This is definitely one of my favourite concepts for this CAP, but you're right that it just looks like a person right now. I think you need to choose at least a genus of animal and add features of it instead of the current body which looks like a body suit. For instance, if you choose a lizard of some description then it can be scales, or some kind of bear would be furry. There's also more that can be done with the cloak -- think of the Sewaddle line, where every stage has leaf clothing, but Leavanny itself crafts the clothing for Sewaddle and Swadloon. It needs to be more based in nature than a black, material cloak. For instance, if you redirected toward a bird concept, then the cloak could be its wings that it wraps around itself to use as a cloak when being an assassin.Update on the masked assassin:
I added arms and some more flairs and I’d say we definitely tipped the scales away from ghost and towards poison a bit. My main concern is that now it looks too much like just a person in a costume (maybe an edgy Spider-Man villain lol_), so let me know if you guys agree and have any suggestions to remedy this.
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I tried out the gaseous cloak as suggested by Tommaniacal, but that was just a bit of experimentation at the end, so I’m still working out how to actually design it, so I didn’t want to include it as part of the main design. Here are some links to alternate versions:
Gas cloak: (the left and right side are sort of two different approaches to the vaporness, not sure which I like better)
Original clean cuffs:
(I hope this is a legal way to show alternate versions, if not I’m sorry!)
Thanks so much for all the feedback and support! Please keep it coming! I’m also pretty new to digital art as a whole (this is definitely the most time and effort I’ve put into anything on Procreate) so let me know if you guys have any tips for that as well. I’m loving all the ideas and designs here. So cool!
There's a lot of different ways to turn this into an animal so those are just two ideas. With that said, I'd also say that I don't like the arms too much. I know that someone else gave feedback before advocating for you to add arms, but a big part of why this looks so human is due to the arms. If you keep those upper limbs, it's probably worth turning them into paws, wings, or proper claws (think Zangoose). I think you just need to choose an animal and then it'll be easy to figure out what features to adjust to better fit the animal.