Battle Tree Discussion and Records

So I finished a Super Singles stream at 50 for my stamp, and then decided to take Doubles. Planned a team of Damp Rock Pelipper, LO Kingdra, Scarf Xurkitree, and Mega Metagross.

The problem being I have lost 2 streaks to the exact same archetype (Trick Room) on the exact same battle (41). This is maddening because I normally just overload the enemy Trick Roomer with Draco Meteor / Muddy Water Modest Kingdra + Scald Modest Pelipper and then clean the remains of the slow team. But both times I have faced Slowking which is impossible to kill unless I lead Xurkitree and that gives me more losing matchups.

I know a lot of you guys have done long streaks before, but I haven't used a rain team to play in a Tower equivalent. What could I do as a possible answer? Or am I doomed to lose against TR?

Apologies if it's not to detailed. On phone atm >_>
I was thinking that Mega Camerupt would make a phenomenal partner to Oranguru as well. Even without dual Eruptions, Earth Power is such a nuke from that thing that KOing an opponent can just as easily lead to a follow-up KO when Instruct forces it to target the remaining one. But Gigalith does also have Weakness Policy-boosted Explosions to fall back on. There's also Wishiwashi, and retardedly powerful things like Tapu Bulu (whom I plan to SR until I can catch him with 0 IVs and Brave; I could do it for Landorus, I can do it again.) The moment they formally revealed Oranguru my mind was already racing with what they might give it and what I'd love to do with it. I have really high hopes for Instruct.
What spread does it need? I think I can math my way through it.
Threw myself some more against the Battle Royale to try and gain some EV boosting items. Ran into a CM Flash Cannon Focus Blast Cobalion, Superpower Carracoasta and Flygon, Mega Kangaskahn with Double Edge and Low Sweep, Shuckle with Rock Tomb and Sticky Web and lefties (just so happened to have Contrary), Hydro Pump Empoleon, and an Overheat Airslash Megazard Y, Lilligant with Quiver Dance and Leaf Storm, and a Politoed with Protect and Hydro Pump and Encore. (And a Detect/Giga Impact Leafeon and Protect/Curse Hippowdon)

Battle Royal might be the "easier" way to get the BP needed for items, but my god is it luck based if the opponent decides to gang up on you. And when, not if, you get knocked out first, enjoy only 1 BP per battle. It's so infuriating to get knocked out first time and time again. At least I beat the Master Rank, but only by EV training my UB Beauty and Tapu Koko.

Nihilego (W/Focus Sash)
Power Gem
Sludge Wave
Grass Knot

Tapu Koko (W/Terrain Extender)
Dazzling Gleam
Grass Knot
Volt Switch

Golisopod (W/Buginium Z
Sucker Punch
Leech Life
First Impression
Quick question to the people here having successfully reached 50 wins. Did you use the Pokémon / Uber Beasts as you catched them, or maximize their IVs with bottle caps? If yes, do you think it is possible to get 50 wins in a row without optimal IV Pokémon?
Threw myself some more against the Battle Royale to try and gain some EV boosting items. Ran into a CM Flash Cannon Focus Blast Cobalion, Superpower Carracoasta and Flygon, Mega Kangaskahn with Double Edge and Low Sweep, Shuckle with Rock Tomb and Sticky Web and lefties (just so happened to have Contrary), Hydro Pump Empoleon, and an Overheat Airslash Megazard Y, Lilligant with Quiver Dance and Leaf Storm, and a Politoed with Protect and Hydro Pump and Encore. (And a Detect/Giga Impact Leafeon and Protect/Curse Hippowdon)

Battle Royal might be the "easier" way to get the BP needed for items, but my god is it luck based if the opponent decides to gang up on you. And when, not if, you get knocked out first, enjoy only 1 BP per battle. It's so infuriating to get knocked out first time and time again. At least I beat the Master Rank, but only by EV training my UB Beauty and Tapu Koko.

Nihilego (W/Focus Sash)
Power Gem
Sludge Wave
Grass Knot

Tapu Koko (W/Terrain Extender)
Dazzling Gleam
Grass Knot
Volt Switch

Golisopod (W/Buginium Z
Sucker Punch
Leech Life
First Impression

The simple answer in Battle Royal is to use sturdy pokemon and abuse protect. It isn't about kills as much as it is about having pokemon that seem unkillable so your opponent doesn't go for them.
Quick question to the people here having successfully reached 50 wins. Did you use the Pokémon / Uber Beasts as you catched them, or maximize their IVs with bottle caps? If yes, do you think it is possible to get 50 wins in a row without optimal IV Pokémon?

The legends and UBs come with 3 perfect IVs so it's a pretty simple matter of SRing to get the important ones maxed. You get a bottle cap for every 30+ streak (and you can, slowly, farm them in Seafolk village by exiting and entering the door on the Steelix boat's fishing spot to refresh its rippling status, you can fish up bottle caps from rippling fishing spots) so you can patch up subpar but relevant stats as you go along. It's definitely possible to carry streaks to 50 and beyond with sub-optimal IVs because none of my legends on either of my 50 runs had them. Upgrading your Pelago cave to max and using beans to speed up cave exploration also helps, once you get rolling with it you should be able to score a couple of caps a week. Provided you're just using them to patch a few IVs on your legends it should be more than enough.

I'd say it's much easier to build a team with Tapus/UBs than it is to breed a team unless you're willing to inject 6IV dittos, which I did because I'll be damned if I'm going to wait until January when phbank had cross-gen transfer support on day -10. But teambuilding in general is quite easy in this game, SOS EV training with the buffed power items is potentially even faster than hordes if you get lucky on calls, and even with bad luck it's not significantly slower. If you specialize your festival plaza for EV training I think it lets you max out about a team a day, and Pelago can max out 3 teams in 1-2 days of doing nothing. Granted, it's kind of annoying to do specific spreads but nothing I used really needed them.
Quick question to the people here having successfully reached 50 wins. Did you use the Pokémon / Uber Beasts as you catched them, or maximize their IVs with bottle caps? If yes, do you think it is possible to get 50 wins in a row without optimal IV Pokémon?

I used Bottle Caps to get max IVs. It is doable without perfect IVs as long as you have max offense and speed, you just might need to survive some more close calls.
Threw myself some more against the Battle Royale to try and gain some EV boosting items. Ran into a CM Flash Cannon Focus Blast Cobalion, Superpower Carracoasta and Flygon, Mega Kangaskahn with Double Edge and Low Sweep, Shuckle with Rock Tomb and Sticky Web and lefties (just so happened to have Contrary), Hydro Pump Empoleon, and an Overheat Airslash Megazard Y, Lilligant with Quiver Dance and Leaf Storm, and a Politoed with Protect and Hydro Pump and Encore. (And a Detect/Giga Impact Leafeon and Protect/Curse Hippowdon)

Hmmm. Cobalion1, Hippowdon2...everything else sounds new or a mashup of older sets (the Leafeon sounds like Sets 2 & 4 together, unless Set 2 had Yawn or Substitute replaced with Detect; the Politoed sounds like a mix of the Sets 1 & 2).

Blitzamirin , you might need to integrate a mixed attacker into the lead lineup--several of the TR setters are designed to be specially bulky, so spamming them from that offensive spectrum may not be the best option. In addition to your new nemesis Slowking4, Dusknoir4 and Armoatisse4 have HP/SDef EV spreads, and while Bronzong4, Cresselia4, and Musharna2 don't have those, they are naturally bulky enough to potentially surivive specially-based onslaughts.
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Thanks for your tips, Kietharr and Meleeace. Unfortunatelly I didn't think about SRing, so I already caught all my UB and legends without good natures. ^^

But I just checked the IVs of all my UB, and apparently I got very lucky with a Pheromosa: It got 5 perfect IVs, and a "Very good" rating on HP (and Calm Nature). So would it be a good start to build a first battle tree team around that Pheromosa?
If you specialize your festival plaza for EV training I think it lets you max out about a team a day, and Pelago can max out 3 teams in 1-2 days of doing nothing. Granted, it's kind of annoying to do specific spreads but nothing I used really needed them.
I'm putting myself through this shit only because I have an unusually high tolerance for this sort of thing. I bothered to max my rank in ORAS Secret Bases for item farming as well, so it's not a whole lot different, but...

...god damn do not bother with the plaza ranks unless you have buddies with lv5 buildings you can interact with over wifi and purchase their first-slotted plaza booth afterward. It is slow and above all else it is random. I've made it to rank 58 and Sophocles has been extremely unhelpful in offering me maxed let alone ideal booths as rewards. I do not have a lot of faith that anything will change much in 42 ranks, but fortunately the FC milestones for ranking up are not large and you ascend pretty quickly when playing online simultaneously with Japanese, which is pretty easy to arrange for North American players.
See, I told y'all to be patient and wait, the Entity always does its thang.

Thank you as always, TRE, I'll make sure to breed a copy of one of your Frontier-smashing Bronzong sets in celebration/tribute.
I'm not sure if I'm late on this but I dumped the Battle Tree movesets and trainer data:

It should be right but I haven't had a chance to actually play in the Battle Tree to double check. Please report any errors and I'll try and fix them.

Some Z-move equipped pokemon and some megas. I have a feeling the records in this one are going to be harder to achieve.
Some Z-move equipped pokemon and some megas. I have a feeling the records in this one are going to be harder to achieve.
Not just "some" megas, almost every mega. The only ones excluded are the ones on banned pokemon: Mega Rayquaza, both Mega Mewtwos, Mega Diancie and the primals.
On the plus side, no UBs, Mespirit and Co. are finally here, pretty much every set that got a Z-Stone was improved by it (with the notable exception of Dusknoir4), and my favorite Legendary "trio" is still here. Fun times ahead...

Question for the old timers here: as the base God Walrein4 has survived once again, would you like me to pay The Workshop a visit and get cracking on requesting the thread banner (which would be some design of said base God)? Any other ideas you might have for a banner, let me know.

Should the listing be correct, the ranks of the "Frontier survivors" have been trimmed down to:
- Articuno1
- Ampharos3
- Crobat3 (Frontier Crobat4)
- Espeon3
- Glaceon3
- Gliscor3 (Frontier Gliscor4)
- Heracross3
- Lapras3 (Frontier Lapras4)
- Leafeon3
- Mamoswine4
- Muk4
- Nidoqueen3
- Politoed3
- Shuckle3
- Staraptor3 (Frontier Staraptor4)
- Ursaring4
- Vaporeon3
- Walrein4 (Frontier Walrein3)
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What do the numbers behind the Name of the Pokémon mean, actually?

The number is just a way to differentiate between movesets for the same Pokemon species. The same numbers are used for the Trainer data. So if a trainer is listed as having Barbaracle-1 that means that trainer can send out the Barbaracle-1 moveset.
THANK YOU for that, TRE! Sooner than I could have hoped!

Edit: I see Beedrill and the Rotoms also made it in. Wondering about Aegislash now.
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So I finished a Super Singles stream at 50 for my stamp, and then decided to take Doubles. Planned a team of Damp Rock Pelipper, LO Kingdra, Scarf Xurkitree, and Mega Metagross.

The problem being I have lost 2 streaks to the exact same archetype (Trick Room) on the exact same battle (41). This is maddening because I normally just overload the enemy Trick Roomer with Draco Meteor / Muddy Water Modest Kingdra + Scald Modest Pelipper and then clean the remains of the slow team. But both times I have faced Slowking which is impossible to kill unless I lead Xurkitree and that gives me more losing matchups.

I know a lot of you guys have done long streaks before, but I haven't used a rain team to play in a Tower equivalent. What could I do as a possible answer? Or am I doomed to lose against TR?

Apologies if it's not to detailed. On phone atm >_>

The best way to deal with TR is to protect spam it out. I've been messing with the idea of a Pelliper/Z-Belly Drum Poliwrath team but the inability to deal with the mostly psychic type trick roomers turns me off from it. I honestly think that TR is just the best archetype in the BT this gen. We got some incredible TR abusers in Torkoal and Gigalith and Oranguru is the ideal TR setter, with inner focus and a mental herb there is absolutely nothing the enemy can do to stop TR from getting off.
Hmmm... I can't find Jynx in the database... Was it removed?

EDIT: no Quagsire, Whiscash or Donphan either
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Looking quickly, these are the new OHKO threats with an item that makes them dangerous.


Edit: Also, Metal Herb Trick Room Jellicent3 and Oranguru3. Jellicent's typing and Oranguru's Inner Focus make them particularly tricky. Only two pokes with Mental herb as well.

It also looks like most of the goodstuff team threats are still here. Tyrantrum4, Volcarona4, Darmanitan4. The Terrakion Scarf/Swords Dance mindgame is still here too.
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