CAP 13 CAP 2 - Part 8 - Name Submissions

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Final Submission: Voyantrap

Voyant (as in clairvoyant) + Trap (as in flytrap)

Pretty simple, but I think it gets the concept of the pokemon across pretty well whilst also adding a touch of elegance and mystery. It also rolls of the tongue better than other names using the word clairvoyant imo. There also aren't enough pokemon beginning with the letter V! :p

I also really like Wraithorn as a name, since it adds to the spookiness of the pokemon whilst also having a relevant plant-reference. (I personally like Willowitch too but since CAP2 doesn't involve willows I don't think it fits as well) Carnaiden is also great since it adds an original spin to the pokemon than more generic words like Ghost and Spirit do, and it emphasises the shrine maiden part of the design that might be hard to get across otherwise.
I've slightly changed the spelling of Auwraith to Auwreith, to incorporate the word "wreath" into the name as well as make the word "write" hidden within. Wreathes are laid at the graves of the fallen in many official ceremonies. Technically you could pronounce it either as "Wraith" or "Wreath" given the spelling, it's up to your personal preference, though I personally prefer the wraith reference. Really, all three words are a part of the design, Wreath and Wraith are just cleverly constructed and interestingly, both lose their "a" in the corruption.
@Deck, I like the idea behind your name, but the spelling seems a bit off to me conceptually; the u and the w being consecutive throw it off a little bit I think. Is their anything that you could think of to adjust the name just slightly to make it more verbally and aesthetically pleasing? (not trying to be an ass, I genuinely like the name, it just feels slightly off)

My name submission (not final): Thygreave
Still concreting my reasoning behind it.
Hmm...Clairvoyel sound good, though I'm not exactly sure that they can pick out mademoiselle from just "el"...

About what choc-kipp said, I think the awkward spelling comes from the fact that I have two double "l"s followed by two "u"s. Therefore it's hard to put emphasis on any part of the word. Perhaps Alurune would be better..?

Alura Une (Venus Weed) is a castlevania monster. Alraune is German for mandrake. I don't want to rip off these two too completely...

Glad to see someone like Clairasia though.

Texas: I like Thygreave. Sound like "thy grave". Or as M.Bison says:"this place shall become your GRAVE!"
Naming comments round two:

  • Skore: 'Systole' is one of the two measurements made for blood pressure. I don't think that was intended.
  • Galladiator: Okay. Yes, uninspired, but makes me think of Spiritomb and Carnivine. They have the same syllables, which is what makes me draw the similarity.
  • Pwnemon: Doesn't sound fitting for the CAP. 'Skull' just seems like an evil word stuck on, which has no correlation with the pokemon's design, typing, or flavor.
  • GRs Cousin: Where's the 'radi' part from? Radish? That's my main irk about this name.
  • andalite191: Jolly. Works.
  • Birkal: The end of the name displeases me; 'eaux' is usually a plural, and 'Avineau' seems a bit vowel-congested. Avenue is also a bit of a stretch from your intended meaning, too.
  • samtheman: I'd place the emphasis on the first syllable, and I did think of putting the 'ne's together, although I disregarded it for being too un-pokemon-like. The name is a good fit, though, so don't be disheartened.
  • Kaprikorn: Admittedly, I am a bit tired of these plant/ghost-related names. It doesn't sound elegant enough for a flytrap miko; now, yes, the words fit, but I think of something more monstrous.
  • SubwayJ: A bit generic. 'Evil' could be stuck on any dark-looking pokemon, while giving no hints on the other portions of the character.
  • Snorlaxe: I believe someone mentioned it's reminiscent of Chandelure, with the same number of syllables and last syllable pronunciation. Not that that's bad. Perhaps there's also a bit too much Frenchiness with that name, but who'm I to judge?
  • Temperantia: Perhaps Persieve? The two 'e's in a row bother me a bit.
  • Project_Mars: The etymology is good, and the mix is good. Actually, if we were given the name and asked to create the design, we might've gotten Yilx's creation! That says something about it.
  • Midnight Show: Willowitch does work, and in fact, I thought that this might take the polls for its creativity and meanings.
  • Swords Dance: Might I suggest you simplify its origins of the CAP? It doesn't immediately create the design at first glance.
  • Iceydude168: Looks good on paper, but the CAP doesn't have roots, nor something that would lead from that name. If it was a rooted plant, sure, but not this.
  • Objection: As others have said, the name is a bit bumpy when spake. In my opinion, the repetition between the first and second parts doesn't help too much.
  • Lunar Fist: Belladonna is actually really clever! Seeing as belladonnas are quite deadly, and that belladonna literally means 'beautiful woman', the name speaks for itself. It looks better than any edits to the name, actually.
  • erisiascape: Doesn't flow easily, and doesn't sound that feminine/elegant. Sorry.
  • Texas Cloverleaf: Hmm, why? Greaves are shin armor, you know.
  • riekku: I haven't seen any stars from your name choices. They seem more like fantasy female names rather than pokemon ones.
Final Submission


(Phyton + elle)

Nothing complicated. The ancient Greek word for "plant" (hence shrine maiden and the planty bit in one) plus the typical feminine suffix "elle", as being the least harsh suffix typically employed.

As far as ghost goes, I really don't think it's necessary to emphasise it in the name. Most Pokemon with secondary ghost typings don't have any reference to it in the name whatsoever (ie. things like jellicent, rotom, froslass). In any case, Phytelle carries both combative and sinister connotations as well as those already described, so the ghosty bit, between the artwork and the name, is more or less covered by implication.

The "t" is harsh, I'll admit, but then most of the names in this thread are. And anyway, I sort of appreciate that in the name, as it implies that Sketchy isn't all elegance and showiness but can actually hold its own in a fight.
Final submission:


Etymology: Envious, vine

I think this name ties in with the general theme of CAP2; that of a Grass-type (vine) as well as a somewhat obsessive Ghost-type shrine maiden (envious).

Just my two cents anyway.
Baydren: I'm pretty sure envy is the wrong word. You probably mean possessive or jealous. Envy sounds more like someone has something that you don't have, whereas jealous is someone took something that you had...

It's a bit too simple in meaning. You're basically saying that "Ahoy, it be a plant". That could work, but anything could have to make it stand out a bit more.

and Quanyails, I really don't know whow to make anything with Clair in it NOT sound like a female name...^_^. an Ghoulsary is anything but a pretty name..

maybe... Clairvogue? (clairvoyant + vogue) The word vogue suggest something that's "left behind" in terms of fashion...I think....

left behind miko?

Also how about Grimoirge (Gri-mer-rawj) (grimoir + mirage)
A grimoire is a spell book, and mirage hints at the ghost type. Plus, it looks a bit grim.
I have been touting Phantrap for a while now, so I'll be backing it here.

Final Submission:

(Phantom or Phantasm + Trap)

I decided early on that I wanted a portmanteau of only two words - cramming three in there invites clutter and awkward pronunciation. In fact, I wanted something with obvious pronunciation and etymology—I didn't want users to have to try and decode the name.

I wanted one half of the portmanteau devoted to each type; the Grass-type portion would reference her design and the Ghost-type portion would reference her being. This lead to ideas such as Luracle (Lure + Oracle), which I decided wasn't plant-like enough, and Venushade (Venus + Shade), which I decided wasn't ghostly enough. Flytre (Flytrap + Spectre), which I decided was horrible to say, was caught in the mix.

So, here I am. Phantrap, anyone?

Feedback to other names will likely come later, in another post.
LouisCyphre: Phantrap is good. Kinda what I expect gamefreak to do actually. So yes, in a way, it's the best and worst possible name IMO. If simple is best, and if we want grass/ghost type flytrap, then I don't see how it can get any simpler and more effective. It's also the worst cuz gamefreak trolls...
Deja Venus Deja Vu works perfectly with Anticipation ability and Venus is obvious. Problem: Aside from Mr. Mime and Mime. Jr all Pokemon have one-word names.



hilarious! I love it! I can't really describe why, it just... fits.

EDIT: Oh. srk1214 already sumbitted something else. dang.


When I see this thing, I think of Shades. Then the thorn part is pretty self explanitory.

Other less good ideas of mine were:
Draugart (Draugr+Art)
Sheikavird (Sheik+Viridiplantae, Plant in latin)
I decided to limit the number of my suggestions:

Clairvoyel: (Clairvoyant + mademoiselle)
Clairvogue: ( Clairvogue + vogue)
Clairasia: (Clairvoyant + euthanasia)
Ghoulsary (ghoul + rosary)
Allurune (Allure + rune)
Grimoirge (Grimoire + mirage)

Does anyone like any of these in particular?

So far Ghoulsary, Clairvoyel, and Allurune seemed to have garnered some interest.

Thanks peeps.
  • Objection: As others have said, the name is a bit bumpy when spake. In my opinion, the repetition between the first and second parts doesn't help too much.

Yeah, like I said, I suspected this would be a problem. Unfortunately, other names that get across those three aspects sound rather clunky. I mean, unless you think Flodenta is really any better ... is it? Flodenta kinda reminds me of rodent, which this CAP ain't.

@riekku: I'd go with a double l in Alurune, but otherwise that's a rather neat name. I don't really like Ghoulsary because I can't seem to get a flow between ghoul and sary (like I'm one to talk about flow).
Final Submission:
Etymology: A misspellinging of jinja (shrine maiden) with the word jaw to indicate the venus flytrap and over all carnivorus nature of this pokemon

this one i actually like!
Final Submission: Vinesse

It's a combo of vine, villainess, finesse, and vanessa (lol)

hopefully these components speak for themselves, with perhaps the exception of finesse. I think finesse fits due to the sketch nature of the pokemon allowing it to fine-tune to various situations.
If it's possible i'd like to change my final submission, but if its not thats okay.

Id like to change Evelle to Develle

To more incorperate the darkness (devil) but still sound like evil and elle

Also by coincidence it sounds like de-veil and CAP 2 is waering a dress but no veil
kaprikorn: Auraleaf is a decent amalgamation...but leaf is a bit too direct and is overused for pokemon names I find. Besides, she doesn't have leafs in the traditional sense. I

Snargie: Vinesse is a bit more unique than the other names I've seen. However, you're placing alot of emphasis on that single protrusion on her head. It also doesn't sound especially ghostly or dreary...unless an evil villainess is what you're after.

SubwayJ: to change your submission, just delete or edit your old post with the final submission tag in it. And do it before this thread closes in 2 hours or so.
Final Submission


Sakaki + Kagura

I was doing some research on the miko the art was based off and first stumbled upon Kagura. Which is basically a dance that mikos performed as a ritual with spiritual connections. That seemed to fit quite nicely with the design. I also found the Sakaki tree. It's used as a prop during these Kagura dances and can be translated as "Sacred tree" or "divine tree." The sacred/divine part works with the shrine maiden, while the tree part paid at least a little homage to the grass part of her.

I see you changed from Perseve to Perseeve and now to Persieve.
Persieve is fine still, but I just wanted to make sure that you know that this letter change alters the pronunciation. Sieve is pronounced siv not seev. Personally, I still prefer Perseeve because of what to me is a preferable pronunciation. Also I don't see how CAP2 is a sieve in any way.

Maybe all you were going for was a letter corruption to avoid having too many Es. But sieve is a real word, so it is more than that. All in all in my opinion it is a change for the worse.
Final Submission:


Etymology: sakura + aura

Sakura flowers are known for their beauty, and are also used to symbolize death due to their quick lifespan. Auras are invisible forces around living things, which certainly fits with CAP 2 being a Ghost-type. Overall I think the name flows well and has the elegant and feminine sound that a lot of people are looking for in CAP 2's name.
Final Submission


Backtracking a bit, I chose "Damsel" because of the way it looks. It looks like an innocent, young princess. This is also why I chose to lead with it - because appearance tends to take priority over the soul inside. And from that joyous front I then had to choose something that could potentially represent its treacherous spirit. Due to the luring aspect of Venus Fly traps, I chose add and end Damsel with "lure". The name flowed quite nicely, and thus, my original submission, Damselure, was born.

Following my Damselure submission, I began to worry that it sounded too much like Chandelure. The a-e-lure pronunciation flow is indeed disturbingly similar, and as such I realized that I'd have make a few changes. Unfortunately, there are no synonyms for "lure" that also start with l, which really limited my options. With that said, these were other names that I considered:

- Damselurk (Damsel + Lurk)
- Damseluna (Damsel + Luna)
- Damselura (Damsel + Lure + "female suffix")
- Damseleur (Damsel + Fleur (French for flower))

As you can see, I hate complex names.

Now there were issues with these names. Damselurk doesn't make much use of this CAP's plant half. Damseluna felt a bit out of place because nothing moon related was mentioned. Damselura did sound like a good successor to Damselure, but I imagine it somehow still sounded too much like Chandelure. Damseleur doesn't even give a nod to its Ghost half.

Then I stumbled on using -oom as a suffix.

I realize that a couple of -oom Pokemon exist currently. From Gloom, Breloom, Houndoom, and even our very own Voodoom. However, Damseloom sounds nothing like those Pokemon. And unlike all of them, the -oom suffix in Damseloom could be interpreted flexibly, which also blends in very well with the whole being a flexible Pokemon through Sketch concept.

Let's compare

'Mon Name - Oom interpretation

Breloom - Shroom
Skiploom - Bloom
Houndoom / Voodoom - Doom
Gloom - Gloom (lol), possibly bloom
Damseloom - Bloom, Gloom, Doom

Bloom because it looks like a flower, Gloom to represent the depressing aura that its ghostly half exudes, and Doom represents the fate of the numerous prey it captures through its hypnotic beauty.

You could say that I'm stuffing much of its typing into that suffix alone. Whether you interpret it as being more emphasized towards its ghostly side or its plant side is up to you. And like its one time Sketch, it also has one part of its name that can mean different things. :D
Does anyone have thoughts on Mikosa? Miko + mimosa, which is a shrub genus - while not being a shrub, mimosa comes from mimic, which flytraps... sort of do? Eh.

I still like Floraith, though it sounds a bit too fragile. Has Venushade/Venushayd been proposed yet? A quick Ctrl+F says LouisCyphre considered it and tossed it, but I still think it's a good idea. Anyone have comments on these?
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