[Beginner] MUDS Mafia :: Signups // Experienced Mentors Wanted


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Approved by LightWolf.

Far above Freeman's Land, better known as what used to be part of the SANDS Emporium, stands a solitary figure mounted on a horse. He gazes down at the snow-covered landscape, reflecting the neon signs and blockbuster lights lining every building.

It has been two years since the SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. was defeated once again, though to their credit, the MUDS REBELS went down with them.

Even the STARS, who once shown so brightly when they allied with the SNOWS, have faded away. The glory days of the world are long past, existing only in the memories of the elderly, who recall what times were like when MR SANDSMAN was the most powerful man in the world, ruling over everyone with a delicate, iron fist.

What remains? A wartorn land the SNOWS iced over. Public discontent with the new regime is high; they fixed no problems and caused more. People debate in secret whether the MUDS were more competant than these iceblockheads, though everyone agrees things were much better when the SANDS were around.

Some individuals, however, are above the rest. They care little what happens to the mortals cutting their way through the ice and snow on the surface, simply because it doesn't affect them. A slight few do take notice in what happens below, if only because they tend to get bored...


A lone basket descends from the sky, lit up like it's coated in sparklers. It burns brightly as it plummets to the ground, perfectly timed. The following events are like clockwork, turning one after another.

The basket strikes Mr. Freeze, the currently-elected president of the SNOWS and one of their longest continuing members, square in the head. He collapses from the shock, and hundreds watch on in a mix of horror, shock and pleasure as his body begins to melt, the flames spreading over it. The basket apparently had gasoline inside, which oozes across Mr. Freeze.

Soon, he is no more. His fellow SNOWS leaders are called at once and promptly show up on the scene, furious with outrage. There is no calling card or anything of note to say who might have slain the current ruler of the world.

Was it the SANDS? Perhaps the MUDS have decided enough is enough? Or are there any lingering STARS, angry about the SNOWS' lack of help? It's also possible the assassin could be from yet another faction - splinters have been cropping up like never before, in light of the SNOWS' poor leadership.

Regardless, the SNOWS want blood. Every faction had best mobilize or be trampled when the SNOWS come calling for revenge.

Who will come out on top, now that yet another war has begun?


That's up to you to decide.


1. While you are alive, feel free to talk about the game. Once you have died, you may not discuss the game with anyone not allied with you. You may not share information you gained after death no matter what.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may paste their Role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1. PM Yeti and/or kingofkongs for help in faking a role PM.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes. We have tried to keep all text relatively the same, but there may be discrepancies.

4. You may paste things the hosts tell you, but do not anticipate everything we tell you is true. You can paste fake logs; PM Yeti or kingofkongs for help faking a log. Do not impersonate other players or hosts. Do not screenshot anything related to this game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours at the start, then be cut to 24 as people die. There is no shortened time for majority because you have Day Actions. There are no grace periods. If all Day Actions are received before Deadline and there is a majority, the Day will end.

6. We will allow stealth lynching if you can successfully pull this off.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and post flavor <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will count as No Lynch. If you wish to vote for nothing at that time but have already voted, unbold your original vote and state something along the lines that it is retracted. Any ties will result in a no lynch.

8. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received. This will be cut to 24 as people die.

9. Feel free to target dead users with your abilities. We cannot say if anything will come of this.

10. Priorities have been set beforehand. You don't get to know them.

11. There are items in this game. To give your item away, include "Give ITEM to USER" in the body of your PM. Items can be stolen and there is no limit to the number of items that may be held.

12. Upon the death of an individual holding an item, the item will be put into the SANDS ARENA (a junkyard). You may forego your Day Action to send "DX - Retrieve ITEM". Any items with two or more users attempting to retrieve them will not be removed. There are two items that will be randomly distributed upon the death of their holder and cannot go into the SANDS ARENA.

13. Inform Yeti and kingofkongs of all channels, spreadsheets, etc. you make for this game. Give us access: ask for our emails, our registered IRC nicks are Yeti and kingofkongs.

14. IRC will be of great assistance to you in this game and other users may be very annoyed if you don't have it. It's not that hard to gain access to: you never have to pay to use mIRC if you hit Continue twice, Mibbit is free, etc. Channel: #MUDS

15. Send all PMs to Yeti and kingofkongs so we can both update. If you are choosing to idle, please PM "NX/DX - Idling" so we know you are active.

16. Be active or get out. You will almost assuredly lose this game if you are not active and anyone who could rely on you will be hampered by your inactivity. We will send a warning PM if you do not send a PM a night/day. After that, we will sub you out. We will NOT postpone deadlines if you do not meet them unless you ask us to give you an extra hour to discuss/coordinate.

17. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.

18. We are your hosts and we will be writing the Postgame, so please talk to us about your thoughts on the game. While we cannot confirm or deny any suspicions you may have, we would love to hear them. We would also like reasons for your actions if possible.

19. It is assumed you would like to sub in if you signed up for the game. We will contact you if the need arises.

20. If you post in the thread when silenced or kidnapped, break a posting restriction, or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled. We will be making it very clear what you can and cannot do, should one of these actions be directed your way, so you will have no excuse for not following the guidelines.

21. The official IRC channel will be #MUDS so please join.

22. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a result PM but did not, you should contact the host that performed the last update, or the other one if they appear to be free to review your case.

23. There are factions. There may also be neutrals. You will have to discover the latter part, as well as just how many factions there are.

24. You have a Night Action and a Day Action. The only way to kill during the day is a lynch, and Night Actions affect only Night Actions, etc.

25. Each faction needs to be holding a specific item at the time of their assumed win to actually win. There are some decoy items. Beware of them.

26. It may help you to review the original SANDS, and Revenge of the SANDS. This game is a simpler version of SANDS with some elements of RotS. You should at least look at their spreadsheets, the links to both games' threads will be given.

27. Your faction has a kill, you are told the cycle you kill on, you will select a user TO PERFORM the kill, a user TO kill, and a night to kill on.

28. Someone on your faction will inherit the Action: Thief upon the set Thief's death, should it occur. You will not know who until your Thief dies.

Signups: 25 players
Italics = needs to confirm IRC usage by showing up in #MUDS

Fire Blast
Fancy Sceptile
Suicidal Pikachu
red kryal
King N
Lady Salamence
Metal Bagon

Shining Latios
Nightmare Jigglypuff



Aura Guardian


Signups will end in 22 hours as of 8/18 so we can get on the 'usual' 4PM PST deadline for SANDS games, 7PM EST. You need to be on this list by 3PM PST, 8/19.

IF YOU ARE AN EXPERIENCED PLAYER PLEASE GO AWAY. unless you want to mentor a faction (maybe neutral if we get enough), then contact us hosts
See: UncleSam in the last Beginner. Newish users or users who know they need more experience before they could ever try Expert, or who know they have weak points in Standard games, please sign up.

This game is multifaction, it centers on strengthening your ability to negotiate with other players, consider your faction's roles and what you are up against, and coordinate attacks. Even if you can't win with _____, they can still help you against someone else.
If you would like a certain role (neutral, wolf, hooker, inspector, faction member, etc) PM Yeti and/or kingofkongs BEFORE SIGNUPS END so we can put you down when we assign roles out. Some people want to try being on their own, others know they'll be bad. Let us know.

If you are a good/expert player and would like to mentor a faction (spoilers: we need 5) should you not get in/need to make room for newbies, let us know.
If I forgot/missed you on the signups post or PM me on IRC or PM kok on IRC and he can tell me. I do tend to miss and I tried to update in order so if you are MIA you better correct this!!

There is a means of how to access IRC and the proper server on Page 2, look for my post, or jumpluff's.




if you feel borderline about your abilities sign up and we will ask you how interested you are depending on how many beginners show up
Against my better judgement I'll join in, though I might be busy for a little of it.


Nevermind, I'm gonna sit this one out but if subs are needed past a certain unknown point in the next week, I'll be glad to.