Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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I'm confused with the way mega abilities function in the turn the mega evolution occurs, and the inconsistency on PS makes me think there may be a bug. So, the stats and ability usually don't effect the pokemon's move that turn, like beedrill is slow the turn it megas. The confusion lies in the fact that when sableye megas its non-damaging move gets priority (regular ability: prankster) yet it can bounce back other status moves that same turn (mega ability: magic bounce). Yet Banette's will-o-wisp doesn't get priority the turn it megas. This would lead to the thought that a pokemons own moves and stats aren't effected by the mega evolution until after that move, but the ability can change while the opponent is attacking. But then why do salamence and pinsir get aerilate immediately and yet Banette doesn't get prankster immediately? And if the ability does change instantly, why doesn't sableye lose prankster?
I'm confused with the way mega abilities function in the turn the mega evolution occurs, and the inconsistency on PS makes me think there may be a bug. So, the stats and ability usually don't effect the pokemon's move that turn, like beedrill is slow the turn it megas. The confusion lies in the fact that when sableye megas its non-damaging move gets priority (regular ability: prankster) yet it can bounce back other status moves that same turn (mega ability: magic bounce). Yet Banette's will-o-wisp doesn't get priority the turn it megas. This would lead to the thought that a pokemons own moves and stats aren't effected by the mega evolution until after that move, but the ability can change while the opponent is attacking. But then why do salamence and pinsir get aerilate immediately and yet Banette doesn't get prankster immediately? And if the ability does change instantly, why doesn't sableye lose prankster?
There's no bug here. All of these lie with the fact that the turn order doesn't change on the turn of mega evolution despite speed and ability changing. If Sableye would have gone first that turn that it had Prankster, then it still goes first that turn even though its ability changes to Magic Bounce.
When a Pokémon is K.O. and you try to pass your mouse on it in your team, it says that it has "NaN.0% (0/undefined)" HP, can that be fixed ?
I believe Destiny Bond may be implemented wrong.

According to Bulbapedia the effect wears off as soon as a new turn starts unless the user went last in the previous turn, but it's currently implemented as lasting until the user moves again. This is important for priority users since they should be able to dodge the effect by going before the D-Bond user can use it again, like a SD Scizor setting up and killing a Gengar that's spamming the move.
If a poison-type under the effects of soak gets inflicted with toxic, it will still take toxic damage when switched out and back in.

Unfortunately no replay, as I was spectating this particular battle.
I believe Destiny Bond may be implemented wrong.

According to Bulbapedia the effect wears off as soon as a new turn starts unless the user went last in the previous turn, but it's currently implemented as lasting until the user moves again. This is important for priority users since they should be able to dodge the effect by going before the D-Bond user can use it again, like a SD Scizor setting up and killing a Gengar that's spamming the move.
Bulbapedia is wrong.
If a poison-type under the effects of soak gets inflicted with toxic, it will still take toxic damage when switched out and back in.

Unfortunately no replay, as I was spectating this particular battle.
This is how status conditions work.
Poisons not under the effect of anything taking poison damage is how status conditions work? No?
Black sludge will work once switched back, so it's a developer oversight if nothing else.
No. That's how status works. You can burn Water-types with Will-O-Wisp under Primordial Sea, even though it's a Fire-type move. Anything can be poisoned, even if it's just under the effects of a temporary type change. You used to be able to paralyze Ground-types, and you still can, even though they're immune to the main type of paralyzing. This is how it works in-game too, and we follow the in-game mechanics.

I made a set on a Choice Scarf Togekiss running HP Ground in order to hit Heatran harder. However, in battle HP Ground shows up as Aura Sphere instead. When in Teambuilder it shows the proper IVs for HP Ground after selecting it, and redoing the Pokemon hasn't done anything. Why does it change to Aura Sphere once the battle starts? Replay data, 'Aura Sphere' should be HP Ground but it hits Weavile for SE damage on turn 7 http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-263389250
i got this message the thing is, that i didn't want it to be a shiny. It's not a shiny in the team builder, it's the normal purple color there. But in battles, it's colored red. its a custom team

can someone fix this


  • Screenshot 2015-08-27 at 3.49.01 PM.png
    Screenshot 2015-08-27 at 3.49.01 PM.png
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i got this message the thing is, that i didn't want it to be a shiny. It's not a shiny in the team builder, it's the normal purple color there. But in battles, it's colored red. its a custom team
I'm assuming you're talking about Genesect, which is forced to be shiny if you have Blaze Kick, Extreme Speed, or Shift Gear in your moveset because it was from an event. Please don't post other people's "bugs" here unless you've verified them yourself, and make sure it's less ambiguous than this. How is anyone supposed to know what "it" is without the rest of your conversation?
can someone fix this
If you're referring to the fact that your opponent had two Mega Evolutions on their team, it was a Custom Game which allows that sort of thing. If you're referring to the fact that Mega Rayquaza wasn't taking recoil damage, both Magic Guard and Rock Head exist. I see no bugs in that screenshot, so if you're referring to something else, please actually be specific.

Also, don't double post; if you have something else to mention and no one else has posted since, just edit your post.
So Mega-Pidgeot couldn't outspeed a Roserade?

Turn 16: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-264111070

Here's the Pidgeot I have:

Pet Shop (Pidgeot) @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Heat Wave
- Hurricane
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Roost

When it Mega-Evolved it should have gained more than enough speed to outspeed a Roserade. Perhaps a bug in the stats of Mega-Pid?
So Mega-Pidgeot couldn't outspeed a Roserade?

Turn 16: http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/anythinggoes-264111070

Here's the Pidgeot I have:

Pet Shop (Pidgeot) @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Keen Eye
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Heat Wave
- Hurricane
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Roost

When it Mega-Evolved it should have gained more than enough speed to outspeed a Roserade. Perhaps a bug in the stats of Mega-Pid?
base stat changes in Speed for mega evos don't activate until the next turn.

Plus you were modest
On the client version, teams don't save unless you hit the "List" button. This is really annoying since it doesn't happen in the browser version and i frequently have to go back and change things in my team multiple times.
Alright, so I've got something interesting; a bug that needs to be patched IN, not out, specifically for Doubles/Triples.

Recently a new glitch was discovered on cart involving Symbiosis and Eject Button in Double/Triple Battles; if the Eject Button holder is hit by an attack that causes the item to activate while it has an ally with Symbiosis holding an item, the Pokémon switches out first, and is then given the item by its ally after it has switched out. For some reason, this causes the game to glitch, and whenever that Pokémon is switched back in, the item it was given has its effects DOUBLED, (or in the case of Leftovers, QUADRUPLED for some weird reason!) This glitch is shown off here:

Known effects of the glitch so far:
  • Absorb Bulb activates twice (and presumably Cell Battery, Luminous Moss, and Snowball too)
  • Berries that raise stats activate twice (eg. Liechi and Maranga)
  • Berries that restore HP activate twice (even if the initial activation brings your HP out of the normal range for the Berry's activation)
  • Black Sludge activates twice (both for Poison types and non-Poison types)
  • Deep Sea Scale and Light Ball have double their effects (4x)
  • Eviolite has double its effects (2.25x)
  • Leftovers activates up to 4 times, as seen in the video
  • Life Orb activates twice, which doubles the effect (1.69x) and doubles the recoil (10% twice)
  • Rocky Helmet damages the attacker twice (R.I.P. Kanga)
  • Type-boosting items (Silk Scarf and friends, plus Plates) have double the effect (1.44x)
  • Weakness Policy activates twice
  • Choice items and Assault Vest have double the effect (2.25x)
  • Scope Lens has double the effect (+2 crit stages, or 50% crit rate on normal moves)
  • Normal Gem does NOT activate twice, one of two exceptions known
  • Float Stone doubles its effect (quartering weight)
  • Shell Bell activates twice per attack
  • Type-resist Berries double their effects (quartering damage taken)
  • Leppa Berry does NOT activate twice, only other known exception
  • Quick Claw does not have separate chances to activate, but shows the message twice when it does (HOW WILL THIS AFFECT THE META???)
  • Starf Berry activates twice, and can roll a different stat the second time
Gimmicky and unviable as shit, but it's on cart and fun to screw around with, so it should probably be backported.
I believe Destiny Bond may be implemented wrong.

According to Bulbapedia the effect wears off as soon as a new turn starts unless the user went last in the previous turn, but it's currently implemented as lasting until the user moves again. This is important for priority users since they should be able to dodge the effect by going before the D-Bond user can use it again, like a SD Scizor setting up and killing a Gengar that's spamming the move.

What do you mean by "but it's currently implemented as lasting until the user moves again" and "This is important for priority users since they should be able to dodge the effect by going before the D-Bond user can use it again, like a SD Scizor setting up and killing a Gengar that's spamming the move"?
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