Pet Mod Fakemon Frontier


First, we have me. Good job. You voted correctly.
Fakemon Name: Encrave
Set Number: 1
Weight: 1 kingler
Stats: 146/115/71/108/71/31 (542)
Typing: Water/Ghost
Abilities: Wandering Spirit
Movepool: Scald, Spirit Shackle, Knock Off, Haze, Recover, stuff (i'm stuff)
Description: One last attempt at one of these types of mon before I just assume the idea's dead for good. Anyone who's been paying attention to this thread for the past few slates should know what I'm aiming for but for those who don't - Regen spam is very prominent, and this would be a nice way of punishing Cetenor, who is one of its strongest abusers.

Next up, Fragmented with Molypoly...
Fakemon Name: Molypoly
Set Number: 2
Weight: 9.5 kg
Stats: 95/125/110/60/80/75
Typing: Ground
Abilities: Mold Breaker/-/Immunity
Sandslash's Movepool, notably Knock Off, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Description: Slightly more splashable spinner. Immunity does help it against TSpikes in case your team is lacking a grounded Poison and prevents random Toxics.

Lastly, Orangesodapop after a Wizleet resub...
Name: Wizleet (wiz + sleet)
Typing: Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
Base Stats: 101 HP / 99 Atk / 99 Def / 101 SpA / 101 SpD / 99 Spe (BST 600)
Notable Moves: Blizzard, Tail Glow, Ice Beam, Take Heart, U-Turn, Surf, Energy Ball, Knock Off
Lore Moves:
Height + Weight:
Lore: Looks like a short old man when obscured by snow, only to reveal its true form as a living snowman once you can fully see it
Use: We lack ice types, and this one encourages more diverse defensive options

New slate should hopefully be up soon!

Set 2 - Annihilape, Arceus-Ghost, Banette, Basculegion, Brambleghast, Calyrex-Shadow, Ceruledge, Chandelure, Decidueye, Dragapult, Drifblim, Dusknoir, Flutter Mane, Froslass, Gengar, Gholdengo, Giratina, Hoopa, Houndstone, Mimikyu, Mismagius, Oricorio-Sensu, Palossand, Polteageist, Rotom, Sableye, Sinistcha, Skeledirge, Spectrier, Spiritomb, Trevenant, Typhlosion-Hisui, Zoroark-Hisui

Set 3 Moves - Astonish, Astral Barrage, Bitter Malice, Confuse Ray, Curse, Destiny Bond, Hex, Infernal Parade, Lick, Moongeist Beam, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Rage Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Shadow Force, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Spirit Shackle, Spite

Set 3 Abilities - Aerilate, Aura Break, Ball Fetch, Beast Boost, Color Change, Dark Aura, Delta Stream, Desolate Land, Emergency Exit, Fairy Aura, Full Metal Body, Iron Barbs, Liquid Voice, Motor Drive, Mummy, Normalize, Primordial Sea, Refrigerate, Screen Cleaner, Shadow Shield, Stalwart, Steelworker, Teravolt, Turboblaze, Victory Star, Water Bubble, Wimp Out

You have a few days!
Fakemon Name: wip
Set Number: Stats and Soul Heart 1
Weight: 108 kg
Stats: 85/120/99/129/68/99 (600)
Typing: Psychic
Abilities: Soul Heart/Levitate(HA)
Movepool: Calm Mind, Psycho Boost, Aura Sphere, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Psyshock,
Description: unsure I will think about it, but it is floating while in a meditative position

Fakemon Name:
Set Number: ghost pokemon 2
Weight: 22.5 kg
Stats: 55/115/70/80/70/90 (:brambleghast:)
Typing: Fighting/Bug
Abilities: :brambleghast: Wind Rider / Infiltrator (HA)
Movepool: Tailwind, U-Turn, Close Combat, Roost, Gunk Shot, Megahorn
Description: avocado seed weevil with prominent wings
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Fakemon Name: Ascenshine:corviknight::magearna:
Set Number: 1
Weight: 8 kg
Stats: 102 / 82 / 82 / 112 / 73 / 70
Typing: Flying / Fairy
Abilities: Soul-Heart / Screen Cleaner (Justified)
Movepool: Calm Mind, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Aeroblast, Hurricane, Moonblast, Earth Power, Power Gem, Draining Kiss, Moonlight, more later
Description: it’s the natural order of mods to have a flying steel fairy at some point. probably just rocks with cm/aero/ep/moonlight or moonblast. relying on moonlight in a meta where there’s only sand and snow kinda sucks. run screen cleaner if you got that dawg in you and hate ho
Flavor: angel
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Fakemon Name: Powlila
Set Number: 1
Weight: 17.0 kg
Stats: 50/60/99/129/60/99
Typing: Fighting/Flying
Abilities: Shield Dust/-/Compound Eyes
Viable Moves: Calm Mind, Focus Blast, Hurricane, Moonlight, U-turn
Flavour Moves: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Agility, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bug Buzz, Bulk Up, Close Combat, Counter, Defog, Detect, Dual Wingbeat, Encore, Fake Tears, Fling, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Infestation, Lunge, Pollen Puff, Quick Guard, Rain Dance, Round, Sing, Snore, Superpower, Tailwind, Taunt, Weather Ball, Work Up, Universal TMs
Description: Surely it'll be interesting the fourth time around.

Fakemon Name: Bluffly (Drifblim stats and abilities)
Set Number: 2
Weight: 15.0 kg
Stats: 150/80/44/90/54/80
Typing: Dark/Fighting
Abilities: Aftermath/Unburden/Flare Boost
Viable Moves: Aura Sphere, Belch, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Fillet Away, Shell Smash, Springtide Storm, Wildbolt Storm
Flavour Moves: Ancient Power, Brick Break, Bug Bite, Confide, Cosmic Power, Court Change, Covet, Drill Run, Explosion, Fake Tears, Fling, Guard Split, Icicle Spear, Judgment, Mud Shot, Night Shade, Pollen Puff, Poltergeist, Rain Dance, Razor Shell, Role Play, Scale Shot, Sing, Sky Uppercut, Strength Sap, Sunny Day, Trick, Vacuum Wave, Water Pulse, Weather Ball, Universal TMs
Description: R2mon reference. Could be a bit silly with Fillet Away+Belch+Unburden, but its STABs aren't particularly strong and misses out on several KOs even at +2. Notably, Lunacorn can always revenge while Embeluga, Harletritus and SpDef Pollusk can tank +2 hits.

Fakemon Name: Ariphant
Set Number: 3
Weight: 600.0 kg
Stats: 90/131/131/47/70/31
Typing: Fire/Grass
Abilities: Desolate Land
Viable Moves: Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Heat Crash, Solar Blade, Stone Edge, Will-O-Wisp
Flavour Moves: Ancient Power, Assurance, Body Press, Body Slam, Bulk Up, Counter, Earth Power, Energy Ball, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Fling, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide, Headbutt, Heat Wave, Heavy Slam, High Horsepower, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Leech Seed, Payback, Play Rough, Power Whip, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Seed Bomb, Solar Beam, Stomp, Stomping Tantrum, Strength, Sunny Day, Superpower, Tackle, Trailblaze, Universal TMs
Description: The Flame Tusk, destroyer of Cetenor and anti of weather. Is elephant, is bulky attacker.
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Fakemon Name: Coineutron
Set Number: 2
Weight: 110kg
Stats: 87 / 60 / 95 / 133 / 91 / 84

Abilities: Beast Boost / Dauntless Shield(HA)
Movepool: +Gholdengo's Movepool
Description: coin man strikes again as a different coin
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Fakemon Name: Gourmican
Set Number: 1
Weight: 56kg
Stats: 109/69/99/129/49/99 (554)

Abilities: Gluttony / Oblivious / Immunity
Movepool: Air Slash, Chilling Water, Defog, Hydro Pump, Muddy Water, Roost, Sludge Bomb, Stealth Rock, Stuff Cheeks, Surf, Toxic, U-Turn, Gen 9 Universals
Acid Spray, Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Belch, Body Slam, Brave Bird, Bubble Beam, Dive, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dual Wingbeat, Feather Dance, Fling, Fly, Growl, Gunk Shot, Gust, Hyper Voice, Life Dew, Liquidation, Mud Shot, Peck, Pluck, Rain Dance, Roar, Rock Blast, Sky Attack, Slam, Sludge, Soak, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow, Tailwind, Take Down, Tar Shot, Taunt, Thief, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Waterfall, Weather Ball, Whirlpool, Whirlwind, Wide Guard, Wing Attack
Description: Stealth Rock-er and pivot that doesn't fear Cetenor switching in and forcing it out.
Flavour: gourmet pelican that is not particularly discerning about what it's actually eating (hence sludge bomb/tar shot/etc). legally distinct from pelipper i swear.

Fakemon Name: Zepparade
Set Number: 2 :drifblim:
Weight: 10kg
Stats: 150/80/44/90/54/80 (498)

Abilities: Aftermath / Unburden / Flare Boost
Movepool: Acrobatics, Belly Drum, Calm Mind, Defog, Explosion, Haze, Hurricane, Knock Off, Memento, Moonblast, Play Rough, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Whirlwind, Wish, Gen 9 Universals
Acupressure, After You, Air Cutter, Air Slash, Astonish, Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Baton Pass, Blizzard, Block, Body Slam, Bounce, Charge Beam, Charm, Copycat, Curse, Dazzling Gleam, Disable, Disarming Voice, Double Team, Double-Edge, Draining Kiss, Echoed Voice, Electro Ball, Encore, Endeavor, Endure, Entrainment, Extrasensory, Facade, Fairy Wind, Flail, Fly, Follow Me, Gust, Headbutt, Heal Pulse, Helping Hand, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Icy Wind, Last Resort, Light Screen, Magic Room, Metronome, Mimic, Minimize, Mirror Coat, Mist, Misty Explosion, Misty Terrain, Pain Split, Play Nice, Pound, Protect, Psych Up, Recycle, Reflect Type, Rest, Role Play, Round, Safeguard, Shock Wave, Skill Swap, Sky Attack, Slam, Sleep Talk, Smokescreen, Snore, Spark, Spit Up, Spite, Splash, Stockpile, Stomp, Strength, Substitute, Supersonic, Swagger, Swallow, Sweet Kiss, Tailwind, Take Down, Tera Blast, Trick, Trick Room, Weather Ball, Yawn, Zen Headbutt
Description: Belly Drum user that could maybe (but probably not) run either a special attacking set with Flare Boost, or some kind of utility set or something.
Flavour: big parade balloon elephant

Fakemon Name: Naughtilus
Set Number: 3
Weight: 40kg
Stats: 89/31/79/109/131/131 (570)

Abilities: Beast Boost
Movepool: Acid Spray, Corrosive Gas, Encore, Heal Bell, Healing Wish, Meteor Beam, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Taunt, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Volt Switch, Wish, Gen 9 Universals
Acid, Acupressure, Agility, Brutal Swing, Charge, Charge Beam, Clear Smog, Coil, Disable, Discharge, Double Hit, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Electroweb, Gastro Acid, Gunk Shot, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Magnetic Flux, Mimic, Night Shade, Poison Jab, Quash, Reflect, Reflect Type, Rising Voltage, Screech, Shock Wave, Simple Beam, Sludge, Soak, Spark, Thief, Throat Chop, Thunder Shock, Torment, Venoshock, Wild Charge, Withdraw, Wrap, Zap Cannon
Description: Fast cleric/support Ultra Beast that can do a little damage as a treat (although it notably struggles with Grounds, especially Kartrake)
Flavour: funky space nautilus
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Name: Pteradrone (Pteranodon + Drone)
Set Number: 1 (Flying type + Def = 99, Spe = 99, SpA = 129; 2/4 conditions met)
Weight: 55 lbs
Stats: 63 HP/70 ATK/99 DEF/129 SP ATK/70 SP DEF/99 SPD = 530
Typing: Flying/Electric
Abilities: No Guard (Hidden Ability: Infiltrator)

Movepool (Level-Up):
Leer (1), Gust (1), Eerie Impulse (1), Signal Beam (1), Thunder Wave (4), Charge Beam (8), Agility (12), Ancient Power (16), Charge (20), Air Cutter (24), Tailwind (28), Discharge (32), Volt Switch (36), Nasty Plot (40), Air Slash (44), Thunder (48), Hurricane (52), Solar Beam (56), Zap Cannon (60)
Universal Scarlet/Violet TMs/Tutors + Agility, Acrobatics, Psybeam, Confuse Ray, Charge Beam, Aerial Ace, Swift, Air Cutter, Stored Power, Volt Switch, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, U-turn, Air Slash, Electro Ball, Reflect, Light Screen, Dazzling Gleam, Thunder Wave, Flash Cannon, Eerie Impulse, Fly, Iron Head, Drill Run, Tailwind, Heat Wave, Energy Ball, Thunderbolt, Calm Mind, Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Brave Bird, Thunder, Charge, Dual Wingbeat

Pteradrone is an agile and lethally precise special attacker which takes full advantage of No Guard to unleash incredibly powerful attacks without having to worry about inaccuracy, at the cost of being unable to escape any incoming attack in turn. With No Guard allowing it to make full use of Thunder, its main STAB option is resisted or blocked by only four types, and Grass is easily taken care of with Hurricane; even the weaker Air Slash and Air Cutter aren't unusable here. Being an Electric-type that's immune to Ground and only vulnerable to Rock and Ice, packing Solar Beam will hopefully allow Pteradrone to deal with such threats, especially on sun teams, though its only answer to Ice-types is Heat Wave and without proper team support to take care of blind spots or clear away things that can resist its strongest attacks, it's probably for the best that it's able to naturally learn Volt Switch, because it's probably going to be clicking that a lot. Its defenses leave something be desired (especially given the downside of No Guard) and as a Flying-type it has every right to be scared of Stealth Rock, but since it's quick enough to have a good chance of peacing out before its opponent even realizes what's happened, it's not as if it has any need to stay in a prolonged battle anyway.

To make a long story short, this is what you'd get if a Pteranodon somehow got turned into a mix of a satellite and a predator drone, while still keeping its overall shape. Black (or very dark purplish gray) in color, its long wings are pterosaurian in structure, the membrane being attached to its arms and a single long, black wing finger as well as its shorter legs down to the ankle, and overall shaped like a long triangle with a rounded tip; the membrane is bright blue like solar panels and a grid-like pattern of glowing yellow lines on it, with three small yellow wing claws and a blue-gray sphere for the shoulder of the black limb portion. Its eyes, from which it fires devastating laser beams to attack, are solid yellow and surrounded by a gray mask pattern like night vision goggles, while the medium-length, straight crest at the back of the head, which is blue like the wings, is segmented with another yellow spike on the end to make it resemble an antenna. Its long beak is straight, gray and toothless, and the small, three-toed feet (which can't grasp like Aerodactyl's can) are also gray; like the real animal, its tail meanwhile is a short stub. It also has yellow angular glowing circuit-board lines on its body here and there like the bodysuits from TRON, to further emphasize the cybertronic look. Its shiny has eyes, spikes, and circuit patterns that are cyan in color, while the wings and crest are now a luminous orange-yellow.

"Despite being a modern creation, its design resembles an extinct relative of Aerodactyl. It draws in lightning using its head crest to power the beams of energy it fires from its eyes."
"Once engineered for surveillance, it has since been repurposed as a long-ranged weapon. Using its exceptional vision to aim, it can shoot down a fist-sized target from six miles away."

If the name and signature move weren't obvious enough, Pteradrone is based on a laser-blasting attack drone crossed with a Pteranodon. Aerodactyl is literally the only pterosaur Pokémon in existence thus far, so I thought it'd be fun to try creating another with somewhat more accurate anatomy; the overall design is a bit of a visual contrast in that it's an extinct creature crossed with a futuristic object, not unlike Pteramon from Digimon which partly inspired it. This sub also takes a few cues from satellites as well, what with the idea of satellites raining hell on the surface world with incredibly destructive beams being a trope in and of itself.

Name: Mothferatu (Moth + Nosferatu)
Set Number: 3 (Two stats = 131 and one stat = 31 + Bug/Dark type combination; 2/4 conditions met)
Weight: 70 lbs
Stats: 85 HP/131 ATK/47 DEF/80 SP ATK/31 SP DEF/131 SPD = 505
Typing: Bug/Dark
Abilities: Infiltrator, Swarm (Hidden Ability: Unnerve)

Movepool (Level-Up):
Screech (1), Absorb (1), Mean Look (1), Bite (1), Astonish (4), Bug Bite (8), Assurance (12), Struggle Bug (16), Draining Kiss (20), Leech Life (24), Sucker Punch (28), Confuse Ray (32), Bug Buzz (36), Knock Off (40), Throat Chop (44), First Impression (48)

Universal Scarlet/Violet TMs/Tutors + Fake Tears, Scary Face, Acid Spray, Struggle Bug, Confuse Ray, Thief, Pounce, Hex, Snarl, Icy Wind, Draining Kiss, Night Shade, Fling, Venoshock, Snowscape, U-turn, Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Drain Punch, Dazzling Gleam, Taunt, Imprison, Dark Pulse, Eerie Impulse, X-Scissor, Tailwind, Shadow Ball, Pollen Puff, Ice Beam, Phantom Force, Bug Buzz, Haze, Spite, Knock Off, Bug Bite, Super Fang, Lunge, Poltergeist, Lash Out

Mothferatu is a delicate but lethal hunter of the night with the capability of punching well above its weight, taking full advantage of its absolutely terrifying physical attack and speed stats to slaughter its unsuspecting prey with incredibly powerful First Impressions and Sucker Punches. These two moves in particular are important because with defenses like wet tissue paper, priority would be useful in case it encounters something even faster than itself. Otherwise, Throat Chop and Leech Life are available as standbys with the latter being especially useful in case it's forced to take a hit, with Draining Kiss and especially Drain Punch as coverage moves that also provide recovery, but being as frail as it is, these moves may well be worse than useless should it be unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of a super-effective attack. With skilled prediction, however, it may just be possible to switch it into an incoming attack that isn't effective against it (Ground, Ghost, Grass, or other Dark-types) and then hitting back with a Leech Life to recover a good portion of the HP it lost... if it manages to survive, that is. It's also fast enough to make full use of Taunt to shut down defensive opponents at its own risk, Snowscape and Tailwind for environmental support, and even Confuse Ray to reduce the chance for its opposition to successfully strike it down. Unfortunately, its coverage is so limited that it has nothing at all to defend itself against other Bug-types, let alone Fire- or Fairy-types that can easily prey on its utterly horrendous Special Defense - particularly since it has no way of boosting its speed stat directly. Thankfully, it's able to learn U-turn as an easy escape route in case of a counter, but because this move offers neither priority nor recovery, being forced to run it over First Impression or Leech Life puts it in the awkward situation of sacrificing power and/or priority just to give itself a chance to get the hell out of dodge the instant the odds become stacked against it.

This anthropoid moth of doom is hunched over with long, gangly arms and short legs. Its body is black in color, save for its face and hands which are stark white, the hands in particular bearing two long segmented fingers tipped with sharp, blood-red claws, while its abdomen, which is also black but with red underside plating, is angled behind it somewhat like a tail. It has a neck ruff of dark gray fur like a collar and a bulb-shaped head which is white in color with vivid, bright red eyes instead of blue with slitted pupils like a cat; the antennae actually sprout from just above each eye, and are blood-red with white centers, moth-like, and feathery with a shape invoking a bat's ears, while its straight, red proboscis is shaped like a single enormous fang. Its four wings are bat-like in shape, with black topsides and the red undersides with a beautiful, Butterfree-like lattice of white, curving lines almost like stained glass decorating them. The hindwings are smaller with two struts like on Zubat's wings, while the larger forewings have three struts like Golbat's; the topsides of the wings are black in color, the wings overall invoking a stereotypical vampire's cape.
As Mothferatu sleeps during the day, it hangs upside-down from cave ceilings or the boughs of dark forests, wrapping its wings around its body to shield it from what little sunlight comes into contact with it. Once night falls and it awakens, however, it will glide through the sky in search of prey; once it's spotted a potential meal, it will swoop in and hypnotize it with the patterns on its wings, leaving the victim powerless to escape as it closes in for the kill...

"This nocturnal, predatory Bug-type uses its colorful wings to entrance its prey, leaving it open to a strike from its single long fang. If its wings look more vibrant than usual, that means it's drained fresh prey recently."
"On moonlit nights, it glides through the sky in search of blood. Its flashy, dramatic mannerisms are used to ward off rivals, but during a hunt it can sneak up on its victims so well that they're often taken entirely by surprise."

This submission is based on moths of the genus Calyptra, commonly called vampire moths, because they are known to actually drink blood from vertebrates including people, though this isn't any more dangerous than an annoying mosquito bite. Appearance-wise, though, it's more closely based on Atrophaneura semperi, which is sometimes called the "vampire butterfly" due to its distinctive black and red wing coloration. I decided to take both common names quite literally and based the overall look of this one off of stereotypical depictions of vampires such as Count Dracula, though it also takes inspiration from Count Orlok from the 1922 film Nosferatu, which is a very loose adaptation of the Dracula novel and one of the most famous early films in the horror genre - it's also public domain, and if a Pokémon design was going to be a reference to anything to do with popular culture, I suppose a work that's no longer under copyright protection would probably be the safest bet.
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Set 3:
Nitrophend (Nitrogen + Offend, but with a "ph" cuz im cool)

Abilities: Screen Cleaner / Liquid Voice / Refrigerate
Stats: 31 / 131 / 131 / 68 / 81 / 98
Physical: Body Slam, Close Combat, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Quick Attack, Rapid Spin, U-turn​
Special: Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Surf​
Status: Bulk Up, Corrosive Gas, Pain Split, Spikes, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Trick​
Description: fighting type. refrigerate is cool for absolutely murdering batacomb and manchini. pull some funnies with your 31 hp pain split
A bit late, been wrapped up with Blindsided stuff, but 24 hours until vetos!
Set: 3
Name: Umbrunny

Stats: 31 / 113 / 131 / 67 / 131 / 97 | 570
Abilities: Beast Boost | Victory Star (HA)
Physical: Shadow Sneak, Poltergeist, Knock Off, Crunch, Population Bomb, Play Rough, Psychic Fangs, Low Kick, Super Fang,
Status: Pain Split, Taunt, Encore, Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Switcheroo, Agility
Description: A wallbreaker or stallbreaker with Population Bomb backed up by Ghost or Dark moves. It has a potent Pain Split along with Taunt to mess with defensive pokemon. It has a few other options to help it deal better with more offensive teams.
Fakemon Name: Ascenshine:corviknight::magearna:
Set Number: 1
Weight: 8 kg
Stats: 102 / 82 / 82 / 112 / 73 / 70
Typing: Flying / Fairy
Abilities: Soul-Heart / Screen Cleaner (Justified)
Movepool: Calm Mind, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Aeroblast, Hurricane, Moonblast, Earth Power, Power Gem, Draining Kiss, Moonlight, more later
Description: it’s the natural order of mods to have a flying steel fairy at some point. probably just rocks with cm/aero/ep/moonlight or moonblast. relying on moonlight in a meta where there’s only sand and snow kinda sucks. run screen cleaner if you got that dawg in you and hate ho
Flavor: angel
Fakemon Name: Bluffly (duom2 note - god freaking dang it)
Set Number: 2
Weight: 15.0 kg
Stats: 150/80/44/90/54/80
Typing: Dark/Fighting
Abilities: Aftermath/Unburden/Flare Boost
Viable Moves: Aura Sphere, Belch, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Fillet Away, Shell Smash, Springtide Storm, Wildbolt Storm
Flavour Moves: Ancient Power, Brick Break, Bug Bite, Confide, Cosmic Power, Court Change, Covet, Drill Run, Explosion, Fake Tears, Fling, Guard Split, Icicle Spear, Judgment, Mud Shot, Night Shade, Pollen Puff, Poltergeist, Rain Dance, Razor Shell, Role Play, Scale Shot, Sing, Sky Uppercut, Strength Sap, Sunny Day, Trick, Vacuum Wave, Water Pulse, Weather Ball, Universal TMs
Description: R2mon reference. Could be a bit silly with Fillet Away+Belch+Unburden, but its STABs aren't particularly strong and misses out on several KOs even at +2. Notably, Lunacorn can always revenge while Embeluga, Harletritus and SpDef Pollusk can tank +2 hits.
Set 3:
Nitrophend (Nitrogen + Offend, but with a "ph" cuz im cool)

Abilities: Screen Cleaner / Liquid Voice / Refrigerate
Stats: 31 / 131 / 131 / 68 / 81 / 98
Physical: Body Slam, Close Combat, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Quick Attack, Rapid Spin, U-turn​
Special: Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, Surf​
Status: Bulk Up, Corrosive Gas, Pain Split, Spikes, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Trick​
Description: fighting type. refrigerate is cool for absolutely murdering batacomb and manchini. pull some funnies with your 31 hp pain split

Next slate goes up tomorrow!

Set 2 Pokemon - Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Arbok, Arcanine, Articuno, Beedrill, Blastoise, Butterfree, Charizard, Clefable, Cloyster, Dewgong, Ditto, Dodrio, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Electrode, Exeggutor, Farfetch’d, Fearow, Flareon, Gengar, Golduck, Golem, Gyarados, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hypno, Jolteon, Jynx, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Kingler, Lapras, Machamp, Marowak, Mew, Mewtwo, Moltres, Mr. Mime, Muk, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Omastar, Parasect, Persian, Pidgeot, Pinsir, Poliwrath, Raichu, Rapidash, Raticate, Sandslash, Seaking, Slowbro, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Tentacruel, Vaporeon, Venomoth, Venusaur, Victreebel, Vileplume, Weezing, Wigglytuff, Zapdos

Set 3 Moves - Aeroblast, Astral Barrage, Behemoth Bash, Behemoth Blade, Bleakwind Storm, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Collision Course, Core Enforcer, Crush Grip, Dark Void, Diamond Storm, Doom Desire, Double Iron Bash, Dragon Ascent, Dragon Energy, Dynamax Cannon, Electro Drift, Eternabeam, Fiery Wrath, Fleur Cannon, Freeze Shock, Freezing Glare, Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, Geomancy, Glacial Lance, Glaciate, Heart Swap, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Judgment, Jungle Healing, Land's Wrath, Lunar Blessing, Lunar Dance, Luster Purge, Magma Storm, Mist Ball, Moongeist Beam, Multi-Attack, Mystical Power, Oblivion Wing, Origin Pulse, Photon Geyser, Plasma Fists, Precipice Blades, Prismatic Laser, Psycho Boost, Psystrike, Relic Song, Roar of Time, Ruination, Sacred Fire, Sandsear Storm, Searing Shot, Secret Sword, Seed Flare, Shadow Force, Spacial Rend, Springtide Storm, Steam Eruption, Sunsteel Strike, Surging Strikes, Take Heart, Techno Blast, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, Thunder Cage, Thunderous Kick, V-create, Wicked Blow, Wildbolt Storm

Set 3 Abilities - Adaptability, Aerilate, Aftermath, Air Lock, Analytic, Anger Point, Anger Shell, Anticipation, Armor Tail, Aroma Veil, As One, Aura Break

Set 3 Types - Bug, Dark, Fire, Ghost, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Steel

New slate's here!
Fakemon Name: Smogone
Set Number: 2
Weight: 0.1kg
Stats: 50 / 63 / 82 / 83 / 162 / 45
Typing: (
Abilities: Clear Body / Shield Dust / Levitate(HA)
Movepool: +Weezing's Movepool
: funky special wall that uses pain split to heal up, will-o-wisp / toxic to cripple, and can gain levitate or secondary effect immunity
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Fakemon Name: Djinnferno
Set Number: 1
Weight: 333.3 kg
Stats: 110/119/82/40/75/35
Typing: Fire/Psychic
Abilities: Flash Fire/Trace/Magic Guard
Viable Moves: Bulk Up, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Flare Blitz, Psychic Fang, Swords Dance, Trick Room, Wild Charge
Flavour Moves:
Ally Switch, Attract, Aura Sphere, Body Slam, Brick Break, Calm Mind, Confusion, Counter, Double-Edge, Fire Blast, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Flame Charge, Fling, Giga Imapct, Gyro Ball, Healing Wish, Heat Crash, Heat Wave, Heavy Slam, Hyper Beam, Imprison, Incinerate, Light Screen, Magic Room, Power Trick, Psybeam, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Reflect, Rock Smash, Snore, Stored Power, Strength, Teleport, Thunder Punch, Trailblaze, Trick, Will-O-Wisp, Wish, Wonder Room, Zen Headbutt, Universal TMs
Description: OTR mon with the ability to play a more supportive role as well and decent bulk to tank a priority hit or two.

Fakemon Name: Tazel (Raichu)
Set Number: 2
Weight: 25.0 kg
Stats: 60/90/55/90/80/110
Typing: Electric
Abilities: Static/-/Galvanize
Viable Moves: Bullet Seed, Hyper Voice, Icicle Spear, Pin Missile, Tail Slap, Thunderbolt, Thunderous Kick, U-turn, Volt Switch
Flavour Moves:
Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Charge, Double Kick, Double Team, Dynamic Punch, Encore, Fling, Focus Punch, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Headbutt, Hone Claws, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Low Kick, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Mirror Coat, Nuzzle, Rain Dance, Reflect, Rock Blast, Snore, Tackle, Tail Whip, Taunt, Thunder, Thunder Punch, Thunder Wave, Wild Charge, Work Up, Zap Cannon, Universal TMs
Description: Loaded Dice BoltBeam + Thunderous Kick is definitely one of the things.

Fakemon Name: Cyclepath
Set Number: 3
Weight: 2.0 kg
Stats: 90/50/67/75/75/113
Typing: Psychic/Normal
Abilities: Contrary
Viable Moves: Boomburst, Energy Ball, Leech Seed, Psycho Boost, Shadow Ball, Taunt
Flavour Moves:
Ally Switch, Attract, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charge Beam, Double-Edge, Double Team, Fling, Giga Impact, Heal Bell, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Hypnosis, Imprison, Light Screen, Metronome, Psychic, Psyshock, Reflect, Safeguard, Snore, Stored Power, Thunder Wave, Trick, Trick Room, Zap Cannon, Zen Headbutt, Universal TMs
Description: Yeah, yeah, it's cringe, but would be a cool way to punish webs and passive play. Use any Steel-type or the singular Unaware mon to handle this, or just revenge kill it with something faster.
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Fakemon Name: Cerebrawl
Set Number: 2
Weight: 80 kg
Stats: 80 / 100 / 75 / 90 / 75 / 110 | 530
Typing: Psychic / Fighting
Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
Movepool: Clefable's movepool
Description: i did not rip this from inh valiant. anyway its a fairly fast mixed mg wallbreaker who has coverage for a lot of things but is fairly limited by its offensive stats

Fakemon Name: Toxatrice
Set Number: 3
Weight: 100 kg
Stats: 90 / 60 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 20 | 470
Typing: Poison / Dragon
Abilities: Anticipation / Aftermath / Analytic
Movepool: Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Outrage, Dragon Rush, Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Breaking Swipe, Earthquake, Aqua Tail, Liquidation, Flip Turn, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Sludge, Clear Smog, Smog, Draco Meteor, Core Enforcer, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Hydro Pump, Surf, Scald, Water Pulse, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench, Poison Gas, Dragon Dance, Rain Dance, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Recover
Description: core spammer tank
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Fakemon Name: Tephrage
Set Number: 1
Weight: 195kg
Stats: 120/119/82/75/75/59 (530)

Abilities: Mold Breaker / Drought
Movepool: Earthquake, Flare Blitz, Heat Crash, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Trailblaze, Will-O-Wisp, Gen 9 Universals
Ancient Power, Attract, Block, Body Slam, Bulldoze, Burning Jealousy, Double-Edge, Earth Power, Ember, Eruption, Explosion, Fire Blast, Fire Fang, Flail, Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Focus Energy, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Heat Wave, High Horsepower, Horn Attack, Horn Drill, Hyper Beam, Incinerate, Inferno, Lava Plume, Meteor Beam, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Outrage, Overheat, Poison Gas, Raging Bull, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Sand Attack, Sand Tomb, Sandstorm, Scorching Sands, Smack Down, Smog, Smokescreen, Solar Beam, Spikes, Stomping Tantrum, Sunny Day, Tackle, Take Down, Tar Shot, Thrash, Wide Guard, Work Up
Description: droughtmon and bulky wallbreaker that benefits a little (not much) from weakening water coverage levelled at it. can run mold breaker to break levitate mons like wyverock and prevent being walled by skoloboros

Fakemon Name: Salamarsh
Set Number: 2 (:poliwrath:)
Weight: 63kg
Stats: 90/95/95/70/90/70 (510)

Abilities: Water Absorb / Damp / Swift Swim
Movepool: Aqua Jet, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Flip Turn, Gunk Shot, Knock Off, Ice Spinner, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Power Whip, Recover, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Toxic, Gen 9 Universals
Acid, Acid Spray, Aqua Tail, Belch, Body Slam, Bubble Beam, Bulldoze, Chilling Water, Dig, Dive, Endure, Flail, Giga Impact, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Muddy Water, Poison Tail, Pound, Rain Dance, Recycle, Reflect Type, Retaliate, Roar, Sandstorm, Screech, Shed Tail, Slam, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Smack Down, Soak, Strength, Surf, Terrain Pulse, Venoshock, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Waterfall, Weather Ball, Wide Guard
Description: if seismitoad can have an ou niche, with its stats, so can this. checks cetenor defensively pretty effectively with water absorb, and is good on rain teams when rain drops

Fakemon Name: Faerosol
Set Number: 3
Stats: 68/51/103/133/97/17 (469)

Abilities: Aroma Veil / Adaptability / Armor Tail
Movepool: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Defog, Draining Kiss, Flamethrower, Haze, Moonblast, Pain Split, Sludge Bomb, Strange Steam, Trick Room, Gen 9 Universals
Acid, Acid Spray, Aromatic Mist, Attract, Charm, Clear Smog, Confide, Corrosive Gas, Double Team, Fairy Wind, Giga Impact, Helping Hand, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Imprison, Light Screen, Magic Room, Mimic, Mirror Coat, Mist, Misty Terrain, Play Rough, Poison Gas, Poison Jab, Pound, Reflect, Sludge, Sludge Wave, Smog, Sweet Kiss, Sweet Scent, Toxic, Venoshock, Whirlwind, Wonder Room, Yawn
Description: offensive trick room babyyyyy. or just a bulky cm sweeper. if you're LAME
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