BW2 General Metagame Discussion Thread

Impostor fails if the opponent is behind a substitute. Therefore, ditto does not beat BP.

you just have to break the sub and then go out to ditto. It's not that difficult.

Regarding the comparison between other scarfers and Genesect. I think most people just overhype (is that the word) Genesect's ability to rack up damage with its U-turns and scout the opponent's team early on in the game. Later on in the match U-turn is not going to be as effective and if you don't get that + 1 SpA boost, it won't be doing enough damage. Scarfers are mainly used to revenge kill and sweep late game and there are many pokemon that perform those SPECIFIC roles better than Genesect.

Genesect is similar to 4th gen Flygon in my opinion. It's much better early on in the game and is less capable of sweeping like Flygon was, but they perform similar roles.

I agree that Genesect is hurting the metagame, but it's not because of the Scarf set. It's his versatility that puts it over the edge.
Genesect may or may not be the best scarfer, but Genesect actually has more destructive sets that may bring better results. Genesect should only be used as a scarfer if you can't use a better revenge killer. There are other better sets, I'm currently using Expert Belt. It has an huge surprise factor since most Genesect are Scarfed, for example, they lead with Scizor/Forretress/Ferrothorn (not that anyone would do this in a metagame where Genesect is the perfect "lead"), and switch their Dragonite thinking that it can tank one Flamethrower, but now that its Multiscale is broken, Dragonite is promptly destroyed by Ice Beam.

Its Choice Scarf set definitively has problems, and is not by itself the reason why Genesect is broken.

It is true that Keldeo can stand up to Genesect as a scarf user, but as you mentioned earlier, OU is a mess right now, and if we don't like Keldeo, we can ban it.

Generally, I think that rather than comparing Genesect to other powerful pokemon, we should seriously consider banning those as well. Deoxys D, Tornadus T and Keldeo are all suspects, Genesect is definitely not the only problem here.

I think that the main changes we make should be as follows:
Ban Genesect
Ban Deoxys D
Weaken rain teams, but in such a way that it is still possible to use them

It is clear that there are a lot of pokemon in meta who should not be, and that not just one, but a series of bans are in order to repair and balance OU.

Tornadus-T is dependant on rain to have a 100% accurate Hurricane, and Keldeo has a shallow movepool and lacks the same versatility that Genesect have. I doubt that they could even be considered suspects.
Last thing, people need to try Genesect + Zoroark + Fighters. Zoro works absolutely perfectly in this metagame, especially since thanks to the BW2 tutors it can use Specs with Trick.

This: Bubbly helped me make a team with a similar core and it's just full on Fun.

But I'm crazy Zoroark biased.
PK Gaming, I respect you as a player, but really chill out and cut down on the major hyperbole, please. Discounting my experience as absolutely false is offensive, and you are behaving like a jerk doing so - grow up. Don't dismiss the facts by saying that they are 100% false - that's just immature and dishonest.

I just think you're way off the mark on this one. My initial post was a little dickish, but not like in an excessively overwrought douchebag drama sort of way. Do you really have a problem with me thinking you're dead wrong? Because I'm not going to lie, I did. I didn't like it when you listed things like Genesect losing to +2 Stoutland or Landorus, because these are Pokemon that are out of its scope, which means that losing to these Pokemon shouldn't reflect poorly on Genesect at all. Most of your "methods" of dealing with Genesect were either common sense or just flat out wrong. I'm not letting this discussion influence our relationship, I just think you're flat out wrong here, relax.

Yes, Genesect is not the best scarfer if it can't even check major threats like +1 Salamence and Volcarona. The latter especially cannot be taken out by priority. Having Genesect as a Scarfer can often compel people to add a SECOND scarfer - Genesect is simply put, not sufficient in the revenge-killing role - (granted, it's a major improvement from Scarf Rotom-W, but that's not saying much).

There's much more to a Choice Scarfer than just revenge killing +1 threats. Genesect is capable of checking close to everything that exists in OU. Almost every single one of the "strongest threats" lose to Genesect 1 v 1. The fact it misses out on Salamence is unfortunate (keep in mind, it's still typing allows it to take a +1 outrage from Salamence btw), but it can always be covered by a teammate. And the latter? +1 Volcorona is pretty rare nowadays, not all that good with the massive amounts of Terrakion running around. It does this while also being able to keep momentum with ridiculously powerful U-turns; what even comes to close to being as a good as a choice scarf user? I hope you're not going to suggest Choice Scarf Terrakion, who operates with unreliable/abusable STABs or Choice Scarf Garchomp who just operates with unreliable STABS period. Keldeo is a solid Choice Scarf, but its more of a sweeper / cleaner than a revenge killer, and Thundurus-T's scarf set isn't very good...

Hazards limits Genesect - that's a fact. Its particularly vulnerable, because it's grounded, neutral to rocks, and is forced out rather easily if it doesn't U-turn. Leads like Tanga Berry Deoxys-D with higher SpD than Def can easily lay down hazards on Genesect leads.

Hazards limit Genesect, but not to the point that you're suggestng. It deters it from U-turning endlessly, but it's still not enough to keep it from having an effect on the match... it's not SR weak! There are teams that utilize spinners (like that obnoxious rain team that's going around) or teams that are capable of denying hazards for a couple of turns at least. (EX: if SR is on forretress & ferrothorn, you can play aggressively enough to prevent them from being placed on the battlefield) so players have to account for that.

I disagree here - yes Genesect shook up the meta substantially, but it has several exploitable flaws that are readily accessible in our current metagame. It should not take major over-preparation to deal with Genesect (at least I didn't).

I disagree. It doesn't have many flaws to speak off (mind listing them?) that are readily available. The closest one that comes to mind is its vulnerability to Heatran, who is covered by Dugtrio. It's actually the opposite, you SHOULD be over prepared to deal with Genesect, or your team is objectively bad.

Imo it takes a higher consistent level of alertness and skill to counter Genesect than it does for any other Pokemon. It's not a Pokemon you should underestimate, ever.

Also only 1 of my teams utilize Scarf Genesect, and I can absolutely say that all my other teams function better without it -_-

Ok, I am taking this as proof that you don't utilize Scarf Genesect on most of your teams. But good deal of the BW2 OU players do, or will. I guarantee it.

Last thing, people need to try Genesect + Zoroark + Fighters. Zoro works absolutely perfectly in this metagame, especially since thanks to the BW2 tutors it can use Specs with Trick. Nice partner for CB Stoutland as well if you can find a decent Illusion partner for it in the sand.


It also helps that Zarel fixed Illusion, so its working at 100% efficiency.
I would just like to say that rock polish genesect is stupidly good. I thought scarf/ebelt sets were overpowered enough, but rp is ridiculous...
I would just like to say that rock polish genesect is stupidly good. I thought scarf/ebelt sets were overpowered enough, but rp is ridiculous...

I would like to echo that Rock Polish is probably it's best set since it absolutely destroys offense and with an expert belt it has no issue bluffing scarf and it's typing gives it plenty of times to set up. It's one of those things that makes it so hard to play against the U-turn sets if you know that RP will be a problem for your team, because you have to play around it that first turn until you know the set. It has a hard time breaking through different things since it loses one of it's coverage moves from by running bug buzz and rp, but those things tend to be pretty dugtrio weak or just easy to wear down in general like Heatran / Terrakion. You can't really revenge kill it either because at +2 it outruns all scarfs and it doesn't have a weakness to any priority. If there is a set that concerns me about Genesect is far and above the rock polish one.
On rp genesect, what's the best choice of coverage? Is it a good idea to keep bug buzz, but also which move should you drop, or is it just a team-by-team basis? I've been wanting to try out rp for a while now
The most effective one I've seen was RP/Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Giga Drain. Sounds weird but the ability to recover is incredibly useful and makes it near impossible to Life Orb stall Genesect to death. The RP set required me to have a pokemon that could survive its attacks with access to Thunderwave (I used Ferrothorn in the rain) so I could revenge it easily.
On rp genesect, what's the best choice of coverage? Is it a good idea to keep bug buzz, but also which move should you drop, or is it just a team-by-team basis? I've been wanting to try out rp for a while now

from what i've heard, it's generally best to hold onto bug buzz, because the neutral coverage is really important when going for a sweep. coverage varies from there - i think fthrow/ice beam is the most common? since that will hit most things that resist bug for solid damage, where as tbolt doesn't help that much in that regard. ala's mention of giga drain is also legit though; i've seen that before (especially for stuff like sdef gastrodon which can shrug off even a +1 bug buzz)
Giga Drain is also really useful for fucking up SpD Rotom-Ws, which have been popping up recently.

On RP Gene, I usually use Bug Buzz / Giga Drain / Ice Beam / RP (on rain teams)
The rock polish sets above all get walled pretty hard by tenta, tran and bronzong, but they're all undoubtably good. Honestly it's such a good lure it's unreal.
Rock Polish Sect, in my experience, wants life orb bad, as what are you hitting SE with Bug buzz? I run Hp [Ground] to hit more threats (Tran, Tenta, Terrakion) with Ice beam to nuke Dragons/Therians.
Rock Polish seems like an interesting set, but it's so difficult to choose the moves that Genesect needs to run, and Rock Polish sets seems to suffer from four-moveslot syndrome. Giga Drain is really needed to mitigate the Life Orb recoil, but there are other questions; Do you need STAB Bug Buzz for the neutral coverage it offers? Dropping Flamethrower wouldn't make Genesect vulnerable to Ferrothorn/Scizor/Forretress/opposing Genesect?

It's a shame that is not possible to run Flamethrower, Bug Buzz and Ice Beam at same time without forgoing Giga Drain...
Unless you pass speed to it....hello Ninjask! But yeah in my experience Bug Buzz really isn't needed, since the other moves offer you pretty good coverage. Obviously its a great stab attack and if you can cover threats such as Ferro/Scizor/Forry or if you're using rain then by all means use it. Still, even in rain I'd prefer to use Thunder over Bug Buzz, but hey, that's just me.
Obviously if you are using rain team, you aren't going to use Flamethrower, and you need alternative ways to deal with Scizor, opposing Genesect and Ferrothorn. Also, using Bug Buzz, Giga Drain and Ice Beam will theorically leave you vulnerable to Steel-types, although most common Steel-type moves nowadays are neutral to one of these moves, and Flamethrower wouldn't help you anyway against Heatran.

Unfortunately forgoing Ice Beam would leave Genesect vulnerable to Dragon-types, Flamethrower, to Steel-types not neutral to Bug Buzz, and the power on neutral targets provided by Bug Buzz would be also missed.
Well it's a toss up because using Bug Buzz lets you 2hko Ferro/Genesect, Thunder OHKOs Genesect iirc and definitely 2hkos Scizor. It also lets you deal a decent amount to Heatran, though Rain teams don't have trouble with him. Thunder/Ice Beam gives you boltbeam coverage that hits mostly everything for neutral damage as well.
Btw what nature have you been running on your Tornadus-T? I highly queston Naive's usefulness, as you are better of switching out from the priority users that hit you hard anyway, such as Scizor and Mamoswine. Here are some usefull things that Tornadus-T can do with a Hasty nature instead of a Naive one:

Scarf Genesect using Ice Beam: 71.57 - 84.94%. So just lead with Torn-T, use U-turn, and discover Sect's set with no worries at all, which makes it one hundred times more manageable. It also means that Genesect can't revenge kill you even after 1 LO recoil from full health, without losing its life.

LO Tornadus-T using Hurricane: 82.6 - 97.65%. Which is never a OHKO from full health, meaning that if your Torn-T is at full life, and you face a Torn-T, at worst you both die, or at best you kill him and live. So instead of a 50% chance to kill him (speed tie) you are guaranteed to do, and half of the times come alive out from the encounter.

tl;dr use Hasty on Torn-T guys, it has real use!
Tornadus-T @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 244 SAtk / 12 SDef / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Superpower
- whatever

is what I've been using to avoid the Genesect issue :x
Even if Genesect doesn't get the SpA boost, it can still possibly OHKO you after 1 LO round, meaning that you can't do the trick that i mentioned above, as you risk your Torn-T dying from LO recoil after taking one Ice Beam. Here is how much Ice Beam does to your Torn-T: 78.92 - 92.97%.
Tornadus-T @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 244 SAtk / 12 SDef / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Superpower
- whatever

is what I've been using to avoid the Genesect issue :x

I'll do you one even better. Instead of cutting into it's SpA stat, just run 29 Defense IVs on Tornadus-T. The difference is completely miniscule, but there's a bigger drop in SpA with 244 SpA evs than there is with 29 Def IVs.
Genesect + Zoroark is apparently good, although I suppose it's as good as always. If you can play your opponent that much, it may prove useful.
Zoroark is actually pretty fantastic. I think I mentioned it last page lol. Try SubCM Keldeo plus Zoroark plus some anti-Therian.
I'll do you one even better. Instead of cutting into it's SpA stat, just run 29 Defense IVs on Tornadus-T. The difference is completely miniscule, but there's a bigger drop in SpA with 244 SpA evs than there is with 29 Def IVs.

You'd have to run 28 Def IV's (29 gives you equal defenses resulting in a +SpA boost) which gives you the same stats overall, it's just between Defense and SpA. Tbh it probably doesn't matter either way, but yah.
You'd have to run 28 Def IV's (29 gives you equal defenses resulting in a +SpA boost) which gives you the same stats overall, it's just between Defense and SpA. Tbh it probably doesn't matter either way, but yah.
Am I missing something here, or wouldn't using a Hasty nature (+Speed, -Defense) give you better general bulk, since you can just use 31 IVs in everything?