Cats or Dogs?

Cats or Dogs?

  • Cats

    Votes: 73 45.6%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 87 54.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Really tough decision. I love dogs: I had one for the first 13 years of my life, until he died. BUT!!! I love cats too, since I have one at the moment, and he behaves as socially as a doggy :toast:. I guess probably dogs, because I like them because their always there for you.
I love dogs, as silly, dirty and annoying they are.

I used to visit a house with cats semi-regularly and was pretty indifferent towards them-
They do have the tendency to aim for the eyes when they scratch.

Actually, in the case of my cat she specifically AVOIDS scratching at the eyes or face, even if she's really mad. But that doesn't apply to all cats, just saying there are exceptions :).

OSHI cats are catching up 61-72!
cats, dogs are too needy for me

my old cat (who's dead now :( ) was the coolest pet ever, he used to only go out during school days, and he would meet me at the end of the road as I was walking back home and walk the rest of the way with me, then we'd sit and watch tv together. He also used to chase any animal out of our back garden, including other cats, dogs and even a deer once.

in comparison, my mum has two dogs, which are so hyperactive and need attention all the time so you can't do anything unless you shut them out, but then they just bark constantly.
A question to you cat owners. How do you train a cat to not scratch the shit out of your furniture?
I know a friend of mine has had some trouble as her cat ignores the scratching post and goes right for the furniture.
I beg to differ. It really depends on the cat. My two cats, especially one of them, are really attached to me. Said cat Jasmine follows me around everywhere and sits on my lap all the time. Both of my cats get visibly and audibly upset when we leave, even if it's as simple as going to the bathroom (and when I say audibly upset it's a big thing, my cats are Birmans and almost never "say" anything).

I choose cats ^__^ While I like some dogs, they slobber all over you, are more work, and less manageable (big ones that is).

Oh my God, Jimbo, my cat is a Birman too ^_^ Except she's not 'pure' (short-haired version). I wonder if it's just a coincidence or if it's the disposition of the breed?

Glad to see an upswing in cat approval reflected in the polls. And I agree with Vineon, especially if you've only known one cat or whatever and it belonged to your cousin twice removed who you see once a decade. Although I am in no way saying knowng one will change your mind (I hate that argument about kids), I'm just sharing a personal experience -- I hated cats until I actually got to know one.
I love both cats and dogs, but I think I have to go with cats as my favorite. Along with the whole independent factor, they're just so full of character. I've known a lot of dogs and a lot of cats, and the cats just seems so much more extreme in their personalities. It's adorable.

Plus I like holding kitties, but holding a dog is somewhat awkward.
A question to you cat owners. How do you train a cat to not scratch the shit out of your furniture?
I know a friend of mine has had some trouble as her cat ignores the scratching post and goes right for the furniture.

You have to catch them in the act, but a small squirt bottle filled with plain water does wonders for this. Kitties HATE water, so if you catch them scratching and you give them a good shot or two with the bottle, I can guarantee you won't have to do it too many times after that :happybrain:. Just keep a couple of squirt bottles strewn in random places around the house so you can get at them in a hurry. Feel free to decorate said bottles or hide them in little bushes (if you really hate the look of random water bottles sitting on your tables).
having a cat is like having a child who has left college, they arn't social, they wont always be there, they can be very fierce and defensive.

Having a dog is like having your best mate as your twin. A laugh, Always fun, always ready to play, loyal, etc.etc.

I would know, btw, I have 5 dogs and 3 cats.
I prefer dogs atm, as I have never owned a cat.

The best thing about dogs is their loyalty, even if you treat them badly sometimes, they still love you. Yes, their are downsides(all the barking) but having dogs has been great for me.

Even in moments of deep depression, dogs cheer people up. It always puts a smile on my face when I go and sit outside and my dog jumps up onto the chair next to me.

At times the only good things in my life were my dogs. They cheered me up, and are always showing affection. No matter what mood you're in, a dog can adapt. Whether you want to play or be still, a dog will always be there, by your side.

When I was 5, we got our first dog. I was horrible. I would pick it up and drop it, from about chest hight, and wack it for no reason. One day, I was stung by a bee. I went and sat down in the corner of our garden, bawling my eyes out, only to find my dog walking up to me. Licking my finger, she managed to move the stinger to a posistion where I could get it out.

She remains loyal to me to this very day, even though she still flinched if I move my hand too fast and is afraid of heights.
Dogs without a doubt. Cats may be inherently cute, but dogs have the potential to be cute like my dog.
Dogs, however, are inherently loyal, and I value that more than any other trait in any kind of semi/full sentient being. I can't imagine a cat waking me up if my house was burning down. To quote my friend, a cat would be like "He feeds me, therefore I must be a God." I can imagine a dog waking me up and staying with me until I wake up or leave at the last second. A dog would be like "I am fed, therefore he must be a God."

to sum it up: Dog are superior, though cats are pretty cute.
Dogs, as you can actually get them to play when you want to. Most cats I've attempted to get to move, would barely nudge (lazy :P).
truly a worthwhile bump

me and my girlfriend were talking about how she prefers dogs and i prefer cats, and i think it kinda reflects in our own behaviour. i am happy to be by myself but don't mind other people, whereas she always wants to be entertained and paid attention. she is also very loyal :)
Used to have cats when I was younger, but my parents have 2 dogs right now so they would be my preference. I actually end up missing them a lot so it's always fun visiting them, plus they love the extra attention like any other dog :)
I'm extremely allergic to cats for some reason, I get high fevers just by one getting close to me. Dogs are my animals, I have 3 bluenose pitbulls that I love.
I've been a dog person my entire life. I've owned 2 dogs so far (my previous one died 3 years ago, he was 16 though!), and my current dog is an adorable Corgi-Pug mix. She kind of runs like Pikachu, so sometimes I call her "Pikapooch".

no seriously, cats are awesome and cute <3 i just love them (im not living alone with only cats xD) theres something about them i like, but i cant really explain it :P