Set 1: Flareth, Denebstargazer, Duom2
Set 2: Denebstargazer , Anaconja, lord fernando
Set 3: Scopapa, Orangesodapop(sv), Flareth
Set 2: Denebstargazer , Anaconja, lord fernando
Set 3: Scopapa, Orangesodapop(sv), Flareth
Fakemon Name: Encrave
Set Number: 1
Weight: 1 kingler
Stats: 146/115/71/108/71/31 (542)
Typing: Water/Ghost
Abilities: Wandering Spirit
Movepool: Scald, Spirit Shackle, Knock Off, Haze, Recover, stuff (i'm stuff)
Description: One last attempt at one of these types of mon before I just assume the idea's dead for good. Anyone who's been paying attention to this thread for the past few slates should know what I'm aiming for but for those who don't - Regen spam is very prominent, and this would be a nice way of punishing Cetenor, who is one of its strongest abusers.
Fakemon Name: Molypoly
Set Number: 2
Weight: 9.5 kg
Stats: 95/125/110/60/80/75
Typing: Ground
Abilities: Mold Breaker/-/Immunity
Sandslash's Movepool, notably Knock Off, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Swords Dance
Description: Slightly more splashable spinner. Immunity does help it against TSpikes in case your team is lacking a grounded Poison and prevents random Toxics.
Name: Wizleet (wiz + sleet)
Typing: Ice
Ability: Snow Warning
Base Stats: 101 HP / 99 Atk / 99 Def / 101 SpA / 101 SpD / 99 Spe (BST 600)
Notable Moves: Blizzard, Tail Glow, Ice Beam, Take Heart, U-Turn, Surf, Energy Ball, Knock Off
Lore Moves:
Height + Weight:
Lore: Looks like a short old man when obscured by snow, only to reveal its true form as a living snowman once you can fully see it
Use: We lack ice types, and this one encourages more diverse defensive options
Fakemon Name: Ascenshine
Set Number: 1
Weight: 8 kg
Stats: 102 / 82 / 82 / 112 / 73 / 70
Typing: Flying / Fairy
Abilities: Soul-Heart / Screen Cleaner (Justified)
Movepool: Calm Mind, Steel Beam, Flash Cannon, Aeroblast, Hurricane, Moonblast, Earth Power, Power Gem, Draining Kiss, Moonlight, more later
Description: it’s the natural order of mods to have a flyingsteelfairy at some point. probably just rocks with cm/aero/ep/moonlight or moonblast. relying on moonlight in a meta where there’s only sand and snow kinda sucks. run screen cleaner if you got that dawg in you and hate ho
Flavor: angel
Fakemon Name: Bluffly (duom2 note - god freaking dang it)
Set Number: 2
Weight: 15.0 kg
Stats: 150/80/44/90/54/80
Typing: Dark/Fighting
Abilities: Aftermath/Unburden/Flare Boost
Viable Moves: Aura Sphere, Belch, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Fillet Away, Shell Smash, Springtide Storm, Wildbolt Storm
Flavour Moves: Ancient Power, Brick Break, Bug Bite, Confide, Cosmic Power, Court Change, Covet, Drill Run, Explosion, Fake Tears, Fling, Guard Split, Icicle Spear, Judgment, Mud Shot, Night Shade, Pollen Puff, Poltergeist, Rain Dance, Razor Shell, Role Play, Scale Shot, Sing, Sky Uppercut, Strength Sap, Sunny Day, Trick, Vacuum Wave, Water Pulse, Weather Ball, Universal TMs
Description: R2mon reference. Could be a bit silly with Fillet Away+Belch+Unburden, but its STABs aren't particularly strong and misses out on several KOs even at +2. Notably, Lunacorn can always revenge while Embeluga, Harletritus and SpDef Pollusk can tank +2 hits.
Set 3:
Pokemon: Nitrophend (Nitrogen + Offend, but with a "ph" cuz im cool)
Abilities: Screen Cleaner / Liquid Voice / Refrigerate
Stats: 31 / 131 / 131 / 68 / 81 / 98
Physical: Body Slam, Close Combat, Double-Edge, Drain Punch, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Quick Attack, Rapid Spin, U-turnSpecial: Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Sludge Bomb, SurfStatus: Bulk Up, Corrosive Gas, Pain Split, Spikes, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, TrickDescription: fighting type. refrigerate is cool for absolutely murdering batacomb and manchini. pull some funnies with your 31 hp pain split