Bug Reports v2.0 (READ OP BEFORE POSTING!!)

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This might not seem like a bug, but when Zoroark (disguised as Azumarill) was killed via a burn, it said Azumarill was KO'd but not Zoroark. Even when the battle ended, Zoroark's menusprite made it look like it was still alive.

This might not seem like a bug, but when Zoroark (disguised as Azumarill) was killed via a burn, it said Azumarill was KO'd but not Zoroark. Even when the battle ended, Zoroark's menusprite made it look like it was still alive.

that's how the team display is meant to work

additionally, are you sure that the disguise is broken by indirect-damage fainting on cart? because personally i'm not
tailwind bug happened again. Opponent used tailwind then I used mine the next turn and it fails. According to the previous post this isn't supposed to happen and each user can have tailwind on it's own side.
I had a bisharp get affected by Hypnosis coming from a Politoad. It was on the OU ladder, but I didn't get a chance to save a replay cause I forgot to opt to stay in after I forfeited my match.
I had a bisharp get affected by Hypnosis coming from a Politoad. It was on the OU ladder, but I didn't get a chance to save a replay cause I forgot to opt to stay in after I forfeited my match.
I'm not sure what the bug is here - Politoed can learn Hypnosis legally and Bisharp has no ability that counteracts the effects of Hypnosis.
I had a bisharp get affected by Hypnosis coming from a Politoad. It was on the OU ladder, but I didn't get a chance to save a replay cause I forgot to opt to stay in after I forfeited my match.

Hypnosis hits dark types regardless. It is like roar + ghosts.


In the match provided King UU's Drilbur uses Rock Tomb against my Contrary Snivy on Turn 1, which should raise my Snivy's Speed one stage. However, it instead dropped my speed, turning what was basically an instant win into a loss for me. I triple checked my Snivy's ability, and it was definitely contrary, as seen by the Leaf Storm boost on Turn 2.

King UU


In the match provided King UU's Drilbur uses Rock Tomb against my Contrary Snivy on Turn 1, which should raise my Snivy's Speed one stage. However, it instead dropped my speed, turning what was basically an instant win into a loss for me. I triple checked my Snivy's ability, and it was definitely contrary, as seen by the Leaf Storm boost on Turn 2.

King UU
This was reported and explained literally on this same page... Drillbur has Mold Breaker, invalidating Contrary's effect on Drilbur's moves.

Visual bug, on turn 8 I KOed Rotom-W but the team at the side of the battle still said it was alive (and at 43%, which it was before it died), even after the battle finished. This was in a room tour and the score was correctly shown as 3-0, and the Rotom-W was not sent out again so this is purely visual.
Hello, I can't really show this in a replay, and this isn't exactly high priority, however if the pokemon Zoroark transforms into a pokemon and uses a move, and that said pokemon also has that move, the PP will be subtracted from that said pokemon's move. For example, in a ranbat, my Zoroark transformed into my Maracutus, and used Sucker Punch. When I moused over Maractus, it lost one PP from SP, even though it was Zoroark who had used the move, and not Maractus.
Hello, I can't really show this in a replay, and this isn't exactly high priority, however if the pokemon Zoroark transforms into a pokemon and uses a move, and that said pokemon also has that move, the PP will be subtracted from that said pokemon's move. For example, in a ranbat, my Zoroark transformed into my Maracutus, and used Sucker Punch. When I moused over Maractus, it lost one PP from SP, even though it was Zoroark who had used the move, and not Maractus.

I can confirm that this glitch does happen, but it's nothing more than a graphical glitch. If you bring in the Pokemon illusioned, it will still have as many PP as it had before.
Definitely not a major issue, but the number of PP remaining on an opponent's move (when you hover over an opponent's pokemon) doesn't update correctly when Spite is used. Tested with Pressure and that deducted 2 PP as expected, but using Spite doesn't show any decrease in PP at all from the display window when it should deduct 4 PP, even after the message saying "But there was no PP left on the move!" appears for the move on the opponent's pokemon after Spite is used.

Got a replay here, but the hover window doesn't appear in replays so I took two screenshots as well. The first one is what the window looks like on turn 5, where the number of PP on Stone Edge should have been changed to 0 since Spite was used (Stone Edge was used 4 times before Spite was used), but it still shows as 4 PP. The second one is the info window at the end of the game - the PP on Swords Dance still shows as 31/32 even though Spite was used to deduct PP from it.


View attachment 47567 View attachment 47568
Visual Bug:

PP deducted by spite is not reflected when hovering over a pokemon and viewing the moves it has used + PP remaining.

Image should display 11/16 PP remaining on fake out.

From Spite's point of view

From the victim of Spite

Spite does deduct the PP properly from the user, it just doesn't reflect it in the display on hover.
Fixed next client update!
Hello, sorry to bother once again but it seems there is a slight problem. The problem being that there have been multiple times where my mega blaziken has been outspeed by a slower pokemon, in this case my Milotic. As far as speed levels are concerned Mega blaze has one of 249 and Milotic has one of 209 in the beggining of turn one with no status changes. In addittion, shouldn't a pokemon mega evolve at the beggining of the turn, of couse in the order of the present pokemon's speed. Why is my Milotic outspeeding my mega blaze. Why are slower pokemon outspeeding my mega blaze? This has happened multiple times. I feel that showdown is taking into account non mega blae's base speed of 80 and not mega blaze's base speed of 100. Here is a replay of what I'm talking about. It occus in turn 3.

Hello, sorry to bother once again but it seems there is a slight problem. The problem being that there have been multiple times where my mega blaziken has been outspeed by a slower pokemon, in this case my Milotic. As far as speed levels are concerned Mega blaze has one of 249 and Milotic has one of 209 in the beggining of turn one with no status changes. In addittion, shouldn't a pokemon mega evolve at the beggining of the turn, of couse in the order of the present pokemon's speed. Why is my Milotic outspeeding my mega blaze. Why are slower pokemon outspeeding my mega blaze? This has happened multiple times. I feel that showdown is taking into account non mega blae's base speed of 80 and not mega blaze's base speed of 100. Here is a replay of what I'm talking about. It occus in turn 3.


That's how in-game mechanics work. The turn order is decided before you Mega Evolve, so it takes into account its base speed stat. That's also why when Sableye is Mega Evolving, it still has priority on a status move thanks to Prankster.
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