Tournament DS Classic Open (Won by HaunterBoy28)

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I have to call act because my opponent replied to me once (in my pms) and then vanished

Round 2

Gyarikkuho  vs  Syrinix
teresbahji  vs  Blessed
Perish Song  vs  Brammi
apache71164  vs  YBW
Trout In Space  vs  hobo21
Add1subtract1  vs  crow crumbs
MrSoup  vs  giove97
Ghoulish Champ  vs  Thonker
John Madden  vs  PlasmaEnergised
Shing  vs  drakonium
Ramzi65  vs  Prqk
Cowman25!  vs  Zane(Bifloofendoofen)
Lionyx  vs  Elgino
Chains of Markov  vs  idiotclips
WinterKnightVGC  vs  Tiamokodubs
paolode99  vs  iamnathan
DkKoba  vs  Irene-2002
Joltoh  vs  MichaelderBeste2
 vs  breakfast enjoyer
blareposeidon  vs  Tenai
Vertigo  vs  ademalawer
JJ09LIE  vs  flippy-chan
greywavesazura  vs  Jonathan81
NotThatDitto  vs  Golden Warrior
satvik123  vs  Javi
Patar136  vs  Betathunder
Medeia  vs  -Mera-
Cryometer  vs  O1V7O2X9O
TentacleRatGf  vs  SpectralThief
gorex  vs  PikaPlayer
landorockz  vs  JacintoElGrande
Limetree345  vs  technobruh37
drifttrick  vs  Nine Iota
Elkay  vs  Soap (Camilla12)
FritzThePancake  vs  PogRamsey
Velociraptor09  vs  Rival Andrew
omnavious  vs  BigLaw
07aint  vs  Skrublax
CronusVGC  vs  BrunnoGreen
MoltresEnjoyer  vs  yakarimseni
Micoy  vs  Piapia
Cielo4980  vs  pokeblade101
Amendxv  vs  InvejaMata
Tarrembeau  vs  beymonboy13
Taka  vs  mj
ackquaria  vs  Infinite Misery
GchisRTK  vs  35Q71N
ElectricityCat  vs  Slowpoke Fan
Lrogue  vs  rizen1
yyate888  vs  Wigglytuff
sychillz  vs  nemoauditur
Milkshook  vs  Amaranth
VanitasEcho  vs  Bodi 69
Daniel072004  vs  Landon
yogo896  vs  jursharp
Elvinagrio  vs  Giga-Chandélure
BlazeOfVictory  vs  ewnellie
shadowtime2000  vs  Akuu
cubicalxd  vs  Zygarde12
deftinwolf  vs  Zoyotte
 vs  Jordy004
boris69  vs  JacrispyMcrib
RaJ.Shoot  vs  Dragonillis
 vs  Dummy
LoSconosciuto  vs  MOHAMEDALL
Career Ended  vs  Dogebonk
BandedCrizor  vs  Fantos13
Murphy’s law996  vs  jmbrrk
Coolbear489929  vs  Trainer Z
El químico del pueblucho  vs  BlazeMarc
tausifur  vs  AlphaIma
RagnarokSS  vs  Frozoid
TeamCharm  vs  Maus_Satoshi
Kilometer0042  vs  johnkharkiv
bellenguer2  vs  Emerald Kat
 vs  Emboar02
fish anemometer  vs  Knele97
 vs  Vinsanity224
MushroomSoupii  vs  WiteFeng17
flameingpigey2  vs  Wubben
platinumCheesecake  vs  dunoks
GoldenCyber  vs  TMD 99
Kinetic1000  vs  frickEDmt
Fluore  vs  memedose46
Shiny_Raptorch  vs  CoolWinnerChicken
handermander  vs  Lialiabeast
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  Dorron
VigilanteVigoroth  vs  DukeOfKings
faygoes  vs  Shadows4
Michielleus  vs  Amukamara
Galaxy_5121  vs  soTsoT
Casual dot exe  vs  Mannaggiamme
Nashe  vs  Ninja Mob
PrinceOfAllTacos  vs  Luchik
OhHiMark493  vs  TheBigWazowski
MelancholyBill  vs  Fant'sy Beast
Hakimi  vs  TheAura
Siddakid  vs  ihaverare
Wait2Seconds  vs  hammy3581
 vs  Achyuth-kun
Sparzza  vs  bruised
Pumpkinoc  vs  ShaingChaiSubbLe
Xerzack987  vs  Rasmuth
Kiryu Gaming  vs  Sae
Lady Writer  vs  TheBoyWithTheBugz
A-drago destroyer  vs  XXVI
skatt7000  vs  freebird88
Don Bork  vs  Ethan Kironus
VertGreen  vs  Trefleuh
ZSG-  vs  Drifting
Rex15808  vs  Clementine
 vs  snorlax142857
Cam16  vs  Majorjetlag
maxhooij  vs  Realblazing
VineVGC  vs  IceLoverFrostalicious
Tyrlire123  vs  relevartemit
Steven Stone 007  vs  Limprofit
 vs  za
Xceloh  vs  EnchantedCrocs
Bigwubben  vs  Grabby
McChicken221  vs  justdie69420
ArgentumSentinel  vs  ETJX
Poipole is so cute  vs  sunsets
Ubo  vs  swag god
Failbor  vs  Masterfinn
Celestia74  vs  Yes or no my dude
Memoriazero  vs  NoobHereWaddup

The deadline for Round 2 is Sunday, August 6 at 11:59 PM UTC-5. Good luck to all!

Won in 2 Games
Struggled a bit scheduling with Cryometer but in the end agreed on playing about 2 hours ago (on my wall). But they didn't show up
Calling act opp my opponent isn't replying my msgs
sorry for the late reply but I can't see these messages. i need proof of this, you have 24 hours to send a screenshot. in the meantime i will coinflip
Struggled a bit scheduling with Cryometer but in the end agreed on playing about 2 hours ago (on my wall). But they didn't show up
i share your opponent's time zone and you checked in 1 hour late so this can't be a no-show. I'm going to extend this matchup instead

YBW - no response
Trout In Space - no response
Cowman25! - forfeit
Chains of Markov - opponent stopped responding
Tiamokodubs - no response
ademalawer - opp missed time
JJ09LIE - no response
Medeia - no response
JacintoElGrande - forfeit
BigLaw - no response
Skrublax - no response
pokeblade101 - no response
InvejaMata - no response
Tarrembeau - opp missed time
Infinite Misery - no response
35Q71N - opp stopped responding
ElectricityCat - forfeit
Lrogue - forfeit
Daniel072004 - forfeit
yogo896 - forfeit
Giga-Chandélure - no response
BlazeOfVictory - no response
Zygarde12 - forfeit
El químico del pueblucho - no response
TeamCharm - no response
GoldenCyber - no response
Lialiabeast - no response
VigilanteVigoroth - no response
soTsoT - no response
Nashe - no response
TheBigWazowski - opp stopped responding
Fant'sy Beast - opp stopped responding
Pumpkinoc - no response
A-drago destroyer - no response
freebird88 - opp missed time
Trefleuh - forfeit
relevartemit - no response
Ubo - forfeit
PlasmaEnergised - no contact
TentacleRatGf - no contact
Limetree345 - no contact -- however technobruh37 has claimed contact, so this will be overturned with proof
Elkay - no contact
FritzThePancake - no contact
Rival Andrew - no time scheduled
Trainer Z - no contact
RagnarokSS - no contact
MushroomSoupii - no contact
Kinetic1000 - both missed time
Hakimi - no contact
IceLoverFrostalicious - no contact
McChicken221 - no contact

The following matchups will be extended:
greywavesazura vs Jonathan81 - player request
Cryometer vs O1V7O2X9O - both missed time but it was close to being played
Fluore vs memedose46 - player request

any questions PM me or wubben :blobthinking: round 3 posting imminent
Round 3

Clementine  vs  Fragments
yogo896  vs  Wigglytuff
35Q71N  vs  Syrinix
Daniel072004  vs  Don Bork
Felix-felines  vs  TentacleRatGf
Limetree345  vs  A-drago destroyer
 vs  Cowman25!
Elkay  vs  GoldenCyber
Cam16  vs  Skrublax
Rival Andrew  vs  Patar136
 vs  Brammi
InvejaMata  vs  ArgentumSentinel
JacintoElGrande  vs  Lrogue
Tenai  vs  sunsets
 vs  ademalawer
Fant'sy Beast  vs  Ghoulish Champ
 vs  Bigwubben
TheBigWazowski  vs  BandedCrizor
 vs  Steven Stone 007
MichaelderBeste2  vs  (greywavesazura vs Jonathan81 )
Ubo  vs  iamnathan
Infinite Misery  vs  pokeblade101
Lialiabeast  vs  BlazeOfVictory
Xerzack987  vs  Sylveon used calm mind
Lionyx  vs  Lady Writer
 vs  soTsoT
Knele97  vs  tausifur
Trout In Space  vs  Kinetic1000
PlasmaEnergised  vs  Chains of Markov
Shadows4  vs  mj
VanitasEcho  vs  PikaPlayer
Trefleuh  vs  ElectricityCat
CronusVGC  vs  Shiny_Raptorch
 vs  Hakimi
relevartemit  vs  FritzThePancake
Amukamara  vs  bruised
BigLaw  vs  Yes or no my dude
Banbadoro  vs  MushroomSoupii
Kaneki-san  vs  Xceloh
Nashe  vs  flameingpigey2
maxhooij  vs  Prqk
 vs  Shing
Tarrembeau  vs  JJ09LIE
 vs  YBW
VigilanteVigoroth  vs  MoltresEnjoyer
 vs  ShckSheep
LoSconosciuto  vs  R1C3M4N
Nine Iota
 vs  IceLoverFrostalicious
Akuu  vs  Add1subtract1
Tiamokodubs  vs  (Cryometer vs O1V7O2X9O )
Giga-Chandélure  vs  Drifting
Career Ended  vs  Piapia
dunoks  vs  Luchik
Failbor  vs  Casual dot exe
johnkharkiv  vs  Zygarde12
 vs  Trainer Z
nemoauditur  vs  Zoyotte
Murphy’s law996  vs  RagnarokSS
Pumpkinoc  vs  Kiryu Gaming
Golden Warrior
 vs  (Fluore vs memedose46 )
Emerald Kat  vs  boris69
Siddakid  vs  Blessed
 vs  El químico del pueblucho
pisxel  vs  davidelbello

The hard deadline for Round 2 extensions is Wednesday, August 9 at 11:59 PM UTC-5.

The deadline for Round 3 is Sunday, August 13 at 11:59 PM UTC-5. Good luck to all!
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