Media Books

For y'all here, I really like the discworld series by Terry pratchett. You don't have to be a genius to understand it, makes your sides hurt every 5 minutes, and there's like 50 of them so you'll basically never run out of stuff to read. I love the death series especially, rincewind not so much.
Also read a lot of South Asian poetry, specifically Kabir, Ramprasad Sen, and Bharatchandra. If anyone has any Asian poetry to recommend, please do.

Agha Shahid Ali is divine, can fully recommend. Specifically his collection Call Me Ishmael Tonight
For y'all here, I really like the discworld series by Terry pratchett. You don't have to be a genius to understand it, makes your sides hurt every 5 minutes, and there's like 50 of them so you'll basically never run out of stuff to read. I love the death series especially, rincewind not so much.
Hmm, the only novel I read from that series I didn't enjoy. I didn't find it funny, and maybe I tried too hard to find some deeper meaning in the text or something. Actually now that I think on it, I had a similar experience with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy so idk
Hmm, the only novel I read from that series I didn't enjoy. I didn't find it funny, and maybe I tried too hard to find some deeper meaning in the text or something. Actually now that I think on it, I had a similar experience with Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy so idk
Did you read the first book? If so, it's terrible. I recommend starting with Mort, or Reaper Man. I loved Hitchiker's guide though
anyone here read SF/F? recently finished the broken earth trilogy by NK Jemisin and personally i think its the best series i've read, but i havent read much since my days of standard YA fantasy novels like 5 years ago, so i dont have much to compare it to (besides ender's game / ender's shadow series)

starting to get back into reading after i stopped for the entirety of high school, anyone have any good sff recs? or anything really, im just used to sff since it's what i read before i stopped
now reading neuromacer by william gibson. early diagnosis is that the ideas / themes are great but his actual writing leaves something to desire. still enjoying it so far (about halfway through rn)
For y'all here, I really like the discworld series by Terry pratchett. You don't have to be a genius to understand it, makes your sides hurt every 5 minutes, and there's like 50 of them so you'll basically never run out of stuff to read. I love the death series especially, rincewind not so much.
best white writer of his time easily. ive read almost all so you will run out eventually, none of the books are long. I think the discworld segments I've enjoyed the most are Sam Vimes (the later Vimes is kinda boring, but he is great to start) and all the witches. Every witch is a stellar character.

Saddest thing is the dude is dead now, and people don't even realize who he is, he'll be remembered like Shakespeare if humanity is still around in 100 years.

now reading- Ibsen plays
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You know how vegetarians say they eat veggies for so long that meat becomes disgusting?

I've been reading lit so long and I just started the Hunger Games and something is very wrong with it. I can't put my finger on it. I'd hesitate to say it's relatively bad, but something seems so off putting and wrong about this prose. It's so lacking in detail and pushes the plot forward so quickly. The games have started at this point and I literally don't know the names of more than 3 other players.
Yeah Hunger Games doesn't divert much at all outside of the focal tributes in Kat/Peeta. In fairness there's a shitload of characters involved in the events, but still there's a lack of depth in introducing them to the story. It's all about trying to shove the protagonists into the meat of the plot[Being the arena] and betting on that setup.
And another thing, go read I, Robot by Isaac Aasimov. Burnt through that in 2 days, don't let the shitshow of the movie distract you from the book.
now reading neuromacer by william gibson. early diagnosis is that the ideas / themes are great but his actual writing leaves something to desire. still enjoying it so far (about halfway through rn)
I finished this a while ago. The ending arc felt really satisfying and tied everything back in well. I still have gripes with gibsons writing and the fact that it made stuff flow really awkwarxly at times (had to flick back to previous page to reread and get a bettet bearinf a few times) but overall i enjoyed this book and with how short it is (250~ pages) and its cultural impact (a lot of stuff borrows from this) i would reccomend it. If anyne wants to discuss it with me feel free

My next read is war and peace - i saw a vintage copy at the op shop and picked it up to try get another classic read knocked over. Hopefully it lives up to the hype!!
My next read is war and peace - i saw a vintage copy at the op shop and picked it up to try get another classic read knocked over. Hopefully it lives up to the hype!!

i read catch 22 and norwegian wood instead of war and peace this week
i read catch 22 and norwegian wood instead of war and peace this week
How was Norwegian Wood? My cousin recommended it to me and gave me a copy for Christmas so I'm gonna get around to it sometime in the next couple weeks
How was Norwegian Wood? My cousin recommended it to me and gave me a copy for Christmas so I'm gonna get around to it sometime in the next couple weeks
i enjoyed it a lot, read through the whole thing in 2 reading sessions. my only complaint is that the translation didnt quite work at times. the best example off the top of my head is one of the characters mentions a few times that the protagonist has a funny way of speaking, but you dont really get that sense from how they speak in the book. feels like it would have been more pronounced in the original and was lost somewhere in translation, but this is bound to happen in any situation like this i think. but this doesnt impede the story in a noticeable way, and the imagery / symbolism was still very powerful. aside from that minor nitpick, very good book.
Currently reading "Does it matter?" by Alan Watts, a collection of his essays. Thoroughly enjoying it thus far comparatively to how I thought I would receive it. Probably gonna try to get my hands on a copy of "The Book" by the same author and peruse through that later
Currently reading

"Japanese Business Etiquette, A Practical Guide to Success with the Japanese: Vol 2" By Diana Rowland.

It's a wild fucking ride.
I’ve been slugging through Star Wars: The Dark Lord Trilogy. I’ve recently finished the first book, Labyrinth of Evil, and just started on the second book, the Revenge of the Sith novelization.
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I'm trying to decide if I want to read either hyperion, Columbus day, or more wheel of time. For WOT I'm on shadow rising. I recently dropped delves llc because I thought it was poorly written. I also dropped terminal list because the authors political leanings became to much for me.

I'm considering getting galaxy edge if any of yall have read that let me know
Recently read The Maze Runner triology along with the prequels. The Maze Runner, The Fever Code (direct prequel to The Maze Runner) > Scorch Trails >>>>> The Death Cure >>>> x infinity The Kill Order.

The Maze Runner was able to grab my attention and hold it throughout the whole book, an amazing book that makes you bond with the characters for the most part. Never had an empty moment or anything that could’ve been considered pointless filler. The Fever Code (while repetitive at times, how can you repeat [SPOILER="TFC spoiler"Thomas waking up inside his bedroom two dozen times over without it feeling dull at times? An exaggeration, I swear.[/SPOILER] ) is one of the greatest prequels I’ve ever read, usually they aren’t very interesting or at times just a money grab. Looking at you, The Kill Order and HP: The Cursed Child.

The Fever Code is a MUST read if you ever finish even just The Maze Runner. The movies serve the books no justice at all, they’re basically using the characters as namesakes and nothing more past the first 10 minutes. It’s like taking the HP books and stripping away everything but the core character names and magic then making them based in a Pirates of The Caribbean movie.

Another book I love is The Martian, never encountered a book like this before. It reads like a journal for the first good half of the book, wish there were more like this since I really enjoyed it. The writer consulted with countless different professionals while making the book to make it as lifelike as possible. Good amount of comedy mixed in with one of the worst situations someone can find themselves in.

Also, I have duct tape. Ordinary duct tape, like you buy at a hardware store. Turns out even NASA can’t improve on duct tape.