Frenzy Plant move is missing on the damage calc.
Does it have the ability Sheer Force? If so, it removes the speed boost because:When Flame Charge is used by Darmanitan, he does not get the speed boost. I have tried this in multiple battles as well as trying it on other
pokemon, it seems that only Darmanitan does not get the speed buff from Flame Charge.
Usually just logging out and back in or changing your name and changing it back fixes most autoconfirmed bugs, so you could try that if it happens again.Snip
in challenge cup 1v1 I had an arceus holding a sky plate and it wasn't arceus-flying
I was very disappointed
Edit: had 2 other games both with arceus, one with sky plate and one with dread plate and neither of them are arceus-flying/arceus-dark either
Thanks for reporting, this issue will be fixed next update!http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/challengecup1v1-258700700
I got an Arceus holding an Insect Plate in CC1v1, but it didn't appear in the right forme, even though it was still a Bug type (Earthquake was not very effective against it). You can see what I mean in the replay.
Sorry, after the Nidoking died and all hope was lost, I rage quit...Do you have a replay?
Which move as it? Some moves are able to hit during the "invincibility" part of multi-turn moves.When a Pokemon uses the move Phantom Force, they are vulernable to damage and attacks when they should not be.
Which move as it? Some moves are able to hit during the "invincibility" part of multi-turn moves.
Additionally, a replay would help.
Golurk probably had the ability No Guard, which allows Knock Off to hit it during Phantom Force.This has happened twice, first by the move MoonBlast, then ShadowBall. I also had a random chap by the Showdown name of 'Rare Brick' aid me in getting footage of the bug in action with the moves
Taunt and Knock off.
The Pyroar's Unnerve prevents you from consuming the berry.I experienced a bug in a Random Battle where my Chesto Berry failed to activate after using Rest. Here is the replay, with the bug in question occurring on turn 33. I did visually confirm earlier in the battle and during my Rest turns that I did in fact carry Chesto Berry, and my item was never removed via Knock Off or Trick. We can also rule out the possibility that PS! was displaying the wrong item text, as Life Orb, Leftovers, Choice Items and Assault Vest all carry visual/logical cues, and I don't think Randbats Scrafty sets carry any other undetectable item like Roseli berry. The fact that I had Rest on a non-Shed Skin set also indicates that I had to have Chesto, but this is Randbats so you never know haha.
If I were to guess it's some weird interaction with Moxie or Encore? Not sure.
Holy shit that's the first time I've actually seen Unnerve come into play. Thanks haha.The Pyroar's Unnerve prevents you from consuming the berry.
Could you provide a replay?my landorus-therian used u-turn against an Eelektross, not air balloon, and ohkoed it. I did the calcs and 252 Atk Landorus-T U-turn vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Eelektross: 132-156 (47.1 - 55.7%) -- 77.7% chance to 2HKO. that is with no evs or ivs in hp or defense and a negative nature.
my landorus-therian used u-turn against an Eelektross, not air balloon, and ohkoed it. I did the calcs and 252 Atk Landorus-T U-turn vs. 0 HP / 0- Def Eelektross: 132-156 (47.1 - 55.7%) -- 77.7% chance to 2HKO. that is with no evs or ivs in hp or defense and a negative nature.
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-260518560Rock Tomb lowers speed on contrary mons.
Rock Tomb lowers speed on contrary mons.
Drilbur had Mold Breaker; please look up all moves, items, and Abilities involved in the situation before reporting a bug.http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-260518560
confirming with replay, there's a puush in the chat that shows snivy was definitely contrary