Tournament BLT IX: 'Best Leaderboarders' Tournament ($2000 + custom avatar prize pool)!


S/o lei for the beautiful logo! . Post modified from past BLT threads.
Approved by Nol

Hey everyone, here we are again for the next installment of the Tournaments Room Best 'Leaderboarders' Tournament. As I'm sure a lot of you know, the Tournaments room is one of the official rooms on PS! alongside the Lobby - and the Help room. Due to the successes of previous iterations of BLT, and this having become an annual event, it's now time for BLT IX.

What is BLT and how can I partake in this event?

Essentially, whenever we have a scripted tournament within the room, the top four players get a certain number of points based on the size of the tour. There are also four official tournaments every day, the formats of which are decided on beforehand in our monthly schedule. Every time someone receives points from a tournament, it is documented by our room bot, Lady Monita. At the end of each cycle (around two weeks), we look to see who has the most points on the leaderboard, and the top player is recorded in our Hall of Fame.

This will be the basis of the qualification for BLT:

The top eight on the leaderboard for the 2nd cycle of March (starting March 16th), 2 cycles of April and the 1st cycle of May will be guaranteed a spot in the tournament on one of eight fourteen-player teams. Managers will each be drafting four players from this pool of guaranteed qualified players to form the start of their team. In the event the players with the 8th and 9th most amount of points at the end of a cycle tie, the player who has received a larger amount of their points from playing room tours of BLT IX formats will be ranked 8th.

Players who attained at least 30 points but were not in the top eight of the cycles will be placed in a separate pool. After the managers drafted the guaranteed qualified players, they will draft from the separate pool until they have at least 14 people. Everyone on the roster must have played at least once before the end of week 5 of the tour. Starting this year, this includes substitutes. As an addendum to this rule, if a player hasn't shown sufficient effort to be part of the team, a manager can bring it up to the host and have this rule waived for the player(s) in question.

Good sportsmanship in the Tournaments room is required to participate in BLT IX. Overwhelming toxicity, collusion, or otherwise going out of your way to bypass the anti-scouting measures in the room will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from competing in BLT IX. If you are a victim of any of these during our room tours, please contact a staff member (with room %, @, or #) with relevant screenshots as evidence.

So now with the main qualifications out of the way, lets move on to the teams that will be competing this BLT!

There are eight teams competing, which are:

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    Solaceon Solgaleos | Managers: PrinceOfAllTacos and Ron (Ron 5)
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    Dressrosa Dracovishes | Managers: GXE (70to90gxe) and blce
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    Santalune Swamperts | Managers: TTT x and Gray (iamjustgray)
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    Ruin Valley Roserades | Managers: PA (Poison Adhesive) and kythr
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    Lavender Laprases | Managers: Xiri (Snow Jiniri) and mj
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    Majestic Milotics | Managers: crying (cryingg) and ez
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    Sunyshore Snorlaxes | Managers: trace and EternalSnowman
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    Jubilife Jirachis | Managers: Stareal and Vaboh

Like the past four BLTs we shall be performing an auction draft for teams to select their players. What this means is that we will go through the list of managers, who will nominate a qualified player to bid upon.

Qualifier Check-In

After each cycle, the top 8 players along with the players who met the 30 point threshold will be posted. Each player will be given until the next cycle to confirm their spot. Make sure that if you qualify you check in! If this is not done before that moment, players will lose their spot. When checking in, the following information will be required:
  • PS! Username
  • Timezone
  • Top 1-3 Tiers that you'd want to be playing
  • Any foreseen inactivity
Point Transfers

You are able to transfer points across to your desired account a maximum of two times per cycle and you may not request to have any points transferred within the last 48 hours of the cycle.

Tiers and battle format

The tiers that we will be playing this season are as follows!
  • SS Ubers
  • SS OU
  • SS OU
  • SS UU
  • SS RU
  • SS NU
  • SS PU
  • SS LC
  • SS Monotype
  • SS DOU
For this year's format, teams will be fighting in a round robin where every team will play every other team. At the end of the round robin, the top four teams will move on to the playoffs where the first seed will play the fourth seed and the second seed will play the third seed to determine who will be this year’s finalists. A win will be worth 2 points, a draw 1, and a loss 0.

Activity Calls

Make contact with your opponents! Every season we have to make activity calls that displease one party member. To prevent this, post a VM on their Smogon wall to try to set a date for the battle. If you do this via any other medium, save logs and screenshots so that in the event of an activity call, you have proof and get it to go your way. Leave time zones, preferred time to play, and be specific. No activity calls will be made if neither team's players or managers post about it, so take initiative on that.

Dead Games

In the event that a game is not played and neither teams post for an activity call, it will be declared a dead game, which means that the game will be taken as to not exist. This will also be the case if an activity post is made but neither players showed a satisfactory level of activity. Schedule properly to not let these occur!

What if there is a tie?

Using the system in place from the last four tournaments, we will have a best-of-three be played. Each manager will have 24 hours to choose one tier after the tie has been announced. Failure to comply will result in their choice being defaulted to SS OU. In addition to the two manager picks, the third tier will be SS OU. The managers will announce their picks in the thread or via PM to me or Tranquility, and will then submit their lineups for the three tiers. This will only come into effect in the event that there is a tie during the playoffs.

Will there be prizes?

To encourage people to qualify, complete their matches on time and make sure they don't go inactive once the tournament starts, we will have a few prizes. They are as follows:

A Team Custom Avatar for the winning team: Continuing from last year, the winning team of BLT will be awarded a team avatar of their choosing with the team mascot of their team courtesy of Zarel.

Team entry in the Hall of Fame: The winning team will be recorded in the Hall of Fame which is displayed on our website for all to see. This will be great for bragging rights to your friends!

Prize money: This year, managers of the winning team will each receive $100, players who were drafted from the guaranteed pool of the winning team will receive $200 each and other players of the winning team will each win $100, courtesy of temp!

The previous seasons of the Best 'Leaderboarders' Tournament were received well and were fun for those involved. However, it was not without flaws, so we intend to fix up the issues the previous seasons had to create a more enjoyable experience for everyone!

Feel free to use this thread to discuss BLT and ask any questions that you may have and please keep this thread on topic as possible. Any offensive, or irrelevant posts will be removed, let's just try to keep this civil. We hope to see you all in the Tournaments chat! Good luck, and have fun!


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Look. Stare into the fishman's infinite gape. Stare at the void in his chest, for it will be the final destination of all the victims he rends. Think you can escape? Motherf- flies. Cope. (Look out for another official logo in a couple weeks or months..)

What's up we are the dressrosa dracovishes, this year I'll be co-managing with blce. Do not be fooled, though, co - co manager Plimsoll Punks will be having the exact same role as last year. Alex will single-handedly manage to do nothing and everything at the same time, gifted with unlimited power. I'm tryna run it back this year, and Blce and I think its gonna be a good time.

As a warning, this team will very likely be the most fun, mostly bc of blce, I really only care ab winning (all these other teams seem exceptionally lame imho, and we do intend on having game/watch nights amongst generally being cooler than managers like kythr, poat, mj, trace, and star). Tbh gray is probably cooler but I'm 99% sure he bribed someone for his trophy¿ Btw if any future teammates manage to beat blce in Skribbl I will literally give you 5$.

Anyhow we are looking forward to getting to know people so we'll open up the disc for awhile:

Feel free to chill out until blt starts, im not entirely sure how I want to handle tryouts yet but feel free to let us know more about yourselves!
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Look. Stare into the fishman's infinite gape. Stare at the void in his chest, for it will be the final destination of all the victims he rends. Think you can escape? Motherf- flies. Cope. (Look out for another official logo in a couple weeks or months..)

What's up we are the dressrosa dracovishes, this year I'll be co-managing with blce. Do not be fooled, though, co - co manager Plimsoll Punks will be having the exact same role as last year. Alex will single-handedly manage to do nothing and everything at the same time, gifted with unlimited power. I'm tryna run it back this year, and Blce and I think its gonna be a good time.

As a warning, this team will very likely be the most fun, mostly bc of blce, I really only care ab winning (all these other teams seem exceptionally lame imho, and we do intend on having game/watch nights amongst generally being cooler than managers like kythr, poat, mj, trace, and star). Tbh gray is probably cooler but I'm 99% sure he bribed someone for his trophy¿ Btw if any future teammates manage to beat blce in Skribbl I will literally give you 5$.

Anyhow we are looking forward to getting to know people so we'll open up the disc for awhile:

Feel free to chill out until blt starts, im not entirely sure how I want to handle tryouts yet but feel free to let us know more about yourselves!

Man's just a hater don't be a salty fish be a legendary steel lion.
Here is how it will all play out
(Manager rankings!!!)

1. Ruin Valley Roserades: PA and kythr : Meh. They should probably win this year. The only mon on here that can beat Roserade is lax or Jirachi. Roserades win. Round robin = 5-2, wins it all.
2. Dressrosa Dracovishes: GXE and blce : GXE is goated as a player. From what I determined blce created a solid atmosphere last year from just being on the team. Heavy Favorites rn imo. Draco beats Snorlax in semis. Round robin = 4-3, loses in final.
3. Lavender Laprases: mj and Xiri : Goats. Always make a good team. Will def be in the mix. Lapras beats Draco with freeze-dry but loses to a roserade in semis. Just an unfortunate draw of mons. Round robin = 5-2, loses rd 1 of playoffs.
4. Sunyshore Snorlaxes: trace and EternalSnowman : Goats. Always make a good team. Will def be in the mix. Will be good in reg season but will get an unfortunate draw and lose. Round robin = 5-2, loses rd 1 of playoffs.
6. Santalune Swamperts: TTT x and Gray : Dunno how I feel about them tbh. TTT is really good as a player, but I never know how to take Gray. I think together they could have a really good feel on the player pool and will make a good team. Whether or not that will be good enough is up in the air. All the mons above get like energy ball. Swampert gets rekt. Round Robin = 3-4
6. Majestic Milotics: crying and ez: Both of these players really know their way around the current metagames. I think they will provide really good prep and draft some guys they know in the metas. From what I have observed, this is a recipe to lose almost every single week. Mediocre mon. Pretty but underwhelming. Round Robin = 3-4
6. Jubilife Jirachis : Stareal and Vaboh : Star is good player. That is all. Jirachi gets smashed. All the mons above it get like flamethrower and have inner focus I think. Round Robin = 3-4
8. Solaceon Solgaleos: PrinceOfAllTacos and Ron : Poat has confirmed he will be playing over Ron. I have yet to determine whether this is a good thing or not. Moreover I think that old man Tacos and young one Ron will compliment each other well enough that they might be able to limp into the playoffs and then lose. LEVEL 60 SOLGALEO LOLOLOLOLOL. Round Robin = 0-7

Dm me if you wanna hear my take on pencil sharpeners.
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Here is how it will all play out
(Manager rankings!!!)

1. Ruin Valley Roserades: PA and kythr : Meh. They should probably win this year. The only mon on here that can beat Roserade is lax. Roserades win. Round robin = 6-1, wins it all.
2. Dressrosa Dracovishes: GXE and blce : GXE is goated as a player. From what I determined blce created a solid atmosphere last year from just being on the team. Heavy Favorites rn imo. Draco beats Snorlax in semis. Round robin = 4-3, loses in final.
3. Lavender Laprases: mj and Xiri : Goats. Always make a good team. Will def be in the mix. Lapras beats Draco with freeze-dry but loses to a roserade in semis. Just an unfortunate draw of mons. Round robin = 5-2, loses rd 1 of playoffs.
4. Sunyshore Snorlaxes: trace and EternalSnowman : Goats. Always make a good team. Will def be in the mix. Will be good in reg season but will get an unfortunate draw and lose. Round robin = 6-1, loses rd 1 of playoffs.
6. Santalune Swamperts: TTT x and Gray : Dunno how I feel about them tbh. TTT is really good as a player, but I never know how to take Gray. I think together they could have a really good feel on the player pool and will make a good team. Whether or not that will be good enough is up in the air. All the mons above get like energy ball. Swampert gets rekt. Round Robin = 3-4
6. Majestic Milotics: crying and ez: Both of these players really know their way around the current metagames. I think they will provide really good prep and draft some guys they know in the metas. From what I have observed, this is a recipe to lose almost every single week. Mediocre mon. Pretty but underwhelming. Round Robin = 3-4
7. Alpha Avaluggs: Stareal and Vaboh : Star is good player. That is all. Avalugg gets smashed. All the mons above it get like flamethrower I think. Burn baby burn. Round Robin = 1-6
8. Solaceon Solgaleos: PrinceOfAllTacos and Ron : Poat has confirmed he will be playing over Ron. I have yet to determine whether this is a good thing or not. Moreover I think that old man Tacos and young one Ron will compliment each other well enough that they might be able to limp into the playoffs and then lose. LEVEL 60 SOLGALEO LOLOLOLOLOL. Round Robin = 0-7

Dm me if you wanna hear my take on pencil sharpeners.
table slander shall not be tolerated. cc1v1 rfn
I'd like to announce that the already large amount of prize money has been increased thanks to temp! Managers of the winning team will each receive $100, players who were drafted from the guaranteed pool of the winning team will receive $200 each and other players of the winning team will each win $100. Insane stuff here, prize pool is looking stacked. S/o to temp and best of luck in advance with qualifying.