Darkrai: Just hear me out.

How many times do I have to repeat myself, this is the third time now that I've said I know his move set sucked. I also stated further that this was the only person who agreed to use Darkrai against me, if you want to play against or use a better Darkrai then do it and provide the log. Restalkers are a very viable counter against Darkrai, Heracross and Machamp are perfect examples.

The point I was making, in case you missed it, is that despite the bad moveset, you only had an 11% chance of 2HKOing him.

Essentially, what I was saying was that it was a terrible example, but the main point of my post, the bit you ignored, was that there is other testing that should be finished first.

EDIT: I'm not in the mood for a heated debate on this subject, Darkrai would have gone down, but the majority of the time in the example you gave he would have taken Heatran with him.
This is my major problem with 90% of the posts that are for unbanning random uber shit. How would Darkrai stirring up OU make the standard metagame better? Just because you're bored with the status quo is not a reason to start unbanning shit left and right.

Learn to differentiate between people's reasons and opinions, but otherwise your post is entirely accurate.
Darkrai finished off Kyogre and Latias, before going down to a Blissey using Thunder (missing twice with Dark Void, either of which would have sealed the game). It might not show how it fares in the OU metagame, but it definitely demonstrates its power.

So your saying because X pokemon killed X number of ubers he must be uber.

So if I use Heracross in ubers and I knock out Mewtwo, Darkrai, and Dialga, does that make Heracross uber? Obviously not, we have no way of knowing how a pokemon will perform in OU unless it is properly tested.

Besides it couldn't fuck up the metagame as much as Wobbu and D-S already have.
So your saying because X pokemon killed X number of ubers he must be uber.

So if I use Heracross in ubers and I knock out Mewtwo, Darkrai, and Dialga, does that make Heracross uber? Obviously not, we have no way of knowing how a pokemon will perform in OU unless it is properly tested.

Besides it couldn't fuck up the metagame as much as Wobbu and D-S already have.

Where did I say that? It's like you're deliberately missing what I'm saying, which was that the warstory I linked to demonstrated his power. Not that it was proof that he was uber. Obviously being able to be used in the uber metagame doesn't make anything uber, Blissey is the most blatant example of that.

I said it before and I'll say it again, there's no harm in testing Darkrai, but let's finish the testing that was already started.
That was quite possibly the dumbest most pointless log. You might as well post a log of Salamence using Ember against your Heatran, and then proclaim Salamence to be UU. =/
That was quite possibly the dumbest most pointless log. You might as well post a log of Salamence using Ember against your Heatran, and then proclaim Salamence to be UU. =/

Those were quite possibly the dumbest most pointless responses to a (pointless) log. You might as well respond to a log of Heatran using Earth Power against Salamence to proclaim Heatran to be uber.
Those were quite possibly the dumbest most pointless responses to a (pointless) log. You might as well respond to a log of Heatran using Earth Power against Salamence to proclaim Heatran to be uber.

lol I just love how this discussion has gone around in circles
I mean damn if you think the log is so shitty, which already said that my opponent and his Darkrai were; then go battle with Darkrai then post your own fucking log.
How would a lead Darkrai interact with a lead Wobbuffet? I'd like to imagine that it would put Wobbuffet at an intense disadvantage, should the Darkrai carry both Dark Pulse and Pursuit. Of course, with those two moves, Darkrai is now very limited in what it can do, especially if it chooses to keep Dark Void or Will-O-Wisp. The Pokemon is capable of doing a lot of stuff. I just don't think that being unpredictable is a case for anything, though.
If I were running a lead Darkrai it would have Taunt, and thus running into a lead Wobbuffet would result in a Taunt and switch out for them.
How would a lead Darkrai interact with a lead Wobbuffet? I'd like to imagine that it would put Wobbuffet at an intense disadvantage, should the Darkrai carry both Dark Pulse and Pursuit. Of course, with those two moves, Darkrai is now very limited in what it can do, especially if it chooses to keep Dark Void or Will-O-Wisp. The Pokemon is capable of doing a lot of stuff. I just don't think that being unpredictable is a case for anything, though.
Lead Darkrai vs lead wobba would use Dark void and sleep it 80% of the time. 20% of the time, wobba would get safeguard up and darkrai would be forced to dark pulse it to death.

For a lead Darkrai I'd definitely use the "Breloom on steroids" set of Dark void, sub, focus punch, dark pulse.
The same way anything fast with a sleep move (hint, a shit load of popular leads) does, it would sleep Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet in general is a pretty shitty lead.
One would think so, but a lot of people seem to always use it. A lot of the logs posted that include Wobbuffet have it leading.
Yeah, most lead Wobbuffets pack Lum berry, so typically, Wobbuffet would Encore and take the sleep, and send something else freely.
Yeah, most lead Wobbuffets pack Lum berry, so typically, Wobbuffet would Encore and take the sleep, and send something else freely.

?? The only pokemon coming in for free would have to have Insomnia. I think you mean Wobbuffet would have to Safeguard first, and the poke comes in for "free." But then Darkrai, or any sleep user, could just use a different move.
?? The only pokemon coming in for free would have to have Insomnia. I think you mean Wobbuffet would have to Safeguard first, and the poke comes in for "free." But then Darkrai, or any sleep user, could just use a different move.
I think he meant Wob Encores the first sleep move, Lum nullifies it, then falls asleep the second turn. Wob then switches out giving a free turn to the switch-in due to Sleep Clause.

Of course if you predicted a sleep move the best thing would probably be to Safeguard first as you said, then either Encore or CounterCoat depending on the circumstances.
One would think so, but a lot of people seem to always use it. A lot of the logs posted that include Wobbuffet have it leading.

Not everyone is a good either.

Yeah, most lead Wobbuffets pack Lum berry, so typically, Wobbuffet would Encore and take the sleep, and send something else freely.

It gives you a single free turn to set up, but your Wobbuffet is now sleeping which really hurts your team because Wobb isn't doing jack while being asleep. Now Wobb can no longer trap walls, encore them into stealth rocks or healing moves, Tickle them, and get in anything with a Choice Band Pursuit to get you a free kill. It can't even function as a Choice killer either, because Wobb isn't going to be walling banded or speced Pokes long enough to wake up.