Berry Research

Are you interested in berry research?

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Research targets:

Group all the berries by growth rate.
This can be done by planting one of each berry, and seeing which ones grow at the same rate.


Group 1 (24 hours to grow, 4 hours per cycle):
  • Restoration group: Cheri, Chesto, Pecha, Rawst, Aspear, Oran, Persim
  • Nature-specific healing group: Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, Iapapa
  • PP Restoration: Leppa
Group 2 (48 hours to grow, 8 hours per cycle):
  • High-level restoration group: Lum, Sitrus
  • EV-reduction group: Pomeg, Kelpsy, Qualot, Hondew, Grepa, Tamato
  • Type resistance group: Occa, Passho, Wacan, Rindo, Yache, Chople, Kebia, Shuca, Coba, Payapa, Tanga, Charti, Kasib, Haban, Colbur, Babiri, Chilan, Roseli
Group 3 (96 hours to grow, 16 hours per cycle):
  • Pinch boost group: Liechi, Ganlon, Salac, Petaya, Apicot
  • Defence boost group: Kee, Maranga
Group 4 (120 hours to grow, 20 hours per cycle):
  • Special pinch boost group: Lansat, Starf
  • Special Event group: Enigma, Micle, Custap, Jaboca, Rowap (hypothetical, currently no way to confirm)

Determine the time per growth cycle.
For each berry, see how long it takes for it to advance from one growth stage to the next. The time between growth stages should be consistent between stages.

Almost complete.
Need confirmation on wilt times.

Every berry has the following growth stages.
0: Seed - mound of dirt without any visible sprout
1: Sprout - small visible sprout, "is sprouting"
2: Sapling - short sapling with thin trunk, "is growing well"
3: Tree - fully grown tree, "trunk is getting bigger"
4: Budding - small buds appear in the tree, "has buds"
5: Blooming - buds change to large flowers, "is in bloom"
6: Full grown - has berries, can be picked
7: Wilted - ?

Determine the Colour of every berry.

Complete. The colours have been added to the table below. Enigma is still unknown and impossible to confirm at this time.

Colour determines several things: what berries can be found in Wild Encounters with a given tree colour, what species of Pokemon appear as pests, what type of Juice can be made in the Juice Shop in Lumiose, and what type of mulch can be made by composting.
There are 6 different colours: Pink, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple.

Find maximum and minimum yields for each berry.
It is highly likely that similar berries (cheri, chesto, pecha, etc.) have the same yields. I will be assuming that they have the same yields unless something comes up to contradict that. There may be differences in yield between berries with the same growth rate but non-similar effects (Cheri might be different from Leppa, Liechi might be different from Kee).
To submit data toward this, please specify what kind of mulch you used, if any, and have a sample size of at least 6 berry trees.

Determine the effect of Boost Mulch, Rich Mulch, and Amaze Mulch.
Plant identical or near identical (Liechi=Ganlon, etc) berries on both sides of the field. On the left half, use mulch, and on the right half, use nothing. De-weed, water, etc as normal. Compare the max, min, and average berry yields from both sides.
Also, find out how often the soil dries out with Boost Mulch compared to not using it.
What does Amaze Mulch do?

Boost and Amaze Mulch dry the soil every 4 hours after the point when you last watered the berry. No mulch, Rich mulch, and Surprise mulch dry the soil every 24 hours after the point when you last watered the berry.

Determine the effect of Watering.
Plant identical or near identical (Liechi=Ganlon, etc) berries on both sides of the field. On the left half, water the berries whenever the soil dries, and on the right half, do not water. Do not use Boost Mulch. De-weed, etc, as normal. Compare the max, min, and average berry yields from both sides.

Canceled due to lack of interest.
Determine the effect of Weeds and Pests.
Plant identical or near identical (Liechi=Ganlon, etc) berries on both sides of the field. On the left half, de-weed everything ASAP. On the right half, leave the weeds. Compare the max, min, and average berry yields from both sides. There's more randomness involved here than with mulch or watering though, since you can't control when the weeds will pop up.

Canceled due to lack of interest.

Hmm I don't think I can embed a table into this post so here's an image.

This is really annoying to update since I have to convert the spreadsheet into an image, so I'll only update when I have significant new information.

In the meantime, I will post any additional information in the personal notes below.
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personal notes:

lansat max 5 growth/rich/amaze

pomeg 15 no mulch

oran 13 nm

kee 8 rich

oran 8 shows 3 berries on tree, 9 shows 5
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All Berries undergo six cycles:

1) Initial (mound of dirt)
2) Sprout (tiny plant)
3) Stem (small plant with stem)
4) Tree (larger version of stem)
5) Buds (small seeds on the tree)
6) Bloom (flowers on the tree)

At the end of the sixth cycle, Berries appear and the tree can be harvested.

From what I've been able to garner from two-ish weeks of farming with all kinds of Berries, the growth rates are grouped by whole days. That is to say, Berries will take 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, etc. to go from dirt to harvest. There's no Mulch to make the trees grow faster, only to increase yields and mutation chances.

The status Berries (Cheri, Chesto, etc.), Oran, Leppa and the Wiki group each take one day to fully mature (that's four hours per cycle for six cycles).
Sitrus, Lum, EV Berries (Pomeg, Qualot, etc.) and Type Berries (Occa, Passho, etc.) each take two days - eight hours per cycle.
Liechi, Ganlon, Petaya, Salac, Apicot, Kee and Maranga each take four days to fully mature.

Currently untested are the Lansat and Starf (I have the Lansat but my fields are currently full, and I'm trying to get to 200 in the Maison). The others, like the Pokeblock/DW Berries and event Berries (Enigma, Jaboca, etc.) are all unobtainable for the foreseeable future so I can't say anything on them, either.

EDIT: If anyone would like to spot me a Starf Berry and save me the trouble, that'd be much appreciated, wink wink...!
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One thing I've noticed is that, in the event of a mutation, it will be precisely one berry that is mutated per tree. Yields per tree depend on the species and how diligent you are at upkeep, ranging from 1 berry (if you did a bad job), to as high as 14 or 15 berries for the more prolific berries.

Berry trees will change from one cycle to the next even if you are observing them. I've personally observed my entire field sprout berries in front of my eyes.
I put no on the poll but after reading through the comments, it actually got me kind of interested and I will help out if you want. Sorry about the poll and I will try and get research for the simpler more available berries because I am only at badge 6 at the moment. And have we discovered how much the different Mulch affect berry yields yet?

And it's interesting how you don't even have to leave the berry field for them to change stages before your eyes! Does the amount of Berries change depending on how much you water it? Because I got about 10 berries after leaving my Oran berries with growth mulch (I think) and I watered it once and left it for about 3 days?
The mutations as described on Serebii are complete - or at least the game wants you to think so. If you do all the combinations that Serebii describes, the scientist literally says "you've found all the mutations".
The mutations as described on Serebii are complete - or at least the game wants you to think so. If you do all the combinations that Serebii describes, the scientist literally says "you've found all the mutations".
Oh, thanks for that. I forgot all about that scientist.

Looks like this will be much easier to do than expected.

Update: added a table covering the Berry locations. I'll be adding information about growth rate and berry yield as I find it.

Added a new research objective to find maximum and minimum yields for each berry.

The unmanned shopping stand in Coumarine City, the Fresh Water guy at Couriway Town, and Inver on Route 18 seem to give random berries. I do not know exactly which berries they can give, but it's safe to assume that there are no berries that can only be obtained from them.
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Okay, I've got my hands on the Starf, and I've planted both it and the Lansat. Will come back periodically to update you on their growth cycles!
I am gonna look and see the different berries everyday at the unmanned berry store. I will report back after a week
I suspect all the pinch berries have the same yields. I grew up 5 Liechi and 5 Petaya (since I only had 5 of each) and with constant watering/de-weeding, got a yield range of 1-3 for both. Someone else could test if they can reach a higher yield with a bigger sample size, more mulch, or more attentive care (though I did water/de-weed them multiple times each day) but hopefully this helps at least a little? Didn't keep track of time, but they did take at least a few days to grow. They might have the 96-hour cycle as they did in previous gens.

I'm going to be growing more of the EV reducing berries so I can record yields and growth rates for them.
**Berries given out
Wacan, Sitrus (2)
Coumarine: Pecha, Cheri, Rawst (2)

**These are notes, not facts. Subject to change with more testing and probably not correct.**

Aquav: Yield (no mulch): 5 - 8
Aspear: Yield (no mulch): 10 | Bugs: Combee
Babiri: Bugs: Burmy
Cheri: Yield (no mulch): 6 - 8 | Bugs: Ledyba
Chesto: Yield (no mulch): 5 - 7
Iapapa: Yield (no mulch): 5 - 9 | Bugs: Combee
Kelpsy: Yield (no mulch): 5 | Bugs: Volbeat
Leppa: Yield (no mulch): 5
Lum: Yield (no mulch): 4 - 12 | Bugs: Burmy (2)
Mago: Yield (no mulch): 8 | Bugs: Spewpa
Oran: Yield (no mulch): 7
Pecha: Yield (no mulch): 7
Persim: Yield (no mulch): 7
Pomeg: Yield (no mulch): 5
Qualot: Yield (no mulch): 3 - 8 | Bugs: Combee
Rawst: Yield (no mulch): 7
Roseli: Bugs: Spewpa
Sitrus: Yield (no mulch): 7 - 8
Tanga: Yield (no mulch): 5 | Bugs: Burmy
Wacan: Yield (no mulch): 5 - 7 | Bugs: Combee
Wiki: Yield (no mulch): 4 - 9 | Bugs: Ilumise

**Yields are just what I've seen so far, not necessarily the most/least
**List is berries I have

11/10 - since we're good on growth time, I'll just keep working on jotting down yields and bugs. Starting on some mulch stuff after the field is clear. Inver gave me another Sitrus berry and I didn't do well in the battle. I'm thinking the berry you get may be related to how many super effective hits you get in since the day I got Wacan I did a lot better. Berry stand gave me another Rawst berry and I tipped 1000 again.
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I suspect all the pinch berries have the same yields. I grew up 5 Liechi and 5 Petaya (since I only had 5 of each) and with constant watering/de-weeding, got a yield range of 1-3 for both. Someone else could test if they can reach a higher yield with a bigger sample size, more mulch, or more attentive care (though I did water/de-weed them multiple times each day) but hopefully this helps at least a little? Didn't keep track of time, but they did take at least a few days to grow. They might have the 96-hour cycle as they did in previous gens.

I'm going to be growing more of the EV reducing berries so I can record yields and growth rates for them.
I strongly suspect all the "similar" berries to have the same growth rate and yields. Rather than trying to find the difference between Liechi and Petaya, you'd be better off looking at the difference between Liechi and Kee. I managed to get a maximum yield of 6 for the standard stat-boost berries, but only 4 for Kee despite them having the same growth rate. I'll do more tests later.

Wacan: 24 hours
Lum: 24 hours | Yield: 4 - 5
Sitrus: 24 hours | Yield: 7 - 8
Qualot: 24 hours | Yield: 5 - 8 | Bugs: Combee
Aquav: 24 hours | Yield: 5 - 8
Cheri: 24 hours | Yield: 6 - 7
Iapapa: 24 hours | Yield: 5 - 9

I'll keep cycling through different berries to get more info and edit this as I go. I don't use any mulch and I normally only get in 1 water per 24 hours. Turns out all the berries I planted yesterday were 24 hour ones. I actually got to weed / water / debug the Qualot berries right before they grew up to the last stage, and I didn't think to start counting the yields right away.

Inver: Wacan, Sitrus
I am certain that Cheri and Sitrus do not have the same growth rate, and that Cheri can yield far more than 7.

Unfortunately I can't do any tests for the next 24 hours, because I changed my 3DS clock for daylight savings and desynced the internal clock.
I am certain that Cheri and Sitrus do not have the same growth rate, and that Cheri can yield far more than 7.
I'll double check the growth rate after I clear my berry patch this time.
As far as the yields, these aren't set in stone, just what I've seen so far. I usually only get to water my berries once after the initial planting and haven't used any mulch. I'll edit my post so it's more clear.
Wacan: 24 hours
Lum: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 4 - 5
Sitrus: 24? hours | Yield (no mulch): 7 - 8
Qualot: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 8 | Bugs: Combee
Aquav: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 8
Cheri: 24? hours | Yield (no mulch): 6 - 7
Iapapa: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 9

**Yields are just what I've seen so far, not necessarily the most/least

I'll keep cycling through different berries to get more info and edit this as I go. I don't use any mulch and I normally only get in 1 water per 24 hours. Turns out all the berries I planted yesterday were 24 hour ones. I actually got to weed / water / debug the Qualot berries right before they grew up to the last stage, and I didn't think to start counting the yields right away.

Inver: Wacan, Sitrus
Some of your tests are wrong, sorry to say.

For one, Qualot is definitely 48 hours. It takes the same time as Tanga (and, by extension, all EV berries and SE-type berries) because they're the ones that have to mutate together. Mutation pairs have the same growth rates, and this applies for all the Berries in their little groups. Chesto + Persim (Kelpsy) are both 24 hours, Qualot + Tanga (Ganlon) are both 48 hours, Liechi + Ganlon (Kee) are both 96 hours. That way there's a definite chance of mutation if you plant them adjacent at the same time. Having said that, I'm fairly sure that my initial growth rates for all the Berries are still correct - barring perhaps Sitrus/Lum (the mutators for Tamato); they could be 24 hours, but the Tamato doesn't mutate further so it makes sense that the more "valuable" basic berries mutate into it over 2 days.

EDIT: The growth rates for Lansat and Starf are at least 4 days. I planted them 13 hours ago, next to some Kee and Maranga, and they're still all dirt mounds. I'll come back later to confirm whether they grow alongside the others or if they take longer.

Okay, I'm back and can confirm that Lansat and Starf take at least 5 days. It's been 16 hours since I planted them, and they're still dirt mounds while the Kee/Maranga next to them have become sprouts. It'll be another four hours before I can check for the next cycle (20/120), and if that doesn't work then it's a full day per cycle for these beauties.

Lansat and Starf have a growth rate of 120 hours. Source:

10pm: Planted
2am: Dirt
10am: Dirt
2pm: Dirt
6pm: Sprout
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Are enigma, custap, rowap, micle and jacoba obtainable?
I don't think so as these are typically Event Berrys

Wacan: 24 hours
Lum: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 4 - 5
Sitrus: 24? hours | Yield (no mulch): 7 - 8
Qualot: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 8 | Bugs: Combee
Aquav: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 8
Cheri: 24? hours | Yield (no mulch): 6 - 7
Iapapa: 24 hours | Yield (no mulch): 5 - 9

**Yields are just what I've seen so far, not necessarily the most/least

I'll keep cycling through different berries to get more info and edit this as I go. I don't use any mulch and I normally only get in 1 water per 24 hours. Turns out all the berries I planted yesterday were 24 hour ones. I actually got to weed / water / debug the Qualot berries right before they grew up to the last stage, and I didn't think to start counting the yields right away.

Inver: Wacan, Sitrus

Yield changes upon how well you keep on top of your berries. I typically get crops of up to 10 (per non mulch) Due to the fact i'm somewhat diligent in my berry care.

Kelpsy Berries can yield up to 15 (with care and Rich mulch) - I would assume the same for the remainder of the EV reducing berries

Ozodiac's posts are looking correct an can confirm most of his timings

I'm going to debuff PixelTwists Pokémon claim - from what i've experienced any set of berry trees can have any mon that's due to encounter in the berry field (Illumise / Volbeat / Sewpapa / Combee / ?????????? idr what else)
Another thing I've found, quite by accident, is that the Berry trees dotted around the overworld will drop a new Berry every week or so. The trees on Route 6, Route 10, and 20 all do this (they're the only three I've checked out, so I assume it's true for all of them). Not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but I haven't seen anybody mentioning it before.
Another thing I've found, quite by accident, is that the Berry trees dotted around the overworld will drop a new Berry every week or so. The trees on Route 6, Route 10, and 20 all do this (they're the only three I've checked out, so I assume it's true for all of them). Not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but I haven't seen anybody mentioning it before.
I can confirm this. I EV train for attack near the Roseli tree and I've seen new berries on the ground.
Sorry I wasn't trying to 'claim' anything with my post, just take notes. I was thinking it was only a day since I planted the first batch of berries but I guess it was longer than that. I'll put a note on my post so maybe it's not misleading.

As far as the bugs found, same thing. Just making notes as I come across them.
Amaze mulch can be made with maranga or kee. You have to use at least one of either.

Amaze Mulch = (Maranga or Kee) + (Any Berry) + (Any Berry)
Bugs appear depending in the color of the berry:
Red: Ledyba
Yellow: Combee
Green: Burmy
Blue: Volbeat
Purple: Illumise
Pink: Spewpa
Really? I've never noticed this before, but it makes a lot of sense.

I'm updating the spreadsheet with info from the posts above right now, will update the first post once I have more information.
My record is 19 Qualot berries in one shot with Rich Mulch. I don't think in all of my berry patches (and I mass produce EV-reducing berries) I have ever gotten more than 19. This was with someone else taking care of berries while I was asleep.

Also, I'm pretty sure any pair of berries that form a mutation together validly (i.e. Oran&Pecha, Lum&Sitrus, etc.) all have the exact same growth cycles and growth times. I have never had a plot of land used for mutation where a pair of berries (to be mutated together) have ever been one ahead of the other in terms of growth.

Another thing (for practical purposes), for mutation I have found the following strategy ALWAYS produces 3 trees, all bearing a mutation: If berries X + Y mutate to produce Z, plant the berries in a patch of 3 as XYX, all with Suprise Mulch, planting the berries all at the same time. This will always produce a Z berry on each of the 3 trees.

More on mutation: If X+Y=Z, I have tried planting X before (with suprise mulch) (X_X), coming back later after getting berry Y, at which point at least one growth cycle has passed. I planted the berries in the same formation (XYX), making sure all plots have suprise mulch, but I observed NO MUTATIONS.

Lum and Sitrus berries definitely take infinity hours to grow (idk exactly how many hours, but definitely longer than Oran berries and Qualot berries).

Hope that helps.

EDIT: This is in agreement with OZodiac
Another thing (for practical purposes), for mutation I have found the following strategy ALWAYS produces 3 trees, all bearing a mutation: If berries X + Y mutate to produce Z, plant the berries in a patch of 3 as XYX, all with Suprise Mulch, planting the berries all at the same time. This will always produce a Z berry on each of the 3 trees.
Even with surprise mulch, there is a chance of failing to get a mutation. Using that formation simply makes it more likely to get a mutation because each berry is adjacent to two partners instead of one, but is not a guaranteed success.

New discovery: Growth Mulch and Amaze mulch both cause the soil to dry every 4 hours, regardless of the berry's growth rate. Rich and Surprise mulch do not change the soil's drying rate as compared to using no mulch.

Further info on the above: The soil dries 4 hours after the time when you last watered it, rather than the same time the berry advances to the next cycle.
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