Do you even cook anything yourself

I live on campus and my school's dining isn't ranked number 3 in the nation for no reason, so I almost always eat in the dining halls.

I will say their Oriental food sucks pretty hard, though, so sometimes I'll make my own noodle soup (as in I cook it myself, not instant ramen packets), rice balls, or stir fry. I like cooking in general, though, and I wish I had more time for it. :(
I live in an apartment, so I try to cook every now and then.
I tend to cook breakfast for myself. Eggs, pancakes, etc.
I do cook dinner for myself and/or my suite mates on occasion.
I cook whenever I can, but I do end up eating a lot of processed packaged crap. It's just cheaper, which is a big draw for us poor people, even if the food in question isn't at all good for you.

When I do cook, though, it's one of the few things I get genuinely anal about. If I've got a recipie, getting me to deviate from it requires a crowbar, the Jaws of Life, and a lax attitude towards personal safety.
I cook your basic stuff, all simple breakfast foods, pancakes, waffles, french toast, eggs, etc. I make some bitching Penne with Vodka sauce, it just rocks, and a whole lot of other pasta dishes. I also perfected my cookie recipe so they are almost exactly like levain cookies, so good.

So yeah if you want breakfast, pasta, or some good cookies, I got it covered.
Im actually learning how to smoke foods.

In the event of a crisis, learning how to brine and smoke foods can save your life, and possibly humanity.
I can cook "ok".

Non tl:dr version..

I can cook (and toy with the recipe of) a few things (like Pasta Sauces, baked Potato variations, relatively simple things) without any trouble/disasters, and can handle most things that I have instructions for (delicate things are not my strong suit while I'm standing up).

I like to eat healthy food, and the only way to really do that around where I am is to cook for yourself, that said I tend to get lazy and order a pizza every couple of weeks, but I enjoy that so eh.
I actually do cook for myself, my friends, and my family, as I want to become a Dietician or a Nutritionist. I'm going to college for it next year. My most recent fixing of food was for Christmas Breakfast (Banana Stuffed French Toast)
Cooking is fun! Anyone who's got a vaguely creative streak can get into cooking in a big way.

Going to uni definitely helped as then I had to be self sufficient and thusly experimented with my cooking quite alot.

Only trouble is I'm always looking for new things to make as I get bored with the same old roster.

I had fun cooking for the family over christmas - relatives came so there were 8 people to cook for.

I made sushi at christmas too which turned out pretty well :-P

Has anyone else had much experience of cooking for lots of people at dinner parties or christmas or other events? And if so what dish(es) can you cook really well?