This is a terrible idea, to out it bluntly. If you implement this you are taking away the main way to knock out blissey, plus not only giving you a free turn to do whatever you want as your foe switches, but if they don't switch or if its their last mon, you have taken all the skill out of the fight, as you can do whatever the hell you want to them and they can't do jack shit to you.Contact moves make foes' further attacks unable to damage anything. Resets upon swithing
I will ask once more, please try to think of flavorful and balanced entries. If this will ever make it to a real metagame, it can't have this cheap and overpowered shit just to buff a favorite mon or try and wind up overcompensating a bad mon in an attempt to make it viable.
Maybe I'm interpreting this wrong, but shouldn't it be rough skin? It threatens attackers with the chance of being hurt by the keys? (You know, like the rough part)
Comments in bold.
None of those seem especially bad, until we reach Emboar, oh Emboar. You are giving Emboar stab on literally every single attack it has with your first suggestion, or giving it a completely worthless buff with the second. I don't know what that was trying to accomplish.
Comments in bold.Oo, this looks like fun.
(X) Its ice-covered body is as hard as steel. Its cumbersome frame crushes anything that stands in its way.
Secondary Steel-typing and equipped with Rollout/Body Slam.
Avalugg should, to me, instead gain heavy metal and heavy slam.
(Pearl) Water makes up 80% of its body. This Pokémon is easily affected by its environment.
Equipped with Forecast and Weather Ball.
I agree with the last person to comment on this, and think it should instead be a simple effect such as "the effects of terrain moves have twice their effect on Manaphy." Forecast is not a good idea in any right.
(B2&W2) A flaring beard of fire is proof that it is fired up. It is adept at using many different moves.
Equipped with Mimic, Me First, and Copycat.
While the dex says "adept at using many different moves", your idea says "adept at using trickery to imitate an opponent", not mentioning that none of one moves are viable in the competitive scene. To me, I think we should avoid just slapping on extra moves if we can, as that is a marginally weaker buff then most others, and game freak really already handles balance in regards to flavor in movepools, granted not always making sense, but I still think we should leave it alone., even though I suggested an extra move for Avalugg, but really, what could be done for that entry?
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