Tier 1
mish: shortening of
Mishimono; a phrase that's taken on a life of its own. see:
The Discovery of Mish
[REDACTED]: often refers to permabanned user
Stratos a.k.a. Pwnemon/jumpy23/Keith
- Arcticblast rigged Skymin vote: during the Shaymin-Sky suspect of 2015, Arcticblast arbitrarily lowered the suspect test ban threshold from the usual 60% to 51%. it was ultimately banned with a ~55% pro-Ban vote.
The jerk: refers to a subcommunity with several prominent Doubles users
mocc: mock drafts
pogafin & pogarina: grotesque drawings of Palafin and Primarina to include the PogChamp emote; Pogarina was used especially often during APAC's DWCOP2 campaign
Horamir: infamous, commonly locked ladder hero who often gets accused of eloboosting
high jump kick: high jump kick
(example); started getting use after Checkmater's High Jump Kick Scrafty innovation -- still #general's topic channel
monofire: GenOne's favorite archetype in SM

Cacnea 100% win rate: KyleCole beat zoe in DWCOP III using Cacnea, which is why DOUcord has the :zoe: emoji
Ban Commander: the argument that the Commander ability should be banned instead of Tatsugiri
(real): the only way to distinguish honest takes & opinions from ironic ones anymore
DuGuo: the (hilarious) captain for DWCOP III's Team China
rfn: (lets play) right fucking now
there is a life outside dou and it is 100x better lmao hahaha: pre-timeskip GenOne burnout post in DOUcord
Tier 2
Tohjo Falls origin story: the private room was meant to bridge the gap between DOU & VGC players. however, it was taken over by several users from the Doubles community and thrived as a jerk from 2015 to early 2019, after which it was taken over by random users n1n1 invited
Demantoid QDB:
Demantoid was known during the same time period to collect funny logs, see
dpl 5 (+
extra) &
dpl 6's quote databases
Fly Mega-Altaria in seasonals finals: Flame Road brought Fly Mega-Altaria in the 2016 Winter Seasonals Grand Finals against TUO
Mega-Camerupt SWEEP:
SingleThunder's legendary video from 2015
nice access: a terrible Viability Rankings nomination from 2015 that argues Raikou to Tier 2 because it has nice access to Snarl
Laga: one of the first successful non-VGC Doubles mains in SPL
Red Pill PUA: aka Purple Rain Lele; controversial user known for coining the phrase
'tourney bro' and spamming
Sun PsySpam with level 1 Togedemaru
girafarig cup: the "girafarig if instead of a line it split off in a triangular formation" cup's finals were never played and was, technically, an ongoing tournament for months after
Pastelle vs Yellow Paint: Pastelle vs Yellow Paint for DOU Open IV was commentated by Stratos, BLOOD TOTEM, KyleCole & (?) and features some questionable gameplay from both sides
shrop: shrop05; prominent Doubles players around 2014-2015; made a comeback years later before disappearing again
zikam scam?: zikam aka
sawamura was permabanned from Smogon & the Doubles community for asking for money
Iceberg77: high elo ladder player who was nominated in the first DPL9 mock draft to see whether the first-time mock drafters would spend exorbitantly on a lesser known player like they had overspent for others prior. Iceberg77 would continue to be drafted in (almost) every mocc thereafter
Mega gengar pointers:
Frania: i wanna give a big s/o to all the mgengar ladder users. i think its inspiring how you manage oi keep your ladder score so low that when you one time manage to snipe a standard kangascan your whole little team is made to beat (hence why such low ladder score) you get all the pointers back
First DOU circuit winner:
Tricking ended up winning the first Doubles Invitational, beating makiri in finals. Tricking was the subject of a lot of derision because of his luck throughout the tournament
Tier 3
pre-timeskip smudgerox: user of questionable posting quality; was banned from DOUcord for about a year for being argumentative and difficult. came back a good user later
@Matame ghosting scandal: Matame ghosted
Toxigen and
zolaski (then MiyoKa) in the 2017 Fall Seasonal & DLT II
Mukkuro: alt of
Ann that raised suspicion when they made Top 16 in OSDT I
FITE Y/N?: its 2016. you log on Pokemon Showdown. within 1 millisecond
Nido-Rus DMs you FITE Y/N? he smacks you with some Simple Beam Genesect + CM Fini tech. life is good
Elegy2019 boosting scandal: in 2020, user
Elegy2019 was found boosting themselves to qualify for DLT
KyleCole Weekend Show: lost KyleCole videos; on a weekly basis he would invite others and talk about Doubles
champetero: user who permanently quit Doubles after not getting drafted for DPL I
last minecraft: DPL 9 joke about Acehunter1, YoBuddy, Yellow Paint etc. for playing on the (now dead) Doubles Minecraft server
Mr.GX going feral:
a number of posts by Mr.GX of a roleplaying nature, of which "Meow!! I'm going feral now. everyone who gets near me gets scratched!" was most commonly referred
durant trap: a Durant Perish Trap team used by
DaWoblefet to terrorize ladder from 2019 to 2020 (see: the 550-turn replay)
EmbCPT ground resists: jokes about how
EmbCPT criticized players and builders in DOU for not having Ground resists
TF Polls: polls in the Tohjo Falls PS! room by Demantoid featuring autogenerated quotes implicating Mishimono in (some negative thing)
SPL flaaffy: KyleCole used Flaaffy in a win over kamikaze in SPL 8 Week 4
"who leaked": KyleCole brought Qwilfish rain against Stax the next week, loaded up an unfavorable matchup, posted "sigh who leaked", and cancered from his team after which forced the Cryonicles to start
njnp for the remainder of SPL 8
Tier 4
qsns Grand Slam: qsns qualified for Grand Slam IV playoffs and finished in Top 8, ultimately losing to Bouff
Doubles irc: before PS! rooms and migrating to Skype, the Doubles community was mostly on irc
n1n1 vs Braverius: a live bo3bo3 between
Platinum God n1n1 and
Braverius that n1n1 ended up winning; they would rematch later for
SPL's Salty Suite
Level 56: high level singles player who performed well in the Doubles circuit around 2016-2017; commonly confused with
Level 51
#inside_scoop post
Stratos anime transphobic copypasta: Stratos' response to me asking for lesbian anime recommendations; a long reply about how anime pushes the idea that only women can be happy and is making cis men trans
Pocket: former tier leader Pocket was pivotal in setting up Doubles as an official metagame ca. 2015; returned briefly around ~2019 until disappearing again
LuckyPiper: user who responded to the DPL 5 anime viability rankings (see:
n1n1 calling them a nerd)
Scarf Stealth Rock incident: during SPL 7 Braverius locked his Scarf Lando-T into Stealth Rock against BLOOD TOTEM's Mega Gengar
sforz: a marilli alt that got drafted for DPL 2; Yellow Paint was granted an activity win over sforz in Week 2 and the Sp_ndas received their shame mark
DaWob mish audio files: a few audio files of DaWoblefet saying mish-related phrases in varying intonations
Croven Hades WR:
Croven holds the world record in Hades speedrunning (source:
hoopa isn't broken, never heard of u-turn?: meme image by BLOOD TOTEM
Dugtrio Cup: a disastrous team tournament from 2015 that was cancelled halfway through for sheer incompetence (see:
"tradition for tradition's sake is dumb")
Hentai Crew: group of users from 2014, dubbed the Hentai Crew