Pokémon Banette

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I have come to the conclusion that the best way to not run protect is to simply run taunt in combination with destiny bond. This gives you opportunitites to double switch on slow clerics like chansey and give you the opportunity to mega evolve whereas otherwise its far too difficult to find the opportunity
Personally I would go with
Sucker punch
Shadow sneak
Destiny bond
Any move that powers attack.
The sucker punch and shadow sneak make up for its speed.(you can get shadow sneak from breeding I think) Priority destiny bond is deadly and setting up attack can make it amazing. The main flaw if this is normal types.
Personally I would go with
Sucker punch
Shadow sneak
Destiny bond
Any move that powers attack.
The sucker punch and shadow sneak make up for its speed.(you can get shadow sneak from breeding I think) Priority destiny bond is deadly and setting up attack can make it amazing. The main flaw if this is normal types.
There are three problems with this set. 1, ghost and dark coverage is not very good. Especially considering how well dark types do against Mega Banette in general. 2, banette doesn't have any good boosting moves. She just doesn't. 3, banette doesn't have enough power to ko common threats with either of the two moves mentioned. Banette has attacking power and can use any of the moves you mentioned, however when they are all in the same set banette just isn't effective enough to justify a spot on your team over other current OU sweepers. Priority support in a bulky attacker is what sets banette apart.
First post!

I love using M-Banette in teams, it's got a great design & an amazing Attack stat, but it does suffer from possibly the worst 4MSS in the meta right now. The best way to alleviate that is to cater the 4 moves to exactly what your team is lacking, but frankly if you aren't using it for the priority Destiny Bond, just use Sableye & let something else more useful be the Mega. I've tried an attacking set, a full support set & a mix of the two, & I feel like the best set for M-Banette is attack/status/Protect/DB. As alluded to before, the attacking set just doesn't have the coverage to be an effective sweeper. Outside of Ghost & Dark, the only physical coverage it gets is Return/Facade, & Gunk Shot. It gets some coverage on the special side but who the hell's using base 93 over 165? If you're trying to use this as an all-out attacker, you might as well go with another Mega. I feel this Attacking M-Banette will only really work in RU this gen.

Frankly, the only reason to use M-Banette is for the priority Destiny Bond, but once you realise that, it's actually incredibly effective at taking down a huge threat to your team even in OU. These are the two sets that have worked for me:

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 SAtk / 0 Spd
- Shadow Claw / Knock Off / Pursuit
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
- Destiny Bond

This is a defensive M-Banette designed to cripple Physical attackers. The Nature & EVs make it Specially defensive, with Will-O-Wisp patching up the Physical defense. Always Protect first turn to ensure you get Prankster. WoW if necessary, otherwise Destiny Bond. The 0 Speed IVs are so that after you DB, Shadow Claw hits as slow as possible to ensure the 2 turns of DB. Sometimes I ran Knock Off instead for the great utility that move gives you. Occasionally I ran Pursuit too because it was very unexpected, & didn't screw with DB because if they were switching, Pursuit would hit hard & I wouldn't be hit myself. If they didn't switch, I still had the 2 turns of DB. For that reason, I didn't want to use any of the attacking priority moves Banette gets (Sucker Punch & Shadow Sneak). I didn't need to invest in Attack because invested I hit as hard as LO Banette so Shadow Claw still does good damage. It's main use is taking down a big threat to allow your sweepers to clean up. It's not going to be the MVP every game, but it can clear a path for your own win condition to be the MVP. The mindgames with the slow DB can really take momentum away from your opponent.

The other set that I ran was:

Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Frisk
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 SAtk / 0 Spd
- Knock Off / Shadow Claw
- Disable
- Protect
- Destiny Bond

This set turned out to be very effective at crippling Choicers. I made this one Physically defensive to deal better with Knock Off which is everywhere this gen. The main idea is to switch in on a Choiced opponent you feel Banette can take a hit from (or even better if you get a free switch that they switch in their Choicer on), Frisk is used over Insomnia so you can scout to make sure it is Choiced, Mega Evolve & Protect on the first turn to activate Prankster, then Prankster Disable on the next turn to cripple them, then you can double switch & gain the momentum back. I preferred running Knock Off over Shadow Claw on this set because if you switch in on something that will force a switch, you can Knock Off on whatever switches into you, which I found was mroe useful than a STAB that was not always reliable. The only thing you have to watch out for is if they switch in their Choicer on your Knock Off, you do lose the ability to cripple it with Disable, but not many opponents did that because they weren't expecting the Knock Off to lose their Choice item, or the Disable to stop them from using the move they're locked into. You can free switch it in later, then use the DB + slow attack combo to ensure you take something else out. This set does require a fair amount of prediction, but if you get it right it can mess with the other team a lot. I like to play high risk high reward, so this set is something I loved using, & I ended up being pretty surprised as just how well it worked.

So yeah that's my two cents on M-Banette. I do feel like M-Banette's tier will be RU this gen (Prankster activating on the first turn would have bumped it up to at least UU if not OU), but there's no reason why it can't be used in OU with good effect. The two sets I've posted are just two ways that I got it to work well.
I've been deciding for a long time whether or not to breed a Shuppet for this mega.
It seems like Mega Banette is one of those Pokémon who works fine in any tier but won't get a lot of usage, particularly because of the common idea that your mega has to sweep or wall many things.
What Banette brings is sheer utility, most notably priority Destiny Bond.

ArcanineLion posted two sets that look very good on paper; I'm willing to try the specially defensive one first.
Banette @ Banettite
Ability: Insomnia
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spd
- Phantom Force
- Sucker Punch
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond

Won't say too much about this set except that it can be truly amazing if played properly. I've posted it before a few times but the mind games it forces is unreal. Phantom Force coming off that attack stat is no joke, Taunt corners pokes into either switching (which can often net you an opportunity to bring in another poke safely) or taking a strong Sucker Punch, and Destiny Bond can grab an all important KO on any opposing poke that thinks it's safe to attack (or has to attack to be safe). Full HP investment also means you can take quite a few strong hits. Meganette's bulk isn't to be underestimated. 0 Spd IVs and a Brave nature allows you to underspeed a few more pokes and play Phantom Force in a more threatening manner (at least in my experience).

Overall, with the correct team composition, this set wrecks. I easily got to 2000+ ranking on the old system with this as my MVP. Whoever says it can't deal with dark types etc. - FOCUS MORE ON THE REST OF YOUR TEAM THEN.

Teams up really well with pokes such as Mandi, Conk etc... I'm sure you guys can find some good cores.
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Let's discuss some potential Pokemon that could counter Mega Banette.

For example, Gale Wings Talonflame. Sure, speed is the only stat it really excels at, but with a Choice Band on, outside of Trick Room, it would have nothing to fear from a Prankster Destiny Bond.

My logic is simple. Its Brave Bird, with Gale Wings, would have equal priority to Mega Banette's Prankster Destiny Bond. Bear in mind, Mega Evolution does absolutely nothing to boost Banette's pathetic defenses. And the scenario I'm presenting assumes that Banette was able to successfully Mega Evolve and take out one of your previous Pokemon.

As for Trick Room, even with Prankster, it would still have a pathetic -6 priority. What's more, the turn that would go into setting it up is a turn where priority Destiny Bond wouldn't be a threat. So that also wouldn't help Mega Banette.
Let's discuss some potential Pokemon that could counter Mega Banette.

For example, Gale Wings Talonflame. Sure, speed is the only stat it really excels at, but with a Choice Band on, outside of Trick Room, it would have nothing to fear from a Prankster Destiny Bond.

My logic is simple. Its Brave Bird, with Gale Wings, would have equal priority to Mega Banette's Prankster Destiny Bond. Bear in mind, Mega Evolution does absolutely nothing to boost Banette's pathetic defenses. And the scenario I'm presenting assumes that Banette was able to successfully Mega Evolve and take out one of your previous Pokemon.

As for Trick Room, even with Prankster, it would still have a pathetic -6 priority. What's more, the turn that would go into setting it up is a turn where priority Destiny Bond wouldn't be a threat. So that also wouldn't help Mega Banette.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is well established. Talonflame really shouldn't be switching in on bannette though as it can't really take a shadow claw or knock off very well anyway, so Talonflame would always revenge kill Banette, but Banette isn't a sweeper, so that really doesn't matter too much.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is well established. Talonflame really shouldn't be switching in on bannette though as it can't really take a shadow claw or knock off very well anyway, so Talonflame would always revenge kill Banette, but Banette isn't a sweeper, so that really doesn't matter too much.

Protect + Disable would be a really cool way to deal with Choice users. Would a Ghost attack / Will-o-wisp / protect / disable set be viable?
Protect + Disable would be a really cool way to deal with Choice users. Would a Ghost attack / Will-o-wisp / protect / disable set be viable?
I don't know, Protect + Disable sounds decent enough (I've been trying Protect just to mega Evolve Banette and get Prankster without taking a hit first), but I don't know if I would ever use Banette without Destiny Bond. Also, I personally prefer Knock Off > Ghost attack since it's pretty much just as powerful unless you want to use a two-turn attack, and Knock Off also removes items. I'd go Protect / Disable / Destiny Bond / Knock Off.
I love using Mega-Banette, it might not be the best Mega but it's a favorite of mine. While I see most here say Anti-Lead or just be a normal Prankster user, I'd rather use a more offensive set:

Banette @ Banettite
Trait: Frisk
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Hp
- Shadow Claw
- Sucker Punch
- Substitute
- Will-O-Wisp

Packing Shadow Claw as a primary STAB and not needing Shadow Sneak due to this set having Sucker Punch. Sucker Punch to smack Banette's bigger cousin, Gengar. Sub for scouting, Will-O-Wisp to get a cripple on Physical Sweepers. With it running max speed, I can bring Banette in on a slower mon (or no speed invested one,) Choice locked mon, etc., and set up a sub while Mega-Evolving. Since it doesn't get Prankster to work first turn on the evo, it's why it's best to do so. Not only that, it out-speeds Priority Shadow Sneak from Aegislash with Prankster, so I can get a burn off before going down.
i myself run an all out offensive Banette.
Lonely nature
252 attack 252 hp 4 spd
shadow sneak, sucker punch, phantom force, and destiny bond.
the first two are a necessity for priority kills, phantom force for guaranteed kill against almost anything weak to ghost, crippling against anything else. Destiny bond to give the middle finger to anything that dares survive. Best ran in double or triple battles in my experience as a late game sweeper. Preferably against a weakend foe that's priority shadow sneak or sucker punched. Most attacked leave from 75-25% health if you go PF, if they don't ignore it completely as can likely be the case. Banette is great to use if you can situate right
i myself run an all out offensive Banette.
Lonely nature
252 attack 252 hp 4 spd
shadow sneak, sucker punch, phantom force, and destiny bond.
the first two are a necessity for priority kills, phantom force for guaranteed kill against almost anything weak to ghost, crippling against anything else. Destiny bond to give the middle finger to anything that dares survive. Best ran in double or triple battles in my experience as a late game sweeper. Preferably against a weakend foe that's priority shadow sneak or sucker punched. Most attacked leave from 75-25% health if you go PF, if they don't ignore it completely as can likely be the case. Banette is great to use if you can situate right

You mean Adamant nature, right? You're not using any special moves, unless you want lower defense to die more easily for Destiny Bond, but I'd run max speed instead of HP if that were the case. Sorry for the little nitpick. Aside from that, I think that Mega Banette's greatest asset is the best movepool with which to abuse Prankster, so I'm not too keen on running 3 attacks despite having a higher attack stat than Mega Gyarados.
Having a really tough time choosing a build for Mega Banette. Let me know what you guys think

Move set 1

-Destiny Bond
-Will o Wisp
-Phantom Force

I like this one but is Phantom Force going to benifit it since MBan isnt that fast? I mean ill basically have to setup with Protect, then WoW, Protect, then phantom force meaning i wouldve already been hit once. Is MBan strong enough to take two hits?

Move Set 2

-Destiny Bond
-Phantom Force

Since im setting up with Protect anyways i thought this would be the perfect chance to use Disable on the 2nd turn. Unfortunately losing out on WoW is kind of rough.

Move Set 3

-Destiny Bond
-Thunder Wave
-Will o Wisp
-Phantom Force

This one Id have to setup with Will o Wisp instead of protect which sucks because i lose out on prankstr first turn. However 2nd turn would be TWave allow Phantom Force to outspeed on the third turn. THough again because Protect isnt on th first turn id end up taking two hits before doing Phantom Force.

THe main problem is, Destiny bond and protect seems to be very important which makes the other two moves hard to pick. I mean you need at least one attack, and how do i pick the 4th? Disable, Will o wisp, and thunder wave all fits well but ugh. anybody have any suggestions?
Has anyone tried gunk shot? It got an accuracy raise this gen so its not that unreliable. It is a strong move (its strongest move bar phantom force) and is useful for fairies (and some grass mons). My go-to set is

Banette @ Banettite
Trait: Frisk
Nature: Adamant
Ev's: 252 Hp / 252 Atk / 4 Spd
- Shadow Sneak
- Gunk Shot
- Destiny Bond
- Will-O-Wisp
I think I like
-shadow sneak
-Destiny bond

at least with sneak u still get reliable priority. And seems like it gets full use of prankster crippler support and even a kill with destiny bond.
Having a really tough time choosing a build for Mega Banette. Let me know what you guys think

Move set 1

-Destiny Bond
-Will o Wisp
-Phantom Force

I like this one but is Phantom Force going to benifit it since MBan isnt that fast? I mean ill basically have to setup with Protect, then WoW, Protect, then phantom force meaning i wouldve already been hit once. Is MBan strong enough to take two hits?

Move Set 2

-Destiny Bond
-Phantom Force

Since im setting up with Protect anyways i thought this would be the perfect chance to use Disable on the 2nd turn. Unfortunately losing out on WoW is kind of rough.

Move Set 3

-Destiny Bond
-Thunder Wave
-Will o Wisp
-Phantom Force

This one Id have to setup with Will o Wisp instead of protect which sucks because i lose out on prankstr first turn. However 2nd turn would be TWave allow Phantom Force to outspeed on the third turn. THough again because Protect isnt on th first turn id end up taking two hits before doing Phantom Force.

THe main problem is, Destiny bond and protect seems to be very important which makes the other two moves hard to pick. I mean you need at least one attack, and how do i pick the 4th? Disable, Will o wisp, and thunder wave all fits well but ugh. anybody have any suggestions?
The point of phantom force is to get a slow attack to go along with phantom force. Having used banette extensively, the best OU set is the second set. I prefer knock off personally with the switches banette forces, but thats your call.
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