hey! been liking this tier a lot recently (holy shit building improved so much with arceus around) and wanted to make a personal vr. if theres a mon that you think should be in here but isnt, its probably because i either forgot it or just didnt face it enough. enjoy!
Arceus (dont think i have to explain this one. a team weak to ekiller is a bad team, simple as that)
Mewtwo (mewtwo not being S- isnt rlly bc i think its gotten worse but moreso because ekiller deserves its own tier. use cm taunt more that set is busted esp on tspikes)
Palkia (i slap this on like 99% of my offenses bc kyogre is extremely hard to answer otherwise and its also very scary vs non blissey teams regardless. lum is prob my favorite item on it, helps with ogre thunder paras, smeargle spore and tspikes)
Arceus-Fairy (really nice answer to palkia/gira-o on offense, also not bad vs ray. its offensive profile isn't as good imo but it can be a nice wincon with enough boosts)
Arceus-Ghost (there are very little ghost resists and most of them dont do much vs this mon, so its very scary. can also rkill a lot of stuff like ray or ekiller once they get low enough. i also enjoy support as it has the unique quality of living all of np two's moves and ohkoing with judgment)
Dialga (really reliable rocker that improves ur ogre and palkia mus a bit. offensive dialga is underrated as fuck, being a dragon that does not care abt clef in the slightest is really good)
Forretress (prob overrating this mon LOL but its def very good. tspikes are incredible into most of the meta and this also compresses spin and a pivot move (those are super rare in ubers) all while being a steel. also has overcoat meaning you deny anything smeargle may want to do vs you)
Giratina-O (now that steel doesnt resist ghost this mon is very hard to wall outside of some arceus forms. sneak is very good at finishing off weakened threats, esp m2. while i usually dont like defog on this due to how many other options it has, it can be worth it on some teams)
Kyogre (water spout goes vrrrrrrr, thats about it tbh. great mon)
Arceus-Dark (notably the one thing that doesn't really mind cm taunt two (when tspikes arent up, anyways), also good answer to gira-o and ghostceus. one of the more dangerous cm ceus asw, nothing bar fightceus particularly enjoys facing it)
Clefable (after the 999th game of getting haha espeeded, i decided to give clef outside of stall a try and it ended up being way better than i imagined. not only does it check a lot of arceus forms pretty reliably, its also a very good wincon in its own right with CM)
Groudon (this is here mainly because setup sets, whether sd, rp or both, are terrifying to switch into. there arent any mons that tank pblades/dclaw/edge besides skarm, and very little outspeeds you at +2. the support sets with rocks and twave are also very annoying and very good, although the kyogre mu is rlly awkward without gastro)
Rayquaza (still stupid scary to switch into even with arc forms around. pairs well with twave tina-o/palkia since ray just rips through fairyceus once thats paralyzed. it can have trouble to setup sometimes which is why i also love CB. would always go jolly nowadays, being faster than base 90s is really important vs non scarf ogre and tina-o)
Arceus-Fighting (on one hand, fightceus lets m2 in for basically free which is insanely bad. on the other, you have a mon that checks ekiller, darkrai, darkceus, all while being a defogger that beats support dialga. of course, the m2 part is still insanely bad but can be minimized with good play and its qualities are very unique)
Arceus-Rock (ho-oh is very annoying against a lot of teams and this is basically the best ho-oh answer barring like waterceus. unlike waterceus, however, you actually have a stab judgment thats pretty hard to switch into and the ability to handle ray)
Darkrai (specs and np are both really scary to switch into but its hard to fit onto teams due to it having no defensive utility barring being a cm two answer)
Ho-Oh (speaking of the bird, here it is. yeah yeah it lost bb and all that, but the only mon that really threatens it is ogre and that doesn't particularly enjoy the idea of switching into twave. regen helps it a lot in staying alive even in the face of rocks and it beats every rocker anyway barring edge groudon (which can still get screwed by sacred fire burn) and rockceus.)
Scizor (so remember when i talked about how scizor was likely falling off and all? yeah no LOL this mon is still great and its about time i talk about it. it beats non fire move mewtwo, fairyceus and darkceus while having a pivot move and priority. while fire move m2 is scary, you can usually tell whether it has it or not based on its teammates (if theres a don paired w it for example, then its a good idea to scout))
Shaymin-S (scarf is great speed control, outspeeding blaziken, ada rp groudon and scarf ogre. hwish is also a very good move that pairs well with a lot of stuff. seed flare is just hard to switch into in general as most steels get easily chipped down by leech seed + hazards)
Smeargle (webs moment)
Wobbuffet (while trapping is not as good as i thought it would be, partly due to clef being so good, ekiller/ray + wobb is still fucking insane against mostly everything else. pairing this with cb duggy or lucario are also great ways to circunvent the clef MU)
B+ (i added explanations for a lot of those now)
Blaziken (its hard for it to find setup opportunities but once it does its hard to stop, cb is also pretty neat for the surprise factor)
Gastrodon (the mon i run the 1% im not running palkia on bo. prob the hardest counter to ogre in the entire game, soft checks a ton of other special attackers as well with clear smog)
Skarmory (my main problem with this is how easily it gets beaten by last mon recover ekiller, meaning you cant really use this as your only answer. being the hardest ray counter in the game is pretty good tho, and spikes are always useful)
Blissey (ranked among the other stall mons)
Bronzong (bronzong is really cool in theory but i dont like it that much bc of how passive it feels. Without toxic you lack any way of reasonably threatening anything. Maybe i just havent seen it enough, though)
Dugtrio (cb duggy + wobb is awesome if you feel like murdering stall. Sash duggy is also ok if you're weak to dialga/blissey but your team doesnt make use of wobb's qualities all too well)
Giratina (same thing as blissey)
Gliscor (it has a lot of really unique moves like u-turn, knock, toxic orb fling. Its also a defogger that beats dialga and does an alright job at shrugging of groudon. Could go in B+ honestly)
Lugia (same as bliss and tina but i feel like i have to specify this one more. CM Lugia is horrible. Like, if that was its only set id rank it at C at best. You lose in a cm war vs cm two, cm clef and a lot of cm arc forms. If they don't have it, they probably have some other form of stopping it, such as roar dialga or skarm. Theres just too many things that need to go right for it to sweep. Defensive lugia is annoying but hard to fit outside of stall.
Arceus-Water (its a nice answer to ogre in theory but you just get thundered in practice)
Salamence (scarf is way worse due to the variety of fairy types in the meta)
Drapion (tspikes moment)
Gengar (its movepool is rlly nice and it should prob be explored more. I used a dbond set for ekiller and it worked alright)
Latios (this is being ranked less bc its good offensively or anything and more bc i value it as a screens setter)
Umbreon (its a dark type in case you want to run another arceus form fsr)
Weezing (forgot this mon originally but it also does tspikey things. Ok on stall)
Arceus-Ice (you could maybe use cm iceceus viably but it just feels outclassed by so much that i didnt think it was worth ranking)
Manaphy (without perma rain this mon is just horrible)