I'm confused with the way mega abilities function in the turn the mega evolution occurs, and the inconsistency on PS makes me think there may be a bug. So, the stats and ability usually don't effect the pokemon's move that turn, like beedrill is slow the turn it megas. The confusion lies in the fact that when sableye megas its non-damaging move gets priority (regular ability: prankster) yet it can bounce back other status moves that same turn (mega ability: magic bounce). Yet Banette's will-o-wisp doesn't get priority the turn it megas. This would lead to the thought that a pokemons own moves and stats aren't effected by the mega evolution until after that move, but the ability can change while the opponent is attacking. But then why do salamence and pinsir get aerilate immediately and yet Banette doesn't get prankster immediately? And if the ability does change instantly, why doesn't sableye lose prankster?