
In 4th Gen. Ubers people did use Scarf Magneton to trap Steels like Scizor; the reason is because a Modest Scarf Magneton was both faster and had more SpA than a Timid Scarf Magnezone.

So it is outclassed; unless as noted Magnezone packs Specs, Life Orb, or as you mentioned Balloon (which requires not being hit at all on the switch-in to be used).

Check the gap between ScarfZone usage and ScarfTon usage in Gen 4 Ubers. It's pretty big.

As SJCrew noted, Modest Scarf Magneton is slower than Timid Magnezone, and a lot less bulky. Magneton itself has not changed at all in Gen 5. In most situations, Scarf Magnezone outclassed Scarf Magneton in Gen 4, and in those situations, it will still outclass it in Gen 5.

Magneton cannot abuse the Prevo Stone like Porygon2 or Dusclops thanks to it's 4X Ground weakness. Adamant Metagross's LO EQ is a guaranteed OHKO on MaxHP/MaxDef Stone Magneton. Any Ground-type with more than 328 (base 100) Attack OHKO's with EQ.

Anyway, as a partner for Feraligatr, Modest Magnezone is a great choice. Shadow Tag Specs Shandera would be as effective at taking out Nattorie (and more effective at taking out Stone Porygon2) but I'm apprehensive about using a Fire-type on a rain team.
Dragon Dance is much, much better than Agility. Agility makes him way too easy to wall, as 105 base attack isn't really cutting it even with Encourage. It's much more feasible to sweep with 1 DD than it is to sweep with one Agility.

Feel free to prove me wrong by saying what notable stuff +1 speed gatr outspeeds, but I'm just not seeing DD gatr. I can see SD ripping stuff up, and I can see agility cleaning up late game with decent power, but DD just seems like worse versions of each. It doesn't quite pack SD's punch and it doesn't seem quite fast enough to avoid getting revenged. Again, if anyone knows something notable that DD does that neither of the others do, speak up. I'm no expert.

The stuff that walls gatr seem to be nattorie, empoleon (unless EQ), celibi to an extent (encourage ice punch wouldn't be fun to take), Skarmory, and something I haven't seen talk of, the now water rotom w. Rotom can not be hit SE and has decent defences. The previously mentioned magnezone can take care of nattorie, empoleon, and skarmory without shed shell. Rotom h can hit all those threats SE with STAB exept rotom w. Any grass type to take the grass and electric moves coming from this bunch is welcome. Something that comes to mind is shaymin as the little hedgehog often carries hp fire and could hit some of those threats with that.

I'm really happy for these boosts to feraligatr, I'm sure he'll wreck stuff where ever he ends up!
For starters +1 Feraligatr outspeeds positive natured Electrode and anything below, plus ScarfTran and any slower scarved Pokemon. He's faster than Modest Scarf Shandera.

And the advantage of DD is that it boosts attack and speed at the same time, making Fera a great late game sweeper, were most scarfers should be gone, and things are weakned enough to take out. And sometimes, Fera can't be a cleaner without an attack boost, because 105 base isn't that much.
For starters +1 Feraligatr outspeeds positive natured Electrode and anything below, plus ScarfTran and any slower scarved Pokemon. He's faster than Modest Scarf Shandera.

And the advantage of DD is that it boosts attack and speed at the same time, making Fera a great late game sweeper, were most scarfers should be gone, and things are weakned enough to take out. And sometimes, Fera can't be a cleaner without an attack boost, because 105 base isn't that much.
With Encourage, 105 Attack is effectively higher than 150. Even without a LO, or rain, Encourage Feraligatr is hitting harder than Max Attack Rayquaza with an effective 440 Attack. Not to mention that bringing Feraligatr down is no easy task.

Agility Gatr, with a neutral Speed nature, outspeeds ScarfChomp. With SD, nothing can safely switch in on him. I'd say both are more useful than DD, but Agility is the best choice..
With Encourage, 105 Attack is effectively higher than 150. Even without a LO, or rain, Encourage Feraligatr is hitting harder than Max Attack Rayquaza with an effective 440 Attack. Not to mention that bringing Feraligatr down is no easy task.

Ok not saying your wrong, but how did you get that? I thought encourage boosted move power, how does that relate to attack stat? Just show me the math and I'll understand.
If Kingler didn't have such a crap movepool, it would be honest competition for Gatr, what with it's 130 Base attack. It's also a lot less bulky than Feraligatr, and Adamant Kingler misses outspeeding Scarfchomp by just one point. I don't think anything would want to switch in on SD Encourage Kingler.
Ok not saying your wrong, but how did you get that? I thought encourage boosted move power, how does that relate to attack stat? Just show me the math and I'll understand.
Feraligatr's Max Attack is 339.

When using an Encourage boosted move, it is effectively boosted to 440 (339*1.3=440.7). Of course, regard Waterfall's base power as 80. It is effectively a 1.3 Boost to Attack AND Special Attack, with the move's power remaining unchanged.
If Kingler didn't have such a crap movepool, it would be honest competition for Gatr, what with it's 130 Base attack. It's also a lot less bulky than Feraligatr, and Adamant Kingler misses outspeeding Scarfchomp by just one point. I don't think anything would want to switch in on SD Encourage Kingler.

Feraligatr's Max Attack is 339.

When using an Encourage boosted move, it is effectively boosted to 440 (339*1.3=440.7). Of course, regard Waterfall's base power as 80. It is effectively a 1.3 Boost to Attack AND Special Attack, with the move's power remaining unchanged.

And one can then factor in the LO boost which is essentially free on Encourage boosted moves.
(I'm still wondering why they threw in that little easter egg.)

I love Kingler but poor thing has no physical water STAB that benefits from Encourage.
In fact, its only notable Encourage boosted move is Rock Slide.
Well, at least Crabhammer is more accurate this generation.
And one can then factor in the LO boost which is essentially free on Encourage boosted moves.
(I'm still wondering why they threw in that little easter egg.)

I love Kingler but poor thing has no physical water STAB that benefits from Encourage.
In fact, its only notable Encourage boosted move is Rock Slide.
Well, at least Crabhammer is more accurate this generation.
Do you mean to say that bastard doesn't learn Waterfall?

Edit: I see... no Waterfall. That sucks for him. His puny HP is offputting enough, but without a STAB, Encouraged move, he's really no competition for Gatr. I guess Kingler is best off sticking to Hyper Cutter.
It's still legal. Dragonite gets Aqua Jet as an Egg move and Dragon Dance as a level up move. All you have to do is breed a male Floatzel with Aqua Jet with a female Dragonite, level up the male Dratini until it gets Dragon Dance, and breed it with a female Feraligatr to get a Tododile with Dragon Dance and Aqua Jet.

You sir or ma'am have made me so happy. Now excuse me. Im going to go and ...
breed my future father
You sir or ma'am have made me so happy. Now excuse me. Im going to go and ...
breed my future father

Sorry to break this to you, but we don't have any female totidiles. So encourage gatr can't have egg moves yet. But I don't know full context of this conversation, if you were refering to regular gatr, than yes, it's legal.
Well, gatr can always run Ice Fang over Ice Punch and shadow claw over crunch if he's running encourage.
Well, gatr can always run Ice Fang over Ice Punch and shadow claw over crunch if he's running encourage.

Except wasn't it that moves like Shadow Claw don't get an encourage boost or something? And Crunch is a Level up move (lv32).

You could run Mixed Life Orb Encourage Focus Blast for the silliness of 2 hit koing Nattorei (without Life Orb Recoil) non special defensive oriented Nattorei (around 320 or less SDef invested). That could be handy potentially.
Well, gatr can always run Ice Fang over Ice Punch and shadow claw over crunch if he's running encourage.

shadow claw isn't boosted.

NVM Ninjaed

Fluffy Otters also mentioned the merits of a special set. Pity Feraligatr can't learn fire moves.
I only mentioned shadow claw for coverage on things like Burungeru since I believed he couldn't get crunch with encourage. But I will admit that I didn't notice him getting crunch by level up. Still though, ice fang it is.
Why run Ice Fang when Ice Punch has a freeze chance too, meaning it is also Encourage compatible.

Because it isn't legal by breeding yet. Ice Punch is an egg move and Encourage is a Dream world ability. You'd need a Female with the Dream World ability which hasn't been found yet (if ever).
Feraligatr@Life Orb
100HP, 252atk, 44def, 52sdef, 60speed
-Aqua Jet
-Ice Punch
-Swords Dance

This thing is sexy, that is all.

More specifically its like a Azumarill who can bust through most bulky waters. Crunch is mainly because it lets you break Burungeru into pieces and even Vaporean/Suicune won't like +2 Encourage Crunch, however Rock Slide is fine too if you don't mind trying for flinch.

Speed EV's let you outspeed most bulky waters including Bold Suicune and RestTalk Gyarados. Encourage Ice Punch is simply coverage and still lets you get a easy 2HKO on the standard 252HP/60def Nattorei after Swords Dance with plenty to spare. It plain molests dragons even without Swords Dance. Best thing about this set is it can get started faster than the DD version and still come in and leave whenever it likes.
Rock Slide won't cause the opponent to flinch because of Encourage. Then, the only advantage it has over Crunch is being Rock typed (which also has some disadvantages).
Can a Feraligatr with a good amount of Defense investment (I don't have specific numbers) survive a Dory EQ with some HP to spare? If so, waterfall would probably be the primary option over Aqua Jet, especially in Rain. Unless AJ can OHKO common Dory anyway. Most are running Balloon now, right?
A +2 Aqua Jet does 135.2% - 159.6% to 0/0 Doryuuzu without rain. Without any boosts or rain, it only does 68.1% - 80.3%, not enough to OHKO.
Rock Slide won't cause the opponent to flinch because of Encourage. Then, the only advantage it has over Crunch is being Rock typed (which also has some disadvantages).
Whoops, forgot about that. Then just stick to Crunch, I've found it to be more useful coverage wise.
A +2 Aqua Jet does 135.2% - 159.6% to 0/0 Doryuuzu without rain. Without any boosts or rain, it only does 68.1% - 80.3%, not enough to OHKO.

Ah, thanks. At that point, it might just be better to run Waterfall then if you're going to take the same amount turns to SD+Aqua Jet (1 turn, take damage, then priority to OHKO) than to just Waterfall (take damage then OHKO), though I suppose a boosted AJ would be useful for whatever else may come in. What else would AJ help against that Feraligatr would otherwise have trouble with if he ran Waterfall?
Ah, thanks. At that point, it might just be better to run Waterfall then if you're going to take the same amount turns to SD+Aqua Jet (1 turn, take damage, then priority to OHKO) than to just Waterfall (take damage then OHKO), though I suppose a boosted AJ would be useful for whatever else may come in. What else would AJ help against that Feraligatr would otherwise have trouble with if he ran Waterfall?

Heatran, Urugamosu, Scarf Tyranitar, Shandera, Nidoking, Waruvial, Landlos, plus stuff like Garchomp, Scizor, and Roobushin. The latter of which you don't hit super effectively, but you get a nice hit on them before going down.