BW2, if someone D/Cs, they are banned from the GBU/tournament for an hour, which should help tremendously.

Oh, and I'm 27-3-28 at the moment. Too bad a lot of those D/Cs were actually really fun battles that I'd love to save. :(
Now I know this tournament is bs. My points wen't from 1750 to 1719 when I haven't lost a single freaking match since I got to 1750.
And dc'ers are a pain as usual. They've been the only people i've played up until random rank drop

@Person above: They are banned for a bit then they can log right back on and play. Plus if the router turns off and not the ds then the check method fails anyway. They can log right back in and continue playing according to multiple testers. This is not problem solved. Especially cause according to what i'm reading both sides are penalized if someone turns their ds off.
In BW2, if someone D/Cs, they are banned from the GBU/tournament for an hour, which should help tremendously.

Except Nintendo still can't determine (or chooses not to implement technology that can) who disconnected, so if you get disconnected on you're off for an hour, too.
@Person above: They are banned for a bit then they can log right back on and play. Plus if the router turns off and not the ds then the check method fails anyway. They can log right back in and continue playing according to multiple testers. This is not problem solved. Especially cause according to what i'm reading both sides are penalized if someone turns their ds off.
Dang, I hadn't headed about that loophole. I guess a GBU tournament without D/Cers was to good to be true... :(

Except Nintendo still can't determine (or chooses not to implement technology that can) who disconnected, so if you get disconnected on you're off for an hour, too.
Normally I'd say that wouldn't be a problem since nobody would D/C since that'd hurt they're chances of winning (the reason you'd D/C), but if what Arceus says is true, then I'm afraid this will actually make things 100x worse, as cheaters will not only deny people wins, but also boot them for an hour. Especially when you throw prizes into the mix, these tournaments will probably be unplayable.
Okay, so even though my game has only registered 79 battles, I did 100. A full 100 (DCs included, that is). I am DONE with this thing. My rating's about an embarrassing 1597, be it due to some actual fair losses, misplays on my part, hax, but most importantly, the ever-frequent disconnect preventing one from ranking up. Just take a look at those last 20 or so battles...

1. Chester, New York, 1530 1-0 LOSS
2. EnFuego, None, 1500 2-1 LOSS
3. Jayson, Virgiinia, 1456, 3-0 WIN
4. Ivan, Mexico, 1544, 4-0 LOSS
5. XENON, California, 1538 2-0 LOSS
6. Nick, None, 1529, 3-1, WIN
7. Rob, Portugal, 1516, 4-0 WIN
8. CHRIS, Costa Rica, 1572, 4-0 WIN
9. dYlAn, Illinois, 1521, 2-1, LOSS
10. (Name), South Korea, 1486, 4-2 LOSS
11. Sol64, Greater London, UK, 1636, 3-1 WIN
12. Zach, Canada, 1482, 3-0 WIN
13. Izax, Brazil, 1528, 2-0 WIN
14. Armando, Costa Rica, 1438, 4-0 WIN
15. GregJL, Arizona, 1518, 2-0 LOSS
16. MIGUEL, New Jersey, 1500, 4-0, WIN
17. Harima, Chile, 1518, 2-0, WIN
18. Antonio, Colombia, 1517, 4-0 LOSS
19. RYOU, New York, 1500, 3-0 WIN
20. Merari, Mexico, 1488, 3-0 WIN
21. MARIFER, Mexico, 1446, 4-0 WIN
22. Swedish, Sweden, 1545, 2-0 WIN (D/C)
23. Pablo...(m), New York, 1463, 3-1 LOSS
24. MC, Mexico, 1487, 0-0 LOSS
25. Ricky, California, 1531, 3-0 WIN
26. Joaquin, Madrid, 1500, 4-0 WIN
27. TONIO, Andalusia, 1475, 2-0 WIN
28. Ethan, New York, 1680, 2-1 WIN (D/C) LOL I GOT A TRIPLE PROTECT!
29. Bianca, Kentucky, 1570, 2-0 LOSS
30. IKRAM, Turkey, 1500, 3-3 ??? (D/C)
31-33. ???, ???, ??? WINS (My computer went off before I could save the data I took down on who I faced, but I had 3 wins in a row.)
34. DANT, Mexico, 1567, 3-0 WIN (D/C)
35. NICOLAS, Mexico, 1551, 2-0 LOSS
36. KuraiZZ, Tennessee, 1531, 2-0 WIN
37. Julien, France, 1457, 3-0 WIN
38. Yoshi, New York, 1581, 2-0 WIN
39. CLAUDIO, Mexico, 1329, 3-0 WIN
40. ALEX, California, 1686, 3-0 LOSS
41. Nick, None, 1514, 4-2 WIN
42. Katrina, Louisiana, 1537 (Lol...look at the name), 3-1 WIN
43. Arenero, Mexico, 1496, 3-1 WIN
44. Madara, California, 1500, 4-0 WIN
45. Leah, Illinois, 1402, 2-0 WIN
46. Cemino, New York, 1500, 2-0 WIN
47. Jeremy, Texas, 1420, 4-0(?), D/C (Error 91010... :\ )
48. LUVIER, Mexico, 1746, 3-1 LOSS
49. ASAELDJ, Mexico, 1577, ??? (Error 91010...again. After the first turn, really?)
50. LOHA, None, 1533, 1-0 WIN
51. Anis, None, 1613, 2-0 LOSS
52. WELLZIN, None, 1457, 3-0 WIN
53. PEPPE, Italy, 1573, 4-0 WIN (D/C...91010 once more)
54. LAWLIET, Italy, 1566, 1-0 LOSS
55. (Name), South Korea, 1694, 2-0 LOSS
56. Ollie, None, 1572, 2-0 LOSS
57. Uwe, Netherlands, 1716, 1-0 WIN
58. MAX, None, 1601, 1-0 LOSS
59. Felix, Germany, 1526, 4-0 WIN
60. Marco, Mexico, 1624, 1-0 LOSS
61. Rhyan, None, 1584, 3-0 WIN
62. Hiatos, Mexico, 1571, 3-0 WIN (D/C)
63. Leion, New York, 1512, 2-0 WIN
64. Ricas, Angola, 1500, 4-4 ??? (D/C) :\
65. Ben, Colorado, 1491, 3-0 WIN
66. Tatjana, Germany, 1383, 3-0 WIN
67. Rafa, Spain, 1515, 3-0 WIN
68. Javier, Mexico, 1563, 2-0 LOSS
69. Kasofa, north Carolina, 1537, 4-3, ??? (D/C)
70. GENERAL, North Carolina, 1722, 3-0 LOSS
71. Kiang, Costa Rica, 1485, 3-0 WIN
72. Jordan, Washington, 1750, 3-1 WIN
73. GREGORY, Michigan, 1507, 2-1 (D/C, 91010 while he was winning...Now it looks like I ragequitted)
74. Raow, Indiana, 1805, 3-0 LOSS
75. (Name), South Korea, 1522, 2-4 LOSS
76. Jimmy, Panama, 1653, 2-1 WIN
77. Brian, Wisconsin, 1813, 3-0 LOSS
78. Kuro*, Washington, 1602, 2-0 LOSS
79. Jorge, Guatemala, 1712, 2-0 WIN (D/C)
80. Raul, Mexico, 1671, 2-0 WIN (D/C) (Connection dropped while sending score data, didn't update)
81. Annix, Thailand, 1472, 1-0 LOSS
82. CARLOS, Ecuador, 1421, 3-0 WIN (D/C)
83. Faizan, New York, 1461, 4-3 ??? (I probably would have won that) (D/C)
84. Nick, North Carolina, 1473, 3-0 WIN
85. Hiro, Chile, 1553, 1-0 WIN
86. Felipe, Chile, 1681, 2-2 (I most likely would have won) (D/C, 91010)
87. Manuel, None, 1459, 3-0 WIN (D/C)
88. Manuel, None, 1459, 2-0 WIN (D/, again)
89. Lucas, Texas, 1566, 4-1 WIN
90. Alex, Indiana, 1483, 4-0 WIN
91. Dakota, None, 1892, 1-0 LOSS
92. Chaivon, Texas, 1724, 3-0 LOSS
93. LUIS, Dominican Republic, 1502, 2-0 WIN (D/C)
94. JON, Colombia, 1582, 1-0 WIN (D/C)
95. Tomoyin, Chile, 1445, 2-1 LOSS (D/C) (She would have won, so she must've had a legitimate cause for suddenly disconnecting)
96. AJ, Indiana, 1311, 3-0 WIN
97. Alfonso, Italy, 1530, 4-0 LOSS
98. Andrea, Missouri, 1488, 3-0 WIN
99. ALEX, California, 1812, 1-0 LOSS
100. Ignacio, Chile, 1497, 4-3, ??? (D/C)

Highest I got in this was about 1665, then...idk what happened. Felt like my team had so much potential, but every loss is a lesson learned, and I think I'm gonna take some to the head. Also, GG ALEX from Cali and Dakota from Nowhere.

I think the biggest lesson I learned is that Venusaur in a Trick Room team is only good for surprise factor, and only if your opponent is running a rain team. And Rotom-W can do his job better and have more fun.
They ought to adopt some kind of rating system that doesn't punish losers.

A "4:2" spread on even level players would allow for a 5:1 when good players lose to bad players. DCing wouldn't cost you points, but wouldn't add any either. When your opponent DCs, then it would treat as a win for you.

You're relying on the fact that they know who DCd. Hurr durr, if they knew who did they would simply just add to the system they already have in place and give the DCer an auto loss instead of adopting the ridiculously stupid idea of not punishing people for doing poorly. I mean if everyone really wants it to be based on how fast and how often you battle, then we can adopt that system. But that does absolutely NOTHING to make things better.
I'm thinking the tournament has lumped me in with the disconnectors, 1W 2L and 14 D/Cs (+2 when my internet wonked on sending results). My rating's stuck at 1498 because I can't find anyone to battle who will actually take the loss... and I keep getting matched up with the same person who constantly D/Cs upon seeing that they're versing me again. :/
Up to now most of the people i have faced either DC when i am about to beat them or DC when it starts, i think for me i have had only about 2 dc i think due to internet conking out.

At least there are some people who actually stay and take this tournament properly by taking the loss, i mean i don't DC (unless my internet conks out) i mean i have had quite a bit of losses but at the same time quite a bit of wins.

At first my rating up to 1622 or something and now went down to 1430 but managed to climb it up to 1488 now, mostly it's been up and down but oh well my focus sash gengar helped a lot though as well as my life orb gallade sometimes.

I really hope that when B/W2 get released world wide then i hope they step up the checking and stop any whining DC's the next time they set up a tourney. At least this tourney has given me practice until the B/W2 meta are out worldwide
Oh boy, I think I'll pass. 4 consecutive losses and I couldn't even figure out how to fight back. Fortunately they had like 1900 points each so I didn't lose many points (although I'm almost positive they would DC on me if I won).
Now, now, would you look at that. Spanish player named Alberto (1850+) didn't DC on me when I won (and I'm currently sitting at measly 1651 points). Thank you so much...
Anyone on here using the name RoiRex from Spain sitting on 2010 points, just wanted to say thanks for the D/C after I totally outplayed you, I can see how you've got yourself such a good ranking :) good job!!