Battle Maison Discussion & Records

Do you really need Fire Blast, Flare Blitz and another Fire Blast ? Seems overfirekill. A Surf on Goodra could be useful against all the ground or rock Pokemon
That'd be good if Goodra could learn Surf.

It can learn Muddy Water, but at the same accuracy as Fire Blast but 90BP, it seems shaky.
At jelome1989's request, I've done the mock battle in my Vs. Recorder many, many times. These are all estimates, but there shouldn't be any errors here.

Super Rotation Battle Chatelaine Morgan

Latias @ Lax Incense (WHAT)
-Calm Mind
-Mist Ball
-Dragon Pulse

Slower than 143, faster than 112 = 130 speed
Very defensively bulky, likely 252HP/252Def+ (Bold)

Terrakion @ Sitrus Berry
-Swords Dance
-Sacred Sword
-Rock Slide

Faster than 167 = 176 speed
Very offensive, likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)

Cobalion @ Maranga Berry (increases sp. def when hit by special attack)
-Metal Burst
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Attack
-Iron Head

slower than 145 = 140 speed
Bulky, likely 252HP/252Defense; because of damage variation, I can't tell if it's a +Def nature or not. Jolly Mamoswine's EQ does around 60%

Virizion @ Coba Berry (flying resist berry)
-Leaf Blade
-Stone Edge
-Sacred Sword

Faster than 168 = 176 speed
Hard to call offensive capabilities, but likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)

That took a while. Rotating all over the place, preventing me from getting the info I want.
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In case anyone is interested, I uploaded a few more very close calls.

Battle #236, SX5G-WWWW-WWW2-PV2P, Vs. Froslass/Drifblim/Cofagrigus/Reuniclus (I barely won this one, this was the hardest battle so far),
Battle #238, NX6G-WWWW-WWW2-PV3X, Vs. Gengar/Cofagrigus/Jynx/Gourgeist (4 Ghosts, are you kidding me?)
Battle #246, STJW-WWWW-WWW2-PV6E, Vs. Krookodile/Accelgor/Salamence/Walrein (Lax Insence Fissure/Sheer Cold Walrein..)

I haven't lost yet though, I'm at #255 now.
At jelome1989's request, I've done the mock battle in my Vs. Recorder many, many times. These are all estimates, but there shouldn't be any errors here.

Super Rotation Battle Chatelaine Morgan

Latias @ Lax Incense (WHAT)
-Calm Mind
-Mist Ball
-Dragon Pulse

Slower than 143, faster than 112 = 130 speed
Very defensively bulky, likely 252HP/252Def+ (Bold)

Terrakion @ Sitrus Berry
-Swords Dance
-Sacred Sword
-Rock Slide

Faster than 167 = 176 speed
Very offensive, likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)

Cobalion @ Maranga Berry (increases sp. def when hit by special attack)
-Metal Burst
-Sacred Sword
-Quick Attack
-Iron Head

slower than 145 = 140 speed
Bulky, likely 252HP/252Defense; because of damage variation, I can't tell if it's a +Def nature or not. Jolly Mamoswine's EQ does around 60%

Virizion @ Coba Berry (flying resist berry)
-Leaf Blade
-Stone Edge
-Sacred Sword

Faster than 168 = 176 speed
Hard to call offensive capabilities, but likely 252Attack/252Speed+ (Jolly)

That took a while. Rotating all over the place, preventing me from getting the info I want.

Wow! Thanks a bunch!
Hmmm... Tailwind + Mega Gardevoir wants to have a word with these guys.
After about five tries, I finally got to (and beat) the Super Singles Chatalaine. Interruped the streak immediately after, but I'll revisit it later today.

I've been shamelessly using Deaga's team the whole time, which seems to work better and better with each try. With that said, deciding whether or not to keep Kangaskhan's moveset the way it is has tormented me for quite some time. Return/EQ/SP/Crunch has been completely invaluable for 70-80% of the battles, but man I certainly could have used a fifth moveslot for Fake-Out/PP on several occasions.

Hardest battle from the current streak started off with a lead Serperior. Didn't realize it had Contrary, so upon switching to Aegislash (should have just Returned/SPed with Kangaskhan in hindsight) I was left to suffer the wrath of increasingly powerful Leaf Storms. Tried my best to PP stall with King's Shield, but it was only a matter of time before Aegislash perished. At the very least, I was able to take off about half of the Serperior's health with Shadow Sneak before getting the knockout with Kangaskhan's Sucker Punch.

Out next comes Samurott which went down easily enough with Return/SP, but then the guy's last mon was Venusar. A bulky Venusaur with lefties, of course. Return brought it down to ~15% health, but Kangaskhan was knocked out by Sludge Bomb. Given that my last Pokemon was Azumarill, I couldn't risk something like a Leaf Storm or Power Whip so I hoped for the best and clicked Aqua Jet. No dice, but just as things seemed hopeless the Venusaur used Sludge Bomb again and DIDN'T KO Azumarill. Thanks to that, I was able to get off one more Aqua Jet for the win.
For those with high rows... is there anything more than the Lansat or Starf berries at higher streaks? And also... do they give you any medal on Global Link or trainer card changes colour?
For those with high rows... is there anything more than the Lansat or Starf berries at higher streaks? And also... do they give you any medal on Global Link or trainer card changes colour?
I know you at least get a medal at 50 for each format.
For those with high rows... is there anything more than the Lansat or Starf berries at higher streaks? And also... do they give you any medal on Global Link or trainer card changes colour?

Lansat at 100, Starf at 200, probably nothing at 300 (BW didn't give anything at 300).
I'm at 270 right now, I'll let you guys now if I manage to get to 300.
Thanks guys! Another question... is the same to have a mon at lvl 50 or level it up until 100 and then battle with him in the Maison at level 50? Has it got the same stats?
For those of you who are scouting out the opposing trainers' teams using Mock Battles:

Ditto gets you exact movesets. Sadly, it does not show exact stats of the target. Imposter is preferred in Singles, but not any other battle types.

Frisk now tells you the items of all opposing pokemon. Not sure if you need to be in the centre position in a triple battle, or if it works in Rotation. Trick, Switcheroo, and Knock Off can also be used to find out what items they have.

Trace, Role Play, Entrainment, and Skill Swap tells you the target's ability.

Endure/Focus sash + Pain Split tells you exact HP values.
How many times have you tried Rotation?
That's still good compared to mine. I've tried more than ten times and lost most of the time at 45+ streak (one time at 49 down to my Gengar and Armaldo, Sash Gengar failed to 2HKO and Armaldo 2HKOed with Stone Edge. I was raging. I'm at 41 now and stopped. I'm breeding a new team.)

Admittedly it was only my third try. First time I lost in the 20s because I wasn't paying attention and misclicked while spamming the A button. It's still infuriating to lose in the 40s no matter how many tries it takes though. I only have about 10 fully EVed/IVed pokemon and half of them aren't suitable for the battle maison or conflict with the mega slot so my team's not really that great. I basically have Azumarill, Talonflame, and Gengar on every team because they're the only non mega/support mons I have with full 31s.

I actually might try out safeguard Klefki now that you've mentioned it, as I already have a fully IV bred one and thunder wave has always been the bane of Mega Kangaskhan's existence. Thanks for the idea.

Thanks guys! Another question... is the same to have a mon at lvl 50 or level it up until 100 and then battle with him in the Maison at level 50? Has it got the same stats?

As for this, it doesn't matter if your mons are at level 50 or 100, the stats will be the same. I don't believe it scales up though, so if you have a level 40 pokemon it'll still be level 40 in the maison.
For those of you who are scouting out the opposing trainers' teams using Mock Battles:

Ditto gets you exact movesets. Sadly, it does not show exact stats of the target. Imposter is preferred in Singles, but not any other battle types.

Frisk now tells you the items of all opposing pokemon. Not sure if you need to be in the centre position in a triple battle, or if it works in Rotation. Trick, Switcheroo, and Knock Off can also be used to find out what items they have.

Rotation is kind of annoying for the ability-based scouting. If it's one of the 3 Pokemon switched out, it must be in the active position first in order for the ability to activate. Rotating to it won't cause its ability to activate. In addition, if it's sent out in one of the non-active positions, it must be rotated to the active state, execute an attack, and then switched out next turn before switching back in again in order to get the ability to activate.

It took me forever to KO the proper mons and juggle my own Pokemon through the party to finally get Imposter Ditto to transform to the fourth Pokemon in rotation without dying like the wet paper bag that he is. The same happened with my randomly caught Frisk Noibat, although teaching it Protect helps somewhat.
Rotation is kind of annoying for the ability-based scouting. If it's one of the 3 Pokemon switched out, it must be in the active position first in order for the ability to activate. Rotating to it won't cause its ability to activate. In addition, if it's sent out in one of the non-active positions, it must be rotated to the active state, execute an attack, and then switched out next turn before switching back in again in order to get the ability to activate.

It took me forever to KO the proper mons and juggle my own Pokemon through the party to finally get Imposter Ditto to transform to the fourth Pokemon in rotation without dying like the wet paper bag that he is. The same happened with my randomly caught Frisk Noibat, although teaching it Protect helps somewhat.
So, do you think the abilities are set on the Chatelaines then? Cause all the others are random. Also cheers on getting those movesets!
I just battled the most troll Auroros ever.

It came in on my Greninja and activated its hidden ability, Snow Warning then proceeded to use Sandstorm. The next used Hail.

This was on my 26th battle in the Super Singles. Good job, Gamefreak.
So, do you think the abilities are set on the Chatelaines then? Cause all the others are random. Also cheers on getting those movesets!

I haven't done any testing on any of the other Chatelaines. I might do that next. All I know is that Morgan's Pokemon can only have one ability. Latias always has Levitate and the musketeers always have Justified. It's not even possible for them to have anything else.

Edit: Fun times. Notes. Will be cleaned up later.

Super Double Battle Chatelaine Evelyn

Latios @ Lax Incense
Calm Mind
Luster Purge
Dragon Pulse

Took 75% from Jolly Mamoswine Icicle Crash. It's exactly the same as Morgan's Latias.
Likely: Bold 252 HP/252 Defense = 130 speed

Entei @ Life Orb
Sacred Fire
Iron Head
Stone Edge

Took 75% from Jolly Mamoswine Earthquake, dealt a little less than 50% with Stone Edge to Mamoswine. Dealt about 70% damage with Sacred Fire to Mamoswine.

Likely: Adamant 252 HP/252 Defense = 120 speed

Both Latios and Entei were faster than 112, slower than 143.

Suicune @ Lum Berry
Icy Wind

Between 143 and 158 in speed.
Matches up with Timid 252 Speed = 150 speed

Raikou @ Air Balloon
Volt Switch
Shadow Ball

It outsped Mega Kangaskhan once, but if it's Modest then there was a speed tie at 167.
Otherwise, I'm pretty sure it's just Timid 252 Speed = 183 speed

I only did damage calculations when my damage output was not expected, ie DEFENSIVELY BULKY LATI@S is not orthodox.

Learned: Imposter Ditto only transforms to the Pokemon directly across the field from it.

I'm out of battle videos. You can't mock battle Super Multi, which would have told me Regirock and Regice for Dana in triples and Landorus and Thundurus for singles. I could purposefully lose and win back up again...but that will be not be any time soon I don't think (at least definitely not triples for a while). I might attempt to stalk Nita in singles, but I think someone already got the information for the genies? I can't remember.

I've consolidated the data so far into a spreadsheet. Check it out here. If you have more info, please let me know!
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I just battled the most troll Auroros ever.

It came in on my Greninja and activated its hidden ability, Snow Warning then proceeded to use Sandstorm. The next used Hail.

This was on my 26th battle in the Super Singles. Good job, Gamefreak.
This reminds me! I saw a Politoed... without Drizzle. Then it used Rain Dance.
*slow clapping*
I've consolidated the data so far into a spreadsheet. Check it out here. If you have more info, please let me know!
Put this into your signature. Now. Or your status.
Anyway, since I'm bored, I'm gonna be breeding a bunch of 31/x/31/x/31/x Shuckles and distributing them through Wonder Trade. It WRECKS regular singles and some people could use it. Is Azumarill as amazing as everyone says it is? Same with Aegislash. I need to try those two. Thinking of running a SW Galvantula (is it even in XY yet?) with a Megacham or MMawile.
Put this into your signature. Now. Or your status.
Anyway, since I'm bored, I'm gonna be breeding a bunch of 31/x/31/x/31/x Shuckles and distributing them through Wonder Trade. It WRECKS regular singles and some people could use it. Is Azumarill as amazing as everyone says it is? Same with Aegislash. I need to try those two. Thinking of running a SW Galvantula (is it even in XY yet?) with a Megacham or MMawile.

Azumarill is a pretty great backup, and the AI is very confused when it comes to dealing with Stance Change on Aegislash. as far as Galvantula, you can get Joltik in the friend Safari.
So going through some double battles, I faced a trainer who led with Darmanitan and Floatzel. The Floatzel used Aqua tail and Darmanitan used WoW, on Floatzel.... It did not have water veil, but even if it did there would be absolutely 0 point in doing that. Love that the Battle Maison has a trainer who does that, then the next trainer Quick Claw stone edge crits my whole team.

I am currently running Charizard Y, Hitmontop, Talonflame, and Trevenant. This team works great until Heat Wave misses. A lot of times I can't come back from a miss.
So going through some double battles, I faced a trainer who led with Darmanitan and Floatzel. The Floatzel used Aqua tail and Darmanitan used WoW, on Floatzel.... It did not have water veil, but even if it did there would be absolutely 0 point in doing that. Love that the Battle Maison has a trainer who does that, then the next trainer Quick Claw stone edge crits my whole team.

I am currently running Charizard Y, Hitmontop, Talonflame, and Trevenant. This team works great until Heat Wave misses. A lot of times I can't come back from a miss.

I've seen the AI burn it's own Pokemon 4 times now, and none of them benefitted from it. A point worth mentioning is that two of them were Starmie (possible Natural Cure) and one was also a Floatzel (possible Water Veil).
First post ever, 100 wins and counting in Super Singles.

DuranDurant @ Choice Scarf (Durant)
252 HP/252 Spe/4 Def
~Iron Head

ClamLock @ Focus Sash (Cloyster)
Skill Link
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
~Shell Smash
~Icicle Spear
~Rock Blast

AegisTears @ Leftovers (Aegislash)
Stance Change
252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
~King's Shield
~Swords Dance
~Shadow Sneak
~Sacred Sword

Durant still works, computer still doesn't switch.

The idea of 2 sweepers vs 1 sweeper is that if Entrainment isn't happening, your sweepers still have a strong chance of just winning the 'normal' way.

Durant gets Entrainment off turn 1 like 90% of the time.

If they protect T1, just keep him in as likely they can't kill you T2, and likely they'll try to kill you T3 because you're at lower health, thereby letting you Entrainment anyway.

Durant amazingly has lived every T1 Explosion so far, but when we know the pokemon's potential sets and the trainers that use them, maybe switching out to Aegislash is better sometimes.

Cloyster and Aegislash are used because 6 Dragon Dances is way too long for my tastes, but 3 Shell Smashes/Swords Dances are fine by me.

Although these guys are not as resilient as a Dragonite behind a Sub+Multiscale once set up, my logic is there is two of them, so that counts as the extra lives you get, haha. Plus, you have to use Aerial Ace or something instead of Dragon Claw now, thanks to Fairy ;[

This team really appreciates the priority Shadow Sneak, though it's a real shame King's Shield isn't just a renamed Protect with bonus of triggering Shield Forme as I would glady swap the -2 Atk potential for being able to block status 100%, making your Cloyster #1 sweeper choice unless there's a Sandstorm brewing.

Also Roar/Whirlwind hits through Protect so look out for that one. If already set up, should be no problem. If not set up, as long as the Roarer is Truanted, there should be no issues too, but you'll be going into the 2nd pokemon likely with only 1 or no boosts. Likely this sweeper will die (try to make it Aegislash), then you send in Durant again to Entrainment for the last 1 or 2 pokemon.
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I have never fully given myself over to the Battle Tower / Maison so I am not sure what good teams should be like for singles. At the moment I am leaning towards either of these teams:

Team 1
MegaGardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature
~Calm Mind
~Moon Blast
~Focus Miss
~Shadow Ball

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Jolly Nature
~Swords Dance

Arcanine @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 242 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
Impish Nature
~Flare Blitz
~Extreme Speed
~Morning Sun
~WoW / Toxic

Team 2
MegaBlaziken @ Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
IVs: 31/31/31/xx/31/31
~High Jump Kick
~Flare Blitz
~Baton Pass
~Protect/Swords Dance (not sure ;/)

Salamence @ Life Orb
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 64 Atk / 192 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Naive Nature
~Draco Meteor
~Fire Blast

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 HP
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Timid Nature
~Shadow Ball
~Focus Blast


Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 56 SpA / 200 SpD
IVs: 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Calm Nature
~Air Slash
~Dazzling Gleam
~Thunder Wave

Not sure about the synergy of these teams so I would appriciate some help :).
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I run in double a combo between Heliolisk and Lanturn, parabolic charge + surf, if everything fails electrify and Drizzly gem takes the cake, on triple Battle I use Mega manetric as lead with discharge and 2 volt absorb pokes.

Even so, I get dumped by fighting types... no ground types.