The reason as for why Jirachi was moved to A+ in the OP was likely due to the fact that the Special Defensive variant has decreased in viability significantly due to it being one of the biggest spike bait pokemon in the tier. With this said, the mixed SR sets are still versatile, unpredictable, and threatening while the Calm Mind variants are still threatening on rain. The aforementioned in conjunction with Scarf Jirachi still being decent (some may say it's falling out of favor for Scarf Landorus-T, which is arguably true, but their niches don't entirely overlap and Scarf Jirachi still sees itself getting decent usage) and sets like EBelt/lefties 4a being used on occasion leads me to believe that Jirachi probably still deserves its slot in the lower portion of S rank (this isn't even mentioning the utility of checking psychics types across the tier, which is huge). With that said, I'm not too opinionated on the matter, so I'm fine with either A+ or S really, but I'd lean S if I had to.
As for A+ and some other ranks being "too full", I feel like that's more of an indication that the metagame is "too full" of threats that are quite good and unless we wish to restructure thee definitions of the rankings and change our standards for viability that have been precedented for years, then the current status of this threat should be maintained given that it accurately reflects the BW2 OU metagame. Steel and MDrag are essentially arguing over the definition of centralization moreso than the actual issue of if change is necessary or not and this is because MDrag derailed discussion by making a generalized claim on the ranks without proposing specific changes, which is what he should have done. Instead of people complaining about the structure of the thread or the ranks, maybe they should propose specific changes - if those changes happen to 'fix' the crowded ranks, then great..if not, then maybe they're ok as it is and you're just nitpicking a bit too much!
Agreeing with Ciele and others on Volcarona moving down in A+ and Starmie moving up in A+. Personally, I believe that Starmie should be below Skarmory and above Scizor (where Volcarona currently is) because it is by far the best spinner in a tier where Spikes have taken over, it provides an unparalleled offensive presence with the LO set (especially on rain teams or when facing rain teams with it as it can be fit onto weatherless HO or even sand), and while the bulkier variants aren't exactly trending at the moment, they still are worth using at times and get the job done (small note: I've been digging toxic max HP Starmie on teams that want to get rid of hazards and wish to cripple/eventually get rid of Jellicent, works best on bulkier sands with hazard vulnerabilities I believe). With all of this taken into consideration, a jump up 2 or 3 slots is probably for the best, especially considering all the "omg Reuniclus is too good" hype has died down a bit, making Starmie's rise above it more realistic. As for Volcarona, it is far too needy of support to be a high A+ pokemon, even if there is always that one variant that can fuck over need a spinner, you need to have the specific coverage to break through the opponent, you need to get a free turn to set up which isn't easy to come by given how fragile Volcarona is and how some offensive teams can keep up momentum, you potentially need hazards of your own up, you potentially need to wear down opposing threats to the extent that Volcarona can clean up, and you need to do this all without totally ruining your position in the game overall..which is quite the heavy request given the volume of support necessary. Yes, Volcarona is potent and probably the deadliest sweeper in the tier, but that doesn't mean it is the best one and it certainly doesn't mean it should be the highest one in viability, so a drop to one of the lower slots in A+ (maybe where Starmie is now..or even below Heatran, one slot doesn't really matter too much) is warranted.
Breloom is a really solid pokemon and it can be threatening offensively with technician sets while it can be annoying defensively with some bulkier, but slightly less common, poison heal sets..not to mention that it has access to the godsend known as Spore - I agree with this wholeheartedly and understand why it is in A+ rank to begin with. However, I don't think it has the metagame defining influence or even the overall niche to even be considered for S rank. From the perspective of someone who has played a bit more sand balance than he has weatherless offense as of late, maybe my opinion is a bit skewed, but the Shroom doesn't seem too much better than it was beforehand and even then, it would have a ways to go to make it into S rank, imo. So yea, I don't see any reason to move this up and I think it's placed well where it currently is in A+.
Not too big a fan of Kyurem-B in the current metagame due to the extreme hazard vulnerability, but it does still pack the firepower that so many things wish they had, so I'm fine with it staying put. However, I think that Hydreigon deserves its spot right in front of it because it has, of late, been trending quite a bit more than Kyurem-B and that's for good reasons: better typing, fares far better against hazards, can 'nuke' things with draco, pretty much unlimited movepool, rare utility in moves like Taunt that it can pull out, and completely destroys bulky cores (not saying Kyu-B does, but Hydre does so a bit more reliability given the survivability it possesses due to other characteristics I mentioned above). This point is pretty insignificant because it's just over 1 slot in the lower A+ rank, so Ill drop it here, but I think it's fine as is tbh.
Mamoswine should drop to A-. I don't think I've seen one of these in ages and while it ravages through teams if it gets an opportunity, the swine is never getting opportunities because it provides so little defensive presence and there are so many other things to use right just never really fits and it isn't too amazing when it's used in the first place due to shaky bulk and all. Given that it can still be a threat and it's relatively untested in the new meta, I will not ask for it to drop down any further, but mid A- is where it belongs for now, imo.
I think Moltres is fine where it is. It's quite the threat to a lot of teams simply because it's unprepared for and brings a lot to the table. The major downside is, of course, the horrible SR weakness and the need for quite a bit of support. If you guys all believe that the cons outweigh the pros enough to warrant a drop, then I won't defend it too much, but I think that it hasn't lost much viability and it has always done a fairly good job when used despite needing support, so it was fine in B, but maybe that's just me.
As for other lower ranked pokemon, I could see Metagross and Victini both dropping a rank, but I haven't used either too much and this is solely based on what I've seen (which isn't much simply because neither is too common) and what conclusions I can draw based off of the state of the current metagame, so I will avoid making too much of an argument based off of theory and simply state my opinion here.
Finally, agreeing with McMeghan on Latias moving up. The extra bulk on the offensive sets can come into play and make it worth using over Latios sometimes, specifically on teams who need a bit more of a Keldeo/water check, while the Calm Mind variants truly set it apart and give it a niche that warrants a low A rank. Won't go into too much depth or detail since this post is already long, but I'd put it above Rotom-W (which could maybe drop A- itself, but I won't push too strong for it) and below Tornadus.