Battle Facility threads: Gen II Tower | Gen III Frontier | Gen IV Frontier | Battle Subway | Battle Maison | SwSh Facilities | BDSP Tower
Generation 7 brought about a battle facility similar to the previous Maison and Subway: the Battle Tree! This thread is for discussing everything related to it, and provides multiple resources and a leaderboard to help you reach new heights!
▹ Regular Smogon and Orange Islands forum rules apply.
▹ Feel free to discuss just about anything about the teams and strategies you use, the enemy Pokémon and movesets you encounter, and your streak successes and failures. Theorymonning is encouraged as well.
▹ Please do not make claims about AI "cheating", be it through influencing probability (forced hax), coded counterteaming, impossible abilities (e.g. Wonder Guard Spiritomb), etc. Every generation, people make crazy claims about how the AI cheats. Many such claims prove demonstrably untrue, while for all others, there's been no solid evidence. If you want to post about how you lost to Sturdy Shedinja or the like, there had better be a battle video.
▹ Likewise, while it's fine to discuss improbable losses, try to keep the whining to a minimum. Sure, losing a big streak to an unlucky sequence can be maddening, but over a long streak, lots of low percentage events can and will happen. Our goal here is to focus on ways we can learn from frustrating losses and get better, by both improving our play decisions and our teambuilding. Excessive complaining about hax rather than looking at what you could have done differently runs counter to this ideal.
▹ The various facility threads rely on a system of trust. As such, I ask that you don't give into any temptations you may have to cheat just to get on a leaderboard. Streaks using hacked Pokemon (including "legal" hacks) are not allowed, and it should go without saying that backing up your save files and the like is not allowed either. I reserve the right to exclude any streaks deemed to be suspicious.
▹ If you believe a cheated streak has been submitted and has gotten approved, it is ok to voice concerns and ask questions as long as they're properly justified and the discussion remains respectful and within the rules of this forum. If you're not comfortable raising concerns in public, please use this form (be mindful before submitting, this will be taken seriously).
▹ Remember that in the end, this is all just for fun. So please try to keep a positive and collegial attitude. It really does make the discussion more pleasant for everyone.
▹ If you spot an error or omission concerning a streak dating from before the date of my most recent update (listed at the top of the leaderboard), please don't hesitate to contact me so that I can fix it!
▹ Super Singles and Doubles streaks must be a minimum of 90 wins to be leaderboard eligible. Ongoing streaks will not be added until they reach 300 wins. Ongoing streaks that haven't been updated with any follow-up post after 6 months will be deemed finished and closed.
▹ Requirements for Super Multi battles with the AI is 60, and it will be 90 with a human partner once that leaderboard gets to 10 entries.
▹ If you'd like a streak to be leaderboard eligible, please make a post writing about your team and strategy, and including a code to the video of your losing battle. Alternatively, you may record and upload that video with a camera, but in this case, make sure the battle preview screen is shown in addition to the battle. If you are submitting an ongoing streak, please include the video of the most recent battle (the number of the streak you are claiming).
▹ To save a video, select the "Save record" option after a battle ends. You can upload it by using the PC on the right counter of the main castle in the Festival Plaza, and selecting "View Battle Video" > "Make a Battle Video public". Even though GTS services have been shut down, battle video sharing still works just fine.
Here's hoping we'll have a ton of fun competing to build some monster streaks! Best of luck to everyone!
▹ Battle Tree Damage Calculator (courtesy of Eisenherz & SilverstarStream)
▹ Trainer + Pokémon lookup spreadsheet (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of of SadisticMystic)
▹ Mobile-friendly lookup tool (courtesy of fusionsage)
▹ Post-Battle 40 speed tiers (courtesy of atsync)
▹ USUM Battle Tree Informant (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of Level 51)
▹ SM Battle Tree Informant (File → Make a copy) (courtesy of Level 51)
▹ USUM full trainer and moveset data (courtesy of Team Rocket Elite)
▹ SM full trainer and moveset data (courtesy of Team Rocket Elite)
▹ Complete speed tiers (courtesy of turskain and Skewtr)
▹ Trick Room speed tiers (courtesy of ReptoAbysmal)
▹ Fake Out speed tiers (courtesy of Runeblade14)
▹ Trainer Lookup Quick Reference (courtesy of turskain)
▹ List of major threats in Super Singles (courtesy of HeadsILoseTailsYouWin)
▹ The Battle Tree Super Stamps challenge – a collection of achievements "for anyone who comes far enough to reach the facility thread" (courtesy of ANTS)
▹ The Battle Tree ULTRA Stamps challenge – a collection of achievements "for those who have the habit of talking about defunct facility sets as if they were old friends" (courtesy of ANTS)
▹ Mastering the Maison – article about teambuilding and battling in the Battle Maison, most of which can still be applied to the Battle Tree! (courtesy of NoCheese and Lumari)
▹ Battle Tree Machup Analysis Tool (courtesy of Viefor)
(banner by me :3)
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