Alright I have 3 more battles to share, so here we go.
#1448 vs Backpacker Gwenny (Azelf-2 / Mesprit-2 / Articuno-1 / Cresselia-?): 7BVW-WWWW-WWX3-MQ2L
Turn 1 – Gwenny leads with Azelf and Mesprit. I was already not feeling good about this lead. An Explosion from Azelf-1 can hurt, and Z-Thunder Wave can go into either of my two leads (although it has a preference to paralyze Hawlucha). Mesprit, on the other hand, is either the harmless set 1, or the annoyingly dangerous set 2 with its Bright Powder. I have Lele use Protect, while Hawlucha sets Tailwind. At least with that, Hawlucha will still out-speed everything. Azelf reveals set 2, and goes for the very much expected Z-Thunder Wave into Hawlucha and gains a +1 in Special Defence, while Mesprit also uses its Thunder Wave into Hawlucha. Y’know, in case the first one misses.
Turn 2 – I start the turn off with Lele using Taunt on Mesprit. I tried to have Hawlucha use Acrobatics into the Azelf, but the poor thing ends up fully paralyzed. Azelf then uses Thunder Wave into Lele, and now I have both of my Pokemon paralyzed. Yikes. And of course, Mesprit also tries to use Thunder Wave into Lele, but not only is it taunted, but Lele is also already paralyzed. Since Mesprit might be here a while, I wanted to stop its paralyzing spree for a bit.
Turn 3 – I switch out Hawlucha and send in Hydreigon. Azelf uses Extrasensory but Hydreigon is immune, so she doesn’t care. I try to have Lele use Moonblast into Azelf, but now Lele is fully paralyzed! Ugh. Mesprit then uses Future Sight into the Lele slot. The switch to Hydreigon was mainly so I can take Azelf out with Dark Pulse on the next turn after the chip from Moonblast. But since Lele was fully paralyzed, Azelf does not take any damage. Again.
Turn 4 – One thing I did find out this battle, however, was that Hydreigon takes out Azelf with the Dark Pulse, even if Azelf has a +1 Special Defence boost (244+ SpA Life Orb Hydreigon Dark Pulse vs. +1 0 HP / 0- SpD Azelf: 190-226 (126.6 - 150.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO). Anyway, I end up doing that and take the Azelf out, finally. Lele does not get fully paralyzed and uses Moonblast into Mesprit. Mesprit then uses Future Sight, but it fails. Probably because it was using it into Lele again, since Hydreigon is a Dark-type.
Turn 5 – Mesprit’s Taunt expires, and Tailwind also expires. Gwenny sends out Articuno. This could have been bad if Articuno was set 2. Sheer Cold can be a streak ender if I’m not careful. I switch out Lele to Metagross, and have Hydreigon use Protect, since I didn’t want to take a potential Blizzard or Ice Beam. Articuno uses Blizzard, revealing set 1, but it misses Metagross and Hydreigon doesn’t take any damage, thanks to Protect. Mesprit then goes for Thunder Wave into Hydreigon, which also does nothing, thanks to Protect. Heh.
Turn 6 – Metagross takes the Future Sight that Mesprit used earlier. Psychic Terrain expires. I have Metagross mega evolve and use Iron Head into Articuno, which goes down. Hydreigon uses Dark Pulse into Mesprit, as it also goes down. Thank god that didn’t miss. Stupid Bright Powder.
Turn 7 – Gwenny sends out her final Pokemon, Cresselia. Iron Head and Dark Pulse make quick work of it as it goes down, and the battle is over.
#1353 vs Ace Trainer Raz (Accelgor-4 / Crobat-3 / Sceptile-? / Alakazam-3): WP2G-WWWW-WWX3-MQ3K
Turn 1 – Raz starts off with Accelgor and Crobat. Speed trainers are normally very easy to deal with, as my turn 1 is usually Protect with Lele, and set up Tailwind. Since Crobat was one of the leads, a switch to Metagross didn’t seem so bad since it can potentially go for that into Lele. So, I did that. Hawlucha sets up Tailwind, and Accelgor uses Encore onto Hawlucha. What? I expected a Bug Buzz into the former Lele slot (since it usually does that), but Encore was a new one. Better yet, I hadn’t used a single move yet so it made this turn a little more confusing. Crobat ends the turn off with Cross Poison going into Metagross, who takes no damage thanks to the Steel-typing.
Turn 2 – With Hawlucha encored into Tailwind, obviously I had to switch. So I switched Hawlucha back into Lele. Metagross mega evolves and uses Ice Punch into Crobat. Accelgor then uses Bug Buzz into Metagross, who gets a Special Defence drop. Ugh. Crobat then goes for Brave Bird into the former Hawlucha slot, and Lele takes a bunch of damage. Crobat faints to recoil.
Turn 3 – Raz sends out Alakazam, which then mega evolves. Metagross uses Iron Head into Alakazam and takes it out. Lele then uses Psychic into Accelgor, bringing it down to its Focus Sash. Accelgor then takes Lele out with the Bug Buzz. This turn wasn’t so bad. Alakazam dishes out a lot of damage, so having Metagross take it out immediately is kind of a no-brainer. Bringing Accelgor down to its Sash can be scary, since if it rolls Unburden, it will out-speed the team even under Tailwind. Yikes. Anyway, I was prepared to lose one of my Pokemon here to the Bug Buzz, so I wasn’t too bothered by that.
Turn 4 – Raz sends out his final Pokemon, Sceptile. I send out Hydreigon. So this could have been bad. Accelgor possibly has an Unburden boost up, meaning it can finish off Metagross or severely damage Hydreigon with Bug Buzz. Meanwhile, Sceptile could be set 3 and have Detect. Of course, Accelgor also has Protect, which can be an issue too if it decides to do that. I end up risking it, and have Metagross take Sceptile out with the Ice Punch, and Hydreigon finishes the battle with a Flamethrower into Accelgor. Of course, even if the worst happened, I still had Hawlucha in the back who can deal with both of these sets.
#1280 vs Pokemon Trainer Colress (Alolan Muk-1 / Magnezone-4 / Metagross-4 / Klinklang-3): 8YYG-WWWW-WWX3-MQ4W
Turn 1 – Colress leads with Alolan Muk and Magnezone. Muk’s set is revealed immediately thanks to the Air Balloon. Colress decided to be a problem trainer this battle thanks to this lead though. Magnezone is a pretty threatening Pokemon since it can OHKO Lele with Flash Cannon, or cripple both of my leads with Thunder Wave. A paralysis from Thunderbolt or Thunder is also potentially dangerous. Anyway, I start the battle off with a Low Kick to Magnezone, and a Taunt to Muk. I did this so I can prevent Muk from setting up Minimize and becoming a giant pain later. Magnezone then goes for Thunderbolt into Hawlucha, bringing it down to 3 HP. Muk tries to use Minimize, but fails.
Turn 2 – I double up on Muk with Acrobatics and Moonblast, but it ends up surviving. Magnezone then goes for Flash Cannon into Lele, bringing it down to 2 HP! Muk then uses Snarl to finish off both Hawlucha and Lele. I really should have taken out Magnezone. I did think about doing that, but I fully expected Magnezone to finish off Hawlucha since he was at 3 HP. The Flash Cannon was honestly, unexpected, but maybe I should have figured that was a possibility.
Turn 3 – I send out Metagross and Hydreigon. Metagross mega evolves and uses Stomping Tantrum to finish off Magnezone, while Hydreigon finishes Muk off with a Dragon Pulse. Pretty straight-forward turn.
Turn 4 – Colress sends out his last two Pokemon, Metagross and Klinklang. Alright, this was bad. Metagross-4 can straight up destroy me if I don’t play this right. Klinklang-3 can use Shift Gear and out-speed me and also dish out a lot of damage as well. Opposing Metagross then mega evolves. Hydreigon uses Protect, as enemy Metagross uses Brick Break into that slot. My own Metagross uses Stomping Tantrum into enemy Metagross. Klinklang then uses Z-Shift Gear and boosts its Speed and Attack. I expected the Brick Break into Hydreigon, so that’s why I used Protect. I needed to weaken the enemy Metagross as well. If the Metagross ended up being set 3, this obviously wouldn’t be as bad since set 3 can’t really touch my Metagross (Earthquake is a 3HKO, so I wasn’t too bothered by that either).
Turn 5 – Klinklang uses Giga Impact into Hydreigon, who survives with 6 HP. My Metagross wins the speed-tie with opposing Metagross and finishes it off with Stomping Tantrum. Hydreigon then finishes the battle with Flamethrower into Klinklang. Even if opposing Metagross won the speed-tie and finished off my Hydreigon with Brick Break, I still would have won this battle with Metagross since Klinklang would have to recharge next turn.