Data Data Audit Thread MkII [fairies Fairies FAIRIES! See Post 272]

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Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
This post: Unique Pokemon and CAP Data

1. Stat and Rarity List
2. Attack and Command List
3. Ability List
4. Type Description List
5. Berries, Herbs, and Signature Items
6. Battle Items
7. Evolutionary Stones and Legendary Items
8.Capture Mechanics and Pokéballs
9. Major and Minor Status Effects
10. Stat Descriptions and Nature Effects
11. Critical Hits, Stat Boosters, and Combinations
12. Spare Placeholder for reorganizing if necessary.

Registration Thread
Battle Tower
Ref Training Grounds

Additional Event Moves

Veekun holds most of the data for Pokemon Attacks, however we have put together a list of Event Move Data in the Data Audit thread as an easy go-to guide. It is also in the Prize Claim thread.

Venusaur – Ancientpower, Rock Throw
Charizard – Crunch
Blastoise – Zap Cannon
Fearow – Sonicboom
Raichu – Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Sing
Nidoqueen – Lovely Kiss, Moonlight, Sweet Kiss,
Nidoking – Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss, Morning Sun
Clefable – Petal Dance, Scary Face, Swift
Wigglytuff – Scary Face
Golbat – Flail
Vileplume – Leech Seed
Parasect – Synthesis
Golduck – Petal Dance, Tri Attack
Poliwrath – Growth, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Alakazam – Foresight
Machamp – False Swipe, Thrash
Victreebel – Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Tentacruel – Confuse Ray
Golem – Rapid Spin
Rapidash – Low Kick
Magneton – Agility
Farfetch'd – Fury Cutter
Dodrio – Low Kick
Dewgong – Flail
Onix – Sharpen
Hypno – Amnesia
Kingler – Metal Claw
Electrode – Agility
Exeggutor – Sweet Scent
Marowak – Fury Attack
Hitmonlee – Dizzy Punch
Hitmonchan – Dizzy Punch
Lickitung – DoubleSlap
Chansey – Sweet Scent
Tangela – Synthesis
Kangaskhan – Faint Attack
Seadra – Haze
Seaking – Swords Dance
Starmie – Twister
Mr. Mime – Mind Reader
Scyther – Sonicboom
Jynx – Petal Dance
Electabuzz – Dizzy Punch(can be obtained via Odd Egg as well), Pursuit
Magmar – Faint Attack
Pinsir – Rock Throw, Sweet Kiss
Tauros – Quick Attack
Magikarp – Bubble, Reversal
Lapras – Bite, Future Sight
Flareon – Growth
Vaporeon – Growth
Jolteon – Growth
Porygon – Barrier
Omastar – Rock Throw
Kabutops – Rock Throw
Aerodactyl – Rock Throw
Snorlax – Lovely Kiss, Splash, Sweet Kiss
Dragonite – Hydro Pump
Chikorita - Petal Dance
Bayleef - Petal Dance
Meganium - Petal Dance
Cyndaquil - Double-Edge
Quilava - Double-Edge
Typhlosion - Double-Edge
Totodile - Submission
Croconaw - Submission
Feraligatr - Submission
Sentret - Dizzy Punch
Furret - Dizzy Punch
Hoothoot - Night Shade
Noctowl - Night Shade
Ledyba - Barrier
Ledian - Barrier
Spinarak - Growth
Ariados - Growth
Crobat - Flail
Chinchou - Light Screen
Lanturn - Light Screen
Pichu - Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Sing
Cleffa - Dizzy Punch, Petal Dance, Scary Face, Swift
Igglybuff - Dizzy Punch, Mimic, Petal Dance, Scary Face
Togepi - Dizzy Punch
Togetic - Dizzy Punch
Natu - Safeguard
Xatu - Safeguard
Mareep - N/A
Flaaffy - N/A
Ampharos - N/A
Bellossom - Leech Seed
Marill - Dizzy Punch, Hydro Pump, Scary Face
Azumarill - Dizzy Punch, Hydro Pump, Scary Face
Sudowoodo - Substitute
Politoed - Growth, Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss
Hoppip - Agility
Skiploom - Agility
Jumpluff - Agility
Aipom - Mimic
Sunkern - Splash
Sunflora - Splash
Yanma - Steel Wing, Sweet Kiss
Wooper - Belly Drum, Scary Face
Quagsire - Belly Drum, Scary Face
Espeon - Growth
Umbreon - Growth
Murkrow - Beat Up
Slowking - N/A
Misdreavus - Hypnosis
Unown - N/A
Wobbuffet - N/A
Girafarig - N/A
Pineco - Substitute
Forretress - Substitute
Dunsparce - Fury Attack, Horn Drill
Gligar - N/A (Earthquake through Stadium 2)
Steelix - Sharpen
Snubbull - Lovely Kiss
Granbull - Lovely Kiss
Qwilfish - Double-Edge
Scizor - Sonicboom
Shuckle - N/A
Heracross - Rock Throw, Seismic Toss
Sneasel - Moonlight
Teddiursa - Sweet Scent
Ursaring - Sweet Scent
Slugma - N/A
Magcargo - N/A
Swinub - Whirlwind
Piloswine - Whirlwind
Corsola - N/A
Remoraid - Amnesia, Mist
Octillery - Amnesia, Mist
Delibird - Pay Day, Spikes
Mantine - Gust
Skarmory - Fury Cutter
Houndour - N/A
Houndoom - N/A
Kingdra - Haze
Phanpy - Absorb
Donphan - Absorb
Porygon2 - Barrier
Stantler - Safeguard
Smeargle - N/A
Tyrogue - Rage
Hitmontop - Rage
Smoochum - Metronome, Petal Dance
Elekid - Dizzy Punch, Pursuit
Magby - Dizzy Punch, Faint Attack
Miltank - Mega Kick
Blissey - Sweet Scent
Raikou - N/A
Entei - N/A
Suicune - N/A
Larvitar - Rage
Pupitar - Rage
Tyranitar - Rage
Lugia - N/A
Ho-oh - N/A
Celebi - Present
Pichu: Teeter Dance, Wish
Ralts: Wish
Absol: Wish
Bagon: Iron Defense, Wish
Bellsprout: Teeter Dance
Meowth: Petal Dance
Oddish: Leech Seed
Poliwag: Sweet Kiss
Chansey: Sweet Scent, Wish
Drowzee: Belly Drum, Wish
Exeggcute: Sweet Scent, Wish
Farfetch'd: Wish, Yawn
Kangaskhan: Wish, Yawn
Lickitung: Heal Bell, Wish
Pikachu: Fly, Surf
Magikarp: Dragon Rage
Psyduck: Mud Sport
Pichu: Follow Me
Igglybuff: Tickle
Corsola: Mud Sport
Taillow: Featherdance
Surskit: Mud Sport
Whismur: Teeter Dance
Skitty: Rollout
Plusle: Water Sport
Minun: Mud Sport
Spoink: Uproar
Spinda: Sing
Cacnea: Encore
Corphish: Water Sport
Wynaut: Tickle
Darkrai: Roar of Time, Spacial Rend
Arceus: Roar of Time, Shadow Force, Spacial Rend
Jirachi: Draco Meteor
Deoxys: Detect, Meteor Mash
Pikachu: Fly, Sing, Teeter Dance
Mewtwo: Electro Ball
Entei: Crush Claw, Extremespeed, Flare Blitz, Howl
Raikou: Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
Suicune: Air Slash, Aqua Ring, Extremespeed, Sheer Cold
Celebi: Nasty Plot
Banette: Cotton Guard
Victini: Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, V-Create
Reshiram: Mist
Zekrom: Haze
Bulbasaur: Block, False Swipe, Weather Ball
Charmander: Acrobatics, Block, False Swipe
Squirtle: Block, False Swipe, Follow Me
Pikachu: Extremespeed
Rayquaza: V-Create
Deoxys: Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot
Piplup: Sing
Victini: Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate
Magikarp: Hydro Pump
Mewtwo: Heal Pulse, Hurricane
Sableye: Octazooka, Tickle
Genesect: Blaze Kick, Extremespeed, Shift Gear
Butterfree : Morning Sun
Beedrill : Baton Pass
Pidgeotto : Refresh
Raticate : Refresh
Spearow : Baton Pass
Arbok : Refresh
Vulpix : Charm
Paras : Refresh
Venomoth : Refresh
Dugtrio : Charm, Sandstorm
Meowth : Sing
Golduck : Charm
Primeape : Helping Hand
Growlithe : Charm
Poliwrath : Helping Hand
Weepinbell : Morning Sun
Rapidash : Baton Pass
Magneton : Refresh
Farfetch'd : Baton Pass
Dodrio : Baton Pass
Seel : Helping Hand
Grimer : Helping Hand
Shellder : Refresh, Take Down
Hypno : Baton Pass
Voltorb : Refresh
Exeggutor : Refresh
Marowak : Sing
Hitmonlee : Refresh
Hitmonchan : Helping Hand
Lickitung : Helping Hand
Rhydon : Helping Hand
Chansey : Sweet Kiss
Tangela : Morning Sun
Starmie : Refresh
Mr. Mime : Follow Me
Scyther : Morning Sun
Electabuzz : Follow Me
Magmar : Follow Me
Pinsir : Helping Hand
Tauros : Refresh
Lapras : Heal Bell
Snorlax : Refresh, Fissure
Articuno : Haze, Heal Bell, Extrasensory
Zapdos : Baton Pass, Metal Sound, Extrasensory
Moltres : Morning Sun, Will-O-Wisp, Extrasensory
Dragonite : Heal Bell
Ledyba : Refresh
Spinarak : Refresh
Togepi : Tri Attack, Helping Hand
Natu : Baton Pass
Mareep : Heal Bell
Pineco : Refresh
Teddiursa : Refresh
Magcargo : Refresh, Heat Wave
Swinub : Charm
Houndour : Charm
Lugia : FeatherDance ,Psycho Boost
Poochyena : Heal Bell
Seedot : Refresh
Swellow : Baton Pass
Ralts : Sing
Shroomish : Refresh
Makuhita : Refresh
Nosepass : Helping Hand
Delcatty : Sweet Kiss
Sableye : Helping Hand
Mawile : Sing
Manectric : Refresh
Roselia : Sweet Kiss
Gulpin : Sing
Carvanha : Refresh
Numel : Charm
Altaria : Heal Bell
Zangoose : Refresh
Lunatone : Baton Pass
Solrock : Baton Pass
Baltoy : Refresh
Banette : Helping Hand
Duskull : Helping Hand
Snorunt : Sing
Spheal : Charm
Salamence : Refresh
Nidoran(F): Sucker Punch
Gastly: Sludge Wave
Koffing: Sludge Wave
Misdreavus: Inferno
Spinda: Superpower
Lunatone: Moonlight
Solrock: Morning Sun
Kecleon: Reflect Type
Banette: Cotton Guard

Additional Anime Moves:

Anime Style Battling takes most of its influences from the Anime, where Pokemon do tend to do some strange things. Here is a list of additional moves sourced in the Anime, based off of research at Bulbapedia. Anime Only Moves Cost 3 MC to purchase.

Charmander: Tackle
Beedrill: Tackle
Raticate: Jump Kick
Spearow: Gust
Pikachu: Tackle
Nidoran(M): Bite, Fury Swipes
Arbok: Tackle
Parasect: Sleep Powder
Poliwhirl: Tackle
Bellsprout: Absorb
Victreebel: Tackle
Gengar: Confusion
Onix: Wrap
Lickitung: Tackle
Pinsir: Tackle
Dragonite: Whirlwind
Cyndaquil: Agility
Totodile: Tackle
Ariados: Shadow Ball
Crobat: Sonicboom
Unown: Psychic
Girafarig: Bite
Wobbuffett: Bide
Umbreon: Agility
Teddiursa: Pound
Larvitar: Harden
Dustox: Stun Spore
Tailow: Gust
Skitty: Fury Swipes
Sableye: Lick
Baltoy / Claydol: Shock Wave
Chingling / Chimecho: Sing
Uxie: Teleport
Mesprit: Teleport
Jirachi: Teleport
Kricketot: Sing
Kricketune: Bullet Seed
Mothim: Supersonic
Starly: Gust
Munchlax: Giga Impact
Froslass: Slash
Dusknoir: Rapid Spin
Regigigas: Hammer Arm
Tranquil: Wing Attack
Swanna: Blizzard
Zweilous: Wing Attack

Additional Manga Moves:

The final influence on ASB moves is Manga.Research at Bulbapedia has documented some of these moves and my feeling is that Manga is sufficiently true to in-game form that these moves are valid (where say TCG moves are not since they pull from an infinite list and not specifically from all canonical moves in the game.) Manga Only Moves Cost 3 MC to purchase.

Charmander: Tackle
Fearow: Pay Day
Nidoran(M): Flamethrower
Golbat: Lick
Machamp: Slam
Kadabra: Hypnosis, Slash
Persian: Roar
Onix: Constrict
Rapidash: Pay Day
Empoleon: Vacuum Wave
Gliscor: Bite
Lucario: Bonemerang
Phione: Heart Swap

Unique Pokemon:

Some Pokemon are special cases and must be handled separately. They are Unown, Smeargle, Necturine/Necturna, Shedinja, and Rotom.


Unown can use all types of Hidden Power and Struggle. Each instance of Hidden Power is considered a separate move for the purposes of Disable, Imprison, and the consecutive EN cost. Unown's Hidden Powers take on the elemental attributes of each element rather than just being a simple energy attack. So for example, Hidden Power Water douses an opponent, Hidden Power Electric can shock them, etc. Unown only gets the STAB damage boost on Hidden Power Psychic, but it does have -1 Energy Cost for all Hidden Powers. Consider the following effects of Hidden Power to apply when Unown uses them:

Hidden Power Bug: 50% Drain Effect (Leech Life)
Hidden Power Dark: Taunt Effect (Taunt)
Hidden Power Dragon: Roar Effect (Dragon Tail)
Hidden Power Electric: 30% Paralyze (Discharge)
Hidden Power Fighting: Calculates Damage Using Defense (Secret Sword)
Hidden Power Fire: 30% Burn (Lava Plume)
Hidden Power Flying: High Critical Hit Ratio (Aeroblast / Air Cutter)
Hidden Power Ghost: 20% Special Defense Lower (Shadow Ball)
Hidden Power Grass: 20% Sleep (Spore / Sleep Powder / GrassWhistle)
Hidden Power Ground: 20% Accuracy Lower (Mud Bomb / Mud Slap)
Hidden Power Ice: 20% Freeze (Ice Beam)
Hidden Power Poison: 30% Toxic (Poison Fang)
Hidden Power Psychic: 20% Confusion (Psybeam / Confusion)
Hidden Power Rock: 20% Flinch (Rock Slide)
Hidden Power Steel: 20% Special Attack Lower (Flash Cannon)
Hidden Power Water: 20% Speed Lower, Douse effect (BubbleBeam / Water Gun)

Rather than having a specific Hidden Power, Unown has one Hidden Power of each type with different properties. Each different type of Hidden Power is considered a separate attack for the purposes of calculating the consecutive attack EN penalty. Unown can change the Base Attack Power of each Hidden Power in its attacks. If Unown combines two Hidden Power attacks, it will use the damage boosting rules of same attack combinations based off the higher BAP (Combo BAP * 2.25), while using the EN Cost of different attack combinations (EN Attack 1 + EN Attack 2 * 1.5), and the type will be selected based on the stronger selected Hidden Power.

Ex. Hidden Power Water 4 + Hidden Power Electric 7 = 7 *2.25 BAP, 15.75 BAP. and EN = 2 + 5 (7) * 1.5 = 10.5, 11 EN (-1 EN [-2 if Psy]) = 10 [9] EN. Type: Electric (stronger Hidden Power)


Smeargle can have unlimited instances of the move Sketch in its movepool. If Smeargle has at least one instance of the move Sketch in its movepool, it can use Sketch in-battle to permanently replace one instance of Sketch with the last move performed by the target Pokemon. Sketch cannot copy moves called by other moves, such as moves generated by Sleep Talk, Metronome, Copycat, or Assist, and will instead copy the original move. Sketch also cannot copy moves granted by the arena, such as the called moves in Unown Soup, or moves performed by non-player Pokemon, such as Roleplay Pokemon or neutral Pokemon in arenas. No more than 3 moves may be permanently Sketched by a single Smeargle in any given match. If Smeargle has more than 3 instances of Sketch in it's movepool, additional uses of Sketch become a Mimic with unlimited action duration.

Smeargle may also spend 2 MC to Sketch any move known by its trainer's other Pokemon. Smeargle must have at least one instance of Sketch in its movepool to do so, and that instance of Sketch is permanently replaced by the chosen move.

Sketch counts as a Level Up move for Smeargle, and as such, buying an additional instance of Sketch costs 1 MC. When Smeargle is bought, it begins with 17 instances of Sketch in its movepool, as well as 26 MC.

Any attacks Smeargle Sketches during the course of a battle can be used during that battle, and then Smeargle can permanently learn any of those moves by taking up a permanent Sketch slot. Smeargle can apply any of its Move Counters (MC) to gain another permanent Sketch slot.

Necturine / Necturna:

Sketch is an Egg move for this CAP line, but staying true to concept, they can only get Sketch ONCE. Like Smeargle, they can Sketch a move known by one of the trainer's other Pokemon for 2 MC, however if they relearn Sketch, they must forfeit the Sketched move.
  • Shedinja also has other qualities because of in-game precedence. It can pull Level-Up Moves from the lists of both Nincada and Ninjask in addition to its own Level-Up Movepool.
  • Shedinja has every move in its movepool that the Nincada did when it evolves.
  • Because of the unique circumstances in which Nincada evolves in-game, when a Nincada evolves in ASB, both a Shedinja and a Ninjask are obtained.
  • If the evolution occurs in-battle, Ninjask will replace the Nincada in the battle and Shedinja will appear in a Poke Ball that the user cannot use in that battle.


Rotom can be caught just like any other Pokemon; however, its appliance forms are more difficult to access. The arena must be a junkyard or some similar space where such appliances can be found, and then Rotom can possess those appliances for the duration of the battle. Once Rotom has an appliance form it may discard it at any time during the battle and move to another appliance (if it is available) or to no appliance. Phasing into or out of an appliance in battle takes up an action. At the end of the battle, Rotom resets to its original form.

Additionally, each Rotom appliance has its own Size and Weight Class, which are indicated in its stat list. Heights and Weights have been provided in cases where weight might be altered or Rotom might want to Bodyblock. They are as follows:

Rotom: 0.3m, 0.3kg
Rotom-C: 1.3m, 25.3kg
Rotom-F: 2.3m, 100.3kg
Rotom-H: 1.3m, 25.3kg
Rotom-S: 0.8m, 10.3kg
Rotom-W: 1.8m, 50.3kg

CAP Data:

This will be where information on all the CAP Pokemon goes. It will be updated each time a new CAP is released or a change in CAP data occurs. Here are a few notes regarding the CAP Pokemon:

1. CAP ASB follows CAP canon.

While the 4th Generation CAP Pokemon were outfitted forward with new 5th Generation movepools and Dream World abilities, these moves and abilities are not canon. If there is ever an official change to CAP canon regarding pre-evolutions of 4th Generation CAPs, the CAP ASB will adhere to the canonical standard and remove any non-canonical element.

2. CAP Pokemon from any future projects will be implemented into the ASB and released only after their official release on the CAP 5th Generation Pokemon Online Server.

CAP ASB exists as a fun spin-off of the Create-A-Pokemon project. We actively encourage all participants to join in each project, but please do not attempt to alter any process of a CAP to in some way benefit the ASB League. As such, only after a new CAP is released on the battle server will we begin constructing anything left out of the CAP process like pre-evolutions etc.

3. There are otherwise no limits on CAP Pokemon.

Please use and enjoy these project creatures as much or as little as you wish. I have strived to balance the game to the best of my ability and have tried to be considerate to everyone who submitted a concept for a CAP pre-evolution.

Without further delay, here is the information on each CAP Pokemon. It contains all their relevant battle data and includes a Height and Weight so you can get an idea of how powerfully the Pokemon experiences knockback, etc.

Syclant Family Data:

Height: 0'8"
Weight: 8.8 lbs / 4 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 30 --> Syclant
Type: Ice / Bug
Abilities: Compoundeyes / Snow Cloak / Technician (H)

Stats: 40 / 76 / 45 / 74 / 39 / 91

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Fury Attack
0 Leer
5 Leech Life
8 Ice Shard
13 Focus Energy
18 Icy Wind
23 X-Scissor
28 Hail
35 Bug Buzz
42 Ice Beam
49 Sheer Cold

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Fury Attack
0 Leer
0 Leech Life
4 Scratch
9 Focus Energy
13 Ice Shard
17 Slash
21 Bug Bite
25 Icicle Spear
29 Hail
33 Icy Wind
37 X-Scissor
41 Avalanche
45 Icicle Crash
49 Bug Buzz
54 Sheer Cold

Egg Moves:
Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
String Shot

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM62 Silver Wind
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM78 Captivate
TM81 X-Scissor
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut

5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 Solarbeam
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM32 Double Team
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM54 False Swipe
TM60 Quash
TM62 Acrobatics
TM72 Avalanche
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM79 Frost Breath
TM81 X-Scissor
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-Turn
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 114.4 lbs / 52 kg
Evolution: Syclar --> Level 40 --> Syclant
Ice / Bug
Abilities: Compoundeyes / Mountaineer / Technician (H)

Stats: 70 / 116 / 70 / 114 / 64 / 121

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 121
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Ice Punch
Leech Life
Focus Energy
Ice Shard
Bug Bite
Icicle Spear
Icy Wind

Level 26+ Moves:
Icicle Crash
Bug Buzz
Sheer Cold

Earth Power
Pin Missile
String Shot
Tail Glow
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Water Pulse

Gen V Tutor:
Bug Bite
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Fury Cutter
String Shot

Gen V TM:
Hone Claws
Hidden Power
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Brick Break
Double Team
Aerial Ace
Echoed Voice
Focus Blast
False Swipe
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Swords Dance
Struggle Bug
Frost Breath
Rock Slide
Rock Smash

Gen IV TMs:
Focus Punch
Water Pulse
Secret Power
Silver Wind
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old List for reference
Revenankh Data:

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 96.8 lbs / 44 kg
Evolution: Revenankh
Type: Ghost / Fighting
Abilities: Shed Skin / Air Lock / Infiltrator (H)

Stats: 90 / 105 / 90 / 65 / 110 / 65

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Sand Tomb
Wring Out
Rock Tomb
Arm Thrust
Mean Look
Shadow Punch

Level 26+ Moves:
Vital Throw
Power Whip
Hammer Arm

Destiny Bond
Force Palm
Mach Punch
Nasty Plot
Shadow Sneak
Wide Guard

Gen V Tutor:
Drain Punch
Dual Chop
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Pain Split
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Ominous Wind
Sucker Punch
Vacuum Wave

Gen V TM:
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Smack Down
Shadow Ball
Brick Break
Double Team
Rock Tomb
Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Focus Blast
Giga Impact
Psych Up
Rock Slide
Work Up
Poison Jab
Dream Eater
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Focus Punch
Secret Power
Drain Punch
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old Movepool List for reference
Pyroak Family Data:

Height: 1' 11.7" / 0.6m
Weight: 35 lbs / 15.9 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 24 -> Flarelm -> Level 38 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire / Grass
Abilities: Reckless / Leaf Guard / Chlorophyll (H)

Stats: 60 / 40 / 55 / 65 / 40 / 60

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
-- Sweet Scent
-- Bullet Seed
05 Growth
09 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
25 Fire Spin
29 Petal Dance
33 Double-Edge
37 Synthesis
40 Lava Plume
44 Zap Cannon

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Absorb
7 Growth
10 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
25 Giga Drain
28 Leaf Tornado
34 Fire Spin
37 Petal Dance
43 Flame Burst
46 Synthesis
49 Lava Plume

Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Earth Power
Natural Gift
Sand Tomb
Seed Bomb
Water Sport

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Seed Bomb
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Worry Seed

4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb

5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 4' 7.1" / 1.4m
Weight: 160 lbs / 72.7 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 24 -> Flarelm -> Level 38 -> Pyroak
Type: Fire / Grass
Abilities: Rock Head / Battle Armor / Chlorophyll (H)

Stats: 90 / 50 / 95 / 75 / 70 / 40 Speed

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
-- Sweet Scent
-- Bullet Seed
05 Growth
09 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
21 Giga Drain
28 Fire Spin
36 Petal Dance
40 Iron Defense
44 Synthesis
48 Lava Plume
52 Zap Cannon

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bullet Seed
0 Sweet Scent
5 Absorb
7 Growth
10 Ember
13 Leech Seed
17 Flame Wheel
25 Giga Drain
28 Leaf Tornado
34 Fire Spin
39 Petal Dance
43 Flame Burst
50 Synthesis
54 Lava Plume

Egg Moves:
Blaze Kick
Earth Power
Natural Gift
Sand Tomb
Seed Bomb
Water Sport

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Seed Bomb
Worry Seed
Low Kick

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Seed Bomb
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Worry Seed

4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Bullet Seed
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM19 Giga Drain
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM23 Iron Tail
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb

5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM42 Façade
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM50 Overheat
TM53 Energy Ball
TM59 Incinerate
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM70 Flash
TM75 Swords Dance
TM80 Rock Slide
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 6' 9"
Weight: 369.6 lbs / 168 kg
Evolution: Embirch -> Level 24 -> Flarelm -> Level 38 -> Pyroak
Fire / Grass
Abilities: Rock Head / Battle Armor / Chlorophyll (H)

Stats: 120 / 70 / 105 / 95 / 90 / 60

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Wood Hammer
Flare Blitz
Bullet Seed
Sweet Scent
Leech Seed
Flame Wheel
Giga Drain

Level 26+ Moves:
Leaf Tornado
Fire Spin
Petal Dance
Iron Defense
Flame Burst
Lava Plume
Zap Cannon
Heat Crash

Blaze Kick
Earth Power
Natural Gift
Sand Tomb
Seed Bomb
Water Sport

Gen V Tutor:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Iron Defense
Iron Tail
Low Kick
Seed Bomb
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Worry Seed

Gen IV Tutor:

Gen V TM:
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Double Team
Fire Blast
Rock Tomb
Flame Charge
Low Sweep
Energy Ball
Giga Impact
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Dragon Tail
Grass Knot
Flash Cannon
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Bullet Seed
Giga Drain
Iron Tail
Secret Power
Stealth Rock
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift
Rock Climb

Old Movepool for reference
Fidgit Family Data:

Height: 1'0.
Weight: 6.6 lbs / 3 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Type: Poison / Flying
Abilities: Persistent / Vital Spirit / Unburden (H)

Stats: 55 / 36 / 49 / 70 / 45 / 85

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
5 Encore
9 Rapid Spin
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
25 Whirlwind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
41 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Me First
67 Lucky Chant

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Gust
0 Tailwind
0 Encore
0 Rapid Spin
6 Clear Smog
14 Knock Off
19 Copycat
22 Whirlwind
25 Razor Wind
30 Body Slam
35 Sludge Bomb
43 Toxic Spikes
49 Gravity
53 Heal Block
59 Air Slash
67 Lucky Chant

Egg Moves:
Acid Spray
After You
Follow Me
Heal Pulse
Me First
Quick Guard
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Knock Off
Ominous Wind

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
After You
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Knock Off
Magic Room
Skill Swap
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Wonder Room

4th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Skill Swap
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room

5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM37 Sandstorm
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM63 Embargo
TM67 Retaliate
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room

Height: 3' 1"
Weight: 116.6 lbs / 53 kg
Evolution: Breezi --> level up /w Iron Ball --> Fidgit
Poison / Ground
Abilities: Persistent / Vital Spirit / Prankster (H)

Stats: 95 / 76 / 109 / 90 / 80 / 105

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Magic Room
Wonder Room
Circle Throw
Comet Punch
Helping Hand
Rapid Spin
Clear Smog
Knock Off
Wide Guard

Level 26+ Moves:
Body Slam
Sludge Bomb
Toxic Spikes
Heal Block
Earth Power
Lucky Chant

Acid Spray
After You
Follow Me
Heal Pulse
Me First
Sand Tomb
Stealth Rock

Gen V Tutor:
After You
Drill Run
Earth Power
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Knock Off
Magic Room
Skill Swap
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock
Wonder Room

Gen IV Tutor:
Icy Wind
Ominous Wind

Gen V TM:
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Smack Down
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Sludge Wave
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Ally Switch
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Struggle Bug
Rock Slide
Poison Jab
Trick Room
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Secret Power
Skill Swap
Stealth Rock
Psych Up
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift
Rock Climb

Old movepool, for reference
Stratagem Family Data:

Height: 1'0"
Weight: 33 lbs / 15 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level–Up at Chargestone Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Abilities: Levitate / Technician / Mold Breaker (H)

Stats: 30 / 40 / 35 / 80 / 40 / 90

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Head Smash

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
25 Power Gem
29 Double-Edge
32 Metal Sound
36 Paleo Wave
39 Rock Polish
43 Ancientpower
46 Earth Power
50 Head Smash

Egg Moves:

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Magnet Rise
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb

5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Smack Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 1'6"
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level–Up at Chargestone Cave -> Stratagem
Type: Rock
Abilities: Levitate / Technician / Mold Breaker (H)

Stats: 60 / 50 / 50 / 100 / 55 / 110

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 110
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Head Smash

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Vacuum Wave
0 Tackle
0 Defense Curl
0 Rollout
0 Rock Blast
4 Defense Curl
8 Rollout
11 Rock Blast
15 Disable
18 Acupressure
22 Mud Shot
27 Power Gem
31 Double-Edge
36 Metal Sound
42 Paleo Wave
47 Rock Polish
53 Ancientpower
58 Earth Power
64 Head Smash

Egg Moves:

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Magnet Rise
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

4th Gen TMs:
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Giga Drain
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM76 Stealth Rock
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Rock Climb

5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Smack Down
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM37 Sandstorm
TM38 Fire Blast
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM53 Energy Ball
TM54 False Swipe
TM62 Acrobatics
TM63 Embargo
TM64 Explosion
TM68 Giga Impact
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM71 Stone Edge
TM72 Volt Switch
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 2' 11"
Weight: 99 lbs / 45 kg
Evolution: Rebble -> Level 32 -> Bolderdash -> Level–Up at Chargestone Cave -> Stratagem
Abilities: Levitate / Technician / Mold Breaker (H)

Stats: 90 / 60 / 65 / 120 / 70 / 130

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Giga Drain
Weather Ball
Defense Curl
Rock Blast
Magnet Rise
Mud Shot

Level 26+ Moves:
Power Gem
Metal Sound
Paleo Wave
Rock Polish
Earth Power
Head Smash
Electro Ball


Gen V Tutor:
Earth Power
Giga Drain
Heat Wave
Magnet Rise
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

Gen IV Tutor:
Ominous Wind
Vacuum Wave

Gen V TM:
Hone Claws
Calm Mind
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Smack Down
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Fire Blast
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Echoed Voice
Energy Ball
False Swipe
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Stone Edge
Volt Switch
Rock Slide
Flash Cannon
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Giga Drain
Secret Power
Stealth Rock
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift
Rock Climb

Old movepool for reference
Arghonaut Family Data:

Height: 3' 6"
Weight: 121 lbs / 55 kg
Evolution: Privatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Type: Water / Fighting
Abilities: Unaware / Klutz (H)

Stats: 90 / 70 / 75 / 30 / 50 / 35

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
7 Smokescreen
10 Yawn
16 Wrap
21 Arm Thrust
27 Aqua Jet
32 Mach Punch
36 Taunt
41 Revenge
47 Thief
55 Submission
60 Punishment
67 Focus Punch

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Smokescreen
7 Yawn
10 Wrap
13 Chip Away
17 Arm Thrust
21 Aqua Jet
28 Mach Punch
32 Taunt
39 Revenge
43 Thief
50 Waterfall
54 Submission
61 Punishment
67 Focus Punch

Egg Moves:
Bulk Up
Circle Throw
Cross Chop
Rock Blast
Scary Face
Seismic Toss

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Vacuum Wave

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Drain Punch
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Brine
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM60 Drain Punch
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Captivate
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Whirlpool
HM06 Rock Smash
HM08 Waterfall

5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM13 Ice Beam
TM14 Blizzard
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM55 Scald
TM56 Fling
TM63 Embargo
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM84 Poison Jab
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM01 Cut
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Dive

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 332.2 lbs / 151 kg
Evolution: Pryvatke -> Level 32 -> Arghonaut
Water / Fighting
Abilities: Unaware / Iron Fist (H)

Stats: 105 / 110 / 95 / 70 / 100 / 75

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Night Slash
Chip Away
Arm Thrust
Aqua Jet

Level 26+ Moves:
Mach Punch
Foul Play
Focus Punch

Bulk Up
Circle Throw
Cross Chop
Rock Blast
Scary Face
Seismic Toss

Gen V Tutor:
Drain Punch
Foul Play
Gunk Shot
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Knock Off
Low Kick
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Vacuum Wave

Gen V TM:
Hidden Power
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Smack Down
Brick Break
Double Team
Sludge Wave
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Focus Blast
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Rock Slide
Work Up
Poison Jab
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Focus Punch
Water Pulse
Secret Power
Drain Punch
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Kitsunoh Family Data:

Height: 1'4"
Weight: 66 lbs / 30 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Type: Steel / Ghost
Abilities: Levitate / Levitate (H)

Stats: 80 / 53 / 85 / 25 / 80 / 10

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
6 Lick
10 Odor Sleuth
14 Faint Attack
18 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
27 Copycat
31 Memento
35 Fake Out
40 Iron Head
44 Revenge
49 ShadowStrike
55 Perish Song

5th Gen Level-Up:
0 Scratch
0 Iron Defense
7 Lick
10 Metal Burst
13 Faint Attack
20 Shadow Sneak
22 Curse
26 Copycat
32 Memento
35 Fake Out
38 Iron Head
44 Revenge
47 Hex
53 Perish Song

Egg Moves:
Foul Play
Metal Sound
Meteor Mash
Psycho Shift

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Fury Cutter
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Magic Coat
Ominous Wind
Pain Split
Role Play

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Foul Play
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Role Play
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room

5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM28 Dig
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM77 Psych Up
TM83 Natural Gift
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM91 Flash Cannon
TM92 Trick Room
TM94 Rock Smash
HM01 Cut

Height: 3'7"
Weight: 112.2 lbs / 51 kg
Evolution: Nohface -> Level-Up with Curse -> Kitsunoh
Steel / Ghost
Abilities: Frisk / Limber / Cursed Body (H)

Stats: 80 / 103 / 85 / 55 / 80 / 110

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Tail Whip
Iron Defense
Odor Sleuth
Faint Attack
Shadow Sneak
Metal Claw

Level 26+ Moves:
Fake Out
Shadow Claw
Iron Head
Perish Song

Foul Play
Metal Sound
Meteor Mash
Psycho Shift

Gen V Tutor:
Foul Play
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Iron Defense
Iron Head
Knock Off
Last Resort
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Role Play
Sleep Talk
Super Fang

Gen IV Tutor:
Fury Cutter
Ominous Wind
Sucker Punch

Gen V TM:
Hone Claws
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Aerial Ace
False Swipe
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Gyro Ball
Psych Up
Rock Slide
Dream Eater
Flash Cannon
Trick Room
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Iron Tail
Secret Power
Dark Pulse
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Cyclohm Family Data:

Height: 2' 4"
Weight: 41.8 lbs / 19 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric / Dragon
Abilities: Shield Dust / Static / Overcoat (H)

Stats: 48 / 50 / 68 / 62 / 40 / 60

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
25 Sonicboom
29 Discharge
33 Slack Off
37 Thrash
42 Zap Cannon

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Twister
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
21 Rain Dance
25 Sonicboom
31 Dragon Tail
35 Discharge
41 Slack Off
45 Dragon Pulse
51 Hurricane
55 Weather Ball
61 Zap Cannon

Egg Moves:
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Magnet Rise
Power Gem
Shock Wave
Water Pulse

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Heal Bell
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall

5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall

Height: 3'4"
Weight: 86.8 lbs / 39 kg
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Type: Electric / Dragon
Abilities: Shield Dust / Static / Overcoat (H)

Stats: 78 / 55 / 88 / 82 / 55 / 60

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Tackle
0 Growl
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
19 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
29 Sonicboom
35 Discharge
39 Slack Off
44 Thrash
53 Zap Cannon

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Double Hit
0 Tackle
0 Growl
5 Twister
7 Dragon Rage
11 Charge
15 Thundershock
21 Rain Dance
22 Double Hit
27 Sonicboom
33 Dragon Tail
39 Discharge
47 Slack Off
53 Dragon Pulse
61 Hurricane
67 Weather Ball
75 Zap Cannon

Egg Moves:
Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Magnet Rise
Power Gem
Shock Wave
Water Pulse

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Signal Beam

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Draco Meteor
Heal Bell
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM03 Water Pulse
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM57 Charge Beam
TM58 Endure
TM59 Dragon Pulse
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM07 Waterfall

5th Gen TMs:
TM01 Hone Claws
TM02 Dragon Claw
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM25 Thunder
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM35 Flamethrower
TM38 Fire Blast
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM70 Flash
TM72 Volt Switch
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM93 Wild Charge
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 129.8 kbs / 59 kg.
Evolution: Monohm --Level 22--> Duclohm --Level 33--> Cyclohm
Electric / Dragon
Abilities: Shield Dust / Static / Overcoat (H)

Stats: 108 / 60 / 118 / 112 / 70 / 80

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Weather Ball
Tri Attack
Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Double Hit

Level 26+ Moves:
Dragon Tail
Tri Attack
Slack Off
Dragon Pulse
Weather Ball
Zap Cannon

Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Heal Bell
Hydro Pump
Magnet Rise
Power Gem
Shock Wave
Water Pulse

Gen V Tutor:
Draco Meteor
Heal Bell
Magnet Rise
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:

Gen V TM:
Hone Claws
Dragon Claw
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Double Team
Fire Blast
Aerial Ace
Charge Beam
Giga Impact
Volt Switch
Thunder Wave
Dragon Tail
Trick Room
Wild Charge

Gen IV TM:
Water Pulse
Shock Wave
Secret Power
Dragon Pulse
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Colossoil Family Data:

Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 1205.6 lbs / 548 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Type: Dark / Water
Abilities: Rebound / Storm Drain / Flare Boost (H)

Stats: 83 / 42 / 52 / 71 / 62 / 85

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 9
Base Rank Total: 16

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
6 Bubblebeam
11 Bite
17 Rapid Spin
22 Body Slam
29 Pursuit
35 Bounce
41 Dig
42 Magnitude
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Muddy Water

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Leer
0 Tackle
6 Bubblebeam
11 Bite
17 Rapid Spin
22 Body Slam
29 Pursuit
35 Bounce
41 Dig
42 Magnitude
48 Stockpile
48 Swallow
48 Spit Up
55 Muddy Water

Egg Moves:
Fake Out
Fire Fang
Foul Play
Horn Drill
Mud Bomb
Mud Shot
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Water Spout

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Knock Off
Sucker Punch

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Aqua Tail
Dark Pulse
Earth Power
Foul Play
Iron Tail
Knock Off
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM23 Iron Tail
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM49 Snatch
TM58 Endure
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM80 Rock Slide
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash

5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM26 Earthquake
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Sludge Wave
TM36 Sludge Bomb
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
TM95 Snarl
HM04 Strength

Height: 8' 8"
Weight: 1504.8 lbs / 684 kg
Evolution: Colosshale -> Level-Up with Dig -> Colossoil
Dark / Ground
Abilities: Rebound / Guts / Pressure (H)

Stats: 133 / 122 / 72 / 71 / 72 / 95

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 10
Base Rank Total: 22

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Drill Run
Horn Attack
Rapid Spin
Body Slam

Level 26+ Moves:
Spit Up
Horn Drill

Fake Out
Fire Fang
Foul Play
Horn Drill
Mud Bomb
Mud Shot
Sand Tomb
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Water Spout

Gen V Tutor:
Aqua Tail
Dark Pulse
Earth Power
Foul Play
Iron Tail
Knock Off
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Body Slam
Sucker Punch

Gen V TM:
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Rain Dance
Smack Down
Brick Break
Double Team
Sludge Wave
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
Echoed Voice
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Rock Slide
Dragon Tail
Poison Jab
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Hyper Beam
Iron Tail
Secret Power
Dark Pulse
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Krilowatt Family Data:

Height: 0' 3"
Weight: 0.22 lbs / 0.1 kg
Evolution: Protowatt -> Level-Up at Undella Bay at Night -> Krilowatt
Type: Electric / Water
Abilities: Trace / Magic Guard / Shed Skin (H)

Stats: 21 / 29 / 13 / 28 / 14 / 95

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Bubble
0 Charge
0 Tackle
10 Thundershock
25 Detect
50 Zap Cannon

Egg Moves:
Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Signal Beam

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Aqua Tail
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM03 Water Pulse
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM58 Endure
TM67 Recycle
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM90 Substitute
HM05 Whirlpool

5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM13 Ice Beam
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM55 Scald
TM70 Flash
TM72 Thunder Wave
TM73 Volt Switch
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
HM06 Dive

Height: 2' 4"
Weight: 23.4 lbs / 10.6 kg
Evolution: Protowatt -> Level-Up at Undella Bay at Night -> Krilowatt
Electric / Water
Abilities: Trace / Magic Guard / Shell Armor (H)

Stats: 151 / 84 / 73 / 83 / 74 / 105

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 21

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Ice Shard
Confuse Ray
Aqua Jet
Mirror Coat

Level 26+ Moves:
Volt Switch
Heart Swap
Hydro Pump
Muddy Water

Follow Me
Me First
Mind Reader
Mirror Coat
Sheer Cold
Muddy Water
Shock Wave
Signal Beam

Gen V Tutor:
Aqua Tail
Earth Power
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Low Kick
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Fury Cutter

Gen V TM:
Hone Claws
Hidden Power
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Double Team
Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Giga Impact
Thunder Wave
Volt Switch
Wild Charge
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Shock Wave
Secret Power
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Voodoom Family Data:

Height: 3'3"
Weight: 55 lbs / 25 kg
Evolution: Voodoll -> Level-Up with Charge -> Voodoom
Type: Normal / Dark
Abilities: Insomnia / Normalize / Cursed Body (H)

Stats: 60 / 55 / 50 / 65 / 50 / 70

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

4th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
0 Astonish
0 Copycat
0 Mimic
7 Pain Split
11 Spite
15 Grudge
19 Charge
20 Follow Me
25 Pin Missile
30 Faint Attack
35 Frustration
40 Acupressure
45 Dark Pulse
50 Substitute
55 Beat Up

Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Foul Play
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave

4th Gen Tutor Moves:
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Vacuum Wave

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
Dual Chop
Dark Pulse
Foul Play
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Sleep Talk

4th Gen TMs:
TM01 Focus Punch
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM34 Shock Wave
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM43 Secret Power
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM49 Snatch
TM56 Fling
TM58 Endure
TM66 Payback
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM78 Captivate
TM79 Dark Pulse
TM82 Sleep Talk
TM83 Natural Gift
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM04 Strength
HM06 Rock Smash

5th Gen TMs:
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM56 Fling
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 166.1 lbs 75.5 kg
Evolution: Voodoll --> Level-Up w/ Charge --> Voodoom
Fighting / Dark
Abilities: Volt Absorb / Lightningrod / Motor Drive (H)

Stats: 90 / 85 / 80 / 105 / 80 / 110

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Night Slash
Pain Split
Follow Me
Pin Missile

Level 26+ Moves:
Faint Attack
Close Combat
Aura Sphere
Beat Up

Baton Pass
Mach Punch
Perish Song
Foul Play
Psycho Cut
Focus Punch
Shock Wave

Gen V Tutor:
Dark Pulse
Drill Run
Dual Chop
Foul Play
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Knock Off
Low Kick
Magic Coat
Pain Split
Sleep Talk

Gen IV Tutor:
Vacuum Wave

Gen V TM:
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Brick Break
Double Team
Low Sweep
Echoed Voice
Focus Blast
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Thunder Wave
Rock Slide
Work Up
Dream Eater
Wild Charge
Rock Smash

Gen IV TM:
Focus Punch
Shock Wave
Secret Power
Drain Punch
Dark Pulse
Sleep Talk
Natural Gift

Old movepool for reference
Tomohawk Family Data:

Height: 1' 08" / 0.5m
Weight: 44.0lbs / 20.0kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Type: Normal / Fighting
Abilities: Scrappy / Prankster / Vital Spirit (H)

Stats: 55 HP / 85 Atk / 80 Def / 20 SpA / 70 SpD / 40 Spe

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

5th Gen Level-Up Moves:
00 Scratch
00 Fury Swipes
09 Harden
13 Focus Energy
18 Rock Smash
23 Roar
27 Work Up
32 Submission
36 Hyper Voice
40 Bulk Up
45 Superpower
49 Taunt
53 Rest
57 Retaliate

Egg Moves:
Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

5th Gen Tutor Moves:
After You
Drain Punch
Earth Power
Hyper Voice
Iron Tail
Last Resort
Stealth Rock

5th Gen TMs:
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM08 Bulk Up
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM31 Brick Break
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM52 Focus Blast
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM60 Quash
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM78 Bulldoze
TM80 Rock Slide
TM83 Work Up
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
TM94 Rock Smash
HM04 Strength

Height: 4' 2'' / 1.27 m
Weight: 82 lbs / 37.2 kg
Evolution: Scratchet -> Level 23 -> Tomohawk
Flying / Fighting
Abilities: Intimidate / Prankster / Justified (H)

Stats: 105 HP/60 Atk/90 Def/115 SpA/80 SpD/85 Spe

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Sunny Day
Aura Sphere
Fury Swipes
Fury Swipes
Aerial Ace
Morning Sun

Level 26+ Moves
Rain Dance
Earth Power
Air Slash
Heat Wave
Hyper Voice
Sky Drop
Healing Wish

Baton Pass
Confuse Ray
Focus Energy
Nature Power
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock

Gen V Tutor:
After You
Drain Punch
Earth Power
Heat Wave
Hyper Voice
Iron Tail
Last Resort
Sky Attack
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

Gen V TM:
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Rain Dance
Brick Break
Double Team
Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace
Echoed Voice
Focus Blast
False Swipe
Sky Drop
Giga Impact
Rock Slide
Work Up
Grass Knot
Rock Smash

Old movepool for reference
Necturna Family Data:

Gender ratio: 100% female
Height: 0.3 m (1' 00")
Weight: 1.8 kg (4 lbs)
Evolution: Necturine -> Level 31 -> Necturna
Type: Grass / Ghost
Abilities: Anticipation / Telepathy (H)

Stats: 49 / 55 / 60 / 50 / 75 / 51

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 51
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

5th Gen Level-up:

0 Leer
0 Vine Whip
7 Ominous Wind
13 Shadow Sneak
19 Toxic Spikes
19 Will-O-Wisp
25 Hex
31 Natural Gift
37 Pain Split
44 Shadow Ball
50 Power Whip

Egg Moves:
Giga Drain
Future Sight
Leaf Blade
Leaf Storm
Natural Gift

5th Gen Move Tutors:
Giga Drain
Knock Off
Pain Split
Seed Bomb
Skill Swap
Sleep Talk
Worry Seed

5th Gen TMs:

TM04 Calm Mind
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM17 Protect
TM19 Telekinesis
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM41 Torment
TM42 Façade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM53 Energy Ball
TM61 Will-O-Wisp
TM66 Payback
TM70 Flash
TM77 Psych Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut

Gender ratio: 100% female
Height: 1.65 m (5' 05")
Weight: 49.6kg (109.3 lbs)
Evolution: Necturine-> Level 31 -> Necturna
Grass / Ghost
Abilities: Forewarn / Telepathy (H)

Stats: 64 / 120 / 100 / 85 / 120 / 81

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 81
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 23

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Thunder Fang
Poison Fang
Super Fang
Vine Whip
Ominous Wind
Shadow Sneak
Toxic Spikes

Level 26+ Moves:
Horn Leech
Pain Split
Shadow Ball
Power Whip

Giga Drain
Future Sight
Leaf Blade
Leaf Storm
Natural Gift

Gen V Tutor:
Giga Drain
Knock Off
Pain Split
Seed Bomb
Skill Swap
Sleep Talk
Super Fang
Worry Seed

Gen V TM:
Calm Mind
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Energy Ball
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Stone Edge
Psych Up
Dream Eater
Grass Knot

Old movepool for reference
Mollux Data:

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 1.2m / 3' 11.2"
Weight: 41 kg (90.2) lbs
Evolution: Mollux
Fire / Poison
Abilities: Dry Skin / Illuminate (H)

Stats: 95 / 45 / 83 / 131 / 106 / 76

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 76
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

Pre-Level 25 Moves:
Acid Spray
Confuse Ray
Clear Smog
Lava Plume

Level 26+ Moves:
Acid Armor
Heat Wave
Toxic Spikes
Gunk Shot
Final Gambit

Aqua Ring
Fire Spin
Gastro Acid
Heal Bell
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Rapid Spin
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

Gen V Tutor:
Bug Bite
Gastro Acid
Gunk Shot
Heal Bell
Heat Wave
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Knock Off
Sleep Talk
Stealth Rock

Gen V TM:
Calm Mind
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Double Team
Sludge Wave
Sludge Bomb
Fire Blast
Flame Charge
Giga Impact
Thunder Wave

Old movepool for reference
Aurumoth Family Data:

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 0.5m (1'8")
Weight: 4.8 kg (10.6 lbs)
Evolution: Cupra -> Level 30 -> Argalis -> Level 50 -> Aurumoth
Type: Bug / Psychic
Abilities: Shield Dust / Keen Eye / Illusion (H)

Stats: 50 / 60 / 49 / 67 / 30 / 44

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 44
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

5th Gen Level-up:

0 Tackle
0 String Shot
7 Bug Bite
14 Sunny Day
21 Heal Pulse
27 Struggle Bug
32 Will-O-Wisp
38 Final Gambit
44 AncientPower
48 Wish
54 Zen Headbutt

Egg Moves:

Bug Buzz
Close Combat
Hydro Pump
Wing Attack

5th Gen Move Tutors:

Bug Bite
Helping Hand
Magic Coat
Magic Room
Skill Swap
Wonder Room
Zen Headbutt

5th Gen TMs:

TM03 Psyshock
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM77 Psych Up
TM81 X-Scissor
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 1.3m (4'3")
Weight: 341.4 kg (752.7 lbs)
Evolution: Cupra -> Level 30 -> Argalis -> Level 50 -> Aurumoth
Type: Bug / Psychic
Abilities: Shed Skin / Compoundeyes / Illusion (H)

Stats: 60 / 90 / 89 / 87 / 40 / 54

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 54
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 15

5th Gen Level-up:

0 Tackle
0 String Shot
7 Bug Bite
14 Sunny Day
21 Heal Pulse
27 Ominous Wind
34 Will-O-Wisp
41 Final Gambit
47 AncientPower
52 Wish
57 Light Screen
57 Reflect
62 Zen Headbutt

Egg Moves:

Bug Buzz
Close Combat
Hydro Pump
Wing Attack

5th Gen Move Tutors:

Bug Bite
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Magic Coat
Magic Room
Skill Swap
Wonder Room
Zen Headbutt

5th Gen TMs:

TM03 Psyshock
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM13 Ice Beam
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Telekinesis
TM20 Safeguard
TM21 Frustration
TM24 Thunderbolt
TM27 Return
TM29 Psychic
TM30 Shadow Ball
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Ally Switch
TM52 Focus Blast
TM56 Fling
TM61 Will-o-Wisp
TM67 Retaliate
TM70 Flash
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM77 Psych Up
TM81 X-Scissor
TM85 Dream Eater
TM87 Swagger
TM90 Substitute
HM01 Cut

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 2.1m (6'11")
Weight: 193.0 kg (425.5 lbs)
Evolution: Cupra -> Level 30 -> Argalis -> Level 50 -> Aurumoth
Bug / Psychic
Abilities: Weak Armor / No Guard / Illusion (H)

Stats: 110 / 120 / 99 / 117 / 60 / 94

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 94
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 22

Pre-Level 25 Moves
Dragon Dance
Quiver Dance
String Shot
Sunny Day
Silver Wind
Bug Bite
Sunny Day
Heal Pulse

Level 26+ Moves:
Ominous Wind
Final Gambit
Healing Wish
Tail Glow

Bug Buzz
Close Combat
Hydro Pump
Wing Attack

Gen V Tutor:
Bug Bite
Helping Hand
Icy Wind
Magic Coat
Magic Room
Skill Swap
Wonder Room
Zen Headbutt

Gen V TM:
Hidden Power
Sunny Day
Ice Beam
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Shadow Ball
Double Team
Echoed Voice
Ally Switch
Focus Blast
Giga Impact
Struggle Bug
Psych Up
Dream Eater

Old movepool for reference
Malaconda Family Data:

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 1.8m (5'11")
Weight: 11.5 kg (25.4 lbs)
Evolution: Brattler -> Level 33 -> Malaconda
Type: Grass / Dark
Abilities: Harvest / Infiltrator (H)

Stats: 80 / 70 / 40 / 20 / 90 / 30

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

5th Gen Level Up:

1 Vine Whip
1 Pursuit
1 Wrap
6 Pursuit
12 Wrap
18 Grass Knot
25 Sucker Punch
30 Slam
34 Leaf Blade
39 Crunch
44 Wring Out
50 Power Whip
55 Punishment

Egg Moves:

Beat Up
Night Slash
Poison Powder
Scary Face
Sweet Scent
Stun Spore

5th Gen Move Tutors:

Dark Pulse
Foul Play
Giga Drain
Heal Bell
Iron Tail
Knock Off
Seed Bomb
Sleep Talk
Worry Seed

5th Gen TM/HM Moves:

TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM53 Energy Ball
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM95 Snarl
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength

Gender Ratio: 50% Male / 50% Female
Height: 5.5m (18'0")
Weight: 108.8 kg (240 lbs)
Evolution: Brattler -> Level 33 -> Malaconda
Grass / Dark
Abilities: Harvest / Infiltrator (H)

Stats: 115 / 100 / 60 / 40 / 130 / 55

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 55
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

5th Gen Level Up:

1 Rapid Spin
1 Vine Whip
1 Pursuit
1 Wrap
6 Pursuit
12 Wrap
18 Grass Knot
25 Sucker Punch
30 Slam
36 Leaf Blade
42 Crunch
48 Wring Out
57 Power Whip
66 Punishment

Egg Moves:

Beat Up
Night Slash
Poison Powder
Scary Face
Sweet Scent
Stun Spore

5th Gen Move Tutors:

Dark Pulse
Foul Play
Giga Drain
Heal Bell
Iron Tail
Knock Off
Seed Bomb
Sleep Talk
Worry Seed

5th Gen TM/HM Moves:

TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM10 Hidden Power
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM17 Protect
TM21 Frustration
TM22 SolarBeam
TM27 Return
TM32 Double Team
TM42 Facade
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM48 Round
TM53 Energy Ball
TM66 Payback
TM67 Retaliate
TM68 Giga Impact
TM82 Dragon Tail
TM86 Grass Knot
TM87 Swagger
TM89 U-turn
TM90 Substitute
TM93 Wild Charge
TM95 Snarl
HM01 Cut
HM04 Strength

CAP Level-Up to 25 Moves:

A consolidation of the CAP Level-up moves for easy pulling into a registration or claim post:
Fury Attack
Leech Life
Ice Shard
Focus Energy
Icy Wind
Bug Bite
Icicle Spear
Sand Tomb
Wring Out
Rock Tomb
Arm Thrust
Mean Look
Shadow Punch
Bullet Seed
Sweet Scent
Leech Seed
Flame Wheel
Giga Drain
Fire Spin
Rapid Spin
Knock Off
Razor Wind
Defense Curl
Rock Blast
Mud Shot
Power Gem
Chip Away
Arm Thrust
Aqua Jet
Iron Defense
Odor Sleuth
Metal Burst
Faint Attack
Shadow Sneak
Dragon Rage
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Body Slam
Pain Split
Follow Me
Pin Missile
Fury Swipes
Focus Energy
Rock Smash
Vine Whip
Ominous Wind
Shadow Sneak
Toxic Spikes
Acid Spray
Confuse Ray
Clear Smog
Lava Plume
String Shot
Bug Bite
Sunny Day
Heal Pulse
Vine Whip
Grass Knot
Sucker Punch

Rarity Listing:

The rarity points to start with CAP Pokemon and the names of their base forms.
Syclar: 2
Revenankh: 4
Embirch: 2
Breezi: 2
Rebble: 2
Privatyke: 2
Nohface: 2
Monohm: 2
Colosshale: 2
Protowatt: 2
Voodoll: 2
Scratchet: 2
Necturine: 2
Mollux: 4
Cupra: 2
Brattler: 2

Capture Rates for CAP Pokemon:

CAP Pokemon can also be captured in some RPs.
Syclar: 90
Syclant: 45
Revenankh: 45
Embirch: 120
Flarelm: 90
Pyroak: 45
Breezi: 120
Fidgit: 45
Rebble: 120
Bolderdash: 90
Stratagem: 45
Privatyke: 90
Arghonaut: 45
Nohface: 60
Kitsunoh: 45
Monohm: 45
Duclohm: 45
Cyclohm: 45
Colosshale: 60
Colossoil: 45
Protowatt: 45
Krilowatt: 25
Voodoll: 120
Voodoom: 45
Scratchet: 120
Tomohawk: 45
Necturine: 120
Necturna: 45
Mollux: 45
Cupra: 45
Argalis: 45
Aurumoth: 45
Brattler: 120
Malaconda: 45
Last edited by a moderator:
Stat System:

Below are the limits applied to each stat category:

Rank 1: 0-25; 80 HP
Rank 2: 26-60; 90 HP
Rank 3: 61-95; 100 HP
Rank 4: 96-119; 110 HP
Rank 5: 120-140; 120 HP
Rank 6: 141-160; 125 HP
Rank 7: 161-180; 130 HP
Rank 8: 181-200; 135 HP
Rank 9: 201+; 140 HP

Size Class:

A Pokemon's Size Class determines how good a Pokemon is at using three particular universal commands: Bodyblock, Dodge, and Take Cover. Each of these commands is listed at the end of the Attack List. Size is primarily determined by a Pokemon's Height; however, their body structure has also been taken into account. In total, there are seven class sizes, roughly defined as follows:

Class 1: Caterpie, Diglett (Baseline: 0.8m or less)
Class 2: Weavile (Baseline: 0.8-1.2m, 1.2-2m serpentine)
Class 3: Sceptile (Baseline: 1.2-2m humanoid. 1.0-1.5m quadrupedal 2-3.5m serpentine)
Class 4: Raikou (Baseline: 2-2.5m humanoid, 1.5-2.5m quadrupedal, 3.5-5m serpentine)
Class 5: Arceus (Baseline: 2.6-3.5m humanoid/avian, 2.6-3.0m quadrupedal, 5-6.5m serpentine)
Class 6: Lugia (Baseline: 3.5-5m humanoid/avian, 3.1-4.5m quadrupedal, 6.5-8m serpentine)
Class 7: Wailord (Baseline: 6m+ humanoid/avian/quadrupedal, 8m+ serpentine)

Dodge and Size Class:

Size Class affects the Base Dodge of a Pokemon. The Base Dodge is the reduction in an oncoming attack's Base Accuracy before any speed differences are calculated. The Base Dodge of the Size Classes is illustrated below:

SC 1: 40
SC 2: 20
SC 3: 10
SC 4: 5
SC 5: 2.5
SC 6: 1
SC 7: 0

When calculating a Dodge, the result of the Dodge Formula is added to the Base Dodge to determine the final reduction in Base Accuracy. (e.g. if a Pokemon is Class Size 1, it would have 40 Base Dodge and if the Dodge Formula results in -15, Dodge will lower the Base Accuracy of an incoming attack by 25.) Then percentage accuracy modifiers such as Compoundeyes or Accuracy/Evasion Stage Boosts are applied. Modifiers that affect Base Accuracy, such as an activated Klutz, are applied before any percentage modifiers.

Bodyblock and Size Class:

A Pokemon can Bodyblock for any Pokemon in the same or a lower size class. A Pokemon can also Bodyblock for any Pokemon whose actual size is within 0.3m of that Pokemon. This is especially relevant for serpentine style Pokemon, who may have smaller size classes but are long enough to stretch themselves into an oncoming attack for an ally.

Take Cover and Size Class:

A Pokemon can Take Cover under any Pokemon at least two (2) size classes larger than it. Multiple Pokemon can Take Cover behind a single ally, but the sum of their size classes must be lower the ally's size class. If they are not, Take Cover will fail for the slowest Pokemon attempting to Take Cover. Take Cover cannot be used to hide behind an opposing Pokemon or a field object.

Weight Class:

A Pokemon's Weight Class determines how heavy that Pokemon is and its resistance to being knocked out of a Bodyblock or run through while an ally uses Take Cover. The Weight Class of a Pokemon coincides with Grass Knot and Low Kick for the first six classes, and then increases based on values favorable to various individual Pokemon. Weight Classes are illustrated below.

Class 1: <10kg
Class 2: 10-25kg
Class 3: 25.1-50kg
Class 4: 50.1-100kg
Class 5: 100.1-200kg
Class 6: 200.1-274.9kg
Class 7: 275-349.9kg
Class 8: 350-449.9kg
Class 9: 450-599.9kg
Class 10: 600-749.9kg
Class 11: 749-949.9kg
Class 12: 950kg+

Bodyblock, Impact attacks, and Weight Class:

If a Pokemon uses Bodyblock or has an ally Take Cover behind them, it is still possible to hit the for if the opponent can be hit with enough force. There are two classes of impact attacks that will break through a Bodyblock.

The first are full body recoil and uncontrollable attacks [Double-Edge, Head Charge, Head Smash, Outrage, Petal Dance, Submission, Take Down, Thrash, Volt Tackle, Wood Hammer, and Wild Charge], which can bust through Bodyblock and hit both the Bodyblocking Pokemon and the intended target for full damage (the recoil will also be based on hitting both Pokemon.

The second are conditional recoil and other impact attacks [Giga Impact, Hi Jump Kick, Jump Kick], when these break through, they hit the Bodyblocking Pokemon for their full Base Attack Power and hit the Pokemon being blocked for for half their Base Attack Power. The ability Heavy Metal adds Gyro Ball to this listing.

Pokemon Stats

Save yourself some time, use Control+F to find your Pokemon.
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 43
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 58
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 78
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 75
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 56
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 71
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 91
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 72
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 97
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

Nidoran F
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 41
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 56
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 76
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

Nidoran M
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 120
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 115
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 120
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 15
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 7
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 6
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 7
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 42
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 67
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 140
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 87
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 76
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 140
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 63
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 68
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 115
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

Mr. Mime
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 93
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 81
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 48
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 30
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 9
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 58
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 78
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 67
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 67
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 1 [3 Huge Power]
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 11 [13 Huge Power]

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2 [5 Huge Power]
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16 [19 Huge Power]

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 35
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 48
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 135
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 33
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 8
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 7
Weight Class: 8
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5 [4 Light Metal]
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 9
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 9
Spe: 5
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 115
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 70
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 83
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 140
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 115
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 41
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 51
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 61
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 6
Spe: 110
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 6
Spe: 90
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 120
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 125
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 26

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 160
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 28
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 48
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 68
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1 [2 Huge Power]
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9 [10 Huge Power]

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4 [5 Heavy Metal]
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5 [6 Heavy Metal]
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 7
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 8 [10 Heavy Metal]
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2 [4 Pure Power]
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12 [14 Pure Power]

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2 [5 Pure Power]
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15 [18 Pure Power]

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 105
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 130
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 7
Weight Class: 8
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 23
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 43
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 81
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 25
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 51
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 23
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 32
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 52
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 52
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 97
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 100
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4 [3 Light Metal]
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 6 [5 Light Metal]
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 9 [7 Light Metal]
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 8
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 8
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 6
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 6
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 6 [5 Light Metal]
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 110
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 110
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 90
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 8
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 12
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 7
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 7
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 150
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 6
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 6
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 150
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 180
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 31
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 36
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 56
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 61
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 81
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 108
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 60
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 100
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 31
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 71
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 9

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 58
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 7
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 58
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 7
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 36
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

Wormadam (Grass)
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 36
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

Wormadam (Ground)
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 36
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

Wormadam (Steel)
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 36
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 66
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 40
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 115
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 34
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 39
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 115
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 71
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 112
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 74
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 84
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 23
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4 [5 Heavy Metal]
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 33
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5 [8 Heavy Metal]
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

Mime Jr.
HP: 80
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 42
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 82
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 102
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 5
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 32
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 47
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 46
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 66
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 91
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 125
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 83
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 80
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 6
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 6
Spe: 40
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 45
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 91
Size Class: 1 (0.3m)
Weight Class: 1 (0.3kg)
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 86
Size Class: 2 (1.3m)
Weight Class: 3 (25.3 kg)
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 86
Size Class: 4 (2.3m)
Weight Class: 5 (100.03kg)
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 86
Size Class: 2 (1.3m)
Weight Class: 3 (25.3kg)
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 86
Size Class: 1 (0.8m)
Weight Class: 2 (10.3kg)
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 86
Size Class: 3 (1.8m)
Weight Class: 4 (50.3kg)
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 115
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 90
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 10
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 100
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 77
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 8
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 8
Base Rank Total: 25

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 90
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 11
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 90
Size Class: 6
Weight Class: 10
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 125
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

Shaymin (Land Forme)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24

Shaymin (Sky Forme)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 127
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24

Arceus (All forms)
HP: 120 [130 Multitype]
Atk: Rank 5 [6 Multitype]
Def: Rank 5 [6 Multitype]
SpA: Rank 5 [6 Multitype]
SpD: Rank 5 [6 Multitype]
Spe: 120
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 30 [36 Multitype]
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 63
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 83
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 113
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 42
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 77
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 66
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 106
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 64
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 101
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 64
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 101
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 64
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 101
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 1
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 24
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 29
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 43
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 93
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 76
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 116
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 11

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 25
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 72
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 114
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 68
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 88
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 64
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 69
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 74
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 42
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 42
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 92
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 57
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 47
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 112
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 66
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 116
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 98
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 74
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 92
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 95
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

Darmanitan (Zen Mode)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 55
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 48
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 58
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 97
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 6
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 30
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 22
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 32
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 75
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 105
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 115
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 45
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 98
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 44
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 59
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 79
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 75
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 103
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 20
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 15
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 130
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 108
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 20
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 20
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 57
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 67
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 97
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 50
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 25
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 145
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 32
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 105
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 48
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 70
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 109
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 18

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 38
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 58
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 17

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 98
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 100
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 108
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 108
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 6
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 108
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 111
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 121
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 111
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 101
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 6
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 90
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 5
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 90
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 101
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 6
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 91
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 24

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 7
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 7
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 95
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 27

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 108
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

Meloetta (Aria)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 23

Meloetta (Pirouette)
HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 128
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 99
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 23
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 91
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 121
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 65
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 60
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 85
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 90
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 110
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 130
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 75
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 21

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 80
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 9
Base Rank Total: 16

HP: 120
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 95
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 10
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 80
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 1
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1
Spe: 95
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 10

HP: 125
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 105
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 70
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 110
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 40
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 85
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 19

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 51
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 81
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 23

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 76
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 44
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 13

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 3
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 54
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 7
Base Rank Total: 15

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 4
SpA: Rank 4
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 94
Size Class: 4
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 22

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 30
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

HP: 110
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 5
Spe: 55
Size Class: 5
Weight Class: 5
Base Rank Total: 19

Rarity Listing:

Each Trainer can only catch the lowest evolved form of a Pokemon line. Each Pokemon has a corresponding rarity point listing. The rarity point listing is the cost in Trainer Points to obtain that Pokemon. Stronger Pokemon naturally have higher ratings. A Trainer starts with 6 trainer points to alot choosing his or her initial Pokemon. Smeargle's Rarity Rating is 3, but it cannot be used as a starting Pokemon. The cost of single stage Pokemon is added by 3 if it's not a starter.
Bulbasaur: 2
Charmander: 2
Squirtle: 2
Caterpie : 1
Weedle: 1
Pidgey: 2
Rattata: 2
Spearow: 2
Ekans: 2
Pichu: 2
Sandshrew: 2
Nidoran♀: 2
Nidoran♂: 2
Cleffa: 2
Vulpix: 2
Igglybuff: 2
Zubat: 2
Oddish: 2
Paras: 2
Venonat: 2
Diglett: 2
Meowth: 2
Psyduck: 2
Mankey: 2
Growlithe: 2
Poliwag: 2
Abra: 2
Machop: 2
Bellsprout: 2
Tentacool: 2
Geodude: 2
Ponyta: 2
Slowpoke: 2
Magnemite: 2
Farfetch'd: 3
Doduo: 2
Seel: 2
Grimer: 2
Shellder: 2
Gastly: 2
Onix: 3
Drowzee: 2
Krabby: 2
Voltorb: 2
Exeggcute: 2
Cubone: 2
Tyrogue: 2
Lickitung: 3
Koffing: 2
Rhyhorn: 2
Happiny: 2
Tangela: 3
Kangaskhan: 4
Horsea: 2
Goldeen: 2
Staryu: 2
Mime Jr.: 2
Scyther: 4
Smoochum: 2
Elekid: 2
Magby: 2
Pinsir: 4
Tauros: 4
Magikarp: 2
Lapras: 4
Ditto: 4
Eevee: 2
Porygon: 4
Omanyte: 2
Kabuto: 2
Aerodactyl: 4
Munchlax: 4
Dratini: 2
Chikorita: 2
Cyndaquil: 2
Totodile: 2
Sentret: 2
Hoothoot: 2
Ledyba: 2
Spinarak: 2
Chinchou: 2
Togepi: 2
Natu: 2
Mareep: 2
Azurill: 2
Bonsly: 2
Hoppip: 2
Aipom: 3
Sunkern: 2
Yanma: 3
Wooper: 2
Murkrow: 3
Misdreavus: 3
Unown: 4
Wynaut: 4
Girafarig: 4
Pineco: 2
Dunsparce: 4
Gligar: 4
Snubbull: 2
Qwilfish: 4
Shuckle: 4
Heracross: 4
Sneasel: 3
Teddiursa: 2
Slugma: 2
Swinub: 2
Corsola: 4
Remoraid: 2
Delibird: 3
Mantyke: 2
Skarmory: 4
Houndour: 2
Phanpy: 2
Stantler: 4
Miltank: 4
Larvitar: 2
Treecko: 2
Torchic: 2
Mudkip: 2
Poochyena: 2
Zigzagoon: 2
Wurmple: 1
Lotad: 2
Seedot: 2
Taillow: 2
Wingull: 2
Ralts: 2
Surskit: 2
Shroomish: 2
Slakoth: 2
Nincada: 2
Whismur: 2
Makuhita: 2
Nosepass: 3
Skitty: 2
Sableye: 4
Mawile: 4
Aron: 2
Meditite: 2
Electrike: 2
Plusle: 3
Minun: 3
Volbeat: 4
Illumise: 4
Budew: 2
Gulpin: 2
Carvanha: 2
Wailmer: 4
Numel: 2
Torkoal: 4
Spoink: 2
Spinda: 2
Trapinch: 2
Cacnea: 2
Swablu: 2
Zangoose: 4
Seviper: 4
Lunatone: 4
Solrock: 4
Barboach: 2
Corphish: 2
Baltoy: 2
Lileep: 2
Anorith: 2
Feebas: 2
Castform: 4
Kecleon: 4
Shuppet: 2
Duskull: 2
Tropius: 4
Chingling: 2
Absol: 4
Snorunt: 2
Spheal: 2
Clamperl: 2
Relicanth: 4
Luvdisc: 3
Bagon: 2
Beldum: 2
Turtwig: 2
Chimchar: 2
Piplup: 2
Starly: 2
Bidoof: 2
Kricketot: 2
Shinx: 2
Cranidos: 3
Shieldon: 2
Burmy: 1
Combee: 1
Pachirisu: 4
Buizel: 2
Cherubi: 2
Shellos: 2
Drifloon: 2
Buneary: 2
Glameow: 2
Stunky: 2
Bronzor: 2
Chatot: 4
Spiritomb: 4
Gible: 2
Riolu: 2
Hippopotas: 2
Skorupi: 2
Croagunk: 2
Carnivine: 4
Finneon: 2
Snover: 2
Rotom: 4
Snivy: 2
Tepig: 2
Oshawott: 2
Patrat: 2
Lillipup: 2
Purrloin: 2
Pansage: 2
Pansear: 2
Panpour: 2
Munna: 2
Pidove: 2
Blitzle: 2
Rogenrolla: 2
Woobat: 2
Drilbur: 2
Audino: 4
Timburr: 2
Tympole: 2
Throh: 4
Sawk: 4
Sewaddle: 2
Venipide: 2
Cottonee: 2
Petitlil: 2
Basculin: 4
Sandile: 2
Darumaka: 2
Maractus: 4
Dwebble: 2
Scraggy: 2
Sigilyph: 4
Yamask: 2
Tirtouga: 2
Archen: 2
Trubbush: 2
Zorua: 2
Minccino: 2
Gothita: 2
Solosis: 2
Ducklett: 2
Vanillite: 2
Deerling: 2
Emolga: 3
Karrablast: 2
Foongus: 2
Frillish: 2
Alomomola: 4
Joltik: 2
Ferroseed: 2
Klink: 2
Tynamo: 2
Elgyem: 2
Litwik: 2
Axew: 2
Cubchoo: 2
Cryogonal: 4
Shelmet: 2
Stunfisk: 4
Mienfoo: 2
Druddigon: 4
Golett: 2
Pawniard: 2
Bouffalant: 4
Rufflet: 2
Vullaby: 2
Heatmor: 4
Durant: 4
Deino: 2
Larvesta: 2
Syclar: 2
Revenankh: 4
Embirch: 2
Breezi: 2
Rebble: 2
Privatyke: 2
Nohface: 2
Monohm: 2
Colosshale: 2
Protowatt: 2
Voodoll: 2
Scratchet: 2
Necturine: 2
Mollux: 4
Cupra: 2
Brattler: 2
Last edited by a moderator:
Multi-Battle Targeting Update:

Moves now list what type of targeting they have in their descriptions. This also consequently means that moves that used to target at most 2 Pokemon now target more because of correct mechanics. Several types of multi-battle move targeting were implemented, as listed below.

Adjacent terminology in some attack targeting is only relevant for multi-battles where players want to play with positions factored in. In cases where position is decided to not matter in a match by both players, the word adjacent can simply be omitted from the targeting of moves. All other attacks not noted below are assumed to be able to target only one adjacent Pokemon, ally or foe.

"This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle."
Affected Attacks: Acid, Air Cutter, Blizzard, Bubble, Dark Void, Eruption, Tail Whip, Snarl, Electroweb, Growl, Heat Wave, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Leer, Muddy Water, Twister, Glaciate, Incinerate, Powder Snow, Razor Wind, Razor Leaf, Rock Slide, String Shot, Sweet Scent, Water Spout, Swift, Relic Song, SmokeScreen

"This move targets all opponents in a multi-battle."
Affected Attacks: Struggle Bug, Heal Block

"This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon."
Affected Attacks: Discharge, Magnitude, Teeter Dance, Earthquake, Searing Shot, Selfdestruct, Explosion, Sludge Wave, Surf, Searing Shot

"This move hits all Pokemon except the user."
Affected Attacks: Lava Plume, Bulldoze, Synchronoise

"This move strikes all Pokemon on the field, including the user."
Affected Attacks: Perish Song, Haze

"This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position."
Affected Attacks: Acrobatics, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Dragon Pulse, Sky Drop, Hurricane, Pluck, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Aura Sphere, Chatter, Gust, Peck, Sky Attack, Counter, Aeroblast, Bounce, Dark Pulse, Fly, Water Pulse, Mirror Coat

"This move attacks an enemy Pokemon at random."
Affected Attacks: Outrage, Thrash, Uproar

"This move attacks an adjacent enemy Pokemon at random."
Affected Attacks: Petal Dance

"This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon."
Affected Attacks: Light Screen, Reflect, Safeguard, Mist, Lucky Chant, Tailwind

"This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle, and also effects Pokemon in their Poke Balls."
Affected Attacks: Aromatherapy, Heal Bell

"This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle."
Affected Attacks: Quick Guard, Wide Guard

Priority Addition Update:

Priority descriptions have been added to all attacks. Pay particular attention to Bounce, Dig, Dive, and Fly. Bounce does not have a description for suspension, while Dig, Dive, and Fly do.

Charge attacks have also been coded as having a Charge priority of 1 and a Hit of -1. If a multi-hit attack strikes a Pokemon while Charging, the attack is nullified (Focus Punch acts like in-game with a Charge of 6 and a Hit of -3). Note that Charge only applies to moves like Sky Attack and SolarBeam. Moves like Razor Wind and Skull Bash have different descriptions.

Changed Attacks: Razor Wind, Spikes, Gravity, Rest, Assist, Sleep Talk, Metronome.

Razor Wind's whirlwind effects have been codified as breaking trapping moves and deflecting all attacks with 4 Base Attack Power or less. Spikes has been upgraded to 12/18/24 damage for the layers. Gravity now lasts for 4 rounds instead of 2, like all the other field effects. Rest heals 12 HP per action and lasts 3 actions (including the action Rest is issued).

Assist and Sleep Talk have different conditions for random selection of attack. Assist selects out of 3 defined moves, Sleep Talk selects out of 4 defined moves. Metronome selects out of any 10 moves the Pokemon does not know with a few other restrictions on usage.

Attack List Anchor:

Note: This is going to be the edited and updated list for the thread, if there are discrepancies with other posts, this one takes precedence.

Audit moves for consistency in stage language (e.g. an attack boosts a capitalized Stat [Attack] by number [One] (numeral) [(1)] stage) and similar effect (e.g. Ice Ball vs. Rollout, Flail vs. Reversal, etc.) Do not worry about energy costs or Base Attack Power unless there is a clear typo (e.g. 40 where there should be 4).

Due to this discrepancy, Absorb has 4 BAP and Mega Drain has 6. Leech Life has also been bumped up to 6.

SonicBoom, Psywave, Dragon Rage, and Night Shade are basically clones of each other (bar accuracy differences), Seismic Toss is similar but has some differences. All moves with less than 40 Base Power in the games have been bumped up to 4 (except multi-hit moves).

Special Attack-Related Rules:

  • For double battles and higher, attacks that hit multiple targets are reduced to 75% of their original Base Attack Power.
  • A Pokemon cannot be ordered to do nothing during an action; it must perform a move of some sort.
  • If a move would completely fail because of an effect like Disable, Heal Block, or Taunt the move fails on its first use without costing energy and subsequent uses of attacks that will completely fail will instead use Struggle.
  • Moves with a BAP of -- have no BAP so cannot have their BAP increased or decreased by items, abilities, other moves, etc.
  • Attacks that hit 2 to 5 times such as Fury Swipes and Rock Blast have their number of hits determined randomly. The probability for 2 hits is 1/3, for 3 hits is 1/3, for 4 hits is 1/6, and for 5 hits is 1/6. This is before any effect that would modify the number of hits.
  • Hyper Beam style moves cause the Pokemon to become Sluggish, regardless of STAB. Sluggish will prevent the user from using Protective (Protect / Detect) or Evasive attacks (Teleport, Agility, Dodge) damaging attacks with a Base Energy Cost greater than 5 and non-damaging attacks with a Base Energy Cost greater than 8. Attacks with a variable Energy Cost will use the adjusted value as their base. Sluggish Pokemon cannot Bodyblock, Dodge, or Take Cover. This is factored before ability adjustments or other Base Attack Power boosts with the exceptions of Technician and Skill Link, as they adjust the cumulative Base Attack Power of multi-hit moves. Moves that make Pokemon sluggish only make them sluggish for the next action, which does include the action after the cooldown period if used in a combination.
  • In addition to Sun, Rain, Sandstorm and Hail, there is a fifth weather effect caused by certain moves named Fog. While Fog is in effect, all Pokemon suffer a one (1) stage accuracy reduction. In addition to this, the healing from Moonlight, Morning Sun and Synthesis is treated as though a hindering weather is in effect and Weather Ball has 10 BAP and is Normal-type.
Priority and Combination Attacks:

Combination Attacks distort priority beyond that of normal actions. A Combination Attack of two Priority: 0 moves will have a -2 priority on its Hit. A combination of a Priority 1>/= move with a Priority: 0 move will add Priority: 1: to the attack, but will only increase Base Attack Power by half the Priority Move's Base Attack Power attack's amount (e.g. Mach Punch + Fire Punch will have 10 BAP, not 12.) The only other odd priority combination are attacks combined with negative priority moves. These will have the BP of the Priority: 1 | CT: or Priority: 0 | CT: Attack and reduce the priority of the entire attack combination to -7, lower than moves like Circle Throw and Dragon Tail. (ex. Icicle Crash + Avalanche will have 10.5 Base Attack Power, which will double to 21 if the user is hit. Mach Punch + Focus Punch can clear distances with a +1 priority on reaching proximity with the target, but will only have 17 Base Attack Power when it strikes)

Attack List:
Absorb: The Pokemon fires a red beam at the opponent that engulfs it and saps its HP back to the user. Half the damage inflicted on the opponent is healed.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Acid: The Pokemon fires a spray of corrosive acid that has a chance to lower the opponent's special defense one (1) stage. This attack bypasses a Steel-type's immunity to Poison-type moves and corrodes it for six (6) actions, removing its immunity to the poison status and allowing Poison-type attacks to strike at neutral power against it. Repeated uses of this move will refresh the action counter for the corrosion effect. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Acid Armor: The Pokemon melts into an external body of water, increasing its defense two (2) stages, and if this Pokemon's Defense stage was initially at 0 or lower, this Pokemon dodges all physical attacks for the remainder of the action. While all Pokemon with Acid Armor can melt into water, any substance similar to their original body structure can also be used. If no external fluid source that a Pokemon is compatible with is available, the move fails. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Acid Spray: The Pokemon funnels high amounts of toxin into one single shot of acid that explodes on contact. It reduces the opponent's special defense two (2) stages. This attack bypasses a Steel-type's immunity to Poison-type moves and corrodes it for six (6) actions, removing its immunity to the poison status and allowing Poison-type attacks to strike at neutral power against it. Repeated uses of this move will refresh the action counter for the corrosion effect.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Acrobatics: The Pokemon lunges toward the opponent with a brutal yet stylish flair. If encumbered by a hold item or other drag, the damage is greatly reduced; a consumable item that has been used at least once does not encumber the Pokemon. Damage is calculated after the activation of a consumable item, if applicable. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 11 or 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Acupressure: The Pokemon strikes one of its pressure points, raising a random stat by two (2) stages. Subsequent uses of Acupressure will change the boosted stat.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Aerial Ace: The Pokemon senses its target and strikes with impressive speed, negating all attempts to evade. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Aeroblast: The Pokemon gathers energy into a massive wind column and blows it directly at the opponent. The wind shear gives the move a high chance of a critical hit. It can easily blow lighter foes into the surrounding area. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

After You: The Pokemon sends an invitation to the target and a quick flash of light. The light energizes the opponent and makes them begin the next phase of their attack immediately (e.x. if Focus Punch was charged, the target uses Focus Punch immediately. If the target has not begun the evasive action of Dig, they begin the evasive action. If they have already taken evasive action, then Dig's damaging stage occurs and it loses the evasive action immunity). A Pokemon under the effect of After You cannot synchronize attacks with an ally in a doubles or higher battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0, Makes next phase of target's attack happen immediately. | CT: Passive

Agility: The Pokemon focuses to increase its speed two (2) stages, enabling it to maneuver much more swiftly. Agility can also be used as a +1 Priority evasive attack. Agility will evade any slower single target attack (other than perfect accuracy attacks and No Guard attacks). If used evasively, the Pokemon does not gain any speed boost. Evasive Agility also fails if used successively, or if used after Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard Evasive Teleport, or the Dodge Command. If Evasive Agility is combined with a suitable damaging move, the evasive properties granted by Evasive Agility are nullified. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round if not used evasively.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 Speed Boost, +1 Evasive Use | CT: Passive

Air Cutter: The Pokemon sharply swings its wings/claws creating an area of energized wind shear. The cutting force gives the attack a high critical hit chance. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Air Slash: The Pokemon gathers and energizes a large amount of swirling air and launches it with its wings toward the opponent. The force of this blast can cause the opponent to flinch and blow lighter foes away effortlessly. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Ally Switch: The Pokemon uses telekinetic powers to switch places with one of its allies for the duration of the action. This move fails in singles battles.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 1 | CT: Passive

Amnesia: The Pokemon empties its mind of concerns, increasing its special defense by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

AncientPower: The Pokemon summons up an ancient force from the earth that forms into a glowing white ball. Exposure to the ancient forces of the move can raise all of a Pokemon's stats by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Aqua Jet: The Pokemon surrounds itself with a stream of water and launches toward the opponent at blinding speed, outpacing the opponent's attack.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 1 | CT: Elemental

Aqua Ring: The Pokemon surrounds itself in looping rings of water that pulsate with healing energy, restoring four (4) HP per action for the next six (6) actions. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Aqua Tail: The Pokemon surrounds its tail with swirling energized water and smashes it into the opponent.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Arm Thrust: The Pokemon thrusts its straightened arms at the opponent 2-5 times, throwing them off balance and disrupting opposing attacks that take a while to charge.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Aromatherapy: The Pokemon releases a powerful, zesty, soothing scent into the air around itself and any teammates, purging them of all status conditions, including Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep. This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle, and also effects Pokemon in their Poke Balls.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Assist: The Pokemon summons the aura of an ally, and selects three (3) of that ally's attacks. Each attack has a 1/3rd chance of manifesting, utilizing this Pokemon's type and attributes. If the ally has not yet been revealed, then that ally must be chosen later in the match. Assist cannot be used if the trainer has no allies left.

Assist cannot select Assist, Circle Throw, Copycat, Counter, Destiny Bond, Detect, Dragon Tail, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Quick Guard, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, or Wide Guard.

Assist will incur a consecutive energy cost penalty either if it is used consecutively (even if summoning different potential attacks) or if one of the attacks it summoned is used consecutively.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 + Energy Cost of summoned move | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Assurance: The Pokemon strikes the opponent with a powerful, vindictive strike. Deals much more damage if the opponent in caught off guard after another attack or other damage-dealing effect.

Attack Power: 5 or 10 if opponent was damaged that action | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Astonish: The Pokemon charges the foe and releases energy shockwaves upon impact. The swift pain and abruptness of the attack can cause the opponent to flinch. If combined with Uproar, the Base Attack Power of Uproar is increased by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up [e.g. Astonish + Uproar = 4 + (9 * 1.5, rounded up) = 18] the attack cancels out any Yawn or Sleep status on the field, and the Pokemon can attack as normal after the cooldown phase. If combined with Sucker Punch, the Base Attack Power of Sucker Punch is increased by one and a half [e.g. 4 + 8 * 1.5 = 16]. If combined with Lick, the Base Attack Power of the entire combination doubles [e.g. (4 + 4) * 2 = 16].

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Attack Order: The Pokemon summons a group of underling Combee that strike the opponent on all sides with solid waves of energy, damaging them physically. The overwhelming number of assaults give the attack a high critical hit chance.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100%| Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Attract: The Pokemon flirts with an opponent, releasing pink hearts from its body. It causes opponents of the opposite gender to be infatuated with the Pokemon and reduces their chance of attacking or otherwise using their attacks productively.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Aura Sphere: The Pokemon focuses their chakra into a powerful sphere that tracks the opponents energy when released, making it impossible to miss. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Aurora Beam: The Pokemon fires a brightly colored beam of ice energy at the opponent. The chill from the attack has a chance to lower the opponent's attack one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Autotomize: The Pokemon sets off a metamorphic shift in their body that removes impurities, halving their weight and increasing their Speed by two (2) stages.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Avalanche: The Pokemon takes a resolute stance and begins summoning glacial pillars. If the Pokemon is damaged by the opponent's action, the Avalanche user hardens its resolve and strikes with twelve (12) Base Attack Power.

Attack Power: 6 or 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ice | Priority: -4 | CT: Force
Barrage: The Pokemon launches 2-5 small spheres of energy that explode on contact, throwing the opponent off balance and disrupting attacks that take a while to charge up. If combined with any "Bomb" (e.g. Egg Bomb, Seed Bomb, Sludge Bomb) move the BAP of the combining move will be increased by 50% (1.5x) [e.g. 10 BAP * 1.5 = 15 BAP]. If Combined with Bullet Seed, a successful attack will always have 5 hits and every hit will be a critical hit.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Barrier: The Pokemon erects a sphere of energy around itself, nullifying all damage from any oncoming physical attack if this Pokemon's Defense stage was initially at 0 or lower. Other effects of moves blocked in this way still happen. The barrier also increases the Pokemon's Defense by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Baton Pass: The Pokemon focuses all of its energies into a white aura that maintains its current state. This energy holds all of the information on the Pokemon's stat increases and decreases as well as whether it is in a state of confusion or other temporary ailments. This move has two distinctive uses:
Baton Pass [Switch] (Switch=OK Only)
The user is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The Pokemon that is switched in to replace the user is chosen by the player from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Baton Pass [Switch] must attack first the next round. The replacement gains the same temporary status changes (Such as stat boosts/drops, confusion, etc.) that the user had upon entry.
Baton Pass [Pass] (Doubles+ Only)
The user can pass on all its temporary status changes (Such as stat boosts/drops, confusion, etc.) to an active teammate. The teammate will gain all temporary status changes that the user had, and all temporary status changes the user had are removed.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Beat Up: The Pokemon summons dark energy from non-KOed teammates, and creates shadows of each ally and itself, each shadow strikes the opponent one time then dissipates.. This dark energy ignores the opponent's defensive increases and disrupts attacks that take a while to charge.

Attack Power: 3 for each hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 2 for each hit | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Belly Drum: The Pokemon pounds its stomach with fury, whipping it into an intense frenzy. In exchange for 1/2 of its maximum HP, the Pokemon receives a permanent rise to its maximum attack level (+6) for the duration of the battle. This self-damage ignores normal damage caps that round on the user and for the next two rounds on the opponent. The heightened aggressive state makes the Pokemon impossible to confuse or put to sleep for the next six (6) actions; however, its own non-damaging moves, including chills, will fail. Belly Drum cannot be used if the Pokemon is below half of its maximum HP.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 30 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Bestow: The Pokemon kindly gives its foe or ally a held item. The target will respectfully decline if they are already holding an item.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Bide: The Pokemon braces for impact, quickly forming a white aura around itself. For the next two actions, the Pokemon will absorb any attacks against it, adding its suffering into the aura. On the third action, it will release the energy gathered from Bide by charging the opponent, doing 1.75 times (1.75x) the damage received during its use. If Protected or Detected against, Bide will still have an energy cost based on the damage the attack would have done. Bide hits Ghost types as well as Pokemon during Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, and Shadow Force. If a Pokemon using Bide is put into Sleep status, Bide will dissipate.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = Damage Taken * 1.75 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 + (Calculated Damage to Opponent/2) | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 1 (all phases) | CT: None

Bind: The Pokemon wraps themselves around the opponent with their arms, body, or other appendages and locks them into place. During Bind, both Pokemon may still issue attacks; however, any attack using a part of the body implementing the bind will cause it to release. The steady squeezing of a Bind drains the opponents HP at the rate of 2 per action for as long as they are in the bind. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 3 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Bite: The Pokemon's teeth are surrounded with dark energy, and they chomp down hard on an opponent. The dark energy can cause the opponent to flinch in shock.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Blast Burn: The Pokemon turns red hot and the ground bursts with jets of fire, launching a massive assault of flaming rocks on the opponent. After use, the Pokemon is more sluggish on the next action.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Blaze Kick: The Pokemon surrounds its feet with a gigantic column of flame and launches toward the opponent in a devastating kick. The sheer force gives the attack a high critical hit chance, and the flames can burn the opponent.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 90%| Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Blizzard: The Pokemon blows a massive chilling wind at the opponent that can affect the entire field. During Hail, this move never fails to blast about the entire arena, and has a 30% chance of bursting through Protect and Detect. It has a chance to freeze opponents solid. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 70% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Block: The Pokemon moves with unnatural speed to block off an opponent's exit or attempts to gain distance. When used against a non-damaging evasive action, Block will nullify that action and do fixed damage equal to two (2) multiplied by the Block user's Weight Class. In a switch battle, the Pokemon also moves with an unnatural speed to block any attempt to switch the opposing Pokemon and the move's energy prevents the opponent from switching out that Pokemon in between rounds for the duration of the battle.

Attack Power: -- or Fixed Damage = 2 * User's Weight Class | Accuracy: --| Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A or Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 or 2 | CT: Passive

Blue Flare: The Pokemon unleashes a dazzlingly hot flame consisting of blue and white fire. It has a chance to burn the opponent.

Attack Power: 13 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Body Slam: The Pokemon jumps on top of the opponent with great force. The strength of the impact on pinned downed limbs can lead to paralysis.

Attack Power: 7 + User Weight Class/2.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 + Weight Class/3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Bolt Strike: The Pokemon covers its entire body with electricity and slams into the foe. The electricity has a chance of passing onto the foe upon contact, and thus has a chance of paralyzing it.

Attack Power: 13 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Physical| Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bone Club: The Pokemon energizes a club and strikes the opponent with it in a single, powerful stroke. The force of the attack can cause the opponent to flinch in shock.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bone Rush: The Pokemon energizes a club and strikes the opponent 2-5 times with a spinning motion, disrupting attacks that take a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bonemerang: The Pokemon throws an energized bone that strikes the opponent once, then doubles back and strikes them again before returning to the original user.

Attack Power: 5 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bounce: The Pokemon leaps above an incoming attack and crashes down on the opponent with immense force. The strength of the impact on pinned limbs can cause paralysis. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind cannot miss against an opponent in the evasive stage of Bounce. When used during the evasive stage of Bounce, Smack Down and Gravity will cause the Pokemon to crash to the ground, cancelling Bounce and making it take (2 * Weight Class + 4) crash damage. Gust, Twister, and Whirlwind will also make Bounce miss when used during the evasive stage, but will not deal crash damage.

Attack Power: 7 + User Weight Class/2.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 9 + Weight Class/3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: Evasive Action: 0, Hit: -1 | CT: Force

Brave Bird: The Pokemon spreads its wings and summons a terrible blue energy to strike the foe with a reckless, brutal charge. The Pokemon suffers 1/3rd of the damage it deals to the opponent in recoil. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 10 + User Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 + Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Brick Break: The Pokemon's appendages glow white and it strikes the opponent with precise damaging strikes. The energy radiated from the blow destabilizes Light Screen and Reflect, breaking them upon contact.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Brine: The Pokemon blasts the opponent with a strong blast of salt water. When the opponent is at or below 1/2 of their maximum HP, the corrosive salt in Brine causes deals more damage by seeping into the opponent's wounds.

Attack Power: 7 or 13 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bubble: The Pokemon shoots a wide spray of bubbles that snap violently on the opponent's joints, sometimes causing the opponent's Speed to lower one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. If combined with Bubblebeam, Bubblebeam's power increases by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up [e.g 4 + (7 * 1.5) (rounded up) = 15] and the combination will always lower the opponent's Speed one (1) Stage.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

BubbleBeam: The Pokemon shoots a focused wave of bubbles at the opponent, exploding on contact. It has a chance to lower the opponent's Speed one (1) stage from the shock.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Bug Bite: The Pokemon chomps down on the opponent. If there are any berries in the field or on the opponent, it can consume them and receive the benefits of their effect.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Bug Buzz: The Pokemon emits a concentrated sound vibration by quickly vibrating its wings or arms. The intense noise can damage the target's thought patterns, lowering their Special Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Bulk Up: The Pokemon focuses their strength and surrounds themselves with a red aura that pumps up all their muscles. Attack and Defense are each increased one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Bulldoze: The Pokemon jumps and stomps on the ground several times, creating shock waves. The shock waves stun the foe and lower their speed by one stage. Base Attack Power doubles if the foe is using Dig. This move hits all Pokemon except the user. If allied Pokemon can attack in sequence uninterrupted by an enemy attack, they can synchronize their Bulldoze and avoid damaging each other in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 100% | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Bullet Punch: The Pokemon energizes their fist with a steely glow then delivers a lightning-quick strike on the opponent, outpacing their attack.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 1 | CT: Elemental

Bullet Seed: The Pokemon shoots a volley of 2-5 energized seeds at the opponent that explode on contact. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force
Calm Mind: The Pokemon meditates on its special capabilities, increasing its Special Attack and Special Defense by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Camouflage: The Pokemon changes its body's makeup to the type of its surroundings. Only a small amount of the terrain is required in order to shift, however the Pokemon must have a decent amount of the terrain substance to use.

Terrain: Type
Building: Normal
Cave: Rock
Desert: Ground
Grass: Grass
Mountain: Rock
Ocean: Water
Pond: Water
Road: Ground
Snow: Ice

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Captivate: The Pokemon appeals alluringly to Pokemon of the opposite gender, convincing them to come closer to it and reducing its opponent's Special Attack by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Charge: The Pokemon charges up its electric energy. The buildup of electric power increases the Pokemon's Special Defense by one (1) stage. The Base Attack Power of all Electric-type attacks is boosted by three (3) when the effects of this move are active. This effect lasts for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Charge Beam: The Pokemon builds up a large amount of electricity in its body, and fires a small beam of it at its opponent. The excess electricity has a high chance of increasing the user's Special Attack by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special| Effect Chance: 70% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Charm: The Pokemon appears cute and charming to the opponent, making it less willing to attack it and decreasing its Attack by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Chatter: The Pokemon yells meaningless statements at the opponent loudly. The inanity of the speech has a chance of confusing the foe. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 31% | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Chip Away: The Pokemon carefully observes the foe, looking for weak spots. When one is found, it attacks. Stat changes do not affect this move.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Circle Throw: The Pokemon lifts the opponent over its head with a terrifying, powerful throw. In Switch = KO, unless the Pokemon has a Substitute active, the shock of the attack resets all of the opponent's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Magnet Rise, Perish Song, Taunt, Torment, and Smack Down. In Switch = OK, unless the Pokemon has a Substitute active, it is sent back to its trainer's Pokeball at the end of a round. The opponent's Pokemon is switched out at random from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Circle Throw must attack first. Circle Throw can be used against targets with a Weight Class up to three (3) values greater than the user.

Attack Power: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: -6 | CT: Passive

Clamp: The Pokemon closes its shell or mouth on an opponent and squeezes hard. During Clamp, both Pokemon may still issue attacks; however, any attack using a part of the body implementing the clamp will cause it to release. The steady squeezing of the Clamp drains the opponents HP at the rate of 3 per action for as long as they are Clamped. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 4 + 3 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Clear Smog: The Pokemon expels a thick cloud of translucent, asphyxiating smog from its body. Clear Smog has 2 distinct uses.
1. Clear Smog (Regular)
The translucent smog permeates the area surrounding one opponent, making it incapable of missing the chosen target. The target takes damage and all of its stat modifications are negated.
2. Clear Smog (Fog)
The Pokemon releases a much more pervasive Smog that deals no damage, but blankets both sides of the field removing the stat changes on any Pokemon exposed to it the action it is used. The Clear Smog also induces Fog weather for the next three (3) actions.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Close Combat: The Pokemon hurls itself viciously at the opponent and strikes them powerfully multiple times while dropping its guard. Successful execution of this move decreases the user's Defense and Special Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Coil: The Pokemon coils its body around and around tightly, raising its Attack, Defense, and Accuracy by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Comet Punch: The Pokemon punches the opponent 2-5 times at lightning-fast speed.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Confuse Ray: The Pokemon shoots out a bright beam of light towards its opponent, causing it to become confused. The light can be spread out, but this will decrease its range.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Confusion: The Pokemon uses a weak telekinetic force to pick up its opponent or small loose parts of the arena. The nature of the mental strike brings up disorienting memories than can confuse the opponent. If combined with Psychic, Special Attack Rank restrictions are ignored, and the opponent's Special Defense always drops one (1) stage. The confusion chance is boosted to 30%.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Constrict: The Pokemon grabs onto its opponent with vines or tentacles and squeezes them. The constriction inhibits the opponent and lowers their Speed stat by one (1) stage. If combined with Wrap or Bind, the damage per action of the partial trapping move is doubled. If combined with Wring Out, the Base Attack Power of combined move is doubled (2x) [E.g. Constrict + Wring Out= 4 + (12 * 2) = 28). If combined with Tickle, the opponent's Attack, Defense and Speed will each drop two (2) Stages instead of one.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Conversion: The user changes its typing to the same type as a random of 4 selected known moves (if the user has less than 4 different move types, it selects from the choices available. Hidden Power is considered a Normal type attack). The selected types must be different from the user's current type. This effect lasts until Conversion or Conversion 2 is used or the user switches out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Conversion 2: The user changes its typing to a random type that resists or is immune to the last attack it was hit with. This effect lasts until Conversion or Conversion 2 is used or the user switches out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Copycat: The Pokemon thinks about the last attack and repeats it exactly, duplicating the attack, but letting you choose a new target for the move. This move will fail if Copycat is the first move used in the battle, the last used move was Copycat, or the attack requires more energy than the user has. Charge-up actions and priority are ignored for a move copied by Copycat; all of its effects execute immediately when Copycat is used. (eg. If Copycat copies Revenge, it executes immediately. Likewise, if it copies Sky Attack, both the charge and the damage happen at once, and thus the move cannot be stopped by multi-hit attacks)

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 2 + Copied Attack | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Cosmic Power: The user calls down a mystical power from heaven to boost its Defense and Special Defense by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Cotton Guard: The Pokemon gathers cotton around itself to raise its defense by three (3) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 11 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Cotton Spore: The Pokemon releases balls of cotton that cling to the opponent, triggering various allergic reactions that slow it down and drop its speed by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Counter: The Pokemon prepares itself for a physical assault with a strong brownish-red aura. The Pokemon then charges towards the last opponent that hit them with a physical attack, dealing 1.5x the damage of said attack. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + (Damage Taken/2) | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: -5 | CT: Force

Covet: The Pokemon goes into a jealous rage over an opponent's possession, striking the opponent and stealing their item if it has nothing of its own.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Crabhammer: The Pokemon raises its crustacean claw and smashes the opponent with incredible force. The blow is so devastating that it often results in a critical hit.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Cross Chop: The Pokemon crosses its arms and unleashes a devastating energy charged blow. The strike is so powerful that it often results in a critical hit.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Cross Poison: The Pokemon crosses its claws or wings and coats them with a powerful poison. The attack strikes with great force, so it often results in a critical hit. It also has a chance to poison the foe.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Crunch: The Pokemon's mouth fills with darkened energy and it bears down on the opponent with its teeth/fangs. The dark energy can inflict a lasting wound on the opponent, lowering their defense one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Crush Claw: The Pokemon's claws glow white with a vicious energy before attacking the opponent with a powerful direct strike. The fearsome energy has a good chance of lowering the opponent's defense one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Crush Grip: The Pokemon grips the opponent and siphons their own vitality to use against them in a vicious grappling move. The higher the opponent's HP, the more damage this attack does.

Attack Power: 4 + (Opponent's HP/10) | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Contact: Yes | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Curse: If the Pokemon is not a Ghost-type, it draws strength from negative energy, raising its Attack and Defense by one (1) stage and decreasing Speed by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One. Ghost-type users sacrifice HP equal to 1/2 of their maximum HP to cast an evil Ghost Curse on the opponent. Pokemon afflicted with Ghost Curse take five (5) damage per action, and Chill and Rest only restore half as much energy/HP as normal. Such Pokemon also take an extra two (2) damage per action and lose one (1) more energy per action when affected by Nightmare. The Ghost version of Curse cannot be used unless the Pokemon is above 1/2 of its maximum HP.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 (Non-Ghost) or 27 (Ghost) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Cut: The Pokemon cleaves a path through any natural obstruction with a single, powerful slicing motion. It can easily shear grass and split trees in two. It is not effective at clearing rock-based obstructions. If combined with a "Cross", "Claw", "Scissor", "Scratch", "Swipe", or "Slash" move, the move will always score a critical hit.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring
Dark Pulse: The Pokemon emits a wave of darkness imbued with horrible thoughts. The thoughts may interrupt the target's thoughts, causing them to flinch. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dark Void: The Pokemon creates a void of darkness in a black translucent orb that launches at the an opponent. The void saps the target's willpower, causing it to fall asleep. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Defend Order: The Pokemon gathers a swarm of bees around itself in a protective shield, raising its Defense and Special Defense by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Defense Curl: The Pokemon curls up into a ball and tenses its muscles, raising its Defense by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Defog: The Pokemon rapidly flaps or beats its wings or other appendages, creating a large wind that clears away any obscuring field effects and Fog weather. Defog lowers the opponent's Evasion one (1) stage and removes the effects of Mist, Safeguard, Reflect, and Light Screen on the target. (Mist blocks the evasion drop, and then dissipates). Defog also clears both sides of the field of any laid hazards and any weather affecting the field.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Destiny Bond: The Pokemon telepathically joins its soul with the foe's for the remainder of the round. During this time period, if the foe Knocks Out the Pokemon, the foe takes damage equal to their remaining HP (capped at 30.) Chills cannot be used after Destiny Bond in the round. This move cannot be used unless the user has enough Energy to afford the resulting attack.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = Target's HP (Max 30) | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Detect: The Pokemon focuses completely on all other Pokemon on the field, anticipating and dodging their actions perfectly to protect itself from the damage and effects of attacks that would otherwise strike it. Attacks do not fail when used on the Pokemon, and attacks targeting the arena will succeed as normal. This move fails if used on successive actions, or after Protect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Agility (Evasive), Teleport (Evasive), or the Dodge Command. If used in a combination attack, Detect will still be active on the cooldown action, but will have one and a half (1.5x) the Damage Evaded energy cost that action.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 + (Damage Evaded / 2.5) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 4 | CT: Passive

Dig: The Pokemon digs its way under the ground with claws or other appendages, and surfaces beneath its opponent and jumps out of the ground to attack it. The Pokemon may stay underground for an extended length of time, but this costs an additional six (6) energy per action. If the user has a Size Class Greater than 4, a Height of 3.5m or more, has the Levitate trait, or is a Flying-type, it can hit a Levitating opponent or an opponent using Magnet Rise. If a Pokémon is underground at the end of the round, it may not be switched out. Bulldoze, Earth Power, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude can always strike a digging opponent, while other attacks can hit if aimed properly. Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude have double their Base Attack Power against a Digging foe.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ground | Priority: Evasion Action: 0 Hit: -2. Hit can be suspended, and Dig will have 0 priority on the action the Pokemon attacks. | CT: Deferring

Disable: The Pokemon focuses on the memory of one of the foe's last three (3) actions, and uses telepathic powers to erase the memory of that attack from the opponent. The opponent is unable to use the selected attack for six (6) actions. If the Pokemon was ordered to use the locked attack in the same round it is Disabled, the move will fail. Disable can affect moves that take effect over multiple turns, such as Bide. Only one move can be Disabled at a time per Pokemon, and if Disable is used again before a previous use of Disable wears off on that Pokemon, it fails.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Discharge: The Pokemon shoots a wave of dispersing electricity at the opponent. The sheer amount of the electricity gives it a good chance to paralyze the foe. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dive: The Pokemon dives underwater and surfaces under the opponent to attack them. The Pokemon may stay underwater for an extended period of time, but this costs an additional six (6) energy per action. This move fails if not used in or near water. If the user has a Size Class Greater than 4, a Height of 3.5m or more, has the Levitate trait, or is a Flying-type, it can hit a Levitating opponent or an opponent using Magnet Rise. If a Pokémon is underwater at the end of the round, it may not be switched out. Surf and Whirlpool will both hit during Dive and have 15 Base Attack Power and 6 Base Attack Power, respectively. If two opposing Pokemon are both in the Dive state, they will attack each other normally, but will still incur an additional energy cost.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: Evasion Action: 0 Hit: -2. Hit can be suspended, and Dive will have 0 priority on the action the Pokemon attacks. | CT: Deferring

Dizzy Punch: The Pokemon hits the target with a dizzy, spinning fist. The constant, confusing rotation may confuse the target.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Doom Desire: The Pokemon calls down a rain of energy beams from the sky that fall after the first action of the next round. The attack uses any stat boosts/drops the Pokemon had at the time the move was initially called, as well as the Special Attack of the original user. The damage is considered residual, and will faint a Pokemon using Endure.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Double Hit: The Pokemon strikes the opponent twice with various appendages.

Attack Power: 4 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Double Kick: The Pokemon kicks the opponent twice.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Double Team: The Pokemon rapidly moves back and forth between several locations, creating several illusory clones. The clones make it harder for the opponent to figure out which Pokemon is the real one. Each clone counts as a separate target in addition to the real Pokemon. Single target moves directed at the Pokemon will strike one target, apply an accuracy check for the move to hit and then, unless the move has perfect accuracy, apply another check for if it hits the real target (hit = 100% / # of Targets). If it hits a clone, that clone disappears while all other clones remain. Multi-target moves will target all clones and apply a single accuracy check. Double Team dissipates completely once the real Pokemon is hit. A Pokemon may have up to four clones at a time.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 per clone generated | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Double-Edge: The Pokemon slams into the opponent as hard as it possibly can with its entire body. The enormous impact of the move will make the user take 1/3rd of the damage they caused to the opponent as recoil.

Attack Power: 10 + User Weight Class/1.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + Weight Class/2.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Contact: Yes | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Doubleslap: The Pokemon slaps the opponent 2-5 times with their hands or other appendages. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Draco Meteor: The Pokemon roars at the sky, summoning a storm of meteors to strike the foe. Summoning the meteor storm uses up a lot of the Pokemon's energy, decreasing their Special Attack by two (2) stages. This Special Attack drop happens even if the move misses.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Dragon Claw: The Pokemon focuses Dragon-type energy into its claws or hands and swipes at the target with them.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dragon Dance: The Pokemon performs a fighting dance to stimulate its muscles, raising its Attack and Speed by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Dragon Pulse: The Pokemon shoots out a shockwave of Dragon energy from its mouth at the opponent. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dragon Rage: The Pokemon fires a stream of blue flames at its opponent. This attack will do 10 damage, regardless of any modifiers.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dragon Rush: The Pokemon rushes at the foe while charged with fearsome energy. When the attack hits, the energy may scare the foe and make them flinch.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dragon Tail: The Pokemon swings and hits the foe powerfully with a menacing tail. In Switch = KO, unless the Pokemon has a Substitute active, the shock of the attack resets all of the opponent's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment. In Switch = OK, unless the Pokemon has a Substitute active, it is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The opponent's Pokemon is switched out at random from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Dragon Tail must attack first.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: -6 | CT: Elemental

Dragonbreath: The Pokemon spews a stream of blue breath at the opponent, which may paralyze them.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Drain Punch: The Pokemon punches the opponent with all the energy of its punch focused into its hand, which is then used to drain half of the damage caused in HP into the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Dream Eater: The Pokemon absorbs the energy of a sleeping Pokemon's dreams, restoring half of the damage caused to the foe in HP to the user. If used in combination with Hypnosis, the damage done will not trigger any sleep reduction. This move fails if the target is awake.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Drill Peck: The Pokemon spins rapidly and slams its beak into the opponent while spinning. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Drill Run: The Pokemon spins rapidly and slams its head or other appendages into the opponent like a drill. Because of the spinning, the attack is more likely to penetrate the opponent's defenses unexpectedly, giving it an increased chance for a critical hit.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Dual Chop: The Pokemon performs two consecutive chops on the opponent.

Attack Power: 4 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Dynamicpunch: The Pokemon starts randomly punching the air in front of it extremely powerfully and quickly but not very precisely. If the attack hits, the punch will knock the opponent off balance and knock them over, disorienting and confusing them.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 50% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
Earth Power: The Pokemon exudes a golden aura, and the earth on the field cracks open with a golden light. The light erupts violently from the ground, blasting upward and smashing into the opponent. The suddenness of the blast may lower the target's Special Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Earthquake: The Pokemon uses it mighty heft or inherent knowledge of tectonic manipulation to trigger an earthquake. The splitting earth and sudden impact causes major internal and external damage to the target. Trainers are encouraged to exercise caution and common sense when using this attack in certain structures. When Earthquake strikes a Pokemon in the middle of Dig, its Base Attack Power is doubled. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon. If allied Pokemon can attack in sequence uninterrupted by an enemy attack, they can synchronize their Earthquake and avoid damaging each other in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Echoed Voice: The Pokemon puffs itself up and yells with a cry welled up from within, producing a sound wave that echoes throughout the area. Each time this is used by a member of the same team, that team's echo frequency builds up and the attack's Base Attack Power is magnified. An echo created in this way only lasts for six (6) actions, and after that won't factor into the multiplier for the Base Attack Power of newly used instances of this move.

Attack Power: 4 * Times Used by Team in last 6 Actions (Max: 20) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 * Times Used by Team in last 6 Actions (Max: 15) | Attack Type: Special | Contact: No | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Egg Bomb: This move has multiple functions.
Egg Bomb (Regular): The Pokemon chucks an energized egg that explodes on contact.
Egg Bomb (Trap): The user lays an explosive trap that detonates at the end of the first action of the next round. The attack uses any stat boosts/drops the Pokemon had at the time the move was initially called, as well as the Attack of the original user. The damage is considered residual, and will faint a Pokemon using Endure. This version has perfect accuracy instead of 75%.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Electro Ball: The Pokemon creates a large electrified field around its body and charges at the opponent. It then stops suddenly releasing the ball at full speed.

Attack Power: 6 (target speed more than 50% user speed) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental
8 (target speed more than 33% user speed)
12 (target speed more than 25% user speed)
15 (target speed not more than 25% user speed)

Electroweb: The Pokemon casts a wide electrified net upon its opponent, shocking them and limiting their movement which causes a one (1) stage drop in Speed. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Embargo: The Pokemon declares a cessation to all use of held items for the next two rounds. They and their teammates, however, are naturally not subject to this embargo.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Ember: The Pokemon throws small flames that have a chance of burning the foe. When combined with another Special Fire Attack, the Base Attack Power of that attack is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g Ember + Flamethrower is 4 + 10 * 1.5 = 19 BAP].

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Encore: The Pokemon gives its opponent an enthusiastic round of applause. The target is so flattered that it can't help but repeat its last successful action for the next two (2) of its actions. The afflicted Pokemon will not expend extra energy from consecutive attacks while Encore is in effect. Encore fails when used on a target whose Encore ended on the previous action or whose last successful action was Bodyblock, Chill, Dodge, Encore, Mimic, Mirror Move, Shift, Sketch, Take Cover, Transform, a combo or a cooldown.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Endeavor: The Pokemon recalls the hardships of the match and tries its hardest to pound that experience into its opponent. Will not work if the user has more health than its target. Endeavor can only be used once if Endure was used that round. This move cannot be used unless the user has enough Energy to afford the resulting attack.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = (Target HP - User HP) / 1.75 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + (Calculated Damage / 1.75) | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Endure: The Pokemon braces itself for impact and will not be KOed by any direct attack, physical or special, for that round. The adrenaline generated by this attack means that the Pokemon will also not faint due to energy exhaustion by attacks used during the round Endure was used in. The Pokemon must still have enough Energy to use Endure, or it will fail. The energy required to tense their muscles mean that a Pokemon cannot use this move two rounds successively. Additionally, due to the energy expenditure, a Pokemon under the effects of Endure may not use a Combination attack. A Pokemon using Endure may still faint due to secondary effects such as poison and burn. All effects that are based on the damage an enemy deals (ex. Bide, Iron Barbs) to the Pokemon act as though the opponent did full damage, even though the user of Endure won't faint.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 4 | CT: Passive

Energy Ball: The Pokemon gathers all the surrounding natural energy into a ball of life, firing it at the foe. The Pokemon will have trouble accumulating this energy in an artificial environment, reducing the Attack Power by two (2). The attack can sap the target's resiliency, reducing their Special Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special| Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Entrainment: The Pokemon charms the opponent, changing all of their abilities to match the abilities the user has for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Eruption: The Pokemon draws from its fire source and releases it in a massive fiery explosion. Its power depends on the vitality left in the Pokemon. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 15 x HP Percentage | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Explosion: The Pokemon mechanically, through the mixing of noxious gases, or simply by release of pent up pressure, creates a massive explosion, fainting itself and causing massive damage to the opponent. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon. This attack causes the user to faint. This move cannot be used unless the user has enough Energy to afford the resulting attack.

Attack Power: 25 (user faints) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 20 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Extrasensory: The Pokemon attacks with a strange force that seems to have been directed from behind the target's head, knocking them down. The surprise of the attack may cause the victim to flinch for an action. Will never flinch a Pokemon with multiple heads or eyes behind its head.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

ExtremeSpeed: The Pokemon tackles the opponent with blinding speed. The attack is so blindingly fast it strikes even before other priority attacks. Only Fake Out can strike more quickly.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 2 | CT: Passive
Facade: The Pokémon is engulfed in an aura that increases intensity under status. The user then tackles the opponent.

Attack Power: 7, 14 if under status | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5, 8 if under status | Attack Type: Physical | Contact: Yes | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Faint Attack: The Pokémon fades into the shadows and senses the opponent's energy, striking them once it finds their location. The attack has perfect timing and cannot miss.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical| Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Fake Out: The Pokémon strikes the opponent with immense swiftness using their hands/paws, creating a shockwave of air that pushes the opponent back, causing them to flinch. In Switch=KO, Fake Out only flinches on the Pokémon's first use of the move, even if resetting effects like Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Roar, U-turn, Teleport, Volt Switch, or Whirlwind used by it or against it. In Switch=OK, Fake Out may only flinch if the Pokémon using the move hasn't used it since it was last sent out. Fake Out can still damage opponents after its first use since the Pokémon was sent out; it simply cannot flinch them. Fake Out is the fastest priority attack, beating out even ExtremeSpeed.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 3 | CT: Set

Fake Tears: The Pokémon cries loudly, unnerving the opponent and causing its Special Defense to drop two (2) stages for two rounds. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

False Swipe: The Pokémon slashes its claws together in a controlled way that will not let the opponent faint.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Featherdance: The Pokémon shoots a slew of feathers at the opponent, causing them to become tired, and their attack to drop two stages (2). This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Feint: The Pokémon surrounds itself with a faint aura and rushes at the opponent with great speed, generating an afterimage. The Pokemon makes a stop before striking the opponent and the afterimage continues going. The energy wavelength of the afterimage ruptures the protective effects of Detect, Protect, Wide Guard, and Quick Guard for the rest of the action on the opponent or the opponent's team in the case of Wide and Quick Guard.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 2 | CT: Set

Fiery Dance: The Pokémon dances in a cloak of flames. The attack has a chance of raising the user's special attack one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Final Gambit: The Pokemon forms all of its remaining life energy into an aura, and launches itself at the opponent. The user faints if this attack succeeds.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = Remaining HP (Max 30) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 20 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Fire Blast: The Pokémon summons a massive blast of fire that takes the shape of the Kanji. It has a chance to burn the opponent.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Fire Fang: The Pokémon's mouth ignites in flames as it bites the opponent. This move has a chance to burn the opponent. It also has a chance to make the opponent flinch.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% burn, 10% flinch | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Fire Pledge: A mystical power causes fire to spread across the battlefield. When used with either Grass Pledge or Water Pledge, the Base Attack Power doubles. When used the same action as Grass Pledge, Grass Pledge is ignored and Fire Pledge bursts out, covering the opposing field in burning leaves that deal 2 HP per action for six (6) actions. When used the same action as Water Pledge, Fire Pledge is ignored and a rainbow shimmers down on the user's side of arena, increasing the effect chance of any attacks used by 30% for six (6) actions (does not stack with Serene Grace). All Pledge attacks target a single foe, but effect one side of the arena depending in their effect.

Attack Power: 5 or 20 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Fire Punch: The Pokémon's fist becomes surrounded by flames as it punches the foe. It has a chance to burn.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Fire Spin: The Pokémon shoots a spiraling stream of flames from its mouth or arm cannons, trapping the opponent in a swirling cage of flames. During Fire Spin, both Pokemon can still issue attacks; however, any further breath or cannon attacks issued from the same source will release Fire Spin. The opponent will suffer more intense damage if it tries to break out of the flames with normal attacks. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 4 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Fissure: The Pokémon uses brute force and/or an energy beam to open a fissure in the ground right under the opponent, dashing them against the cracks and shifts in the earth. The move is slow, but extremely powerful and alters the battlefield, allowing either Pokemon to be pushed into the chasm later. It can only be used on hard earth.

Attack Power: 25 | Accuracy: 30% | Energy Cost: 14 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Flail: The Pokémon flails around, striking the foe as it does so. It becomes more powerful the lower the user's health is, but also consumes more energy. Consecutive uses increase the energy consumed.

Attack Power: 69-100% of Max HP 4| Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring
36-68% Max HP: 6 | Energy Cost: 4
21-35% Max HP: 8 | Energy Cost: 6
11-20% Max HP: 10 | Energy Cost: 7
5-10% Max HP: 15 | Energy Cost: 10
1-4% Max HP: 20 | Energy Cost: 13

Flame Burst: The Pokémon shoots out a massive burst of fire that leaves embers on the ground around the foe. It also damages any opponents nearby the target with a fixed six (6) damage. In combinations, any effects on the main attack will also be present in the splash damage as well.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flame Charge: The Pokemon intensifies their internal or external fire supply to charge at their opponent with unnatural speed and searing heat. The attack provides a one (1) stage boost to speed.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flame Wheel: The Pokémon ignites into flames, and spins through the air to tackle the foe. It will thaw itself out of ice or melt the ice of a frozen opponent, and has a chance to burn.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flamethrower: The Pokémon emits a stream of flames from its mouth. It has a chance to burn.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flare Blitz: The Pokémon becomes engulfed in flames, and charges at the opponent with great force, taking recoil equal to 1/3 of the damage from the attack. It will thaw a frozen opponent, and has a chance to burn the opponent.

Attack Power: 10 + User Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 + Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flash: The Pokémon emits a bright light, momentarily blinding anything that looks at it. The temporary blindness reduces the opponent's accuracy by one (1) stage. The attack also illuminates dark arenas for three (3) rounds. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Value of Locked-In Stage (If Negative) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Flash Cannon: The Pokémon charges energy, and unleashes a beam of silver light. It has a chance of lowering the targets special defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Flatter: The Pokémon makes a series of flattering comments and gestures to the opponent. It raises the target's Special Attack by one (1) stage and confuses the target. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Fling: The Pokémon surrounds its hands/claws in a dark aura and throws any object in its possession. The amount of damage done and the added effect depends upon the item thrown (consult this list and apply a BAP boost equal to 1/10th the listing).

Attack Power: 4 + Variable Amount | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: (Base Attack Power / 2) | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Fly: The Pokémon flies up high, and strikes down in a tackle. While in the air the Pokemon can evade almost any attack, and can remain airborne, delaying the strike of the attack at the cost of six (6) energy per action. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind cannot miss against an opponent in the evasive stage of Fly. When used during the evasive stage of Fly, Smack Down and Gravity will cause the Pokemon to crash to the ground, cancelling Fly and making it take (2 * Weight Class + 4) crash damage. Gust, Twister, and Whirlwind will also make Fly miss when used during the evasive stage, but will not deal crash damage. If a Pokémon is in the air at the end of the round, it may not be switched out.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 11 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: Evasive Action: 0, Hit: -2. Hit can be suspended, and Fly will have 0 priority on the turn the Pokemon attacks. | CT: Deferring

Focus Blast: The Pokémon puts its hands together, charges a ball of energy, and fires it at the foe. It has a chance to lower the target's Special Defense one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 70% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Focus Energy: The Pokémon charges an aura that guides the user to an opponent's weak point, guaranteeing a critical hit on each attack for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Focus Punch: The Pokémon's fist glows white, gathering a massive amount of energy. While charging, the Pokemon must maintain absolute focus and cannot be struck with an attack of any sort or else Focus Punch will fail.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: Charge: 6, Attack: -3. | CT: Passive

Follow Me: The Pokémon creates a distraction, forcing all opponents to target the user with their attacks instead of their intended targets. If a contact attack is redirected towards this Pokemon from another target, it will have half its usual Base Attack Power.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 3 | CT: Passive

Force Palm: The Pokémon charges ki energy on its palm that it uses to strike the opponent. Upon impact, the energy has a chance to paralyze the opponent's muscles.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Foresight: The Pokémon's eyes emit a red scanning beam that reveals illusions. This allows both the user and other Pokemon to hit the target through all evasive maneuvers, evasion boosts, and the user's own accuracy drops, as well as Ghost-type Pokemon with Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. This effect lasts for six (6) actions, but only against the target of the move.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Foul Play: The Pokemon surrounds itself and the opponent with a dark aura, and launches a vicious attack that factor's the opponent's attack Rank against their defense Rank.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Freeze Shock: The Pokémon takes an action to charge a massive amount of electricity around its frozen body until it turns to a flashing white, then unleashes it in a devastating attack. It has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: Charge:1, Hit: -1 | CT: Set

Frenzy Plant: The Pokémon slams into the ground, causing a slew of vines to rise up and strike the opponent. The Pokemon is more sluggish after using the attack.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Frost Breath: The Pokémon blows a frosty gust of wind at the opponent's weak spots, causing a critical hit every time.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Frustration: The Pokémon goes into a rage, directing its hatred and violence at the opponent. Its Base Attack Power rises by two (2) if the target has more HP than the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Fury Attack: The Pokémon unleashes a flurry of 2-5 quick strikes with its beak or horn, throwing the opponent off balance. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Fury Cutter: The Pokémon repeatedly slashes the foe, with every consecutive slash increasing damage by three (3) and Energy Cost by one (1). If Fury Cutter misses or is blocked (but is still used consecutively), its number of Consecutive Uses decreases by one (1) (e.g. if it is blocked after 3 consecutive uses, the next attack will calculate damage based on 2 Consecutive uses). Fury Cutter does not incur the normal Consecutive Attacks penalty.

Attack Power: 4 + (Consecutive Uses * 3) (Max 22)| Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 4 + 1 per Consecutive Use | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Fury Swipes: The Pokémon slashes the foe 2-5 times, throwing them off balance. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 2 per hit |Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Fusion Bolt: The Pokemon unleashes a massive vortex of electricity from its slashing claws that crashes into the opponent. If used the same action as Fusion Flare, it increases Base Attack Power by five (5).

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Fusion Flare: The Pokemon unleashes a massive vortex of flame from its mouth that crashes into the opponent. If used the same action as Fusion Bolt, it increases Base Attack Power by five (5).

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Future Sight: The Pokémon uses its mind to summon a delayed telekinetic attack that strikes at the end of the first action of the next round. The attack uses any stat boosts/drops the Pokemon had at the time the move was initially called, as well as the Special Attack of the original user. The damage is considered residual, and will faint a Pokemon using Endure.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Gastro Acid: The Pokemon hurls up its stomach acid onto the foe, drenching it. Its digestive enzymes break down the victim's use of their ability. This effect lasts for the opponent's next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Gear Grind: The Pokemon flies towards the opponent, hitting twice with rapidly spinning gears. Energy cost is decreased to six (6) if Shift Gear is in effect.

Attack Power: 5 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Giga Drain: The Pokemon fires a red beam at the opponent that engulfs it and saps its HP back to the user. Half the damage inflicted on the opponent is healed.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Giga Impact: The Pokemon delivers an incredible blow, powerful beyond its usual ability. The impact may send lighter Pokemon flying. The Pokemon will be more sluggish if it attempts to attack on its next action.

Attack Power: 12 + User Weight Class/1.5 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 9 + Weight Class/2.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Glaciate: The Pokémon fires off a beam of cold air that chills the opponent, causing their speed to be reduced by one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 100% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Glare: The Pokemon locks eyes with its opponent with a look that paralyzes with an intense fear. The victim will retain this fear for a limited amount of time (or until healed of paralysis), causing them to move with extreme hesitation, occasionally locking up again. The effects of this move can be avoided if the victim makes a deliberate attempt to look away or close their eyes.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Grass Knot: The Pokemon's eyes glow with a green aura, briefly controlling the grass and underbrush in an area as an extension of their body. They then rope the opponent around their ankle and pull, sending the opponent crashing to the ground. A heavier Pokemon will take more damage than a light one. A Grass-type Pokemon may use their own vine, root, or leafy appendage to use this move, but any other type will have to rely on any available plant-life. If there is none available, this move is unusable.

Attack Power: Weight Class 1: 4| Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
Weight Class 2: 5
Weight Class 3: 6
Weight Class 4: 8
Weight Class 5: 10
Weight Class 6: 12
Weight Class 7+: +1BAP per WC

Grass Pledge: The Pokemon creates a large column of grass and foliage with a mystical power, which can be directed at an opponent. When used with either Fire Pledge or Water Pledge, the Base Attack Power doubles. When used the same action as Water Pledge, Water Pledge is ignored and the arena underneath the opponent's side descends into a murky swamp, halving (x0.5) the speed of the opponents team for six (6) actions. When it used the same action as Fire Pledge, Grass Pledge is ignored and the move bursts out, covering the opposing field in burning leaves that deal 2 HP per action for six (6) actions. All Pledge attacks target a single foe, but effect one side of the arena depending in their effect.

Attack Power: 5 or 20 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

GrassWhistle: The Pokemon folds a leaf or large blade of grass and blows into it like a primitive flute. The soothing song puts the target Pokemon to sleep. Even if the music does not put the target to sleep, the move will calm down a Pokemon that is using rage-based moves like Outrage, Thrash, or Uproar, stopping their onslaught and preventing the resulting confusion.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 55% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Gravity: The Pokemon greatly increases the gravity in the arena for four (4) rounds. Any airborne or levitating Pokemon are pulled earthbound and moves that require flight or jumping cannot be performed (Bounce, Fly, Hi Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Magnet Rise, Sky Drop, Splash). Furthermore, all Pokemon move with much greater difficulty, though their relative speeds remain consistent. All Pokemon suffer an Evasion drop, increasing the relative accuracy of attacks by 67% (x1.67). If another Gravity is used, the effect is nullified.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Growl: The Pokemon emits a low growl, endearingly or threateningly depending on the user. Upon hearing this growl, the opponent is more hesitant to apply full force, lowering its Attack by one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Growth: The Pokemon concentrates on directing nutrients and vitamins to specific areas in its body or plant, increasing Attack and Special Attack by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One. If a Grass-type uses this move in intense sunlight, both stats will be boosted by two (2) stages, and Energy Cost will be increased by 2, and this move instead locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Grudge: The Pokemon prepares a curse. If KOed during that round Grudge is in effect, the curse is enacted. All Moves that fit the same category (e.g. Damaging Dark Moves, Status Moves if KO'd by a burn or toxic damage, etc.) that was used to KO the user of Grudge will not be usable for the rest of the match, even if the Pokemon is switched out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Guard Split: A psychic link is formed between the user and target Pokemon, evening out their attributes. For the next two rounds, both Pokemon share the averages of their Defense and Special Defense ratings. Subsequent uses will reverse the effect. The energy cost of the attack depends on the total change differential from both Pokemon (e.g. the average of Rank 1 and Rank 5 is Rank 3, and therefore the differential costs 4 energy. If the differential average is less than one, stats are unaffected, but 1 energy is consumed). Any changes that result in ties will bias the split to the Pokemon with the higher original stat.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 + Differential | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Guard Swap: The Pokemon mentally swaps defensive boosts with the opponent. Their Defense and Special Defense stats are now swapped for two rounds, taking into account any previous stat changes.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Guillotine: The Pokemon funnels a massive, unstable amount of energy into its pincers and goes for the opponent's weak point. The energy is difficult to control and thus the attack is incredibly inaccurate; however, if it strikes it deals intense damage.

Attack Power: 25 | Accuracy: 30% | Energy Cost: 16 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Gunk Shot: The Pokemon spews a disgusting mass of poison at their opponent at high velocity. The move has a chance of poisoning.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 70% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Gust: The Pokemon creates a small but vicious whirlwind, usually by flapping its wings, that can toss lighter Pokemon around. It can be used to clear the air of smogs, smokes, and powders. If Gust is used against a Pokemon in the first stage of Fly, Bounce, or Sky Drop, Gust's Base Attack Power increases from 4 to 8. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. If combined with Air Cutter, Defog, Leaf Tornado, Ominous Wind, Razor Wind, Silver Wind, Twister, or Whirlwind, the Base Attack Power of the entire combination doubles (combo 2x) [e.g. Gust + Twister = (4 + 4) * 2 = 16]. The Base Attack Power will double again if used against a foe in the middle of Bounce or Fly.

Attack Power: 4 or 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Gyro Ball: The Pokemon starts rotating extremely fast, creating a dense center of gravity, before tackling their opponent.

Attack Power: 5 + ((enemy speed-user speed) / 10 ) [Use normal rounding rules to the next whole BAP) Max: 15 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental
Hail: The Pokemon calls in a hail storm that lasts for four (4) rounds. The hail causes two (2) damage per action to all Pokemon except Ice-types. Hail activates the abilities Snow Cloak and Ice Body, as well as increasing Blizzard's accuracy to 100% and letting it have an additional 30% chance to bypass Protect and Detect.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Hammer Arm: The Pokemon's arm glows a bright white and it slams into the opponent with great force. The opponent can be sent flying back if Hammer Arm hits directly or can make an impression in the ground if it tries to block the attack. This move lowers the user's speed by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Harden: The Pokemon hardens its exterior, glowing brightly and lessening the damage from the opponent's physical moves. Harden boosts the user's defense by one (1) stage, and if Harden is used first it causes 10% recoil damage on an opponent that strikes it with a contact attack that action. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used. Harden can also renew the skin of Rock and Steel type Pokemon, and can flush out impurities and external burns if the Pokemon is in water.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Haze: The Pokemon releases a thick, black smoke that blankets the arena and resets the stat levels of all Pokemon on the field to zero (0). By default, the cloud dissipates once this effect happens. However, the Pokemon may opt to release a more persistent cloud by specifying Haze (Fog). This will cause its usual effect to happen on the action it is used and then change the weather to Fog for the next three (3) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Head Charge: The Pokemon prepares its defense shortly before rushing into a headlong charge, dealing massive damage but taking 25% damage in recoil.

Attack Power: 10 + User Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 + Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Head Smash: The Pokemon becomes surrounded by a blue-white aura and launches itself at the opponent, head first. This attack does massive damage to the opponent while doing half the damage to the user.

Attack Power: 12 + User Weight Class/1.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 9 + Weight Class/2.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Headbutt: The Pokemon slams its head into the opponent, doing damage. This attack has a chance to flinch the opponent.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Heal Bell: The Pokemon glows dimly and releases blue energy waves. The energy is released with a bell-like noise. The energy waves heals all Pokemon on the side of the user of all status conditions, including Burn, Freeze, Paralysis, Poison, and Sleep. This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle, and also affects Pokemon in their Poke Balls.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Heal Block: The Pokemon creates an invisible aura around any opponents, negating healing from moves, abilities, and items. This includes the healing effects of Ingrain, Aqua Ring, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Roost, Recover, Heal Order, Rest, Softboiled, Wish, Milk Drink, Slack Off, and Synthesis. The moves Absorb, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Leech Life, Dream Eater, Drain Punch, Horn Leech and Leech Seed will still do damage, but they will not recover any health for the user. The abilities Water Absorb and Volt Absorb are also negated and Pokemon with those abilities take damage from attacks they would have otherwise absorbed. Leftovers and Black Sludge will not restore health. This effect lasts for four (4) rounds. This move targets all opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Heal Order: The Pokemon calls in its hive to heal 20 HP. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Heal Pulse: The Pokemon releases a wave of energy that restores 20 HP to a target Pokemon on the field. The Pokemon cannot target itself with this move. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 14 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Healing Wish: The Pokemon funnels all of its energy into a pink glowing orb, launches it at an ally, and faints. The pink orb infuses itself into the ally, restoring 20 HP and curing all status ailments. In a switch battle, this can be applied to the Pokemon that switches in after the user of Healing Wish.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 22 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Heart Stamp: The Pokemon forms a heart-shaped pink cloud around itself and rams itself into the opponent, doing damage. The heart hits with such explosive force it can cause the opponent to flinch.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Heart Swap: The Pokemon produces a pink energy and two balls of energy emerge from the user's and the opponent's bodies. The two balls of energy are filled with the Pokemons' stat increases and decreases. The balls of energy go to the opposite users. The user's ball of energy goes to the opponent and vice-versa.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Heat Crash: The Pokemon leaps into the air, covers itself with a ball of fire, then somersaults and lands on the opponent. Heat Crash does damage based on the user's and the target's weights.

Attack Power: 4 + 2 * (User's Weight Class - Target's Weight Class) [Max: 20] | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 + User Weight Class/1.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Heat Wave: The Pokemon releases a wave of fire from its mouth or wings towards the opponent. A Pokemon struck by this attack has a chance to be burned. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Heavy Slam: The Pokemon jumps into the air and then smashes into the opponent with great force.

Attack Power: 4 + 2 * (User's Weight Class - Target's Weight Class) [Max: 20] | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 + User Weight Class/1.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Helping Hand: The Pokemon releases a bolt of blue energy, doubling the Base Attack Power of another ally's move in the same action. The doubling occurs before the 75% Base Attack Power reduction on a spread attack. The minimum increase in Base Attack Power that can be offered by this move is six (6). This move cannot be used unless the user has enough Energy to afford the resulting attack.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 + (Adjusted BAP of Ally's Move / 2) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 5 | CT: Passive

Hex: The Pokemon summons a pitch black horror that opens its eye piercingly at their opponent, overtaking their body and sending shock waves through it. The pain is exacerbated (Base Attack Power doubled) if the opponent is suffering a major status condition (Poison, Paralysis, Burn, Freeze, Sleep).

Attack Power: 5 or 10 | Accuracy: 100 | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Hi Jump Kick: The Pokemon leaps into the air and smashes its foot into the target. If the move misses, the user takes damage equal to its Weight Class + the Base Attack Power of the move (or combo if used in a combo). If Helping Hand is used, its boost factors into the Base Attack Power for the purposes of calculating crash damage.

Attack Power: 13 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Hidden Power: The Pokemon lets out white rings that swirl around the user and then are fired at the opponent. Hidden Power can be any type of the player's choosing; however, once Hidden Power's type and power are chosen they can only be changed for a cost of 7 CC. The player can also choose the attack power. Hidden Power's Energy Cost is equal to Base Attack Power minus two (2).

Attack Power: 4-7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: Attack Power - 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Chosen | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Hone Claws: The Pokemon sharpens its claws or nails to raise the Attack and Accuracy of its attacks by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Horn Attack: The Pokemon's horn(s) or tusks glow white and it rams the opponent with them.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Horn Drill: The Pokemon's horn begins to spin extremely quickly, like a drill. Then the user rams into the target with its "drill" in the abdomen. The drill can obliterate rocks and punch through steel. If Horn Drill hits, the target takes massive damage and may occasionally become light-headed from internal damage, interrupting or lengthening concentration for moves.

Attack Power: 25 | Accuracy: 30% | Energy Cost: 16 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 100% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Horn Leech: The Pokemon surrounds its antlers with a dark red energy and jabs them into the opponent violently, sapping them on contact. Half of the damage inflicted is healed.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Howl: The Pokemon lets out a spine-tingling howl, raising its attack by one (1) stage. If Howl is used in a combination, any stat-changes affected by the combination double. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Hurricane: The Pokemon generates a violent, withering hurricane with a wind so fierce it jams out sound. The lost of hearing and intense physical pressure have a chance to confuse the opponent. The attack has perfect accuracy during rain and a 30% chance to break through Protect and Detect. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 70% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Hydro Cannon: The Pokemon lets out several powerful orbs of water at an extremely high speed, causing the orbs to crash into the opponent. These orbs are powerful to destroy rocks and create indents in steel. However, the user is more sluggish after using this attack.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Hydro Pump: The Pokemon releases a powerful blast of water from its mouth or other logical sources at the target.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Hyper Beam: The Pokemon releases a powerful beam of white energy at the opponent, doing great damage. Hyper Beam is so powerful it can destroy rocks and put dents in steel. However, after using Hyper Beam, the user is sluggish.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Hyper Fang: The Pokemon bites down on the opponent with great force. This move has a chance to flinch the opponent.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Hyper Voice: The Pokemon lets out a powerful shout with such a high frequency that it damages the opponent. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Hypnosis: The Pokemon glares at the opponent, releasing mystical energy from its eyes and causes the opponent to fall into a deep sleep. Eye contact is required.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 60% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Ice Ball: The Pokemon encases itself in a ball of ice and repeatedly rams itself into the foe, adding three (3) more Base Attack Power and costing one (1) additional energy for each consecutive use. The initial Attack Power is raised to eight (8) if the user used Defense Curl earlier in the match. Ice Ball can be used up to five (5) times before it resets to its original Base Attack Power. If Ice Ball misses, is disengaged, or is blocked, both its Base Attack Power and energy Cost reset to the original level. Ice Ball does not incur the normal consecutive attacks penalty.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 + 1 each Consecutive Use | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Ice Beam: The Pokemon opens its mouth wide, unleashing a bright azure beam so cold that it can freeze the opponent solid.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Ice Burn: The Pokemon uses an action to charge a massive amount of crackling ice energy before releasing it in an incredible attack. The frozen energy is so cold and unstable that rather than being able to freeze the target, it has a chance to burn instead.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Typing: Ice | Contact: No | Priority: Charge: 1, Attack: -1 | CT: Set

Ice Fang: The Pokemon's jaw and teeth get coated in sharp and jagged ice as it chomps down on the opponent. It has a chance to freeze the opponent. It also has a chance to make the opponent flinch.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% freeze, 10% flinch | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Ice Punch: The Pokemon's fist flies towards the opponent, while being coated in layers of ice cold enough to freeze the opponent solid.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Ice Shard: The Pokemon forms a large chunk of ice, then fires it at the opponent at blinding speed.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 1 | CT: Force

Icicle Crash: The Pokemon generates a giant icicle and jumps on the opponent with it, impaling the opponent. The forceful blow can cause the opponent to flinch.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Icicle Spear: The Pokemon launches 2-5 long, thin icicles in quick succession. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Icy Wind: The Pokemon blows a wide blast of cold air, impeding the opponent and lowering their speed by one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 100% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Imprison: The Pokemon binds itself mentally to all opponents momentarily, sealing off up to three moves shared between the Pokemon and any of its foes (a move shared between only one foe and the user will be blocked, e.g. if Opponent A and user have Psychic and Opponent B and user have Disable, both moves will be blocked even if Opponent A lacks Disable and Opponent B lacks Psychic) for six (6) actions. The relevant opponent may not use those sealed moves; however, the user of Imprison can.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Incinerate: The Pokemon blasts the opponent with an arc of flame concentrated on the opponent's berry, burning it and making it useless. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Inferno: The Pokemon focuses an intensely hot ball of flames that it fires at the opponent. The ball is incredibly unstable though and does not fly on a straight trajectory. If it strikes the opponent, they will suffer a horrendous burn.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 50% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Ingrain: The Pokemon grows roots that burrow down into the ground, restoring four (4) HP per action for six (6) actions. While Ingrained, the Pokemon is not affected by phazing attacks, and loses any Ground immunity it might possess. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Iron Defense: The Pokemon infuses its skin with iron, boosting its defense by two (2) stages and preventing knockback when used. If Iron Defense is used first and an opponent strikes with a contact attack that action, they will receive 25% recoil damage. Iron Defense will remove the corrosive effects of Acid and Acid Spray on Steel-types. Iron Defense can renew the skin of both Rock and Steel type Pokemon, and can flush out impurities and external burns if the Pokemon is in water. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Iron Head: The Pokemon covers its head in iron and headbutts the opponent. It strikes with enough force to cause the opponent to flinch.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Iron Tail: The Pokemon coats its tail in iron and sweeps it into the opponent. It can lower the opponent's defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Judgment: The Pokemon brings down wrathful light on the opponent. The type of the attack corresponds to the type of the held plate.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Depends | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Jump Kick: The Pokemon attacks the opponent with a flying kick, foot outstretched. If the move misses, the user takes damage equal to its Weight Class + the Base Attack Power of the move (or combo if used in a combo). If Helping Hand is used, its boost factors into the Base Attack Power for the purposes of calculating crash damage.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Karate Chop: The user chops at the foe, aiming for a pressure point or vulnerable area. Because it targets vulnerable areas, this move is more likely to result in a critical hit. If combined with Cross Chop, the move always scores a critical hit. If combined with Rock Smash, the opponent's Defense is always lowered, and the attack always lands a critical hit.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Kinesis: The Pokemon employs Psychic powers to distort the target's sense of reality, making it more difficult for the opponent to focus on its attacks and lowering their accuracy by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 4 + Value of Locked-In Stage (If Negative) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Knock Off: The Pokemon strikes at any item held by the opponent, knocking it away (The item's effect still occurs beforehand). The opponent loses all benefits of its held item. This move's effect will not activate if the target has the abilities Multitype or Sticky Hold, or is holding the item Griseous Orb, Shock Drive, Douse Drive, Chill Drive, or Burn Drive.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Last Resort: The Pokemon recalls all of the attacks or commands it has used, and unleashes a desperate attack at the opponent. The move fails if fewer than nine (9) unique actions or commands have been issued by this Pokemon in the battle. Last Resort doesn't count itself as a unique move the first time it is used by a Pokemon.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Lava Plume: The Pokemon creates an explosion around it, causing smoke and fire to hit everything in the field. The smoke blinds all affected Pokemon and the fire has a chance of burning them. This move hits all Pokemon except the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Leaf Blade: Any leaf-like structure on the Pokemon's body starts to glow green. The Pokemon then slashes the foe with such ferociousness that it may cause a critical hit.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Leaf Storm: Several parts of the Pokemon's body start to glow as it charges up. The Pokemon then launches a huge cyclone of wind and razor-sharp leaves at the foe. The attack is so exhausting that it lowers the user's Special Attack stat by two (2) stages. This Special Attack drop happens even if the move misses.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Leaf Tornado: The Pokemon catches its opponent in a whirlwind of grass, obscuring their vision for that action. There is a 30% chance that some of the grit may get into the victim's eyes, lowering their accuracy by one stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Leech Life: The Pokemon sneaks up on the foe, bites them, and drinks their blood. The attack heals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Leech Seed: The Pokemon shoots out several seeds that, upon contact, sprouts into vines and wraps around the foe. The vines turn red and saps 3 HP per action and lasts for six (6) actions. Leech Seed still heals if the original attacker is switched out or faints, provided there is a Pokemon to replace it in the same slot. Leech Seed stops healing when the foe either faints or switches out, or if there is no Pokemon to replace the original user's slot.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Leer: The Pokemon's eyes glow red and the foe shakes with fear, lowering the foe's defense by one (1) stage. If Leer is used in a combination, and stat-changes affected by the combination double, but the combination can only hit one foe. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Lick: The Pokemon wraps its long tongue around the foe and licks it. The foe finds this extremely uncomfortable can be paralyzed through the ordeal. If combined with Astonish, the Base Attack Power of the entire combination doubles [e.g. (4 + 4) * 2 = 16]. If combined with Wrap or Bind, the damage per action while the opponent is trapped is doubled. If combined with Torment, the opponent is always paralyzed (20%) by the combination.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Light Screen: The Pokemon summons either a golden box to protect itself or golden erect walls to protect it and its teammates. The walls reduce the power of special attacks by half of their Base Attack Power. If used to protect multiple Pokemon in Doubles / Triples battles, it instead reduces Base Power by 1/3. The effect lasts for six (6) actions after use. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Lock-On: The Pokemon's eyes glow red and shoots a red ring that surrounds and tracks with the opponent. Any attack used during the next action will automatically be re-directed to the ring, ensuring a hit.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Lovely Kiss: The Pokemon's lips glow pink and blows a kiss at the foe. If the kiss hits, the foe falls asleep. The accuracy for this move is increased to 90% if Attract or Sweet Kiss was used previously.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Low Kick: The Pokemon kicks the foe at the knees or legs, tripping them with a heavy impact. The damage is more intense if the foe is very heavy.

Attack Power: Weight Class 1: 4| Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
Weight Class 2: 5
Weight Class 3: 6
Weight Class 4: 8
Weight Class 5: 10
Weight Class 6: 12
Weight Class 7+: +1 BAP per WC.

Low Sweep: The Pokemon strikes at the opponent's ankles with a sweeping motion, knocking them down and lowering their speed by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Lucky Chant: The Pokemon starts to murmur ancient words. While doing this, pink tentacles sprout from its body and wrap the foe. The tentacles prevent the foe from landing a critical hit. The duration of this effect is six (6) actions. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Lunar Dance: The user glows white with the power of the moon and starts preforming an ancient dance. The user suddenly faints, and the next Pokemon to switch in will be surrounded in a white aura and have its HP and Energy restored by 25%.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Luster Purge: The Pokemon creates a purple ball of aura at the front of its mouth. The ball then turns into a beam of energy, which has a chance of reducing the foe's Special Defense stat by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
Mach Punch: The Pokémon throws a weak punch at a blinding speed, hitting before the opponent can react.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 1 | CT: Passive

Magic Coat: The Pokémon quickly creates a barrier of magic that reflects status moves, non-damaging stat-dropping moves, effects like Taunt and Torment, and entry hazards back at the opponent.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 4 | CT: Passive

Magic Room: The Pokémon creates a strange atmosphere that renders the effects of hold items useless for four (4) rounds. Magic Room is negated if it is used again before it runs out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: -7 | CT: Passive

Magical Leaf: The Pokémon spins around and releases glowing light green leaves from its body. The leaves track the opponent, ignoring Evasion and Accuracy changes.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Magma Storm: The Pokémon unleashes a massive searing blast of spiraling red-orange flames at the opponent that swirl wildly after the initial impact to trap them. During Magma Storm, both Pokemon can still issue attacks; however, any further breath or cannon attacks issued from the same source will release Magma Storm. The opponent will suffer more intense damage if it tries to break out of the flames with normal attacks. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 12 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Magnet Bomb: The Pokémon creates a silver orb in front of it, and then fires the orb at the opponent. The orb tracks the opponent and explodes on impact, ignoring Evasion and Accuracy changes.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Magnet Rise: The Pokémon uses electromagnetism to levitate up into the air. Its body turns golden, and Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude cannot affect the Pokémon for the next six (6) actions. Earth Power's effectiveness is reduced by 3 BAP. Dig and Dive will also be avoided unless the user is above Size Class four (4), is 3.5m or longer, or has Levitate or the Flying type.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Magnitude: The Pokémon, with a brown aura surrounding it, jumps into the air and lands with a huge stomp, creating an earthquake with a variable size. Magnitude's base Attack Power doubles if it hits an opponent using Dig. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon. If allied Pokemon can attack in sequence uninterrupted by an enemy attack, they can synchronize their Magnitude and avoid damaging each other in a multi-battle. If combined with Bulldoze, Each target's speed is lowered by two (2) stages. If combined with Earthquake, Magnitude selects between 25% 7 BAP, 50% 9 BAP, and 25% 11 BAP.

Attack Power: 4 – 5% | Accuracy: 100 | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
: 5 – 10%
: 6 – 20%
: 7 – 30%
: 9 – 20%
: 11 – 10%
: 15 – 5%

Me First: The Pokémon senses the opponents attack and mimics what the opponent opponent would have used at an amplified power. Me First only succeeds against damaging attacks, it cannot mimic non-damaging attacks. The Power and Energy Cost of a selected attack are both amplified. The attack fails if the opponent attacks before the user of Me First.

Attack Power: BAP of copied move * 1.5 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: EC of copied move *1.25 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Mean Look: The Pokémon shoots a dark, arresting glare at the opponent. Eyes appear around the opponent, making it unable to flee. If combined with Hypnosis, the move will always hit and the opponent will be inflicted with 2 action Sleep. If combined with Leer, the foe's Defense will fall two (2) stages. If combined with Glare, the foe will suffer from full paralysis next action, and paralysis will remain at 25%.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Meditate: The Pokémon sits on the ground and meditates. When the meditation is complete, the Pokémon's outline glows white, and its Attack is raised by one (1) stage. Meditate can be combined with mental and ki-based attacks, and if combined will ensure the effect of the attack takes place. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mega Drain: The Pokémon shoots a green beam of energy at the opponent; when hit by the beam, the opponent's outline turns red, and the Pokémon's outline turns white as energy is transferred from the opponent to the Pokémon. The amount healed is half the damage dealt.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Mega Kick: The Pokémon's foot glows with a brilliant white light, and it kicks the opponent with great power.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Mega Punch: The Pokémon's fist becomes surrounded by a white glow, and it punches the opponent with great force.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Megahorn: The Pokémon's horn glows with a white sheen and rams it straight into the opponent.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical: | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Memento: The Pokémon leaves an imprint on the target that repeatedly reminds them that they will eventually faint. The Pokémon faints, and the opponent will suffer from a 2-stage Attack and Special Attack drop (Switch = OK: until the opponent switches out; Switch = KO: until the opponent faints).

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: -- | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Metal Burst: The Pokémon's body glows white as a silvery orb appears and grows bigger when the Pokémon takes damage from an attack. The Pokémon then launches the orb at the last opponent to attack them, dealing 1.25x the damage of said opponent's attack. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + (Damage Taken/3) | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Metal Claw: The Pokémon's hands glow white and become as sturdy as Steel. It then slashes at the opponent with arms crossed. There is a chance the Pokemon's claws may maintain the toughness of steel and raise Attack by one (1) stage. If combined with a "Cut", "Cross", "Claw", "Scissor", "Scratch", "Swipe", or "Slash" move, the Base Attack Power of the selected combination move is increased by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up [e.g. Metal Claw + Night Slash = 5 + (7 * 1.5, rounded up) = 16,] and the user's Attack is raised by one (1) level.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Metal Sound: The Pokémon releases light blue sound waves with the sound of ringing metal. All Pokémon that hear it suffer a 2-stage Special Defense drop. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 85 | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Meteor Mash: The Pokémon glows white, then punches the opponent with a cosmically powered fist. Upon contact, star-shaped particles fly out. There is a chance the Pokemon maintains some of the mystic power, raising its Attack by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Metronome: The Pokémon waves its arms back and forth until they glow white, stimulating its brain into using a random move. The User selects 10 moves, each of which has a 10% chance of occurring.

Metronome cannot select a move the user already knows.

Metronome can only select a maximum of one move from any type.

Metronome cannot select Assist, Copycat, Counter, Covet, Destiny Bond, Detect, Endure, Feint, Focus Punch, Follow Me, Helping Hand, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Protect, Quick Guard, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, or Wide Guard.

Metronome will incur a consecutive energy cost penalty either if it is used consecutively (even if summoning different potential attacks) or if one of the attacks it summoned is used consecutively.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost 7 + Energy Cost of summoned move | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Milk Drink: The Pokémon allows the target to drink milk from its udders. The nutrients in its milk heal 20 HP. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (MaxHP / 10) + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mimic: The Pokémon flashes white, gold, or purple, then instantly copies a single move of choice from the last three (3) moves used by the target. This move can be used for the remainder of the battle until switched out. Only one move can be copied by Mimic at a time, and if Mimic is used again after it has already been used successfully, the first move copied by Mimic is forgotten and is replaced by the newly copied move.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mind Reader: The Pokémon uses its mind to sense the movements and thoughts of its opponent. Any move the Pokémon makes on its next action will not miss the target, providing that the target is the subject of Mind Reader.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Minimize: The Pokémon compresses its body to reduce its size, lowering its Size Class to 1 and permanently boosts evasion by one (1) Stage, and prevents Evasion from being lowered (Foresight, Miracle Eye, and Odor Sleuth will still work for the user, reducing this Pokemon's Evasion to its +0 state while the move is in effect.) The Pokemon will revert to normal size if it is switched or forced back into its Pokeball. The Pokemon cannot use Minimize if the effect is already active.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Miracle Eye: The Pokémon's eyes glow, and they peer at the opponent as if looking through a spyglass. This reveals all illusions and disrupts the power of Dark-types to ward off psychic control. This allows the user to hit Dark-types with Psychic-type moves, and enables the Pokemon to hit the target through all evasive maneuvers, evasion boosts, and the user's own accuracy drops. This effect lasts for six (6) actions, but only against the target of the move.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mirror Coat: The Pokémon becomes covered in a glowing, reflective aura that reflects the last special attack to hit it back at the opponent. The damage dealt is equivalent to 1.5x the special damage taken. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + (Damage Taken/2) | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: -5 | CT: Set

Mirror Move: The Pokemon thinks about an attack used against it by the target within the last three (3) actions and repeats it exactly, duplicating the attack. The target of Mirror Move is based on the move being copied, so if it copies a move aimed at "all opponents," Mirror Move will target all of the user's opponents in addition to the selected Pokemon.

Mirror Move can only select attacks that target other Pokemon; it cannot copy weather, field effects, hazards, or self-directed attacks.

Mirror Move cannot select Assist, Copycat, Counter, Feint, Focus Punch, Helping Hand, Magic Coat, Me First, Metronome, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mirror Move, Nature Power, Perish Song, Sketch, Sleep Talk, Snatch, Struggle, and Transform.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 2 + Copied Attack | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Depends | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Mirror Shot: The Pokémon shoots a blinding green beam of energy from its polished body. The blinding beam has a chance to decrease the target's Accuracy by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Mist: The Pokémon opens its mouth and a cloud of thick, white mist comes out. Mist has 2 distinct uses.
1. Mist (Regular)
The white cloud grants the affected Pokemon immunity to all non-damaging stat-modifying moves such as Leer and Scary Face for six (6) actions. Damaging stat-modifying moves such as Mud-Slap will not be affected. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.
2. Mist (Fog)
The mist is so thick that it blankets both sides of the field, and sets the weather on the field to Fog for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mist Ball: The Pokémon envelops the opponent with a mist-like flurry of down. The attack has a large chance to lower the opponents Special Attack by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Moonlight: The Pokémon absorbs moonlight to restore health. If the moon is not out, Moonlight heals half its normal value. Moonlight restores 35 HP in strong moonlight, 25 HP in normal weather, and 15 HP in other weather or a poorly lit indoors arena. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 + (Max HP / 10) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Morning Sun: The Pokémon looks up to the sun to restore health. If the sun is not out, Morning Sun heals half its normal value. Morning Sun restores 35 HP of maximum health in strong sunlight, 25 HP in normal weather, and 15 HP in other weather or a poorly lit indoors arena. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 + (Max HP / 10) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Mud Bomb: The Pokémon opens its mouth and shoots hard-packed mud balls at the opponent. The attack has a good chance to lower the foe's Accuracy by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Mud Shot: The Pokémon shoots light blue energy balls from its mouth towards the opponent. Upon contact, the energy balls turn into mud and slow the opponent, reducing their Speed by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Mud Sport: The Pokemon flings a special mud around the battlefield that adheres to the skin of all Pokemon on the field and acts like a partial Ground-type. The final damage of Electric-type attacks is reduced by 50% (0.5x) for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Muddy Water: The Pokémon attacks by releasing spiraling brown water from its body that can blind the opponent's eyes with mud. There is a good chance to lower the target's Accuracy by one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Mud-Slap: The Pokémon turns around and kicks up clumps of mud at the opponents eyes, reducing their Accuracy by one (1) stage. The added energy cost for each locked-in stage only occurs when the stage boost for accuracy on the struck foe is negative.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 + Value of Accuracy Stage (If Negative) | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force
Nasty Plot: The Pokemon thinks cruel thoughts about their opponent, stimulating their brain and raising their Special Attack by two (2) stages. The move will always fail if the user is infatuated with their opponent.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Natural Gift: The Pokemon taps into the latent energy of its held berry, releasing it in a sharp beam that strikes the opponent for physical damage. The type and power of the attack depend on the berry. Natural Gift may be used eight (8) times before the Pokemon's Berry is entirely consumed.

Attack Power: Varies | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Depends | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Nature Power: The Pokemon draws upon the natural elements present to use an attack it could not normally use. A dirt terrain or sandy environment will produce Earthquake. An artificial environment with no natural elements will produce Tri Attack. Rocky terrain, a cave, or mountainous area will produce Rock Slide. A mostly grassy arena or field will produce Seed Bomb. A watery environment will produce Hydro Pump. A prevalence of snow will produce Blizzard.

Attack Power: Called Attack | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: Called Attack + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Depends | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Needle Arm: The Pokemon swings their thorny arms in an attempt to smack their opponent. There is a chance some thorns will stick to the Pokemon resulting in them using the next turn removing the source of pain.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Night Daze: The Pokemon releases a quick medium range burst of dark matter. The attack has a chance of dimming the victim's eyesight, lowering their accuracy by one (1) stage The chance for the lower accuracy is doubled if the user is in a dark shadowy area or if the lighting is already poor.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 40% | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Night Shade: The Pokemon fires a shadowy beam that envelops the opponent causing them to have violent hallucinations. This attack always causes ten (10) HP Damage, regardless of stats, typing, STAB, or any other effects.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Night Slash: The Pokemon slashes with a malevolent energy aiming for sensitive spot. Has a high critical hit rate.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical: | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Nightmare: The Pokemon induces frightening nightmares into a sleeping Pokemon's dreams that deal four (4) damage per action and removes two (2) energy per action until the Pokemon wakes up. It increases sleep duration by one action, and once in effect, Nightmare can only be used if the Pokemon was put to sleep in a previous action, and cannot be used again until the opponent wakes up and is put back to sleep. Because of the intense nature of the dreams, a Pokemon experiencing Nightmare will have the Base Attack Power of its Snore doubled. If combined with a Sleep-inducing attack, the sleep will last for one additional action.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Octazooka: The Pokemon fires a shot of inky black water at the opponent. The ink can blind an opponent if it gets in their eyes, lowering their accuracy by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Odor Sleuth: The Pokemon uses its sense of smell to discern the scent and energy signature of the Pokemon. This allows the user to hit Ghost-types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves, and enables the Pokemon to hit the target through all evasive maneuvers, evasion boosts, and the user's own accuracy drops. This effect lasts for six (6) actions, but only against the target of the move.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Ominous Wind: The Pokemon fires a ghostly purple wind at its opponent. The strange properties of the wind may raise all of the Pokemon's stats by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Outrage: The Pokemon goes on a rampage, repeatedly attacking with powerful physical blows. This lasts for 3 actions but can be disrupted by an attack with a BAP more than 12. After the move ends or is disrupted, the user is confused from exhaustion. Using Outrage does not incur the consecutive move energy cost penalty. This move attacks an enemy Pokemon at random. If the target is being Bodyblocked and this Pokemon's Weight Class is more than (Bodyblocker's Weight Class + Target's Weight Class), Outrage hits both Pokemon at full BAP. When combined with any suitable move, the Pokemon is not forced to use Outrage after cooldown, and will be confused after executing the combo. The Pokemon must not be locked into a move to use this move in a combo.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Overheat: The Pokemon fires an extremely powerful stream of fire at its opponent. Once the attack is complete, the user has expended nearly all of their Fire energy, lowering their Special Attack by 2 stages. This Special Attack drop happens even if the move misses.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force
Pain Split: The Pokemon links itself telepathically with the target and transfers vitality between itself and the target in an attempt to make the vitalities of the two Pokemon match. This move cannot increase a Pokemon's HP above its maximum HP. Pain Split can siphon a maximum of 25 HP from an opponent, but the Energy Cost is calculated based on the total difference, so if the opponent has 100 HP and the user has 30, Pain Split will decrease the opponent's HP to 75 and increase the user's HP to 55, but the total energy cost will be 30 [(100 - 30) / 3 + 6 = 29.33 ~= 30]. The 25 HP limit does not apply when targeting an ally. The user of Pain Split must have enough energy to use the attack or it will fail.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 + (|Opponents HP - User's HP|) / 3 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Paleo Wave: The Pokemon fires a beam of ancient energy that can disrupt the opponent's offensive power, lowering their Attack by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Pay Day: The Pokemon summons energy packets and throws them at the opponent. The energy turn into coins after impact. Each use of Pay Day nets the trainer 1 CC. If the Pokemon has Amulet Coin attached, it gains two CC each use. A maximum of 3 CC can be gained this way in any given battle. The CC will only be awarded if the Pay Day user's team wins the battle.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Payback: The Pokemon strikes the opponent vengefully. If the target Pokemon acts before the user, the Base Attack Power of the move increases from 5 to 10.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Peck: The Pokemon pecks the foe hard with a beak or horn. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. If combined with Fury Attack, all 5 hits will connect. If combined with Aerial Ace, Drill Peck, Drill Run, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, or Poison Jab, the combination will always score a critical hit.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Perish Song: The Pokemon lets out a horrible shriek that envelops the entire field. At the end of three (3) rounds, any Pokemon that hears Perish Song will faint. The haunting shriek can even echo through caves and other places. The effect is removed on that Pokemon if the Pokemon switches. This move strikes all Pokemon on the field, including the user. In Switch=KO battles, this effect, when inflicted by a Pokemon on itself or its ally cannot be removed by any means other than switching out, including moves that would switch the Pokemon out in a Switch=OK battle like U-turn, Volt-Switch, and Teleport. This effect also disables the effect of Shed Shell on the user and its allies.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: -1 | CT: Passive

Petal Dance: The Pokemon dances wildly, summoning a storm of leaves to strike the opponent. This lasts for 3 actions but can be disrupted by an attack with a BAP more than 12. After the move ends or is disrupted, the user is confused from exhaustion. Using Petal Dance does not incur the consecutive move energy cost penalty. This move attacks an adjacent enemy Pokemon at random. If the target is being Bodyblocked and this Pokemon's Weight Class is more than (Bodyblocker's Weight Class + Target's Weight Class), Petal Dance hits both Pokemon at full BAP. When combined with any suitable move, the Pokemon is not forced to use Petal Dance after cooldown, and will be confused after executing the combo. The Pokemon must not be locked into a move to use this move in a combo.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Pin Missile: The Pokemon fires 2-5 sharp pins at the opponent. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Pluck: The Pokemon attacks sharply and plucks an opponent's held Berry, consuming it in the process. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Poison Fang: The Pokemon coats its fangs in a severely Toxic poison and chomps down on the foe, injecting it directly into their bloodstream. The poison will not effect the user should the attack be deflected or blocked.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Poison Gas: The Pokemon expels a poisonous gas that envelops the field, obscuring vision and poisoning Pokemon that inhale it. It will not poison the original user.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Poison Jab: The Pokemon extends a fist, horn, or other appendage coated in poison and strikes the opponent hard. It also has a good chance to poison the target.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Poison Sting: The Pokemon fires a volley of poisonous needles that inject the foe with poison. A stinger may also be used to deliver for a more pinpoint contact attack, which will always score a critical hit. If combined with Fury Attack or Pin Missile, the attack will always hit 5 times. If combined with Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Poison Jab, or Twineedle, the power of the combining attack is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g. 4 + (8 * 1.5) = 16] and always scores a critical hit (both hits of Twineedle).

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No (distance) / Yes (direct) | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Poison Tail: The Pokemon swipes its sharp, bladed tail coated with poison. The sharpness of the attack gives it a high critical-hit ratio. If combined with another "Tail" move, the power of the combining move is increased by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up [e.g. Poison Tail + Iron Tail = 5 + (10 * 1.5, rounded up) = 20]

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

PoisonPowder: The Pokemon unleashes poisonous spores onto the field that poison any Pokemon that inhales them.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Pound: The Pokemon strikes the opponent hard with an appendage. If combined with a "Punch" attack (attacks that recieve a boost from Iron Fist), the Base Attack Power of the "Punch" attack is multiplied by one and a half (1.5x). [e.g. Pound + Fire Punch has a combination power of 4 + (8 *1.5) = 16.]

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Powder Snow: The Pokemon unleashes a small flurry of snow across the field. It can Freeze opponents. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. If combined with Blizzard, the Base Attack Power of Blizzard increases by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g. Powder Snow + Blizzard = 4 + (12 * 1.5) = 22]

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Power Gem: The Pokemon's gem lights up and it fires a beam of ancient energy at the opponent.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Power Split: The Pokemon psychically links up with the opponent and splits its innate genetic data in two, equalizing the Attack Rank and Special Attack Rank of the two Pokemon for six (6) actions. If the value of the summed whole is odd, the Pokemon with the higher initial attack keeps a higher value (e.g. Shuckle uses Power Share on Sandslash [Rank 1 + Rank 4 = Rank 5], Sandslash becomes [Rank 3] and Shuckle becomes [Rank 2])

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Power Swap: The Pokemon psychically links up to the opponent and swaps its aggressive mental states. The stat changes on Attack and Special Attack are exchanged.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Power Trick: The Pokemon alters their internal physical nature, swapping their Attack rank and Defense rank for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 + (Higher Stat - Lower Stat) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Power Whip: The Pokemon extends their vines or other long appendage and crack them at the opponent with extreme force.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Present: The Pokemon launches a sphere at the opponent that has a randomized effect:
Damage with 12 BAP: 10%
Damage with 8 BAP: 30%
Damage with 4 BAP: 40%
Heal with 6 BAP: 20%

Attack Power: Varies | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Protect: The Pokemon erects a barrier that protects them from the damage and effects of attacks that would otherwise strike it. Attacks do not fail when used on the Pokemon, and attacks targeting the arena will succeed as normal. This move fails if used on successive actions, or after Detect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Agility (Evasive), Teleport (Evasive), or the Dodge Command. In a multi-battle, Protect may be shifted to an ally, but it then has zero (0) priority and uses the target's typing, defenses, and stage boosts for purposes of calculating extra energy cost.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 + (Damage Blocked / 2.5) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 4 | CT: Passive

Psybeam: The Pokemon fires a shifting beam of mental energy at the opponent. The disorienting waves can confuse the opponent.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Psych Up: The Pokemon watches the opponent and alters its mental state to mimic the opponent, copying their stat changes.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Psychic: The Pokemon surrounds the opponent in a blue aura of Psychic energy and flings them into the ground or other objects. The mental stress inflicted by the pain can reduce their Special Defense by one (1) stage. Psychic can be used on targets with a Weight Class up to two (2) values greater than the user's Special Attack Rank.

Attack Power: 6 + Target Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 + Target Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Psycho Boost: The Pokemon unleashes a massive blast of Psychic energy that hits the opponent with devastating force. The mental stress causes the user's Special Attack to drop two (2) stages.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Psycho Cut: The Pokemon uses its mental energy to form a sharp, slicing wind. The shear of the attack gives it a high critical hit ratio.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Psycho Shift: The Pokemon uses the power of suggestion to psychically transfer its status ailments to the opponent. If the opponent is already affected by that status ailment, the user retains the ailment. If a target's physical structure or ability would prevent it from being affected by that ailment, the user retains the ailment.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Psyshock: The Pokemon materializes its brain waves and sends them crashing into the opponent, hitting their Defense instead of their Special Defense.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Psystrike: The Pokemon focuses its Psychic energy on the battlefield and lifts massive chunks out of the arena. It then sends these objects crashing into the opponent with immense force, hitting the opponent's Defense instead of their Special Defense.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Psywave: The Pokemon fires a strange telekinetic wave that deals 10 points of damage regardless of modifiers.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 10 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Punishment: The Pokemon glares at the opponent, jealous of their stat boosts, and smashes into them with an aura of darkness. The Base Attack Power of the Attack increases by 2 for each stage boost the opponent possesses.

Attack Power: 6 + 2 for each stage boost (Max: 20) | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Pursuit: The Pokemon chases the opponent down, never failing to catch them before they retreat or escape a trapping effect. If used on an opposing Pokemon ordered to Bounce, Dig, Dive, Dodge, Double Team, Fly, Take Cover, Teleport, U-turn, Volt Change, Double Team, Minimize, or execute any other evasive action, Pursuit's Base Attack Power increases from four (4) to eight (8). Pursuit ordinarily has zero priority and an accuracy check, but it will always strike before an opponent uses an evasive action. The shock will eliminate all Double Team clones, as well as negate the self-hazing effect of U-turn and Volt Switch in Switch = KO battles.

Attack Power: 4 or 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Force
Quash: The Pokemon holds the opponent in a strong dark aura, delaying its action until all other Pokemon have attacked. A Pokemon under the effect of Quash cannot synchronize attacks with an ally in a doubles or higher battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Quick Attack: The Pokemon moves at extraordinary speed, striking the opponent before they can move.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 1 | CT: Deferring

Quick Guard: With blinding speed the Pokemon puts up a barrier around itself and any teammates. The barrier causes all increased-priority attacks to fail when used against the Pokemon's team, with the exception of those given priority by Prankster, Light Metal, or Float Stone. This move fails if used on successive actions or after Protect, Detect, Quick Guard, Evasive Agility, Evasive Teleport, or the Dodge command. This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 3 | CT: Passive

Quiver Dance: The Pokemon begins an ancient dance, fluttering its wings and releasing an energized power that surrounds the Pokemon. The Pokemon's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed are all increased one (1) stage.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Rage: The user becomes extremely angry and begins attacking the foe with thrashing swipes and blows. If the user is damaged by an attack the same action Rage is used (before or after), they become even more angry and their attack increases by one (1) stage. Multi-hit attacks increase Attack once for each hit. If the Pokemon's Attack is raised by Rage, Rage's Energy Cost goes up by two (2) for each stage boost gained this way. Rage's effect does not activate behind a Substitute unless there is spillover damage.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 + 2 for each Atk raise | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Rage Powder: The Pokemon unleashes a noxious powder that enrages all opponents, taking over their senses and forcing them to target the user with their attacks instead of their intended targets. If a non-contact attack is redirected towards this Pokemon from another target, it will have half its usual Base Attack Power.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 3 | CT: Passive

Rain Dance: The Pokemon summons rainclouds to the sky, causing it to rain in the arena. If a Pokemon uses a Water-type attack in the rain, it will go through and pick up some of the rain, increasing its Base Attack Power by three (3). If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack in the rain, some of it will be put out by the rain, reducing its Base Attack Power by three (3). During Rain Dance, Thunder and Hurricane have perfect accuracy and a 30% chance to bypass Protect and Detect. The rain lasts for four (4) rounds. This move will fail if the arena is indoors.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Rapid Spin: The Pokemon spins extremely quickly in place, generating a ring of energy around the Pokemon, enough to give it mobility even if bound down. The Pokemon then charges into the opponent, and if the rind makes contacts it expands across the field and frees the Pokemon from any binding move and Leech Seed, as well as clearing any Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock that are on its side of the arena.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Razor Leaf: The Pokemon fires a blast of razor-sharp leaves at its opponent. The extreme sharpness of the leaves make the attack more likely to result in a critical hit. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Razor Shell: The Pokemon slashes at its opponent with its sharpened shell. The piercing properties of the shell may lower the opponent's Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Razor Wind: The Pokemon immediately summons a whirlwind around it and unleashes it on the opponent at the end of its action. The whirlwind can break any trapping moves, and deflect or nullify any attacks with 4 or less initial Base Attack Power (e.g. before ability effects). The sharpness of the wind blade makes the attack more likely to result in a critical hit. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: Defensive Whirlwind: 1, Hit: -1 | CT: Passive

Recover: The Pokemon focuses mental energy into their wounds, restoring 20 HP. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) +2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Recycle: The Pokemon puts leftover scraps of their last used item back together and restore it with a white energy pulse, allowing them to hold it again. Some items cannot be recycled.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Reflect: The Pokemon summons either a golden box to protect itself or golden erect walls to protect it and its teammates. The walls reduce the power of physical attacks by half of their Base Attack Power. If used to protect multiple Pokemon in Doubles / Triples battles, it instead reduces Base Power by 1/3. The effect lasts for six (6) actions after use. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Reflect Type: The Pokémon reflects the target's type like a mirror and becomes that type for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Refresh: The Pokemon uses healing energy to purge its body of sickness and disease, curing poison, burn, and paralysis.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Relic Song: The Pokemon sings a haunting hymn that has a chance to put the opponent to sleep. It can unlock the powers of Meloetta to transform between its Voice Form and Step Form. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Rest: The Pokemon takes a soothing nap, eliminating all negative status and restoring 12 HP per action for a total of three (3) actions (the action Rest is used counts as an action on this counter) unless interrupted. Rest will cure any new status received on an action it is still resting. A strong blow (more than 18 final damage) can interrupt Rest, waking the user up. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Retaliate: The Pokemon surrounds itself with righteous energy and slams into the foe. If a Pokemon on the user's team fainted last round, the energy increases, boosting the Base Attack Power to 14.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Return: The Pokemon fills its mind with loving thoughts of its trainer and rams the foe. The move's base attack power increases by two (2) if the target has less HP than the user.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Revenge: The Pokemon waits for its opponent to attack it and slams into it. The move's power is increased to twelve (12) Base Attack Power if the Pokemon was damaged this action.

Attack Power: 6 or 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: -4 | CT: Passive

Reversal: The Pokemon strikes the opponent desperately, with increasing force as the user loses health.

Attack Power: 69-100% of Max HP 4| Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
36-68% Max HP: 6 | Energy Cost: 4
21-35% Max HP: 8 | Energy Cost: 6
11-20% Max HP: 10 | Energy Cost: 7
5-10% Max HP: 15 | Energy Cost: 10
1-4% Max HP: 20 | Energy Cost: 13

Roar: The Pokemon takes air into its lungs and roars at the foe with all its might, terrifying it. In Switch = KO, the shock of the attack resets all of the opponent's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment. In Switch = OK, the Pokemon is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The opponent's Pokemon is switched out at random from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Roar must attack first.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: -6 | CT: Passive

Roar of Time: The Pokemon roars so loudly that time is distorted around the target, sucking a lot of its vitality into the time rift. The effort required to create the time rift is so huge that afterward the user is sluggish.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Rock Blast: The Pokemon launches 2-5 boulders at the opponent. It can disrupt attacks that take a while to charge.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Rock Climb: The Pokemon's claws grow massive with a white energy, allowing them to effortlessly scale mountains. They charge the foe at an intense speed. The force of the impact can confuse the foe. Rock Climb allows a Pokemon to scale any arena trap and cross long distances where it otherwise couldn't.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rock Polish: The Pokemon focuses energy around its body, glowing red or white. The energy allows much freer movement, increasing the user's Speed by two (2) stages. If combined with another Rock-type Attack, it increases the Base Attack Power by four (4) and the accuracy by 25% (x1.25), while also granting the +2 Speed boost. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Rock Slide: The Pokemon summons a wide swath of boulders from the ground to fall on the foe. The suddenness of the impact can cause the opponent to flinch. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This attack requires an external source of rocks to use.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rock Smash: The Pokemon smashes the ground or a free-standing boulder near the opponent, shattering it to pieces. The quick impact of the rocks can lower the opponent's Defense by one (1) stage. If combined with a contact attack that can flinch, lower defense, or has a high critical-hit rate, it increases the Base Attack Power of the combining attack (e.g. Crabhammer from 9 BAP to 13.5 BAP) by one and a half (1.5x.) If combined with a move with "Bone," "Gear," "Rock," or "Whip" in it (e.g. Bone Rush, Gear Grind, Rock Slide, Vine Whip), the Base Attack Power of Rock Smash doubles (2x), the attack always lowers defense, and the attack retains the combining moves contact property. Combinations with multi-hit moves only lower defense once. Sheer Force will remove the defense lowering effect and get the BAP boost.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rock Throw: The Pokemon pounds the ground with great force and throws rocks at the opponent. When combined with another Physical Rock Attack, the Base Attack Power of that attack is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g Rock Throw + Rock Slide is 5 + 8 * 1.5 = 17 BAP]. This attack requires an external source of rocks to use.rock t

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Rock Tomb: The Pokemon drops rocks on the foe to trap them. The rocks attempt to pin the foe, reducing their Speed by one (1) stage as they try to escape. This attack requires an external source of rocks to use.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Rock Wrecker: The Pokemon generates a massive ball of energy that surrounds dense rocks and launches it at the opponent at intense speed. The attack requires so much energy that the Pokemon is sluggish afterward.

Attack Power: 15 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Role Play: The Pokemon mimics the foes abilities, copying them for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rolling Kick: The Pokemon kicks with a sharp rolling action. The movement is so swift and powerful it can cause the opponent to flinch.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Rollout: The Pokemon rolls into a tight ball and repeatedly rams itself into the foe, adding three (3) more Base Attack Power and costing one (1) more energy each time. The initial Attack Power is raised to 8 if the Pokemon used Defense Curl earlier in the match. Rollout can be used up to 5 times before it resets to its original Base Attack Power. If Rollout misses, is disengaged, or is blocked, both its Base Attack Power and Energy Cost reset to the original level. Rollout does not incur the normal Consecutive Attacks penalty.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 + 1 each Consecutive Use | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Roost: The Pokemon's wings grow heavy and are surrounded by a white energy. The Pokemon grounds itself and recovers 20 HP, and loses all weaknesses, resistances, and immunities associated with the Flying type or Levitate Trait for the remainder of that action. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Round: The Pokemon raises its voice. If another Pokemon joins in the same action, the power of both attacks doubles. Additional attacks stay at the boosted power that action.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring
Sacred Fire: The Pokemon releases an immensely powerful sacred flame from its body to scorch the opponent. The intense heat often burns the opponent.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Sacred Sword: The Pokemon creates a sword made of its fighting spirit and slams into the foe with it. The mystical properties of the sword ignore all boosts to the opponent's Defense and evasion stats.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Safeguard: The Pokemon coats itself and its team in a green veil that makes it immune to any status effects. This effect lasts for four (4) rounds. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sand Tomb: The Pokemon creates a small, whirling sandstorm that engulfs the opponent and sweeps them into it, trapping them. During Sand Tomb, both Pokemon may still issue attacks; however, the Sand Tomb user must maintain their focus or the Sand Tomb will collapse. The steady sinking and whirling of a Sand Tomb drains the opponents HP at the rate of 2 per action for as long as Sand Tomb is in effect. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 4 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Sand-Attack: The Pokemon kicks sand or gravel into its target's face, obscuring its vision and lowering their accuracy by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Value of Locked-In Stage (If Negative) | Attack Type: Other | Contact: No | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Sandstorm: The Pokemon kicks up large quantities of sand or gravel, creating a huge sandstorm that lasts for four (4) rounds. The flying gravel and rocks will damage Pokemon that do not have hard bodies (Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-types) by two (2) damage per action. Special attacks targeted at Rock-types during Sandstorm are reduced by two (2) Base Attack Power. Sandstorm also activates Sand Rush, Sand Power, and Sand Veil.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Scald: The Pokemon heats up its internal water source and fires a spray of scalding hot water that can burn the opponent.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Scary Face: The Pokemon makes an intimidating face at its opponent, scaring it slightly and make it hesitant to attack, lowering their speed by two (2) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Scratch: The Pokemon rakes its claws or talons across its opponent's body. If combined with a "Cut", "Cross", "Claw", "Scissor", "Scratch", "Swipe", or "Slash" move, the Base Attack Power of the move is increased by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up. [e.g. Scratch + Night Slash = 4 + (7 * 1.5 [up]) = 15.]

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Screech: The Pokemon screeches harshly at its opponent. The pitch of the screech is so high that it breaks down parts of the opponent's body, lowering their Defense by two (2) stages. This move will fail if the opponent cannot hear the screech. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Searing Shot: The Pokemon blasts out jets of fire that surround the opponent in a huge ball of flame. The strong flames can burn the target. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Secret Power: The Pokemon draws power from the environment into a ball of energy and launches it at its opponent. Depending on what environment the move is used in a different side effect may occur. If the move is used indoors or a stadium, the move can paralyze. If the move is used in a forest or other grassy area, the scent of plants may put the opponent to sleep. If used in or around water, the corrosive salt may lower the opponent's attack by one (1) stage. If used in a marsh or bog, the sticky mud may stick to the opponent and lower its speed by one (1) stage. If used on a beach, cave, or mountain area, the heavy rocks may cause the opponent to flinch. If used in snow, the freezing ice and snow may freeze the target.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Secret Sword: The Pokemon calls upon an ethereal sword, which slashes the opponent. This move uses the Pokemon's special attack, but the opponent's physical defense.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Seed Bomb: The Pokemon hurls several large seeds at their opponent like baseballs that explode on contact. Grass-type Pokemon can produce their own seeds with their bodies, but non-Grass types require an external source of seeds or other grassy material or else the attack will fail.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Seed Flare: The Pokemon releases a large shockwave of natural energy from its body. The calming nature of the energy may slow down the opponent's mind, lowering their Special Defense by two (2) stages until the end of the next round.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 40% | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Seismic Toss: The Pokemon lifts its opponent over its head and brutally hurls it to the ground. This attack always causes fixed damage based on the weight class of the target Pokemon, regardless of stats, typing, STAB, or any other effects. If the toss is performed and the opposing Pokemon is flung into an object or to the ground from a considerable height, more damage can occur. Seismic Toss can be used against a target with a Weight Class up to three (3) values greater than the user.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 7 + Target Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Selfdestruct: The Pokemon focuses all of its energy in its care and releases it all at once, creating a huge explosion. This attack causes the user to faint. This move cannot be used unless the user has enough Energy to afford the resulting attack. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: 20 (User faints) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Shadow Ball: The Pokemon creates a ball out of shadows and hurls it at its opponent. The shadows may penetrate the opponent's mind and lower their Special Defense by one (1) stage until the end of the next round.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Shadow Claw: The Pokemon forms shadows around its hand into an extremely sharp claw and slashes at the opponent with it. The extreme sharpness of the claw makes the attack more likely to result in a critical hit.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Shadow Force: The Pokemon glows with a menacing aura and uses the power of shadows to vanish from the physical world, evading all attacks. When it returns he Pokemon reappears close to its opponent and rams into the opponent a massive shadowy aura. The frightening energy bypasses Protect and Detect.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: Evasive Action: 1, Hit: -1. | CT: Set

Shadow Punch: The Pokemon envelops its fist in shadows and punches at the opponent. If the initial strike misses the opponent, the shadows will track them back for a few seconds.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Shadow Sneak: The Pokemon animates its shadow to stretch over to the opponent. It then enters the shadow and exits it right next to an opponent while attacking them. The suddenness of the strike causes this move to usually go before other attacks.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 1 | CT: Elemental

ShadowStrike: The Pokemon unleashes a fiendish claw that can shock the opponent, giving a good chance to lower their Defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 50% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Sharpen: The Pokemon sharpen the angles of its body to simulate it, raising its Attack by one (1) stage. If used in a combination, the attack will always result in a critical hit. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sheer Cold: The Pokemon surrounds its opponent with a frigid aura that slowly drops to absolute zero. The immense drop in temperature takes a long time to complete and can be disrupted if the Pokemon does not maintain complete focus. The move cannot be used in places with powerful local heat sources like a volcanic tunnel or a power plant's turbine room.

Attack Power: 25 | Accuracy: 30% | Energy Cost: 18 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ice | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Shell Smash: The Pokemon breaks its shell in half, greatly increasing its mobility and offensive ability at the cost of its defenses. This enables it to move more freely, raising its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two (2) stages each, but the damage to the shell lowers the Pokemon's Defense and Special Defense by one (1) stage. The Pokemon's natural stages in those stats are adjusted by the same amount. The Pokemon will revert to normal if it switches out. The Pokemon cannot use Shell Smash if the effect is already active.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 20 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Shift Gear: The Pokemon alters its gear arrangement to make its operation more efficient, raising its Speed by two (2) stages and Attack by one (1) stage, and raising its natural Speed and Attack stages by the same amount. After six (6) actions, the gears revert to their previous positions and both the stat boosts and the natural stage adjustments are lost. Repeated uses of this move will refresh the action counter for the effect and further boost the Pokemon's Speed stage and natural Speed stage by one (1).

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Shock Wave: The Pokemon fires a quick jolt of electricity at its opponent. The electricity homes in on the opponent for a few second before dissipating.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Signal Beam: The Pokemon shoots a beam at its opponent made of scrambled signals. The signals may scramble an opponent's ability to concentrate, confusing it.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Silver Wind: The Pokemon fires a gust of wind at its foe. The odd properties of the wind may increase all of the Pokemon's stats by one stage.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Simple Beam: The Pokemon fires a beam made up of mental signals containing the ability Simple, changing the target's ability(ies) to Simple for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sing: The Pokemon sings a calming lullaby to its opponent. The lullaby calms the opponent down to the point where they fall asleep. Even if the song does not put the target to sleep, the move will calm down a Pokemon that is using rage-based moves like Outrage, Thrash, or Uproar, stopping their onslaught and preventing the resulting confusion.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 55% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sketch: The Pokemon copies down the last move the opponent used, learning the move permanently. Up to 3 moves Sketched in a match will be learned permanently (the trainer chooses at the end of a match), all other Sketched moves will be forgotten.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Skill Swap: The Pokemon fires up to three beams of essence that connect with the target(s). When the beam strikes the opponent, it transfers one of the user's ability to the target and absorbs the target's ability. When multiple targets are selected, abilities must go between the initiating Pokemon before they can be transferred to another Pokemon. If the Pokemon using Skill Swap has less than three (3) abilities in an All Abilities battle, it may instead steal abilities without an exchange until it has three (3). A Pokemon with three (3) abilities must make an ability exchange when using Skill Swap, even if the target(s) have less than three (3) abilities. When a Pokemon affected by Skill Swap is switched out, it reverts back to its normal abilities.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 per swap | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Skull Bash: The Pokemon toughens up it skull, increasing its Defense by one (1) stage, then headbutts the foe with its thickened skull. Because of the time to charge, this attack will move second against any normal Attacks or Commands.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: Defense Raise: 1, Hit: -1 | CT: Passive

Sky Attack: The Pokemon gathers its strength, charging its body with a massive amount of energy, then unleashes the energy with a quick thrust, sending it slamming into the foe for incredible damage. The sheer power of the attack may knock the opponent off balance, causing it to flinch.

Attack Power: 14 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: Charge: 1, Hit: -1 | CT: Force

Sky Drop: The Pokémon grabs the opponent in its talons, and drops them from a great height. While in midair, the opponent can only use moves that either target itself, the user of Sky Drop, or the field. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. Gust, Hurricane, Sky Uppercut, Smack Down, Thunder, Twister, and Whirlwind cannot miss against either Pokemon in the evasive stage of Sky Drop. If the user of Sky Drop is hit by Smack down while in the evasive stage, it crashes to the ground and takes (2 * Weight Class + 4) damage while the target lands unharmed. If Gravity is used, both Pokemon take this crash damage. Sky Drop fails when used on a Substitute and can be used on targets with a Weight Class up to two (2) higher than the user's.

Attack Power: 6 + Target Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Flying | Priority: Lifting Opponent: 0, Dropping Opponent: -1 | CT: Force

Sky Uppercut: The Pokemon leaps into the air and uppercuts the opponent. As the attack is performed while jumping it can hit opponents that are flying or otherwise in the air.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Slack Off: The Pokemon goes to sleep and rests its body, restoring 20 HP. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Slam: The Pokemon slams into the opponent with their tail or other appendages.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Slash: The Pokemon slashes at its opponent with sharp claws. Because of the sharpness of the claws, this attack is likely to result in a critical hit.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Sleep Powder: The Pokemon sprays a powder on its opponent that calms its nerves, putting it to sleep.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sleep Talk: The Pokemon mumbles one of 4 of its own selected attacks in its Sleep. Each has a 25% chance of manifesting. All attacks selected will have their regular properties, and any damaging attacks called will be used as direct attacks.

Sleep Talk will incur a consecutive energy cost penalty either if it is used consecutively (even if summoning different potential attacks) or if one of the attacks it summoned is used consecutively.

Sleep Talk move will not select Assist, Bide, Copycat, Focus Punch, Me First, Metronome, Mirror Move, Sleep Talk, or Uproar.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 3 + Called Attack | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Sludge: The Pokemon fires a large mass of sludge at its opponent. The toxic sludge may poison the target. If combined with Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, or Gunk Shot, the Base Attack Power of the combining move is increased by one and a half, rounded up [e.g. Sludge + Gunk Shot = 7 + (12 * 1.5, rounded up) = 25.]

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Sludge Bomb: The Pokemon shoots several concentrated balls of sludge at its opponent that explode upon contact. The toxic sludge may poison the opponent.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Sludge Wave: The Pokemon shoots a wave of slime across the field at its opponent. The toxic slime may poison the target. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Smack Down: The Pokemon hurls an energized rock or other natural materials at its opponent. The energized field disrupts an opponent's flight or levitating capabilities and they come crashing to the ground for six (6) actions. They will be unable to fly or evade Ground-type attacks until the effect wears off. With some effort they can use electromagnetic or ballast capabilities to hover and move; however, they will be stuck low enough to the ground to be effected until Smack Down's effect wears off. Smack Down's effect does not apply to the opponent if it is behind a Substitute or if it is using Roost on the turn that Smack Down is used.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Smellingsalt: The Pokemon attacks its opponent while giving off a strong scent. If the opponent is paralyzed the scent will shock its nerves, which doubles the power of the attack but also snaps the opponent out of the paralysis.

Attack Power: 6 or 12 if target is paralyzed | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Smog: The user releases a cloud of poisonous smog from its body. Smog has 2 distinct uses.
1. Smog (Regular)
The toxic smog cloud floats towards one opponent and may poison them if it hits. If combined with Clear Smog, Poison Gas or Smokescreen, the power of the combination doubles [e.g. (4 + 5) * 2] and each opponent is always inflicted with Regular Poisoning (Toxic for Poison Gas). If combined with Will-O-Wisp, the combination ignores the accuracy check and inflicts both Toxic and Burn.
2. Smog (Fog)
The smog is much more pervasive and, while it does no direct damage, it blankets both sides of the field inflicting Toxic status on any Pokemon exposed to it for the next three (3) actions. The Smog also changes the weather to Fog for the next three (3) actions. Unlike regular Fog, however, Weather Ball becomes Poison-type when Fog is induced by this move.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 70% / -- | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 40% / -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

SmokeScreen: The Pokemon releases a cloud of dark smoke. SmokeScreen has 2 distinct uses.
1. Smokescreen (Regular)
The dark smoke obscures the opponent's vision, lowering their accuracy by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.
2. Smokescreen (Fog)
The dark smoke spreads across the entire arena, changing the weather to Fog for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% / -- | Energy Cost: 4 + Value of Locked-In Stage (If Negative) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Snarl: The Pokemon releases a piercing bark the emits dark waves. The waves scramble the opponent's concentration, lowering their Special Attack one (1) stage until the end of the next round. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Snatch: The Pokemon distracts their opponent at a crucial moment, stealing the effect of any healing, stat boosting, or supportive move. The opponent still pays for the energy cost of the Snatched move, but does not receive the effect. If it would be impossible for the Snatcher to fulfill the requirements of the supportive move (ex. not having enough HP to make a Substitute), Snatch will fail and suffer only its base EC cost. Snatch cannot steal moves used in combinations. If Snatch steals a Chill or a move classed as a recovery move, the move goes against the Snatcher's Chill/recovery count.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Snatched Move EC | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 4 | CT: Passive

Snore: The sleeping Pokemon snores loud enough to cause mild internal damage to the listening opponent. The harsh noise may cause the listener to flinch, losing an attack turn. Snore can be combined with Chatter, Echoed Voice, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Round, Screech, Snarl, Supersonic, and Uproar. When combined, the combination has 100% Accuracy and the BAP of Snore is doubled (x2). The Pokemon will remain asleep through the Cooldown of the combination, even if it would have bee awakened by damage.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Soak: The Pokemon grabs the opponent and plunges them into a pool of water along with a catalyst, submerging them for so long that they become a Water-type. The effect lasts for six (6) actions after the initial use.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Softboiled: The Pokemon heats its own egg, producing a broth that is absorbed it into its body, healing 20 HP. If the Pokemon does not have an egg of their own, they create an egg shaped ball of energy to absorb. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 2 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

SolarBeam: The Pokemon spends time absorbing sunlight, before firing a colossal beam of solar energy at their opponent. Because of the time required to charge the attack, without strong sunlight the attack will be used last during among actions with the same priority. If Sunny Day is active, the attack will occur at a normal priority level. If it is raining, hailing, sandstorming, foggy or if there is anything else obstructing direct sunlight, the base Attack Power of SolarBeam will be cut in half. If the Pokemon are inside a structure where no sun reaches at all, the attack cannot be used.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: Charge: 1, Hit: -1. (All Priority 0 in Sun) | CT: Elemental

Sonicboom: The Pokemon slices the air before it, creating a shock wave projectile. The trainer can direct the Pokemon to create a slow but long-lingering wave, a fast but quickly dissipating one, or an in-between option. This attack always causes ten (10) HP Damage, regardless of stats, typing, STAB, or any other effects.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 10 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Contact: No | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Spacial Rend: The Pokemon distorts an area of space along with the Pokemon occupying it. Has a higher rate for critical hits.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Spark: The Pokemon tackles their opponent while electrically charged. The surge may leave the victim paralyzed.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Spider Web: The Pokemon spins a web in its general vicinity that it can set up between environmental objects, including the ground. If its opponent is close, they risk getting caught in the web immediately. A Pokemon stuck in the web will be unable to use moves that make contact for six (6) actions, though they are free to attempt to cut the web with an attack. Opposing Bug-type Pokemon are stuck in the web for only three (3) actions, while spider-like Pokemon can navigate across the web freely. Multiple webs can be strewn together. Fire-type attacks will burn down the webbing. In switch battles, the sticky web prevents the opponent from switching out that Pokemon in between rounds for the duration of the entrapment.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Spike Cannon: The Pokemon fires 2-5 spikes, throwing the opponent off balance and disrupting attacks that take a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Spikes: The Pokemon spreads spikes and barbs that absorb into the ground. Each time a new Pokemon is switched in, they receive damage from the Spikes. Up to 3 layers of Spikes may be placed on the field. Each additional layer adds to the damage dealt. Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the Levitate trait dodge Spikes. Rapid Spin will remove all Spikes from the user's side of the field.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 12/18/24 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other| Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Ground | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Spit Up: The Pokemon ejects its stored foodstuffs as raw bile-like energy. The damage from this attack is dependent on the number of times the Pokemon has Stockpiled. If the Pokemon has no Stockpile effect when it uses this move, the move fails. Once the Pokemon has used Spit Up, it loses its defense bonuses instantly and its Stockpile counter drops to 0.

Attack Power: 10 * Stockpile count (Max: 30) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 15 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Spite: The Pokemon places a spiteful curse on one of the attacks an opponent used within the last six (6) actions. The Energy Cost of that attack increases by four (4) for the next six (6) actions. Up to three of an opponents attacks may be affected by Spite at a time.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Ghost | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Splash: The Pokemon flops around strongly eliciting a perception of overconfidence (or stupidity) from the trainer. While odd-looking, Splash can be used as form of propulsion. Splash can allow a Pokemon to jump quite high.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 1 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Spore: The Pokemon releases a burst of potent spores into the air. Any Pokemon that breathes in the spores falls asleep instantly.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Stealth Rock: The Pokemon thrusts rocks at the opponent that split apart and set themselves at the corners of the field. Each time a Pokemon switches in, the rocks will become active and smash the opponent from all sides before setting down in their corners again. Multiple layers of Stealth Rock cannot be laid. Rapid Spin will remove Stealth Rock from the user's side of the field.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = 12 + 3 per weakness to Rock - 3 per resistance to Rock | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Steamroller: The Pokemon steamrolls the opposing Pokemon by rolling into a ball and thrusting itself toward the opponent. The force can cause the attack to flinch the opponent. The attack does more damage against smaller foes. If the opponent has used Minimize, the Base Attack Power increases by two (2).

Attack Power: 9 + (User Size Class - Target Size Class)| Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Steel Wing: The Pokemon tenses its wing muscles until they become as hard as steel, even the feathers become momentarily rigid. The Pokemon then attempts to ram the opponent with their steely hard wings. There is a chance some of its feathers may retain that toughness, increasing the Pokemon's defense by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Steel | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Stockpile: The Pokemon begins to store previously reserved food matter into vital parts of its body, increasing its Defense and Special Defense by one (1) stage. Each use raises the Pokemon's Stockpile count by one (1), and that counter goes down naturally by one (1) every other round as the Stockpile is cycled back into the Pokemon's body, or is removed completely when Swallow or Spit Up are used. Stockpile's effect can be stacked up to a maximum of three (3) times.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Stomp: The Pokemon stomps down hard with its foot or equivalent. If its opponent is much taller than the user can raise its leg, the Pokemon aims for a vulnerable area like toes or a tail. The force can cause the attack to flinch the opponent. The attack does more damage against smaller foes. If the opponent has used Minimize, the Base Attack Power increases by two (2).

Attack Power: 9 + (User Size Class - Target Size Class) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Stone Edge: The Pokemon thrusts the pointed edge of a stone or stony appendage at their opponent. The rigid edges provide a good possibility of inflicting a critical hit.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Stored Power: The Pokemon focuses on its raised attributes while creating a large energy ball, which it then launches at the opponent. The more positive stage boosts the Pokemon has, the more powerful the attack is.

Attack Power: 2 + 2 for each stage boost | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Storm Throw: The Pokémon tosses the opponent in a swift, violent throw. Unless the opponent has Battle Armor, Shell Armor, or is under the effects of Lucky Chant, this move will always result in a critical it. Storm Throw can be used against a target with a Weight Class up to two (2) values greater than the user.

Attack Power: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 + Target Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Strength: The Pokemon summons its strength to ram their foe with a powerful barge that can push away a foe of any weight. Can also be used to move around heavy objects on the field. If combined with a grappling or throw attack, weight restrictions will be ignored.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

String Shot: The Pokemon spits a sticky silk at their opponent, tangling them up and lowering their speed by one (1) stage. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Struggle: The Pokemon struggles desperately in an attempt to do some damage to its foe, taking 40% of the damage done in recoil to itself in the process. Struggle can be ordered at any time; however, it tends to unnerve the Pokemon when used. Struggle is a typeless attack, hitting all opponents for neutral damage. Struggle can hit Ghosts. No Pokemon can gain STAB from Struggle.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Struggle Bug: The Pokemon emits a weak vibrational signal on a unique wavelength. The wave disrupts the mental focus of opponents, causing their Special Attack to drop one (1) stage. This move targets all opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Stun Spore: The Pokemon releases tiny yellow spores onto the opponent. If they make contact, the opponent becomes paralyzed.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Submission: The Pokemon recklessly barges into the opponent with a grappling, rolling tackle, forcing them into an awkward position and taking recoil equal to 25% of the damage done. Submission can target Pokemon with a Weight Class up to two (2) values greater than the user's Attack Rank. If the target is being Bodyblocked and this Pokemon could use Submission on the Bodyblocker, the Bodyblocker takes damage as if it were the original target, and the Bodyblocker's Weight Class is added to Submission's BAP against the intended target. The user of Submission only takes recoil damage based on damage dealt to Pokemon that aren't Bodyblocked.

Attack Power: 12 - Target Weight Class | Accuracy: 80% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Substitute: The Pokemon siphons 15, 20, or 25 HP of its life force and creates a Substitute. The Substitute can absorb damage and status attacks for the user. When Substitute is constructed, status effects and secondary effects cannot be inflicted. Taunt and Torment ignore this, however. Substitute will block all stat-lowering attacks and other new effects except for Attract, Curse, Destiny Bond, Encore, Grudge, Perish Song, Psych Up, Roar, Taunt and Whirlwind. While a Substitute is up, an opposing Pokemon will not take recoil damage from an attack with recoil, or take damage from Life Orb recoil.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 12 (15 HP), 18 (20 HP), 24 (25 HP) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Sucker Punch: The Pokemon feigns weakness, but then strikes with intense swiftness if the foe prepares to attack. This move fails if the opponents uses a non-damaging move or outspeeds the Pokemon with its own high-speed attacks.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical: | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 1 | CT: Set

Sunny Day: The Pokemon calls upon the sun to shine very brightly by sending a red beam into the sky that clears the sky of clouds and intensifies the sunlight. For four (4) rounds, bright sunlight is in effect. In Moonlight the red beam greatly amplifies the moonlight's intensity, creating the same effect. If a Pokemon uses a Fire-type attack in the sun it will pick up additional heat, increasing its Base Attack Power by three (3) Pokemon cannot be frozen during Sunny Day. If a Pokemon uses a Water-type attack in the sun much of it will evaporate, reducing its Base Attack Power by three (3). Sunny Day lasts for four (4) rounds and activates Solar Power, Chlorophyll, and Leaf Guard. This move will fail if the arena is indoors.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Super Fang: The Pokemon's fangs glow bright white as they strike the opponent. The bite taps into the opponent's vitality, using its own strength against them.

Attack Power: Fixed Damage = (Opponent's Current HP / 5) | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: (Damage / 2) + 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Superpower: The Pokemon glows with strength before making a powerful strike. However, it exhausts the Pokemon, lowering its Attack and Defense by one (1) stage each.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Supersonic: The Pokemon sends out a supersonic screech, confusing the Pokemon that hears it. Supersonic can drown out other sound attacks without an accuracy check.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 55% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Surf: The Pokemon summons a huge wave and rides it, crashing it down on the opponent. When Surf strikes a Pokemon in the middle of a Dive, it's Base Attack Power is 15 instead of 10. A water source such as a lake or ocean is necessary. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Swagger: The Pokemon intimidatingly taunts the opponent, increasing their Attack by two (2) stages but confusing them as well. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Swallow: The Pokemon uses up the energy it stored with Stockpile to heal itself, recovering 10 HP (flat) per Stockpile, up to a maximum of 30 HP. If the Pokemon has no Stockpile effect when it uses this move, the move fails. Once the Pokemon has used Swallow, it loses its defense bonuses instantly and its Stockpile counter drops to 0. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sweet Kiss: The Pokemon blows a white glowing kiss at the opponent. If it hits, the opponent becomes confused.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Sweet Scent: The Pokemon sends an attractive scent into the air, lowering the opponent's evasion one (1) stage. This move does nothing if the opponent can not smell it. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Swift: The Pokemon shoots out star-shaped rays that home in on the opponent. This move will never miss by means of accuracy or evasion, but can be blocked by solid objects. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Switcheroo: The Pokemon sneaks up to the opponent and quickly switches the held items before it's noticed. This move does not work if the opponent has Sticky Hold or Multitype.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Swords Dance: The Pokemon performs a graceful, spinning dance of sorts, increasing their fighting prowess by boosting Attack two (2) stages. The spinning action can deflect some attacks, though some damage will still be taken. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Synchronoise: The Pokemon sends out a psychic pulse of a certain frequency, damaging all other Pokemon that share any types with the Pokemon. This move hits all Pokemon except the user. If combined with Round, Echoed Voice, or Hyper Voice, increases the final power of the combo by 1.5x, rounded. (e.g. 7 + 6 = 13 * 1.5 = 19.5 = 20). If combined with Screech or Supersonic, the power of the combination doubles (7 * 2 = 14) and has 100% Accuracy.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Synthesis: The Pokemon basks itself in the light, restoring 30 HP in strong sunlight, 20 HP in normal weather or a well lit indoors arena, or 10 HP in other weather or a poorly lit indoors arena. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: (Maximum HP/10) + 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Tackle: The Pokemon tackles the opponent with powerful force.

Attack Power: 3 + User Weight Class/2 (round up) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 2 + Weight Class/3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Tail Glow: The Pokemon's appendages glow a bright yellow and in a specific pattern to focus the user's mind. This boosts the user's Special Attack by three (3) stages. This move locks its changed stat for the round if used on the last action of a round.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 11 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Tail Slap: The Pokemon slaps the foe 2-5 times with its tail. It can disrupt an opponent's move that takes a while to charge up.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Tail Whip: The Pokemon wags its tail cutely, causing the opponent to contemplate how cute it looks and lower its guard slightly, lowering its defense by one (1) stage. If Tail Whip is added to a combination, that combination will have 25% more Base Attack Power, but will only be able to affect one foe. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Tailwind: The Pokemon summons a strong wind that favors them over the opponent, doubling (2x) its team's Speed for six (6) actions. This move targets up to three (3) allied Pokemon in a multi-battle and maintains its effect on a Pokemon's position even if it is switched for another Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Take Down: The Pokemon charges at the opponent with high speed, dealing damage to them and 25% recoil to itself.

Attack Power: 7 + Weight Class/1.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 6 + Weight Class/2.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Taunt: The Pokemon taunts and sneers at the opponent, enraging the opponent and making them only capable of using damaging attacking moves (no commands, no chills) for the following six (6) actions. If a combination used while Taunted includes a non-attacking move, it may be used so long as the combination does damage. If the Pokemon is unable to witness the Taunt, like if it is asleep, the move fails; a Pokemon being ordered to look away does not make it fail.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type Other: | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Techno Blast: The Pokemon releases a damaging sound wave in a specific direction. The type of this sound wave depends on the type of cassette the user is holding. If the user is not holding a cassette, the type is Normal.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Depends | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Teeter Dance: The Pokemon starts dancing a popular, captivating underground dance that includes spinning. The Pokemon spins so quickly that it leaves an afterimage, confusing any foe. This attack hits all adjacent Pokemon.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Telekinesis: The Pokemon releases a psychic wave of such strength that it keeps the target in place for a duration of six (6) actions. The target is lifted into the air, making it immune to Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude. Earth Power's effectiveness is reduced by 3 BAP. Dig and Dive will also be avoided unless the user is above Size Class four (4), is 3.5m or longer, or has Levitate or the Flying type - Telekinesis also ensures all other moves, except for the high-powered OHKO moves, will hit the Pokemon affected by Telekinesis. Telekinesis must be maintained while attacking, if disrupted it will dissipate.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Teleport: The Pokemon glows white and then disappears, reappearing in another location several seconds later. Teleport has 2 distinct uses:
1. Teleport (Evasive)
Teleport can be used as a +1 Priority evasive attack. Teleport will evade any slower single target attack (other than perfect accuracy attacks and No Guard attacks). If used evasively, the Pokemon does not gain any other benefits. This move fails if used successively, or after Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Agility (Evasive), or the Dodge Command. If Evasive Teleport is combined with a suitable damaging move, the evasive properties granted by Evasive Teleport are nullified.
2. Teleport (Switch)
[Switch = KO], Teleport can be used to briefly return to a Pokeball and reappear, resetting all of the Pokemon's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment.
[Switch = OK], In a switch battle, the Teleport user is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The Pokemon that is switched in to replace the user is chosen by the player from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Teleport must attack first. A Pokemon switched out with Teleport can switch without initiating a Switch Phase, but only Pokemon that used Teleport, U-turn or Volt Switch can be swapped out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: +1 Evasive Action, 0 Switch Effect | CT: Passive

Thief: The Pokemon races towards the opponent and deals light damage, distracting the opponent while the user steals the opponent's item. Thief will not steal an item if the user is already holding one; however, it will deal damage.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 100% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Thrash: The Pokemon goes into a fury and repeatedly batters the opponent. This lasts for 3 actions but can be disrupted by an attack with a BAP more than 12. After the move ends or is disrupted, the user is confused from exhaustion. Using Thrash does not incur the consecutive move energy cost penalty. This move attacks an enemy Pokemon at random. If the target is being Bodyblocked and this Pokemon's Weight Class is more than (Bodyblocker's Weight Class + Target's Weight Class), Thrash hits both Pokemon at full BAP. When combined with any suitable move, the Pokemon is not forced to use Thrash after cooldown, and will be confused after executing the combo. The Pokemon must not be locked into a move to use this move in a combo.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Thunder: The Pokemon fires a massive beam of electricity towards the opponent's general direction. During the effect of the move Rain Dance or the ability Drizzle, Thunder has --% accuracy and thus cannot miss. During the effect of the move Sunny Day or the ability Drought, Thunder has 50% accuracy. Regardless of the current weather, Thunder has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 70% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 30% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Thunder Fang: The Pokemon's fangs glow yellow and sparks fly off them. Then the user bites down on the opponent. Thunder Fang has a chance to paralyze the opponent. It also has a chance to flinch the opponent.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% paralysis, 10% flinch | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Thunder Wave: The Pokemon releases blue sparks that target the opponent's muscle nerves, making them have a chance not to respond to any commands, effectively paralyzing them. Pokemon with a Ground typing or the abilities Lightningrod, Limber, Motor Drive, or Volt Absorb are immune to Thunder Wave.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Thunderbolt: The Pokemon releases a yellow bolt of electricity towards the opponent. Thunderbolt has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

Attack Power: 10 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special| Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

ThunderPunch: The Pokemon's fist glows yellow and sparks come off of it, then the user punches the opponent. It also has a chance to paralyze the opponent.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

ThunderShock: The Pokemon glows yellow and releases a small lightning bolt at the opponent. When combined with another Special Electric Attack, the Base Attack Power of that attack is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g Thundershock + Thunderbolt is 4 + 10 * 1.5 = 19 BAP].

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 10% | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Tickle: The Pokemon tickles the opponent, lowering their Attack and Defense by one (1) stage. This move locks its changed stat for the round if its last use in the round is not Action One.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Torment: The Pokemon imbues itself with dark energy and torments the foe for six (6) actions, preventing the opponent from using the same attack twice in a row. Furthermore, it prevents the opponent from using any move during any given round that it used in the round prior.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Dark | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Toxic: The Pokemon lets out a dark purple gas at the opponent. The gas enters the opponent's body through the pores and poisons the opponent. Toxic Damage starts at 1 DPA, and increases by 1 DPA as the end of each round, with no cap in the amount of damage. Toxic damage resets if the Pokemon switches out.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Toxic Spikes: The Pokemon lays down a layer of spikes that inflict varying degrees of Poison status. One (1) layer of Toxic Spikes inflicts Poison, and two (2) layers of Toxic Spikes inflict bad poison. Pokemon with the Levitate trait or those that are Flying-, Steel-, and Poison-type are immune to the effects of Toxic Spikes. Pokemon that would be affected by Toxic Spikes, but are Poison-type, absorb Toxic Spikes, removing them from their side of the arena. Rapid Spin will remove all Toxic Spikes from the user's side of the field.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Transform: The Pokemon glows multi-colored before transforming into the opponent. Transform copies the opponents typing, moves, current stats apart from HP, and current stat stages. In Switch=KO, Circle Throw, Dragon Tail, Roar, and Whirlwind can shock a transforming Pokemon back to its original form. Transform can be used against Substitutes and under Taunt, and a transformation will always last for at least six (6) actions before it can be dissipated by the effects of an attack. A Transformation from Imposter does not have the six (6) action immunity.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Tri Attack: The Pokemon creates a triangle out of white energy. The user then shoots the triangle at the opponent. Each of the points of the triangle are imbued with the elemental energies of Fire, Electric, and Ice. This gives Tri Attack a total of a 20% chance to inflict burn, freeze or paralysis; with a 6.67% chance for each.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Trick: The Pokemon glows white and the item it is holding is switched with the item the opponent is holding.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Trick Room: The Pokemon's eyes glow red and it creates a multicolored cubic room. The room then turns invisible, only briefly flashing when a Pokemon is sent out to show that it's still there. Inside the room, the Pokemon with the lower speed moves first. Trick Room also reverses the effect of Spe Natures, lowering the Dodge of +Spe Pokemon by the calculated accuracy value and increasing the Accuracy and Dodge of -Spe Pokemon by a flat 10 instead of lowering their Evasion and Dodge by a flat 10. However, the accuracy boost of +Spe Pokemon is retained. Trick Room lasts for four (4) rounds. If another Trick Room is used while Trick Room is in effect, the field reverts to normal.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: -7 | CT: Passive

Triple Kick: The Pokemon quickly kicks at the opponent three (3) times using a special technique.

Attack Power: 2 per hit | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Trump Card: The Pokemon smiles deviously and strikes the opponent. Trump Card's Base Attack Power increased by 3 each time it is used, up to a maximum Base Attack Power of 20.

Attack Power: 5 (Max 20) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Twineedle: The Pokemon stabs the opponent twice with poisoned stingers. This attack has a chance to poison the target.

Attack Power: 3 per hit | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Twister: The Pokemon creates a twister and sends it towards the opponent, damaging them. Twister's strong winds can scare the opponent, causing them to flinch. If Twister is used against a Pokemon in the first stage of Fly, Bounce or Sky Drop, Twister's Base Attack Power increases from 4 to 8. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle. If combined with Gust, Hail, Leaf Tornado, Rain Dance, Sandstorm, Sunny Day, or Whirlwind, the Base Attack Power of the entire combination doubles (combo 2x) [e.g. Twister + Gust = (4 + 4) * 2 = 16]. The Base Attack Power will double again if used against a foe in the middle of Bounce, Fly, or Sky Drop.

Attack Power: 4 or 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Dragon | Priority: 0 | CT: Force
Uproar: The Pokemon uses great blasts of sound while enraged to damage the opponent, overpowering all other sound-based effects in the arena and preventing all Pokemon in the arena from sleeping until it dissipates. Uproar lasts for three (3) actions, and all Pokemon will wake up and become immune to sleep while Uproar is being used. Uproar does not suffer from the consecutive attacks penalty. This move attacks an enemy Pokemon at random. When combined with any suitable move, the Pokemon is not forced to use Uproar after the cooldown turn. The Pokemon must not be locked into a move in order to use this move in a combo.

Attack Power: 9 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

U-turn: The Pokemon strikes the opponent before dashing off in a different direction, outpacing even trapping abilities. If the attack hits, two different effects may take depending on the enforced Switch Clause:

Switch = KO: The attack resets all of the Pokemon's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment.

Switch = OK: The user is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The Pokemon that is switched in to replace the user is chosen by the player from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded U-turn must attack first. A Pokemon switched out with U-turn can switch without initiating a Switch Phase, but only Pokemon that used Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch can be swapped out.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Set
Vacuum Wave: The Pokemon strikes before the opponent, whirling a limb to cause a vacuum to fly towards the opposing Pokemon.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 1 | CT: Elemental

Venoshock: The Pokemon rains down drops of poison on the foe to inflict damage. It has a catalyst that increases Base Attack Power from 7 to 13 if an opponent is poisoned.

Attack Power: 7 or 13 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Poison | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

V-Create: The Pokemon engulfs itself in flames and charges toward the opponent, inflicting massive damage. The Pokemon's Defense, Special Defense and Speed are lowered as a result of this ferocious attack.

Attack Power: 18 | Accuracy: 95% | Energy Cost: 12 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

ViceGrip: The Pokemon uses large pincers to grab and crush the opponent. ViceGrip can hold the opposing Pokemon in place for a short time. If combined with Crabhammer, the combination always scores a critical hit. If combined with Bite, "Fang" Moves, Crunch, Guillotine, or Sucker Punch, the target is unable to use contact attacks against the Pokemon from the time the attack hits through the cooldown phase. If combined with Bind, the damage per action of Bind doubles (x2).

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Vine Whip: The Pokemon whips the opponent with long, slender vines. If combined with Wrap or Bind, the damage per action of the partial trapping move is doubled. If combined with Grass Knot, Power Whip, or Wring Out, the Base Attack Power of combined move is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [E.g. Vine Whip + Power Whip = 4 + (12 * 1.5) = 22). If combined with Tickle, the opponent's Attack and Defense will each drop two (2) Stages instead of one.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Vital Throw: The Pokemon waits for the opponent to attack before picking them up and throwing them away. If the user moves last, then this attack is guaranteed to hit. Vital Throw can be used against target with a Weight Class up to four (4) values greater than the user.

Attack Power: 4 + Target Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: -1 | CT: Passive

Volt Switch: The Pokemon strikes the opponent with electricity before dashing off in a different direction, outpacing even trapping abilities. If the attack hits, two different effects may take depending on the enforced Switch Clause:

Switch = KO: The attack resets all of the Pokemon's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment.

Switch = OK: The user is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The Pokemon that is switched in to replace the user is chosen by the player from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Volt Switch must attack first. A Pokemon switched out with U-turn can switch without initiating a Switch Phase, but only Pokemon that used Teleport, U-turn, or Volt Switch can be swapped out.

Attack Power: 7 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Volt Tackle: The Pokemon engulfs itself in electricity and slams into the foe. As a result of this attack, the user takes 1/3 of the damage that it dealt to the opponent.

Attack Power: 11 + User Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 + Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental
Wake-Up Slap: The Pokemon slaps the opponent violently, both inflicting damage and healing the foe from sleep. Its power is doubled if used on a sleeping foe.

Attack Power: 6 or 12 if opponent is asleep | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Fighting | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Water Gun: The Pokemon sprays a jet of water at the foe, drenching them. The drenching effect lasts for three (3) actions after Water Gun is used. When drenched, the opponent's weakness to electric attacks is calculated at the next weakness level (e.g. 0.5x-1x, 1x-2x). Type immunity still applies, and Ground types cannot be paralyzed by Electric-type attacks, even when drenched. If combined with Hydro Pump, the Base Attack Power of Hydro Pump is increased by one and a half (1.5x) [e.g. Water Gun + Hydro Pump = 4 + (12 * 1.5) = 22] The drenched effect will still occur.

Attack Power: 4 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 3 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Water Pledge: A mystical power causes water to spread across the battlefield. When used with either Fire Pledge or Grass Pledge, the Base Attack Power doubles. When used the same action as Fire Pledge, Fire Pledge is ignored a Rainbow shimmers down on the user's side of the arena, increasing the effect chance of any attacks used by 30% for six (6) actions (does not stack with Serene Grace). When used the same action as Grass Pledge, Water Pledge is ignored and the arena underneath the opponent's side descends into a murky swamp, halving (0.5x) the speed of the opponents team for six (6) actions. All Pledge attacks target a single foe, but effect one side of the arena depending in their effect.

Attack Power: 5 or 20 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Water Pulse: The Pokemon fires a ring of water at the foe to inflict damage. Due to the force of the water, this attack has a chance to confuse the opponent. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position.

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Water Sport: The Pokemon sprays water across the arena to lower the effect of Fire-type moves. The final damage of Fire-type attacks is reduced by 50% (0.5x) for six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Water Spout: The Pokemon lets loose a massive spout of water to attack the opponent. Its power depends on the amount of vitality left in the Pokemon. This move targets up to three (3) adjacent opponents in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: 15 * HP Percentage | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Waterfall: The Pokemon propels itself towards, and strikes, the opponent using water. Due to the impact of this attack, it has a chance to flinch.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Weather Ball: The Pokemon gathers a ball of weather energy and fires it at the opponent. Its power doubles if Sunny, Rainy, Hail, Sandstorm or Fog conditions are in effect. It also changes type to match the weather.

Attack Power: 5 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Whirlpool: The Pokemon traps the opponent in a swirling tornado of water. During Whirlpool, both trainers may still issue attacks; however, the whirlpool user must still maintain their focus or the whirlpool will collapse. The violent rotation and force of whirlpool drains the opponent of 2 HP per action as long as Whirlpool is in effect. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 4 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 85% | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Whirlwind: The Pokemon launches a wind of amazing and terrifying force, causing the opponent to lose all sense of its physical and mental state. In Switch = KO, the shock of the attack resets all of the opponent's stat changes and snaps it out of temporary status as well as other effects like Disable, Taunt, and Torment. In Switch = OK, the Pokemon is sent back to its trainer's Poke Ball at the end of the round. The opponent's Pokemon is switched out at random from their remaining Pokemon, however the trainer that commanded Whirlwind must attack first.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: -6 | CT: Passive

Wide Guard: The Pokemon dashes in front of its allies and releases a pulse that expands horizontally and vertically (but not forward) at amazing speed. The pulse blocks all moves that can hit multiple Pokemon, even in single battles. This move fails if used on successive actions or after Protect, Detect, Quick Guard, Evasive Agility, Evasive Teleport, or the Dodge command. This move targets all allied Pokemon in a multi-battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Rock | Priority: 3 | CT: Passive

Wild Charge: The Pokemon charges its body with large amounts of electricity and recklessly tackles the opponent. It suffers recoil equal to 25% of the damage done.

Attack Power: 7 + Weight Class/1.5 (round up) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 + Weight Class/2.5 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Will-O-Wisp: The Pokemon creates a blue-white ghostly flame that floats into the opponent, searing them with internal burns. Although it does no damage, it always burns the foe.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 75% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Typing: Fire | Priority: 0 | CT: Force

Wing Attack: The Pokemon charges its wings with energy and strikes the opponent. This move can hit any single Pokemon on the field, regardless of position. When combined with a different "Air", "Wing", or "Wind" move, the Base Attack Power of the combining move is increased by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up [e.g. Wing Attack + Air Slash = 6 + (7 * 1.5, rounded) = 17]

Attack Power: 6 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Flying | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Wish: The Pokemon funnels its energy into a small white sphere that is released into the sky. At the end of the first action of the next round, a large, energized sphere plummets from the sky onto the Pokemon, restoring HP equal to a quarter of the total HP of the Pokemon that used Wish. If the Pokemon is KOed or switched, its replacement receives the boon. Using this move uses up one of the user's available recovery moves in a battle.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: Energy Cost: 6 + (Max HP / 7.5) | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Withdraw: The Pokemon withdraws into its shell, which glows a bright crimson, increasing its defense by one (1) stage, and reducing final damage from all incoming non-contact physical attacks by two (2) until this Pokemon uses a move other than Chill, Harden, Iron Defense, Rapid Spin, Withdraw, or a combination involving two of the aforementioned moves. This move locks its changed stat for the round within which it was used. Withdraw cannot be used if this Pokemon is under the effects of Shell Smash.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Water | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Wonder Room: The Pokemon releases a purple wave that surrounds the entire arena. While in effect, the Defense Rank and Special Defense Rank of Pokemon on the field are switched. This effect lasts for four (4) rounds. If Wonder Room is used again, the effect is negated.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 10 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Psychic | Priority: -7 | CT: Passive

Wood Hammer: The Pokemon energizes one of its limbs with dangerously unstable natural energy and recklessly charges the opponent. The Pokemon receives 33% of the damage dealt in recoil.

Attack Power: 10 + User Weight Class | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 + Weight Class/2 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental

Worry Seed: The Pokemon generates and fires a small seed at the impact. Upon contact it explodes, releasing a nervous gas that overrides the opponents natural genetic structure. The opponent's abilities will be changed to Insomnia for the next six (6) actions.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Grass | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Work Up: The Pokemon thinks happy thoughts about the battle to raise its Special Attack and Attack by one (1) stage.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: N/A | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive

Wrap: The Pokemon wraps themselves around the opponent with their arms, body, or other appendages and locks them into place. During Wrap, both Pokemon may still issue attacks; however, any attack using a part of the body implementing the bind will cause it to release. The steady squeezing of a Bind drains the opponents HP at the rate of 2 per action for as long as they are in the bind. The holding effect can last up to four (4) actions before it needs to be refreshed.

Attack Power: 3 + 2 HP drain per action | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 4 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Wring Out: The Pokemon wraps themselves around the opponent and taps into the opponents vitality reserves, forcing them against the opponent. The higher the opponent's HP, the more damage Wring Out does.

Attack Power: 4 + (Opponent's HP/10) | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
X-Scissor: The Pokemon holds up its hands or hand-like appendages, which begin to glow with a white light. It then slashes diagonally downward at its foe with them.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: Yes | Typing: Bug | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental
Yawn: The Pokemon yawns loudly, forcing the opponent to think of sleeping and making them drowsy. Once afflicted by Yawn, the target Pokemon will fall asleep at the end of the first action of the following round. Yawn is blocked if a Substitute is presently up, but will not be blocked by a Substitute used after it takes effect. This move will fail if the opponent cannot hear the user.

Attack Power: -- | Accuracy: 100% | Energy Cost: 7 | Attack Type: Other | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Normal | Priority: 0 | CT: Passive
Zap Cannon: The Pokemon charges a large ball of concentrated electricity, and fires it at the foe. As the ball moves slowly it is easy to evade. If the attack hits, the extreme concentration of the electricity will paralyze the foe.

Attack Power: 12 | Accuracy: 50% | Energy Cost: 9 | Attack Type: Special | Effect Chance: -- | Contact: No | Typing: Electric | Priority: 0 | CT: Set

Zen Headbutt: The Pokemon focuses all of its willpower to its head, and rams the foe head-on. The focused willpower may disrupt the opponent's own will, causing it to flinch.

Attack Power: 8 | Accuracy: 90% | Energy Cost: 6 | Attack Type: Physical | Effect Chance: 20% | Contact: Yes | Typing: Psychic | Priority: 0 | CT: Elemental
Command List:

The command list has all officially codified commands and includes all commands granted by abilities.

Bodyblock: The Pokemon leaps in front of an ally and becomes the target of all single-target attacks that are directed at that Pokemon for the remainder of the action in which it is used, except those attacks that strike targets regardless of position or target in such a manner that make blocking them impractical (ex. Earth Power or Thunder). This command will fail unless the size class of the blocking Pokemon is the same as or greater than that of the target, or if the Pokemon is smaller, but within 0.3m PokeDex size of the target (ex. Magmar and Electabuzz). If the Pokemon's PokeDex size is larger but the Size Class is smaller (most serpentine Pokemon) Bodyblock can still be used successfully. Because the Pokemon is intentionally blocking moves, all attacks used against the blocking Pokemon will never miss for the action it is blocking. Attacks directed at the target will instead use the blocking Pokemon's typing, defensive stats, and stage boosts for calculating the damage dealt. If a Bodyblocking Pokemon is targeted by a high impact attack, Bodyblock will be broken through if the sum of this Pokemon and the Bodyblocked Ally's Weight Class are less than the Weight Class of the attacker.

Command Type: Universal | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Chill: The Pokemon rests and regains twelve (12) Energy. Chilling does not incur the normal consecutive attacks penalty.

Command Type: Universal | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 0 | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Dodge: The Pokemon uses its innate speed and evasiveness to dodge an opponent's attack, reducing an incoming attack's base accuracy (ie, before accuracy/evasion stage) by a flat percentage produced by the Dodge formula below. The Pokemon's Size Class determines its Base Dodge: 40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1 and 0 for Size Classes 1 through 7 respectively. If a move's accuracy would be increased by the Dodge command, the Dodge command instead simply fails and the move has normal accuracy. Dodge can evade any attack except for attacks that do not have an accuracy check (this includes Thunder in Rain and Blizzard in Hail) or are influenced by Lagging Tail, Lock-On, No Guard, Mind Reader, or Telekinesis. This command fails if used consecutively, or after Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Quick Guard, Agility (Evasive), or Teleport (Evasive).

In normal conditions, the formula is Base Dodge + ((User's Speed - Opponent's Speed) / 5) + (Accuracy boost from user's +Spe Nature OR -10 if -Spe Nature)

In Trick Room, the formula is Base Dodge + ((Opponent's Speed - User's Speed) / 5) - (Accuracy boost from a +Spe Nature OR +10 if -Spe Nature)

Whichever formula is used, Dodge has a maximum value of 75%.

Command Type: Universal | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 4 | CT: None

Shift: A Pokemon may use the Shift command on an adjacent allied Pokemon in any Triples+ match where positioning is on. Shift switches the position of the Pokemon using it and its target without interfering with the target's actions, while all other attacks aimed the the user or the target will still hit the intended target as normal if possible. Shift cannot fail due to Taunt, cannot be Disabled, cannot be Encored, and cannot be interacted with by any other move that would otherwise prevent it from taking place.

Command Type: Universal | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: Deferring

Take Cover: The Pokemon dives behind an ally which then becomes the target of all single-target attacks that are directed at the hiding Pokemon for the remainder of the action in which it is used, except those attacks that strike targets regardless of position or target in such a manner that make blocking them impractical (ex. Earth Power or Thunder). When used in a combo, the hiding Pokemon will hide behind the target for the initial action and the cooldown action. This command will fail unless the size class of the target is at least two (2) greater than that of the hiding Pokemon. Attacks directed at the hiding Pokemon will instead use the blocking Pokemon's typing, defensive stats, and stage boosts for calculating the damage dealt. If this Pokemon is targeted by a high impact attack while using Take Cover, it's ally's Bodyblock will be broken through if the sum of this Pokemon and the Bodyblocking ally's Weight Class are less than the Weight Class of the attacker.

Command Type: Universal | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Cloud Nine: The Pokemon clears the arena of all weather.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Color Change: The Pokemon changes its type to that of an attack that has damaged the Pokemon in the last three (3) actions.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Drizzle: The Pokemon re-summons Rain to the field.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Drought: The Pokemon re-summons Sun to the field.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Intimidate: The Pokemon makes an intimidating roar or battle cry that lowers the Attack and natural Attack stage of all opponents by one (1). Intimidate can only be used the round after an opponent sends out a new Pokemon.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Magnet Pull: The Pokemon uses its powerful magnetic field to manipulate a Steel-type opponent. Magnet Pull can either be used to attract the opponent, making them unable to use contact attacks on any Pokemon except the user of Magnet Pull, or it can be used to repel them so they cannot use contact attacks on the user of Magnet Pull. If the Pokemon uses Magnet Pull (Attract) on an opponent it previously used Magnet Pull (Repel) on or vice versa, the new effect overrides the old one.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Pickpocket (Item Swap): The Pokemon deftly swaps held items with an ally without the need for the ally to use a command.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Rebound: The Pokemon digs up and repositions a specified hazard from the player's field to the opponent's field. Only one layer of a hazard may be repositioned at a time.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Sand Stream: The Pokemon re-summons Sandstorm to the field.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Snow Warning: The Pokemon re-summons Hail to the field.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 9 | Priority: 0 | CT: None

Trace: Copies the ability of an opponent and replaces Trace for 6 actions.

Command Type: Ability Based | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Appliance (Enter): The Pokemon enters its body into any appliance with a motor, taking it over as part of itself. The appliance goes wit the Pokemon when it returns to its Poke Ball, and when sent back out later in the same or different matches, the appliance will be with it. Certain appliances provide the Pokemon with specialty moves as a result of taking over that appliance, and all appliances change the Pokemon's secondary typing.

Pokemon with the Appliance (Enter) Command: Rotom
Specialty Moves: Hydro Pump (Washing Machine), Leaf Storm (Lawn Mower), Blizzard (Refrigerator), Air Slash (Fan), Overheat (Toaster)
Secondary Typing: Water (Washing Machine), Grass (Lawn Mower), Ice (Refrigerator), Flying (Fan), Fire (Toaster)

Command Type: Specific Pokemon | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Priority: 0

Appliance (Exit): The Pokemon exits any appliance with a motor that it is currently in. The Pokemon loses any special moves gifted to it by the appliance and its typing reverts to its original pre-appliance typing. The appliance becomes inert where it was left, and will no longer travel in the Poke Ball with the Pokemon when it is called back by its trainer, instead becoming a separate item.

Pokemon with the Appliance (Exit) Command: Rotom

Command Type: Specific Pokemon | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 8 | Priority: 0

Forme Shift (Normal, Attack, Defense, Speed): The Pokemon Shifts its DNA to another forme, inheriting that forme's stats but keeping all its current moves. At the end of the battle, the Pokemon will shift back to its Normal Forme. A different forme can be assumed each time the Pokemon is sent out.

Pokemon with the Forme Shift Command: Deoxys-N, Deoxys-A, Deoxys-D, Deoxys-S

Command Type: Specific Pokemon | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0

Levitate: The Pokemon hovers above the ground, avoiding all Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude for three (3) actions. Earth Power's effectiveness is reduced by 3 BAP. Dig and Dive will also be avoided unless the user is above Size Class four (4), is 3.5m or longer, or has Levitate or the Flying type.

Pokemon with the Levitate Command (Based on Anime precedent, basic wings, etc.):

Beedrill, Venomoth, Magnemite, Magneton, Geodude, Staryu, Starmie, Porygon, Dragonair, Mewtwo, Mew, Dunsparce, Heracross, Forretress, Scizor, Porygon2, Celebi, Dustox, Nincada, Shedinja, Nosepass, Volbeat, Illumise, Shuppet, Banette, Dusclops, Glalie, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Magnezone, Jirachi, Deoxys, Froslass, Probopass, Porygon-Z, Dusknoir, Garchomp, Dialga, Palkia, Darkrai, Arceus, Victini, Cottonee, Yamask, Cofagrigus, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe, Escavalier, Frillish, Jellicent, Klink, Klang, Klinklang, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Accelgor, Druddigon, Golurk, Larvesta, Volcarona, Reshiram, Zekrom, Genesect, Revenankh.

Command Type: Specific Pokemon | Accuracy: -- | Energy Cost: 5 | Priority: 0 | CT: None
Last edited by a moderator:
Recently changed abilities:

Trace has had a line added that says that it won't activate on being sent out unless the player specifies which ability to trace.

Sheer Force's effect has been updated in terms of what moves get the boost. The moves eligible have been changed from moves with a < 100% chance of a secondary effect occurring to moves that either lower the target's stats, raise the user's stats, or inflict a status condition on the target.

Harvest's effect now models the in-game effect where berries are only regenerated 50% of the time out of Sun.

Arena Trap now has its in-game effect.

Huge Power & Pure Power now only increase the BRT of the Pokémon that have the ability only when said Pokémon has the ability active.

ASB Ability Guide


Ability Name: Name of the Ability

Ability Type:

  • Trait: This ability is always in effect as a natural part of the Pokemon, even in matches where no ability is specified or in matches where one ability other than this ability is specified.
  • Passive: This ability is always in effect except in matches where no ability is specified or in matches where one ability other than this ability is specified. The ability's effect may always be active or it may be active only under certain circumstances.
  • Trigger: This ability has an effect that is activated by spending an action and a certain amount of energy. Sometimes the effect will also be activated automatically when the Pokemon is sent out; this may or may not cost energy. Abilities in this category may have additional ongoing effects like those of Passive abilities.
  • Toggle: This ability has two effects that the Pokemon can choose between, one of which is given as the default and one of which may be no effect whatsoever. The effects of these abilities are like those of Passive abilities. The Pokemon may toggle between the two effects when sent out or at the start of any round in which its trainer is ordering first. Toggling between effects does not take up an action or cost any energy.
Description: Description of Ability's effect

Pokemon with this Ability: The Pokemon with this ability.

Audit this list for consistency among ability effects:

Abilities like Guts or Flare Boost that boost Attack/Special Attack outside of stages use language like "two (2) more Base Attack Power."

Abilities that increase stats outside of stages like Swift Swim and Quick Feet use language like "doubles (2x) or increases by 50% (1.5x)"

Abilities that increase or decrease stages use language like "When hit by a Grass-type attack, the Pokemon's Attack and natural Attack stage are increased by one (1)."


Type: Passive

The moves that match this Pokemon's type have their Base Attack Power increased by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Eevee, PorygonZ, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Feebas, Basculin.


Type: Passive

If this Pokemon uses Selfdestruct or Explosion, the attack has ten (10) more Base Attack Power and five (5) more Energy Cost to execute.

Pokemon with this ability: Voltorb, Electrode, Drifloon, Drifblim, Stunky, Skuntank, Trubbish, Garbodor.

Air Lock:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon releases immense barometric pressure, clearing the weather in the arena and preventing the effect of weather moves and abilities from taking place.

Pokemon with this ability: Rayquaza, Revenankh.


Type: Passive

If this Pokemon attacks after its target during an action, its attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.

Pokemon with this ability: Magnemite, Magneton, Staryu, Starmie, Porygon, Porygon2, Magnezone, Porygon-Z, Patrat, Watchog, Elgyem, Beheeyem.

Anger Point:

Type: Passive

When struck with a critical hit, this Pokemon becomes enraged and its Attack rises to maximum (Stage 6). However, its Attack will drop up to two (2) stages at the end of each round instead of one (1) stage until it reaches the Pokemon's natural Attack stage. Critical hits from self-targeting moves do not activate Anger Point.

Pokemon with this ability: Mankey, Primeape, Tauros, Camerupt, Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is better at sensing dangerous attacks, and reduced the Base Attack Power from super-effective attacks, Selfdestruct, and Explosion by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Eevee, Barboach, Whiscash, Wormadam, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Necturine.

Arena Trap:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has great knowledge of the field and can always remain close to an earthbound foe no matter where it runs. All Pokemon that are not of the Flying-Type, or possess the Levitate Ability, may not be switched out of battle while this Pokemon is on the field. This Pokemon may still switch out of battle as normal, unless there is another Pokemon on the field with Arena Trap.

Pokemon with this ability: Diglett, Dugtrio, Trapinch.
Bad Dreams:

Type: Passive
This Pokemon's frightening presence causes sleeping Pokemon to take four (4) damage/action and lose two (2) energy per action when sleeping.

Pokemon with this ability: Darkrai

Battle Armor:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits.

Pokemon with this ability: Cubone, Marowak, Kabuto, Kabutops, Anorith, Armaldo, Skorupi, Drapion, Flarelm, Pyroak.

Big Pecks:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's sturdy wings prevent its defense from being lowered. The rate its Defense stage drops after a boost is also halved from once every round to once every two (2) rounds.

Pokemon with this ability: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Chatot, Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant, Ducklett, Swanna, Vullaby, Mandibuzz.


Type: Passive

When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33%, the base damage of any fire attack is increased by two (2). (eg Flamethrower goes from 10 to 12, Fire Blast from 12 to 14)

Pokemon with this ability: Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Pansear, Simisear.

Type: Passive

During bright sunlight, this Pokemon's cells absorb more solar energy, doubling (x2) their speed.

Pokemon with this ability: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Tangela, Bellossom, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Sunkern, Sunflora, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Tropius, Cherubi, Tangrowth, Leafeon, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Leavanny, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Lilligant, Maractus, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Embirch, Flarelm, Pyroak.

Clear Body:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body structure makes it immune to stat-lowering moves used by opponents. (e.g. Intimidate, Growl, Screech etc.)

Pokemon with this ability: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Klink, Klang, Klinklang.

Cloud Nine:

Type: Trigger

Pokemon with Cloud Nine will not suffer any negative effects of weather, but will benefit from all positive effects. Sunny Day and Rain Dance do not increase the damage of attacks against them, or decrease the damage of their attacks. They suffer no damage in Hail and Sandstorm. Their SolarBeam will retain its BAP in Hail, Rain Dance, and Sandstorm, while the charge is still removed under Sunny Day. SolarBeam always charges against them, Blizzard, Thunder and Hurricane will always check with their 70% accuracy (or 50% if a weather effect reduces it.)

Cloud Nine also has a command that can nullify weather on the field.

Command: (Ability: Cloud Nine)

Pokemon with this ability: Psyduck, Golduck, Lickitung, Swablu, Altaria, Lickilicky.

Color Change:

Type: Trigger

A Pokemon with this ability can change its type to that of any attack that has damaged it within the past three (3) actions. It can remain as that type for the duration of the battle, or use Color Change again to change type. When this Pokemon uses Camouflage to change its type, its entire body changes color, giving it a one (1) stage boost in evasion. This effect lasts for six (6) actions. Subsequent uses of Camouflage refresh this effect.

Command: Ability: Color Change

Pokemon with this ability: Kecleon


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's complex eyes give it a comprehensive view of the field, making its attack 30% (x1.3) more accurate.

Pokemon with this ability: Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma, Dustox, Nincada, Joltik, Galvantula, Argalis.


Type: Toggle.

No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon's unique structure reverses stat changes it receives in battle, from both its own attacks and those of other Pokemon. At the end of the round, stat changes will still decay as normal.

Pokemon with this ability: Shuckle, Spinda, Snivy, Servine, Serperior.

Cursed Body:

Type: Passive

When this Pokemon is struck by an opponent's attack, there is a 30% chance that the attack will be disabled for six (6) actions. Only one of the opponent's attacks can be disabled at a time due to Cursed Body. A Pokemon with an attack disabled by Cursed Body cannot have another one disabled by Disable, and vice versa.

Pokemon with this ability: Shuppet, Banette, Froslass, Frillish, Jellicent, Kitsunoh, Voodoll.

Cute Charm:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's natural cuteness causes Pokemon of the opposite gender to be attracted to it 30% of the time after striking with a contact move.

Pokemon with this ability: Clefairy, Clefable, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Skitty, Delcatty, Milotic, Lopunny, Minccino, Cinccino.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon releases a damp mist upon entry into battle that short circuits the opponent's ability to use Selfdestruct or Explosion.

Pokemon with this ability: Paras, Parasect, Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Horsea, Seadra, Politoed, Wooper, Quagsire, Kingdra, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Frillish, Jellicent.


Type: Trait

The Pokemon tires from prolonged battles easily, and its Attack and Special Attack reduce by two (2) Ranks when at or below 50% of its maximum HP. Once Defeatist is active, attacks cost two (2) less energy. If the Pokemon goes back above 50% of its maximum HP in battle, Defeatist's effects will disappear.

Pokemon with this ability: Archen, Archeops.


Type: Passive

The Pokemon has a deep sense of honor, and whenever one of its stats are decreased by an opponent's Attack or Ability, its Attack increases by two (2) stages. Attack Boosts gained this way are not subject to deterioration that round.

Pokemon with this ability: Mankey, Primeape, Farfetch'd, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Purugly, Pawniard, Bisharp, Braviary, Tornadus, Thundurus.


Type: Passive

At the beginning of the match, the Pokemon analyzes the opponent and downloads data that lets it deal more damage. If the opponent's Defense rank is less than the opponent's Special Defense rank, the Pokemon's Attack and natural Attack stage increase by one (1). Otherwise, its Special Attack and natural Special Attack stage increase by one (1). When there is more than one opponent, add the Defense ranks together and the Special Defense ranks together.

Pokemon with this ability: Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Genesect.


Type: Trigger

When this Pokemon is sent out, it summons a massive rainstorm into the field that does not end, expending 10 EN to do so. It can re-summon the effect mid-battle for 9 EN with a command.

Command: (Ability: Drizzle)

Pokemon with this ability: Politoed, Kyogre.


Type: Trigger

When this Pokemon is sent out, it summons blistering sunlight that scorches the field and does not end, expending 10 EN to do so. It can re-summon the effect mid-battle for 9 EN with a command.

Command: (Ability: Drought)

Pokemon with this ability: Vulpix, Ninetales, Groudon

Dry Skin:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has spongy, yet sensitive skin, causing it to burn in bright sunlight for damage but absorb water and heal damaged tissues in rain. This effect results in dealing two (2) damage/action to this Pokemon in sunlight and recovering two (2) HP/action in rain. In addition, the dry skin is very vulnerable to flames and the Base Attack Power of incoming Fire attacks is increased by two (2). The Pokemon absorbs the damage of water attacks and recovers 25% of HP the damage that would have been inflicted.

Pokemon with this ability: Paras, Parasect, Jynx, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Mollux.
Early Bird:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is used to waking up at early hours or operating in low-light conditions and subsequently sleep status is automatically reduced by one intensity level when inflicted on this Pokemon. When the Pokemon uses Rest they will gain 18 HP per action and only be asleep for two actions.

Pokemon with this ability: Doduo, Dodrio, Kangaskhan, Ledyba, Ledian, Natu, Xatu, Sunkern, Sunflora, Girafarig, Houndour, Houndoom, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry.

Effect Spore:

Type: Toggle

By default, this Pokemon has a stockpile of defensive spores which it releases on opponents who strike with contact attacks. There is a 10% chance each of poison, paralysis, and sleep. When toggled, the Pokemon is more adept at using Powder attacks, resulting in their accuracy being increased by 10%.

Pokemon with this ability: Vileplume, Paras, Parasect, Shroomish, Breloom, Foongus, Amoonguss.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a special energy barrier that reduces the Base Attack Power of any opponent's super effective attack by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Mr. Mime, Mime Jr.

Flame Body:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's external temperature is kept at such a high level that any contact attack used on this Pokemon has a 30% chance of burning the opponent.

Pokemon with this ability: Ponyta, Rapidash, Magmar, Moltres, Slugma, Magcargo, Magby, Magmortar, Heatran, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Larvesta, Volcarona.

Flare Boost:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body can harness the heat from a burn into internal energy, fuelling its mental capabilities. When Burned, the Pokemon's special attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.

Pokemon with this ability: Drifloon, Drifblim, Colosshale.

Flash Fire:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures, and takes the energy of any opposing fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack's Base Attack Power by two (2). Self-targeted attacks do not give the boost.

Pokemon with this ability: Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Ponyta, Rapidash, Flareon, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Houndour, Houndoom, Entei, Heatran, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure, Heatmor.

Flower Gift:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's flower opens up in intense sunlight, it releases a glow that is infused into its allies, increasing the Base Attack Power of their physical attacks by two (2) and reducing the Base Attack Power of opponent's special attacks by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Cherrim


Type: Passive

Changes Weather Ball's type based on weather, and Changes Castform's form during Sunlight, Rain, and Hail. Reduces the Energy Cost of all weather changing moves to 6 and Weather Ball to 6. Grants the Pokemon immunity to Sandstorm and Fog's accuracy reduction.

Pokemon with this ability: Castform.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is more adept than usual at sensing and reacting to the opponent's attacks. As a result, it gets a bonus move substitution that must have a condition in the format "If Pokemon X uses move Y", with no further qualifiers or additional clauses allowed. This bonus substitution may go anywhere in the list of substitutions the pokemon makes, but it must be indicated with "Bonus" or "Bonus Sub" or something similar in front of the bonus substitution.

Pokemon with this ability: Drowzee, Hypno, Jynx, Smoochum, Munna, Musharna, Necturna.

Friend Guard:

Type: Passive

The Pokemon's body emits an aura of joy that reduces the Base Attack Power of all opponents' attacks in multiple battles by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Happiny


Type: Passive

The Pokemon has intimate knowledge of the opponent's held item and ignores any item-based increases in damage or status. The Pokemon will not be affected by Fling or Natural Gift.

Pokemon with this ability: Wigglytuff, Sentret, Furret, Yanma, Stantler, Shuppet, Banette, Yanmega, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Kitsunoh.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon devours healing and stat increasing berries at 50% health (flat) instead of 25% health (flat). It also regains two (2) HP per action when holding Leftovers.

Pokemon with this ability: Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Snorlax, Shuckle, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Gulpin, Swalot, Spoink, Grumpig, Munchlax, Pansage, Simisage, Pansear, Simisear, Panpour, Simipour, Heatmor.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.

Pokemon with this ability: Rattata, Raticate, Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Flareon, Heracross, Ursaring, Tyrogue, Larvitar, Taillow, Swellow, Makuhita, Hariyama, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Throh, Colosshale, Colossoil.

Type: Passive

At the end of each round, this Pokemon can recycle or restore a berry that has been used or partially used. If the weather is Sunny Day, the Berry will be fully restored / recycled 100% of the time. If the weather is not Sunny Day, the Berry will be fully restored / recycled 50% of the time. This check occurs immediately after the final action of a round, before any arena effects that might change the weather take effect. If the Berry can be activated again, it will do so on the first action of the next round. If a berry cannot be recycled, Harvest cannot not regrow it. The Berry is consumed at the end of the battle.

Pokemon with this ability: Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Tropius.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon emits a light, airy aura that surrounds its allies in a multiple battle. At the end of each round, there is a 30% chance any allies in a multiple battle will have all their status conditions healed.

Pokemon with this ability: Chansey, Bellossom, Blissey, Audino, Alomomola


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's mirror-like alloyed skin protects it from Fire-type attacks, reducing the type effectiveness of Fire-typed attacks to the next level of resistance (2x weak becomes neutral, neutral becomes resistance, etc.) The damage inflicted by burns is also cut in half.

Pokemon with this ability: Bronzor, Bronzong.

Heavy Metal:

Type: Passive

The Pokemon's body structure is immensely dense, doubling its actual weight. Adds two (2) Base Attack Power to all Weight-Based Attacks. Adds Base Attack Power to Gyro Ball equal to half (0.5x) the Pokemon's Weight Class, rounded up.

Pokemon with this ability: Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Bronzor, Bronzong.

Honey Gather:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon emits a scent of sweet honey that lowers all foes' Evasion by one (1) Stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Teddiursa, Combee

Huge Power:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has immense inner strength that grows with its development, raising its Attack and its Base Rank Total by one Rank for each evolution level (Baby = 1, Basic = 2, Stage 1 = 3). If Skill Swapped, the swapped Pokemon's Attack and Base Rank Total is only raised by one Rank.

Pokemon with this ability: Marill, Azumarill, Azurill.


Type: Toggle

No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon puts immense force and speed into its physical attacks, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by three (3), but the haste used lowers their accuracy to 80% of normal.

Pokemon with this ability: Rattata, Raticate, Nidoran-F, Nidorina, Nidoran-M, Nidorino, Togepi, Togetic, Corsola, Remoraid, Delibird, Combee, Togekiss, Darumaka, Durant, Rufflet, Deino, Zweilous.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon absorbs water during the rain to heal any status effects afflicting this Pokemon.

Pokemon with this ability: Seel, Dewgong, Lapras, Vaporeon, Smoochum, Barboach, Whiscash, Gorebyss, Luvdisc, Phione, Manaphy, Tympole, Palpitoad, Ducklett, Swanna, Alomomola, Shelmet, Accelgor.

Hyper Cutter:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon always keeps its claws/teeth/pincers extremely sharp, and thus cannot have its attack reduced.

Pokemon with this ability: Krabby, Kingler, Pinsir, Gligar, Mawile, Trapinch, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Gliscor.
Ice Body:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon thrives in Icy conditions and can absorb energy from Hailstones to recover two (2) HP/action in Hail.

Pokemon with this ability: Seel, Dewgong, Snorunt, Glalie, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Regice, Glaceon, Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe.


Type: Toggle

No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon emits a continuous light that brightens the environment and makes it easier for all Pokemon to see. While this ability is active, any darkened or twilight state in the battle is negated and all moves used by any Pokemon (friend or foe, or itself) have their accuracy increased by 10% (flat). Boosts from multiple Illuminates do not stack.

Pokemon with this ability: Staryu, Starmie, Chinchou, Lanturn, Volbeat, Watchog, Mollux.


Type: Passive

Whenever you send this Pokemon out, it can feign the appearance of another member on your squad. If this Pokemon is damaged by a direct attack, the Illusion will cease at the end of the round. Direct damage is any attack that does damage to the Pokemon's HP. Attacks that are evaded, blocked via Protect, or damage a Substitute are not considered direct damage. It will retain the typing and moveset of the Pokemon with Illusion. [Usage Note: PM the ref if you are sending out a Pokemon with Illusion with the info on said Pokemon and one of your squad members in a Switch=KO battle. You must use that squad member later in the battle though.]

Pokemon with this ability: Zorua, Zoroark, Cupra, Argalis, Aurumoth


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body has an immensely strong immune response to venom and does not take poison damage when Poisoned. Toxic Poisoning will not do damage; however, it will continue to grow more severe.

Pokemon with this ability: Snorlax, Gligar, Zangoose.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon transforms into an opponent specified by the trainer immediately upon entry into battle, at the cost of 10 EN. Transformations from Imposter last a minimum of three (3) actions before they can be dispelled by a phazing move in Switch=KO battles.

Pokemon with this ability: Ditto.


Type: Passive

Through a combination of speed and cunning, this Pokemon easily circumvents the effects of Light Screen, Mist, Reflect, and Safeguard with all of its attacks.

Pokemon with this ability: Zubat, Golbat, Crobat, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Ninjask, Seviper, Spiritomb, Cottonee, Whimsicott.

Inner Focus:

Type: Passive

When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.

Pokemon with this ability: Zubat, Golbat, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Drowzee, Hypno, Farfetch'd, Hitmonchan, Kangaskhan Dragonite, Crobat, Umbreon, Girafarig, Sneasel, Snorunt, Glalie, Riolu, Lucario, Throh, Sawk, Darumaka, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Pawniard, Bisharp.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. It's normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage and energy/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action. If a Pokemon with Insomnia also has Vital Spirit, its Accuracy and natural Accuracy stage are raised by one (1) when it is sent out.

Pokemon with this ability: Drowzee, Hypno, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Spinarak, Ariados, Murkrow, Delibird, Shuppet, Banette, Honchkrow, Voodoll.


Type: Trigger

When this Pokemon initially goes out into the battlefield, it generates an intimidating roar or war cry that shakes all opponents on the battlefield, reducing their Attack and natural Attack stage by one (1). If an opponent switches in a new Pokemon, Intimidate can be activated again as a Command, and will affect all opponents.

Command: (Ability: Intimidate)

Pokemon with this ability: Ekans, Arbok, Growlithe, Arcanine, Tauros, Gyarados, Snubbull, Granbull, Qwilfish, Stantler, Hitmontop, Mightyena, Masquerain, Mawile, Salamence, Staravia, Staraptor, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Herdier, Stoutland, Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, Scraggy, Scrafty, Tomohawk.

Iron Barbs:

Type: Passive

When struck with a contact attack, this Pokemon's abrasive skin causes pain to the opponent, doing 25% of the damage it received to the opponent.

Pokemon with this ability: Ferroseed, Ferrothorn.

Iron Fist:

Type: Passive

The Base Attack Power of this Pokemon's "Punch" attacks is increased by two (2). (Known attacks affected: Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, DynamicPunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, ThunderPunch)

Pokemon with this ability: Hitmonchan, Ledian, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Golett, Golurk, Arghonaut.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokemon's Attack and natural Attack stage will increase by one (1). Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Attack stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Growlithe, Arcanine, Absol, Lucario, Gallade, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Keldeo, Tomohawk.
Keen Eye:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has extremely good vision and cannot have its accuracy lowered by an opponent through any means (including accuracy lowering attacks, Smogs, Hazes, Fog, etc.). Its attacks are still affected by an opponent's evasion and the Pokemon's own accuracy.

Pokemon with this ability: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Spearow, Fearow, Farfetch'd, Hitmonchan, Sentret, Furret, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Sneasel, Skarmory, Wingull, Pelipper, Sableye, Starly, Chatot, Ducklett, Swanna, Rufflet, Braviary, Cupra.


Type: Toggle

The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks is increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, though an item is necessary to pull it off. When toggled, there is no effect.

Pokemon with this ability: Buneary, Lopunny, Woobat, Swoobat, Golett, Golurk, Audino, Privatyke.
Leaf Guard:

Type: Passive

In bright sunlight, the Pokemon is surrounded by a faint green glow. The glow protects it from all permanent and temporary status conditions.

Pokemon with this ability: Tangela, Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Roselia, Budew, Tangrowth, Leafeon, Swadloon, Petilil, Lilligant, Embirch.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading the Ground moves Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude. Earth Power will have three (3) less Base Attack Power. Dig and Dive can strike a Levitating Pokemon if their user is over Size Class 4, has Levitate, is 3.5m or larger, or is a Flying-type. Otherwise Dig and Dive will miss. Ground moves can still hit.

Pokemon with this ability: Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Koffing, Weezing, Misdreavus, Unown, Vibrava, Flygon, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy, Claydol, Duskull, Chimecho, Latias, Latios, Mismagius, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Carnivine, Rotom, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Cresselia, Giratina (Origin Forme), Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross, Cryogonal, Hydreigon, Rebble, Bolderdash, Stratagem, Nohface.

Light Metal:

Type: Passive

The Pokemon's body is made of a lightweight but extremely strong alloy. It weighs half as much as other members of the species, but is equally sturdy. The Pokemon executes weak attacks much more effectively, adding +1 priority to all their attacks with 6 or less Base Attack Power (after other ability adjustments). Priority is applied to the summed Base Attack Power of a multi-hit move (e.g. Double Kick has priority at 6 BAP, Skill Link Bullet Seed doesn't at 15 BAP.)

Pokemon with this ability: Scizor, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Registeel.


Type: Passive

These Pokemon naturally attract electricity from single-target moves directed at allies towards themselves. When struck by an Electric attack, they transfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack and natural Special Attack stage by one (1). Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Special Attack stage. If a Pokemon has a type immunity to Electric attacks, Lightningrod will attract the attack but will not raise Special Attack or the natural Special Attack stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Pikachu, Raichu, Cubone, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Goldeen, Seaking, Zapdos, Pichu, Electrike, Manectric, Rhyperior, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Voodoom.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is well trained and immune to paralysis.

Pokemon with this ability: Persian, Hitmonlee, Ditto, Glameow, Buneary, Lopunny, Purrloin, Liepard, Stunfisk.

Liquid Ooze:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is covered in a slimy poison that when drained by Leech Seed or another draining move, damages the opposing Pokemon for the amount that would have been healed.

Pokemon with this ability: Tentacool, Tentacruel, Gulpin, Swalot.
Magic Bounce:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a Psychic sense that allows it to ward off non-damaging attacks as soon as they are launched, directing them back at the opponent.

Pokemon with this ability: Natu, Xatu, Espeon.

Magic Guard:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is infused with a powerful psycho-electric energy that makes it immune to damage from Spikes, Stealth Rock, Hail, Sandstorm, Leech Seed, Poisoning, and Burn. It can still attack itself in confusion, but will not take any damage from it. Additionally, the energy protects the Pokemon from its own reckless recoil attacks. Toxic still increases in damage each round, although if Magic Guard is in effect the Pokemon will not suffer any damage. Life Orb recoil is not negated.

Pokemon with this ability: Clefairy, Clefable, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Cleffa, Sigilyph, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Protowatt, Krilowatt.

Magma Armor:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a strong, heated armor that makes it incapable of being frozen. The armor also reduces the Base Attack Power of all incoming attacks by one (1).

Pokemon with this ability: Slugma, Magcargo, Camerupt.

Magnet Pull:

Type: Trigger

This Pokemon has the ability to generate a magnetic field that can attract or repulse Steel-type Pokemon. When attracted by Magnet Pull, Steel-types cannot move out of the immediate proximity without great difficulty, and can be pulled along by the Magnet Pull Pokemon. When repulsed, the Steel type is thrust violently away and contact attacks have immense difficulty striking the Magnet Pull Pokemon. The effect of both commands lasts for the following three (3) actions. Steel-types cannot switch out in a Switch=OK battle while a Pokemon with Magnet Pull is on the field without the use of Baton Pass, U-turn, or Volt Switch.

Command: (Ability: Magnet Pull (Attract) or Ability: Magnet Pull (Repulse) )

Pokemon with this ability: Magnemite, Magneton, Nosepass, Magnezone, Probopass.

Marvel Scale:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's coat shimmers when afflicted with a status condition, reducing the Base Attack Power of incoming physical attacks by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Dratini, Dragonair, Milotic.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon possesses a negative electrical charge. When a partner Pokemon with Plus or Minus is on the field or if this Pokemon has Plus, this Pokemon's special attacks have their Base Attack Power increased by two (2). If this Pokemon has both Plus and Minus, the boosts stack to a maximum Base Attack Power increase of four (4).

Pokemon with this ability: Electrike, Manectric, Minun, Klink, Klang, Klinklang.

Mold Breaker:

Type: Passive

Whenever this Pokemon attacks, it emits an invisible, blindingly quick pulse preceding the attack that disables the opponents natural abilities (e.g. Levitators plummet towards the ground before Earthquake hits, Volt Absorb will not absorb electric attacks, Clear Body does not prevent stat-drops, etc.)

Abilities bypassed by Mold Breaker:
Battle Armor
Big Pecks (immunity to defense drops from moves like Screech and Rock Smash)
Clear Body
Contrary (reversal of stat changes caused by the Mold Breaker Pokemon)
Dry Skin (immunity to Water-type moves and extra damage from Fire-type moves)
Flash Fire
Flower Gift (BAP reduction to attacks from the Mold Breaker Pokemon)
Friend Guard
Heatproof (resistance to Fire-type moves)
Heavy Metal (weight increase when calculating effects of the Mold Breaker Pokemon's moves)
Hyper Cutter
Inner Focus (immunity to flinch)
Insomnia (immunity to sleep; the sleep will be cured next action)
Keen Eye (immunity to accuracy drops from moves like Sand-Attack and Mud-Slap)
Leaf Guard
Light Metal (weight decrease when calculating effects of the Mold Breaker Pokemon's moves)
Lightningrod (attacks still get redirected but do damage instead of boosting special attack)
Limber (the paralysis will be cured next action)
Magic Bounce
Magma Armor
Marvel Scale (BAP reduction to attacks from the Mold Breaker Pokemon)
Motor Drive
Mountaineer (immunity to damaging Rock-type moves)
Oblivious (the infatuation will be cured next action)
Sand Veil
Sap Sipper
Shell Armor
Shield Dust
Simple (doubling of stat changes caused by the Mold Breaker Pokemon)
Snow Cloak
Solid Rock
Sticky Hold
Storm Drain (attacks still get redirected but do damage instead of boosting special attack)
Suction Cups
Tangled Feet (evasion boost)
Thick Fat
Unaware (stat changes are not ignored when calculating effects of the Mold Breaker Pokemon's moves)
Vital Spirit (immunity to sleep and evasion boost; the sleep will be cured next action)
Volt Absorb
Water Absorb
Water Veil (the burn will be cured next action)
White Smoke (immunity to stat drops)
Wonder Guard
Wonder Skin
Pokemon with this ability: Pinsir, Cranidos, Rampardos, Drilbur, Excadrill, Throh, Sawk, Basculin, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Druddigon, Rebble, Bolderdash, Stratagem.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's feelings are always fluctuating, and its mood at any given time greatly influences how it can act from one round to the next. In addition to its general nature, this Pokemon displays a burst of emotional power each round that shares characteristics with other natures, affecting the Pokemon's Ranks directly. At the end of each round the Pokemon changes its Moody nature (roll out of 25 R1 and out of 24 in subsequent rounds), a nature that has the regular drawbacks of a nature but enhances that nature's strengths.

Moody Natures:
Hardy (+1 Atk)
Lonely (+2 Atk, -1 Def)
Adamant (+2 Atk, -1 SpA)
Naughty (+2 Atk, -1 SpD)
Brave (+2 Atk, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)

Bold (+2 Def, -1 Atk)
Docile (+1 Def)
Impish (+2 Def, -1 SpA)
Lax (+2 Def, -1 SpD)
Relaxed (+2 Def, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)

Modest (+2 SpA, -1 Atk)
Mild (+2 SpA, -1 Def)
Bashful (+1 SpA)
Rash (+2 SpA, -1 SpD)
Quiet (+2 SpA, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)

Calm (+2 SpD, -1 Atk)
Gentle (+2 SpD, -1 Def)
Careful (+2 SpD, -1 SpA)
Quirky (+1 SpD)
Sassy (+2 SpD, -15% Speed, -10% Evasion)

Timid (+30% Speed, +2X Accuracy, -1 Atk)
Hasty (+30% Speed, +2X Accuracy, -1 Def)
Jolly (+30% Speed, +2X Accuracy, -1 SpA)
Naive (+30% Speed, +2X Accuracy, -1 SpD)
Serious (+15% Speed, +X Accuracy)
Pokemon with this ability: Remoraid, Octillery, Smeargle, Snorunt, Glalie, Bidoof, Bibarel.

Motor Drive:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon nullifies any electrical attack damage and converts the energy from any electrical attack (inc. Thunder Wave) into an energy source that allows it to boost its Speed and natural Speed stage by one (1). Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Speed stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Electivire, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Emolga, Voodoom.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is used to scaling and avoiding rocks. It can avoid damage from Stealth Rock when it switches in, and all Rock-type attacks the round it switches in. In subsequent rounds Mountaineer will not evade Rock-type attacks.

Pokemon with this ability: Syclar, Syclant.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon gets psyched after it earns a KO on an opposing Pokemon, increasing its Attack and natural Attack stage by one (1).

Pokemon with this ability: Pinsir, Gyarados, Heracross, Mightyena, Salamence, Honchkrow, Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, Scraggy, Scrafty.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has sturdy scales to protect it from an opponent's attacks. If this Pokemon is at their maximum HP when a round starts, all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks with BAP during the round will be halved.

Pokemon with this ability: Dragonite, Lugia


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's type changes based on its held plate. It increases HP by 10 and each Rank by one (1).

Pokemon with this ability: Arceus


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's skin has a lasting curse on it. When struck by an opponent's contact move, the curse transfers, changing the opponent's ability(ies) to Mummy for the next six (6) actions.

Pokemon with this ability: Yamask, Cofagrigus
Natural Cure:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body has the ability to heal itself of status afflictions over time, it goes into effect six (6) actions after being inflicted with a status. In switch battles, this Pokemon heals all status effects when switched out.

Pokemon with this ability: Chansey, Staryu, Starmie, Corsola, Blissey, Celebi, Roselia, Swablu, Altaria, Budew, Roserade, Happiny, Shaymin.

No Guard:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has an immense confidence from perfecting each of its attacks, giving them all perfect accuracy. As a result, it feels it can weather every strike, and will not dodge an attack even if ordered to. Only when an OHKO move is issued by the opponent does sense return, and the Pokemon acts normally. Additionally, even with their extra skill, the power and exhaustion involved in using OHKO moves prevents them from being benefited by No Guard; they will have their normal accuracy.

Pokemon with this ability: Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Karrablast, Golett, Golurk, Aurumoth.


Type: Toggle

This Pokemon has mastered Normal-type attacks and can change any attack type to have a Normal energy signature. The Pokemon's Normal-type attacks will have four (4) more Base Attack Power. Its other attacks will change their typing to Normal, retain status-inducing and other properties, and not receive the Base Attack Power boost from this ability. When toggled, there is no effect.

Pokemon with this ability: Skitty, Delcatty, Voodoll.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is incapable of being affected by Attract, Cute Charm, or Captivate.

Pokemon with this ability: Slowpoke, Slowbro, Lickitung, Jynx, Slowking, Swinub, Piloswine, Smoochum, Illumise, Wailmer, Wailord, Numel, Barboach, Whiscash, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Lickilicky, Mamoswine.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a sturdy exterior that rebuffs the elements, making it immune to damage inflicted by bad weather. If the Pokemon is already immune to at least one (1) kind of weather by typing or a different ability, Overcoat reduces the Base Attack Power of all oncoming attacks by one (1).

Pokemon with this ability: Shellder, Cloyster, Pineco, Forretress, Shelgon, Burmy, Wormadam (all formes), Sewaddle, Swadloon, Leavanny, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Escavalier, Shelmet, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Monohm, Duclohm, Cyclohm.


Type: Passive

When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any grass attack is increased by two (2). (eg Giga Drain goes from 8 to 10, Solarbeam from 12 to 14)

Pokemon with this ability: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Snivy, Servine, Serperior, Pansage, Simisage.

Own Tempo:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon moves at its own pace and when confused, it will never harm itself in confusion. If the Pokemon also has Tangled Feet, its Accuracy and natural Accuracy stage increase by one (1) when it is sent out.

Pokemon with this ability: Slowpoke, Slowbro, Lickitung, Slowking, Smeargle, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Numel, Spoink, Grumpig, Spinda, Glameow, Purugly, Lickilicky, Petilil, Lilligant.

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a great affinity for odd field effects. When it uses one of these effects it increases their duration. Moves affected are Gravity, Heal Block, Lucky Chant, Magic Room, Safeguard, Trick Room, Tailwind, and Wonder Room by an additional one (1) round or three (3) actions depending on the move.

Pokemon with this ability: Breezi, Fidgit.


Type: Trigger

This Pokemon's mischievous nature and greed make it very effective at pawning off an opponents item. If this Pokemon has no item and either it or the opposing Pokemon strikes with a contact attack, their item is stolen and becomes the held item of this Pokemon. Pokemon with Pickpocket can be commanded to swap items with an ally, and only they will need to expend an action to do so because of their swifter sleight of hand.

Command: [Ability: Pickpocket (Ally Item Swap)]

Pokemon with this ability: Sneasel, Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Weavile.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a natural habit of collecting items. Whenever a hold item (its own or an opponents) is thrown away with a move like Fling, or knocked onto the ground with a move like Knock Off, this Pokemon will immediately pick up that item without using an action. It can also grab dropped or naturally occurring hold items in arenas.

Pokemon with this ability: Meowth, Aipom, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Munchlax, Lillipup.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon possesses a positive electrical charge. When a partner Pokemon with Plus or Minus is on the field or if this Pokemon has Minus, this Pokemon's special attacks have their Base Attack Power increased by two (2). If this Pokemon has both Plus and Minus, the boosts stack to a maximum Base Attack Power increase of four (4).

Pokemon with this ability: Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Plusle, Klink, Klang, Klinklang.

Poison Heal:

Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability have internal structures that absorb the toxins in poison and uses them to recover two (2) HP/action instead of taking poison damage. When a Pokemon with Poison Heal inflicts Poison on themselves with an attack, it uses up one of their Recovery Moves. If Toxic'd, the Toxic counter will still go up each round and Toxic will do the relevant damage for that round should their ability be disabled.

Pokemon with this ability: Shroomish, Breloom, Gliscor.

Poison Point:

Type: Toggle

By default, this Pokemon's spikes/quills/thorns are coated in poison, and there is a 30% chance of poisoning any foe that uses a contact attack on this Pokemon. When toggled, this Pokemon's natural toxins are more potent. As a result, all of this Pokemon's attacks that inflict regular poison will inflict Toxic poison instead (with the same chance of effect).

Pokemon with this ability: Nidoran-F, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran-F, Nidorino, Nidoking, Seadra, Qwilfish, Roselia, Budew, Roserade, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede.

Poison Touch:

Type: Toggle

By default, this Pokemon's body is covered with a film of poison. Whenever it hits an opponent with a contact attack, that opponent has a 30% chance of being Poisoned. When toggled, this Pokemon's natural toxins are more potent. As a result, all of this Pokemon's attacks that inflict regular poison will inflict Toxic poison instead (with the same chance of effect).

Pokemon with this ability: Grimer, Muk, Croagunk, Toxicroak, Seismitoad.


Type: Passive

The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.

Pokemon with this ability: Murkrow, Sableye, Volbeat, Illumise, Riolu, Purrloin, Liepard, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Tornadus, Thundurus, Fidgit, Scratchet, Tomohawk.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's presence fills the air with intense anxiety, and any damaging or status attack launched at this Pokemon costs the opposing Pokemon two (2) more energy to perform.

Pokemon with this ability: Aerodactyl, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-oh, Wailmer, Wailord, Dusclops, Absol, Deoxys, Vespiquen, Spiritomb, Weavile, Dusknoir, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Pawniard, Bisharp, Kyurem, Colossoil.

Pure Power:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has immense inner strength that grows with its development, raising its Attack and its Base Rank Total by one Rank for each evolution level (Baby = 1, Basic = 2, Stage 1 = 3). If Skill Swapped, the swapped Pokemon's Attack and Base Rank Total is only raised by one Rank.

Pokemon with this ability: Meditite, Medicham
Quick Feet:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon feels a sense of anxiety when afflicted with a status condition and its speed increases by 50% (x1.5). Although it can still be fully paralyzed, it will not suffer the Speed drop.

Pokemon with this ability: Jolteon, Granbull, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Poochyena, Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Linoone, Shroomish, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede.
Rain Dish:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon collects water in the rain and absorbs it into its body, healing two (2) HP/action.

Pokemon with this ability: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Tentacool, Tentacruel, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Wingull, Pelipper, Surskit.


Type: Passive

These Pokemon are more easily frightened by Ghost-, Bug-, and Dark-typed attacks and will raise their Speed and natural Speed stage by one (1) when struck by attacks of those types. Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Speed stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Magikarp, Ledyba, Sudowoodo, Dunsparce, Snubbull, Granbull, Poochyena, Whismur, Clamperl, Bonsly, Cubchoo.


Type: Trigger

The Pokemon is able to bounce one layer of an entry hazard back from their side of the field to the other side with their immense strength and intuition.

Command: Ability: Rebound (Hazard).

Pokemon with this ability: Colosshale, Colossoil.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has an innately aggressive nature that lets it use all-out attacks with recoil more effectively. Recoil attacks from this Pokemon have two (2) more Base Attack Power, and recoil percentage is unaffected.

Pokemon with this ability: Hitmonlee, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Staravia, Staraptor, Rhyperior, Emboar, Basculin, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Bouffalant, Embirch.


Type: Passive

When this Pokemon is switched out during a switch battle, it reacts to the energy in the Pokeball and (ten) 10 HP is restored. When this Pokemon Chills, it restores six (6) HP in addition to its 12 Energy.

Pokemon with this ability: Slowpoke, Slowbro, Tangela, Slowking, Corsola, Ho-Oh, Tangrowth, Audino, Solosis, Duosion, Reuniclus, Foongus, Amoonguss, Alomomola, Mienfoo, Mienshao.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a primal response to competition and mating, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its attacks by two (2) when it attacks an opponent of the same gender, and decreasing the power of all its attacks by two (2) when it attacks an opponent of the opposite gender.

Pokemon with this ability: Nidoran-F, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran-M, Nidorino, Nidoking, Beautifly, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus.

Rock Head:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's hard body prevents it from taking recoil damage from moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz, and Head Smash.

Pokemon with this ability: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Onix, Cubone, Marowak, Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Aerodactyl, Sudowoodo, Steelix, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Relicanth, Bagon, Shelgon, Bonsly, Basculin, Flarelm, Pyroak.

Rough Skin:

Type: Passive

When struck with a contact attack, this Pokemon's abrasive skin causes pain to the opponent, dealing 25% of the damage received to the opponent.

Pokemon with this ability: Carvanha, Sharpedo, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Druddigon.

Run Away:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is quick on its feet and will evade any field traps and hazards that would harm it (Spikes, Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes) in an arena. A Pokemon can still absorb Toxic Spikes if it has Run Away and is Poison-typed. Run Away does not allow the Pokemon to switch out of trapping moves or abilities, however it can escape other situational trapping strategies in battle.

Pokemon with this ability: Caterpie, Weedle, Rattata, Raticate, Oddish, Venonat, Ponyta, Rapidash, Doduo, Dodrio, Eevee, Sentret, Furret, Aipom, Dunsparce, Snubbull, Poochyena, Wurmple, Nincada, Kricketot, Pachirisu, Buneary, Patrat, Lillipup.
Sand Force:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon thrives in Sandstorm conditions, using the power of the swirling sand to augment its Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-typed attacks. Each of this Pokemon's Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-typed attacks will have the Base Attack Power increased by two (2). Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Pokemon with this ability: Diglett, Dugtrio, Nosepass, Shellos, Gastrodon, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, Probopass, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith, Drilbur, Excadrill, Landorus.

Sand Rush:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon thrives in Sandstorm conditions, feeling more at home in them than all other Pokemon. This Pokemon's Base Speed is doubled (x2) in a Sandstorm. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Pokemon with this ability: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Herdier, Stoutland, Drilbur, Excadrill.

Sand Stream:

Type: Trigger

When entering into battle, this Pokemon summons a massive Sandstorm that does not end, expending 10 EN to do so. It can re-summon the effect mid-battle for 9 EN with a command.

Command: (Ability: Sand Stream)

The flying gravel and rocks of Sandstorm will do two (2) damage per action to Pokemon that do not have hard bodies (Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-types) or the Sand Veil, Sand Force, or Sand Rush abilities.

Pokemon with this ability: Tyranitar, Hippopotas, Hippowdon.

Sand Veil:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.

Pokemon with this ability: Sandshrew, Sandslash, Diglett, Dugtrio, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Gligar, Phanpy, Donphan, Larvitar, Cacnea, Cacturne, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Gliscor, Stunfisk.

Sap Sipper:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon lives on a steady diet of plants and has developed defenses to every Grass-type attack. When attacked with a Grass-type move, damage and effects are negated and the Pokemon gains a one (1) stage boost to its Attack and natural Attack stage. Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Attack stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Marill, Azumarill, Girafarig, Stantler, Miltank, Azurill, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Deerling, Sawsbuck.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's Normal and Fighting attacks carry a special signature that can damage Ghosts, even if they have phased out.

Pokemon with this ability: Kangaskhan, Miltank, Taillow, Swellow, Loudred, Exploud, Herdier, Stoutland, Scratchet.

Serene Grace:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a blessing which doubles the success chance of its attack's secondary effects. (eg paralysis from Thunderbolt)

Pokemon with this ability: Chansey, Togepi, Togetic, Dunsparce, Blissey, Jirachi, Happiny, Togekiss, Shaymin (Sky Forme), Deerling, Sawsbuck, Meloetta.

Shadow Tag:

Type: Passive

Upon entry into battle, this Pokemon's Shadow expands across the arena and dissipates, forcing opposing Pokemon to stay within 10 meters of this Pokemon. The Shadow entirely negates the ability to switch for every Pokemon except those who also have Shadow Tag.

Pokemon with this ability: Wobbuffet, Wynaut, Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure.

Shed Skin:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon regularly sheds its skin and any impurities contained in its body. If afflicted with a status condition, this Pokemon has a 33% chance of removing all status conditions at the end of a round.

Pokemon with this ability: Metapod, Kakuna, Ekans, Arbok, Dratini, Dragonair, Pupitar, Silcoon, Cascoon, Seviper, Kricketot, Burmy, Scraggy, Scrafty, Karrablast, Revenankh, Protowatt, Argalis.

Sheer Force:

Type: Toggle

No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon can energize all its attacks with a secondary effect (These are damaging moves that either lower the target's stats, raise the user's stats, or inflict a status condition on the target). The Base Attack Power of every move with a secondary effect increases by two (2), but they will never have their usual secondary effect.

Pokemon with this ability: Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Krabby, Kingler, Tauros, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Steelix, Makuhita, Hariyama, Mawile, Trapinch, Bagon, Cranidos, Rampardos, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Darmanitan, Druddigon, Rufflet, Braviary, Landorus.

Shell Armor:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.

Pokemon with this ability: Shellder, Cloyster, Krabby, Kingler, Lapras, Omanyte, Omastar, Torkoal, Corphish, Crawdaunt, Clamperl, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Oshawatt, Dewott, Samurott, Dwebble, Crustle, Escavalier, Shelmet, Krilowatt.

Shield Dust:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)

Pokemon with this ability: Caterpie, Weedle, Venomoth, Wurmple, Dustox, Monohm, Duclohm, Cyclohm, Cupra.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon innately exaggerates the effect of stat boosts and drops to the point where they have double the effectiveness and thus double the stage modifier (e.g. Swords Dance boosts Attack by four (4) stages, Bulk Up boosts Attack and Defense by two (2) stages each). Stat boosts and drops still maximize at six (6) stages.

Pokemon with this ability: Numel, Bidoof, Bibarel, Woobat, Swoobat.

Skill Link:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's skillful aim makes its multi-hit moves always hit 5 times. The Energy Cost of multi-hit attacks is increased by three (3).

Pokemon with this ability: Shellder, Cloyster, Aipom, Ambipom, Minccino, Cinccino.

Slow Start:

Type: Trait

This Pokemon's Attack and Speed are at half (0.5x) rank/power for five (5) actions.

Pokemon with this ability: Regigigas


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has deadly accuracy and strikes sensitive points, increasing its critical hit bonus from +3 to +5 on single attacks, +2 to +3 on two-hit attacks, and +1 to +2 on multi-hit attacks.

Pokemon with this ability: Beedrill, Spearow, Fearow, Horsea, Seadra, Spinarak, Ariados, Remoraid, Octillery, Kingdra, Skorupi, Drapion.

Snow Cloak:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon is used to snowy blizzard conditions and gains a 20% evasion boost during Hail. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Hail damage.

Pokemon with this ability: Articuno, Swinub, Piloswine, Glaceon, Mamoswine, Froslass, Cubchoo, Beartic.

Snow Warning:

Type: Trigger

This Pokemon summons a massive hailstorm upon its entry into battle that does not end, expending 10 EN to do so. It can re-summon the effect mid-battle for 9 EN with a command.

Command: (Ability: Snow Warning)

Hail causes two (2) damage per action to all non-Ice typed Pokemon. Hail activates the abilities Snow Cloak and Ice Body, as well as increasing Blizzard's accuracy to 100% and letting it have an additional 30% chance to bypass Protect.

Pokemon with this ability: Snover, Abomasnow.

Solar Power:

Type: Passive

When in bright sunlight, this Pokemon burns solar energy and 1 HP/action to increase the Base Attack Power of all their special attacks by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Sunkern, Sunflora, Tropius.

Solid Rock:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is extremely solid and durable, and the Base Attack Power of incoming super-effective attacks is reduced by two (2).

Pokemon with this ability: Camerupt, Rhyperior, Tirtouga, Carracosta.


Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability emit their own powerful electrostatic or sound-dampening field, making them immune to sound-based moves other than an ally's or their own Heal Bell. (Known sound moves: Bug Buzz, Chatter, Echoed Voice, Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Relic Song, Roar, Round, Screech, Sing, Snarl, Snore, Supersonic, Uproar.)

Pokemon with this ability: Voltorb, Electrode, Mr. Mime, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Mime Jr., Snover, Abomasnow, Bouffalant.

Speed Boost:

Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability increase their speed as the battle progresses, boosting it one (1) stage at the end of each round at the cost of 2% of their energy. This prevents the Pokemon's Speed stage from decaying under any circumstances. Stats other than Speed will still decay as normal.

Pokemon with this ability: Yanma, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Ninjask, Carvanha, Sharpedo, Yanmega.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this Pokemon.

Pokemon with this ability: Pikachu, Raichu, Voltorb, Electrode, Electabuzz, Pichu, Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Elekid, Electrike, Manectric, Emolga, Stunfisk, Monohm, Duclohm, Cyclohm.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a watchful eye and immense patience. It can be ordered to attack last on any action regardless of ordinary attack priority. If an opponent orders their Pokemon to attack after this Pokemon, the opponent's attack will fail. Against another Pokemon with Stall, the trainer who issues attacks first has precedence and the opponent's attack will fail.

Pokemon with this ability: Sableye


Type: Passive

If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases its Speed and natural Speed stage by one (1) to make up the difference.

Pokemon with this ability: Machop, Machoke, Machamp, Scyther, Tyrogue, Hitmontop, Riolu, Lucario, Gallade.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a foul odor that reeks into each of its attacks, causing all of them to have a 10% flinch rate. This applies to each hit of a multi-hit move.

Pokemon with this ability: Gloom, Grimer, Muk, Stunky, Skuntank, Trubbish, Garbodor.

Sticky Hold:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is covered in a sticky substance that prevents item theft or swapping.

Pokemon with this ability: Grimer, Muk, Gulpin, Swalot, Shellos, Gastrodon, Trubbish, Accelgor.

Storm Drain:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon lures all single-target water attacks directed at allies to itself. It absorbs the water and increases its Special Attack and natural Special Attack stage by one (1). Self-targeted attacks do not increase the natural Special Attack stage.

Pokemon with this ability: Lileep, Cradily, Shellos, Gastrodon, Finneon, Lumineon, Maractus, Colosshale.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body is solidly constructed, reducing the Base Attack Power from an opponents incoming attacks by one (1). The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by ten (10) Base Attack Power.

Pokemon with this ability: Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Magnemite, Magneton, Onix, Sudowoodo, Pineco, Forretress, Steelix, Shuckle, Skarmory, Donphan, Nosepass, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Relicanth, Regirock, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Bonsly, Magnezone, Probopass, Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith, Sawk, Dwebble, Crustle, Tirtouga, Carracosta.

Suction Cups:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has sticky suction cups that anchor down to prevent it from being moved or scared away by Roar or Whirlwind. It will hold its ground against Dragon Tail and Overhead Throw and will not be forced out in a switch battle.

Pokemon with this ability: Octillery, Lileep, Cradily.

Super Luck:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's natural skill increases its critical hit levels one stage above other Pokemon, making its normal moves inflict critical hits 12.5% of the time and its high critical hit moves inflict critical hits 25% of the time.

Pokemon with this ability: Togepi, Togetic, Absol, Murkrow, Honchkrow, Togekiss, Pidove, Tranquill, Unfezant.


Type: Passive

When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33% (flat), the Base Attack Power of any Bug-typed attack is increased by 2. (eg Silver Wind goes from 6 to 8, X-Scissor from 8 to 10)

Pokemon with this ability: Beedrill, Scyther, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Scizor, Heracross, Beautifly, Volbeat, Kricketune, Mothim, Sewaddle, Leavanny, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede, Karrablast, Escavalier, Joltik, Galvantula, Durant, Larvesta, Volcarona.

Swift Swim:

Type: Passive

The Pokemon with this ability moves extremely fast in slick, rainy conditions, doubling (x2) its Speed in the rain.

Pokemon with this ability: Psyduck, Golduck, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Horsea, Goldeen, Seaking, Magikarp, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Qwilfish, Mantine, Kingdra, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Surskit, Anorith, Armaldo, Feebas, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Buizel, Floatzel, Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Beartic.


Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability mentally link their condition to an opposing Pokemon and pass on any status inflicted on them to their foe. Due to their body structure, Poison-types cannot be poisoned and Fire-types cannot be burned in this manner.

Pokemon with this ability: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Mew, Natu, Xatu, Espeon, Umbreon, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Munna, Musharna, Elgyem, Beheeyem.
Tangled Feet:

Type: Passive

When confused, this Pokemon moves around in a haphazard manner, increasing its Evasion and natural Evasion stage by one (1). This boost is removed once the Pokemon snaps out of confusion. The Pokemon will never damage itself in confusion. If the Pokemon also has Own Tempo, the duration of confusion doubles.

Pokemon with this ability: Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Doduo, Dodrio, Spinda, Chatot.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is more skilled at performing weaker moves, causing any of their one-hit or two-hit attacks that normally have 6 or less Base Attack Power to have their Base Attack Power on each hit multiplied by 1.5. (e.g. Aerial Ace goes from 6 to 9, Mach Punch goes from 4 to 6, Double Hit to from 4 per hit to 6 per hit etc.) The Energy Cost for a one-hit or two-hit attack is increased by one (1). Each hit in a multi-hit move is boosted by one (1) Base Attack Power, and the Energy Cost for multi-hit attacks is increased by two (2). Because Technician is a multiplier on single hit moves, its effect is applied to Base Attack Power before any additive effects. Technician only applies to combos in the rare case that an initial hit will have 6 or less BAP.

Pokemon with this ability: Meowth, Persian, Mr. Mime, Scyther, Scizor, Smeargle, Hitmontop, Breloom, Kricketune, Roserade, Ambipom, Mime Jr., Minccino, Cinccino, Syclar, Syclant, Rebble, Bolderdash, Stratagem.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a mental link with its allies in multiple battles, which allows it to avoid taking damage from allied attacks that damage each foe or the entire field like Blizzard and Earthquake. They are still affected by an opponents spread damage attacks.

Pokemon with this ability: Wobbuffet, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Meditite, Medicham, Wynaut, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (Altered Forme), Munna, Musharna, Elgyem, Beheeyem, Necturine, Necturna.


Type: Passive

The Pokemon crackles with intense electricity. Its immense power permeates every attack, negating the effect of abilities to reduce or prevent this Pokemon's damage or attack effects.

Pokemon with this ability: Zekrom.

Thick Fat:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a great deal of extra fat or muscle that increases its resistance to extreme heat or extreme cold, reducing the type effectiveness of Fire- and Ice-typed attacks to the next level of resistance (2x weak becomes neutral, neutral becomes resistance, etc.)

Pokemon with this ability: Seel, Dewgong, Snorlax, Marill, Azumarill, Swinub, Piloswine, Miltank, Makuhita, Hariyama, Azurill, Spoink, Grumpig, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Purugly, Munchlax, Mamoswine, Tepig, Pignite.

Tinted Lens:

Type: Passive

When this Pokemon uses an attack that is normally not very effective, that attack is calculated at the next highest resistance modifier. (e.g. 4x resistance is calculated at 2x, 2x resistance becomes neutral).

Pokemon with this ability: Butterfree, Venonat, Venomoth, Hoothoot, Noctowl, Illumise, Mothim, Yanmega, Sigilyph.


Type: Passive

When this Pokemon's HP is lower than 33%, the Base Attack Power of any water attack is increased by two (2). (eg Water Pulse goes from 6 to 8, Hydro Pump from 12 to 14)

Pokemon with this ability: Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Oshawatt, Dewott, Samurott, Panpour, Simipour.

Toxic Boost:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon's body can use toxins as a catalyst to increase its strength. When poisoned, all of its physical attacks have two (2) more Base Attack Power.

Pokemon with this ability: Zangoose.


Type: Trigger

When entering into battle, this Pokemon can copy an ability on one of its opponents for 6 EN. This effect only triggers if the ability to be copied is specified when the Pokemon is sent out. The ability remains on the Pokemon for six (6) actions. Trace can be reused with an action later in battle for 5 EN. Wonder Guard cannot be Traced.

Command: (Ability: Trace (Target Ability) )

Pokemon with this ability: Porygon, Porygon2, Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Protowatt, Krilowatt.


Type: Trait

This Pokemon is naturally lazy, and becomes Sluggish after every normal action. This effect takes place after completing any normal (e.g. non-Sluggish) action. If this Pokemon uses a move that would inflict Sluggish, it instead becomes Exhausted for the next action. When Exhausted, its Confusion stage will not be checked and it will not hit itself in confusion during the second action. It recovers 3% energy when Exhausted. If this Pokemon uses a Combination, it becomes Sluggish or Exhausted on the action following the cooldown of the combination. Truant can be altered or shifted by Skill Swap, Role Play, Gastro Acid, or Mummy, but is not changed by Entrainment, Simple Beam, or Worry Seed.

Pokemon with this ability: Slakoth, Slaking, Durant.


Type: Passive

The Pokemon's flames swirl around it with an intense heat. It's immense power permeates every attack, negating the effect of abilities to reduce or prevent this Pokemon's damage or attack effects.

Pokemon with this ability: Reshiram.

Type: Passive

When this Pokemon is released, a light aura enshrouds the opponent, nullifying all stat boosts or reductions other than Speed, it remains while this Pokemon is active.

Pokemon with this ability: Clefable, Wooper, Quagsire, Bidoof, Bibarel, Woobat, Swoobat, Privatyke, Arghonaut.


Type: Passive

This Pokemon is incredibly possessive. If it uses or loses an item in battle its rage swells and its Speed doubles (x2) until it receives another item. This ability only activates on the first use of a consumable item - subsequent uses of the same item do not activate Unburden, even if the Pokemon switches out between uses.

Pokemon with this ability: Hitmonlee, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Drifloon, Drifblim, Purrloin, Liepard, Accelgor, Breezi.


Type: Passive

The Pokemon's presense causes immense tension in the opponent, preventing them from eating a held Berry. Natural Gift may still be used.

Pokemon with this ability: Ekans, Arbok, Meowth, Persian, Aerodactyl, Mewtwo, Ursaring, Houndour, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Masquerain, Vespiquen, Joltik, Galvantula, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus.
Victory Star:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has an unnatural perception which it shares with its allies in a multiple battle. The accuracy of this Pokemon and allies is increased by 10 (flat).

Pokemon with this ability: Victini.

Vital Spirit:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon has a high vitality and alertness making it immune to sleep induced by other Pokemon. Its normal state of sleeplessness makes it take 1 less damage and energy/action from Ghost Curse. If it is put to sleep by a Pokemon with Mold Breaker it will wake up the next action. If a Pokemon with Vital Spirit also has Insomnia, its Evasion and natural Evasion stage are raised by one (1) when it is sent out.

Pokemon with this ability: Mankey, Primeape, Electabuzz, Magmar, Delibird, Tyrogue, Elekid, Magby, Vigoroth, Electivire, Magmortar, Lillipup, Breezi, Fidgit, Scratchet.

Volt Absorb:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon absorbs all electrical attacks and instead of taking damage, recovering 50% of the damage an electrical attack would have done. A Pokemon that attacks itself with electricity to heal only recieves 25% of the damage that attack would do to itself. Thunder Wave has no effect on the Pokemon.

Pokemon with this ability: Jolteon, Chinchou, Lanturn, Raikou, Pachirisu.
Water Absorb:

Type: Passive

This Pokemon absorbs water attacks and instead of taking damage from them, recovering 50% of the damage the water attack would have done. A Pokemon that attacks itself with water to heal only recieves 25% of the damage that attack would do to itself.

Pokemon with this ability: Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Lapras, Vaporeon, Chinchou, Lanturn, Politoed, Wooper, Quagsire, Mantine, Suicune, Cacnea, Cacturne, Mantyke, Tympole, Palpitoad, Seismitoad, Maractus, Frillish, Jellicent.

Water Veil:

Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability always have their body coated in a layer of water which prevents burns.

Pokemon with this ability: Goldeen, Seaking, Mantine, Wailmer, Wailord, Huntail, Buizel, Floatzel, Finneon, Lumineon, Mantyke.

Weak Armor:

Type: Toggle

No default effect. When toggled, the Pokemon loosens its worn defensive armor so that it will break off whenever an opponent uses a contact attack, reducing the Pokemon's Defense and natural Defense stage by one (1), and increasing its Speed and natural Speed stage by one (1). This occurs on each hit of a multi-hit contact move.

Pokemon with this ability: Onix, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Slugma, Magcargo, Skarmory, Dwebble, Crustle, Garbodor, Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe, Vullaby, Mandibuzz, Aurumoth.

White Smoke:

Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability are surrounded by a purifying white smoke that prevents stat reduction from opponents (Screech, Intimidate, etc.) These Pokemon are also immune to Fog and lingering smoke-based effects.

Pokemon with this ability: Torkoal, Heatmor.

Wonder Guard:

Type: Passive

Pokemon with this ability suffer no damage from attacks that are not super effective. This ability cannot be removed or copied by any means.

Pokemon with this ability: Shedinja.

Wonder Skin:

Type: Passive

The Pokemon's skin has an agent that heavily resists attempts to change its composition. It changes the accuracy of all non-damaging attacks to 50% before applying any other modifiers.

Pokemon with this ability: Venomoth, Skitty, Delcatty, Sigilyph.
Zen Mode:

Type: Toggle

No default effect. When toggled, once below 50% of its maximum HP, the Pokemon can focus incredible energy into its body and change forms.

Pokemon with this ability: Darmanitan
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Audit this list for Grammar/Prose, and if I missed any attacks generally shared by ALL members of a type (or a sufficiently high percentage like 90%), make a note of it on the type.

Type Bonuses:

Typing is very important in Pokemon. A Pokemon's type is determinant largely on their genetic structure and the environment around them. Different types have adapted to different environments in a multitude of ways. Here are the bonuses based on those innate abilities:

STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus): When using a damaging or non-damaging move of the same type as the Pokemon, Energy Cost is reduced by 1. Damaging attacks have 3 more Base Attack Power regardless of the initial attack strength. Certain STABs may allow certain moves to keep their focus in all conditions, except when struck by a multi-hit attack (which always disrupt these moves). Whenever using one of the attacks below, moves of their STAB will not break any required focus unless it would directly alter their continuance of the attack.

Uncontrollable Attacks: Pokemon that get STAB on Petal Dance, Outrage, and/or Thrash will not have these moves disrupted when hit by moves with greater than 12 Base Attack Power. Some types may grant a Pokemon the ability to use more of these moves without losing focus.

Skin notes: The term skin is used often in these descriptions. Please note that these descriptions are generally reserved for Pokemon purely of that type. Pokemon with dual types can have their skin features modified greatly, or the Pokemon's skin may even by unique to the species such as Parasect and Toxicroak. Nonetheless even Pokemon of dual types will retain the primary defensive qualities of both of their skins' type. Rock/Steel skin for example is made of an alloy that prevents toxins from seeping in but does not scatter flames as much, thus retaining the immunity to poison status and the buffering ability in Sandstorm while being neutral to flame attacks rather than resisting them.

In addition to STAB, some types have developed other traits to help them cope with life in the wild.


Bugs are a hardy, crafty sort of Pokemon who have adapted strategies from the plants they feed on and the birds that prey on them. Bugs often live in cramped, concealed places and so have excellent mobility in grasses and brush. They also attack fast and furiously, often in swarms, preferring to dispatch opponents with a thousand small attacks rather than one large one.

Summary: Bug STAB; more mobility in dense brush or forest conditions. Gains one extra attack on multi-hit moves, with a cap of five (5).

Dark types are often portrayed as inherently malevolent, but this is not the case. What Dark-types do posses is a fierce mental presence that makes them immune to the effects of psychic suggestion and control. This presence also disables psychic waves surrounding an incoming object, stopping it dead in its tracks as it falls harmlessly to the ground. Dark-types are nocturnal for the most part, and thus battle very effectively in caves, at night, or in otherwise darkened conditions. While any total darkness will do, Dark-types are also the best at navigating confusing half-light situations such as twilight or dawn battles, where shadows can confuse or disorient other Pokemon. This perception does not necessarily extend to structural problems deep in caves, as while Dark-types can discern anything in their immediate vicinity, they aren't naturally in-tune with the echoes of earth vibrations. Dark-types are very vengeful by nature and happily use retaliatory attacks. In addition, Dark-types are more endeared to trickery and deviousness, and can use attacks like Nasty Plot and Taunt even if infatuated.

Summary: Dark STAB; immunity to all telepathic and telekinetic attacks, better performance in all darkened and especially twilight conditions. Can use any Dark-type attack regardless of Attraction.

Rare and powerful, Dragon-types have sturdy scales, excellent elemental resistance and affinity, and legendary vitality. Abilities vary based on the Dragon, with the Dragonite line capable of breathing underwater while the Kingdra line can breath on land. Dragons do not particularly like Ice; however, all of them are warm-blooded. Dragon attacks are very powerful, and only Steel-type skin can truly reduce the might of their mystically backed attacks.

Summary: Dragon STAB; more in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Thrash without losing focus.

These little power plants are uncommon in most parts, but gather around strong sources of electromagnetic activity. Generally speaking these spark-plugs are less likely to get paralyzed from electricity, whether they can absorb it or not. Other methods of paralyzation, such as the bio-warfare Grass-types engage in and the ki techniques or brute force of Fighting- and Normal-types respectively are still effective, however. During Rain, Thunder has a 30% chance of breaking through Protect through sheer power and has perfect accuracy, able to be boosted with a launch from any portion of the sky.

Summary: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.

These Pokemon come in two flavors. Either they are trained and disciplined masters of targeted strikes and ki attacks, or wild, savage Pokemon with innate battling instincts far above their peers. In either case, these Pokemon have powerful, dense muscles that allow them to throw targets of almost any weight if asked to do so, regardless of their own size. Their discipline allows them to Meditate and Cheer Up at a lower energy cost.

Summary: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions on Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Submission, and Vital Throw. Superior reaction time in close quarters.

One of the basic elemental types of Pokemon, Fire-types are noteworthy for being much more energy-oriented than most of their fellow Pokemon. While other Pokemon are mostly physical mass, Fire-types are an energy powerhouse not unlike their Electric brethren, but the constant erratic nature of fire is much harder to contain. As a result, Fire-types heat the air surrounding their bodies to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit when at rest. Their flames are often just irradiated energy taking that form and are above your average room temperature, but by no means lethal or even particularly dangerous. Fire-types emit a low glow in dark places with or without an open flame, which does light the area around them somewhat but also gives away their position. At high levels, Fire types can also utilize energy from the sun to maintain and augment their energy, utilizing the sun's natural radiation.

In battle, their irradiated energy changes quickly; however, and Fire-types can emit heat from their attacks that easily burns skin, melts rock, or otherwise does intense external damage to the various matter/energy constructs of Pokemon skin. Fire types themselves are immune to burning, and highly resistant to freezing (though it is not impossible if a limb without an open flame is targeted). Strong fire attacks can easily overpower weaker water attacks, despite the type disadvantage. Most Fire types can swim, however if they have open flames active (rather than irradiating) they will take small amounts of damage. Fire attacks cannot be used effectively underwater or in space (why would you battle in space dummy!), as they require oxygen for combustion. During Rain, any active open flames will emit steam, while irradiated energy will give off no signal of being effected. The Fire-type is not damaged by rain, although obviously their Fire attacks will be greatly reduced in effectiveness.

Summary: Fire STAB; immune to burn, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additional damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Superior senses in volcanic or bushfire areas.

Flying Pokemon are gifted with extraordinary senses of vibration and often a set of wings that enable them to fly, giving them a massive tactical advantage over grounded Pokemon. Even Flying-types without wings have a keen sense of ground vibrations, and can always evade Ground attacks whether they shake the earth or not. Flying-types can take wing in almost any weather condition, and to that end they can also create massive wind gusts without a large deal of recoil.

Summary: Flying STAB; immunity to Ground attacks except under the effects of Smack Down and Gravity, even for ground-based flying Pokemon. Will always hit foes with Dig (except other Flying types) and Dive. Cannot be hit by Dive unless the attacking Pokemon has a size class greater than four (4). Immune to Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Enhanced aerial mobility. Superior senses in open air arenas.

Ghost Pokemon are the most enigmatic type. As a whole they possess a broad range of supernatural abilities from intangibility to various kinds of psychokinesis to mere illusion; however, these effectiveness of these strange abilities largely depend on the individual Pokemon. Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar are the least tangible of any ghost, and can pass through walls for a brief period of time without exhausting themselves. Ghost-types are particularly adept at a few other tricks, including the ghostly flames of Will-O-Wisp, employing the shock value of Sucker Punch, utilizing Telekinesis and Psychic, and various other Trickery.

Unfortunately, due to their build, Ghost-types with secondary typings (bar Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar) cannot go through walls; however, they can briefly become intangible. Most types have evolved around the annoying habit of Ghosts to become intangible and have attached an energy signature to their attacks that strike ghosts in an intangible state. Normal- and Fighting-types remain the only Pokemon that rely on direct brute force, and Ghosts simply absorb the ki used in some fighting attacks without effect.

Summary: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.

Pokemon Plant-life, Grass-types make up the biochemical wing of Pokemon attacks. They blend in well in areas with lots of vegetation, suffer minimal ill effects from normal temperature ranges, and are otherwise a very bio-diverse assortment of Pokemon. Grass-types learn an eclectic array of moves for offensive and defensive purposes. Their natural energy process is aided by sunlight, allowing them to quickly summon Sunny Day. Their leaves and thorns provide ample implements for Swords Dance while their ability to live off solely sunlight, rainwater, and soil lets them use Growth for reduced energy as well. They draw energy from the moon and sun equally well, so in addition to Synthesis they also effectively utilize Moonlight and Morning Sun based on their activity cycles. They can also produce soothing scents and in general draw power from the nature around them. Pitted against each other, the only Grass-type attack each member of the type has built up a perfect defense to is Leech Seed. All the other various powders and seeds are either handled through a secondary type or an ability, if at all.

Summary: Grass STAB; immunity to Leech Seed and Worry Seed. 50% reduction in status effect chance of oncoming "powder" attacks. More mobile in areas with strong natural light sources. Superior senses in tall grass and forest areas. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus.

Most Ground-type Pokemon have a strong attachment to deserts, caves, and other dry areas where they make their burrows. What few exceptions there are crave muddy wallows to call home. While Digging to evade an opponent, Ground-type Pokemon only suffer a 2 energy per action drain compared to the 3 energy per action drain experienced by opponents less in tune with the earth. Ground-types are used to navigating underground in dark places, and thus have better vision in tunnels and underground caverns. This is unique from Dark-types, who can use total darkness or confusing half-light in any context, but are not particularly in tune with earth movements. Ground types require their surroundings to be largely tunnels and other earthen formations to be effective at utilizing their underground "night vision." While most Pokemon with wings or Levitate can avoid Ground's strongest physical attacks, Earthquake and Magnitude, Bone Club/Merang/Rush, Dig, Earth Power, Mud Bomb/Shot/Slap can still hit them effectively. True Flying types are the only Pokemon that seem to be able to intuit damaging Ground attacks perfectly and have the agility to dodge them. Ground-types have thick, watertight skin that acts as a grounding agent against electric attacks, which never penetrate and instead just follow along the outside harmlessly into the ground. Although the skin is watertight, it must be kept dry because it cannot completely keep water out forever, and has a spongy quality when drenched. Rain alone will not agitate the skin enough to bring on this effect, although it does make Ground types uncomfortable. Ground types also have an excellent sense of the rock formations around them, and can easily use several Rock moves to augment their offense.

Summary: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.

There are two varieties of Ice-type Pokemon. The first are more naturally occurring fauna or flora that have adapted to wintry conditions and the latter are Pokemon whose genetic structure chills the air around them to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (Glalie/Froslass line, Regice, Vanilluxe line, Beartic line, and Cryogonal). Ice-types of all kinds can break down any ice around their bodies and synthesize it into their skin, making them effectively immune to freezing. Hail has no effect on either their vision or their bodies, as they either synthesize it like all other ice or their bodies can even use it to regenerate. Additionally, Hail makes their Blizzards perfectly accurate and capable of bursting through Protect because of the enhanced debris cracking the field.

Summary: Ice STAB; immune to freezing and Sheer Cold, no vision loss or damage in Hail or snowstorm conditions, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail. Superior senses and mobility in frozen caves and other frigid arenas.

Normal-types are the vanilla of Pokemon, but don't be fooled by their lack of super effective STAB attacks. Normal STAB brings with it a broad array of boosting moves and powerful, accurate attacks as well as unparalleled attack diversity. Normal-types are ubiquitous because they are survivalists and generalists. Normal-types share a feud with Ghost-types, having complete immunity to their supernatural damaging attacks while being unable to harm them with their fists, teeth, or claws without energizing them first. Nonetheless, if the attack is basic enough, Normal-types can pick it up with ease.

Summary: Normal STAB; adapt comfortably to any surrounding after 3 actions. Able to use Outrage without losing focus.

Poison shares a lot in common with Normal, at least as far as being generalist and having poor super effective coverage. Its greatest advantage though is its complete immunity to toxins. Poison-types can survive in toxic waste sites, deserted city dumps, abandoned playgrounds, anywhere pollution drives out other Pokemon. Poison-types will never choke on or be blinded by smog, smokescreens, sludge, or anything other than direct solid material (such as sand or mud) into their eyes. Other common poisonous critters are snakes, who in addition to their toxic tendencies can also squeeze the life out of opponents or paralyze them with a snake glare.

Summary: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breathe through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited - Ignore Fog's accuracy reduction. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.

What Fighting is to physical prowess, Psychic is to mental. Psychic-types sense opponents energy in addition to any visual or hearing confirmation, allowing them to strike opponents from a great distance with their mental assaults and strike them even if they are physically blinded or inhibited. The same is not true if their mental concentration is disrupted through aggravating sounds. They also have a great deal of their own support moves, rivaling those of the Normal-type. Psychic Pokemon are deep into mental energy, and thus they can also use ki attacks fairly effectively. Psychic-types have intensely strong minds, and can fling opponents with Psychic attacks that their non-Psychic counterparts cannot.

Psychic-type attacks are not godlike, however. Most of them are simple mental assaults that tap into one of the opponents fears or memories. Extrasensory for example taps into memories that frighten the Pokemon, causing them to flinch. Psychic recalls moments of weakness that can lead to a lowering of special defense, and confusion using attacks generally just garble memories. While Psychic (the attack) can redirect energy attacks somewhat, it must be focused on the attack, not the Pokemon issuing it in order to have any function to that effect.

Summary: Psychic STAB; less susceptible to blinding, more susceptible to sound-based assaults as far as locking on with Psychic attacks, can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.

Rock-types have craggy, sturdy exteriors that grant them the ability to withstand and experience various changes within the natural environment. While they have some electromagnetic pull, it is not very powerful and, as a result, can't be targeted by attacks or abilities that interfere with those fields. In Sandstorm, the natural sandy material reinforces the gaps in Rock-type skin and roughs away any gaps or gashes, granted them extra protection against special attacks. Rock-types can see and navigate perfectly well in sandy conditions. Rock-types are also generally in tune with the ground vibrations around them, and although sudden movements of the earth can crack their skin open, they are nonetheless capable of sensing and using them effectively against opponents.

Summary: Rock STAB; reduced damage from all special attacks by two (2) Base Attack Power during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.

Steel-types are similar to Rock-types in that their skin is durable; however, they have several key differences. Unlike Rocks, whose porous skin at once scatters fire moves and allows toxins to seep through, Steel skin is completely solid. Steel types still sense the environment around them; however, they are not quite as adept at it as their Rock- or Ground-type counterparts. Steel-type skin isn't permeable by most toxins; however, Acid and Acid Bomb can corrode it quickly leaving an opening (Body Purge and Iron Defense can remove this corrosion). Steel is also completely immune to roughing from Sandstorm, though Hail gives it dents and divots. Steel-types are easily magnetized and can be attracted or repulsed by the Magnet Pull ability.

Summary: Steel STAB; immune to Sandstorm, highly insusceptible to toxic attacks, but can be corroded specifically by Acid and Acid Spray, can be magnetized. Superior senses in high-metal environments like construction sites or factories.

Water is the Normal of the Sea. It's also the Flying of the Sea. Water-types are certainly diverse, but unlike Normal types they aren't all really multi-faceted or multi-talented. Each has their own niche. They are like flying types in that they have complete mobility in water and are capable of breathing in it, while almost all other Pokemon must eventually go up for air. Most Water-types can breathe air as well as water; however, their mobility on land is more suspect, especially among Water-types whose only means of propulsion are fins. Splash only goes so far. Since Ice is merely frozen water, most Water-types can use Ice moves quite effectively.

Summary: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious.
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Audit this list to ensure uniformity in similar effects as well as Grammar/Prose.

Item List (1):

The Item List contains all the items in CAP ASB. As each item will have an image when completed, the list is split out based on size needs.


Berries have effects similar to their in-game counterparts with a few balance tweaks. To purchase berries, a trainer uses Trainer Points (I'm going to update from Capture Points to enable this) equal to that Berry's value. Berries may be used with Natural Gift up to eight (8) times in a match before the berry is entirely consumed. The CC Cost for the Berries is the cost to purchase five (5) berries. Berries can only be bought in multiples of five (5).

Cheri Berry:
Cures Paralysis.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on paralysis | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Fire

Chesto Berry:
Cures Sleep.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on sleep | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Water


Pecha Berry:
Cures Poison.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on poison | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Electric


Rawst Berry:
Cures Burn.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on burn | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Grass


Aspear Berry:
Cures Freeze.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on freeze | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ice


Leppa Berry:
Restores ten (10) Energy.

Cost: 3 | Activation: Once at <=25% energy | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Fighting


Oran Berry:
Restores ten (10) HP.

Cost: 3 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Poison


Persim Berry:
Cures confusion.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Twice on confusion | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ground


Lum Berry:
Cures all status ailments.

Cost: 3 | Activation: Once on burn, paralysis, poison, sleep, freeze, or confusion after an action | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Flying


Sitrus Berry:
Restores five (5) HP initially, then five (5) HP at the end of each round for the next four (4) rounds, starting the round after initial activation.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=50% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Psychic


Figy Berry:
Restores fifteen (15) HP once, confuses Pokémon that are not Adamant, Brave, Naughty, or Lonely natured. If confused, the effect lasts until the end of the next round. Can't be Recycled.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Bug


Wiki Berry:
Restores fifteen (15) HP once, confuses Pokémon that are not Mild, Modest, Rash, or Quiet natured. If confused, the effect lasts until the end of the next round. Can't be Recycled.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Rock


Mago Berry:
Restores fifteen (15) HP once, confuses Pokémon that are not Hasty, Jolly, Naive, or Timid natured. If confused, the effect lasts until the end of the next round. Can't be Recycled.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ghost


Aguav Berry:
Restores fifteen (15) HP once, confuses Pokémon that are not Calm, Careful, Gentle, or Sassy natured. If confused, the effect lasts until the end of the next round. Can't be Recycled.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Dragon


Iapapa Berry:
Restores fifteen (15) HP once, confuses Pokémon that are not Bold, Impish, Lax, or Relaxed natured. If confused, the effect lasts until the end of the next round. Can't be Recycled.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Dark


Razz Berry:
Restores five (5) HP and five (5) percent energy.

Cost: 3 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP or energy | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Steel


Bluk Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Fire


Nanab Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Water


Wepear Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Electric


Pinap Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Grass


Pomeg Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Ice


Kelpsy Berry:
Negates Attack Drops.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on Atk drop | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Fighting


Qualot Berry:
Negates Defense Drops.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on Def drop | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Poison


Hondew Berry:
Negates Special Attack Drops.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on SpA drop | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Ground


Grepa Berry:
Negates Special Defense Drops.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on SpD drop | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Flying


Tamato Berry:
Negates Speed Drops.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on Spe drop | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Psychic


Cornn Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Bug


Magost Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Rock


Rabuta Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Ghost


Nomel Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Dragon


Spelon Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Dark


Pamtre Berry:
Increases Natural Gift Base Attack Power by 3.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on Natural Gift use | Natural Gift: 7 BAP, Steel


Watmel Berry:
Increases final damage done by Fire-type attacks by four (4) damage.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Four times on Fire-type attack use | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Fire


Durin Berry:
Increases final damage done by Water-type attacks by four (4) damage.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Four times on Water-type attack use | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Water


Belue Berry:
Increases final damage done by Electric-type attacks by four (4) damage.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Four times on Electric-type attack use | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Electric


Occa Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Fire-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x). It also cures any burn status resulting from the attack.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Fire-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Fire


Passho Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Water-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Water-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Water


Wacan Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Electric-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x). It also cures any paralysis status resulting from the attack.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Electric-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Electric


Rindo Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Grass-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Grass-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Grass


Yache Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Ice-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x). It also cures any freeze status resulting from the attack.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Ice-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ice


Chople Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Fighting-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Fighting-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Fighting


Kebia Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Poison-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x). It also cures any poison status resulting from the attack.

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Poison-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Poison


Shuca Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Ground-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Ground-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ground


Coba Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Flying-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Flying-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Flying


Payapa Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Psychic-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Psychic-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Psychic


Tanga Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Bug-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Bug-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Bug


Charti Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Rock-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Rock-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Rock


Kasib Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Ghost-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Ghost-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Ghost


Haban Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Dragon-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Dragon-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Dragon


Colbur Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Dark-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Three times when hit by a super effective Dark-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Dark


Babiri Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a super effective Steel-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a super effective Steel-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Steel


Chilan Berry:
Reduces type effectiveness of a Normal-type move by one (1) stage (ex. 4x becomes 2x).

Cost: 5 | Activation: Thrice when hit by a Normal-type attack | Natural Gift: 6 BAP, Normal


Liechi Berry:
Raises Attack by 1 Stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Grass


Ganlon Berry:
Raises Defense by one (1) stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Ice


Salac Berry:
Raises Speed by one (1) stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Fighting


Petaya Berry:
Raises Special Attack by one (1) stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Poison


Apicot Berry:
Raises Special Defense by one (1) stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Ground


Lansat Berry:
Raises critical hit stage by one (1) stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Flying


Starf Berry:
Raises random stat by two (2) stages. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Psychic


Enigma Berry:
Restores ten (10) HP when hit by a super effective attack. The damage occurs before the healing.

Cost: 6 | Activation: Twice after hit by a super effective attack | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Bug


Micle Berry:
Raises accuracy by one (1) Stage. The effect lasts for the duration of the match.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Rock


Custap Berry:
Gives all actions +1 priority. The effect lasts for 3 actions after activation.

Cost: 4 | Activation: Once at <=25% HP | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Ghost


Jaboca Berry:
Deals five (5) damage to the attacker when the holder is hit by a physical move.

Cost: 6 | Activation: Thrice on being hit by a physical attack | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Dragon


Rowap Berry:
Deals five (5) damage to the opponent when the holder is hit by a special move.

Cost: 6 | Activation: Thrice on being hit by a special attack | Natural Gift: 8 BAP, Dark

Herbs can't be used with Natural Gift, but nonetheless can be used as items. The CC Cost for an Herb is the cost to purchase five (5) Herbs. Herbs can only be bought in multiples of five (5).

Mental Herb: Removes the effects of Attract, Disable, Encore, Taunt, and Torment.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on being hit by Attract, Disable, Encore, Taunt, or Torment


Power Herb: Attacks that take time to charge are charged instantaneously, preventing them from being disrupted. All charge attacks will have 0 priority instead of -1.

Cost: 2 | Activation: Five times on use of a charging attack


White Herb: Negates stat drops in groups. (e.g. Close Combat's Defense and Special Defense drops are negated as one group)

Cost: 2 | Activation: Thrice on any stat drop group
Signature Items:

Signature items are items that have a direct effect on specific Pokemon and are always active.

Everstone: Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the Pokemon's initial Base Rank Total is 17 or less, it increases by two (2) Ranks. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised. Increases the Pokemon's STAB Base Attack Power by two (2). If the Pokemon has two types, each STAB is increased by one (1). If the Pokemon's STAB changes, this bonus will change to correspond with it. If the Pokemon uses Transform, it alters the boost on Everstone to the target species' highest true base stat and adds one (1) Rank to it, regardless of the target's BRT.

Cost: 15 | Affected Pokemon: All Pokemon incapable of evolving that have not evolved from a previous Pokemon.


Rare Candy: Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the Pokemon's initial Base Rank Total is 17 or less, it increases by two (2) Ranks. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised. Increases the Pokemon's STAB Base Attack Power by two (2). If the Pokemon has two types, each STAB is increased by one (1) Base Attack Power instead. If the Pokemon's STAB changes, this bonus will change to correspond with it. If the Pokemon uses Transform, it alters the boost on Rare Candy to the target species' highest true base stat and adds one (1) Rank to it, regardless of the target's BRT.

Cost: 15 | Affected Pokemon: All Pokemon that evolve from a previous stage or to a next stage via Level-up.


DeepSeaScale: Doubles (x2) Special Defense rank.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Clamperl, Gorebyss


DeepSeaTooth: Doubles (x2) Special Attack rank.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Clamperl, Huntail


Dragon Scale: Increases the Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack by one (1) rank each. Increases the critical hit damage boost to seven (7) damage with Sniper.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Seadra, Kingdra


Dubious Disc: Doubles (x2) the stage-boost of the Download ability.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Porygon2, Porygon-Z


Electirizer: This Pokemon is immune to Electric-type attacks after the effects of abilities. Increases the Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack by one (1) rank each.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Electabuzz, Electivire


Light Ball: Doubles (x2) Attack and Special Attack ranks.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Pikachu


Link Cable: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. If the true base stat values are equal, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Kadabra, Alakazam, Machoke, Machamp, Graveler, Golem, Haunter, Gengar, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr, Boldore, Gigalith, Karrablast, Escavalier, Shelmet, Accelgor


Soothe Bell: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. If the true base stat values are equal, each Rank is raised.

Cost 8 | Affected Pokemon: Golbat, Crobat, Chansey, Blissey, Eevee, Espeon, Umbreon, Pichu, Pikachu, Cleffa, Clefairy, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Togepi, Togetic, Azurill, Marill, Budew, Roselia, Buneary, Lopunny, Chingling, Chimecho, Munchlax, Snorlax, Riolu, Lucario, Woobat, Swoobat, Swadloon, Leavanny


Full Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. If the true base stat values are equal, each Rank is raised. Causes the Pokemon to always move last within its priority bracket, regardless of Speed. The Pokemon's attacks will never miss an opponent and opponents' attacks will never miss the Pokemon. OHKO moves have normal accuracy when used with or against a Pokemon with this item.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Munchlax, Snorlax


Lax Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. If the true base stat values are equal, each Rank is raised. Increases the Pokemon's Base Evasion by five (5).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Wynaut, Wobbuffet


Luck Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. The Pokemon's owner gains one (1) additional Currency Counter for each battle the Pokemon participates in. Can be used in Training battles.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Happiny, Chansey, Blissey


Odd Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Increases the BAP of the Pokemon's Psychic-type attacks by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Mime Jr., Mr. Mime


Pure Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Halves the rate of damage increase on Toxic (e.g. it becomes 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 over 6 rounds instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6) and increases the rate of decay on Freeze (always 1 action), Sleep (0,1,1 instead of 1,1,2) and paralysis (25,15,5,0 or 20,10,0 instead of 25,20,15,10,5,0). Reduces the damage of Poison and Burn to one (1) DPA.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Chingling, Chimecho


Rock Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Increases the BAP of the Pokemon's Rock-type attacks by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Bonsly, Sudowoodo


Rose Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Increases the BAP of the Pokemon's Grass-type attacks by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Budew, Roselia, Roserade


Sea Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Increases the BAP of the Pokemon's Water-type attacks by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Azurill, Marill, Azumarill


Wave Incense: Increases the Pokemon's two (2) highest true base stats (e.g. 130 Atk, 85 SpD) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) rank each. Increases the BAP of the Pokemon's Water-type attacks by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Mantyke, Mantine


Lucky Punch: Guarantees all attacks score a critical hit. Increases Attack Rank by one (1)

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Chansey


Magmarizer: This Pokemon is immune to Fire-type attacks after the effects of abilities. Increases the Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack by one (1) rank each.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Magmar, Magmortar


Metal Powder: Multiplies Defense and Special Defense rank by one and a half (1.5x), rounded up. Effect remains even while transformed.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Ditto


Oval Stone: Increases the Pokemon's Attack and Defense one (1) rank each.

Cost: 5 | Affected Pokemon: Happiny


Prism Scale: Increases the Pokemon's Defense by one (1) rank and increases the Base Attack Power reduction of the Marvel Scale ability to three (3) BAP.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Feebas, Milotic


Protector: Reduces the Base Attack Power of attacks used against the Pokemon by one (1).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Rhydon, Rhyperior


Quick Powder: Doubles (x2) Speed. Effect remains even while transformed.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Ditto


Reaper Cloth: Raises the Energy cost of all incoming attacks by two (2) and gives the Pokemon the Levitate ability.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Dusclops, Dusknoir


Stick: Guarantees all attacks score a critical hit. Increases Attack Rank by one (1)

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Farfetch'd


Thick Club: Doubles (x2) Attack rank.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Cubone, Marowak


Up-Grade: Increases the Pokemon's Special Attack by one (1) rank. Increases the duration of Trace's effect to nine (9) actions.

Cost: 6 | Affected Pokemon: Porygon, Porygon2
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Item List (2):

Battle Items:

These items can be purchased for use in battles. They consist of the competitive items available in CAP ASB.

Big Root: Doubles (x2) the HP gained from the moves Absorb, Leech Life, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Drain Punch, Dream Eater, and Horn Leech. Increases the Energy Cost of these attacks by 50% (1.5x).


Binding Band: Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin, Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Wrap, and Whirlpool inflict double (x2) damage at the end of each of the target Pokemon's actions.


Black Sludge: Heals Poison-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Poison Heal, Poison Point, or Poison Touch one (1) HP at the end of every one of the Pokemon's actions. Pokemon with the ability Liquid Ooze or Toxic Boost have two (2) HP restored per action instead. All other Pokemon are dealt two (2) damage at the end of each of each action.


Choice Band: Increases the Attack of the Pokemon by half of its current rank, rounded up. The Pokemon is allowed to choose a new move at the beginning of every round, but is forced to use that move for all actions of that round while incurring half the normal repeated move energy cost. The Pokemon is so committed to its attack once it's been successfully ordered that no attack used by the opponent can prevent it from using the chosen attack in that round. Choice-locked Pokemon are immune to the effects of Encore.


Choice Scarf: Increases the Speed of the Pokemon by 75% (x1.75) and increases base move accuracy by twenty-five (25). The Pokemon is allowed to choose a new move at the beginning of every round, but is forced to use that move for all actions of that round without incurring the repeated move energy cost. The Pokemon is so committed to its attack once it's been successfully ordered that no attack used by the opponent can prevent it from using the chosen attack in that round. Choice-locked Pokemon are immune to the effects of Encore.


Choice Specs: Increases the Special Attack of the Pokemon by half of its current rank, rounded up. The Pokemon is allowed to choose a new move at the beginning of every round, but is forced to use that move for all actions of that round while incurring half the normal repeated move energy cost. The Pokemon is so committed to its attack once it's been successfully ordered that no attack used by the opponent can prevent it from using the chosen attack in that round. Choice-locked Pokemon are immune to the effects of Encore.


Cleanse Tag: Halves the rate of damage increase on Toxic (e.g. it becomes 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 over 6 rounds instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6) and increases the rate of decay on Freeze (always 1 action), Sleep (0,1,1 instead of 1,1,2) and paralysis (25,15,5,0 or 20,10,0 instead of 25,20,15,10,5,0). Reduces the damage of Poison and Burn to one (1) DPA.


Destiny Knot: Whenever the Pokemon inflicts attraction successfully upon an opponent, the effect lasts for the duration of the battle until either Pokemon is KOed or switches out.


Eviolite: Increases the Defense and Special Defense of the Pokemon by half of its current ranks if the Pokemon is not fully evolved, rounded up.


Expert Belt: Increases the Base Attack Power of all attacks that strike super effectively by two (2).


Float Stone: The Pokemon's weight is cut in half, and all attacks used by the Pokemon with six (6) or less Base Power after ability adjustments have +1 priority. Priority is applied to the summed Base Power of a multi-hit move.


Focus Band: Reduces the Base Attack Power of attacks used against the Pokemon by two (2) while below 50% of its maximum HP. The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by fifteen (15) Base Attack Power instead.


Focus Sash: Reduces the Base Attack Power of attacks used against the Pokemon by two (2) while above 50% of its maximum HP. The effect is amplified on OHKO Moves, which are reduced by fifteen (15) Base Attack Power instead.


Grip Claw: The partial trapping and damaging effect of Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin, Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Wrap, and Whirlpool last a guaranteed eight (8) actions unless counteracted by another move.


King's Rock: All contact attacks used by the Pokemon that connect have a 10% chance to cause the opponent to flinch. Multi-hit moves have as many chances to flinch as hits made successfully. If held by Poliwhirl, Politoed, Slowpoke, or Slowking, it increases the Pokemon's Special Attack by one (1) rank.


Lagging Tail: Causes the Pokemon to always move last within its priority bracket, regardless of Speed. The Pokemon's attacks will never miss an opponent and opponents' attacks will never miss the Pokemon. OHKO moves have normal accuracy when used with or against a Pokemon with this item.


Leftovers: Heals the Pokemon one (1) HP at the end of every one of the Pokemon's actions. Pokemon with the ability Gluttony have two (2) HP restored per action instead.


Life Orb: Increases the Base Attack Power of all attacks by three (3), but deals two (2) damage to the Pokemon for each attack it makes that hits successfully. The recoil is only one (1) damage if the attack is a single-hit move with four (4) Base Attack Power after ability adjustments. Attacks that hit multiple Pokemon only inflict recoil once.


Metronome: Increases the Base Attack Power dealt by consecutive uses of attacks after their first use by one (1) and one (1) more for each additional use up to a maximum of ten (10) uses. (Ex. An attack used twice has +2 BAP, thrice +3, etc.) Attacks used consecutively incur only half (0.5x) the consecutive move use energy cost.


Razor Claw
Raises the critical hit stage of the Pokemon by one (1) and the Base Attack Power of moves containing the words "Cut", "Cross", "Claw", "Scissor", "Scratch", "Swipe", or "Slash" is increased by three (3). If held by Sneasel or Weavile, it increases the Pokemon's Attack by one (1) rank.


Razor Fang: Raises the critical hit stage of the Pokemon by one (1) and the Base Attack Power of moves containing the words "Fang", "Crunch", "Razor", "Bite", "Blade", or "Sword" is increased by three (3). If held by Gligar or Gliscor, it increases the Pokemon's Attack by one (1) rank.


Rocky Helmet: Causes all contact attacks suffered by the Pokemon to deal 25% of the damage received to the opponent, rounded up.


Shed Shell: Allows the Pokemon to switch in a Switch = OK battle regardless of trapping moves or abilities. Prevents residual damage from partial trapping moves and renders the Pokemon immune to entry hazards.


Shell Bell: Whenever the Pokemon deals damage with an attack, it is healed for 1/8 (x0.125) of the damage dealt, rounded down, but with a minimum of one (1) HP gained.


Smoke Ball: The Pokemon negates all of its own accuracy drops, all of its opponent's evasion boosts, and the effects of an opponent's Double Team. Actions used evasively always fail against the Pokemon. If the opponent uses Dig, Bounce, or similar moves, the carrier of Smoke Ball always strikes just before the opponent can take evasive action, even if it would normally be slower.


Zoom Lens: Raises the critical hit stage of the Pokemon by one (1) and increases move accuracy by twenty (20). Both effects only apply if the Pokemon moves after the opposing Pokemon.

Macho Brace: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and increases the stage-boost of all boosting moves by one (1). Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Weight: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and increases the HP gain and energy cost of recovery moves by 50% (x1.5). Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Bracer: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and doubles (x2) the stage-boost of Attack-boosting moves. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Belt: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and doubles (x2) the stage-boost of Defense-boosting moves. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Lens: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and doubles (x2) the stage-boost of Special Attack-boosting moves. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Band: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and doubles (x2) the stage-boost of Special Defense-boosting moves. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


Power Anklet: Reduces the Pokemon's Speed by 50% (x0.5), rounded down, and triples (x3) the stage-boost of Speed-boosting moves. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by one (1).


BrightPowder: Reduces move accuracy of moves used against the Pokemon by ten (10).


Muscle Band: Increases the Base Attack Power of all physical attacks used by the Pokemon by one (1).


Quick Claw: Raises the critical hit stage of the Pokemon by one (1) and the Pokemon has a 20% chance of moving first within the priority bracket of its move each action.


Scope Lens: Doubles (x2) the critical hit stage for the Pokemon.


Wide Lens: Increases move accuracy by ten (10).


Wise Glasses: Increases the Base Attack Power of all special attacks used by the Pokemon by one (1).


Black Belt: Increases the damage dealt by all Fighting-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


BlackGlasses: Increases the damage dealt by all Dark-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Charcoal: Increases the damage dealt by all Fire-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Dragon Fang: Increases the damage dealt by all Dragon-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Hard Stone: Increases the damage dealt by all Rock-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Magnet: Increases the damage dealt by all Electric-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Metal Coat: Increases the damage dealt by all Steel-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4). If held by Onix, Scyther, Steelix or Scizor, it increases the Pokemon's Defense by one (1) rank.


Miracle Seed: Increases the damage dealt by all Grass-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Mystic Water: Increases the damage dealt by all Water-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


NeverMeltIce: Increases the damage dealt by all Ice-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Poison Barb: Increases the damage dealt by all Poison-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Sharp Beak: Increases the damage dealt by all Flying-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Silk Scarf: Increases the damage dealt by all Normal-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


SilverPowder: Increases the damage dealt by all Bug-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Soft Sand: Increases the damage dealt by all Ground-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Spell Tag: Increases the damage dealt by all Ghost-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


TwistedSpoon: Increases the damage dealt by all Psychic-type attacks used by the Pokemon by four (4).


Iron Ball: Reduces the Speed of the Pokemon by 50% (x0.5) and removes the levitating effects of Levitate, the Flying-type, and commands issued to make a Pokemon float or fly. The attacks Fly, Sky Attack, Bounce, and Sky Drop will fail when used by the Pokemon. Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, and Vital Throw are impossible against a Pokemon with Iron Ball unless used by a Fighting-type Pokemon. Increases the Pokemon's final Weight Class by three (3).


Flame Orb: At the end of each round, the Pokemon is inflicted with burn.


Toxic Orb: At the end of each round, the Pokemon is inflicted with bad poison.


Sticky Barb: If the Pokemon makes contact with an attack, adds two (2) final damage to the attack (after all other damage is calculated). If the Pokemon does not make contact with an attack, The Pokemon receives two (2) damage at the end of each action. Sticky Barb transfers to opponents with no item when contact is made.


Ring Target: The Pokemon loses its type immunities from abilities and typing. Transfers to opponents with no item when contact is made.

Amulet Coin: The Pokemon's owner gains one (1) additional Currency Counter for each battle the Pokemon participates in.


Exp. Share: The Pokemon gains one (1) additional Move Counter for each battle it participates in.


Lucky Egg: The Pokemon gains one (1) additional Evolution or Dream Counter of the owner's choosing for each battle it participates in.


Damp Rock: Causes Drizzle to cost no energy to activate, extends the duration of the move Rain Dance to six (6) rounds, and enables rain to be used in all arenas where it might otherwise be disallowed.


Heat Rock: Causes Drought to cost no energy to activate, extends the duration of the move Sunny Day to six (6) rounds, and enables sun to be used in all arenas where it might otherwise be disallowed.


Icy Rock: Causes Snow Warning to cost no energy to activate, extends the duration of the move Hail to six (6) rounds, and enables hail to be used in all arenas where it might otherwise be disallowed.


Smooth Rock: Causes Sand Stream to cost no energy to activate, extends the duration of the move Sandstorm to six (6) rounds, and enables sandstorm to be used in all arenas where it might otherwise be disallowed.


Light Clay: Extends the duration of Reflect and Light Screen to nine (9) actions and the duration of Safeguard to six (6) rounds. Increases the Defense boost of Barrier to +3.

Absorb Bulb: Consumable. Absorbs a Water-type attack used by the opponent, causing it to deal no damage and activating this item. When activated, this item is consumed and the Pokemon carrying it has its Special Attack boosted by one (1) for nine (9) actions or until switched out.


Cell Battery: Consumable. Absorbs an Electric-type attack used by the opponent, causing it to deal no damage and activating this item. When activated, this item is consumed and the Pokemon carrying it has its Attack boosted by one (1) for nine (9) actions or until switched out.


Air Balloon: Consumable. This Pokemon floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading the Ground moves Bulldoze, Dig, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude. Earth Power will have three (3) less Base Attack Power. All other Ground moves can still hit. This item does not interfere with the Pokemon using any of its attacks and is consumed when the Pokemon takes twenty-five (25) damage. Non-damaging health reduction, such as using Substitute, does not damage the Air Balloon.


Escape Button: Consumable. After being struck by an opposing Pokemon's attack, this may be activated by the player without using an action. When activated, this item is consumed and the activating Pokemon may do any one of the following:
- Be guaranteed a successful dodge against the opposing Pokemon's next action
- Switch out at the end of the round to another of the player's Pokemon of their choosing (Cannot be chosen if Switch=KO or the player has no other available Pokemon)


Red Card: Consumable. After being struck by an opposing Pokemon's attack, this may be activated by the player without using an action. When activated, this item is consumed and the activating Pokemon may do any one of the following:
- Guarantee that the opposing Pokemon cannot dodge the Pokemon's next action
- Force the opposing Pokemon to switch out at the end of the round to another of the opposing player's Pokemon at random (Cannot be chosen if Switch=KO or the opposing player has no other available Pokemon)


RageCandyBar: Consumable. This may be activated whenever by the player without using an action. When activated, this item is consumed and the Pokemon gains a one (1) rank bonus to Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense and a 25% (x1.25) bonus to Speed, rounded up, for three (3) actions or until switched out.


Berserk Gene: Consumable. This item can only be activated when the Pokemon is sent out and may be activated by the player without using an action. When activated, the item is consumed, the Pokemon is confused for four (4) actions, and has its Attack and Special Attack boosted by two (2) stages for nine (9) actions or until switched out.


Fire Gem: Consumable. When using a Fire-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Water Gem: Consumable. When using a Water-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Electric Gem: Consumable. When using a Electric-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Grass Gem: Consumable. When using a Grass-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Ice Gem: Consumable. When using a Ice-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Fighting Gem: Consumable. When using a Fighting-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Poison Gem: Consumable. When using a Poison-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Ground Gem: Consumable. When using a Ground-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Flying Gem: Consumable. When using a Flying-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Psychic Gem: Consumable. When using a Psychic-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Bug Gem: Consumable. When using a Bug-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Rock Gem: Consumable. When using a Rock-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Ghost Gem: Consumable. When using a Ghost-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Dragon Gem: Consumable. When using a Dragon-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Dark Gem: Consumable. When using a Dark-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Steel Gem: Consumable. When using a Steel-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.


Normal Gem: Consumable. When using a Normal-type attack, this may be activated. When activated, boosts the Base Attack Power of the attack used by the Pokemon by three (3). May be activated five (5) times before being consumed.
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Item List (3):

Evolutionary Stones:
Evolutionary Stones are signature items that have effects in battle and also special effects in RPs.


Dawn Stone: Increases the Attack of affected Female Pokemon by one (1) Rank an the Special Attack of affected Male Pokemon by one (1) Rank. Increases the Base Attack Power of Fighting-type and Ghost-type attacks by two (2).

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Snorunt, Kirlia, Froslass, Gallade


Dusk Stone: Increases the Base Attack Power of Dark-type and Ghost-type moves by two (2). Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Murkrow, Misdreavus, Honchkrow, Mismagius, Lampent, Chandelure.


Fire Stone: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Flash Fire and / or Blaze activated. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Vulpix, Ninetales, Growlithe, Arcanine, Eevee, Flareon, Pansear, Simisear.


Ice Rock: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Snow Cloak activated and continuously activates Ice Body, granting two (2) HP per action regardless of weather. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Eevee, Glaceon


Leaf Stone: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Overgrow activated. Enhances Chlorophyll to triple (3x) the affected Pokemon's Speed when activated. Increases the Base Attack Power of all attacks with "Leaf" in their name by two (2). Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Gloom, Vileplume, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, Pansage, Simisage.


Moon Stone: Increases the Base Attack Power of Normal and Psychic-type moves by two (2), and prevents damage from recoil on all moves. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidorino, Nidoking, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Clefairy, Clefable, Skitty, Delcatty, Munna, Musharna.


Moss Rock: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Leaf Guard and Chlorophyll Activated, regardless of weather. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Eevee, Leafeon


Thunderstone: Increases the Base Attack Power of Electric-type recoil moves by two (2). Enhances Lightningrod to raise Special Attack by two (2) stages when activated. Continuously activates Volt Absorb, granting two (2) HP per action. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Pikachu, Raichu, Eevee, Jolteon, Eelektrik, Eelektross.


Shiny Stone: Increases the Base Accuracy of all moves used by the affected Pokemon by ten (10). Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Togetic, Togekiss, Roselia, Roserade, Minccino, Cinccino.


Sun Stone: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Chlorophyll, Solar Power, and Leaf Guard activated, regardless of weather. Solar Power does not damage the Pokemon unless Sunny weather is on the field. Leaf Guard does not prevent sleep from Rest unless Sunny weather is on the field. Solarbeam has no charge and its full power in all weathers. Morning Sun, Synthesis, and Moonlight are at their full power, regardless of weather. Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Gloom, Bellossom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Cottonee, Whimsicott, Petilil, Lilligant.


Water Stone: The affected Pokemon enters battle with Torrent activated. Hydration, and / or Swift Swim are also activated, regardless of weather. Continuously activates Rain Dish and Water Absorb regardless of weather, granting one (1) HP per action [In Rain, Rain Dish will increase to its normal 2 HP/action). Increases the Pokemon's highest true base stat (e.g. 130 Atk) of Attack, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense by one (1) Rank. If the highest true base stat is tied, each Rank is raised.

Cost: 8 | Affected Pokemon: Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Shellder, Cloyster, Staryu, Starmie, Eevee, Vaporeon, Lombre, Ludicolo, Panpour, Simipour.

Rotom Appliances:
Rotom Appliances are used to transform Rotom into one of its formes in a battle.


Rotom Cut Mower: Allows Rotom to transform into Rotom-C.

Only one Rotom appliance may be taken into a battle per trainer. This item is separate from a held item, and may be used even in No Items Battles.

Cost: 7 | Affected Pokemon: Rotom


Rotom Frost Fridge: Allows Rotom to transform into Rotom-F.

Only one Rotom appliance may be taken into a battle per trainer. This item is separate from a held item, and may be used even in No Items Battles.

Cost: 7 | Affected Pokemon: Rotom


Rotom Heat Toaster: Allows Rotom to transform into Rotom-H.

Only one Rotom appliance may be taken into a battle per trainer. This item is separate from a held item, and may be used even in No Items Battles.

Cost: 7 | Affected Pokemon: Rotom


Rotom Spin Fan: Allows Rotom to transform into Rotom-S.

Only one Rotom appliance may be taken into a battle per trainer. This item is separate from a held item, and may be used even in No Items Battles.

Cost: 7 | Affected Pokemon: Rotom


Rotom Wash Washer: Allows Rotom to transform into Rotom-W.

Only one Rotom appliance may be taken into a battle per trainer. This item is separate from a held item, and may be used even in No Items Battles.

Cost: 7 | Affected Pokemon: Rotom

Legendary Items:

These ancient artifacts are said to boost the abilities of legendary Pokemon. These items cannot be purchased, but may exist and/or be obtainable in certain scenarios at the sole discretion of ASB's leadership.

Adamant Orb: Increases the Base Attack Power of Dragon- and Steel-type attacks for Dialga by three (3).

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Dialga


Elemental Drives: These Drives change the type of Techno Blast to Electric-, Fire-, Ice-, and Water-type based on the Drive used.
(Depicted in order: Shock, Burn, Chill, Douse)

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Genesect


Elemental Plates: Life Plates of each elemental type, except Normal, that increases the Base Attack Power of moves of that type by three (3).
(Depicted in order: Draco, Dread, Earth, Fist, Flame, Icicle, Insect, Iron, Meadow, Mind, Sky, Splash, Spooky, Stone, Toxic, Zap)

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Arceus


Griseous Orb: Increases the Base Attack Power of Dragon- and Ghost-type attacks for Giratina by three (3). Transforms Giratina into its Origin Forme.

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Giratina


Lustrous Orb: Increases the Base Attack Power of Dragon- and Water-type attacks for Palkia by three (3).

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Palkia


Soul Dew: Increases the Special Attack and Special Defense Rank of Latios and Latias by 50% (1.5x).

Cost: N/A | Affected Pokemon: Latios, Latias
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Pokemon Capture:

Major Change 10/09/2011:
Capture Rates are now limited to a minimum of 7 and a Maximum of 150. Heal Balls have had their Capture Rate for >50% HP reduced to 2x. Pokemon at Full Health have a capture rate of 7.

So, I had this really nifty idea earlier today while I was thinking over a couple RPs I am in, and realized that there is a whole mechanic that we've to this day avoided in ASB: Pokemon capture. Where are the Poke Balls that we can purchase and use to capture Pokemon we've weakened in RPs? Well, after talking with Deck and fleshing out a really cool package for this, I've written this up. This is a tag-team submission with Deck's above, as obviously the capture mechanics are necessary in order for his RP above to work.

Pokemon Capture is something that interacts with all other RPs!


The basic premise of Pokemon Capture is that you purchase Poke Balls with CC from the prize claiming thread. Then, with Poke Balls, you can enter into any RP that has wild Pokemon, and capture them! Naturally, there are restrictions as to what can be captured.

  • Pokemon owned by NPC trainers in RPs cannot be captured, and Poke Balls cannot be used in trainer battles at all.
  • Legendary Pokemon cannot be captured. This list, since the qualifier 'legendary' is not generally obvious as to what it describes, is: Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo, Mew, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Jirachi, Darkrai, Cresselia, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Manaphy, Phione, Heatran, Regigigas, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Terrakion, Cobalion, Virizion, Keldeo, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Meloetta, and Genesect.
  • Anything that is considered a 'boss' or 'mini-boss' of an RP cannot be captured.
  • This list of uncapturable Pokemon may be ignored for certain RPs that are designed with catching very high power and even legendary Pokemon in mind.
Those are the Pokemon that cannot be captured. Except in the case of trainer battles, where Poke Balls cannot be used, if a Poke Ball is used in a battle against an uncapturable Pokemon, it will simply destroy the Poke Ball instead of even going inside for a split second. That would suggest that you shouldn't waste your Poke Balls in such a manner!

It's not all restrictions, however. There are some cool things about capturing Pokemon through this RP addendum:

  • You can capture evolved Pokemon.
  • You can capture Pokemon that know special moves.
  • You can capture pretty much anything else you encounter.
When you capture a Pokemon, you treat it as if you were buying the Pokemon from the prize claim thread. If you captured a Pikachu, for instance, assume it is the most basic Pikachu that you can acquire. It has 4/9 EC, 0 MC, and 0 DC, all of the level-up moves up to Level 25, 5 egg moves of your choice, 5 BW TMs of your choice, and any specialty moves that it had in the RP you caught it in but you wouldn't normally get. So let's say that Pikachu used Surf in the RP, then when you catch it you would get the Pikachu I listed above and then Surf on it as a special extra move. Furthermore, since you battle the Pokemon and make an impression upon it when you capture it, when you claim captured wild Pokemon, you may choose both their natures and Hidden Power types. When you battle them before catching them, however, you may find that their Hidden Power type is different than what you make it; that's just the effect you have on a Pokemon when you capture it! Furthermore, some RPs will allow you to keep the captured Pokemon with you during the RP in reserve, though this is on a per-RP basis.

When you move to capture a Pokemon, all attacks suspend and the trainer throws a Poke Ball at the target. Poke Balls will only work when there is one opposing Pokemon left, as other Pokemon will intercept the Poke Ball and cause it to fail. If a capture fails, the targeted Pokemon breaks free and uses a Chill-like move, increasing their energy by twelve (12) while ignoring sleep, confusion, paralysis, or other effects. If the targeted Pokemon gets back to one-hundred (100) energy in this way, they will have a round to attack your Pokemon without retaliation.

Capture Formula

ASB uses the exact same capture formula as in-game, except at the upper and lower extremities. The minimum value for a Pokemon's Capture Rate is 7, while the maximum is 150. This means that ASB will also use the same capture rates for the Pokemon, as listed on websites like Serebii or Veekun. Pikachu has a capture rate of 190, for example, which is lowered to 150. This also means that the type of Poke Ball you buy matters, as it has a Ball Rate that factors into the formula. Here's a crash course in Pokemon capturing math. The only difference in ASB is that since you can inflict multiple status effects on a Pokemon, the 'status number' in the capture formula is equal to the single highest status number of all status inflicted on the Pokemon, not the addition of status numbers.

Finally, Pokemon at their full health have a capture rate of 7, regardless of their ordinary capture rate.

Long Form Calculation:
Long Form Calculation said:
Let's say we try and catch a 5 HP Lillipup with a Pokeball. Lillipup's in-game Catch Rate is 255 - which is lowered to 150 in ASB.

Capture Rate = (( 1 + ( MaxHP × 3 - CurrentHP × 2 ) × CatchRate × BallRate × Status# ) ÷ ( MaxHP × 3 )) ÷ 256
= (( 1 + ( 90 × 3 - 5 × 2 ) × 150 × 1 × 1 ) ÷ ( 90 × 3 )) ÷ 256
= (( 1 + ( 270 - 10 ) × 150 × 1 × 1 ) ÷ ( 270 )) ÷ 256
= (( 1 + 39000 ) ÷ 270 ) ÷ 256
= ( 39001 ÷ 270 ) ÷ 256
= 144.45 ÷ 256
= 0.5642
= 56.4%

SUMMARY: Without Status or balls with stronger capture rates, it's much, much harder to catch a Pokemon in ASB. Fortunately, unlike in-game where you are limited to four moves, your Pokemon should have access to a status move almost without exception. If this Lilipup were Paralyzed (or healthy and you used a Great Ball), it's catch rate would be 84.6%, and if it were Asleep (or it was healthy and you used an Ultra Ball), it's catch rate would be 112.8%.

Capture Rates

Like in the game, there are a ton of Poke Balls with varying capture rates based on certain conditions. The list below includes all of the items that this addendum to RPs would provide for purchase in the prize claiming thread and what they do with what special conditions. All Poke Balls are available for purchase except the Master Ball, which can only be rewarded for special accomplishments with Deck Knight's approval. The listed prices are the prices for buying five (5) Poke Balls of that type.


Poke Ball: A Poke Ball used to capture Pokemon.

Cost: 3 | Catch Rate: x1


Great Ball: A great Poke Ball used to capture Pokemon.

Cost: 4 | Catch Rate: x1.5


Ultra Ball: An ultra Poke Ball used to capture Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: x2


Master Ball: A legendary Poke Ball that will capture any Pokemon without fail.

Cost: — | Catch Rate: —


Heal Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon above 50% of their maximum HP. In certain roleplays where a Pokemon can be used as soon as it is captured, the Heal Ball heals them to full HP and energy when captured.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 2x (>50% HP)


Premier Ball: An elaborate Poke Ball that grants the captured Pokemon one (1) EC, MC, or DC of the trainer's choice when captured.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x


Luxury Ball: An extravagant Poke Ball with a reduced catch rate, but that grants the captured Pokemon two (2) EC, MC, or DC of the trainer's choice when captured.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 0.5x


Cherish Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against legendary Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 2.5x (Against legendary Pokemon)


Dream Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon that are asleep.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Against sleeping Pokemon)


Dive Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon encountered when Diving or Surfing.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (When Diving or Surfing)


Dusk Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon encountered in dark environments such as caves or at night time.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (In low lighting)


Fast Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against particularly fast Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Base Speed Stat (before Natures) >=100)


Friend Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon that you defeated with another trainer companion.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (With another trainer companion)


Heavy Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against particularly heavy Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 0.5x (Under 451.5 lbs), 2x (Between 451.5 lbs and 677.3 lbs), 3x (Between 677.3 lbs and 903.0 lbs), 4x (Over 903.0 lbs)


Level Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against evolved Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: x1 (First Stage or Unevolving Pokemon), x2 (Second of Two Stages), x3 (Third of Three Stages)


Love Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon that are affected by an attraction to one of your Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 4x (Attracted Pokemon)


Lure Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon that you surprised or trapped either with an attack or a strategy.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Trapped Pokemon)


Moon Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against any Pokemon in the fairy egg group.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Fairy Egg Group)


Nest Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Flying-type Pokemon or Pokemon in the presence of family members.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Flying-type and those with nearby family)


Net Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Bug- and Water-type Pokemon.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (Bug- and Water-type)


Park Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon found in human civilization, but that are still wild.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (In human civilization)


Quick Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon when thrown earlier in combat. Quick Ball always uses the adjusted Base Capture Rate of the Pokemon, even if the target is at full HP. (e.g. min 7, max 150)

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 5x, diminishes 1x for each round of combat to a minimum of 1x (e.g. it's 4x at the start of Round 2, 3x at the start of round 3, etc.)


Repeat Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon you have captured at some point in the past, including those species that you used to have but either traded or evolved.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 4x (Owned Pokemon species)


Safari Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon fought in tall grass.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 3x (In tall grass)


Sport Ball: A Poke Ball that has an increased catch rate against Pokemon that just broke out of a different kind of Poke Ball.

Cost: 5 | Catch Rate: 1x, 4x (Pokemon that just broke out of other Poke Ball type)