Pet Mod [Gen 1] Burgundy Version - Slate 6: Back to Basics

Oh, yes, lets go unviable Mons!


Name: Parasect
Stats: 60/95/80/80/30
Typing: Bug-Ghost
New Moves: Night Shade, Counter, Confuse Ray
Removed Moves:

Its still a Parasect with Parasect trashy Stats. However, since the Pokedex says the bug is dead, now it has Ghost typing. Its immune to Normal and resistant to Ground, meaning that it checks Tauros and Snorlax really well. Resistance to Grass allows it to check Victreebel too. The rest of the Meta still shits on him, but its much better than it used to be.


Name: Flareon
Stats: 65/130/60/110/65
Typing: Fire
New Moves: Thunder, Jump Kick.
Removed Moves:

Flareon learned Zap Cannon in GSC and Superpower in DPP. These 2 moves are similar enough. Now Flareon is better vs Water Mons and Normal Mons.


Name: Seaking
Stats: 84/92/90/88/73
Typing: Water-Normal
New Moves: Body Slam.
Removed Moves:

Seaking is a generic Water type, the most common type of fish you can see. So, he gets the Normal typing and can now work as a SD Sweeper. The Stats got increased, but it still doesn,t have anything above 100.


Name: Electrode
Stats: 60/83/78/100/150
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Mega Drain
Removed Moves:

Mega Drain (a relic from the Hisuian era) lets Electrode threaten Rhydon, though it's just a 17% chance to 2HKO it. The Attack increase allows Electrode to OHKO Chansey with a minor chip.


Name: Dewgong
Stats: 90/70/80/95/70
Typing: Water-Ice
New Moves: Amnesia, Reflect.
Removed Moves:

Well, with those new Moves Cloyster and Lapras don,t outclass Dewgong anymore.


Name: Pidgeot
Stats: 83/135/80/80/121
Typing: Flying (Normal type removed)
New Moves: Fire Blast, Body Slam, Drill Peck.
Removed Moves:

Mega Stats but with Attack and Special inverted. To prevent him from being a better Tauros, Pidgeot no longer has the Normal STAB, so his monstruous Attack can just be abussed with a 80 power STAB (though Hyper Beam will still hit hard). Fire Blast with 30% burn means that Rhydon has to think twice before coming.
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New moves: Thunder Shock
Removed moves: None
A cool Amnesia late game sweeper, Thunder Shock because static electricity.
Name: Raichu
Stats: 70 / 100 / 70 / 95 / 110
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Dig
Removed Moves: None
Description: Raichu gets some much needed bulk, power, and speed allowing it to creep past some important pokemon such as Zapdos & Tentacruel while speed tying with Gengar & Tauros. Dig most likely will never be used though might be usable. Still decently frail and has plenty of issues. Not a huge pick but a fun addition to a team. (It also got Sing from tradebacks wow).

Might make some more later
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New moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Surf, Bubble Beam, Water Gun, Acid Armor
Removed moves: Earthquake, Dig, Fissure

I wanted to give a unique spin on Onix. Instead of being very strong on the defensive side, why not make it strong on the special side? The ice typing is inspired by the crystal Onix from the anime. Since crystals are prone to getting chipped or shattered, I replaced Onix's current Defense stat with it's former Special stat.

The stat change will be nice to allow it to fire off monstrous Blizzards, but not being a Ground type makes it prone to being paralyzed and crippled. Not having reliable recovery also means it won't have much lasting power, and it walled pretty hard by special walls like Chansey or Starmie. It probably won't be the best mon in the game, but I think it'll always have a niche in firing off nuclear bombs. Acid armor might also be good on it but IDK really.
Name: Rapidash
Stats: 65/100/70/80/115 (Spe+10)
Typing: Fire
New Moves: none
Removed Moves: none

Rapidash is a fringe pick in tradebacks and just needs a bit more. With the nerfs to sleep and partial trapping, I felt the speed boost was fine and it wont be oppressive. This turns it into a Fire type Jolteon of sorts, letting crit Double Kicks break a paralyzed Chansey.

Name: Nidoking
Stats: 81/92/77/85/85 (Spc+10)
Typing: Poison/Normal
New Moves:
Removed Moves:

Nidoking eats well in Tradebacks getting both Lovely Kiss and Amnesia. With a Snorlax-like movepool, higher special and higher speed, it could be a pretty big threat. Obviously Poison type isn't ideal defensively but that likely keeps it in check.

Name: Dragonite
Stats: 91/134/95/100/80
Typing: Dragon/Flying
New Moves: Earthquake
Removed Moves:

This is a big buff for Dragonite, letting it finally hit Gengar somewhat hard, though slotting it is tricky. More coverage helps make Dragonite less one dimensional, which is good after we nerfed Wrap.

Name: Mr. Mime
Stats: 65/50/35/100/90 (+25 HP, +5 Atk, -30 Def)
Typing: Psychic/Electric
New Moves: Lovely Kiss
Removed Moves:

This sub uses Mr. Mime's existing features, access to Thunderbolt and sleep, to carve a niche for itself. As an Electric, it also walks away with Ice coverage due to Tradebacks. Stat changes look weird but mainly allow it a better matchup vs Seismic Toss (no longer 3HKOed), giving it some value in the psychic mirrors. It also matches Jynx's bulk and the two are counterparts in RBY so I thought that was neat. Lovely Kiss was also a beta egg move for it in GCC and upgrades from Hypnosis.

Name: Charizard
Stats: 78/94/78/85/100 (Atk+10)
Typing: Fire/Flying
New Moves: Glare
Removed Moves:

Glare is a beta move for Charizard, and I really like it here. Zard's advantage over other Fires is its ability to sorta not be as scared of Rhydon. Glare fits with this role as it allows Rhydon (and other Grounds) to become paralyzed, which is really cool. Attack boost fits with it getting SD and so it gets a physical bias here.

Name: Tangela
Stats: 45/50/115/100/60 (-20 HP)
Typing: Grass/Ghost
New Moves: Night Shade
Removed Moves:

Plays like a Gengar+Aerodactyl hybrid, resisting Ground and being immune to Normal. I nerfed its HP so that special moves like Blizzard could still break it. This is a Spaceworld reference, where Tangela got Night Shade which, at the time, was only otherwise reserved for Ghosts. Very passive mon still but between status and Bind it could put in some work.
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Name: Aerodactyl
Stats: 80/125/75/70/135 (+20 ATK, +10 DEF +10 SPC, +5 SPE)
Typing: Rock/Flying
New Moves: Rock Slide, Drill Peck
Removed Moves: None

Aerodactyl got Earthquake from tradebacks, but let's improve it even more. It gets a nice power boost, only being slightly weaker than Rhydon. However, unlike Rhydon, Aerodactyl is fast too. It now outspeeds Jolteon instead of speed tying it. The extra bulk means it can utilize its unique ability to resist both normal and ground effectively against foes like Snorlax

Name: Marowak
Stats: 60/209/70/40/45 (+129 ATK, -40 DEF, -10 SPC)
Typing: Ground
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Counter

thick club lol. Marowak's current attack is 258, doubled is 516, which translates to 209 base attack. However in GSC one of Marowak's main drawbacks is inability to hold leftovers. We obviously can't replicate this in RBY so to make up for that I nerfed Marowak's defensive stats a ton.
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Name: Hitmonchan
Stats: 60(+10)/105/79/120(+85)/76 BST: 440/569
Typing: Fighting
New Moves: Hyper beam
Removed Moves: None
Still trash likely, but at least it can use its coverage
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Name: Clefable
Stats: 95/70/73/90/60 (+5 special)
Typing: Psychic
New Moves: Soft-Boiled
Removed moves: None
Basically gen 6 Clefable (Kinda). I gave it a psychic type to reflect the fairy type it gets in later generations, and it also reflects how many psychic types are space themed. It also gets Amnesia from tradebacks, so that's neat. I also felt like giving it reliable recovery because I can.

Name: Wigglytuff
Stats: 140/70/55/60/53 (+10 Defense, +10 special, +8 Speed)
New Moves: Soft-Boiled, Metrenome, Amnesia, Rock Slide, Light Screen, Self Destruct
Worse Snorlax, but it's a bit faster and has recovery. I gave it moves that Clefable previously had, barring Rock Slide. Even if it might still suck, it at least fills a role that hopefully is a bit different from Clefable. I gave it self destruct for the meme, but also because it gets that move in gen 8.
Name: Porygon
Stats: 75 / 70 / 80 / 85 / 50 (360 BST)
Typing: Normal
New Moves: Self-Destruct
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Modest stat boost all around lets Porygon do what it already does a bit better while also making it less helpless against non-Snorlax enemies. Didn't want to overtune it since broken Recover. Self-Destruct is there as a threat.

Name: Beedrill
Stats: 65 / 100 / 60 / 65 / 95
Typing: Bug / Ground
New Moves: Earthquake
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Beedrill can now actually use its anti-Psychic tools! It's no longer weak to Psychic, Ground STAB and Earthquake gives it a much-needed tool to smack Rocks and Gengar, Thunderbolt immunity offers it more chances to switch in, and it has all-around better stats.

Name: Farfetch'd
Stats: 52 / 75 / 55 / 75 / 115
Typing: Normal / Flying
New Moves: Razor Leaf, Drill Peck, Focus Energy, Hyper Beam
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Persian sidegrade. Weak to Thunderbolt and Blizzard, lower overall stats, but has another STAB in Drill Peck and also has Razor Leaf to demolish the big Rocks. Sort of replicates its signature item by letting it be a crit machine. It can also double dance if that's your style, but it's probably not necessary. Fixed Focus Energy can let it run Body Slam instead of Slash as its crit tool and boosts Drill Peck as well. Boosted its Attack and Special slightly; now it hits a bit harder than Persian on both ends, Razor Leaf is almost a guaranteed OHKO on Rhydon, but it doesn't have the utility offered by Persian and specifically Hypnosis. I also just realized it doesn't get Hyper Beam in gen 1 so that's fixed now.
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Name: Butterfree
Stats: 70(+10)/55(+10)/70(+20)/90(+10)/70 [355 BST]
Typing: Bug/Psychic
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -
Status Shuffling
Ability: No Ability
- Whirlwind
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore/Toxic
- Psychic
Name: Seadra
Stats: 55/65/95/95/85 [395 BST]
Typing: Water/Dragon
New Moves: Reflect, Light Screen,
Removed Moves: -
No Weaknesses. Well, except Dragon, but that doesn't have an actual damage dealing move (yet).
Ability: No Ability
- Reflect
- Rest
- Ice Beam
- Surf
Name: Ditto
Stats: 100/70/70/70/140 [450 BST]
Typing: Normal
New Moves: Night Shade, Double Edge, Toxic, Bide, Light Screen, Reflect, Focus Energy,
Removed Moves: -
Stats that make it able to function in its intended gimmick, with moves that allow it to do a couple things outside of that gimmick. Night Shade and Double Edge make it able to break Subs, or finish off a weakened target without transforming. Toxic can let it wear down a target before copying them, and dual screens to give it a way to boost its bulk that lasts after transforming, (Thanks for the suggestion Ema). Its higher Speed allows it to Transform before it takes a hit, and it boosts its Crit Rate, (altho since crits will use Ditto's original stats, this might not always be a good thing).
Ability: No Ability
- Toxic
- Double-Edge
- Light Screen/Reflect
- Transform
Name: Venusaur
Stats: 80/82/83/100/80
Typing: Grass
New Moves: Earthquake, Stun Spore
Removed Moves: -
No longer weak to Psychic, and now resisting Ground, its way better suited to the Gen 1 metagame. Earthquake lets it hit Gengar, who it otherwise can't beat.
Ability: No Ability
- Sleep Powder
- Swords Dance
- Hyper Beam
- Earthquake/Razor Leaf

Ability: No Ability
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Body Slam
- Razor Leaf
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Huge thanks to Ema and the Pet Mods discord server for dealing with my shenanigans!
Name: Tentacruel
Stats: 80/75/65/120/100 (+5 ATK)
Typing: Water
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -
The Poison typing has held it back significantly due to its weakness to Psychic and Ground, the former dominating the tier by Alakazam and Starmie. With that removed, Tentacruel can take Psychics and Earthquakes easier which is already a massive plus. The downside being that it's now able to be poisoned. The small boost in attack lets it inflict more damage in its Swords Dance set, especially with Hyper Beam since it misses a few OHKOs even after a boost, needing to take another to guarantee the KO.

Name: Machamp
Stats: 90/130/80/80/80 (+15 SPC,+25 SPE)
Typing: Fighting
New Moves: Glare
Removed Moves: -
Machamp's main problem (besides its obvious Psychic weakness) is its slow speed. 55 is a terrible number which makes it also scared of paralysis. A boost in its speed lets it deal damage much easier without taking any damage itself, and while also not stepping into Rhydon's place of being a better defensive option . 15 SPC lets it take special hits a tad easier while also being able to use the elemental punch moves better. It still loses against Psychic types of course, no question there. And paralysis, while not as dreadful as before, still hinders it. Glare lets it paralyze foes, especially switch-ins like Psychic types. So after they get paralyzed, Machamp can just Rolling Kick them to oblivion before Hyper Beam.

Name: Pinsir
Stats: 85/125/100/55/85 (+20 HP)
Typing: Bug
New Moves: Earthquake
Removed Moves: -
At first this was given Twineedle and Leech Life, but Ema said that Pinsir is just very close to being really viable in OU and Earthquake would do the job. Slash already does a bunch for it anyway so now Earthquake gives it a way to bully Gengar. 20 HP gives it better bulk to tank hits.
Wanted to give some sub feedback even though we're a few days away from voting still. This is mostly just me talking out loud

Oh, yes, lets go unviable Mons!


Name: Parasect
Stats: 60/95/80/80/30
Typing: Bug-Ghost
New Moves: Night Shade, Counter, Confuse Ray
Removed Moves:

Its still a Parasect with Parasect trashy Stats. However, since the Pokedex says the bug is dead, now it has Ghost typing. Its immune to Normal and resistant to Ground, meaning that it checks Tauros and Snorlax really well. Resistance to Grass allows it to check Victreebel too. The rest of the Meta still shits on him, but its much better than it used to be.


Name: Flareon
Stats: 65/130/60/110/65
Typing: Fire
New Moves: Thunder, Jump Kick.
Removed Moves:

Flareon learned Zap Cannon in GSC and Superpower in DPP. These 2 moves are similar enough. Now Flareon is better vs Water Mons and Normal Mons.


Name: Seaking
Stats: 84/92/90/88/73
Typing: Water-Normal
New Moves: Body Slam, Sword Dance.
Removed Moves:

Seaking is a generic Water type, the most common type of fish you can see. So, he gets the Normal typing and can now work as a SD Sweeper. The Stats got increased, but it still doesn,t have anything above 100.


Name: Electrode
Stats: 60/83/78/100/150
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Mega Drain
Removed Moves:

Mega Drain (a relic from the Hisuian era) lets Electrode threaten Rhydon, though it's just a 17% chance to 2HKO it. The Attack increase allows Electrode to OHKO Chansey with a minor chip.


Name: Dewgong
Stats: 90/70/80/95/70
Typing: Water-Ice
New Moves: Amnesia, Reflect.
Removed Moves:

Well, with those new Moves Cloyster and Lapras don,t outclass Dewgong anymore.


Name: Pidgeot
Stats: 83/135/80/80/121
Typing: Flying (Normal type removed)
New Moves: Fire Blast, Body Slam, Drill Peck.
Removed Moves:

Mega Stats but with Attack and Special inverted. To prevent him from being a better Tauros, Pidgeot no longer has the Normal STAB, so his monstruous Attack can just be abussed with a 80 power STAB (though Hyper Beam will still hit hard). Fire Blast with 30% burn means that Rhydon has to think twice before coming.
:parasect: Very interesting. I'm a little concerned with how well it beats physical attackers due to its Ground resist+Normal immunity. Resisting both gives Aerodactyl a niche as a defensive mon and this is bulkier than it and is immune to one of the types. I like the idea but I don't know if we're ready for it.

:flareon: I'd probably just give Jump Kick. Giving Flareon coverage for Normals and Rhydon gives it something over other fires. I love the Zap Cannon reference though.

:seaking: Is cool. Already has SD through TBs though so you might want to update that.

:electrode: Seems kinda difficult to switch into due to the attack boost. I would feel more comfortable with its base Atk and Spec but maybe I'm just paranoid.

:dewgong: very cool. Interesting way to do an Amnesia sweeper and has good tradeoffs vs Slowbro/Vaporeon

:pidgeot: Seems very optimized but I might just be overreacting. I'm not a big fan of Fire Blast to let it gimp its main check with some RNG as it seems very cheesy.

New moves: Thunder Shock
Removed moves: None
A cool Amnesia late game sweeper, Thunder Shock because static electricity.
I'm not sure what's happening here. Thundershock has no competitive merit. This seems a bit silly due to Amnesia+Hypnosis being a combo offering a lot of punishment to bad RNG, especially with the speed.

Name: Raichu
Stats: 70 / 90 / 70 / 95 / 110
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Dig
Removed Moves: None
Description: Raichu gets some much needed bulk, power, and speed allowing it to creep past some important pokemon such as Zapdos & Tentacruel while speed tying with Gengar & Tauros. Dig most likely will never be used though might be usable. Still decently frail and has plenty of issues. Not a huge pick but a fun addition to a team. (It also got Sing from tradebacks wow).

Might make some more later
Simple, but effective. I like it. Maybe boost attack a bit too for Submission strats vs Chansey?

View attachment 470904
New moves: Blizzard, Ice Beam, Surf, Bubble Beam, Water Gun, Acid Armor
Removed moves: Earthquake, Dig, Fissure

I wanted to give a unique spin on Onix. Instead of being very strong on the defensive side, why not make it strong on the special side? The ice typing is inspired by the crystal Onix from the anime. Since crystals are prone to getting chipped or shattered, I replaced Onix's current Defense stat with it's former Special stat.

The stat change will be nice to allow it to fire off monstrous Blizzards, but not being a Ground type makes it prone to being paralyzed and crippled. Not having reliable recovery also means it won't have much lasting power, and it walled pretty hard by special walls like Chansey or Starmie. It probably won't be the best mon in the game, but I think it'll always have a niche in firing off nuclear bombs. Acid armor might also be good on it but IDK really.
This is wild and I love it. Definitely a weird mon but it'll be unique.

Name: Aerodactyl
Stats: 80/125/75/70/135 (+20 ATK, +10 DEF +10 SPC, +5 SPE)
Typing: Rock/Flying
New Moves: Rock Slide, Drill Peck
Removed Moves: None

Aerodactyl got Earthquake from tradebacks, but let's improve it even more. It gets a nice power boost, only being slightly weaker than Rhydon. However, unlike Rhydon, Aerodactyl is fast too. It now outspeeds Jolteon instead of speed tying it. The extra bulk means it can utilize its unique ability to resist both normal and ground effectively against foes like Snorlax

Name: Marowak
Stats: 60/209/70/40/45 (+129 ATK, -40 DEF, -10 SPC)
Typing: Ground
New Moves: None
Removed Moves: Counter

thick club lol. Marowak's current attack is 258, doubled is 516, which translates to 209 base attack. However in GSC one of Marowak's main drawbacks is inability to hold leftovers. We obviously can't replicate this in RBY so to make up for that I nerfed Marowak's defensive stats a ton.
:aerodactyl: I'm a little scared of how well it can clean up. I'd feel more comfortable with either real STAB or the attack boost, but I like that you tried to utilize its unique defensive profile too.

:marowak: This is probably fine but I am very scared of it. Dies if you look at it wrong though and it can't really switch into anything.

Name: Hitmonchan
Stats: 60(+10)/105/79/120(+85)/76
Typing: Fighting
New Moves: Hyper beam
Removed Moves: None
Still trash likely, but at least it can use its coverage
This is pretty cool. Enhances what makes it unique and lets it take a completely unfilled niche.

View attachment 471284
Name: Clefable
Stats: 95/70/73/90/60 (+5 special)
Typing: Psychic
New Moves: Soft-Boiled
Removed moves: None
Basically gen 6 Clefable (Kinda). I gave it a psychic type to reflect the fairy type it gets in later generations, and it also reflects how many psychic types are space themed. It also gets Amnesia from tradebacks, so that's neat. I also felt like giving it reliable recovery because I can.
View attachment 471285
Name: Wigglytuff
Stats: 140/70/55/60/53 (+10 Defense, +10 special, +8 Speed)
New Moves: Soft-Boiled, Metrenome, Amnesia, Rock Slide, Light Screen, Self Destruct
Worse Snorlax, but it's a bit faster and has recovery. I gave it moves that Clefable previously had, barring Rock Slide. Even if it might still suck, it at least fills a role that hopefully is a bit different from Clefable. I gave it self destruct for the meme, but also because it gets that move in gen 8.
:clefable: This is almost assuredly broken with amnesia+softboiled. I would pick one of the two moves to work with and build the mon around it.

:wigglytuff: This is probably fine but I question what it adds to the metagame outside of being another offensive normal.

Name: Porygon
Stats: 75 / 70 / 80 / 85 / 50 (360 BST)
Typing: Normal
New Moves: Self-Destruct
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Modest stat boost all around lets Porygon do what it already does a bit better while also making it less helpless against non-Snorlax enemies. Didn't want to overtune it since broken Recover. Self-Destruct is there as a threat.

Name: Beedrill
Stats: 65 / 100 / 60 / 65 / 95
Typing: Bug / Ground
New Moves: Earthquake
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Beedrill can now actually use its anti-Psychic tools! It's no longer weak to Psychic, Ground STAB and Earthquake gives it a much-needed tool to smack Rocks and Gengar, Thunderbolt immunity offers it more chances to switch in, and it has all-around better stats.

Name: Farfetch'd
Stats: 52 / 65 / 55 / 58 / 115
Typing: Normal / Flying
New Moves: Razor Leaf, Drill Peck, Focus Energy
Removed Moves: N/A
Description: Persian sidegrade. Weak to Thunderbolt and Blizzard, lower overall stats, but has another STAB in Drill Peck and also has Razor Leaf to demolish the big Rocks. Sort of replicates its signature item by letting it be a crit machine. It can also double dance if that's your style, but it's probably not necessary. Fixed Focus Energy can let it run Body Slam instead of Slash as its crit tool and boosts Drill Peck as well.
:porygon: Glad you were conservative with the boosts. This is neat and enhances Porygon's niche already. Giving it boom is also cool to let it be more threatening when its done its job.

:beedrill: Pretty cool. I think it's interesting and is definitely worth playing around with.

:farfetch Sidegrade Persian but I think it might need something else to be an OU contender. Persian gets both Hypnosis and Amnesia here so I'd try to figure out what Farfetch'd can do.

Name: Butterfree
Stats: 70(+10)/55(+10)/70(+20)/90(+10)/70 [355 BST]
Typing: Bug/Psychic
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -
Status Shuffling
Ability: No Ability
- Whirlwind
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore/Toxic
- Psychic
Name: Mr. Mime
Stats: 65(+25)/80(+35)/85(+20)/100/90 [BST 420]
Typing: Psychic/Normal
New Moves: -
Removed Moves: -
It's attack is Passable now, meaning it can use something other than Seismic Toss on other Psychics. And if you care to go the Boosting Sweeper route, it can boost its STAB Hyper Beam with Meditate. Its great support movepool can help it set up as well.
Mr. Mime
Ability: No Ability
- Meditate
- Hyper Beam
- Psychic/Ice Punch/Thunderbolt
- Thunder Wave/Hypnosis/Barrier/Light Screen
Name: Seadra
Stats: 55/65/95/95/85 [395 BST]
Typing: Water/Dragon
New Moves: Reflect, Light Screen,
Removed Moves: -
No Weaknesses. Well, except Dragon, but that doesn't have an actual damage dealing move (yet).
Ability: No Ability
- Reflect
- Rest
- Ice Beam
- Surf

Name: Ditto
Stats: 70/70/70/70/100 [380 BST]
Typing: Normal
New Moves: Night Shade, Double Edge, Wrap, Toxic,
Removed Moves: -
Stats that make it able to function in its intended gimmick, with moves that allow it to do a couple things outside of that gimmick. Night Shade and Double Edge make it able to break Subs, Toxic can let it wear down a target before copying them, Wrap makes it able to actually pivot. Its higher Speed allows it to Transform before it takes a hit, and it boosts its Crit Rate, (altho since crits will use Ditto's original stats, this might not always be a good thing).
Ability: No Ability
- Wrap
- Double-Edge
- Toxic
- Transform

Name: Venusaur
Stats: 80/82/83/100/80
Typing: Grass
New Moves: Earthquake, Stun Spore
Removed Moves: -
No longer weak to Psychic, and now resisting Ground, its way better suited to the Gen 1 metagame. Earthquake lets it hit Gengar, who it otherwise can't beat.
Ability: No Ability
- Sleep Powder
- Swords Dance
- Hyper Beam
- Earthquake/Razor Leaf

Ability: No Ability
- Sleep Powder
- Stun Spore
- Body Slam
- Razor Leaf
:butterfree: This works. It's not flashy but it works.

:mr.-mime: This is very likely broken. Psychic/Normal is the best typing in the game by a wide margin and Mr. Mime is already a fringe pick in Tradebacks OU. I would strongly consider toning this down, likely removing the Normal typing.

:seadra: Its cool. Screens don't really change anything for it but the typing is nice.

:ditto: This doesn't fix Ditto's problems so I'm not really sure what you're trying to do here. Reflect/Light Screen persist after transforming so that might be a starting point. Don't be afraid to make it even faster.

:venusaur: This works and I think it would find a place in the tier.

Subs will close in 48 hours.

Name: Charizard
Stats: 70(-8)/100(+16)/70(-8)/109(+24)/100 (BST: 449)
Typing: Fire/Flying
New Moves: Thunder Punch (Can you believe Charizard doesn't actually get it in Gen 2?)
Description: First up, Zard's Special is updated to be its modern counterpart's Special Attack. Second, to differentiate itself from the notably bulkier and far more specially powerful Moltres, Charizard also gets an Anti-water coverage option in Thunder Punch (taken from later generations) and gains an increase to its attack from its Mega Y form (Megazard Y does actually have higher attack than base Charizard). This affords Charizard a unique niche over Moltres, in that Charizard can threaten targets on both sides of the attacking spectrum- in a way, reflective of the duality of Charizard's Mega Evolutions from Gen 6. The higher attack makes Charizard actually able to leave a dent in Rhydon and Golem, or even threaten to take them out if it manages to set a Swords Dance up before they switch in, while the higher special attack means even the Mighty Tauros is not a safe switch-in, almost always being 2HKO'd by Fire Blast. With that being said, Charizard is stuffed by Slowbro, as even Thunder Punch does a measly 34-40% even before Slowbro gets an Amnesia up, while Charizard's considerable special does not protect it from having a high chance of being 2HKO'd by Surf, making using Charizard carelessly an extremely bad idea. Starmie is also an incredibly bad matchup for Charizard, as Charizard still cannot 2HKO even with Thunder Punch without a crit, and will likely eat Thunder Wave paralysis as a result, crippling the main thing that makes Charizard so deadly: its speed. Ultimately, the main thing that simultaneously makes Charizard so difficult to check, also gives it an issue: It suffers from 4MSS, believe it or not. It wants all of Fire Blast, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Swords Dance, Thunder Punch and Slash, but it can only fit 4 of these at once. If it lacks Earthquake, it can't do anything to Rhydon/Golem. If it lacks Thunder Punch, Slowbro and Starmie kill it with ease. No Fire Blast means Tauros and Zapdos maul you. It needs Swords Dance alongside EQ to actually beat the rocks, Slash is nice for pesky defense boosters like Reflect Alakazam and Chansey, and Hyper Beam is Hyper Beam. It does lose a tiny bit of bulk, though, to further emphasise the "fast and deadly, but frail" spread it is supposed to have in comparison to its brethren Venusaur and Blastoise.

In a few ways, this updated Charizard could be considered a hybrid of Tauros and Moltres, featuring advantages and disadvantages compared to the points of reference. Compared to Tauros, Charizard has a higher Special and access to Slash and Swords Dance, but it's slower, lacks STAB on Normal moves and has much worse physical bulk, mandating setup for physical builds compared to Tauros who's threatening right out of the gate (to say nothing about the fact that, since this is Gen 1, Pure Normal is a much better typing than Fire/Flying). Compared to Moltres, Charizard's Special is lower and it's frailer, but it makes up for it with higher speed and attack, a usable physical movepool, and the crucial additional coverage that Thunder Punch provides, allowing Charizard to at least dent the Water-types that would otherwise give Moltres no end of trouble.
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Name: Dodrio
Stats: 60/110/70/60/110 (+10) BST: 400/460
Typing: Ground/Flying
New Moves: Earthquake
Removed Moves:
Updated speed plus new unique typing to rby, its typing isn't strictly superior either to other ou threats, but it does a better job at differentiating itself from other normal type revenge killers like tauros and persian

Name: Lickitung
Stats: 90 / 80 (+25) / 75 / 60 / 45 (+15) (410 BST)
Typing: Normal
New Moves: Lick, Self-Destruct
Overview: My attempt to hone it in more on the "Swords Dance Normal" niche. An actual Attack stat and a menacing rogue's gallery of Wrap, Hyper Beam, Body Slam and Self-Destruct combined with its pre-existing coverage options give it quite a helping of versatility, while the newfound speed lets it creep Slowbro, Snorlax and Rhydon. The main balancing act is its stat total overall still being pretty lukewarm at best, being comparable to Porygon but without Recover carrying what bulk it does have.
Name: Golem
Typing: Rock/Ground
Stats: 80/115 (+5)/130/55/65 (+20)
Pretty simple stat changes that should allow Golem to compete more closely with Rhydon, as, unlike it, Golem can now outrun the likes of Exeggutor and Chansey while having a more consistent chance to 2HKO the latter than before, however, it lacks Rhydon's devastating power.

Name: Farfetch'd
Typing: Normal/Flying
Stats: 52/95 (+40)/55/58/80 (+20)
New Moves: Razor Leaf
Strongest Slash user. Probably won't be very good since it's not that fast, it's frail as hell and it gets completely destroyed by Gengar but this thing can achieve absurd damage ranges that could make it at least taking a look at. It also gains Razor Leaf so it isn't destroyed by Rhydon, at least.
Subs are closed now. We have one veto.

View attachment 471284
Name: Clefable
Stats: 95/70/73/90/60 (+5 special)
Typing: Psychic
New Moves: Soft-Boiled
Removed moves: None
Basically gen 6 Clefable (Kinda). I gave it a psychic type to reflect the fairy type it gets in later generations, and it also reflects how many psychic types are space themed. It also gets Amnesia from tradebacks, so that's neat. I also felt like giving it reliable recovery because I can.
This mon completely warps the tier around it. As a bulkier Hypno with reliable recovery and stronger coverage, it's simply too much for teams to handle. Soft-boiled has to go and I would strongly consider completely reworking the idea so that it isn't so similar to Hypno or Snorlax.

I will give you 24 hours to fix it and then we'll vote.
Voting time! The Clefable was never fixed so it is vetoed.

This is a ranked vote where you can vote for as many subs as you want in the order that you want. Your last place sub will be worth 1 point, and each increasing sub will be worth one point. Meaning that if you vote for all 34 legal subs, your first place sub will be worth 35 points when we go to vote. You cannot put your own sub in first place. Please specify which Charizard or Farfetch'd sub you are voting for as there are two options.

My votes:
  1. Onix (TehTayTeh)
  2. Aerodactyl (Gastlies)
  3. Rapidash (Ema Skye)
  4. Beedrill (Z-NogyroP)
  5. Mr. Mime (Ema Skye)
  6. Pinsir (Lavarina)
  7. Dragonite (Ema Skye)
  8. Dewgong (Eeveeto)
  9. Lickitung (Yung Dramps)
  10. Parasect (Eeveeto)
  11. Raichu (PalpitoadChamp)
  12. Golem (I-Deepblue-I)
  13. Porygon (Z-NogyroP)
  14. Farfetch'd (Z-NogyroP)
  15. Venusaur (PokemonMasterDebater)
  16. Machamp (Lavarina)
  17. Electrode (Eeveeto)
  18. Flareon (Eeveeto)
  19. Dodrio (eshe0)
  20. Tentacruel (Lavarina)
  21. Nidoking (Ema Skye)
  22. Seaking (Eeveeto)
  23. Farfetch'd (I-Deepblue-I)
  24. Charizard (Ema Skye)
  25. Marowak (Gastlies)
  26. Pidgeot (Eeveeto)
  27. Butterfree (PokemonMasterDebater)
  28. Hitmonchan (eshe0)
  29. Charizard (NeoSonic97)
  30. Tangela (Ema Skye)
  31. Seadra (PokemonMasterDebater)
  32. Ditto (PokemonMasterDebater)
  33. Wigglytuff (AverageDamage)
  34. Poliwrath (Turtlek)
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1. Farfetch'd (I-Deepblue-I)
2. Flareon (Eeveeto)
3. Dodrio (eshe0)
4. Lickitung (Yung Dramps)
5. Pidgeot (Eeveeto)
6. Machamp (Lavarina)
7. Seaking (Eeveeto)
8. Wigglytuff (AverageDamage)
9. Hitmonchan (eshe0)
10. Marowak (Gastlies)
11. Parasect (Eeveeto)
12. Dragonite (Ema Skye)
13. Dewgong (Eeveeto)
14. Onix (TehTayTeh)
15. Nidoking (Ema Skye)
16. Aerodactyl (Gastlies)
17. Electrode (Eeveeto)
18. Tangela (Ema Skye)
19. Butterfree (PokemonMasterDebater)
20. Raichu (PalpitoadChamp)
21. Mr. Mime (Ema Skye)
22. Porygon (Z-NogyroP)
23. Ditto (PokemonMasterDebater)
24. Charizard (Neosonic97)
25. Golem (I-Deepblue-I)
26. Seadra (PokemonMasterDebater)
27. Beedrill (Z-NogyroP)
28. Rapidash (Ema Skye)
29. Poliwrath (Turtlek)
30. Venusaur (PokemonMasterDebater)
31. Tentacruel (Lavarina)
32. Farfetch'd (Z-NogyroP)
33. Charizard (Ema Skye)
1. Farfetch'd (I-Deepblue-I)
2. Aerodactyl
3. Flareon
4. Dodrio
5. Lickitung
6. Pidgeot
7. Machamp
8. Seaking
9. Wigglytuff
10. Hitmonchan
11. Marowak
12. Parasect
13. Dragonite
14. Dewgong
15. Onix
16. Nidoking
1. Flareon :Flareon:
2. Farfetch'd (I-Deepblue-I, SV) :Farfetch'd:
3. Onix :onix:
4. Beedrill :beedrill:
5. Hitmonchan :hitmonchan:
6. Dewgong :dewgong:
7. Charizard (Neosonic97) :charizard:
8. Dodrio :dodrio:
9. Porygon :porygon:
10. Golem (SV) :golem:
11. Venusaur :venusaur:
12. Rapidash :rapidash:
13. Aerodactyl :aerodactyl:
14. Butterfree :Butterfree:
15. Tangela :tangela:
  1. Onix
  2. Flareon
  3. Farfetch'd (Z-nogyroP)
  4. Charizard (Neosonic97)
  5. Machamp
  6. Butterfree
  7. Venusaur
  8. Tentacruel
  9. Tangela
  10. Hitmonchan
  11. Dewgong
  12. Mr. Mime
  13. Beedrill
  14. Marowak
  15. Seadra
  16. Ditto
  17. Pinsir
  18. Nidoking
  19. Raichu
  20. Rapidash
  21. Aerodactyl
  22. Electrode
  23. Dodrio
  24. Parasect
  25. Poliwrath
  26. Wigglytuff
I like PMD's list of votes, so I'll steal use it for myself:
  1. Onix
  2. Flareon
  3. Farfetch'd (Z-nogyroP)
  4. Charizard (Neosonic97)
  5. Machamp
  6. Butterfree
  7. Venusaur
  8. Tentacruel
  9. Tangela
  10. Hitmonchan
  11. Dewgong
  12. Mr. Mime
  13. Beedrill
  14. Marowak
  15. Seadra
  16. Ditto
  17. Pinsir
  18. Nidoking
  19. Raichu
  20. Rapidash
  21. Aerodactyl
  22. Electrode
  23. Dodrio
  24. Parasect
  25. Poliwrath
  26. Wigglytuff
My Votes:
1. P I N S I R
2. Onix
3. Hitmonchan
4. Pidgeot
5. Flareon
6. Machamp
7. Parasect
8. Wigglytuff (Self Vote)
9. Beedrill
10. Ditto
11. Butterfree
12. Tangela
13. Marowak
14. Dragonite
15. Porygon
  1. Pinsir (Lavarina)
  2. Aerodactyl (Gastlies)
  3. Rapidash (Ema Skye)
  4. Beedrill (Z-NogyroP)
  5. Mr. Mime (Ema Skye)
  6. Dragonite (Ema Skye)
  7. Dewgong (Eeveeto)
  8. Lickitung (Yung Dramps)
  9. Parasect (Eeveeto)
  10. Raichu (PalpitoadChamp)
  11. Golem (I-Deepblue-I)
  12. Porygon (Z-NogyroP)
  13. Farfetch'd (Z-NogyroP)
  14. Onix (TehTayTeh)
  15. Venusaur (PokemonMasterDebater)
  16. Machamp (Lavarina)
  17. Electrode (Eeveeto)
  18. Flareon (Eeveeto)
  19. Dodrio (eshe0)
  20. Tentacruel (Lavarina)
  21. Nidoking (Ema Skye)
  22. Seaking (Eeveeto)
  23. Farfetch'd (I-Deepblue-I)
  24. Charizard (Ema Skye)
  25. Marowak (Gastlies)
  26. Pidgeot (Eeveeto)
  27. Butterfree (PokemonMasterDebater)
  28. Hitmonchan (eshe0)
  29. Charizard (NeoSonic97)
  30. Tangela (Ema Skye)
  31. Seadra (PokemonMasterDebater)
  32. Ditto (PokemonMasterDebater)
  33. Wigglytuff (AverageDamage)
  34. Poliwrath (Turtlek)