1st match with David from spain
3-0 fairly easy match...except he dc'd on me.
Defeated Marco from the US (I think)
3-1, GGs.
Faced Ruzgar from Canada using a mono dark team.
He got 4-0'd though.
Faced Chiri from the US.
Won 2-0, GGs. Protect ferrothorn was obvious.
Faced Cyrus from California
Rain team without the use of Ludi neither kingdra, rather using pokes like D-nite, scizor and Jellicent.
He was using a trick room team using toed, jelli, porygon2 and scizor.
It took 20 minutes to take that team down and I was about to win 1-0...until he dc'd on me. I resent him fully for that...It was a REALLY good match.
Faced: Touya (wasn't looking at the flag)
Won 3-0, fairly easily.
Faced DEAN from Canada
Won 3-0 handily, GGs.
Faced Andrew from Nevada, US
using a heavily reliant sand team using ttar, garchomp, excadrill and alakazam
Alakazam got bitch slapped by hitnontop olololololol.
Won 3-0 though, ggs.
Faced Harry from Canada
He forfeited at 4-1, at least he didn't dc. GG's
Faced Hilbert, no location.
Holy damn, his team was SCARY. You need to see what he did.
I still won 1-0 though, GGs. Battle no.: 60-53940-22582
Faced Kevin from US
Wasted his white herb latios and critted his Garchomp with CC first turn... :[
Tyranitar worried me though, luckily i picked cress and she saves the day, not sure if the Hydro pump missed mattered, I had light screen up at the time.
Battle no.: 41-55344-39287
1-0, Great match.
Notes: Faced a fair few canadians.
So far, my team is doing really well.
9-0-2 record so far.