Battle Tree Discussion and Records


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Generation 7 brought about a battle facility similar to the previous Maison and Subway: the Battle Tree! This thread is for discussing everything related to it, and provides multiple resources and a leaderboard to help you reach new heights!


▹ Regular Smogon and Orange Islands forum rules apply.​
▹ Feel free to discuss just about anything about the teams and strategies you use, the enemy Pokémon and movesets you encounter, and your streak successes and failures. Theorymonning is encouraged as well.​
▹ Please do not make claims about AI "cheating", be it through influencing probability (forced hax), coded counterteaming, impossible abilities (e.g. Wonder Guard Spiritomb), etc. Every generation, people make crazy claims about how the AI cheats. Many such claims prove demonstrably untrue, while for all others, there's been no solid evidence. If you want to post about how you lost to Sturdy Shedinja or the like, there had better be a battle video.​
▹ Likewise, while it's fine to discuss improbable losses, try to keep the whining to a minimum. Sure, losing a big streak to an unlucky sequence can be maddening, but over a long streak, lots of low percentage events can and will happen. Our goal here is to focus on ways we can learn from frustrating losses and get better, by both improving our play decisions and our teambuilding. Excessive complaining about hax rather than looking at what you could have done differently runs counter to this ideal.​
▹ The various facility threads rely on a system of trust. As such, I ask that you don't give into any temptations you may have to cheat just to get on a leaderboard. Streaks using hacked Pokemon (including "legal" hacks) are not allowed, and it should go without saying that backing up your save files and the like is not allowed either. I reserve the right to exclude any streaks deemed to be suspicious.​
▹ If you believe a cheated streak has been submitted and has gotten approved, it is ok to voice concerns and ask questions as long as they're properly justified and the discussion remains respectful and within the rules of this forum. If you're not comfortable raising concerns in public, please use this form (be mindful before submitting, this will be taken seriously).​
▹ Remember that in the end, this is all just for fun. So please try to keep a positive and collegial attitude. It really does make the discussion more pleasant for everyone.​
▹ If you spot an error or omission concerning a streak dating from before the date of my most recent update (listed at the top of the leaderboard), please don't hesitate to contact me so that I can fix it!​


▹ Super Singles and Doubles streaks must be a minimum of 90 wins to be leaderboard eligible. Ongoing streaks will not be added until they reach 300 wins. Ongoing streaks that haven't been updated with any follow-up post after 6 months will be deemed finished and closed.​
▹ Requirements for Super Multi battles with the AI is 60, and it will be 90 with a human partner once that leaderboard gets to 10 entries.​
▹ If you'd like a streak to be leaderboard eligible, please make a post writing about your team and strategy, and including a code to the video of your losing battle. Alternatively, you may record and upload that video with a camera, but in this case, make sure the battle preview screen is shown in addition to the battle. If you are submitting an ongoing streak, please include the video of the most recent battle (the number of the streak you are claiming).

▹ To save a video, select the "Save record" option after a battle ends. You can upload it by using the PC on the right counter of the main castle in the Festival Plaza, and selecting "View Battle Video" > "Make a Battle Video public". Even though GTS services have been shut down, battle video sharing still works just fine.​

Here's hoping we'll have a ton of fun competing to build some monster streaks! Best of luck to everyone!


Trainer + Pokémon lookup spreadsheet (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of of SadisticMystic)
Post-Battle 40 speed tiers (courtesy of atsync)


USUM Battle Tree Informant (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of Level 51)
SM Battle Tree Informant (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of Level 51)


Complete speed tiers (courtesy of turskain and Skewtr)
Fake Out speed tiers (courtesy of Runeblade14)


The Battle Tree Super Stamps challenge – a collection of achievements "for anyone who comes far enough to reach the facility thread" (courtesy of ANTS)
The Battle Tree ULTRA Stamps challenge – a collection of achievements "for those who have the habit of talking about defunct facility sets as if they were old friends" (courtesy of ANTS)
Mastering the Maison – article about teambuilding and battling in the Battle Maison, most of which can still be applied to the Battle Tree! (courtesy of NoCheese and Lumari)

(banner by me :3)
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Last update was on March 26, 2024 (page 180, post 4500).

* = ongoing streak


#01. GG Unit (4000) - Durant / Glalie / Mimikyu, progress through battle 1017, crossing the 2000 barrier, progress to 3000, & progress to 4000
#02. HeadsILoseTailsYouWin (2620*) - Mega Salamence / Suicune / Gliscor (run #2), Updates #1, #2, #3, #4, & #5
#03. NoCheese (1064) - Gliscor / Chansey / Mega Slowbro
#03. SilverstarStream (1064) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#05. SilverLining (1000) - Porygon2 / Aegislash / Mega Salamence
#06. SadisticMystic (811) - Durant / Drapion / Suicune
#07. Lumari (638) - Mega Gyarados / Aegislash / Gliscor
#08. DougJustDoug (613) - Durant / Cloyster / Drapion
#09. Josh C. (530) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Type: Null
#10. Hamber (507) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#11. R Inanimate (449) - Silvally / Mega Salamence / Aegislash
#12. atsync (407) - Cloyster / Gliscor / Aegislash
#13. Maunzi (401) - Landorus-T / Toxapex / Mega Salamence
#14. Psynergy (358) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Chansey
#15. Lassi (350) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#16. AnonymousRandom (342) - Mega Gyarados / Garchomp / Aegislash
#17. SS25 (342) - Mega Gyarados / Aegislash / Chansey
#18. attila (336) - Durant / Cloyster / Chansey
#19. CuneH8sVappy (281) - Tapu Fini / Mega Scizor / Gliscor
#20. NewBarkTrainer (280) - Alolan Persian / Toxapex / Gliscor
#21. DLNarshen (250) - Mega Gyarados / Aegislash / Garchomp
#22. JebusChrist (236) - Porygon-Z / Mega Gyarados / Kartana
#23. TimG57867 (228) - Durant / Mimikyu / Smeargle
#24. Cardio (215) - Dragonite / Tapu Koko / Tapu Fini & the loss
#25. Abbp (205) - Mega Lucario / Dragonite / Golem
#26. TyRayDew5 (202) - Pelipper / Aegislash / Mega Swampert
#27. Kommo-o (201) - Garchomp / Tapu Fini / Mega Metagross
#28. Magicxgame (200) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Chansey
#29. Echskiry (198) - Mimikyu / Kartana / Garchomp
#30. latios777 (184) - Incineroar / Tapu Bulu / Mega Slowbro
#31. Suspicious Derivative (181) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Chansey
#31. Torqan (181) - Dragonite / Mega Scizor/ Suicune
#33. Doobzi (170) - Blaziken / Aegislash / Mega Salamence
#34. hearthebeard (168) - Porygon-Z / Celesteela / Mega Sableye
#35. LuesCruise (163) - Dragonite / Aegislash / Chansey
#35. AnneAnne (163) - Tapu Koko / Golisopod / Landorus-T
#37. ExtendedFreezer (162) - Garchomp / Mimikyu / Kartana
#38. average fella (160) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Umbreon (run #2)
#38. Tpick2211 (160) - Durant / Cloyster / Garchomp
#40. Sidoth (154) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Gliscor
#40. Stormorbiter (154) - Terrakion / Scizor / Mega Salamence
#42. Antares360 (149) - Dragonite / Mega Metagross / Tapu Fini
#43. MangoSteak (147) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Sylveon & the loss
#43. Scythes (147) - Dragonite / Suicune / Mega Scizor
#45. Benefactor (143) - Mimikyu / Mega Salamence / Milotic
#46. RottedMushroom (140) - Porygon-Z / Aegislash / Gliscor
#47. DK Quagmire (139) - Durant / Mimikyu / Venomoth
#47. The Great Roydinho (139) - Aegislash / Porygon-Z / Mega Salamence
#49. Jirachee (133) - Gengar / Mega Salamence / Porygon2
#50. EliaThaProphet (129) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#51. Black Flame (126) - Mega Lucario / Salamence / Mimikyu & the loss
#52. Frazone (122) - Cloyster / Garchomp / Mimikyu
#52. Meleeace1478 (122) - Greninja / Mega Scizor / Garchomp
#54. Pencilcheck (121) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Chansey
#55. PikaAbuser (120) - Mega Pinsir / Heatran / Cresselia
#56. kikoafu (119) - Toxapex / Mega Scizor / Flygon
#57. SoundsLikeATornado (118) - Diggersby / Mega Salamence / Rotom-W
#58. MrMarc (117) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#58. venomous72 (117) - Greninja / Mega Scizor / Garchomp
#60. Menne (112) - Mega Scizor / Toxapex / Gliscor
#61. Sephi (111) - Garchomp / Kartana / Mega Latios
#62. hyperthyme (108) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Salamence
#62. Prof. Tom Bombadil (108) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Greninja
#64. Megamite (107) - Magnemite / Mega Swampert / Naganadel
#65. cspades (106) - Porygon-Z / Kartana / Mega Salamence
#65. CytricAcid (106) - Pheromosa / Mega Salamence / Celesteela
#67. Jebus McAzn (105) - Tapu Koko / Celesteela / Garchomp
#67. WaifuPuff (105) - Greninja / Mega Blaziken / Gliscor
#69. therealkabutops (103) - Blaziken / Aegislash / Mega Salamence
#70. CTNC (102) - Mega Blaziken / Salamence / Xurkitree
#71. BlindNinja (101) - Dragonite / Togekiss / Mega Metagross
#71. Pav A Nice Day (101) - Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Suicune
#73. Luigi Bros. (99) - Mega Salamence / Tapu Koko / Garchomp
#73. PikaCuber (99) - Mega Charizard X / Milotic / Ferrothorn v2
#75. Lazskini (98) - Garchomp / Mega Scizor / Tapu Fini
#75. Vizka (98) - Kartana / Garchomp / Tapu Lele
#75. yanicus (98) - Porygon-Z / Mega Salamence / Mimikyu
#78. Carrier (96) - Pheromosa / Dragonite / Aegislash
#79. Kanon90 (94) - Tapu Koko / Mega Salamence / Kartana
#79. Legolax (94) - Tapu Fini / Mega Metagross / Dragonite
#79. Makorel (94) - Porygon-Z / Mega Gyarados / Kartana
#82. Thessbmzocker (93) - Mega Lopunny / Entei / Aegislash
#83. cityscapes (92) - Nihilego / Kartana / Mega Gyarados
#84. Believer86 (91) - Ninetales-A / Scizor / Mega Charizard X
#84. Hulavuta (91) - Tapu Lele / Ferrothorn / Garchomp
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#01. Josh C. (3400) - Tapu Lele / Mega Sharpedo / Arcanine / Gliscor, progress to 3333 & 3400
#02. Eisenherz (3135) - Tapu Fini / Incineroar / Zapdos / Mega Metagross, progress to 3000 & the loss
#03. Eppie (2200) - Dusclops / Togedemaru / Mega Kangaskhan / Conkeldurr (run #2)
#04. turskain (2074) - Kommo-o / Talonflame / Togedemaru / Mega Kangaskhan
#05. ReptoAbysmal (1845) - Oranguru / Araquanid / Drampa / Mega Mawile, the loss & replays
#06. JustinTR (1470) - Hawlucha / Tapu Lele / Mega Metagross / Hydreigon & the loss
#07. Level 51 (1067*) - Kartana / Tapu Koko / Kommo-o / Mega Kangaskhan
#08. ExtendedFreezer (1000) - Tapu Koko / Kartana / Kommo-o / Mega Kangaskhan
#09. paperquagsire (877) - Greninja / Kommo-o / Mega Scizor / Primarina
#10. 100 Hoes Kaido (864) - Tapu Koko / Talonflame / Mega Mawile / Kommo-o
#11. lolnub (821) - Mega Salamence / Kartana / Tapu Fini / Snorlax
#12. SilverstarStream (698) - Tapu Koko / Kartana / Mega Kangaskhan / Kommo-o
#13. Megamite (666) - Aromatisse / Togedemaru / Incineroar / Mega Abomasnow
#14. Runeblade14 (533) - Mega Kangaskhan / Kartana / Sylveon / Kommo-o & more info
#15. ANTS (521) - Mega Salamence / Incineroar / Tapu Fini / Ferrothorn
#16. Smuckem (509) - Tapu Koko / Mega Kangaskhan / Landorus-T / Suicune
#17. Adamant Zoroark (437) - Porygon2 / Aron / Sylveon / Scrafty
#18. Scythes (392) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Salamence / Aegislash [Level 51 QR Team]
#19. Frodo (391) - Greninja / Mega Kangaskhan / Talonflame / Conkeldurr
#20. Pav A Nice Day (351) - Kommo-o / Mega Kangaskhan / Aegislash / Arcanine
#21. Maunzi (337) - Tapu Lele / Pheromosa / Mega Salamence / Aegislash
#22. Jolie Laide (335) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Aegislash / Mega Salamence
#23. Magicxgame (334) - Mega Kangaskhan / Kartana / Tapu Fini / Landorus-T
#24. latios777 (331) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Charizard X / Primarina
#25. Berry Juice (321) - Tapu Lele / Pheromosa / Mega Salamence / Aegislash
#26. MrMarc (296) - Mega Kangaskhan / Tapu Koko / Celesteela / [Latios + Garchomp]
#27. atsync (295) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Landorus / Hawlucha
#28. Tyranidrill (288) - Pelipper / Tapu Koko / Mega Swampert / Kommo-o
#29. -Snorlax- (285) - Golisopod / Mega Blastoise / Togedemaru / Cresselia
#29. Nameschonvergeben (285) - Mega Gardevoir / Kartana / Incineroar / Landorus, and the previous 203 run
#31. cayZ5 (282) - Murkrow / Landorus / Kommo-o / Celesteela
#32. Suspicious Derivative (274) - Mega Kangaskhan / Tapu Koko / Latios / Excadrill
#33. WadeyJ (256) - Mega Mawile / Weavile / Tapu Fini / Landorus
#34. tofucocoa (247) - Mega Kangaskhan / Tapu Koko / Garchomp / Celesteela
#35. Hervee (243) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Celesteela / Tapu Fini
#36. Shura Prinny (233) - Togedemaru / Aromatisse / Mudsdale / Vikavolt
#37. nQxed (230) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Celesteela / Chansey
#38. xSilentDeviL (228) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Metagross / Garchomp
#39. Hamber (221) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Kartana / Garchomp
#40. Black Flame (220) - Tapu Lele / Ash-Greninja / Alolan Marowak / Mega Salamence
#41. HeadsILoseTailsYouWin (214) - Randomized Trick Room Teams
#42. donpablo21 (206) - Tapu Lele / Pheromosa / Mega Metagross / Araquanid
#43. MQJinx (205) - Zapdos / Tapu Lele / Mega Metagross / Incineroar
#44. Hero_Inpace (203) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Alakazam / Celesteela
#45. Torqan (201) - Tapu Koko / Pelipper / Celesteela / Mega Swampert
#46. Chrom x Lissa (197) - Mega Audino / Togedemaru / Incineroar / Clawitzer
#47. Tyranitarphantom (180) - Raichu / Mega Salamence / Tapu Fini / Landorus-T
#48. christopher_ 1942 (178) - Mimikyu / Torkoal / Vikavolt / Mudsdale
#49. Dark Ray (175) - Tapu Koko / Mega Manectric / Garchomp / Celesteela
#50. wadusher (167) - Alolan Raichu / Tapu Koko / Pelipper / Mega Swampert
#51. cocomunga (163) - Talonflame / Buzzwole / Mega Blastoise / Clefairy & the loss
#52. hearthebeard (156) - Mega Metagross / Tapu Fini / Alolan Muk / Gliscor
#53. Ames (151) - Mega Metagross / Tapu Lele / Hydreigon / Araquanid
#54. PkmnTrainerRod (148) - Tapu Fini / Incineroar / Togedemaru / Mega Salamence
#55. Phat_Nana327 (144) - Articuno / Incineroar / Tapu Fini / Landorus-T & the loss
#56. SupaBass (143) - Xurkitree / Tapu Koko / Mega Salamence / Gyarados
#57. Worldie (142) - Mega Charizard Y / [Typhlosion + Entei] / Garchomp / Toxapex
#58. Haki (139) - Tapu Lele / Drifblim / Celesteela / Tapu Koko
#58. waffles101 (139) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Hitmonlee / Mega Salamence
#60. Tpick2211 (138) - Greninja / Tapu Koko / Mega Salamence / Snorlax
#60. Shibayan (138) - Tapu Lele / Mega Sharpedo / Garchomp / Arcanine [Josh C. QR Team]
#60. Milhau5 (138) - Hitmonlee / Tapu Koko / Latios / Mega Scizor [turskain QR Team]
#63. Milkshook (138) - Mega Gardevoir / Suicune / Celesteela / Garchomp
#64. Exploits (124) - Porygon2 / Hariyama / Araquanid / Drampa
#64. PikaAbuser (124) - Gyarados / Tapu Koko / Kartana / Mega Manectric
#66. Echskiry (120) - Pheromosa / Tapu Lele / Mega Salamence / Tapu Koko
#66. eruus (120) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Mega Gyarados / Garchomp
#66. Spaku (120) - Mandibuzz / Xurkitree / Arcanine / Mega Metagross
#69. pidj (114) - Tapu Lele / Mega Gardevoir / Zapdos / Garchomp
#70. Frazone (112) - Mega Salamence / Azumarill / Tyranitar / Excadrill
#70. Skewtr (112) - Oranguru / Torkoal / Alolan Marowak / Buzzwole
#72. hypno28 (107) - Oranguru / Hariyama / Vikavolt / Torkoal
#72. PikaCuber (107) - Mega Gengar / Charjabug / Kommo-o / Incineroar
#74. Jarman (103) - Kommo-o / Clefairy / Mega Metagross / Araquanid
#75. AwesomeDave980 (101) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Mega Salamence / Golisopod
#76. Pronuptia (100) - Kartana / Tapu Lele / Mega Tyranitar / Arcanine
#77. AnonymousRandom (98) - Zapdos / Garchomp / Mega Charizard Y / Aegislash
#78. Frozocrone (95) - Porygon2 / Hariyama / Incineroar / Araquanid
#79. Doobzi (93) - Tapu Koko / Alolan Raichu / Arcanine / Tapu Bulu
#80. therealkabutops (92) - Tapu Fini / Kartana / Arcanine / Garchomp
#81. DK Quagmire (91) - Mega Gyarados / Togedemaru / Clefable / Arcanine
#81. LazyMatty (91) - Aromatisse / Incineroar / Vileplume / Golisopod
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#01. Dark Ray (143) with Aether Foundation Heidi - Tapu Lele / Mega Metagross / Mega Salamence / Bruxish
#02. Coeur7 (142) with Pokémon Trainer Colress - Tapu Lele / Mega Metagross / Mega Salamence / Porygon2
#03. Pav A Nice Day (138) with Pokémon Trainer Anabel - Tapu Koko / Raikou / Mega Gyarados / Mega Lucario
#04. turskain (109) with Veteran Dooley - Tapu Bulu / Entei / Tapu Lele / Mega Mawile
#05. Level 51 (99) with Pokémon Trainer Colress - Tapu Koko / Porygon2 / Mega Salamence / Mega Metagross
#06. BringBackWaluigi (83) with Pokémon Trainer Anabel - Tapu Bulu / Entei / Mega Salamence / Mega Lucario
#06. AnonymousRandom (83) with Pokémon Trainer Cynthia - Zapdos / Garchomp / Mega Charizard Y / Mega Lucario
#08. Frozocrone (80) with Aether Foundation Harvey - Mega Salamence / Mega Metagross / Mimikyu / Sableye
#09. PikaAbuser (78) with Captain Kiawe - Latios / Mega Kangaskhan / Celesteela / Salazzle
#10. VenusaurOmega (69) with Police Officer Rendor - Mega Gyarados / Mega Scizor / Alolan Marowak / Serperior
#11. Tpick2211 (68) with Dancer Jo - Greninja / Mega Metagross / Mega Salamence / Zapdos
#12. Skyggenator (67) with Pokémon Trainer Wally - Mega Kangaskhan / Mega Gallade / Tapu Lele / Magnezone
#13. Torqan (62) with Pokémon Trainer Wally - Thundurus / Garchomp / Mega Gyarados / Mega Gallade
#14. Megamite (61) with Pokémon Trainer Lillie - Kommo-o / Ribombee / Mega Metagross / Comfey
#14. PikaCuber (61) with Pokémon Trainer Cynthia - Mega Salamence / Mega Lucario / Aegislash / Togekiss
#16. OrderEX (60) with Pokémon Trainer Wally - Tapu Lele / Mega Gallade / Celesteela / Garchomp


#01. Josh C. with himself (789) - Pelipper / Ludicolo / Mega Swampert / Mega Scizor
#02. -Snorlax- with Deynon (389) - Golisopod / Mega Blastoise / Togedemaru / Cresselia
#03. MrMarc with lolnub (372) - Mega Kangaskhan / Mega Salamence / Aegislash / Tapu Fini
#04. cannibal with ProjectTitan313 (103) - Mega Salamence / Mega Metagross / Ferrothorn / Tapu Fini
#05. Prof. Tom Bombadil with friend (89) - Mega Salamence / Excadrill / Slowbro / Ludicolo
#06. Silvernickel with friend (77) - Mimikyu / Tapu Fini / Xurkitree / Kartana
#07. LordRevan22 with Golden_Helix13 (69) - Araquanid / Mega Gyarados / Tapu Lele / Garchomp



ANTS' 360 No Stones streak incl. "Guide to Shitmons"
Eisenherz's Monotype stamps runs
Smuckem's Stamp Run Collection of 50-win teams


Streaks get listed as "under review" when it is concluded by both me and other experienced players that a streak raises a high number of red flags. Streaks remain there indefinitely until a conclusion I'm comfortable with has been reached.
  • The ideal way of clearing things up and reach a conclusion is by having a third party try out the team and share their experience. A recorded / streamed streak using the team is best, but writing about it also helps. Anyone is free and encouraged to help out with these, but the opinion of people with extensive and proven facility experience is obviously highly valued. For this purpose, using an emulator and genned Pokémon is acceptable.
  • Discussing the different matchups the teams has and the claims made on the original streak can also be useful.
  • If discussions of streaks under review derail, mod action will be taken.
  • Once a conclusion for a streak under review is reached, it will be mentioned in my next update post.
Super-D (284) - Gothitelle / Glalie / Gliscor

Super-D (655) - Whimsicott / Terrakion / Kommo-o / Mimikyu
Smoothjuicy (244) - Landorus-T / Kartana / Volcarona / Mega Salamence

Multis w/ AI:
Smoothjuicy (101) with Pokémon Trainer Colress - Snorlax / Mega Metagross / Mega Salamence / Porygon2
(76) with Pokémon Trainer Colress - Snorlax / Mega Metagross / Mega Salamence / Porygon2
(75) with Pokémon Trainer Colress - Mega Gengar / Mega Metagross / Landorus-T / Porygon2
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In first!! (Marowak2000 uses quick attack!)

Do we know if it'll be battle points system again or will the new bottle caps become a part of the battle tree?
Im UK so dont get the game realese for another week
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  • Please do not make claims about AI "cheating," be it through influencing probability (forced hax), coded counterteaming, impossible abilities (e.g. Wonder Guard Spiritomb), etc. UNLESS YOU HAVE SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Every generation, people make crazy claims about how the AI cheats. Many such claims prove demonstrably untrue, while for all others, there's been no solid evidence. If you want to post about how you lost to Sturdy Shedinja or the like, there had better be a battle video. I WILL EDIT, DELETE, AND/OR INFRACT POSTS THAT VIOLATE THIS RULE.
  • Likewise, while it's fine to discuss improbable losses, try to keep the whining to a minimum. Sure, losing a big streak to an unlucky sequence can be maddening, but over a long streak, lots of low percentage events can and will happen. Our goal here is to focus on ways we can learn from frustrating losses and get better, by both improving our play decisions and our teambuilding. Excessive complaining about hax rather than looking at what you could have done differently runs counter to this ideal.
:( but that's what I live for

(and no I have nothing substantial to add to this because I don't have su/mo lmao. Quality posting!)
In first!! (Marowak2000 uses quick attack!)

Do we know if it'll be battle points system again or will the new bottle caps become a part of the battle tree?
Im UK so dont get the game realese for another week

You get Battle Points.
Bottle Caps have nothing to do with the Battle Tree. They can be "bought" with shards or found while fishing. Some NPCs also give you Bottle Caps.
Thank you so much for linking to the old Frontier thread, I finally can wander those endless corridors!

Looking at all of the leaderboards, I notice a disturbing lack of Buziel/Floatzel; other than a couple of cameos in Battle Factory streaks, it is nowhere to be found. Once Bank is re-vamped, my second major task may be to work on fixing that (the first would be accumulating enough BP at the Tree to facilitate this second task). Hopefully, the new 'mons won't be capable of whipping the otter too badly...there HAS to be a way to make it work!

Advance request: for those who manage to get to the Tree first, please let me know if some of the "Frontier survivors" managed to make it there with you. I'm thinking of:
- Articuno1
- Ampharos34
- Bronzong3 (Frontier Bronzong4)
- Crobat3 (Frontier Crobat4)
- Donphan4
- Dragonite3 (Frontier Dragonite4)
- Drifblim3
- Electivire4
- Espeon3
- Exeggutor3 (Frontier Exeggutor4)
- Flareon4
- Flygon34
- Gengar4
- Glaceon3
- Gliscor3 (Frontier Gliscor4)
- Gyarados4
- Heracross34
- Houndoom4
- Lapras3 (Frontier Lapras4)
- Leafeon3
- Lickilicky4
- Luxray3
- Magmortar3
- Mamoswine34
- Miltank3
- Muk34
- Nidoqueen3
- Ninetales4
- Pinsir34
- Politoed3
- Probopass34
- Rhyperior3
- Roserade3
- Salamence4
- Shuckle3
- Slaking4 (Frontier Slaking3)
- Staraptor3 (Frontier Staraptor4)
- Steelix34
- Tangrowth34
- Tyranitar3 (Frontier Tyranitar4)
- Ursaring34
- Vaporeon34
- Walrein4 (Frontier Walrein3)
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That's good, because Aron will probably be my primary method of BP farming for a little while.

Walrein4 has survived three generations unscathed and I fully expect the bastard to return. Ditto for Donphan4.
just posting to confirm the ai didn't get any new adaptations to truant durant in singles and fear aron in doubles.

That plus now being able to see your stat boosts is going to make Moody easier than ever before. May have to find another workaround in Singles with Dark types being immune to Prankster, but that shouldn't be too hard once the sets come out.

Haven't been playing my ORAS streak with Glalie for a while. It's too slow to reach #1 at this point but I'll try to find a nice round number to stop at before getting into this generation. Most interesting thing that has changed this streak is switching Glalie into lead Skuntank (which Night Slashes 99% of the time) turn 1 in order to have full health Sableye come back in on the 2nd poke after Skuntank explodes.
I can't believe how difficult the Battle Tree is.
I only won 4 battles out of 8. I had to restart the chains so often.
This game is making me feel very stupid.
Yeah, I started battle tree singles to try and start grinding for power items and a destiny knot with my in game team, but got smoked by a Wishiwashi a few battles in. Definately refreshing to see the boring "fight against a bunch of nfes" axed, but it's brutal without competitively bred stuff. If you're like me and just trying to get a foothold to start getting competitive stuff, I'd recommend doing battle royals first. Wins on the highest level give you 5BP a piece. Managed to get a Power Anklet and Power Lens in a reasonable amount of time last night.

Excited to bring back Cloyster and Stance Dance for early streaking once I can actually breed and train stuff properly.
I've gotten all the breeding items needed and crafted my first 5 IV physical and special males to breed. I am currently working on spreading those to all egg groups.

Once I am done, I'd like to help breed teams for the BM testers. They are better at research and I stick to breeding. I will post again when I am done having perfect parents for each egg group.
Once I am done, I'd like to help breed teams for the BM testers. They are better at research and I stick to breeding. I will post again when I am done having perfect parents for each egg group.

Eh, I would give yourself a week or two to test each format out, you might find you are inherently more "comfortable" in one or two that way. Those who've gotten to the Tree first are laying the path out for everyone else to follow--no need to pull yourself from 'Pioneer' status simply because the task looks daunting. Shit, you might end up being the first person on the leaderboard in some form or fashion if you push ahead now! (Before the testers get interested and pull ahead, at least, or before our Messiah returns and establishes his new throne atop the Singles leaderboard.)

I can't believe how difficult the Battle Tree is.
I only won 4 battles out of 8. I had to restart the chains so often.
This game is making me feel very stupid.

What sort of things have been giving you trouble so far?
I've only played Moon about an hour so far, and doing a lot of travel this week, so going to take me a bit longer to get to the tree than I had hoped, but kind of exciting having to "go from scratch" so to speak and work through things without my army of Maison and Subway Pokemon. Mind you, I'll be thrilled to build optimized teams again once bank updates, but there's real satisfaction in doing the best you can with a much more limited toolset too, and so am glad to hear that the battles are playing pretty tough!
What sort of things have been giving you trouble so far?
Set ups like stock pile, double team and minimize.
Chesto rest stock piling Walrein.

Technically, I'd like to have a Pokemon with Fake Out and Taunt. Maybe I should have caught a Weavile.
It's very difficult at this stage because I don't have all the moves or items.
So it's not the same level as Showdown is. Because if you play Showdown, you can pick any item/ move/ Pokemon right from the start.
It's not because I don't know the theories.
The battle tree has really impressed me, the game seems to read and respond to your team and its weaknesses very effectively. I got smoked several times before 10 in the NORMAL singles trying to run through with ingame stuff

I finally hit 50 in super singles with Bulu/Arcanine/Toxapex using pretty standard sets, LO+SD Bulu in the lead, CB Arcanine (bulkcanine doesn't have most of its key moves until pokebank), and defensive Toxapex. Once bank's around Toxapex gets haze which will be super useful in dealing with random stockpile BS and you can either do a proper Bulkcanine set or better yet, replace with Heatran.

But this core is kind of nice because you don't even really need any HAs (regenerator on toxapex is almost overkill and considering you have an open slot until haze is introduced, you don't mind running sludge wave), the items you need are all in game, only Arcanine needs egg moves and a battle tree item (all of my losses went towards financing his band) and you can SR for a Bulu with decent IVs.

I'm now working on my tree doubles team. I'm pretty sure I have it on lock though with a hyper offense strat. Swagger/Misty Terrain Fini plus sash Weavile/M-Metagross/scarfchomp. Provides fairly balanced typing and lots of good split attack coverage. Weavile is perfect in the lead because it gets a super fast fake out/taunt and a high ATK Icicle Crash. First turn FO their taunter or sash holder while Fini swaggers on Weavile, then Weavile can drop an icicle crash while Fini either protects or attacks opportunistically with muddy water/dazzling gleam. Sadly Weavile doesn't get knock off until bank, in the mean time I'm just going to run a coverage move in that slot.

If it's not a good team I'm sure the tree will show me that quickly. I tried Bulu/Xurkitree/Toxapex before switching Xurk out for Arcanine and it was Venusaurs all day. Hypnosis Gengar was annoying as well. Oh, and I had to PP stall a bulky roost toxistall dragonite. If it wasn't for having a poison immunity it easily would have swept me.
If it's not a good team I'm sure the tree will show me that quickly. I tried Bulu/Xurkitree/Toxapex before switching Xurk out for Arcanine and it was Venusaurs all day. Hypnosis Gengar was annoying as well.

Any particular Venusaur set that was a frequent opponent?
There were two sets, one that I remember was a special offense Z-move/Leaf Storm set that I started seeing in normals and the other was kind of a standard M-Venusaur in super. I can't even remember what moves it had other than synthesis despite the fact I had more than one 50+ turn stall war with it because those fights were so mindnumbing. As far as spreads go, I will say that my Toxapex consistently beat the M-Venusaur set since it wasn't outdamaging my recovery and synthesis has less PP than recover, but I actually lost to the Z-move one once.

More than anything the random hypnosis/nightmare/dream eater gengars were what killed me, all they need is a lucky hypnosis and suddenly Toxapex isn't a safe switch in.
Oh believe me, there is nothing random about the emperor/empress of sleep-based shenanigans, Gengar1:

Gengar1 | Timid | Focus Sash | Shadow Ball | Dream Eater | Nightmare | Hypnosis | Spd/SpA

Curious to see if the early Sets are able to pop up on mono-Set trainers beyond the boss (a la the Subway), or if they can only appear on specific Trainers from that point (a la the Maison).
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There were two sets, one that I remember was a special offense Z-move/Leaf Storm set that I started seeing in normals and the other was kind of a standard M-Venusaur in super. I can't even remember what moves it had other than synthesis despite the fact I had more than one 50+ turn stall war with it because those fights were so mindnumbing. As far as spreads go, I will say that my Toxapex consistently beat the M-Venusaur set since it wasn't outdamaging my recovery and synthesis has less PP than recover, but I actually lost to the Z-move one once.

More than anything the random hypnosis/nightmare/dream eater gengars were what killed me, all they need is a lucky hypnosis and suddenly Toxapex isn't a safe switch in.
Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. The AI now uses Mega evolutions AND Z-moves? Dang I gotta get this game.

How else is the Battle Tree different from the Maison?