Conkeldurr (Analysis)

yeah this needs a flame orb set

arguably very effective.

It's already mentioned in Additional Comments for both the Substitute and Choice Band sets. Conkeldurr kind of enjoys the Leftovers recovery/Life Orb boost on top of Guts, considering all of the Will-o-Wisps and Toxics flying around.

can someone help me get a timburr with both mach punch and drain punch

get a hitmonchan with mach punch by breeding (not exactly sure how about this tbh... sorry), teach it drain punch the tm from 4th gen, transfer to 5th gen breed with female conkelfuck and u should have the timburr with mach and drain punch
I have been using this set quite nice and it has worked wonders for me, practically my version of the SubPunch Set.

(If iron fist has been released)A ev spread of 212 HP, 252 Atk, Depending if you want bulk over speed use 44 on Sp.Def or if you want to actually out-speed Chansey use it on Speed, the ev spread will allow Conkeldurr to have 404 HP subs allowing it to set up on anything that is named Chansey (depending if they somehow added the final ev points on speed, if so it would be a speed tie but I'm not sure how that goes down.) anything with 44 speed below is usually enough to make him set up (bar Reuniclus) pretty much anything that would usually resist it will get dented really hard.


Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Trait:Iron Fist (If RELEASED)
~ Substitute
~ Focus Punch
~ Mach Punch
~ Payback

Spread:212 HP, 252 Atk, 44 on Sp. Def (or speed)

Once behind a substitute Conkeldurr will be a force to reckon with as a mix of STAB, A base 120 move, and Iron fist power up a strong move to great heights (216 Base power overall, I think) even things that resist it will have trouble staying in as its already impressive attack coupled with a strong stab move hits the opponent hard. Drain punch is not here because you are going to need that final first blow if they try to recover in some way, Dark and Fighting allow near perfect coverage, even ghosts have trouble setting up on conkeldurr, 404 HP subs mean that Stabbed Dragon tails + Seismic tosses won't be breaking anything in one hit.

I don't think Iron Fist is a good ability, Guts absorbs burn (if Rotom, Gengar, Heatran or everyone burns him, Conkeldurr become unuseful) and, if you enter with Toxic Spikes, you'll get a free +1 on Attack. I think Payback is better than Stone Edge because it gives the coverage Fighting-Dark and can 2HKO Rotom, Chandelure and the most part of the Psychic-Type
Not to mention Iron Fist is completely illegal due to Timburr not being released in the Dream World, so we can scrap the idea.
This allows Conkeldurr to comfortably obtain two Bulk Ups and follow up with Drain Punch to recover the health lost from Scald.

252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Careful spread allows Conkeldurr to set up on Pokemon such as Vaporeon easily. Boiling Water won't even 4HKO Conkeldurr, while +1 Drain Punch can fully recover Conkeldurr's lost health.</p>

Anything seem a little... off, to you?

I'm feeling very nitpicky right now.

EDIT: I guess what he's trying to say is change all mentions of Boiling Water to Scald
So while we're nitpicking here, the calculations list and sentence in the Choice Band set are in the wrong format. I'll try adapting Conkeldurr's calculations later, but for now, try looking for examples of calculations in the Mew and Politoed analyses.
The analysis has mentions of "Psycho Shock", "Burungeru", "Thundrus" and "Magic Mirror". Replace them with "Psyshock", "Jellicent", "Thundurus" and "Magic Bounce", respectively. I may have missed a thing or two, but that's all I found. Nice analysis !
Gengar with Substitute + Disable will completely wall both of these sets, as it can switch in on a fighting-type attack, substitute first to lure out Payback, then Disable Payback and go to town, and if you switch into a Gengar with a substitute up, it doesn't even have to disable you, it 2HKOs with Shadow Ball. Even one time when they predicted my switch, and I switched Gengar right into a Payback, I survived, disabled Payback, and ruined his day. It works without fail every time.

Just thought I'd point this out to everyone saying this has no reliable counter.
It's already mentioned in Additional Comments for both the Substitute and Choice Band sets. Conkeldurr kind of enjoys the Leftovers recovery/Life Orb boost on top of Guts, considering all of the Will-o-Wisps and Toxics flying around.


But then you're immune to freeze, sleep, and paralysis. Drain Punch covers recovery and Bulk up gives the boost. I've been using the Bulk up set with flame orb in trick room, and it is quite effective. Bulk up for massive attack, the drain punch the burn damage off. (Watch out for Hex Cofagrigus).
But then you're immune to freeze, sleep, and paralysis. Drain Punch covers recovery and Bulk up gives the boost. I've been using the Bulk up set with flame orb in trick room, and it is quite effective. Bulk up for massive attack, the drain punch the burn damage off. (Watch out for Hex Cofagrigus).
You're better off attempting to absorb a stray Thunder Wave or Will-O-Wisp rather than waste your item slot, time, AND survivability just so you get that one status. Catching status is very available in a metagame filled with many kinds of status users, especially Ferrothorn and Jellicent. Trick Room and Hex users are pretty much irrelevant, and the general consensus is: Leftovers is better.

Also, when is this going to be updated?
Are you sure about that? After all, Hitmonchan gets Iron Fist to boost his Focus Punch ... I haven't done calcs, though.

Yes, Conkeldurr has the highest Attack of all fighting types and obviously gets STAB. Hitmonchan does get Iron Fist (which Conkeldurr doesn't have yet), but base 105 attack pales in comparison to Conkeldurr's base 140.
Yes, Conkeldurr has the highest Attack of all fighting types and obviously gets STAB. Hitmonchan does get Iron Fist (which Conkeldurr doesn't have yet), but base 105 attack pales in comparison to Conkeldurr's base 140.

Roob does pip Hitmonchan power-wise but strictly speaking Medicham has the strongest Focus Punch on the game, at least until Iron Fist is released so that should probably be changed.

Which ev spread is better for the choice banded set? The one with SDef or the one with pure attack and HP? Could you please explain me why one is better than the other? I'm just asking this because in the first set you used the one with SDef and in the others you used the Attack and HP one. In the Focus Punch set I understand that more HP is more life for your substitute, but I don't get the ev spread in the Choice Band set.
name: Bulk Up
move 1: Bulk Up
move 2: Drain Punch
move 3: Mach Punch
move 4: Payback / Stone Edge
item: Leftovers
ability: Guts
nature: Brave / Adamant
evs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpD
ivs: 0 Spe


<p>There are a lot of ways to EV Conkeldurr. When using Payback,


Max HP is never a bad option as it keeps Conkeldurr sturdy on the specially defensive side while further improving its physical bulk. After a Bulk Up, Skarmory's Brave Bird will fail to 2HKO Conkeldurr. This allows Conkeldurr to Bulk Up while Skarmory switches in, Bulk Up twice more, survive the second Brave Bird assault, and follow up with Drain Punch, which will 2HKO Skarmory. Therefore Skarmory cannot effectively counter Conkeldurr, since it might take heavy damage using Whirlwind to force Conkeldurr out to little advantage, and cannot use Roost since this increases the power of Drain Punch significantly. One can choose to be more defensive, though keep in mind that Conkeldurr will then not be much of a
threat until it uses Bulk Up a few times. 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD Careful spread allows Conkeldurr to set up on Pokemon such as Vaporeon easily. Scald won't even 4HKO Conkeldurr, while +1 Drain Punch can fully recover Conkeldurr's lost health.</p>


[Checks and Counters]
<p>Poison Heal Gliscor is probably the most solid counter to Conkeldurr, as it can take any of its moves and whittle Conkeldurr down with STAB Acrobat.
However, they should Fling their item prior to facing Conkeldurr, as the status can activate Guts. Once relieved of its item, Gliscor can proceed to attack Conkeldurr with a STAB-boosted Acrobat, while still maintaining the ability to take all of Conkeldurr’s moves. Skarmory also makes a nice counter due to its immense physical bulk and access to STAB Brave Bird, as well as the ability to phaze Conkeldurr out, nullifying any boosts it may acquire. However, one must beware of Guts-boosted Hammer Arm coming off the Choice Band set, as any Stealth Rock damage plus Brave Bird recoil equals a dead Skarmory. Skarmory, like Gliscor, should be wary of when to Roost, as any of Conkeldurr’s boosted Fighting STAB moves really hurt once they rid themselves of their Flying-type.

Shouldn't twice be once? Read it, twice implies three Bulk Ups. The Gliscor set is outdated too.

Also, I'd like to propose that the main EV spread listed in the Bulk Up set be changed from 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SpD to 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Sp.

The current set yields 381 HP and 200 Special Defense, but my spread takes three points out of Special Defense and puts them in HP, which gives 384, a lefties number. Conkeldurr needs all the recovery he can get.