jelome1989's request, I've done the mock battle in my Vs. Recorder many, many times. These are all estimates, but there shouldn't be any errors here.
Super Rotation Battle
Chatelaine Morgan
Latias @ Lax Incense (WHAT)
-Calm Mind
-Mist Ball
-Dragon Pulse
Slower than 143, faster than 112 =
130 speed
Very defensively bulky, likely 252HP/252Def+ (Bold)
Terrakion @ Sitrus Berry
-Swords Dance
-Sacred Sword
-Rock Slide
Faster than 167 =
176 speed
Very offensive, likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)
Cobalion @ Maranga Berry (increases sp. def when hit by special attack)
-Metal Burst
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Attack
-Iron Head
slower than 145 =
140 speed
Bulky, likely 252HP/252Defense; because of damage variation, I can't tell if it's a +Def nature or not. Jolly Mamoswine's EQ does around 60%
Virizion @ Coba Berry (flying resist berry)
-Leaf Blade
-Stone Edge
-Sacred Sword
Faster than 168 =
176 speed
Hard to call offensive capabilities, but likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)
That took a while. Rotating all over the place, preventing me from getting the info I want.