Oh, yes, lets go unviable Mons!
Name: Parasect
Stats: 60/95/80/80/30
Typing: Bug-Ghost
New Moves: Night Shade, Counter, Confuse Ray
Removed Moves:
Its still a Parasect with Parasect trashy Stats. However, since the Pokedex says the bug is dead, now it has Ghost typing. Its immune to Normal and resistant to Ground, meaning that it checks Tauros and Snorlax really well. Resistance to Grass allows it to check Victreebel too. The rest of the Meta still shits on him, but its much better than it used to be.
Name: Flareon
Stats: 65/130/60/110/65
Typing: Fire
New Moves: Thunder, Jump Kick.
Removed Moves:
Flareon learned Zap Cannon in GSC and Superpower in DPP. These 2 moves are similar enough. Now Flareon is better vs Water Mons and Normal Mons.
Name: Seaking
Stats: 84/92/90/88/73
Typing: Water-Normal
New Moves: Body Slam.
Removed Moves:
Seaking is a generic Water type, the most common type of fish you can see. So, he gets the Normal typing and can now work as a SD Sweeper. The Stats got increased, but it still doesn,t have anything above 100.
Name: Electrode
Stats: 60/83/78/100/150
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Mega Drain
Removed Moves:
Mega Drain (a relic from the Hisuian era) lets Electrode threaten Rhydon, though it's just a 17% chance to 2HKO it. The Attack increase allows Electrode to OHKO Chansey with a minor chip.
Name: Dewgong
Stats: 90/70/80/95/70
Typing: Water-Ice
New Moves: Amnesia, Reflect.
Removed Moves:
Well, with those new Moves Cloyster and Lapras don,t outclass Dewgong anymore.
Name: Pidgeot
Stats: 83/135/80/80/121
Typing: Flying (Normal type removed)
New Moves: Fire Blast, Body Slam, Drill Peck.
Removed Moves:
Mega Stats but with Attack and Special inverted. To prevent him from being a better Tauros, Pidgeot no longer has the Normal STAB, so his monstruous Attack can just be abussed with a 80 power STAB (though Hyper Beam will still hit hard). Fire Blast with 30% burn means that Rhydon has to think twice before coming.

Name: Parasect
Stats: 60/95/80/80/30
Typing: Bug-Ghost
New Moves: Night Shade, Counter, Confuse Ray
Removed Moves:
Its still a Parasect with Parasect trashy Stats. However, since the Pokedex says the bug is dead, now it has Ghost typing. Its immune to Normal and resistant to Ground, meaning that it checks Tauros and Snorlax really well. Resistance to Grass allows it to check Victreebel too. The rest of the Meta still shits on him, but its much better than it used to be.

Name: Flareon
Stats: 65/130/60/110/65
Typing: Fire
New Moves: Thunder, Jump Kick.
Removed Moves:
Flareon learned Zap Cannon in GSC and Superpower in DPP. These 2 moves are similar enough. Now Flareon is better vs Water Mons and Normal Mons.

Name: Seaking
Stats: 84/92/90/88/73
Typing: Water-Normal
New Moves: Body Slam.
Removed Moves:
Seaking is a generic Water type, the most common type of fish you can see. So, he gets the Normal typing and can now work as a SD Sweeper. The Stats got increased, but it still doesn,t have anything above 100.

Name: Electrode
Stats: 60/83/78/100/150
Typing: Electric
New Moves: Mega Drain
Removed Moves:
Mega Drain (a relic from the Hisuian era) lets Electrode threaten Rhydon, though it's just a 17% chance to 2HKO it. The Attack increase allows Electrode to OHKO Chansey with a minor chip.

Name: Dewgong
Stats: 90/70/80/95/70
Typing: Water-Ice
New Moves: Amnesia, Reflect.
Removed Moves:
Well, with those new Moves Cloyster and Lapras don,t outclass Dewgong anymore.

Name: Pidgeot
Stats: 83/135/80/80/121
Typing: Flying (Normal type removed)
New Moves: Fire Blast, Body Slam, Drill Peck.
Removed Moves:
Mega Stats but with Attack and Special inverted. To prevent him from being a better Tauros, Pidgeot no longer has the Normal STAB, so his monstruous Attack can just be abussed with a 80 power STAB (though Hyper Beam will still hit hard). Fire Blast with 30% burn means that Rhydon has to think twice before coming.
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