PK Gaming, I respect you as a player, but really chill out and cut down on the major hyperbole, please. Discounting my experience as absolutely false is offensive, and you are behaving like a jerk doing so - grow up. Don't dismiss the facts by saying that they are 100% false - that's just immature and dishonest.
I just think you're way off the mark on this one. My initial post was a little dickish, but not like in an excessively overwrought douchebag drama sort of way. Do you
really have a problem with me thinking you're dead wrong? Because I'm not going to lie, I did. I didn't like it when you listed things like Genesect losing to +2 Stoutland or Landorus, because these are Pokemon that are out of its scope, which means that losing to these Pokemon shouldn't reflect poorly on Genesect at all. Most of your "methods" of dealing with Genesect were either common sense or just flat out wrong. I'm not letting this discussion influence our relationship, I just think you're flat out wrong here, relax.
Yes, Genesect is not the best scarfer if it can't even check major threats like +1 Salamence and Volcarona. The latter especially cannot be taken out by priority. Having Genesect as a Scarfer can often compel people to add a SECOND scarfer - Genesect is simply put, not sufficient in the revenge-killing role - (granted, it's a major improvement from Scarf Rotom-W, but that's not saying much).
There's much more to a Choice Scarfer than just revenge killing +1 threats. Genesect is capable of checking close to everything that exists in OU. Almost every single one of the "strongest threats" lose to Genesect 1 v 1. The fact it misses out on Salamence is unfortunate (keep in mind, it's still typing allows it to take a +1 outrage from Salamence btw), but it can always be covered by a teammate. And the latter? +1 Volcorona is pretty rare nowadays, not all that good with the massive amounts of Terrakion running around. It does this while also being able to keep momentum with ridiculously powerful U-turns; what even comes to close to being as a good as a choice scarf user? I hope you're not going to suggest Choice Scarf Terrakion, who operates with unreliable/abusable STABs or Choice Scarf Garchomp who just operates with unreliable STABS period. Keldeo is a solid Choice Scarf, but its more of a sweeper / cleaner than a revenge killer, and Thundurus-T's scarf set isn't very good...
Hazards limits Genesect - that's a fact. Its particularly vulnerable, because it's grounded, neutral to rocks, and is forced out rather easily if it doesn't U-turn. Leads like Tanga Berry Deoxys-D with higher SpD than Def can easily lay down hazards on Genesect leads.
Hazards limit Genesect, but not to the point that you're suggestng. It deters it from U-turning endlessly, but it's still not enough to keep it from having an effect on the match... it's not SR weak! There are teams that utilize spinners (like that obnoxious rain team that's going around) or teams that are capable of denying hazards for a couple of turns at least. (EX: if SR is on forretress & ferrothorn, you can play aggressively enough to prevent them from being placed on the battlefield) so players have to account for that.
I disagree here - yes Genesect shook up the meta substantially, but it has several exploitable flaws that are readily accessible in our current metagame. It should not take major over-preparation to deal with Genesect (at least I didn't).
I disagree. It doesn't have many flaws to speak off (mind listing them?) that are readily available. The closest one that comes to mind is its vulnerability to Heatran, who is covered by Dugtrio. It's actually the opposite, you SHOULD be over prepared to deal with Genesect, or your team is objectively bad.
Imo it takes a higher consistent level of alertness and skill to counter Genesect than it does for any other Pokemon. It's not a Pokemon you should underestimate, ever.
Also only 1 of my teams utilize Scarf Genesect, and I can absolutely say that all my other teams function better without it -_-
Ok, I am taking this as proof that you don't utilize Scarf Genesect on most of your teams. But good deal of the BW2 OU players do, or will. I guarantee it.
Last thing, people need to try Genesect + Zoroark + Fighters. Zoro works absolutely perfectly in this metagame, especially since thanks to the BW2 tutors it can use Specs with Trick. Nice partner for CB Stoutland as well if you can find a decent Illusion partner for it in the sand.
It also helps that Zarel fixed Illusion, so its working at 100% efficiency.