CAP 11 CAP 11 - Sprite Submissions

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Aragornbird ftw.

His sprite is byfar the best looking. It shows CAP 11 can use its needle as a sword/wand the best.

Also the stationary one is the better one.
I dislike all of the sprites with the wand in hand. One of the most important stylistic and flavor features of Voodoom is that the needle pierces the heart. I think that a lot of people will echo this sentiment when the polls come around, despite what the select fanboys of the idea say here. Without the needle piercing the heart and instead with it as some sort of farfetch'd sword, I feel that the sprites lose a lot of what makes them even make sense as a voodoo doll that mirrors pain to its intended target.

Great thanks to everybody who gave me ideas. This is an update to the original pose. I tried a few different ones with side on poses or more angry attacking but those ones lose the feel of quiet stalking. After all this guy doesn't need to dash about in order to hurt things.

I tried switching the feet positions around as well as suggested by rising dusk. Though it did work to an extent the tiny legs with the flap between really hurt the illusion of movement so I switched back to overlapping them and tried to fix them as much as possible.

Other changes includes sprite size, arm position, stitching and pin position. I've also done a shiny and female sprites. I'm a fan of subtle gender differences since most Pokémon sprites with them are like that. Still, colour differences for the genders seem like a great idea as well.

Onto the back sprites! Oh, and please critique if you wish, i'm not done with the fronts yet.

Great thanks to everybody who gave me ideas. This is an update to the original pose. I tried a few different ones with side on poses or more angry attacking but those ones lose the feel of quiet stalking. After all this guy doesn't need to dash about in order to hurt things.

I tried switching the feet positions around as well as suggested by rising dusk. Though it did work to an extent the tiny legs with the flap between really hurt the illusion of movement so I switched back to overlapping them and tried to fix them as much as possible.

Other changes includes sprite size, arm position, stitching and pin position. I've also done a shiny and female sprites. I'm a fan of subtle gender differences since most Pokémon sprites with them are like that. Still, colour differences for the genders seem like a great idea as well.

Onto the back sprites! Oh, and please critique if you wish, i'm not done with the fronts yet.

My current favorite, no doubt. It truely gives the pokemon a frankenstein/zombie feel.
My only problem is with the right hand. it looks as if he is holding air, which is really odd. Maybe you can move the fist more to the right, it should give it a more intimidating pose, like a bully fist shake/shove.

Other than that, perfect!
Aragornbird's is my favourite so far. I'd definitely go with the first pose.
My favorite ones belong to Sleet and Elevator Music. E-M's looks like it's about to go on a rampage, and Sleet's looks like it's about to Stab someone/ shoot them with lightning.
83758Voodom female regular front.png
28579Voodom male regular front.png
10916Voodom unisex regular back.png

hey guys, im new here and im new to spriting so i dont expect these to go very far, but i might aswell try for the fun of it
any suggestions on how to make these better?
J24, you're already a better spriter than me, but for the front sprite, I'd suggest the outline in the top-left needs to be stronger, and for the back sprite - you should consider a different point of view.
wow, my first ever sprite is that good? well, i did a bit more on them and heres how they are
44534Voodom female regular front.png
77503Voodom male regular front.png

also, on the back sprite, does the sprite have to only go off the bottom, or can it go off the sides aswell?
and, incase you didn't notice on the female it has a more heart shaped cracked button aswell as a bigger pink heart and pink pins.
Thank you for all of the suggestions I have been receiving. I'm glad to receive such helpful feedback. I'm not going to change the sprites at the moment, but I'm trying some possible shiny colors out.


Once again, criticism is appreciated. :)
i think number 2 would look the best if it had number 5's heart and pins
other than that, brilliant sprite!
I can't believe nobody mentioned the fact that an 81x81 box DOESN'T give you 80x80 inside it. Ugh. Oh well, I've fixed it up now (82x82, right?). The green box is just an outline to the 80x80 that we're allowed, to show you all how it fits. And so this is what I've got so far, gender difference remains alternate patch colours and heart shaped needle eye.

____M_______ _F_______M Shiny___F Shiny___

I can't believe I'm posting the atrocity that is my backsprite. It's ugly, it's REALLY ugly and I can't put my finger on why it's so awful. Is the angle completely wrong? I can't decide, but I am no where near happy with it yet. I need help and LOTS of it ._.

EDIT: After staring at the abomination for so long, I think the mouth or eyes might be a problem? I think the mouth goes too far back? Also, the eye should be more 'angled' rather than 'straight on'? I dunno really, there's way more than those 2 things making it terrible, I'm sure.

EDIT:Um, progress is in the HIDE tags, with my most up to date at the bottom (outside tags).
I changed his eye so that not as much is visible and shortened his mouth. I dunno, I bet anything was an improvement
Due to a few people saying not to make him lean forward so much, I tried this. Obviously ignored the eyes due to them being utterly disgraceful, gotta work on that.. Improved positioning?
Smaller head as well.
Potential eye update? >_<
An entire set of them! I like them a heck of a lot more than the old ones so thanks for your help so far guys!

Also, I'm glad that some people are liking my sprites (well, the front; backsprite is going to be a different story, I'm sure), so thanks for all of your support!
im no expert, but i would make the head not stick out forward so much on the backsprite
it might look less like a cactus then XD
seriously though, that looks brilliant (the one that isn't the cactus!)
Sleet, I absolutely LOVE your front ones, yet something is definitely wrong with the back sprites...
Make the head slightly smaller, and not so he's leaning forward. I like the way he's walking stiffly in the front, so maybe incorporate that into the back?
Er... something about the eyes... maybe make it a little bit more on the side of his head? I agree with Chateau about the way they seem to bulge out.
@Gun6: Pose 5 is the best (Not too outrageous, with very nice, subtle colouring changes), followed by Pose 8 (the colours seem to fit the CAP better imo). Pose 4 is good, itjust doesn't stand out as much as the other 2.

I definately don't like 6/7, it seems more like a shadow or piece of metal (respectively) and more like a different type of Pokemon.

Pose 1 looks halloweenish with the Orange/Brown. The purple doesn't seem to fit in there, and I don't really like the colour scheme overall for a Pokemon (yes, voodoo dolls fit in with Halloween nicely, I just don't like how it seems to put it to bluntly).

Pose 3/4 looks fine, they don't really stand out to me. Pose 3 looks a bit too bright for a DARK-type Pokemon, and Green I don't feel suits CAP11 well.

For pose 5, what about Yellow>Blue? I think that the Blue looks very nice contarasting with the Red of the non-shiny, btu I wonder what it would look like (more Electric/Volt-Absorb) with Yellow? Or perhaps a Darker Blue as right now it seems a bit bright for a DARK pokemon.

I agree with Rising_Dusk, I really like the needle through the heart weilding it as a sword may look cool but to me it ruins something extremely unique with the original design.
Not at my computer at the moment so i cant show you but i made the button eyes look a bit more like the art. Does anyone have any advice on how to do backsprites? My last few attempts were rubbish

Oh and @sleet. Nice backsprites. It still looks like a cactus. But now it looks like a good cactus, not an abominable one

The addition of back sprites to the mix and small alterations to the front. Since the heart isn't visable from the back there's no gender differences on the back.
Wyverii's is my favorite for 2 reasons:

1.) The pin isn't pulled out of the heart. I feel like pokemon wouldn't be able to pull out a part of its body, assuming it has organic parts to it. And I feel like it keeps the concept most intact if the pokemon is kept intact.

2.) He didn't directly rip the concept art's pose. His is slightly different, which shows more creativity and fleshes out the pokemon a bit more.

Not to mention the genius of the gender difference, its subtle enough to not make a huge difference, but is big enough to be noticeable.
Wyverii, yours is definitely my favorite so far. I think if you rounded out the heart on the male it would be perfect. Love the broken heart gender difference :]
Recolored sprite:


I'm not necessarily sure I want to reflect the "hand on hilt" pose for the backsprite, but I'll see.

The only thing I know about the shiny for sure is that the heart patch will be dark purple.

Edit: shiny


Tested out how it looks with the needle back in the heart, still failing to tackle highlights and shadown on the needle right but I think it's an improvement.
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