Data Battle Tower MkII (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!) [SEE POST #6786]

No one else is willing to accept/ref, so I guess I will.

Its_A_Random vs akela (3v3 FE singles) [Ref: Pikachuun]
Odds are no one else will accept it.
Mega Evolutions: 0
All Items
All Abilities

Mulan15262 vs ff7hero (4v4 NFE Doubles) [Ref:akela Warning, dat arena!]

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geojohn6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
tavok vs ??? (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
tavok vs ??? (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
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Taking one or both of tavok's LC challenges, they will be 1v1, but I can't start the second one until slots clear up, if that is too bad for ya then I'll only take the first one.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geojohn6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
tavok vs S0L1D G0LD (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
tavok vs S0L1D G0LD (delayed, if unacceptable I won't accept and you'll be free to fight anyone else.) (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
Reffing the first of S0L1D G0LD vs. tavok but not the second.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geojohn6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
tavok vs S0L1D G0LD (delayed, if unacceptable I won't accept and you'll be free to fight anyone else.) (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
Training Battle
4Vs4 Doubles
Sum of No. Moves across all Pokemon < 120
Training Items
36Hr. DQ
Acceptor chooses arena
0 Mega Evolutions

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
tavok vs S0L1D G0LD (delayed, if unacceptable I won't accept and you'll be free to fight anyone else.) (1v1/2v2 LC Singles/Doubles)
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction)
Reffing tavok vs. Gold and Arcanite's match.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
Sending out an open challenge!
2v2 LC singles
2 day DQ
5 Chills/2 Recoveries
All abilities
Training items only
2 Substitutions
Switch = OK
Pick an arena, as long as it's not too crazy
If I forgot anything, pick that as well.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
Fighterman481 vs ??? (2v2 LC singles)
Reffing Fighter's challenge.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
Fighterman481 vs ??? (2v2 LC singles) [Ref: Avnomke]
Accepting Fighterman481's challenge.
EDIT: Arena will be Arceus' Plate Platform.

Also, will be reffing a battle in an arena of my own creation. First acceptor will decide the rules, including the amount of Ref's Favors (check arena's description).

You are walking through the corridors towards the ASB Arena, where a battle you are taking part in was scheduled. When you are getting near the end, a suspicious looking character gets in your way.

- Greetings, trainer.
- Who are you, if I may know?
- Oh, me? I’m the ref that got hired for your battle.

You take a look at him, and confirm that he is indeed wearing the uniform characteristic of refs. You can also see his ID.

- Oh, is there a problem? – You ask, now curious.
- No, no problem. Just wondering if you would want to discuss some… things.
- Things? Like what?
- You know, there are a lot of things I have control over during the battles. I could, you know, make some “tweaks” here and there, make sure some things happen and some don’t.
- Wait, are you offering to rig the battle in my favor?
- Oh, no, I would never do that. Just saying that I could make things happen, not that I would do it if someone asked me. Do you get it?

You nod slowly. He then walks in the direction you came from, while you decide to continue forward. You can’t stop thinking about what he said, as you realize he could have made the same offer to your opponent, too.

Arena Mechanics:

- ASB Arena. At least at the start.

- Ref’s Favor: The core part of the arena. Each player gets X amount of “favors”, which they can use to “make sure things happen, or don’t.” This is activated by using an extra, free sub specially for this. Example:

Horn Drill + Horn Drill Combo - Cooldown (Earthquake) – Earhquake
-[Ref’s Favor] Make Horn Drill + Horn Drill combo hit.

Conflicting favors nullify each others, but they still use up a favor. If the opponent asked the referee for the combo to miss, then the accuracy of the combo would be checked normally.

You can also use it in an attack or chance sub, but then you don't get the free sub. For example:

Pain Split - Chill - Crunch
- [Ref's Favor] IF Focus Blast AND in a combo, THEN make the combo miss.

Would use one of your regular subs.

Only one Favor may be used per round.

Things You Can Ask For:
- A move/combo to hit/miss. --% accuracy moves/combos can not miss, even with a favor.
- A secondary effect to happen/not happen.
- Increase/decrease a field effect's duration (maximum one round for those that last certain amount of rounds, maximum two actions for those that last a certain amount of actions).
- Make sure a crit happens/doesn't happen.
- Get rid of a minor status.
- Cause a consecutive move use penalty, even if the move was not used last action. This stacks with natural consecutive use penalty (Earthquake *3 can go from 7+11+15 to 11+15+19).
- Ask for a certain move to be rolled via Sleep talk / Assits / Metronome / Similar moves.
- More to be added.

Things You May NOT ask for:
- Use of a move your mon doesn't know.
- Make your oponent's mon forget a move.
- Get rid of mayor status ailments.
- Create a field effect.
- Inflict a status, minor or mayor.
- Deal direct damage to the opponent's HP / EN.
- OHKOes, invulnerabilitie, and other dumb things.
- More to be added.

In Case What You Want To Ask For Is Not Listed:
The ref shall decide if you can do it or not, so you are encouraged to ask him/her. Things will be added to the lists as people mention/suggest/try to do things.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
??? vs ??? (XvX, new arena testing) [Ref: tavok]
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Taking tavok's battle.

2 favors for each mon (limited by mon, not player).
3v3 FE Singles
5 Chills / 2 Recs
2 Subs
Switch = OK
Training Items
Acceptor decides the rest

Also issuing a challenge of my own:
4v4 Strongmons singles (Must be maxxed or have 60+ moves)
infinite chills/recs
3 Subs
All Abilities
Switch = OK
All Items
Coin Flip Sendout
Arena: Teleportation (Essentially at the end of every round, RNG an arena from all the arenas in the compendium and use it for that round)

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
starwarsfan vs ??? (3v3 FE Singles) [Ref: tavok]
starwarsfan vs ??? (4v4 Strongmons Singles)
Reffing swf's challenge.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
starwarsfan vs ??? (3v3 FE Singles) [Ref: tavok]
starwarsfan vs ??? (4v4 Strongmons Singles) [ref: Avnomke]
Also issuing a challenge of my own:
4v4 Strongmons singles (Must be maxxed or have 60+ moves)
infinite chills/recs
3 Subs
All Abilities
Switch = OK
All Items
Coin Flip Sendout
Arena: Teleportation (Essentially at the end of every round, RNG an arena from all the arenas in the compendium and use it for that round)

Le fucking go.

(I would prefer zero subs, makes it more fun. But oh well.)

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Arcanite vs ??? (4Vs4 Doubles, Move Total restriction) [Ref: Avnomke]
starwarsfan vs ??? (3v3 FE Singles) [Ref: tavok]
I'll snag Arcanite's and tavok's battles.

Avnomke, I'll make the arena vs. Arcanite my previously patented Anera Etiloive. (Also, Texas retired at some point?)

starwarsfan, the rest will be standard, except the arena, which will be my also previously patented Abilities Testing Site. (I need to hit Gerard up for this rematch y/y)
Also, while I'm at it, I'll clarify the "really good" abilities in this arena to be anything on the list in this post sans Defeatist, Slow Start, and Truant.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
Issuing a challenge: LC unused pokemon only

3v3 singles
2 day DQ
2 subs
infinite recovers/chills
standard ASB arena

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
P2X7 vs ??? (2v2 NFE Singles) [Ref: Mulan15262]
epicdrill vs ??? (3v3 LC unused only singles) [Ref: ???]
Accepting both epicdrill's and P2X7's challenges. Conveniently, they both have the same ref. PMing now.

No items for epicdrill's since he lacks even training items.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
Issuing two open challenges:

Up to 5 LC Singles/Doubles/Triples (Acceptor to choose)
2 Day DQ for Singles, 3 for Doubles, 4 for Triples
KO subs only
Abilities (Chosen by acceptor)
Training Items

Acceptor Chooses arenas from the following list:
Arena: Weather Institute of Hoenn
Field Type: Neutral
Complexity: Moderate
Format: All
Restrictions: No Weather Moves

Welcome to the weather institute! Here we study all kinds of weather, along with how Pokémon are able to influence the weather using moves

Inside the Hoenn Weather Institution is a natural arena, with plenty of space, a soft ground where Dig, Earthquake etc. are allowed as there will be no structural damage to the building. There is an external water source so all water moves are available.

Weather changes:
25% Chance of continued clear weather
25% Chance of rain
25% Chance of sunny weather
13% Chance of hail
12% Chance of sandstorm

30% Chance of continued rain
20% Chance of clear weather
20% Chance of sunny weather
16% Chance of hail
14% Chance of sandstorm

40% Chance of rain
40% Chance of clear weather
10% Chance of continued hail
5% Chance of sunny weather
5% Chance of sandstorm

70% Chance of clear weather
20% Chance of continued sandstorm
5% Chance of sunny weather
5% Chance of rain

30% Chance of continued sunny weather
20% Chance of clear weather
20% Chance of sandstorm
20% Chance of rain
10% Chance of hail
Arena: Busy Highway
Field Type:
Complexity: Intense
Format: All

Restrictions: No Water Source, No Rocks, No Grass

Description: A busy highway with constant high speed traffic. Battling takes place on top of the vehicles. Fall off and you could be roadkill.
At the end of each action, all Pokémon not on cars will be hit by cars. There is a 50% that a hybrid would come (5 dmg), a 30% chance that a truck would come (7 dmg), and a 20% chance a tanker would come (10 dmg).

Summary: Endless Highway, millions of cars, 100% chance of a Pokémon becoming road-kill.
Arena: Type Changing Arena
Field Type: All Types
Complexity: Simple
Formats: All Formats

Restrictions: All moves are allowed.

It's the standard arena, except somebody has implanted a strange device in the middle of the field! For the duration of the first round, this device is off. After the end of each round, though, it beeps and suddenly alters the elemental makeup of the arena, giving certain benefits to certain types and detriments to some other ones. Each time the makeup is altered, a random type is chosen. All attacking moves whose types hit the chosen type for super-effective damage have 2 more BAP, while all attacking moves whose types hit the chosen type for not very effective or zero damage have 2 less BAP. There is one exception to this rule; all attacking moves whose type matches that of the gem receive +3 BAP, disregarding the weakness bonuses and the resistance nerfs.

Summary: Certain types get buffed every round.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples)
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples)
I'll ref one of CorruptedCheese's battles.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples) [Ref: Psyco_Josho]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples)
Issuing a challenge:

3v3 Beginners Battle
DQ 48 hours
2 Substitutions
2 Recovers / 5 Chills
ASB Arena

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples) [Ref: Psyco_Josho]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples)
AWailOfATail vs ??? (3v3 Beginners Battle Singles)
Issuing a challenge:

3v3 Beginners Battle
DQ 48 hours
2 Substitutions
2 Recovers / 5 Chills
ASB Arena

Accepting. No items, no abilities, and Switch=OK.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples) [Ref: Psyco_Josho]
CorruptedCheese vs ??? (Up to 5v5 Singles/Doubles/Triples)
AWailOfATail vs epicdrill (3v3 Beginners Battle Singles)
Issuing two open challenges:

5 VS 5 LC Doubles
3 Day DQ
KO subs only
1 Ability
Training Items

Arena: Busy Highway
Field Type:
Complexity: Intense
Format: All

Restrictions: No Water Source, No Rocks, No Grass

Description: A busy highway with constant high speed traffic. Battling takes place on top of the vehicles. Fall off and you could be roadkill.
At the end of each action, all Pokémon not on cars will be hit by cars. There is a 50% that a hybrid would come (5 dmg), a 30% chance that a truck would come (7 dmg), and a 20% chance a tanker would come (10 dmg).

Summary: Endless Highway, millions of cars, 100% chance of a Pokémon becoming road-kill.

I'll take a battle. I need to train my LCs anyway.

??? vs ??? (6v6 LC/NFE/FE singles) [Ref: Geodude6]
CorruptedCheese vs Eternal Drifter (5v5 Doubles)
AWailOfATail vs epicdrill (3v3 Beginners Battle Singles)