Reporting a completed streak of
177 wins in Sun Super Doubles, using the same QR team as reported in my last post
I named the specific combination of 'mons used as such because it centers around utilizing Hyper Voice spam, with Tailwind support; Sylveon is there to throw some powerful opening shots if something immediately threatens MegaMence and needs to be taken out or at least weakened for a backup to come in and take out. Azelf is here as offensive coverage that the rest of the team lacks or, in the case of Flamethrower, doesn't find many opportunities to use. Buzzwole provides the physical offense, pairs with MegaMence/Zaelf for EQ usage, and is the safest switch-in due to its inherently solid Defense and Assautl Vest. Defensive synergy is a little poor with the team, so usage mainly revolves around making the Turn 1 really count and leaning on RNG a lot more than a good team should. Still, as previously stated I wasn't looking to achieve any streaks; rather, I was looking to corroborate or refute PikaCuber's recent double TR leads research, by finding a sample battle featuring these. I didn't find it, and my have missed a prime chance to possibly capture a double Z-Stone leads sample. What I did get, however, was a new best featuring a QR team not created by a Smogonite (if anyone recognizes the Trainer ID or IGN, let "James" know Smuckem thanks him and to drop on by to explain the overall team better). Blaziken was not used due to having a couple of shaky-accuracy moves; Slurpuff was not used due to me being a little bored with the whole Belly Drum sets you tend to see out of this thing.
The usage of double STAB Hyper Voice leads is a destructive sound that overwhelms opponents, and it reminded me of another such sound, one from many years ago...
I can't really be sure of the exact sets used, but as best as I've been able to suss out, what I ended up using was:
Salamence (F) (Lvl.50) @ Salamencite
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 248 Spe
IVs: 31/0/31/31/22/31
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Flamethrower
- Tailwind
- Protect
Sylveon (M) (Lvl.83) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pixilate
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 244 Spe
IVs: 31/0/31/31/31/31
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Hyper Voice
- Swift
Azelf (Lvl.50) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/30
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Energy Ball
Buzzwole (Lvl.65) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef
IVs: 31/31/31/14/31/31
Adamant Nature
- Ice Punch
- Superpower
- Earthquake
- Leech Life
Because this team relied on just powering through things and, in some cases, MegaMence staying alive long enough to get Tailwind, with only the nuance of Intimidate and "Protect/Sylveon takes out threat" to make it happen, this team had plenty of threats: anything that threatened the one-shot on MegaMence and was not Fairy-weak, Cursed Bodies (disabling whatever Sylveon did Turn 1 would hamper momentum), Flare Blitz (a number of the users of that move were capable of one-shotting Sylveon), physical Z-moves in general (a good number of these could one-shot Sylveon as well), Thunder Wave (any potential users as leads would virtually force the Turn 1 exposed Tailwind as MegaMence would get paralyzed, allowing for the rest of the team to hopefully take over), and Steel-types (as you can imagine, Hyper Voice as a whole doesn't work so well against these).
- Blue Battle (Exeggutor2/Alakazam3/Pidgeot/Gyarados) -- A scary start with MegaZam scoring two straight KOs, one horseshit crit and one earned, to put me behind and force me to go with nothing but brute force throughout, hoping to simply outlast him. Sylveon carried the load here, eliminating three and leaving Pidgeot weakened enough for Buzzwole to finish off (although Buzzwole caused a crucial shift in momentum by surviving Pidgeot's Hurricane with 10 HP, which led to the KO).
- Battle 65, vs. Naya (Cresselia4/Hydreigon3/Dragonite/Garchomp) -- Cress sets TR...and inadvertantly screws her team over, as this gives Sylveon a speed advantage to wipe her out and eliminate the Dragons with ease. More an amusing anecdote than anything else.
- Battle 101, vs. Perri (Slowking3/Slowbro2/Florges2/Musharna3) -- Slowbro2, in the hands of Perri specifically, was the cause of the worst experience I have had as a Smogonite, and seeing it here gave me flashbacks. I managed to pull through fine with the standard play, but mainly because I was forced into it and, had that cursed Quick Claw activated, would have started a quick slide towards oblivion. Thankfully, the backline was much more benign on this occasion. Many thanks to SadisticMystic for convincing me in real time that, frankly, I didn't have a choice
but make the standard play.
- Battle 150, vs. Sina (Drampa/Oranguru/Lilligant/Abomasnow3) -- my easiest Sina Battle in quite a while, it was refreshing for this normally tough Trainer to actually be manageable for once.
- Battle 172, vs. Xio (Shiinotic/Florges/Mimikyu3/Mawile) -- this battle snuck up on me as my closest battle until the loss; Xio is always an issue because her roster makes it a crapshoot as to whether or not MegaMence can set Tailwind and be sacced, or attack...and be sacced. I chose to Tailwind this time, and though it paid off, there were scary moments after Mence went down. I won this battle because, for once, Play Rough's accuracy screwed the AI as opposed to the climber...
- Battle 178, vs. Leena (Jolteon3/Greninja4/Weavile4/Ribombee3) -- Setting Tailwind is often the only way to survive the Speed Trainers--I still need to find a witty name for that collective Trainer class--but here, it became impossible to do so because things threatening MegaMence were present at all times. Protean, Pickpocket, two 'mons downed thanks to Yawn, and an Ice Punch freeze combined to just blitzkrieg me. Despite that, the RNG was merciful enough to me through this run that I still managed to get this down to a 1v1 before said blitzkrieg struck this run down.
So what's next? My mind is racing with future ideas, as always. All of these are meant to facilitate my continuing search for that double TR leads sample battle, so I'm still not looking for extensive streaks for now; i just want to try fun ideas during the search. Since this loss, I've already concocted and committed to using:
- assembling a team of Imperfects based off of the Tree's Speed Trainers, a good number of which I already have ready to go
- continuing the motif of QR teams featuring Slurpuff:
- re-engaging The Room, specifically with the goal of using three members of ReptoAbysmal's current best Tree team, and MegaWile's slot being occupied by a number of different goons, mainly TR-optimized Tapu Bulu
- copying, for the most part, Josh C.'s current project ('tis a secret!)
I just want that fucking sample battle, so I'm receptive to trying anything out--throw ideas out, I'll listen! (as long as it's not USUM-exclusive; remember, this is regular Sun I'm using)