Back to Basics Tournament - Standard OU - Round Two

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Alright, perhaps the deadline is too soon. I figured with less people, I could shorten the amount of time allowed to get battles done. I will extend the deadline for everyone to Monday, November 9, at 11:59 PM CST.

Adding the win of Shucklez...
I'm going to assume that you are Tri-Dark Souls, since TDS is an abbreviation of that.

Adding Tsunami's win.
Excellent, and the other battle should be done tomorrow. We might actually make it out of this round without having to give out default wins...
I sent Ashitaka a PM yesterday from my iPhone. I have not yet received a response. I'm back from my weekend trip and he is not online at the moment. I just sent him another PM. We'll see what happens.
From the way things are looking now, should your battle not be completed by the deadline (end of tomorrow), you, Supe, shall receive the win by default. But I hope that doesn't have to happen and you two can actually battle, but I'm not going to delay it anymore for one battle.
Well, it's 7:20 pm my time and 10:20pm Ashitaka's time. I never heard back from him.
Well, the deadline has past, and the match wasn't completed. I'm sorry to say that I will have to give the win to Supe, who was clearly the more active user in the last match. Currently, I'm at school, and don't have time to do Round 3 pairings, however, I will be home in an hour, and I will start Round 3 then. So, that's what's happening.
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